CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 31 Mar 1927, p. 8

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3+ -- 1 -- --~--CASH AND CARRY PLAN & S Oe o o ho kess y _ _ Eeause nose sores, with loss of weight: _| -- North Shore Nursery F-v,,u-n'":»'a 'make all kinds of I NURSERY STOCK --|.. At Reduced Prices! C e |--M. L. Miller--& Co. ' Come to tlleNm.mhmndwmnnd l A Great Variety of Shrubbery, Wmotw After Autoist. approached from the north, traveling |deceased, will attend tie Probate at territic speed. -- The. latter car re-- |Court of Lake County at a term there-- it of to be holden at the Court House in e m | Heskees jossld onl 05 int in 9e ¥ C Monday of June next, 1927, when and _ _ .Commercial, Office, _It appears Nelson had been chas-- ing a--speeder north in Sheridan road and.had succeeded in overtaking him Jjust mnorth of the city limijts. He ord-- ered the drtver of the machine, Frank Novosel of 914° Fifty@#ourth streot, !--:,u'mmflomfl.u the : Nelson then drew alongside and started to talk to him =m"lomm1. This B at 2:30 a.m. -- "a>tain Thomas Booth hastened to the hospital and re-- eelved a first hand report of the at Sair from Nelzson. ture.. It was discovered, however, that the mugzcles and iigaments of one hsru.hdlym matter came to the ettention Of the officers at the police statton when Patrolman John Rahling report ed Nelson had been infjured and had Hit by a vampire automobile ; ze 'm 'D. --(Swede) Ne #son, aukegan politce Dept.,re uwimmm s ~Memorial hospital> The vam-- j driver escaped in a hail of bui-- fired by Nelson. F s There were indications at first that Nelson had suffered a fractured leg hm:'mmudu cerations, an X--ray photograph taken Sunday morning convinced Dr. J. & Walter there had been no trac-- and Model Homes Box 387, Waukegan, NL PHONE 5031 -- Telephone 58 _ _ AWAY Fruit Trees TO YOUR 1 wn-omx $1,50 A YEAR. NO yOR DELIVERY NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF MILLBURN MUTUAL INSURANCE comPaANY. > A special mesting of the Millburn mdf:i--dm"&'i;fii;fl _ T TUENBEET L DAVIS, Waukegan, IIL, March 17, 1927. _ * _ *52.--mar 24 31 apt 7 Public--notice is hereby given that the subscriber,.Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Edward Boyes, Public motice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Administratrix of the estate of Frank Panek, deceased, will attend the Probate Court of Lake County; at a'term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of'vhenandvhnln persons having claims against said ¢s-- tate are notified and requested to pre-- sent the same for adjudication. in the Eywill apartments at Franklin etreet and North avenue. > s hurléd violently to one side,. Without pausing the driver of the e :car away. > C & + ©S® . ' 4 severe pain N . ree" nl.:::"h'hm',lnvm hh.: as appentity size firing. tive shote as hs under him and he slumped to the pave-- ment. -- Novosel who been a witness of the l;dbd, Abek and picked. up the wounded=officer mwfld him to his car.. He then him to without warnifg' it suadenly served to the leit, crashing into Novosel's tew 'feet ». ;the point where Neison was Wikitizx~to Novosel. Then mained on the waest side of the> pave RBOINA PANBEK, . Administratrix. WaukeganI1,®March 17, 1927. _ 53--mar 24 31 apr 7 ADJUDICATION NOTICE ADJUDICATION NOTICE °0 E:: wragig the fender, and thes Nelson® resides [mn SALRB--A quantity of Seed Corn. _Minnesota No.--13, Wisconsin No. 1, also Murdock.. W. L. Doolittle, Grays-- TLake, 11. : Phone 86R1. 18 i FOR ~SABE,-- Circumstances: have _ foreed me to sell my beautiful player plano.,. It can be seen at the Cable Piano Co. store, at 28 8o, Genesee St., Waukegan, and can be bought for the balance dug, on easy terms. 18 2t «V oAlis----FOord coupe, runs and '_ looks good; $60. Call Highland Park 2359 after 6 p. m. 12 3t single bed and Victrola. 669 McKinley Road, Lake Forest --Phone 1# 18 1t FOR SALE--Dodgeé Bros. screen de . very car, in good condition. $200. ivery car, in good condition. $200. Phone Highland Park 328. 13 2 el body; good condition. -- 403 West Park Ave. Phone 258#J. 1% tt American . walnut diningr« Mahogany bedroon #et, rugs, wWill take roadster in trade. -- Tele-- phone Highland Park 121. 12 2t -- m uied 1 s someeeatn Pr in ersiacc s wUap V 1 CGun ungnai h. woal Vasinol HOME WANTED on a farm off the|district. Lot 50x200; nice lawn, fruit main highways, for an imported ped--|and shade "rees. The home is modern igreed dog, that should have throughout. One 'car-- garage. You in the country. Hnbmfinym wouldn't want a better buy at $8300. unusually intelligent; excell wululxlh t0e. A. T. Tuitle, Lake Forest 4 | _ | Gollers & Poetersen from WANTED--Lake county now open for steady hustler to sell= Ward's Reli able Remedies and other products. Ex perience not necessary. ~Offrs big earnings on small capital. Particulars given on request. Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minn. Establish ed 1866. 10 4t loan on improved farm or city prop erty. We invite your inquiry,. First National Bank, Libertyvilie, HJI -- 10tt MONEY TO LOAN--We have & con : widerable amount of sgecial fund» to Dbhone 314R release of Budde, while he himselt re-- mained in jJail, . Budde--did not show upi for trial Friday and his bond was forfeited. ~Oesterresach 'was Aned $18 _ Moward= Burns, 33, of Kenosha, was fined $25 and costs in the local court on a charge of driving a truck 10 JR SALL--I3AbeTty ~Six touring, in excellent shape; new tires; $300.00. through the city <while ©under the influence oft lHuor. He was arrest: sKon ~i285t week. on a charge ~o[ drunkenness, An additional charge of driving a car while drunk was placed agrinst Budde. Oesterresch put up a The young woman was sent back to Milwaukee in the car and Kelly was locked up in the station for the night. In ~police court Friday morning he pleaded "not guilty'" but the evidence of the politce Officers was> regarded as sufficient to prove N:Jdlt. * Another Js Fi . --~Money To Loan MCY ; LGCU 4 uy a Jounsg wo* m #» > f -- A Wms cae 6 . ob ind Hriin: oo on mrwi P s MWt Hp ol es c i e PnE fan | from --MilWaukee, -- was drivi NCE FOR;:YOUNG COUPLE |trees; garage,--mnew milk house, new through Zion and according to the po--|._ M"Mm'mm:vm""- roont for 40 cattle, 6 horses; Hice, his car was sig--zagging back and | !2ke $560 for all. B furniture | POUltr3 m"fi"'"' implement torth across the street. He stopped in "*mwmfllw sord, hos house, 50 acres virgin tim-- front of the Zion home and told of.| OY@Lstuffed parlor suite, with .fln_uthm:uwndm tore. "hn Mid #"tes yours Toitts ut |satr _ tro. uid Wiiine, Ruger intans 4 | pogliyaty being sold on account or old s a two -- 3 4 ' 0 sin in his posséselgn-- -- mmwmm'_fi'fl".'w #x"% H.~J. Kelly, 26, of Milwaukee, was arrested at 4;:05 p'clock in. Zion R m Friday morning on a charge of driv-- HA' '*DONE; 200--egg ing acar while under the fnfluence 'wm'cfiu"'fl"& of -- liquor.' <He> was 'fined $125 and{B. ir, Prairle View, 111. »Telephone costs,. ® _ ; > Te Lake Zurich $2.J--1.= = * t t milwenres Man Atrested EALIY | "usm entine. never uncraied: mdgy Mamine W Yound ns on t e na y' Male Help Wanted Classified : Ads : ;*'v h kitchen cabinet. 3 18 3t 'puntain rb' i slxft. * |\ Telephone 451 t_::?i. Bernard. wu'b& *\ Wdnecinee: 1 \ E> s : 9 in aai sasvins, on | [ -- C and Manor 3: Too & ol Some this cannot be besten [ MB _ --Milwaukee Avenue, Corner Rockland Road Kor a real home this cannot be and the price is right. For i tion call at Independent office, road; lot 6Oby 100, with 20 ft. alley in rear, Prluoalym 'This is a mhuahform For in-- tion tall at Independent office, . _ BAZI Dungalow, near B 1 attic, which can be finished and verted into nice rooms: near ce FOR SALB--Lot in Oakwood 64 by 145 1t.; all"improver FOR SALBE--A new five :3. 4. C,. C 161. prmemnesnermmmenmmenee FOR SALB-- acre of ground. telephonse 562J. ' Docks from C. M. & 8. P. Ry. Chrie Hapke, 121 Lake St. . Phone 179M. _'OJ&-W;MVIQR&N' good money for . worthless rent re-- ceipts. Yours for a home of your own. R. G. Kaping, 201 8. Milwaukee Ave. Phones: : Office 469; res. 269. 9 U dry trays; hot water--tank with gas ' heater; furnace heat; sleeping porch ; | rooms decorated; es&:m attic, | ean be converted into hmhod-' rooms; open for inspection Sunday aft-- ' érnoons, or will show at any time by , FOR RENT--Farm of 97 acres in Ap-- takisic road, west of Soo Line Ry. Peter J. Kellen, Niles Center, Ilinois. Phone Niles Center §0K. 11< 41 viaest sllverware:--5 pc. breakfast set; %w.m mfimbr;-nfl;or. separate. ~Must be seen to be ap-- preciated. © 8$2 Leland Ave. 1st." One m:uu-nfmw.:"; horth of --Wilson: Ave., Chicago. Telé-- phone: Sunnyside 6190. < *k Cozy 5room bungalow near businesa A dandy Troom house, entirely mod-- 226 n | 58;-- all dark solil. 'This farm is 4 Mflgil!",ba#dumaow . |age. .00 per acre; onethird *| eash, balance 5 years> This is a real said month. ; The Election will begin at the hour of 7 a. m. and close at 5 p. the places designated as follows: _~ First District--At the Town Hall, Lib _ Third District--At the Village Hall, Mundelein, Ilinois. The officers to be elected are: Hecond District--At 614 North Mil-- waukee Avenue, in building formerly 6. Wheeling : Bank, _ Woednesday, April 6th, 8 to 10 a. m. | a. m. to 2 p. m. 1t horses; silo, m nouse M--m' w.mtfi:mot,m tively deliver same at $100.00 per acre. One--thira cash, balance 5 years. house surrounded by shade and fruk farm, owned must with ample yroom for 16 cows and 4 iar lakes; new modern 7 room house, screened in pord1es, cement basement, 160--acre farm; ¢lose range of Antioch, -- K¥ . mile from one of our most popu-- ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND .. . C J. STAHL & COMPANY VERNON TAX NOTICE In ¢ the estate i be esd o gaoiin hame »fiérmumm C MKAUDE A. KNOLL, and must be seen to en C un i t ore five years. fill out ~OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 15, 1927 -- ~---- _ 60 foot Lots| As Low As $1050.00 . Don't Delay. Come to the Subdivision Office --Now and Pick Out Your Lot. -- : * * --OPEN EVENINGS *»~ -- K sptlie euta i 'j"fs:'"" r(r ;;"u' chg Paving will be in by June 1. |Then watch build mg activities which means BIG INCREASE IN VALU ky t C oo ut ca 10 4t Copeland Manor | m*; THE 5th DAY OF APRIL 1 _ being the first Tuesday in «!',hlhmwrw:ummut:r 1 A. m. "." p. m. e places, designated as follows: 'T Hall in the Village of Half Day in said Township 1!1I00I8, AL 2 O C10CK, to heas reports of officers, to appropriate mon-- ey--to. defray . the necessary --expenses of the township, and to deliberate and pursuanite d.'hw._m _before the Given 'under my . hand, at Liberty-- ville, F.hll #ha day of March, 1927. e s ELECTION -- --. ""{'lhmmmwmmq yoters, residents of the Township of Yernon, County of Lake, Iilinois; that I hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the ballot to be voted at the Annual Town Election of Libertyville Township, Lake County, Illinois, on Tuesday, April 5, A. D. 1927. The offit¢ers to be ebected are: One School Trustee. And the electors will also vote to ANNUAL TOWN MEETiING anp ¢ 9 O REPUBLICAN PARTY O PEOPLES PARTY _--_--_ For Trustee of Schools For Trustee of Schools [<€]) rranx sHapous EJ .ls For Directors of Township For Directors of Townst Free Public Library Free Public Library For Three Years For Three V aars ~~Township Meeting and E",o_sggmo?-uw ots Sold!!! TED NUMBER LEFT vemsesesseeetkeneesseesssssss es a ~ Specimen Ballot (Vote for Two) TH $100 DOWN Sales A WORD TO THE WISE! issued to the amount of $50,0007" _ _ <The Town Meeting will open in the Town Hall at the hour of 2 p.m., and after choosing a Moderator 'will© pro-- to hear and consider rgports of xeu. to appropriate money to de-- -- Presbyterian Church For $75,000 Building Fund Starts Sunday, April 3 Organization § . ORPHA HARDING KENNETH LOVELL For Directors of Township Free Public Library For Three Years {(Vote for Two) g2f * * a & and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursu-- ance--of law, come before the meeting. Given under my hand this 23rd day of March, A. D. 1927. 1t MAUDE A. KNOLL, Township Clerk

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