Bx, INDEPENDENT--All Good News. $1.50 A Y ear| and xtrs. Kent. oNA DiM e NATIONAL BANK The Man °O Fashion---- It will be a mighty comfortable feeling to know you can have help at a critical MONEY SAFE IN OUR BANK will be a sure friendintimgofneed. * TRY it and you v;rill see how good it . ' McDonald's Jewelry and Gift Shop 412 North Milwaukee Avenue makes you feel. We invite YOUR Bdnking--RPusiness * When you're a home owner as well as a home maker, when you're able to fix things up exactly as you want them, your home somehow means a lot more. It is so distinctly yours. . : That's where the Libertyville folks who are home owners have the advantage. -- Regular deposits in a Savings Account at -- [(« _"~>. " _° _>, the Libertyville Trust & Savings Bank, l Good Clean Soft will help you to get your own home. ; Coal, $8.00 per ] Coke, $13 per 7 is the product of evolution of men's watches Your father or grandfather without a doubt carried an old faith® ful watch with the word HAMPDEN on 'the dial It is perhaps still in use or a smaller HAMPDEN replaces it _ T oday the requirc"menta of busy men demand a watch that can be seen at a glance in the dark as well as in daylight. Is It Really Yours? Start Saving Regularly NOW ||Local and Personal with a severe cold soveral days dur-- Ing the past week, but is now back in his usual baunts. . ~-- During the monti of February the mwmwunowan and seven used._. entally this gar-- age places all its automobile advertis-- ing in The Independent. --, The Township Circle of tie Presby-- terian church will have a meeting next Tuesday, March 8, at 8 p. m., at the home --of Mrs..~Raymond ~Jack, on Homewood Avénue. 'There will be a spec'al . of Libertyville Lodge No. ADE'A. F. & A. M. next Saturday nighh March 5. Work on the Master Mason--degréas All members are urged to be present and visiting Masons are also cordially _~Bishop Anderson will yvisit St. Law-- rence's church for confirmation Palm Bunday morning, April 10th. ing friends. They had been called to Grayslake on gccount of the serious illness of Reuben Jones, who this week suffered a stroke of paralysis. The condition of Mrs. 0. A. Newsom, who was taken to the Highland Park hospital last week, for an emergency A. L. Webb, of Glenwood City, Wis., and Wm. Allen, of Zion, were u'fi word 'from the !10spital today. It is The Virginia Cafe was opened for business today at noon. Te new pro-- prietors come here from Sturgis, Mich. and are experienced restaurant men. They have added much 'new equip-- ment, and are prepared to cater to the fihamm-mr. > Shorty Mmer is seriously consider-- ing moving eitber to Waukegan or Chi-- « Miss Mabel Johnson, who for & number of years has been employed at the Langworthy store, has resigned her position there, and taken a similar one with the Mundelein Dry Goode ecago, at least until after the spring quiet in L4 ~and Shorty feels he would like to be where the political doings aer.a Ittle more hectic. Knigge store. & ' The Cole harness ghop was moyed Saturday to teh small building just reast of the pool room on East Cook Avenue. John gets down town once & day anyway. Tais shop was the ren-- mlornlngdmm.fl the village, who have more time than they know what to do with All the mtqwumdluumufl" solved. -- The quarters now occupiled are not so roomy. ville Chapter No. 272, R. A. M., will bohddmxtleuhymm'. Tae Royal Arch degree will be con-- terred, and inspection of the Chapter wm.'hum After the business session, reservations have been made The Libertyville Municipal _ Rifle Club was organized Monday night a% a meeting of the American Legion. Ray Young was chosen persident, T. Ponti, vice president, Arthur Greep-- for a banquet at Miss Finstad's Eat Shoppe. i: is hoped every member who possibly can will attand. Rrown, Jr., executive officer. M' are 26 members. 'The club is to be WMNN&&MMM' sociation. A rifle range for practice| will be fitted up in the basement of the town halt --Any one who wants to learn shooting, or improve marks-- manship, is invited to joid. © The dues will be $1.00 per year. ' The next regular meeting of the Lib-- ertyville Woman's Club will be held March 9 at the Parish House at 8 a'clock in the evening. Mrs. Adalaid Heald, of River Forest, will give an illustrated lecture on "Color in the Garden." This is the annual garden pmrmandt'xnanbundmub- tyville Garden Club are teh guests of the Woman's Club for the evening. Each member of the Woman's Club h-mm::(hv%,:.nd. Li.mxumu.mm( ',nckml,otthowne(hr- age, is all puffed up this week over the announcement that the local gar-- age headéd the Illinois Gealers in sell ing Chevrolet cars during tie mon'th of February. This is an excellent record for a town the size of Libertyville, in competition with all other dealers ip the state, including those in Chicago. Puring the past week, Dick delivered new cars to the following:-- Erwin Meirhoff and J. A. Adamson, gedans; Albert Strzyys, Libertyville Construc-- tion Co. and Libertyville Cafe, coach-- os; Henry Wehrenberg, H, Hagerman and Ben Sumeriski, coupes. % Itemg Of General Intem To Local People Harry Madill Bartlett . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 72 W. Lincoin Avenus . Phone 38 . -- This is the former DELIVERED convocation of Liberty-- * ~ w [ <a9 Te *\ UNIVERSAL------A Range that renders . Besides the usual Sunday services,| special week day Lenten services are: being held at St. Lawrence's Episco-- pal church. ~Wednesday, March 9, at $ p. m., the preacher wil} be the Rov,. ' Dr.nmawaet.um mt:u':dnuh. 7 .. Dr. Carle--| ton amymmmmvono-' reuryath.'&o'u'.: of 8t.. An-- drew in the Uni huluulh; done e work among men an boys. g:mdly afternoon at 4:30,| there will be a short Lenten service for -- children. * | Chrse poked his {iead into the trap door in the ceiliig and demanded to know, in the name of the law, who was there and what i# was all about. _ A very sleepy individual answered and was somewhat peeved o have his rest dis-- Cory's Market Native Beef Pot Roast . . 18c Pure Creamery Butter . 52¢ Good Boiling Beef . . California Hams, s=tiew , . Sugar Cured Hams, o hat Rolled Rib Roast, =« .. Roasting, Stewing Chicken 38c Quick Naphtha Soap Chips z" 20c Armour's Pork *Beans, s c= 25c -- 545 No. Milwaukee Avenue Phone 476 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. .The most noteworthy feature'of the Universal Range is its great practicability; there is not one ofits many exclusive features which does not tend to lessgen kitchen labor and drudgery and make the mamnmmh * From tie standpoint of efficient performance, the Universal is in a class by iteel, as a baker it will bring joy to the heart of the woman who delights in preparing special delicacies. In --all the Universal is a range which renders "Greater Service." Universal are s in a variety of finishes, ranging from mmmmm"wbmxmm; mnnmauo-h'm.mpwmm To fully appreciate the extraordinary gas range values which we are We invite you to look over the entire line--you are placed under nonfllaflinbm Come in at any time. A UNIVERSAL 18 Ag EASY TO CLEAN As A CHINA DI8H. A UNL VERSAL EMBODIES EVERY TIME AND LABOR u_\\mn DEVICE --~TRADE HERE AND SAVE MONEY ---- A FEW OF OUR MANY e SkEs 'for Saturday ; of the train that lays over here éach | also visited Havanna, Cubs. ~ _ :. Bevi . weeks: o m i2 5* o. J 4i / M € day. night, WM rd, a Libertyvilie 'stu | show to be qut on in the near future, ! dent enrolled at Beloit College, was re-- | It is planned to muke this the best cently initiated into Sigma Alpha Ep--| of'the many good g s of this kind _ The Garden Club will meet Monday | . Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Titus have been svening, March 7, at 8 o'clock, at--the in Detroit the past week. Mr. Titus home of Mrs. William Decker, on W.| went to the factory where the Frigid-- | Cook Awenue. 'The subject for discus-- | aire is made, to--learn of the construc-- il_iouwmbo"l'oreuhll." % tion mdmmm t'f.l' jceless « method refrigerat ~~Titus Bros. !_--\JJohn Van Plew of Beloit, Wis., wa&s v e -- pac t 'mwlnb:r;.ae?rytepremhuesmml uncles, John and Henry Almond. t I"" . ' --o Fak &** s Tuesday evening a ses |_ Mr. and Mrs. George James of WAU --sion of Mfl'l;':m '..ymm_ kegan, svent Sunday with their sister. Proceedings were s:anted. for public Miss Frances Creasey, and their UD+ jmprovem in the village, amount-- |clec, John and Henry Almond. ing to "m This includes paving, It ment made a run to \.ne nNnouse, DUuL | tie services of the boys were not re-- quired." The house is now occupled : by a family named Murphy. Last Tuesday evening a busy ses-- slion of the--village board was held. Proceedings were s:anted. for public imomm%h the village, amount-- ing to $407,000. This includes paving, sewer and water service. A full ac count of these proceedings are on ¥ie first page of the second section of this issue of the Independent. Fire was discovered in the attic of the Timothy Gibbons Place on Hurl-- burt Court Wednesday afternoon. The * "T. + l' |oes" "SNOOKUM'S BUGGY Thurs. and Fri., March 3 -- 4: imfiths. bare cez | | Seed Oats, Barley, Clover, Timothy, "The Masked =------ Alsyke, Montana Grown Alfalfa Waoman" Seed and Blackfoot Grimes Alfalfa: with ANNA Q. NILSSON, HOL BROOK BLINN and CHARLIE MURRAY. Mon. and Tues., Also Comedy and News. tle country yarn by--the master of Western Fiction, PETER B. HOOT GIBSON in a rousing cat-- merdy COLLEEN MOORE, in _ Lace Panel Curtains with fringe, j V --2.75 to 5.50 pr. ' lj _ Ruffled Curtains, 150 to 2.75 pr. _ ~--_-- -- Dainty Marquisette, 25¢ to 1.00 yd. j ass $ Drapery Silk, .90 to 140 yd. --= _ _ WHAT'LL YOU HAVE!! vpHoRIUM before any | ~FIE OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS . PAUL G. RAY ~ .Res. Phone 12 For Effective Protection------ DEPOSIT PROMPTLY! |-- This bank's efforts are devoted to 'throw-- 4 ing every possible safeguard about your -- money. Telephone 47 Help us to make this protection still more effective and to give you a full measure of service. You can do so by banking your money just as promptly as possible. Libertyville Lu . Company Fr&nthemrmoftbewutbuit , will soon be time to see us about your 1 Day or Night Calls Will Reeeiye Prompt Attention * STORE PHONE 9 First National Bank of Libertyville We Have a Quantity of the Best <LD SEED § adee. Clak Res. Phone 361--M es on ras wE