CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1927, p. 1

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s # # x F * k | uce 3k _ o e C rax N. chage: " x *\ M t e cellancous Claims, Rospital Audit, Roads camp within-- a <~Afew days at Camp Wooster near Round lake. Last year mhflzmmm of at the camp and it is believed that Arrangements are made the Young Men's "'.'ns"!';,! Chicago for the opening of its annual of Factic I 2 Years. + sF % Pz '% 'V¥--NUMBER 18 There are a number of patients in the hospital at all times that should be on the county farm 'put as Matters To accomplish this <plan it is --be-- Heved that the land --at Libertyville ree e ie Rer up in agire Bs as s ag 5. o The state has labeled the institution a fire trap and memters of--the board have not been satiafied with it for years. --~The management of the in-- stitution by <Philo Burgess is more than=>can--be expected vut even with a way as to shave down expenses con-- New Village Officials I . T The new Ficials -- | CRAMER ESTATE Petitfon. for probate of will: filed and set for hearing May 23rd. Harry Hall appointed (guardian ad litem tor minors. s > «*' Willis Wesley Griffis, Lake For-- est--Letters --of W issued to: James® A. . 'Bond ot $24,000 Proot of heirghip. taken. e . Ruth M. Keller: ot' al, mino Tighinad Parp ihsamioty appoved _Edwin ~ A.. Bishop, . Libertyyilie-- Invehatory 'and appraisement bill ap Ev a Pfl"% H"-m of 3300.- 000:; Husband Gets Buk. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 5, f927 _ Park-- land The road between Round and |ten years, ranching on his property. Long Lake, a distance otl.lllal:nnu. He eaves a --widow, one daughtrg. was McCGugen & Vander--|Grace, and one son, Kenneth, who hayden, their bid being $13,485. The |reside on their ranch home. estimate of the engineers was $15.238.| Mr. Wheclier. was a gentleman of This is for the grading and installing |high standing in his community and of culverts only. _ was greatly loved and respected by _ On the Ivanhoe--GraySlake road,, a his neighbors. ~He was much interest-- distance of 3.84 miles, in the towns of |ed in. the welfare of thechurch, and Avon and l'nqid'lt,".l:r ol;"u the wu:lwmwflunztobei:t;'o:v'lcein roadway with soncrete, |any forward movement in. reigh-- w'm to do the job for | borhood. § $88, The estimate is $90,880. --| _ The funeral services were conducted Frank Feutz offers to do the job for | borhood. $88,623.35. The estimate is $90,880. The funeral services were conducted muma-mnmnmd at the. Donald H. Keith Chapel in Lan-- in the towns of ¥, L Villa, |kershim last Saturday, by the com-- Newport and Antioch, the total length | munity pastor. ' The Masonic order had to 'be improved -- 6. miles, 8. J. j charge and officiated at the grave. He Groves & Son, submitted a bid of |was one of the oldest members of Lib-- $121,335.77 for paving the road. with |ertyyille Lodge No. 492, A. F. & A. M.; concrete ucwg;xm':m and still retained his membership in row '& Barron's bid was $127,504. The|the home lodge. > Interment was in can 'be on the job in time to start | Northern Hlinois for a certifi¢ate~to work at.énde:s .: ::" 4=--= 1 --_>;c0c=. Mw% .. _O. P. Raciné, : representing Munde--| -- **'4"" WVUNNMOYV AFIW! VJ I ; lein 'He'ghts Subdivision, asked that Appointed Doctor. proceedings be started to pave all the t Shmmesinctios % streets in the subdivision with con--| Dr. Karl Beck, who has been acting crete: There was somie discussion as|county physician in the absence of Dr. to the widths of: the un-inizut Charles Lisber, away on sick leave, was finally decided that the: 'ar--| Friday was appointed to the office by tery in the subdivision should be paved | the board of supervisore by a big vote to a width of 24 feet and the balanco| . His assured the fight --was qmmpm'mmw opened to protest his salary and to Anclude curb and m% force him to give full time. These mat-- were instructed to prepére the n#0e#-- | ters are echeduled to come before the sary plans and specifications, and the| june meeting of the board. --~ ["d!flhb-rfimut!fl More than an hour was spent over Monday night, May 23. It is the desire| the election with board members o ithe owners of the property that the | jockying back and forth in an effort to matter be expedited so that the work|put their favorites at best advantage. ean_be done early in the sumi®er. -- _ |with the preliminaries cleared away l mm-muhnncgumwmmmm '&e::«mmwm "m'".mw"u.mgn 'placing thei rwires underground on al | nfey oncs Soths COncidered as candid-- mm Some mebers of the| ~The result was as follows: f lal w':::-:-"u"" Dr. Karl Beck 19, Dr. Hugo Branyon "A'M_ t :MW ?"': 1:::.3.0.8&..&014&.12_'&1&-' p M o The gras | D# dectared elected in as much as he } Tor ""n irle A Illahl~am.mmoficra§d& Orchard street was passed, as recom--| *** --'This brought a charge from Sup mended by the board 0( 1008 wareore |ervisor William E. Bletsch, 'Highland ments. No. 160, providi0E| park, that Paddock was acting un-- Tos Easepiaie in Holcomb drive, WAS|raity in that the record showed that Ondinance No. 161. providing sor use | the o hish man wore to run o%, !ie 'um':vhm:rmmmmfimwmvfl"o"' tion A nril 19 was nassed and the clark | Agreement of the board. b T% W\ 94 EeP MeMEMRAMINE ® . " +/ 20 & + §p C > 0 Te Psn hn d o / dot i & \'.'Vi /A o Sevse f n uie um if foua puii ons m yrn Sn io. T n o oor W oo ndg' e in s heinth ® With. the annual luncheon Wednes-- ' , May 4 the year um?mfip ¥ille --Woman's Ciub, under the able d'-- n of Mrs. Frank Wailis drew to a Buccessful close. ~©~ The luncheon served by the ladi¢s t roie wor caiguua. _ n was ' --was most t was a very colo;ful affair, with myriads of odlt u'"fi?&"&'fim'hfih of the ! day: Mre., Reuse and Mrs.. Huson as chairmen, aided by Mrs. Cairns, Jr., Taylor.; Inuch served was very Appéetizing. At the close Mrs. Gridley, in behalf of the club, presented a sil-- Yer vase to the retiring president, as a token of appreciation. ~-- At the business meeting following, Mrs. Wallis and the various chairmen of the eyar gave reports of work ac-- complished.. Mrs. Wallis stated there were 21 now members and one rein-- to Chicago Monday afternoon to take in the $2,000 bowling tournament giv-- en by the Herald and Examiner. The sum of $18 was dollected in the Watson drug store and turneg over to Mrs. Orpha Harding, who is the Red Cross representative in Mundelein, to be used for the benefit of the Mississ-- ippi flood sufferers. hb . Mrs. R. D. Cook will hold the sum-- mer opening of her gift shop Wednes-- day, May 11. She will have a large as-- wortment of fancy work ofallkinds.: Herman Kublank® made a business when the patrolman drove alongside of his machine and ordered him to drive to the side of the road. He lost his look of boredom, however, when the patrolman raiszsed the door to the rear compartment of the ma chine and began lifting Live gallon ttn: o&deohol on:hot!t:: aperture. C at' the e Forest po-- Moe he:l.q&im showed that De-- Talma had 96 gallons of <grain alco-- hol in his possession. The fluid was contained in 19 five gallon cans and one one gallon tin. Arraigned before Judge Edwin Bur-- gess in Lake Forest police court this last Thursday, DeTaima on advice of 'his: attorney, James G. Welch plead 'gullty to the charge and waes fined $300 and costs. He paid his fine and de-- Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Charles Whit-- ney and son of Libertyville, left last i reoousin: where they win spend the . where they will spend the summer months. ~--Robert Aynsley, of Highland Park, Fas a Buflfi"%lor at the home of In spite of the rainy weather, the card party given by the P. T. A. last Thursday evening was well attended. Mrs. Fred Monroe And John Rouse were awarded first prizes, and Mrs. R. J. Lyons and Oscar Bell, second. _ -- Ben Prais and John Albrecht left Monday morning to drive to Lake Wau ' in, Wis.. They expect to do some Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eddy mgh}mle son aAnd Mrs. Wil Eddy were cago ~-- Mr. and Mts. Fred Heseman and family of Chicago, were guests at the Richard Horman home Saturday. ~*Robert Aynsley, of Highland Park, visitors 'Monday. Woman's Club Closes Successful Year's Work !'m Wallis welcomed the new pres ident to her office. Announcement was made of the Tag held under the auspices of the Wom-- an's Club. While riding along Waukegan road on his motorcycle Wednesday night of last week, Patrolman Walter Gans-- betg 'of the LAke Forest police de-- partment noticed that the rear of an Oakland coupe traveling in front of WARY COP STOPS RUM RUNNER:; HAD 96 GALS: OF ALKY Milwaukee Man is Placed Un-- der Arrest on Waukegan Rd. © Near Lake Forest. J. €. Dorfler and Dwight Doliph went Press and Publicity--Marion American Citizenship--Ella Ray. Public Welfare--Agnes Kessler. w e i * in WL P to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rus-- eansolation to Mr. and Mrs: NEWS FROM MUNDELEIN MILLIE WRENCH, Local Editor. Bociety of the Kirst church in Oak Park. were Miss Louise Wegener and~ Frank Wellworth Both of the mlolk-a:nnmnhm tyville, and have many friends, who unite in extending best wishes. They will live at present at the home of Mre. Peter Hansen,. a sister of the groom, in the east part of the village. 10 a m.; Ivanhoe at 11 a m. --_ _ _ Worship services: --First church at 10 --a. m.; Ivanhoe at 11 a. m. © _ Mother's day. " Wear a flower and go to church Sunday in honor of mother. mfdil musical l;l'ocnm in ece'gmot Chunches, and address on e Debt to Mother." Evening servies at 7:30. Music by Kinds of Mothers." ---- ° * Thursday at 7:30 p. m., junior choir Friday . u'ta 'p."m., Ivanh:'oudcholr practice; _ :30 p. m, elein boys: at 8 p. m., Ivanhoe boys. "The attendance contest at Ivanhoe Bunday school begins Sunday.. Watch Owh:t&tuuyt::temoon,u St. Jos-- rectory, marriage of Miss * Saturday at 10:80 a,. m., Explorers; at 2:30 p. m., Juniors:; at 7:30 p. m., T'PLmOUTKm PARISH (Ivanhoe Church and First Church of clent men. A Brmo'-retimnenttromthenuhg squad does not come as a surprise as lthuboenknonth&thehubou actively for assistant chiéf since EStried announced that he would ré-- "In ten years that we have worked together there was only qne time when we disagreed and that was only a minor matter. He had intuition, in telligence beyond a degree and was diplomatic. lnTl:o went into the busi-- nees field pes of increasing his earning. capacity," the chief said. Lieut. Ben Fisher is to keep his same ranking on the police. depart-- ment as are Patrolmen Elmer Deeder and William Lattisiaw. for 12 years the head of the Zion po-- lice and fire department, last Monday night was renamed as chief by the proved by Mayor MHarwood.:© ---- _ Constable Conrad A. Brane, for five years head of States Attorney A. V. ed assistant chief of police to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Assistant Chief George Stried who stepped out of office Friday to enter into the automobile selling business in North Chicago. ; Harl Casperson, fireman, is to be-- come assistant fire marshal and C. A. Redmond a.lieutenant on the de-- Casperson and T. R. Becker, the chief, are to be employed. ad Retires to o o sodien in C. Arthur Jevne,--Minister. _ John Wermescher, Social Director : Mother and daughter banquet com TION CHIEF AND ~ RRUNE ASSISTANT ANT THE Besy Towh i The : somehou 1 sugr keer ou | "THINKING NT 15, 3UST THE ---- .. SAME, BECAVSE N likE it so J ®F. C. Shaddle and Mr. and : -- First Church at "eare * i/. 4 * es x Assistant Chief Gartand was locat ed and on his motorcycle he soon caught up to the Mexican who sub mitted to arrest without a. struggle. The. man 'was identified by Wt -- gan pollice as the same b 10 was arrested in Waukegan last tal and fined $150 on a charge of disorder-- l'yau.q-et. At that time he attempt A.,h l.tb: a woman in Waukegan. y 'Am't & M 1 > i ooo e ' : " $5 e .;;.; iving --pursuit on a motorcycle A tChhtotPolleoAlhdl..a Libertyville, Saturday night captured Peter Bacedme, 27, after two women had been accosted by the man who police termed a moron. , Bacedme, with little ceremony, was fined $200 and costs by Justice Harry Bartlett and diepatched to the county were more than 25 new caces filed but the number is not in e of those _ -- tiled last year at this 2 + s Most of the divorce bills are from . Waukegan and North Chicago the M"'g populous: centers of the county. _ l Libertyville authorities are t ask States Attorney A. V. Smith to assist them in deporting the man, who is not a citizen. Hecht-:'=~ lived in Libertyville for the yeat and a half working at the American Wire Mill. : e The special committee to draw uP amendments feiled to get their matter before the board that um-g rcttowt.lrfluteautu C Board adjourned while the com-- mvu still in session with the 6 ers and landowners. Opposers of the county zoning law Insist it is illegal and base their com tention upon the fact that Jndge G. C. Edwards so ruled when hearing the same type of case that knocked out the szone law in Winneébago county last Aseurance that :uit will be against the county to break the ' laws for the purpose of gaining the end of subdividets was made to ers of the board Saturday by for subdividere who are incensed at the failure of the wupervisors to AC upon amendments to the existing lawe at Friday's meeting. * o the threat to sue as they take e 4 stand that the cubdividerse are -- /# satisfied with zsoning and will be Pss portunity in June to accept the amen#g ments that will bring them relief. _' The subdividers claim Mw wait until June end take the ';'a;i it is said, that they have waited too _ long-- for promises to mature into . actualities. ~ . S se 3 Tlubmerutfightmo(t.ho ng -- lake instead of designated street, no demand to connect their roads straight divorces, five ~for c maintence and three ror «* The possibility of a good number of these casee being heard thig 3 Judge Rdaward ShurtieX doing what they can to clear up . the congested docket. ~N¥oe Natura:ly there are about 15 ol cases that will mever come tria in that the couples since «tor -- a divorce, had settled their differences . and --gone back 1 Whflohedonledhathomy indecent approaches, the women, who identified him, stated that he grabbed for both of them and only fled whes they--rughed for their homes. His @%:e was unusual. The hus bands O women first gave chase following the man'aws ne ran through the streets. Then one of them com tinued in the pursuit while the see ond wen for police ald. * are acking: for private r0M ; :'n'ahmwm court. Most of them are asgking for a complete separation in the way of a divorce, other are asking an ar nulment while still cthers wish for sepgrate maintenance. & *gxy Of the 98 euits pending 91 are for MORON CAPTURED -- IN LIBERTYVHLE ; AFTER LONG CHAS long Ninety--eight couples, all suffering from marital woes, are listed on the special May docket ror the Circult SUIT TO WRECK _ _ ~ LAWIS 98 COUPLESON . _ DOCKETS ASKING _ DIVORCES IN MAY Subdividers, Indignant at Fall« _ ure of Relief From Board, _ Find 91 Wantiau Actual Di-- vorce, 5 For Maintenance, -- and 3 For Anm&s. it _ Are Ready to Sue. back living together.. _ the la:t'. weeks there $1.50 A ittee to draw uP ) get thob-*" it waited cefi | while the -' session with the _ owners. S ounty zoning law 6 a base their com -- ct that Jndge G. g whan hanrine ¥hae : / ; 'hh for 91 are w"_ ' separate . rrucame -- i8 l-t-s i m. MAE =>. :

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