CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Apr 1927, p. 8

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'*:3*: MR SALE--Goose feathers. clean and ~~-- 'delein, 11L 14 3t aldg Iass ified Lt ~-->--Ads : »mpaBlano Co. store, at 28 So. Genesee St., ukegan, and can be bought for the ince dug, on easy terms. 18 2t _ OR sA quantity of Seed Corn. ___' in a No. 13%, Wisconsin No. 7, miso Murdock. W. L. Doolittle, Grays-- Puke, Hl Phone S$5R1. 13 t ~ "hers CA & "Rot betasing ; x " Lv ® | <~NURSERY STOCK _ Male Help Wanted _' MUCH IMPROVED _ work; must understand operation of & and modern farm machinery. at Spinney Run Farm, Milwau kee and Belvidere Road. 11 tt | BHALBE--Brand new Taylor Vae Es engine, never uncrated: $120 v _will sell for $95. L H. Diets, FPhone 608--M--2. 6 t ghr-.onhhst.m'm + west of Libertyville, Telepzone FOR SALE--700 bushels of bright bar-- 'ley. Call at Frank Reed Farm, half amilo east of Fairtield church. 12 At Wu«lm&n'i , Bwedish type seed oats, feed oats, feed barley, free from foul seed and threshed before the rains; baled wm.mmmn- noth Bronze turkey toms. Bergeron ? PAY SPOT CASH, $4,000.00 for : eottage or house, modern, 5 rooms %m--und kitchen cabinet. 3 ~--Phone 132--J. 13 3t ROR SALE--300 oak ftence posts. Tel-- _ aphone Waukegan 930Y¥--2. _ 12 3t _ -- --CASH AND CARRYPEAN _ uutdoor manners are improving ac-- C to Charles M. Hayes, president g the Chicago Motor club, who bases "m-mnmma Srom tourists, suburbanites, and camp tenders.. "Several years ago," salid lfi:nfl"owmm er the leadership of the American Automobile association and its ¥arious inted clubs came to the & the landscape of its natural and that an intensive campaign 'the preservation of wild ~flower life and for cleaner camps and road-- aldes would be necessary. _ "At that time we stood in danger O€ extermination much 'beauty that econtributed to the charm of the trail; fl:fl-n«lmmm ing our fields under the hands of destroyers. Holly, dogwood, mountain Inurel, and lady slippers wore fast becoming extinct. Yoat another evil "mn--ommtzmy camp '_*The Chicago Motor club and other elubs alfiliated with the American. =u to sell my beautiful player ren be seen at the Cable At Reduced Prices' A Great Variety of Shtubbery, ---- 'Ornsmnte) Trees 200 Fruit Trees > kx FOR r7 room house, northeast m;fimuo.m FOR SALE--Dodge truck, %--ton, pan-- el body; gnod condition. <408 West Park Ave. Phone. 25%J. 1% tt HOME WANTED on a farm off the main highuw#1ys, for an imported ped-- igreed dog, that should have exercise in the country. .. Has been family pet, unusually intelligent: excellent watch fory ~Sboar o m. $10; m: eloun. reason-- able. ~Mrs.=Fray, Carter St., Liberty-- ville Highlands, Gartield Station. "CORN STALKS Dry and not crughed, wanted by the 3200, and--team of mules, wt. 2400. E. A. Ellis,~ on Belvidere Road at Gages Cornéers. 13 t FOR SALE--Team of black horses, wt culled and supervised flocks, Write or phone for 'price list. FlynnGable FOR --Plymouth hatching ~ oggs; T5¢ ¢wm m.u." a HOLSTEINS and GUERNSEYS ---- ers; car load or less; all T. B. tested, from clean county: some with C.'T. A. of Roung Lake, HL 9 t loan on improved--farm or city prop erty. . We invite your inquiry.. First National Bank, Libertyville, HI. _ 10t1 MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con-- _~Mderable amount of asecial funds to less--in the past 'and there is plenty of room today for.riting a new chap ter In the creed of a good motorist. After all, the motorist himself is u& one who stands to lose the most the desecratlon 6f the camp, and the w and from the epollation of plant life. "Our observation in the past has shown that the long distance motor traveler is by no means the one who causes the . damage. <--'The pick: nicker 'and nomad are as a ru'6 the worst uacking civic mwum fast to our slogan, 'Be to Your Country, we can look forward to making 1927 sea son not only a banner year for the number of people who will go touring but also a banner year for.clean and bealthful recreation." the worst ri-m Lacking civic sibility,-- only force <can reach this type. But they are only a small munn::!:@oc'!! !'bfl'!":' ies .. N A q inient ce Titd SnR 60 s s c ie he should leave the carmp in the same condition in he found it. ---- "There are who would not commit to the obser-- vation of these few simple rules. And yet, in actual practice tinnn,nl'db regard them. This is owing to hoeed-- lessness rather than to wanton desire to destroy. %0. we may hope to acocomplish m through °education In the communities whare a campaigh was waged h:t';w. fewer care wore seen loaded the product of the despolled woods. nagss o >\ "Of : course, *m'wfl been biamed 'nlnldg But there is fo doubt that they have been care FOUR BIVORCES Livestock For S&le FLYNNGABLE CHICKS io ATrG Th .% 3 pt ki io 12 3t ADJUDICATION --NOTICE & Public notice is hereby given that the subscriber, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Edward Boyes, deceased, will attend tie Probate Court of Lake Coun'ty at a term there g&h-fl'i&uw ho first z on Monday of June next, 1927, when and 14 1t 14 4t June next,--193%,. when and where . those for labor and materials sent the same for adjudication. zmbmmmm REGINA PANBK, acceptance 'of. such bid or Waukegan; I1., March 17, 1927 'm'tmmfiornm.xgb <.. *. §#--mer 34 31 apr T [1927. > ----0-- 0 00 . 3.0_" : 3 RMeimencommaniccmmmemintemmere . 5(5 . JHSSE 8. HYATT, Public notice is hereby given that | drawinkgs, profiles and mo the Subscriber, Administratrix of the| for, and according to the estate of Frank Panek, deceased, will| terms and conditionsof th attend the ~Probate Court of Lake|ang also, that such biddo: County, at a term thereof to be. holden | tricior shall promptly pay at the Court House in Waukegan, in |incurred by such bidder or said County, on the first Monday. of in the prosecution of such Buillding Industry, Zion W F WBG VWiin, o oo ndp en us mouthgnneeierne ie e cnnn ind Pn s CCmaved Arbiiit esd aoond . dars, Shrubs, Hedgo, Roses, Peonies, | bond shall provide that said contractor Kailtenbach's Specialties C, R. 6, Mil-- |shall well and faithfully perform and waukee, Wis. 12 8t "onl&.wmthulmlo- enaaanne scording to complete and detailed ADJUDICATION NOTICE specifications, and full and complete the Subscriber, of the| for, and according to the time and estate of Frank Panek, deceased, will| terms and conditionsof the contract, attend ~the ~Probate Court of Lake|ang also, that such bidder . and con-- CUSTOM HATOHING DONE:; 200--egg eapacity incubator. --Call or write 8. B. Fisher Prairle View, I!1. Telephone Lake Zurich 3%--J--1. 13 2t BEAUTIFUL, dlue unnmammmmmmummentecmmeomm--mecom------_.._.. | H&ht to reJOUOt ANY And all bids as the CUSTOM HATOHING DONE:; 200--egg| POArd may elect. s eapacity incubator. Call or write g.|_, TBO #uictessful bidder for the con-- B. Fisher Prairie View, II1. Telephone struction of said 4mprovement will be Lake Zurich 32--J--1. 13 2t | required to enter into a bond in a sum mm@--wnmm"avhm&mfi Foved R e s D to be app: raiged and moved; cement blocks-- | by the President of the Board of Local FOR SALE--An #room, twostory new house in Mundelein; just off Lake street, in Madden Bros. Bubdn.; .--lot 67 by 168; all modern conveniences. For a real home this cannot be beaten mmm«u:g:': For informea tion call at Indeper t office. 10 tt FOR SALE--Lot in Oakwood Terrace, 64 by 145 {t.; all improvements in. J. N. Bernard. Phone 187. -- 10 U batr bungalow, near new North Shore station in Mundelein; large attic, which can be finished and con-- verted into n'ce rooms; near cement toad; lot §Oby 100, with 20 ft. alley in rear. Price only $9.000. This is a. genuine bargain for someone. For in-- mmwuwm and 157. pemnen P for ~the construction as a FOR SALE--The two--story, 7«oom| whole of an improvement gonsisting of John Cater home; with ground floor| 'The grading and paving of DOUG-- mmm;nmwmummumvmucamp Avenue; 125 feet paved frontage; |tyville, Lake County, lllinois, Special best and 'most beautiful location in |\Assessment No. 61, -- ho ts city..._G. C. Gridley. Telephones clh the manner shown and set forth in ---lvww-Il.l- ~----_---- R W. BULKLEY, -- Lake St. building lots, 56x300, at Mfi'%dt' only $1625. f Libertyvilie, Lake Co., IMinois. Cook Ave. 50 ft. wooded lot, $2100, "?..f...,' for the Board of Local Cook Ave corner lot, about 85x120. Improvements. s One of the finest home sites on the e inigrnne n irmemarerninraennremiegs "S':,"'m.."fl'g... j NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT thesg properties at m':h,: yimman FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT 'Telephone 451 iein; good £ room house, garage. two large chicken houses. Price of $10,000 includes about 140 chickens and small $12,000 grounds; many d'fferent kinds Of|tor --and conditions of the con-- m;mmm'uwug@':'guuuswrm once, will sacrifice for $11,500. eontractor-- shall ~promptly -- pay all 1ma'm.on8m-¢8t..mrt. iotor -- in "Mr::; w:iwnnp:bfi!mmnfimm.mnn&m Brainerd Ave. 8 room modern home, Lot T0x170; garage; fine fruit and mhmnmdmmumh" rooms; open for inspection aft ernoons, or: will show at time by appointment. Stop ou&cfi your good money for worthless-- rent re ceipts. 'Yours for a home of your own. R. G. Kaping, 201 8. Miltwaukese Ave. FOR RENT money, you can be your own landlord. I offer your gholss of twml&,&m& Ave: tak Thore and taim; ie Sith and entrance;:-- clothes closet off en-- trance with full length mirror door; Crm»pm.hnmw hw:fiz-?!m' in the Mfll; m '"- mum.uma:t.%u ME TA >z3 a s * y ns 1 d¥ i;-. "'o-«m--_:m; "_l?d"'anmod;' ;lz DR SALE--7 room modern home, 2|of said Village of Libertyvilie, on the blocks from C. M. & S. P. Ry. Chris|19th day of October, A. D. 1926. Said apke, 121 Lake St.. Phone 179--M.|improvement shall be constructed in -- 9 9t |accordance with the terms of said Ord-- eBAE a mer_fire mon asd | mties oarie it Pnb 1e ooiin bati bungalow, near new North|of said Board of Local Improvements ic, which can p. Rompeg'. .400 |at the Village Hall in said Village. s and ©0D--| Contractors are to be paid in special fthd Into n ce rooms:; near C@MeDt|assessment bonds which draw inter d; lot §0by. 100, with 20 ft. alle? | cot at the rate of six per cent per BSALE--5 room house and on 22nd € +« » acre of ground. mmw at the Village Hall= of Libertyville. 5 acre ch'cken farm west of Mundée-- Real Estate For Bealed proposals will be received by Sellers & Petersen lmmaw'wu Spruce, Pines, Cée ble at $10,500. F.. H. Kusebker,>-- C OB n s v o pre-- Anllllnrmhwunm ambmu-mmw 4 Dated this Tth day of April, A. D. 'w1 "". +* "st « , trietor shall promptly pay all debts incurred by such bidder or contractor companied by cash or check payable to the order of the President of the Board of: Local Improvements certified by a responsible bank, for an amount Improvements of said Village of Lib artyville, which bond must be filed with said Board when contract for the 0e on atrucet i on of said in vouchers,.. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished at the office of ) in the prosecution of such :'dfwumzuwm Ail b'ds or. proposals shali contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the accep.ance of such bid or proposal. Dated this Ith day of April, A. D. y N. sBail o consirucied In |office of said Board of Local Improve-- 'with 'the terms of said} ments at the Vmuo&nlnmzmvu- -lmth&utllm Contractors are to be . therefor on 'in the |spec'al assessment bondé which draw l board of Local Improve--| interest at the rate of six per cent per its at the Village Hall in said |annum, payable annually and in vouch-- Village. --Contractors are to be paid |ers. .Proposals must be accompanied, in special assessment bonds which |by cash or check payable to the order interes: at: the rate ,of six pef | of the President of the Board of Local fithwm-« 4 certified by a responsi-- in vouchers. -- must be made ifit.loruamolmtnotlusthm mm»h#' 10% of the aggregate proposal;: Bids 'tho Village. Clerk of the Village Of | will be opened by the Board of Local Im..m:fl mh'w in op::o wg:: at uzmdmm' ;fl'Awll.A.D.lgfl,inn.ldVllhgeI'hn %'Wufi-s;mmammn The tied by a mm"flufdoflnalln&r&vmnute- &1 mhumu:md"&ota- nrmtht:'flmwn any and all 'ugmiat'mm y elect. ments in open seasion at eight o'clock|} 'The successful bidder for the con-- u-.-mmmm;n.mmammmmvmw 1927, in said in saig Vil--| required 'to enter into a bond in a sum lage of 'ville. The Board of|equal to onethird of the amount of Local-- Improvements reserves. the ne{.:u.vtthmmutoboawwved right to reject any. and all bide as 'he| by President of the Board of Local Board may --elect. Improvements of said Village of Lib equired to enter a bond in a sum :fl'hm-flfinmot (OFFICIAL P! such bid. with sureties to be approved Report of the TAbertyville, * bond must be fileq | > #IMPIL VB ..-ugu.g."w.m.uuhluuumumummamum flummm" ) 23rd day of March, 1927, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the oftice of saiq board of Local Improve--| interest at the ments at the Village Hall in said |annum, payable Village. <Contractorm are to be paid |ers. . Proposal: in special assessment bonds which |by cash or che draw'interes at: the rate ,of six pef | of the Presider cent per annum, payable annually, and | Improvements, in vouchers. ~Proposals must be made u.h:gx,gor. upon blanks furnished at : the office |10% of the ag of the Village. Clerk of the Village Of | will be opened Libertyville,; Illinois, and must be &4\ Improvements 'enzfltdwm«dnd:m.uhcdmn to order of the President O tho|Anril A T 19 mnu-u..:adamm.oo. hmunumudnthrthh an Ordinance d and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Libertyville, on the 19th day of October, A. D. 1926, SHaid improvemen®~ shall be constructed in Members of the Board of Local Improvements: of the Village of s h es * i Nee 5. s ++ d HYATT, as¥iet : Time Deposits (42) . 8 ~Reserve 0 : > Accounts (6) EBPE ¢~ ~ L A. J. Crawftord, Cashier of the State Bank of Lake Zurich, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the itenis and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Ac counts, State of IiHinois, purguant to law. ; ,' A. J. CRAWFORD, t , C'.hiel'. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, 88: . f j Bubscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of March, 1927. hent consisting of . °_ * _ . _ . The 1@ and paving of PRAIRIE [ YENOE in the Villeas or raborty "éfl&hb County,~Illinois,: Special L.hun-txo. €1, > in the manner shown and set forth in {n Ordinance passed and ::ymygd by ied iess it Hiiar oi ho it 19th Wm A. D. 1926. Said Iimproveniest shall be constructed in of Anoffl A D 1927 at tha Tillaea 1Ia1l of Hoe nds dn ihe Suage Hal Accomance with the terms of said Ordinance and with the. plans and Wmtaronnleln the of sald Board of Local Imnrove. Surplus (2) ......_._..._.._... Undivided Profits (net) (3) Capital Stock (1) Loans on Real Eetate (14)..--------.._----_--_------_---- Ia-ncd?lt:)tdsmu (M¥)............... wm Shnniesmmmmmnin on e camms s nenn emepmeman e memmmnmne amens U. 8. Government Investments (3).------------.-- Other Bonds and Securitiew (4) .....---------------- Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) $ Total Liabilities. State Bank of Lake Zurich , ie ¥ : 3 ® ! State of Ilinols, County of Lake, #8: . | 1.. Capital Sto %. -- Surplus (2) 3. Undivided 1 --~A. Time Depos 5. ~Demand Def 6. -- Due to Bank 8.. Reserve: Ac 13. Other Liabi I, Wm. H. Larsen, Cashier of the Libertyville Trust & Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-- ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and with the dtems and amounts shown is the report made to the Aunditor of Public Accounts, State of Iilinois, pur-- suant to law. & Report of the condition of Libertyville Trust & Savings Bank, located at Libertyville, State of IHlincis, at the close of business on the 23rd day of March, 1927, as made to the Auditor of Public Acobunts of the State of lIilinois, pursuant to law. LIBERTYVILLE $&Y5%% BANK STATE BANK OF MUNDELEIN (4b) Time Deposits (4a). Demand Deposits (4b) Due to Banks (4¢)..__ Reserve: Accounts (6) Other Liabilities (10) Furniture and Fixrtures (5) UOther Resources (7, 8, 9).--. Other Resources (12)......._. Capital Stock (1) Loans on Real Estate (1a)......___._.. Loans on Collateral Security (1b) Other Loans (1c).._*>.____... Overdrafts (2) .................}4..m....... U.8. Government Investments (3) Other Bonds and Securities (4) K'\'ib * ESE se ,;")'. % », for the con-- of «an improve (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of . STATE BANK OF MUNDELEIN Profits (Net) (38) LIABILITIES RESOURCES constructios of sa'd improvement is NOIS, OR IN FRONT OF ANY BUS-- INESS PLACE IN SAID VILLAGE: BE TT ORDAINED BY THE PRESE ORDINANCE NO. 470 f AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE Tuk ahG" contracior . shail~ wen. and faithfully" perform ~and execute said work in all respects according to the complete drawings,--profiles and --mod-- els therefor, and according to the time and terms--and conditions ~f the con-- tract, and also, that such bidder. and eontractor ----shall promptly ~pay all debts incurred by such bidder or con-- tractor in 'the prosecution of such work, including those for Jabor and materials furnished. _ a All proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the accept-- ance of guch bid or proposal. ovements of the Village of tz Tiis, Lake Oounty, Hinols. _ -- _ STRUCTIONS OF ANY KIND ON ANY SIDEWALKS IN THE VIL-- Dated this Tth dgy of April, A. D. Members of the Board of Local Im-- Attorney for the Board of me this 20th day of Y¥ VIL o~----.. 126,619.84 $5134 128.25 gsige o 94,631.174 12%,770.48 1,165.17 41 698.89 9 1t I, M. C. Mott, cashier of the State Bank of Munde-- lein, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that molmmmMnMMfl&m items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant State of Illinois, County of Lake, ss: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, ss: I, W. C. Hubbell, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnily : that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct--Attest: \ W. C. HUBBELL, Cash J. L. TAYLOR, B. H. MILLER, G. C. GRIDLEY, Directors. Bubscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of April, 1927. 21 Uumbfl'i-.. ME . sns 3e 10 1.n on en n rarnnn 0002 romenornonnrnmmmnnnnnln.l..__. 22. Reserved for taxes, interest, etc., accrued nmmrm__________._____ g. Certifiea checks outstanding ..__________--________________ Total of Items 27 and 28--__________________ 3297461 _ Demantd deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to .o qi c 1 1 Oe Bc 70 07 hC C-- "yor c Amment Hann epomte) Reserve {deposits payable within 30 da ): &hfiwwwwm__y}_ Report of the contiition of State Bank of Mundelein, State of lilinois, at the close of business on the 23rd day of March, 1927, as made to the Auditor of Public Ac-- counts of the State of lilinois, pursuant to law. 1. Capital Stock .(1).._._._-------- * Sutphi« (B). ._._._..____....... 8. Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 4. Time Deposits (48)....._---- 5. Time Deposits (4b).....__._.---- 8. .Reserve Accounts (6)....._._._ 19. Capital stock paid in '(touhofllq- 9, 10 and 13) 14 b. Miscellaneous cash items.___. 15. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. S 4. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned...._______________ 6. Banking House $19,642.60; Furniture and Fixtures, 3,528.55__ 8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank _________________ 9. Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection ____ 10. Cash in vault and amount due from national banks._______ u.MQmmu&o-mdtyorwwnurewmu First National Bank, of Libertyville M No. .14 is Md w**' Reserve District No. 7 (SEAL) par vniub) ' ...........~..m<o--«»««--<<«o.. *b Al 'other United States G 1. a Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, ac-- * ceptances of other banks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts, sold 'with endorsement of fi: bank .(except : those. shown in Item MWW provisions of feetion one of this ord£ : >' f $5.00, nor more than $100.00 for each Furniture and Fixtures (5).---- Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (1, 8, 9) Other Resources (12)......_.-- Total Liabilities 'Loans on Real Estate (1a)......_.. Loans on Collateral Security (1b) Other Loans (Ic) ... QVEEIPMES ABR) . ......s«--awiereamtrmecimnmmtences in the State of Iilinois, at the Close of Business on March 23, 1927 Items 35 and 31 Cue o WILLIS A. OVERHOLSER, LIABILITIES RESOVURCES securities owned: 18 , AIf any) M. C. MOTT, Cashier. .. Hection~8. ~This Ordinance shall be in force and eMect from and after its passage and publication, as required ELSIE M. HUSS, Notary Public. Passed April 5 1927. Approved April 5, 1927 Attest 3. $ $8,8482.00 $7,987.29 1,147.45 371,455.95 $334,161.07 Village Clerk. $440,901.23 60530.14 JHSSE S. HYATT, $10,000.00 438,408.88 _ 58,408.88 . 18§ 216.00 $ 70,000.00 smn 28,643. 4,797.386 10,000.00 440,901.2% 110.00 it

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