CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Mar 1927, p. 6

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| AUCTION SALE _1 ~Team, 6 and 7 years, wt. 3000 Ibs.; 1 Roan _ J|«*«««a@ *« @#s«««**« P ie $ raing we 1500 yeu, 1 Bay Roree, *' * e e m . _| /) _ J _ 12 years, wt. 1100 Ths.: 1 Yearling Colt. ||amamize msa C 3. Mmasing 26 T e ie 5 Luckay He Red Turkey Gob | mt 2 c a e an . _ "ble 3 Turkey Hens: 80 Pullets, con-- |||m mss i sn acon t Revigia i. 30 HEAD OF CATTLE S 4226Hea¢.iofMi15kchs; 28F1&e%h Mxlkefi,. . ringers; an ears old ; | 1 %rebmdsmi%f C Figas -y hy M KE -- > J@ILve M : Tedder -- 1 Dump Rake 7*2: F";' 4 '" ""' m Sm Ai;J' LoA ormic M" <~14 MeC . D Manure E_k,' 2 e M) . _5A t Gazs Engine (now) } 1--2 mile west and 1 mile north of Wadeworth, 6 miles cast ¢f Lake Villa, IL. -- 9 miles north of Libertyville, on & : < Saturday, March 12, 1927 mm'uhmgfl'm'" n:nm r.rafiuwmnnu_ legislature by Representative J&Am nc auction on--town line road, 2 A. Reeves, Champaign, Ziving COUNEY mijes west of Waukegan road, 2 miles beards in the state arbitrary control : oas; of Milwaukee Ave., known as the :..:hme;"mm;uh Wf;\c: ting @ * -- LIVESTOCK . d"fiobfll.t fl;m"""mfl 1 dark bay team 8 and 10 years old, If Passed it Would Give County Board Power to Control All see how it comes out. > \ .. Under the prosent law it is manda-- mlpu-theboudtouuom &nmmlwm i6 of gualifications. Reeves would ) the board power to reject any _all qualifications and even revoke . already effective. _ In other instances, they say, too th liberality may be shown, and it is within possibility that too many -- may be shown -- personal _ _Wim. J. Burke, Proprietor -- ||--== 2.« Hid hn aprnitne Gormarn 1 mile south af Vork House chren Saturday, March 19, 1927 ponemts of the Reeves bill, how-- , point out that licenses may be 40 -- HEAD OF--LIVESTOCK -- 40 ALL CATTLE SOLD UNDER UNDER FEDERAL SUPEF _,g,; ". v-tfl_-*','-'- W C Wreint io act d ;ua-g,o-:m 3 new : ag'n'm Piows i!ahDoonQ-d-;l,fl_' 1 Joiin Deere Walking Plow Deering Disc 4 Cultipacker }w Draft Kentucky Drill, ---- with grass seeder attach-- ment (nearly now) . * 1 Heary }section Harrow f Tooth Cultivators * Cultivator * 1 N . Mower, 5tt. cut, % -- Delivery Rake Hay Tedder 1 Dump Rake 1 Hay Fork and Carrier a0v P '" ""' = f Pn O T Anaras ---- (-- 1 Set ] te it tens, W 1 Wagon with Dump Boards 1 Get Heavy Fly Nets. wite it tens, W.D., $1. -- Lots 7 and Wibtniinnememennenniemntecintnnitmantrmemamatetiinieninaieastetinitis catmeenmnmenenm m in e e "B. K v:'u?ud ife at af io iA TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $25.00 and under. cash; on sumg over -- e e 2: Ne Apedh af ux months will be given on good bankabie noa-uf..w.q., mszf.'tL notes bearing 6% interest. No goods to be removed until settled for. -- J . Diectmeyer to R. J Borregard m 4 3 P -- w . Lo # & 7 HEAD OF HORSES & 1 Team, 12 and 14 years, Wt. 2800 Ibs.; 1 1| £ Team,6and-7yeamsg;.30001bs.; 1 Roan |}* ~Mare, 8 years, wt. 1500 lbs.; 1 Bgy Horse, 1| ,;?:ht&u) e tfi".un ~ No 1 Strich Bros. Wagon and Rack 1 Wagon with Dump Boards 'RE IN PROPOSED ROAD HOUSE BILL 3 HORSES, 4 ~BROOD SOWS, 200 CHICKENS, HAY,MGRAIN{HAC&&\'MM other articles too numerous to --mention. -- Regular Col. L. bler and 3 Turkey Ben®) yruis. Leghorns Mfi&thhode Island Reds, orns Mu;t:flub,wmn.nalm= interested in watching to trade Helriein Tiind | WAUKEGANTLOSES Emmett C. Hastings, Prop. C. Christensen, Auct. _ -- ~ Auction Sales Co., Mgrs. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. JNDER ;fiimtu ONLY .TO HERDS SUPERIVI IN STATE OF ILLINOIS _ ing at 12;30 o'clock | Siitee in pandaet Sompiy with health fire e viding such can be operated | without --endangering the public wel}-- 1 dark bay team 8 and 10 years old, abou: 3000 lbs., light bay team 12 yrs. wid, about 3000 Ihe." 1 Jersey family cow, 14 Rhode Island hens, 3 Rhode Island Roosters, 2 White ducks, and 1 White drake. _ HAY AND FEED ~~10 tons of timothy hay, baled; 500 bushels good 'white oats. . T 1 » Of 1 ferecier beites penauet c emnl? viding m%u ean be operated &M it --endangering: the public wel-- censes of places trequented by pef= sons under 16 years of ago; whore the. dance hall disturbe the peace of : the where hm"&mn are -ol:.? Where Ponce Got Name-- The city of Ponce, one of the prin-- cipal places of Porto Rico, was named for the famous Ponce de Leon, seeker of the Fountain » Youth. ' 1 Sa 58 m _ immw 1 mrnm' ng Mil, with elevator (new) «}g:.mmbfl" I m&u Im 3 T . ;%..-mm * 15 Baby Chick Coops 15 Milk Cans 10001b. Fairfbanks-- Morse Scale 1 Gar las Sm cavcat on¥ ce C sg:mo'fl x 6 tt. of Bilage % Stacks of Hay Other Articles HAY AND GRAN 200 Bushels Barley 1 Set of Ligsht Harness 1 Breast Collar Harness 1 Get Heavy Fly Ngts. 4 Sats Heary Double Work Har: F. PECHTHOLO AUCTION EARL WASHBURN, Clerk io cHickens, ||| ~$125,000 POSTAL stock of the post--session situation, ob-- servers find that the last Congress have considerable assistance during the summer and fall montis in an ef-- tort to arouse the public opinion to a eympatheric understanding----of. the problem involved." It is recognizsed, of rourse that the question of a caange in Senate rulés would be overshadow-- ed by local and national issues when the voting public writes its verdict. The Senate was not alone in its fil-- bustering as the House staged a mild talk--{fest on minor and #rrelevant mat-- ters whith presented an obstruction and prevented the passage of import-- _ 'Postal rate : legisiation, the alien property bill, the efficiency appropria e o ue oo Pn C EiE 7 t n i oo e se tion bill, the public buildings IU"!" the slush fund resolutton, all fell by the wayside as the Congress went out of existence. 'D.dduxmfln' buildings appropriation more than .mmmmmm as money which is re quired for the erection of public offices and other Waukegan's hopes of a eubstantial addition to its federa) Building went giimmering today. when congress ad-- journed at noon withiut having pas» d&tlflwm that would. have new |post-- office buildings btwldllhi in the country.. The bil}l died a nat ural death It cannot be taken up again until congress reconvenes next 'The Waukegan postoffice was to have reéceived an appropriation of $15,000 with a maximum appropria-- tion of $125,000 if it was found neces~ eary for the additiong#! amount. Much N Addition to Post-- o%%m Have 0 Highlands,' Se¢. 25, Deerfeld. ;1 Mathilda Lahman dnd busband to E. Shapiro and Sophie Shapiro ,jt tens. W.D., $1,000. Part of lot: 29, High-- wood, See. 15, Deérfleld. H. Swanson to E. Shapiro and So-- phie Shapiro, QC.D., $1,000. Part of lot 29, Everetts and Jeffrey's division, Secs. 14 and 15, Deerfleld. ' G. E. Prentiss and wife to A. E& I'~ban, W.D., $10.. Lot 2, block 2. Tvondale,. being Lyon and Hutchios @CD., $10.-- Part of E naif ol SW quarter of See. 10, Ela. P. G. Lelst and Fanny Leist to B. B. Anderson et al, Jt tens, W.D., $10. LOt 24, block 10, Deerfleld Park Land and Improvement® Association, Sub-- H. Burandt and wite to Margaret H. Wegener, W.D., $28,000. Part of SW quarter of SE quarter of Sec. 27, War-- C.--T; & T. Co to Martha Jud and Lydia Jud, jt tens.. Deed., $10. Lot 17,; ~block 11, Branigar Bros Wood-- land Park, Sec. 29, Deerfleld. G. Krueger to Mrs. Annie Moon, Deed, --$100. Part 6f E «half of lot ai block 25. plat of 1911 in War kegan or Oaskwood Cemetery. .--| J. W. Hipwell to S. J. Naden and : T s s 2 T EL L L o Aann mm mmantrenreantieee N + L .: 2 s . / t e h s h 2o n o o 0 l ) o tae us + " \ [ __ . x > "~__~ ~| Lot 201, ~Duslis _ Shorewood subdn, | a* ;. o ul d in i geia iviti e cg es ietnlir opeclffate te s snn o oeaien in »ay riige t * 1| goe * 91 --* Avey. f ' : | Onr N OJJ || . 7: 3. Passiey to w.. w.; Paistey ¥ |{ D6 305 000 [AINING MEMBER | ||-- dUUVI11111§q 'L, C; Paisiey. WD $10 'Lot 3 bk | _ PYT 4 MPC: A/ and wite to J. L. Schad, Shore federal structures will --not be forth-- coming this.yéar. . It is said that in other . communities . other tevelope-- dusiness . ~were contingent upon the ~completion: of Federal building flnw;m&m difficult to:meet. .~=>.~ .' 4 /The hububb over the Reed Commit-- te "glush" fund activities--bar a tend-- ency to lessen interest in other propo senators sitions, © At" the iime Congress ad-- T Tor edapti m&'fi and electric utilities, tre general econ-- mmmcm% use of money in electing 1 Senator Borah, Chairman of the Sen-- prevaced C Hiftle Junket in Micirigna & § } squplched prior to the time: that fil bustering reached its height. _ The rumors persist in Washington, that Secretary of State Kellog, wil resign and .geveral candidates© are out. for consideration.. _ Tue fact that Mr. Kellog is in the South recuperating from an iliness, is taken to mean that he wil use this> as a means® of exit from the Cabi-- net, but Washingtono 4s such a rum-- or factory. that little weight is attach-- to the current report. . Ag, the Senators leave town, little stories about© -- their reaction to> the turbulent scenes of last week pop out, For instance, it is reported that the mcmvmvlt-a.n'r-l gscene whaen certain Senators will tha} tenge the right of newcomers to their resign and .geveral candidates© ~are!| C. H. Adams & wt to C. N. 8. & rought out for consideration. Te | Milwaukee R. R. Co. QCD $10. :Pb of act that Mr. Kellog is in the South N;crflllcl'ot&eu.numdd. H.Wtb.&h% o mean, that he will: this> as a| $10..--Pt oft Lot 1, Blk 40, graceful means of--exit from the Cabi--| First Addn to North Shore Highlands. mmnnm.-u-aa;m. N. 8. Blumberg & wf to P. A. John: or factory. that weight is attach-- | son & wt Jt tens WD $10. ~Lots 4 and d to the current report. -- . [... 5, Bik 3, BlumBerge Subdn, Sec 16, . Ag, the Senators leave m"mg: Waukegan. f stories about© --their : «e t I. Smith & wf to J.~A. Reeves WD mzmcthm"'oa $10.° Lots 23 & 24,--Blik 4, Warrens For instance, it is reported that Addn to Waukegan. --ncmvfil'mfl' scene whaen certain Senators will Oha+ | wf ;t tens WD $10. Pt of Lots 22, 23, lenge the right of newcomers to their | 24 'Bik 4, Warrens Addn to Wkgn. seats. . It is proposed that at the time| m B. Blows & hus to Carrie E. Cor-- the credentials are presented in al=| ser WD $10. Pt of Lot 3, Blk 3, NW phabetical order, that demand will be| Addn to Little Fort. 7 made for reference to the Senated| TUnion Bank of Chgo. to E. A. Wood-- mmum&usw :.gtu:i';u.':e--xfit. will be allowed to take their oath and | Antioch. odcrest. Bubdan, their seat in the Senate Chamber. This g%fi.gflmmm plan, bhowever, may never come to a 'D $10. : Lot 5, Bik 3, Warrens LGead, as political conditions change | . to Wkgn.~ > . SRreuently overnight . and there'\ are} -- J. Griffith & wi to G. J. Cranston ;mtmmuwmmannuuwnm. Lot 9, Wash-- gress 'assembles for Athe seventisth| ington Helghts Section 4. Lake For-- \m. f A est. nonitonmenmememenmpemmmmmmmmemmmemmescecmmmmme | _ C. V. Stoinet & wt to 6. 1. Gisg & f wt jt tens WD $10. Lot 6, Blk 2. Hall W.D.. $10 Lot 65, Washington Park | and Osterman's Addn to Deerfleld. Subdn, Sec. 20; Waukegan. M. H. Brook to Katie Rockcastle W ~ Wedge and wife to E. M. Wedge.| D $10. " Lots % and 4. Blk 1, North-- W.D., $1. Par tof NE.quarter of Sec. mwnw 13, L=ke Villa --: 4 J. A. 'to E. D. Smith & wt J. D. Butler and wile, to M." H.| to WD $10.« Pt of NE ar of NW gr Mack, WD: $10. E halt of SW quar-- | of Sec 19, Waukegan. . . ' ter of Sec. 29, Ela. _: --|_ E. H. Luby & wf to R. Vacek & R. L. Johnson and 'wife to F. K.\ L. Vacek jt tens WD $10. Lot 60, Shrader and wife jt tens, W.D.. $10 | Indian Mound Sub, Sece 23, Grant. Lot 16, Brierhill Subdn, Sec 33, Deer-- MARCH 2, 1927 field. . --| J. A Bimon & wt to--¥. Horalek "tm' M. m to mbn ' '" Bray, W.D., $10.. Northerly. 14 _ L@@®L $ <on.._._ _ s dn mm mm mm o of lot 6 and Southerly 71 feet 'of lo! i A 5, block $1~ south ~part-- of MHighland o #A Park. Tt ( L. K. Porel et al to A. F. Stevenson, Mtrmzadd C W.D., $10, -- Part of NE quarter of Sec. | _ i _ a %5, Cuba; y : G. H. Hollister and 'wife to Laure E.] Ai#F °_ Brewer and A. D. Brewer, W.D., $10| . made for reference to the Senated election committees and a thorough investigation before the Senators--elect will be allowed to take their oath and their seat in the Senate Chamber. This plan, however, may never come to a LGead, as political conditions change Rreuently overnight -- and there'\ are eight months remaining before Con-- gress 'assembles for the seventieth California Ice and Coal Co. to ¥.]| . J. Breck and wife jt tons. WD $680.]| -- Lot 122%, Californisa Ice & Coal Co.'s| ( Lake Marie subdn. * : "".J.B'!l.l.ulvltotoc._fi. B--e. 10, Grant. 5 MARCH 1, 1927 =© T e ' C -- C C T & Tr Co. to 8. Sienerth and | _ | s _ ¢ ;{t'l' jt:la:.l.a m"'.'l'l'". 8 Lf of | ° & ' s a T 4 t a P C s > : § PA l + 4. ovian ighland Park wa )o f : i O -- & e Acre sub, Sec 21, Deerfleld. : lILb#f Ts E CA _E WT "D & 0. A. Nelson to J. J. Morley and | JB ~ on . e t ite raz* ol Eo y x ip ze\ * S m y "ladd x se 5. * k dWP watin -- > J,~ i. »4°0IOUON0 T0 . s ie Nmd s L C. Webb. WD $10. Pt of Secs 20, #1 and 29, Lake Villa. «_ --» _ _ ___ Petersen. WD $10;. NW ar of Sece 16 and 8 21 acs of W ht of SW ar dc.s.i"mm'm d wit H. 'A. an e to Schwerman. WD $10.) Pt of NW ar bt Sec 15, Hla. & E. P. Periman and wife to City of Wkgn. QCD $1. ~Pt of NW ar of See 9, Wauk*egan. B. Parmglee and wife eot al to E. W. Durkin and J. R. Durkin.© WD $10. ~Pt of lots 8 and 9, bik 17 _ ~A. B. Upton to W. J. Hoffman. WD $30,000. Lot 5 and N 33 t of lots y o nc i t ie en oo o. Leke mai * _ ,"' i 2* c Jult 'T.,.'J. +. 'M?:: ' o 9 ';,;' _ %"c:w %ifi ,Mg'u a + « D 'tm %&V ht"k" J- s.,,'n"' , * oing ie lands Highland Park Acre. subdn, B Y¥ WILL-CAI.DAL_IY M&h:'fl;u'& o5 * 6 o l ; * N. E. A. Cortespondel <~-- ¥MX. ~Ditrig & wtto --F. Bannach & bik ©6, First addn to North Side of Town of Lt. Ft, now Waukegan. H. Lindgren and wifte to J. L. John son and wile et al. WD $10. S 40 1t of lot 21, Williams Park subdn; Wauconda. Waukegan. * & 3 Nora T. Ginbone to A. C. Gibbons. | . WD $10.. Pt of NW on of 8E dr! "os otioots soh we w x aols | | s s 'and wife to© A, Hein | .. and J. Watry. WB $1. Lot 6, blk j 3; Warrens addn . to: Wkgn: Cw T .. Sheridan Burnett anc wife to| [ J R. WilU}amson, WD $10:. Pt of|_. SW ar 'of SBec'3, Lake Villa. ~~--~=~| 4 J. -- Blomgren:--to Rlizabeth ~Ander--| . son.' QCD $10." Pt of SW ar of ' Sec 15, Wauconda. +8 Hattie Bagley. and hus to Kliza--| . beth Anderson.:.QCD $10. ~Pt of Seoi . -- Hanpa lsskson and hus to gize | . beth Anderson."" QCD ; $10. : Pt :0f).: Bec: 15, Waucowda.. < _ _ =_~ ! ~] O O. E. Nelson and wife to 'A. W ekats 'and wife 3t--tens.: WD $10. . D. Brewer, W.D., $10 cor of NW quarter oi 1Cs W.--A. Edgar to D. J. Gebhart WD $1. ~Lots 11--and 13, Blk 91, Zion City m. Mrn'p'mn-i a +" * TCM e ~Jfrene Hedberg to J. W. McJunkin & wt it tens WD $10.. Pt of Lots 64, 65, 118, 127,; 128, 132, 193, 140, 141 and 172, Sunnyside, Park, See 22, Lib ertyville. _ . * : * * Trene Hoedberg: to C. C. McJunkin wD $10. Pt of alfc"zz"'u" and 118, Bunnyside Park, , Libertyville. .' Jrene Hedberg to E. L Sayre & wf it tens WD $10. Pt of Lots 64, ;x.'mm;wg wtcto --F. Bannach & wf ;t tens WD $10;. _ Pt of NW ot W uww" of Lot 3. Bik 3, Tiftany's ~Addn to Wkgn. . W..Y. Griffin .& wf to J. Grier & wt it tens WD. $10. . Lot 21. «Blk 2, Waukegan Gardens, Sec 20, Wauke gan. >« * _E. H. Bartlett to C. C. Harrison D $10.----Lot 3, ~Bik 15, Frederick H. :f 118, 127, %'1'4 51."' 140, 141 : & WD $10.. . 84 and 97, Hyde Park, Sec "-','.m t B.--A. Clark & wt to A.--¥F. Beaubien WD $10. Lot 28, Bik 1, E. M. Run-- yard's Subdn, Sec 209, Waukegan. ~-- $ _ With a New Stock of Tires, $ We Save You Some Moriey and _ § _ Guarantee Our Work. $ $ -- We REPAIR TIRES anc __ We REPAIR BATTERIES . . _ We REPAIR TIRES and TUBES Ne wa extremely: narrow edcapé: when their-- automobileé~skidded ~from the roAd, turned ~over in .a ditch «and burst into. flames. ~The accident oolznrrd f Thursday afternoon at a-- point 24 miles northwest of Oshkosh, Wis. _ e cce | 1 northwest of Oshkosh their machine skidded on the icy road and turned over© into a Gitch Gaszsoline burst into flames when it struck the hbot motor. (In almost less time than it takes to tell it the entire machine Charles Rask of 702 South Jack-- son étreet. ' ie esd ~ Mr. o and Mrs. Saari were driving their Dodge sedan to. Minneapolis, Minn., where they intended to-- visit friends. Rask was> accompanying Rmployes of a little sawmill near the scene' of the accident rendered what assistance they could but the tite burned so flercely that the car w . & total wreck after the flames Tire burned a6 Hercely that the | car ON MARCH 16--The entire milking herd of Westphal Bros, on w . &A total wreck after the flames the farm five miles northeast of Elkhorn county trunk A, between vm?nhuf miched. 'The three 06CH-- || highways 12 ang 61, consisting of 82 head of milkers, or soon to be. pants of: the machine -";ILM Ranging in age fromm two years to nine years. 'Tsis is one of the oldest way back. to Waukegan by % C..T. A. herds in Waiworth county. Many 'of them have been leaders a * of it doar WHD 1it. LoL. . gt various times in 'this work. An excéellent working herd, consisting M ":.nx' ','D lake xu.:'n: _ _of good individuals,.several having been out to the good shows, and ::'fl. Butt.,m f . excellen': breedipg. _luolth.euhciinltyamormdm u:i"' P"""'""fl'm > of lowana Bir Ollis--the two former--herd bulls in the hérd. Aiso '?" Fishing Club W. D. * offers the present herd sire, a good sixyear.0ld s6n of Sir Bess Ormaby Iiots L4 --and 5. Blk, 9. Stmons Kion-- M-- «> "uuiuimnm cHoost e Aneean af his vomnni# aftunringk of bolx sexes. man W. D. $10. Pt of SE ar of SE ar of Sec' 27, and pt of E hf of NE ar of See 34, Warren. W. B. Ingvolstad & wf to H. A. Stromsem & wf jt tens W. ~D. $1000.00 Lots $9, 90 and 91, Pleas-- ant View Subdn, Sec 24, Grant. H. A. Stromsem & wft to A. C. Han-- son W._.D, $10, Lots 89, 90 and 91, Pleasant View Subdn, See 24, Grant. H. Roman to B. Benesh W. D. $10. Lot 25 and E hf of Lot 26, Bik 61, 'So. Wkgn. * P. G.' Bartlett & wf to C. Lee: & wi W. D. $10, Pt of Lot 5, Blk 1,} Ramakers Subdun. Sec 35, Antioch. | a T Mngem®«-- w2 xd * Three Waukegan residents had an Every 'Article Is Guaranteed o qy " sW tonlt i9 s 2 es ces ho 2e se A Yss «. qo .. is Wrecked. |Two Dispersal Sales as f & < K 1OV &A U L > i -- _ ~CONnsIsTING OF I scmmmmanews [ 'I| ~~On Farm Near Elkhorn, Wisc. ~|| _ ,'II 'These sales offer an unusual ppportunity for foundation animais. March15 and16.1927 | 105 -- Head -- 105| -- year old. One bull, serviceable; 1 berd bull, coming 4 years--a 321b. mam--'mm Nearly every animal in the herd. with the exception of a few --foundation animals, were brod and de-- véloped by present owner. Ormsby blood predominating. > ON MARCH 15--The entire herd of 60 head belonging to Voss and Norton wilil--be sold on the J. G. Voss Farm, onehalf mile northwest of Wikhorn; consisting of 28 cows and heilfers in milk, ranging in age from 2 to 10 years--all ANo. 1 stuff. 'They are good individuals and heavy producers, ahd of excellent breeding.. Some with A. R. 0. rec-- ords up to 27 pounds butter in seven days. Seven bred beifers; three open heifers ang 20 heifer calves ranging from a few days old to one Strictly a breeder's herd. mwmhmwumm have been under accred-- ited plan for several years; are of good individuality and breeding and heavy producers. The kind that are not offered every day. IF YOU ARE TEBTING FOR T. 8B., AND HAVEN'T PULLY MET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DISINFECTING, ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE TO LEAVE CATTLE A REASONABLE LENGTH OF TIME. egistered----Accredited VOSS & NORTON WESTPHAL BROS. w#

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