'-- Cottage System to be Used in "and Madrid, were built to order. 'The ;F,?Ah-erby!u.thowmm _~'by Philip II, who chose the lofty site _ FOR WOMEN BUILT IN WEST VIR&NCA «* _ Rare American Coins > The half--eagle of 1797 with 16 statrs ;._;'#hcntynncoln. At a recent sale _ in New York ouotmeum«:l; * brought the highest price--$470. ?"w amount was $280 for a _ 170 cagle with 13 stare.----Boys' World. ¥+% Ancient Law Term _+ The law merchant was a system of ';:flflmwhmm ¥: Middle ages for the regulation of _ the dealings of mariners and mer-- & in all the commercial countries f the world. It comprised much of is found in the modern codes of and commercial lew. Washinpgton.--Situated in the pic-- turesqgue recesses of the Greenbrier Hills, of West Virginia, at Alderson, a federal prison for women, the first experiment of the government in the rebhabiltation 'of women> delinquents, will be opened during the summer. --_-- As soon as the institution is ready for occupancy the, government will transfer several hundred women pris orers, many of whom are now con-- fined in state penitentiaries and county jails under conditions to pre went -- satisfactory rehabilitation. The ~prison farm is designed on the cottage plan. Seven cottages, all of '!:kluuu'b. equipped wlthhme!- ens, an unity ¥ounded by walls and to a certain de gree «an honor system will be em-- "i Feking is -Mly?:lfl 30 _z Perils of Boston Two Boston cittzens required the Bervices of a policeman *to MMfiWIlJ.!: 'that attincked them on the street. Bomebody wmust have left the Hd of mmm--mmm r : ter favor throughout the country. \ 'megommedate the family just as WILL <WORK ON FARMS -- mot "woman killers." tivaly instead: of 'constriuctively. Thé world's progress depends upon cbar acter, not' upon scientific devices, and If we look to our characters the acien-- tiflc devices will help our happiness. If we don't--there may be chaos! of bread; Bethshean, house of: rest ; Bethsaida, house of fish ; Reth Dagon, house of Dagon ; Bethel, house of God ; Bethbarah, house of the ford; Beth-- Kden, house of pleasantness; Beth 'sible--crannies of the sea wall, says Wature Magazine. It is extremely hard to interview him at close quar-- _ Sceientists have 'discovered that aft-- Or all the honey bee loats a good share :.bmmb"uc--l hive, gossiping with its cronies. This assurance will be a reliet-- to mere human beings, to whom the sup» posedly 100 per cent industry of the More than 100,000 people joined in cteremonies célebrating the Setsuban or advent of spring. Buddbist fton Hies revived the ceremony of driving out the devil, which consists of throw-- ing roasted peas in their homes and shouting, "Out with the devil," t Fruit Treesion Highways ; Phousands of miles of highways in KFrance and Germany are shaded by wows of fruit trees: planted on either :_ of the road. Home of them are and others are privately wwnaed.--New York World. . Abolish "Woman Killers® ' The house of foew rooms with wall (beds and builtin features, long popu-- lat in California, is coming into great-- "Curing". Criminal Women of the Country. pow.--Ameri L "Beth" in Bible Names In most Bible names "Beth" means A buildog--at Mncon, Ga., has been ven two baby tigers to saise, and me day that bulldog is goiug to feet Science and QOurseives Capitals Built to Order Nests Hard to Get Joys of Spring and so on. e w4 : first came to know the Five Nations through «their nearer> neighbors, the Mohegans. ~The Mohegans called the Oneidas the Skitunckens, a translation of "standing stone" into the Mohegat tongue. But the Dutch, adopting the term, applied it .to several tribes of western and central New York, to onl¥ > ene of which, the , was it prog: erly applicable. %m» nekens became the tribal name bf the Rame,; It became the designation of one of the Iroquolan Five Nations by Ing to the explanation given in the "Handbook of American Indians," pub. lished by the bureau of American eth-- _ The five great tribes of the Iroquols were the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas and the Sen-- ecas. When the Tuscaroras were ad-- mitted to the confederation it became the Six Nun--da--wa--o--no, "the great hill people," and that was the name of their oldet'vmm. situated on & hill at the d of Lake Canandaiguoa. Their coustns and alli¢es the Oneidas Tribe Named ute--ron--non, and the namo Oneida is simply an Anglicized simplification of the tribal name. P 1 known to the Ruropeans." Dutch in employing the term, and thus "the great hill people" had fastened from the connotation of the general name the neaper tribes as each, with missionary who recently died on the Congo, was for seven years the prizs-- oner and friend of King Mushudi, a savage with 500 wives. "Craword," said a Chicago mission-- ary, "used to Spin many a thrilling yarn about Mushudi, his hauman sac-- rifices, his almost daliy sinughter of a wife or two for proven infidelity, "For his wives were very unfaith Seneca by a pr of ~elimination which sxsinded from the' group and upon them the name of another tribe, in another tongue. And even this un der the infuence of the Roman name, became modified into Seneca, Mushudi sometimes to give the young Mushudi would sneer and quote the proverbs of his race. "What proverbs they.were! I re-- member three or four. They run like "For whom does the blind man's young wife adorn herself?' "'"JIn the kraal trust not your wife too far or your friend too near' *A woman who sits at the window is like a Agtree planted on the high-- states that the telephone has just pen-- etrated the county of Sutherland, in northern Scotland, for the first time, erchanges having . been established at Dornoch and Golspic, and adds the rather interesting information that "we believe that telephone exchanges now exist in every county in England, Scotland and Wales, » However, such a situation has x Isted in Great Britain up to just a few . Deors to Human Mind There are seven doors to the bu-- man mind, according to Prof, Viector Alvin Ketcham, who is a specialist in expression at Ohio Etate university, at a meeting of the advertising cub in Boston recentiy. He listed the ser-- en as follows : more of these doors, possession of all being an important power in develop-- Ing the art of making péople see the facts the speaker is presenting.--Ohle State Journal. thermic, Orators can be rated accord-- Rotor Kites The lifting ability of kites used for meteorological purposes has been im-- proved by the addition of the Flett-- ner-mtorflnntu.nlchhulmfl-' ously been applied with success to in<: crease the speed of ships at sea, and which had even displaced sails on an experiment ship. At the twenty--Afth arrnemticlt . pbservatory 'or Diatiant berg, Germany, Dr. Hugo Hergesell, its distinguished director, gare a public Tean: army gosd will Miere arrived at Fiotianopolis at 12:45 this afterhdon! FLIERS RCACH . FLORIANOPOLIS Much--Married Savage King demonstration of the successful appli-- cation of this new principle to-- kite Concrete Resembles Coral "Gassing" concrete to give it added lightness is a novel idea recently de-- veloped in Bweden. While the con-- crete, a mixture of sand, gravel and cement, is still soft, gas is introduced into the mixture. : This, says Popular Science Monthiy, has the same effect on the concrete as yeast has on bread, Slling it with small holes, The con-- ersete so produced is said to be just as strong as the ordinary product, but much lighter, requiring less steal to support it. Rio Janeiro, March 9..--The Amer-- bdee'Ccloil'dl otthe written about it. American poets have \o&_ escaped its charm, One thinks of Lowell, Richard Hovey, and our con-- m-m-_motmmum Ing, At this moment in most civilized the Twelfth céntury, took the world of letters by storm, and has continued to grow and prosper.in all European countries,. The legend Js best known in Tennyson's 'IdyHs of the King and Jn Wagner's great opera, 'Parsifal,' will --devote the six months from Feb-- reary --to September, 1927, to collecting evidence in support of his discoveries on the origin of the Grail, and to writ "The legend of the Holy Grail is one of the most interesting themes in and Tennyson, In all these vi m the Grail is undeniably a an legend. Most books, therefore, convey the idea that the Grail story was from the beginning fashioned by the charch. On the other hand, an old tradition tells us that the Grail was originally a heathen story and came from Ueltic "It is not generally.known that & thousand years ago the Irish were the best stoky tellers in the world and that they possessed a literature which was superior to English and even vied with that of France. 'The Irish had a lan-- guage of their own, rich in synonyms and peculiarly adapted to poetry, Nor do people realise that in the apycient lbhraries of Dublin are many books written in the old Irish and Gaelic Jan-- nflu-wmh-tnuh;:: In these neglected books may le den the secret of the Grail. j "One of the reasons why the prob-- lem of the Grail has remained so long tradition is correct and that the bid-- den sources of the Greil will be found grower in his extremity by wearing gotton stockings, and this is a plece Of ingtatitude towards a class of men to whom we owe much. "Ingratitude!" ~An Englishman said to his children one day: **%es, children, David Lioyd George saved his country in the dark days of the World war just as truly as Joan of Are saved France.' s ever had a sufficiently wide equipment of languages to be able to deal with it as a whole. One must know not only. old ¥rench, old English, and old Ger-- man----a good many scholars possess this equipment--but salso old Welsh and old Irish." David Clark, the textile expert, said at a dinner in Charlotte : s *why didn't they burn him to death?" 'lc)thm\yfllfl:dmg:lntfi Callf.) penitentiary}Hadreceived no prisoners from Los 'Angeles and the up for three weeks were required to take charge of the new guests of the state. Exactiy four-- teen Los Angeles deputy officiails had tickets : for the> California--Stanford game that day at Berkeley. She hag beefi 4o reliable thath:ohu'dt Germany's greatest actors 'have re fused to play unless Frau Haerting gave the cues. * : Long Theatrical Record --. Frau Amalie Haerting, the doyenne Silk Stocking Ingratitude 'tacular.""( irg to the world| ; veen Stuiea i hidny poous. BF| ally -- in «and German uni--| ] iities n 'been 'to| : The ' of WF Its ; appeatanc h%.-.un s well OF THE HOLY GRAIL ce, of Course! TT A fatterer is zaid to be a beast that biteth smiling, But it is hard to know them from friends, they are so obse-- quious and full of protestations ; for, as a wolf resembles a dog, so doth a atterer a friend.--Sir Waiter Raleigh, "Half the trouble in middle age with worken is due to lack of mental stim-- ulation," asserted the doctor in an ad-- dregs, -- "Mental exércise is just as nec-- Too many fat women have fat minds, said Lady Barrett, president of the Medical Women's Interngtional--as Men havre their work to occupy their too. Inertia of the body is pretty bad, but inertia of the mind is worse; it helps to produce that worst of all mid-- Cle age horrors--fat. A fat body usually indicates a fat mind, and fat means a very serious increase to the work of the body." nessary to women as to meb, as «n * Well, Why Not? . Iittle Mzy, with her mother, was taking dinper-- at the home of a friend. May was.zery fond 'of the dressing which was being served with the helping, she said: "Mamma, I would hake ta miy i like some more of the suiting"* _ ~ &"&Zfi'?;ig'.;r_j' Hick. For re monia, soap and hot watér," scoutring powder u»nd sharp sand may be Flatterers and Friends Removing Paint Spots FASTFEURIOUS SELLING Time Is Short. Drop Everything. Come In -- Saturday and Get Your Share. tAa&b4 t # 7 4 $1-85 '$2-85 * $3~85 '. _§_4:§§_-' §5.'_85 Fat and Forty WOMEN'$ SMART BLACKS, TANS, BROWNS -- Wyllie's Selling Out Sale CANTILEVERS, $8.45 -- GLOVE GRIPS, 35.00 M' Shoes and Oxfords, Men's Shooes and Oxfords--The Season's Newest "% Blacks, Tans, Browns, Every Conceivable Style _ > Educators, $6.85 -- Glove Grip, $8.85 -- Stacy Adams, $11.85 EN'S SMART SPRING FOOTW BLACKS, TANS, BROWNS, BLONDS, GREYS, NOVELTYS © t# Means Dollars and Cents to You Greenland was named by thse old Beandinavian navigator Eric the Red. He gare the place an attractive name because he wanted to induce colonists from Norway to settln in the new : AG Sor husband getting the| Heard on a streetcar; + -- MA dreular bank of bigh power last word; "Ail right, I'll beat the "Hello, John." um tubes, capable of delivering darned" Puluyth Herald. 'The person addressed looked ser-- watts of power, is the Snal .+. Afmpemmmmedomesecmmenenmmnercamen :':"llflllit"hl.lflqhtn throughwhich the volce of is d %, .John."* ' . ---- / 'dille person telepboning by wireless from ---- _ Brick Outliasts Granite '"That's funny, You Jook just like a ¥York is forced through the ether It: has been proved that a brick | '¢nd of mine, pamed John. Your wer the Ailantic to London. 'The house, well constructed, will outlast| * "®* bis; your overcont is like his; encircling the base of the bauk one built of granite. your scart is like his, and even y galions of icé--cold water to the N. o C ""ih'.uz:grhm-.l from melting under the tre ame reenland resembles m« s t > heat they generate. transiation of the four, gospels by Wifias is the only extant writing in the Gothic. language. It is about 1,-- 400 years old and is preserved in the # An Optimist _ 'An opimist is one who sees the bright side of everything--except pe#» *' Ee c lclurhe t 0 y out. He has, very considerately, se-- Star--Spangiec--..afnriner Flag |iected himself for the experiment. The In the Smithsonian _ Iinstitute . at | peychologlst has connected a telephone Washington is the --American flag. and an electrically driven phonograph inspired Francis Scott Key to write |so that sounds are conveyed to his "The Star--Spangled Banner." ears by headphores, 1t is so at-- oars, which are apt to be lost or dam« Politicians aren't actually read out ' party; they are merely kicked out Hand Lever Lifeboat K lifebost wmade in England is 6p What kea.y Happens " --THE SHOEMAN OPEN -- --> a» Horth Cenesee Street _ EVERY NIGHT Invaluable Bible More t were in a craps game with him last » ag* m Tad non Aif hy thotkes" l Credit Mobilier Scandai *"Even so, I couldn't very well have The Credit Mobilier, a construction eppropriated his mustache." ... > company, organized under a charter sA s' 4s oys charged in 1872 with corrupting public one's sleep? Prof, W. T. Heron of the peychology department of the Uni-- versity of Minnesota is trying to find Secks to Test Ability _ to Learn While Asleep be sure that I will not hear the mate-- rial in the waking atate.: It does not seem to be beyond the regim of pos-- sibllity that the bumen .'.3 learn, at least to some extent, Ko doubt dar's money in de rives ban', but mighty few people will take de Asherman's word for it. --Atlanta Brother Williams Children's Shoes, 85¢ hy ~Mla person telephboning by wireless from P &A York is forced through the ether , the Atlantic to London. The ie : encircling the base of the baouk gallons of fice--cold water to the of the tubes, thereby preventing &# from melting under the tre * heat they generate. eall _ _---------- fage. z> se miles in his sleep. We 'understand that when he got back tie sermon had fnished. --Passing Show (Lon-- had just uttered the famous "Fare ell" when he sank to the fosor. profits from the Union Pacific raliroad may be s#aid to be pure art. A little ~&ch0¢fiqh Snd works of literature which Worth It walked 50