CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Mar 1927, p. 20

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ant No. F3003 15 days Sept 1. 1826 _ Watrant No, F3427 15 days Warrant No. ¥--990 15 days March 1, 1926 *' Warrant No. F1013 15 dyss March 16,; 1926" Warrant No. F1133 15 days April 1, 19%6 o Warrant KNo. F14T% 15 days April 16, 1926 April 15, 1925 mu-.m_udm May 1, 19%5 s .:wmum Warrant No. E8465 15 days June 1, 1925 . Warrant No. E8557 15 days June 16, 1925 Warrant. No. ©9069 15 days July 1, 1925 Warrant No. EQ915; 15 days wes uie ® 1 1 1 00 w'finmu ® 938 15 days Feb. 18. 1986 > +# s Wurrant.No, i 993 15 days March ©16," 1928 ** .+ % Warrant No.: F1140 15 days April 1, 1936 5 Warrant No.: F1iTO 15 days April --16, 1926 --.« Warrant "Nd. F15609 15 days May 1, 1926 t Warrant No. F1598. 15 days F2165 --_ $June 16 19%% * _ ~ => _ _--© 75.00] _ Warrant No. E9073 15 days 15.00 15.00 15.00]| Warrant No. ETéli 13 days _ T5.00 7T5.00| Warrant No. E8212 15 daysg 15.00 15.00| Warrant No. E8303 15 days > T3.00 T6.00|_ Warrant No. E813T 15 days. 15.00 May 1, 1925 _ . 1T5.00.| _ Warrant No. E8381 15 days 15.00 May 15, 1985. y ig: T5.00| Warrant No. E8468 15 days~ 15.00 June 1, 1985 ; 75.00 ) Warrant: No. E8559 15 days 75.00 15.00 '{ ' John Holderman "rrccaine mm 1t ion vom D-; 1. m:"' * it is M Dlg.m E1806 12 days > 60.00 m.wouun «. Watrant No. ©5995 15 days Nov. 1, 1924 Warrant No. E6106 15 days Nov. 15, 19824 -- -- .. Warrant No. E6209 15 days Dec.<1, 1984 _ 'Warrant No. ©6292 15 days Dece. 15, 19214 Warrant No. ET26% 15 days Dec. 31, 1924 w?so.mucm Jan. 1925 & Warrant No. ET437 15 days J*~. 3$1, 1925 . w:}huo.muu«u Fob. 16, 19286 _ Warrant No. ET565 15 days ";-;,uy- Oct. 1928 Warrant--No. F411G6 15 days Nov. 1, 1926 -- Warrant No. F4230 15 days Nov. 16, 1928 ¢ Warrant No. F43%5 15 days Dec. 1, 19286 Warrant No. F4300 15 days E9151 E5741 15 days 15.00 15.00 ~~ To m -- * o ~::_--s2~ 0t ; . ~"0, Goyle® io | Affarrnnt o. prease 16. dars . sase |od, 3: WB 5.00 .734"( No/ F3413 12 days. 60.00 fig'}.'mc."' 00 C*, .. «*' _ $8030.00 |Dec. 1, 19%14 _ | _Maroid Resding __ _' /] ~ Warrant No.: TW, r3a E«m 6 '18" days_ u»l.".'.', "afficer Warrant No. K5740 15 days mmflc ®E8T8 15-- days Oct: 15, : 1924 Warrant No.: £5996 15 days Nov.©1, 1924 > > > Warrant No: 26098 15 days No.. 15, 1924 : ; Warrant No. ©6208 15 days No, nt No. EBSH1% 15 days Sept. 1, 1986 > > Warraut No. EQ5T$ 1% days Oct. --1, 1925 Warrant No. F 179 3 days " iartmge o. mests is aare suy 1," tes & _Wa--rant No. RS164 5 days Watrant No £590%: 14 days> 70.00 Warrant No. ¥ 817 nt No. £©9373 16 days No.: F2728 i% dsays F1408 17 :days ~$5.00| baugh, Herschberger, -- Hoban, How-- F4419 * 4 days 2000 ?nygw 'Naber --Obee, § $1140.90 Lagn_ Varcan ana' mnm F1242 120 days 10090 | Burke En w > *~/| Ficke, Funk, Holdridge, Hutton, Har. 10.0¢ w"fi:&!o..fl,llhn 4 Weraat mo. x 41 15 days 45.00| Oct. 1, 1925 _ -- _ -- --------1 ©Warrant No. F 157 15 days .. Warrant No. ©9355 15 daysa 8$0.00 | Aug. 11t, 1925 Warrant No £©.9469. 15 days 60.00 | Sept. 1, 1925 voting '"'Nay" none. Absent and not nett, Mawman, 3. e The followthg Resolution was pré-- sented and »read> NETLUDU, * T4 "Ta'k w e n a @ «as,. RSLYJ, E.. A,. EICKO, E. A. Ficke, Jas, Kelly. ~«LOW A. HENDEK, County Clerk. | and t! ~@all the --expense for em-- |and that all the exponses for em-- mwmmmnm zed .by: the County| pioyees, authorised by the County port 'be approved and that the ac-- to be employed to prepare and |Board to be employed to prepare tion of the County Clerk be ratified.|#erve> the food for the . prisoDer® |and serve the food for the prisoners Aye and Nay Vote being had, Su--|confined in--said jail for the month|oonfined in said jail for the month pervisor Obee's motion was carried |ending the 30th --day of Septemb@r| snding the 5th day of December A. by ~the . following vote: ~._,. |&A. D. 1926, are as follows, to--wit: |m» 192%6, are as follows, to--wit: --=----«---- | -- Supervisor Meyor moved that the| I. Rdwin Ablstrom, Keeper of the o $3470.00 j County Clerk <be authorizsed to draw | JAill for the County aforesaid, do sol-- _ Prentice Foster * warrants on the County Treasurer| emuly swear that the food and pro-- Dec. 1, 1934 _ for the several amounts to the sey--|visions reported .as purchased, were Warrant No. E6296 14 days 10.00|oral claimants for all bills allowad|purchased and used solely for the Dec. 15, 1934 > .__Jat this moeting. Aye and Nay vote |prisoners in said jail, and that the Warrant No. E726% 15 days 75.00|being had Supervisor Meyers motion|accounts for employment are for Dec.$1, 1924 «* was carried <by <the following vote:|employees authorized by the County Warrant No. ETH48 15 days 75.00| Those voting "Aye" were Super--| Board, all amounting to the total Jan. ~15, 19%5 visors ~Austin, Bairstow,-- Brown, sum of-- Two ~Hundred ninety--four wmmmmumnum_m DNMiger, --. and 8§--100 dollars, which> amount is, ' &mmmuu and -- unpaid after allowing all ~ Wattant .No. RBITS15--15 days 75.00] baugh, Herschberger, Hoban, How--| just credits. 18, 1925 e land, E .m;lh.lm.n EDWIN AHLSTRON, "-rmuo. ET566 156 days 15.00 m%. Obee, ~O'Connor, C Keeper of the Jail. "5;3_'.10" Potter, Stanton, Thompson, Vercoe| Subscribed and sworn to before * No. ETél5 13 days 15.00|and Wilcox. 28. -- 'Those © voting |m*. this 5th day of November A. ww + *Nay"* nome. 'Those abseut and not| D. 192. f No. ES14% 15 days 75.00|roting wore Superrisors Cory, Gar-- ---- IEW A. HBNDEE. $s95s.00 | 5. _ _.__ ~~~----|pervisors of Lake County, Ilinois: 'Wm. D. Smith o+ Supervisor. Burke, Chairman of the| Amount due for the month of -- Warrant No.: :9274 15 days T5.00|lowing reporisa of Edwin Ahistrom,| Help hire for the month of A%l.ull~ k. Keoper of the Jail, and moved the| October 1926 .............. 15200 . Warrant No. 9355 15 days T5.00 ) same be Allowed. s 1Pme Lake Co. for boarding E-ilo. R5OTS 20 days BE JT r' .g C 4 ou me by law, do hereby report that 15.00 | the bills for ftood. and provisions: for |the fesding <of the prisoners con-- 15.00 | fined in said Jail for the month ond-- &m_m of ~September -- A. D. 15.00 are follows, towit; 5.00 Character of Purchase T5.00 :o:qmfi'fii'.'éfi&jfii a "_ x "'..' u'é of the County. aforesaid, in T5.00 | pursuance of the duty imposed upon sum ~of Three Hundred. and 'und -- 90--100 = Dollars, -- which is due Days Employed a 08 # # of o. Sews «+ +~++>+$80.00| Mrs. FEaw. Abistrom . _ # *' v"," "" a n ie e hu 6 n 40 a 4 a e #oe #% v a en e ?'_'" Gertrude Nelson Eo Lo f * Keeper of the Jail. J6TATE OF ILLINOIS )er of the|COUNTY OF LAKE esaid,~ do | . L Edwin Ahistrom, Keeper of the food and| Jail for the County aforesaid, do purchased , #0l¢ swear that the food and after al-- by County Board, Lake County, Hilinocis: I, Edwin Abhlstrom, Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesald, :n pur-- suance ~of the duty imposed upon me by law, do hereby report that the bills for food and provisions for the feeding of the prisoners confined in -- said jail for the month <ending tha 5th day of December A. D. 192%%, Daya Employed o-ocv-u'l"o" the exrperience of George Fullt Weeks Milis, Maine. Fuller wa his way to a wodliot when he pursued by the moose and had a¢ vuutoAm&mbwm of a tree before the angry a at iIts foot. ¥Finally the moose a blinding snowstorm by a mooase Fine W orkmanship In the days--of Queen Elizabet Mark Scaliot, a blacksmith, made: lock convisting of 11 pleces of bras tron and steel, all of which weigh only one grain. He also made a go chain with 48 links, and when he h Anished it he attached it to the Jo« and key, put the chain around a fe and that nimble insect easily dre One mey well hope not to end His days helpless in bed, but all who live to old age have their hours of soll tude, and in all periods of life we arge apt to be alone on walks or on x neys. ~On our walks, certainily, it i8 not feasible to read, but what a satize faction it is to mccompany our ' with the measure of. great postry Of to girvre a noble landscape the setting of noble-- thoughts. -- Hrery-- year some new form of insurance is devised, but none hay yet been put on the markt to insure old age against [ Here is a form of insurance that, M not warranted to afford complete pro-- tection against the lHls of d years, will certainly, if taken out eariy in life and its payments faithfully made, result in a large measure o comfort in old fige. As with all in surance, youth is the best time to bee gin, but for this any time will do= When he was--nearly ninoty he suf-- fered from a fall which made him bed-- ridden for the rest of his life, But these years of helplessness were not passed in discomfort or repining. As he said to a younger friend, "I am happy in the company of the great minds of the world. 'When I was young, I committed to memory many pages of their writings Now these come back to me at will, and they All my hours of solitude with the rick gained 'with greater oeffort. 'The mem--« mmubm---fi of literature, postry and essays, passages froim the historians and the novaliste. Such passages are sources not only of pleasure but of words, diction, style and sentiment. -- A mind so tor-- nished never can be lonely, and this fact was beantifully {instrated in the experience of Professor Mathews him-- ~® _ GLKEW A. HENDEE ~TJé tho Honorable Board of Super ¥isors of Lake County, Hilinois: Amount due for--the month of s -- November 1926 for food .. ..$187.59 Amount due for help hire for the month of Nov. 192%6.. 1990.00 Due Lake County for boarding m. 121. "22, _ . 1HO PRort to. befor® me this"6th day> of December A: D. Heard at the Danee -- T'reed by Moose at A. HENDEE, Clerk.,

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