from the United States in 1926 'not less than 133,000,000 huevos, Huevos iz Spanish for eggs, barnyard vya-- riety. Cuba paid more than §3,-- 000,000 ftor these egg: They came largely from our own central west. Members of the Good--Will Trade R l n Cruise of the IIl-- i nois Chamber of h a v 8 U. S. INVESTS HEAVILY e snn o o in n k ernment of Cuba, .'""" 8. Colby an American and formerly with the Unitéd States De partment of Commerce, said: S PE TOVZ O OnuP io C dauads communications with Cuba you peO-- 3:"... HOlinais a~a already doing though your exports to Cuba con-- siderably exceed . your purchases. When I was with the United States Department of Commerce I became fairly famillar with your industria! production and 1 believe no state produces a wider variety ot goods in demand in Cuba than in % "The outlook is for a still Wider interchange of goods as the prO-- duactive capacity of Cuba is devel eped and diversified. With no other ht c c lt 2 cute We h ce doainintrar e aites m y T Latin--American country is the United States to Closely linked both com-- amercially and sentimentally ; with no other have our relations been so cordial and satisfactory." On the dockse at Havana we Ssaw ships unloading cargoes ot sacks. Pavestigation proved them to ?'o .fl.l'l; ~SOURCE OF EGGS 'FOR HAVANA CUBA worth o es t er B. Colby Writes of Large importations Into Cuba's ~traged}. A about a serious _£/ sion and many of Cu ers have gone broke. Tobaceo is Cuba's croy. -- For the last ¢ryg mEva g=ue T "Tabaceo is Cuba's second export ctoy. _ For the last thirty years the avorage tobaceo exports 'to the U. S, have runm around $22,000,000 yeat Iy. And the tobacco growers bave complaint, too.' They complain that T iily ol Albe piaced them Al. the y of American tobacco in-- terests. s They are pleading for the"right to @ Cns Sm 4 P k Gee, progressive government it has evel had. Cubans generally and-- Amer-- icans living in Cuba appear®to have the utmost faith in his integrity and honesty. He has tazen a leat out of Illinois® book of progress and has let con» trants which will mean; very. £008, for greater diversification of crops in Cubs. He reallzes that much of the nation's present trouble is due to the fact that it is practically a two--crop country. ':'o&lm'?flmo{mfi -- in eastern districts fle:m&um.nwhm. i; was almost. forgotten during the L3 of Cuba's sugar grow-- Cuba imported economic Dr. Howard.C. Hoag expected to file application today for Dr. Lieber's post; at least two others will : #le LAKE CO. TEACHERS . }|| Not a Single: District Which Pays Teachers Less Than $800 Per Year. IS DIFFERENT ELSEWHERE The wealth of Lake county is such that it is not necessary to appeal to the state for special aid . to-- make it possible to pay school teachers ~a minimum of $800 a year, according to a table just prepared at Springfield by the State Department of, Public. In-- struction. s *3 There is a requisite that each fuli-- time, | elementary school -- teacher should receive a minimum of $800. a year but there are many school dis tricts in the state in which the assess ed valuation is so low that the mar-- imum. levies possible for education purposes at two percent, the amount allowed 3 law, makes it impossible to pay the full $800 per year. The tables divides the state into counties, listing the number of school districts and showing those where the 'tax that can be levied permits of the payment of certain salaries. For example it lists those which are able to pay from $700 to $800 a year, those which bare able to pay ~from $600 to $700, etc. There are some where the amount is less than $200 a year. In districts where the amount is less than $800 it is possible to get special ald. . 'The table shows that there is not a single district in Lake county where the yearly salary of full--time teachers is not more than $800 a year. The same is true of Boone and McHenry counties which are in this district. March 5, 1927. f J. C. Harding & wf to A. Jonaitis WD $10. -- Lots 25, 26 & 27, Blk 116, _ Cora E. Studer & hus to Security Savings Bank WD $10. Lot 13, Lin coln Heights Addn, Sec 20, Wauke C. T. & T. Co. to F. C. Eckerman & wt jt tens WD $109. Lot 63, Bon-- nie Brook, Sec 5, Waukegan. 1 Clare E. Biddlecom to J. H. X. Jan« kansky: & wt jt tens WD $1. Pt of SW ar of Bec 28, Waukegan. -- . ~--W. C. Egan & wt to G. R. Moore, QCD $1. Lot 6 and pt of Lots 7, 11, 12 and 13, Blk 67. Highland Park. Katherine --C. Bermingham & hus to Isabelle B. Curtis WD $10. -- Lot 118, in Lake Forest. J. Ryan & wt to L. G, Glick . WD $10.° Pt ot NW ar of SE ar of See 26, Warren. _ _ s E W. &. YVoliva & wt to L.--J. Kenevel WD $10. Lots 12 and 13, Sec 16, LRE PuD BETTER | Pvervone Differ«» AREPMPLB_E_H_E'!_m 75 Suites 1 ----G,. F. Hagen & wt to A. B. Grunder & L Grunder it tens QCD $1. ~Pt of SW halt of :See 11, Fremont.. --_ _ # ® years when sugar was highly. prof-- itable. He is also experimenting with rubber, cacao and fiber plants. Our own International company is raising sisal for binder twine, on--its own--Cuban plan-- tations. & 6 o c 'General ~EncchH.-- Crowder, am bassador of the United States .to Cuba, "Joined the nuanvm_u-fi times --during the--two day. stay i8 ¥illa hotel--dinner were Carlos Ar noldson© ~president of the .. CubaR Chamber 'of Commerce, and William P. Field, president of the American (This is the first of --@ stories telling> about® the made on the Good--Wil} T Of the Hlliaois Chamber of into Caribbean waters, The the . speakers at the tirst of a series of |Il : ~ * & wl# tens WD $1. Pt of SW --ar of SW --ar ot Bec 13, Grant. ..' A. L. Harioft & --wt et al to G. Wible QCD $10. Pt of 8 'halt of See 2%, M. Jensen & wt to Anna D. Bots-- ford WD $1. Pt of Lot 20, Bik 2, Chas.{ L. Harder Jr's Sub in Lake Forest. a Anna D. Botsford to M. Jensen & wt jt tens QCD $10.°Pt of Lot 20, Bik 2. Chas. L. Harder Jr's Sub in Lake C. J. Jones to J. Rigler WD $10. This Solid Mabogany Suite.....,. ... . $189.50 The frames is fAnished antique, construction is of the fAnest oil. tempered springs over the best D M C Webbing. Covered in a 'l:o :'unu of Linen \;:lwr. Outside and backs covered of the same f See the 2--Piece Jacquard Suite ego 4A This Suite is cover-- ed in a plain Rose Taupe Mohair; full carved frame with reversible -- cushions. Come in and rest in this Sufte and if you thought of pay-- ing $200.00 y ou will see how easy it is to save $§60.00. A n tique Anished frame. The cover on this will give you years of wear. Come in and look over. these Suites E--Piece Carved Top Mohair Suite %--Piece Wood Top s even if you don't need one. 8--Piece Carved Quten ; _ Entire S PARLOR CO. e e .? \Old - Y%. P 4 4 . Ihs A#Jp x ""} VALLEY PARLON Santage . of thege ; pcaomparihytua? . May pbOflO 1819 and ~lare our 4p8l) and $197.50 Tell Your . -- | eecees ans cemeaces 00 ns J;A. Lioyd, BBish sclentist, says a day onceée was only four hours long. | . & Not Worith While "There is no tat on brains," remarks an exchange. The reévenue would be too small, brother, the Boston Tran-- wens cces cans oo n# 6 o t a 6 :. ~$89.50 ect Your Living Room Suite Ton It Until You Are Ready At: Four Hours ARewLivin%BoomSnitecdhfor a new Rug. You will not be disap-- pointodinonrdlsghy. j f ""! "l:"-_ c.u"m: Beamless. New early for this Chinese _ pat-- value--, terns, -- Special $22.95 $29.95 $67.15 Velvet Mrs. 'Elizabeth Hotchkiss kot 2024 Gabriel. avenue, Zion, died in the Lake County hospital at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon after an extend-- ed iliness. : The deceased |was 70 years ol age 'and well k!ioyn_m Zion. -- Her" busband _pre in --death some years ago. i ren By DEATA ed For Cash At 35% Off a n d sa A¢s Ks Acte$ x4 T he -- lowest price e¥ er a genuine Wil-- Wilton her . We Will Store The pastor who.was fond of figures of. speech was making a funeral ora-- tion. . He began his address, "Friends, we have here onig the shell of the man, the mut is gone."--The Church-- .Good nature never fails to pay large dividends in good health.--Progressive _ Only the Shell . Sure Dividends Just think of buying a genuine Angora Mohair Buite; full size Davenport, large comfortable club chairblas I*éi::side----All cushions of reversible Tapest ts far anlv-- % pesey 5199'so for only 'This--8--Piece Mohair Suite ........... .: $199.50 Bessea»s «% * se# 0+ s se500008 # the edge of the Grand camyon," said a ranger to a carcless tourist. "You want somebody to slip and fall three mtles?"--L.ouisrille Courier--Journal. -- Ethics are things a man uses unti he gets Into a tight place.--Birming: ham News. o , Fair Weather Virtue '-- Doun't Wait Until Today "Thiss Suite is ° en-- tirely covered in Mobair, outsid'e backys and all. Er-- tra large Davenport, Taupe Mohair color. Suite is, regular $100.00;: «* w eart for years, beautiftul carved frame, *k 4 d n e y shape ---- you will like this Suite it you want something 3--Piece Mohair Suite, $159.50 $ Big piece of fur-- $200.00 3--Piece Mohair Suite, $269.50 44 JTacquard Suite $219.50 ture _ all pieces ve reversi ble shions, carve d