CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Mar 1927, p. 12

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F ---- NHeartbeats in Trees °_ Bir 2 C1 Bose, the famous '-fi :r that the lifo activities beings and plants are exactiy alike, and that overy tree han, Uke * IW&M" A mystery engine, Semanded,, "Who's there?" They apol-- egized and assured him they hated to disturb him, but inasmuch as be might "'""""h'@fl- know without reley that he was & geniuse. And one of them added as he turned to go: "I don't care how much of a genlus a man I.zllfi Uike the devyll in bls t < Frank Wilson Nye telis the following: Before Nye left the Boomerang some admirers, after spending the evening together, stofiped at his home on their way home at about 1 a. m. to tell him what'a genius he was. The house was In darkne#s and every one in it sound asicep. That made no difference, They knocked on the door and tried to find a key in which to sing "Auld Lang Being suddenily awakened, Bi} faited to recognize his friends' volces and CUT POOR FiIGURE TWO GOOD STORIES . _ _ IN HIS NIGHTSHIRT| -- RELATED OF H.R. H The latter, in fact, it seems to many, was the one over which there was no chance fqr argument at all. Yet they did argue and ignored the governor completely and thus established the precedent of overriding the constitution as regards a state's rights in the U.'S. Senate. How they could refuse. Col. Smith the oath in the one case and seat him in the other is beyond our comprehension and just goes to show how perfectly "nutty" some of the actions of the august body known as the Senate are. They didn't bother saying one thing or another--they just brazenly disregarded our state rights and refused to even look at the Governor's certificate as given to Mr. Smith. The inconsistency of the Senate is thus apparent. If the Senators were honest with themselves they couldn't have accepted Smith under his election certificate and NOT accept him under the governor's appointment. do AS HE WISHES and not in accardance wish .,2 1. _ C _ _,___ | mt supersiitions of the Hindu work--{eant Plains, Sangamon county, _ do AS HE WISHES and not in accordance with the law, customs, I.Illwu'abaumm t'?;tommllhepommed to send «etc.? At Washington on Saturday a conference of Democrati¢ Sen-- &h-.w;'l. f"m d '?: m,'.;u'g'::': mt:.nam ators recommended that the Reed campaign fund committee continue eastern note when he began to explain ;lti the fourfold object of the club its investigations during the summer, although the Senate refused to | th* "':h'lm "Nl::! which m' ( .""dm"'mgi'm fi: °: Now, how do they get that way? -- With the Senate formally| -- "No person who is not a Parst must mmmflm' voting NOT TO AUTHORIZE the committee to continue its ex-- ;!"'.Nmfiu"hnmfl: The four members of Iilinois' dele-- istence, Reed and his pals announce forthwith that they WILL DQO .fi.""'"mm"""",.m""um ue in bing' porrimed. o IT ANY¥WAY,.REGARDLESS OF THE FORMAL REFUSAL privacy were violated by one of alien u-m'mwmuuh-at:. ' .O?THESENATEASABODY. How long since a Senate com--| | Four Pursi priests arrived at the|boya' Seet clup member ho ':'l: mittee can proljong its life through its own act. How long since a works very e&riy in the morning and| 280 and is now president of his coun-- committee of one Senate can continue into the next session? Isn't it WM'*'?' "It ma%mmmo all the bunk? _ Reed has:assumed a tyrranical power which, if it EPS | coremony.» Cowsait tate me."_"" *** ie toid mellal on will prove a menace to this nation. «| _: Meantime Mahadeo, my foreman, had| -- y . informed me that his men, who were, % s y like &,' not r': but tx:".. . * y s F GS wanted to make before en-- i » HAPEBOTCHO THIN & se ue e this pole [ ,{l f bapechathe m ie quaione o Tareved on 3 o e geieinamegiined o CY 47y . of yerls n i . t l s things this year in many respects; little legislation of value was have no'faith in the machinery and s f Ns [% nihahait thernutin ank muck ol «ahis was AsUlkasmakales InilL. .4 us 12 B > l i Pmee w Now, how do they get that way? With the Senate formaily voting NOT TO AUTHORIZE the committee to continue its ex-- istence, Reed and his pals announce forthwith that they WILL DQO IT ANY¥WAY,. REGARDLESS OF THE FORMAL REFUSAL OF THE SENATE AS A BODY. How long since a Senate com-- mittee can prolong its life through its own act. How long since a committee of one Senate can continue into the next session? Isn't it all the bunk? Reed hag:assumed a tyrranical power which, if it keeps "vevie w C"-u 3 & as ANVELIL \,mc"u", L ".t m"h' "' l-'.linfi ir ;'vv--"n_l--llvi is P t e ; "-:- Bacgiitsir en uhnd bundPresdt 4 '".g' Grayslake". . But, no matter where the property may be located, it| writes, in Asia Magazine. * UrbaBa, 1!)., Mar. 10.----Winning h i. i f . seems the.proper thing in aristocratic circles to indicate them as 'm from the formal tUrnIpg 0f #)ors over 1$,166 other' farm bo': ":: T':W Animal Swimmers being within a stone's throw of the millionaire colony. Just what| auguration rite must be cardied out |8HM <lub members of the state, two'| Animais are deer and beare. " A deer good it does, just what "kick" there is to saying they're at Lake| and this is the more important ob--| *°"" 424 two girlis were named today| Will frequently swim across broad Forest when they're sometimes ten miles north or northwest, is hard | **!T80¢ of the two, -- . Ti OOninr flnb officiale of the college] J4k@® Or visit islands for the sake of 6 7 , I had come out from England to or--| Of agricuiture, University of Ilinois, £°°0 8r2zing. Red deer, when hunted to figure out. We can't understand that Lake Forest is any better or ganize and run a modern bleach and |as Hinol6" official delegates : into the sea, have been known ' to that m W % i: * m C . & to the "l'lt' gWim for miles. Clnfltlnymorehckouto(hemgducdhedu works for its Parsi owners in | national 4H club camp to be held June / being "at" that city than he can out of b'h' "contaminated" b' mw- hxmw*n 1"": 22 in Washington, D.C., as a re Steememmenaeetitommmmnominmmece Pocmmmmmememcns bei 36 % r d * M p the works was practically com-- to cutstending members of the F is | ng set down where he actually is! It's just high--brow stuf ! »Maummm,,ww'mm amous Executioner % j made gay with streamers and gar-- embers of the Jllinois delegation| . JACk Ketch, who died in 1686, was . wutenngnmmanemmanmnmmnitnpmaorm o pmcamm mmemememmemtztcmme ; % ""'QHMQN.,::" 4 famous in Englaud as an executioner. --__ IS THIS TYRRANY OR WHAT? opening ceremony. ; * MeLean m& Wzl::.m' :h"m'.. "'m'w ?d. htm;:;.d Cowasil, my assistant, I took to be a nolds, Rock fsland " * ied ore _ Just how long since Jim Reed, of Missouri, has become dictator | WP!¢a! modern Parsi--clever and fnte!--| Bumgarner, 17, '&":"Sf' & m:&m was quickly asso-- of the Federal Government? Hwhngdmhcmflmmw('m':"wm Ceue [pi fee "oiben Coreon, 18, Ples | py's, C uknist do AS HE WISHES and not in accordance with the law, customs, | men and was aimost spologetic when| East state will be pormitted io cend e ces c etc.? At Washington on Saturday a conference of Democratic Sen-- """'__.rd'"mmun m" and two girls to the camp Boy and Man ators mommendedthuthekeodampugnfimd committee continue un-mn-hmm with 3&'»&« otm &"mmw" o wok on i its investigations during the summer, although the Senate refused to | the Parsi--invocation ceremony which|'* Y!@--!#adership training, club op-- long pants haes ".:".'.'.'""'" . jectives, citizenship trainng and T i adk extend its life. . m"::'";"'mmm mz;uumtqu:m-mmm Now, how do they get that way? With the Senate formally | -- "No person who is not a Parst must MW.W ,;..""n,m'"""" &mmmrw roting NOT TO AUTHORIZE the committee to continue its ex-- | witness the proceedings," he said ; and| > :.."-'.'....... C PrOGTAM.. -- =1 soowe . BenHnel --»Mpat A Chicago Sunday paper told of a big farm sale in Lake county toafichmcuomldnfmodtoitlihrthis:"laugom'.t Lake Forest sold to Wim. Bartholomay"--and yet the farm is located on Belvidere--road, FIVE MILES WEST OF WAUKEGAN! That's a characteristlc of real estate sales along the north shore thes@ days-- thcynotonlymnflayuhbyitgmximityto'habm but they describe them in many cases as being "at" Lake Forest whereas they're "at Waukegan", or "at North Chicago", or "at Grayslake". But, no matter where the property may be located, it seems the.proper thing in aristocratic circles to indicate.them as beingwithinastone'sthrowofthoflilficadn_cobuy. Just what gooditdou.justwh:t"kick"thuehwm'_my'uatlah Forest when they're sometimes ten miles north or northwest, is hard to figure out. We can't understand that Lake Forest is any better or that the purchaser can get any more kick out of being described as Lae Lounty Independent -- Waukegan Weekly Sun Libertyville Independent "Bil Nye; His Own Life Story," % rcofling laugh in generally en fministers in the Baptist, o-fl"" mpuwufl-a: tional and Unitarian churches, Abdera, a seaport town in 'Thrace, | only denominations which so far e poted as the birthplace of the cynic, | mit women --to their ministry, Tn ad . | nearly 24,000,000 gallonsg repoit thai Success 4 #5 per cent of the output is vauilia, SBuccess comes through Setermina 310 per cent chocolate, nearly 9 per Hon, planning, strategy and sacrifice. cent strawberry and asarly 2 per The wage earnéers have no royal road cent of other fiavors. .More than 88 to suctess,. They must baild their | per cent of the ice cream is sold in xusewey, and it must be constracted | buik, not quite 12 per cent in brick with the bricks of exparience and the | form, Contrary to general beli¢f drug mortar of patience. 'There may be | stores sell about half as much ice si2Nu persons of nistory, were kindiled | ; temps, and quite nonplussed. ~"Givre with the delights of travel, touched him the box," said his royal high cool-- by the romance of true love, or made TD nat will do to 5o on with." and j résgess uy tales of advrentore--ihe the function was completed without a hearth became a sort of magic stone hitch, Ready wit is also one of the that could transport those who sat by prince's gifts,. While in the United it to the most distant places and times,| _ Ihtuhwntold.atadu«.ht' as soon as the book was opened . his partner on several occasions was -,*&g.m-fl an Assistant in a drug store. Major «----Charles Dadley Warner. BR :dnmt:fltmun: lavor Leads remar > good @rug store," and danced one more| -- _ Vnrilla Flav dance with the girl, the chief event was the presentation of an order to a senior administrative oficial. 'The staf officer responsible found that be bad forgotten or wiz laid the decoration. Completely de-- morglized, he staggered to the prince : "I had it in my pocket in a amail box. The box is there all right, but God knows where the decoration is." The personal staif--standing at the prince's rear were appalled by this contre Major Verney, in his recent character study of.his royal highness, tells of an impressive fulld4ress show whes Wales' Atbis is a\ > Lemb's boyx. | lUume of the ancient fresides, called Gog]| reading aloud. 'The listeners, #Who y4, | beard while they Jooked into the wide ce'g | thlmney place, saw there pass in itre. | . Stately procession the events and the 3ive | Erand persons of history, were kindiled qo; | with the delights of travel, touched And by the romance of true love, or made .. _ | Peatioss <by tales of advrentuore--the tion there .are six women who have not formally qualified as ministers but are in charge of churches.--Indiapsp lwicyumm.omug-m Union of Women Voters, is the young-- cuotm&hmm.x land now has ten fully qualified ' cream as do confectionery stores. Vanilla is by far the most popular 0e cream fAavor. Manuafecturers ren When there is so much 'to read, there is little time for conversation ; mor is there leisure for another pas-- time of the uncient Gresides, called reading aloud. The Hsteners, #Who heard while they Jooked into the wide chimney place, saw there pass in stately procession the events and the grand persons of history, were kindiled with the delights of travel, touched by the romance of true love, or made rentless <by tales of adventuore--the l-.h-.ccutdn-demuy that could transport those who sat by changed is its manner.--World's Work. founded in 1801, remains our one big-- clity survivor--frgm the early days of the last century ; and even that is un-- company turned on the compressed air, and the Diesel engine made its first revolution, ln...q.lthtronovc_l. the works were declared open. All was now ready for the oficial Opening. 'The chiet director of the Women in English Pulpits auspictous day has been appointed for The starting up of a works or fac tory in India is by no means the mat-- ter--of--fact business it is in the West. The engine must not make its frst Fevolution until the masters, be they lmm cm,,g: ). gl! * JN STATE NAMED isty Workmen: ¢/ +\ © _ FOR HIGH HONOR OF INDIAN F We Y Ksd have NAMES -- ARE GIYVEN Named by Co of Agricul-- ture, U. of nf"?f Dd::nitea *~-- to National Meet. iC --"@ «*°H EPE M AaAN »&, W HO 0O W NE A Six models have been reduced $335. "%, The boy who used to spend about fAfteen years wishing he could put on long pants has grown to be a goit-- worahiping man who spends the whole winter awaniting an opportunity to put on short ones--Fort Wayne in ewine fidging at the Peoria expor|-- ] tlon. Miss Waite was first state pre-- Jgic'lent_otdtho state girle' AH clubs. ' Grand Avenue and Genesce Street Phone 334 ~C¥ >s WAUKEGAN, ILL. , k Exclusive Dealers for Waukegan and Vicinity cence, Orange blossoms as a bridal decoration were introduced in the United States and England about 1820. The custom was of older standing else-- soms, like the rest of the white of the bridal costume, are symbolit} of inno-- 0f fruiltfuiness, and the white blon-- soms, like the rest of the white of the in pig club work, Hewes Motor Co. Orange Blossomse --> 'The orange is said to Indicate a hope Geven years ago these models were introduced as America's first fine small cars. feven years have seen the public accept these cars to an extent that now makes it possible to offer the sedan !orbntlnqwxbwgbulmee. Geven years have seen each car developed to meet the peeds of the most discriminating fine car owner, Today's Packard Six is with one exception--the Packard Eight--the finest car Packard has ever built. j You can safely follow it in its Seventh Year of Success, Righty horse power arnd 126 inches of wheel; base as-- we about our monthly payment plan, mvfimm"hu-lww» new one? £335 6 Viher members of the board of trustees are; Ben H. Miller gsecretary and Dr. Joh» H. Taylor. _ Bids on the project were received and reviewed by the board but con-- tracts Tor the erection of the struct-- ;o"'vm not let. Members of the 2 witheld action pending further consideration of bids. The building which will be of brick and steel is to be erected on two acres of land located in Libertyville and bounded by Cleveland, Hacsie, and Stewart streets. | Cost of erection of the building will be $75,000 as estimated by architects 'while éequipment of the structure will 'bring the total cost, of the structure to $110,000. * The institution will contain 25 beds and will be the most modern ; %its kind in Northern Ililinois. there is a stranger about he disobeys me to show that he is not obliged to be obedient."--London Tit--Bits, | lection of Samuel Ineull, Jr., as chairman of the board of trustees of the -- proposed pew hospital to be erected in Libertyville and completion r"m'm'w-'ot'orkuuu structure within two weeks was decid-- ed at a meeting of the board late yes-- terday afternoon. START BUILDING IN 2 WEEKS SAMUEL INSULL JR., HEADS LIBERTYVILLE HOSPITAL TRUSTEFS Elected Chairman of Board in Meeting Held Yesterday | On His Dignity C N B these men on the large trawlers do not see land for weeks on end. Their catches are sent to port by steam car-- rier, and their lives would be very monotonous were it not for the ships that--visit them with provisions. i Fishers Remain at Sea The fishing population of the NortE sea is more than 50,000, and mary of real rice in this picture!" Wlnrmzhtth'omn'xmq he turned, grinning broadily. ~ "OQh, yes, indeed," bhe told the ex-- tra, "there is rothing cheap about my pictures. Any time I can get realisra in rice for $1 you just watch me de it."--Los Angeles Times. set CJuring the filming of this scene was a woman of the type who has "seen better days" and gives notice of this fact to the public by commenting audibly and wonderingly upon almost everything she sees around a studio. With the other extras she was called upon to throw handfuis of rice after Monty and bis leading lady, Jean Ar-- One of the sequénces of a cinema comedy Monty Banks is making at the Hal Roach studio centers around a wedding,. Among the extras on the The lilinois Commerce Commis-- sion on Wednesday granted a certif-- icate to the Public Service company to extend its electrical dstribution system along Rollins road nmorth, a service which many residents long have been waiting for. AUTHORIZE ROLLINS ELECTRIC EXTENS'N Dollar Spent, _ but He Got Realism ." she observed to the ww

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