CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Feb 1927, p. 7

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. 'r_mlmmw.flm : proud parents of twins--a boy and a & ary 120. 'The new arrivals have been _ mamed Floyd Rittler and Mary Louise. e san " _ i © Web mmd * One of the great events of--the>sea _ _ ~son at Mundelein will be the engas® molmhm"'!':w-'g e .h&canndumv !ou-o at "teh Mundelein Lhouse ademmi.'l; 'new?ly slected board of ditectiors of t dance music to-- mginy clubs of Chi-- <cago. The firemen explain that altho' this orchestra is somewhat expensive, and that trey are paying a premium for good music, they feel they will be: &Mht:'m'fi.'? mm.wum- The Youlg People's Society of the First Congregational church held a valentine party at the. Community House Monday evening. Mrs. Ray and Mrs." Rouse furfished the music for the games and dancing Refreshments were served by Mrs. Swan, Mz Rus-- many,a Sunday evening pleasure i0 ~*--==--em 600 --~ 0 bge the radio listeners. 'Those folks "who 04 the roadways thereof, a «uo TayIiq Hsionore, . I TWoWBD AMRRE _ EOSE -- e thess 2b ~emmenscmenck © an _1 : remember . the ?enont concert here Portiand cement concrete pavement, last year will _hwrtolumdimlm'Mf:' music. -- This orchestra is renowned wmnmxomsmm its very high class music at the most enitertained ut a masquerade Mn&.mm'onflw by their teachers at tre school house nances as described more in the last Monday evening. -- attached Rewolution; all in the Village Mrs. Emma Rouse returned 'Tuesday gtmo'md mh' usty. .. of -- MeseAKOl trom Chitago, »where she--had been s ' m.w'mmwflnfl. ESTINMATE : Mrs. McLaughlin. * . o "etlls. ug ht f 25,000 cublo yards of Onhufi%uth,w e & C a v--# ¥ 3y 48 Township *he Mundalein tlon plated in .* 3 vmw-le till~--_or -- --re-- f Mr'?w'-l Bail, Mem-- . moved, at .....$ .15 18,750.00 bers ~h'mn'.m'"' 'lmm yards Ing strenuously to put on w.iai they ot <pavement. e expect to beone of the finest mas: seven ~ ( 7--) j g@herade Balls that has been promoted inches" thick, © '"";"v es n3e" --net PP ° TT 'Il l secured the Blue Bird orchestra of "mmmm "wwmm.wm Mundelein last' Friday--evening, and mM'mh'm"'n # CC eommee t ks snn WWhm sro Synnddd * _ Cactuisholte ar relatives here. The Mitchells are bet to clebrate the golden wdding annt vrsary of Mr. Mitchell's parents, Mr. YBE-- _ seank Mitchell, on the 218t CITE INSULL 1O ~TALK TO SENATE Washington, Feb. 11.1--Tho _ RO@d campaign tund committee today Cited Samuel Insull, Chicago multi+--million-- aire utility magnate, Robert E. Crows, state's attorney of Cook county, Dan-- iel F. Schuyler, Chicago attorney, and NC Go e < o mt it Aat eall thefour men before Ine DAT Ui / mwo.glnm-nOMf L 2/ Mnrradteat® -- Vnnranuatran of --contembtt punishment up to the Senate. ; Reed will file the report tomorrow. Two methods can be pursued, it was announced. One would be <to. bm""'. euestions asked, and if they persisted, then commit them direct to jail for contempt. This would require a majority sote of the _ The second methods would be to cite the, men to the federal' Sistrict mw;mh&m under: contempt <charges. This procedure was followed agzainst Mal 8. Daugherty, brother of the for-- -.tturuymul.ndmrry!". The Grammar Schaol pupils weto ing 10 purge --.Lusingurraem .L. Cl l by replying to-- the «uestions asked, ..'Q'MMMM them direct to jail for contempt. his would require a majority sote of the The second methods would be-- to NQpn nc memnriiingintuenes Mairanl Ip = wextp a e eamm i B ag: 1¥ e Ofi J 5 0o Senate. The second : cite the, men t apeculics Ts un This procedure Mal 8. Daughe: mes attorngy Binclair. ANTIOCH LBR. & COAL co , 8. L. TRIPP LUMBER CO,, t Mundelein,~1l. © Phone 103. fl TRY A FRESH SUPPLY,. x EMIL--GEEST . akisic, IH.-- Phone Lib. 858#--M--1 SWEET Mrs. Jorne and Mrs. ~MILLIE WRENCH, Loca! Editor. cost by in= t * Wednesday morning, Feb. 9, arriving t umm Feb 11. mkh't\eutlnv mymmm y y.,.m .'.,' this tim / Am 3 ¥ ' 'fl.'"'l"' f"""" - velopment that : \ f Or c ' f REmEHs .90 t"'le C l and curing at 30,650 square yards one ~(1) part Portland®~ ce ment, two (2) parts torpedo sand, three (3) parts crushed stome or gravel re i anto ro c ESTIMATE > ) euble yards of y¥ e & C a v--# ¥ i ah tlion placed in * * til~ > or -- --re *A ) "square yards ot-- <pavement. F seven _( 7--) inches thick, ' consisting: of one ~(1) part . * Portland®~. 06-- | ment, two (2) * parts torpedo sand, three (3) parts crushed Hneal °f 0 o t m eagu te d Lo agituad ipally, a a d 0.0 L5 square Ire bhos,. in sectional -- area -o?surod t ra 8 3 YUC rte 1 y, w# it A c o n c o a l oed metal 4 on &g-- I t u d 4 aa l joints with o ne Aa l f (%) 1 a o L round bare e x t e a~o ing --through inches in sec-- pliwte in place, I n c lu d i a# P I P iA T # sisting of one (1) part Port-- AUCTION SALE f 60 Breéd: Duroc Sows and Gilts | of Libertyvill 4'l 11937' three miles south | 'E."m??'m mt waukee Ave., on Town Line Road, 60 bredm A ie t atimer conpicts erings are all immune against _ . Afhasse _ _ ® s are all immune against choléra [ teitacn t masee : Sflhhhhddmwedmwwm i cuianeer i ?'#'m':{:':{Ww Lunch served at noon. . Sale starts at 12:30 sharp. .. $# @xs -- s s i aiog s m m be Live m i i8 Adt D SPRING FARM 11,100 linsal feet of _ (18) 1 a2¢ h e B wide and: sey-- en (7)--inches deep, with one _ orus h e d stone or gray-- (0)° »a art s e i gb t o on (18) 1 2 ¢ h eB round ; t e o 1 dowvo b a r s into the pave~ _ ament, & n 4 with trans verse -- joints one hbhalt <(%) in oc h thick filled with as * wo m ple t e in place at.._-- 91,950.00 11,1700.00.; . (%4) --4 n--e h round s t e e l dowel b.a r s 1. Skoupt the -- _ pHare T'Z-'r m e 4 o, in place, at_-- . 130 one ~(1) part Portland. e 0 & m e t e r. Htone or gray-- a; <salid man-- h oles being Tromes i thitk four (4) feet in internal & surface to sir (6) inches be-- with wails and t o u ad4 a at U t Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at ~< - 'Public Auction on what is known as the e . |P Swiftlea Farm, situated on Winchester Road at moee _ Amec [ half mile west of Lake County Poor Farm, 4# *\ S * I Herd Sire King Geraldine Pontiac Canary |TERMS OF SALE--All sums c P E--No. 472934. His sire from a half sister to lloae noamp 7 per vant Inter: I May rgdlo 305'yll.m. fih':l:ller, Qgfi \::rl.d's maille )B settied tor, . M P record in 30 days. His dam a . state rec-- c f <I [ ord cow in 305 days Another example: New _ WQ"ie Scl'] Home Aaggie Prilly's Dam produced 17,142" BB ave. rroELicH, Auctioneer. D [ Ibs. milk and 641.70 lbs. butter fat in 365-- [ omm ® -- L P consecutive days. This is an extra good herd. -- [§| =----=m----mtummr--mms *II~ TErws or SALE--Al sums of $10.00 and undir, cash; over that ~amount & credit of 6 months will be given, purchaser to éxecute bank-- able note: bearing 6% interest.. No property removed until settled for. to-- 6e appied" to 3 83 -- Head of Livestock .---- 38-- ' Having sold my farm, L will sell. at public auction on 'the premises 5n mhos cart of m m 3 m df.w of m...'»"?..".fu"m _ north .of .goncrete_--road,: route 22, on 'the heavy ktelephons and tele-- ... pamnurciln. _ ~Monday, February 21 '9.COWS, MILKERS AND SPRINGERS; °8 HEIFERS, 2 years old; 6 % i i on 12 Feere od, 1200-- to 1500 1b6. each € > -- . to 12 years H * tm ire sows, bred ; 1\ ; s ~150 % EN8 ; > 10 m : 10 --DUCKS FEED "CGRAIN--Stack of Corn, Qu of Fodder Corn, 400 bu, $ 8905 MohekS 3 uo B Weare old, weiaht 1200 15 1800 the, each 3 "~MOI to. 12 years to * »W% e sns irniadieaat ~*_**_ * -- is DVUCKS FEED Ifl'flfl---udur:wqurM"N Muufomn&.m.mnem.uwm 10 bu. --~~ ¥e.low Seed Corn, 4 bu,. Red Seed Corn, Seeqd Potatoes. . s _ _ > FARMING IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. _« ft. MeCormick ; + Pliatform Stale Grindstone 'lllnluh.uomu x . Horse Hoé Potato, _ $ Walking Plows 4 *A MUilk Cart % Bob Sleighs % Wasgon B Milk Wagon ~--~Saturday, February 19 Beginning at 11 A. M., sharp, the following: 6 High Grades, 26 Matured Cows, mostly §)2****" rgepme > C k.; : fresh and close springers; 2 Heifers °19 [|| 80 ,-- HEAD REGISTERED -- 80 | . months old; 4 Heifers 8 months old; 1 Bull -- --------HOLSTEIN CATTLE--------~ 8 months old.: HORSES--1 White Horse, One of IMlinois Oldest, Largest and Best Herds _~C L oGaf ai i PinnNICOoOV TAnI S ETCO f riday, February 25, 8# 4 P.--& 0. #bottom 'Tractor Plows 12--in. International Silo Filler at:achmen John mum' Manure . "TERMS: All sums of $20.00 and tinden chsh;-- over that amount a ma,m,gfimhm,mmmmumwem Bfl.ll'_flt; ) mmt:&. --No goods to be removed from _ 147--PURE BRED HOLSTEINS--17--_ FARM MACHINERY, TOOLS, -- ETC. Tire Wagon 36 -- Head of Livestock :36 . J. Blume, Proprietor at 'at 11 Welock a. m., the following property : 'LUNCH S8ERVED AT NOON £09 >* $0000 :: s i ainey is ns . es ma ts Free Lunch At Noon 9,817.50 :' And 1 hereby certity that," in .my 115,000.00. Erpemaee mfending. the shme. x } *' @resident 'of the Board of Potato Planter s Road Wagon © New Corn Sheller EM , Milk Cans MHL 100 Lbs. of Twine -- ' $ Sulky Cultivators ; 3 Sets of Double Harness m"f' A > (The above imp.ements are in Good Condition) Also a 1925 Moon Touring Car : MOVUSEHMHOLD GOODS % Exrtension 'Tables ~ 12 TChairs > .B "Rockes 1 Heater~ 2 Kerosene S % Bedsteads and Bedding 1 Wagon Box-- > T 2 Sets Gravel Boards _ _ 1 14--inch Breaking Plow K 14--Inch Walking Plow Mik 1 Hog Oiler 1 Light Bob NE 1 Fanning MHIL _ .--=._-- MR i PADniHE SADL. *k > Es' -- nells c n /C 9 %, 5 P "ws mumflw f /: Nearly every female has been bred on the place. For years we have i /. 50 feet &--tnch Belt -- MR -- used only Herd Sires from the best otd blood lines, backed by large B -- :0 Good Grain Bags * o s 7 day and yearly records. $ i Pair Feed Bags -- ~-- B hHerp is T.s. TEsTED UNDER FEDERAL SION, . AND "'"'w _ ~--< k BrCCENTLY PASSED CLEAN teer." 1 32--Ft. Extehsion Ladder---- ---- MIB .: CATALOGUES READY ON SALE pa¥Y. < K M'o w '- % Kerosene Stoves A ETT ' 19827, at Munde > " * t 1€"¢ 12,900,00 1u3mm COWS; 5 ~SPRINGERS; 2 MILKERS; 1 |-- g §A CALF; 1 BULL, 2 years old; 4 HORSES:; 3 PIGS.,. | _ N Pubtlic Auction|-- Wolim Tn o2 d o m C ul s 14 * P > e } ty o oo 0 ns 0 e P o e o o " e :;Jr' 5 e oo x rlos, # . t " ,,),' e % I T C ¥ 4# . * ';,: 8. --Dembinsky, Prop. ¥ 100 BU. CORN; 180 SHOCKS:CORN; 1 STACK HAY, 10 Tons _ ALFALFA, 2 TONS TIMOTHY AND CLOVER, 15 FT. SILAGE, ~-- 400 BU. OATS, 200 BU. BARLEY, 50 BU. WHEAT, 10 Bu. --*" PoTtAToEs. * 38 -- HEAD OF LIVESTOCK -- 38 1 ] g Grain --Binder 3 Deering i 4 1 McCormick Corn Binder i Ml'tykm TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $20.00 and under, cash; on aums over that Amount, a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes interest at 6 percent from date. No goods to be nemoved from the p until terms of sale are complied with. FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer m"'l'q.:--hsmv biiioeeride Gegnetemenmemiiprcemte aineaeiwas T % s d ui '., ; ded to 3 I will sell at Public hm *;-- 2%/, mW MM2MH& northeast of Miliburn, > PVz fulles southwest of Husa6ll, on _ _ f Having decided to quit farming, | will sefi at public nh.uez'm ises known as the Chas. Voss farm, 1 mile west of Prairie 2¥ mikes north of Long Grove, half mile north of the Concrete Road-- CATTLE--13 Milkers and Springers, some fresh; 1 Swiss Stock Bull. 'This is a heavy milking dairy herd, and will be solid on a 60--day 2 Good Horses, weight 1400 each; 5 Brood Sows, due to farrow in B -- -'.".; 17 Shotes, weight 100 pounds each. j 1 Thorobred Airdale Dog. -- . : --R _ HAY AND GRAIN--17 tons Timothy and Alfaifa, baled; 5 tons of §° ® Shredde Fxider, baled; 124 Bales of Straw; "wm § . _---- 180 bushels Barley -- 60 bushels Wheat 4 Bushels ; Corn; ..~> 4 bushels Late and 4 bushels Early Seed Potarces. : Bulky--and Walking Plows Clod Crusher ~ _ Bob Sleigh Incubator Fanning Mili 2 Walking Cultivators =m0nhm Corn Harvester 2 Sulky Cultivators, new TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $25.00 and under, cash; over that amt. a credit of six months will be given, uprchaser to execute bankable note bearing :7 per cent interest. No property to be removed until Saturday, February 26th. f w'nie Schar 9 P ropl'.lfitOI' l 32 Cows--15 Heifers Due to Freshen _--*~_A11 Heifers Ready to Breed © 17 Heifer Calves and 5 Bulls STEVENS"STOCK FARM 1turday_-,"_ February 19 90.CHICKENS!:;..5-- GEESE; 4 DVUCKS. us BLOT OUT YOUR JNSURANCE TROUBLES® "We Scttle Claims: At: Oneg® > ~ -- HEAD of CAlTLE FARMING IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NOON. MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTsS, ETC. mencing at 12:0 p. m., sharp, the follow'ng: SALE STARTS AT 10;:00 A: M. GEO. A. FOX, Prop. 2 Cultivators +~ 3 Wagons 1 500 1b. Scale 1 Grain Wagon Box. 8 MNikK Cang and 1 $tock Tank 2 Sets of Harness £ 2 Single Harness Half Hide of Harness Leather 1 Bob Sleigh «e 2 Sets Double Harness s c hm _ J im cane . &MflMWm -- Box and Springs ' 2 Milk Wagouns 8 Iron Wheel Truck Wagons & 3 Hay Racks > 1 Silo Rack + Scalding Kettle Canvas _ Hay Fork and Rope *\ Some Houseaold Goods T New Manure Spreader New Idea Gas Engine and Vise and Bench EARL WASHBURN Clerk t 34 USUAL TERMS --R _ am ,l (Zi' _»,

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