_ MAWMAN ALLOWED _0 ANEW REARNG ko Judge C.C. Edwards Tuesday allow-- f ed BSupervisor Edward Mawman, Lake t '.ul:'trhl.thennhvuel * brokerage fee and was allowed $1,200 + _ By'a jury in the cireaurt court. Attor-- 2 mey Geotge W. Field reprosents In-- : man and Attorney Max Przyborski is x° counsel for Mawman. Mawman con-- --_«~-- to handle his $50,000 land deal at Lake 'Reingera'tlon_) . i_. turns on the cold--without attention > -- ~~ Revolving Beacon Lights to be | e Jon s afooos Sn' n es m The beacons are to be installed at Frankville, Wis.. on the emergency tield of Somers, on the Greenbay road just south of the Wisconsin line, couth of Kenosha, on the Greembay road near North Chicago, on the Desplaines river, two miles south of Wheeling and on the Desplaines river ten miles morth of Maywood. -- -- eriy.»Now a flier may keep on after dark, for stretching ahead of him is the chain of beacons, at least one a}-- ways in sight aghead and one behind, and he knows that within a reasonable distance is an emergency landing The beacons are to be erected be tween Milwaukee and Chicago soon. 'The eurveying has been done and the deal for the lights has gone through. The sites have been teased and ar rangeements have been made for near-- by residents to take care of them. The beacons are to be of a new re-- volring type, »nd will be controlled by an automatic device which will tara on the light whenever the sunlight fades below a certain intensity and turn it of when ever tne daylight in-- One emergency landing field will be near Somers, Wis.. which is about haltway between Racine and Kenosha Lieut. Creighton said there are several commercial landing fields --near the line of flight which can be used in an lighted, with small beacouns ten miles apart between them, makes transcon-- tinental flying much safer than form-- [ P G rereming snn cillep >\ qurtririe that Waukegan is to be t«'::'of t:: great coast to coast lighted airway, a branch of m,hn been laid out between and Chicago Announcement to this'effect has been made by Lieut B.H. Creighton, sup +de ansouncement that> a beacon light 4s to be established on Greenbay 5.% was not a licensed .. _ Any of our attractive electric the easy "Little by Little" W ay. Come in today and let us show you the wmddazu&g- s wholesome, help you make tempting frozen desserts, and provide plenty of be attached to any light socket, and electricity "turns on the cold" exactly AY Mrs. Robert Gisslebracht at Wheeling QMMI ; Nrs. w.mz'um'mai noon in Hranston. . -- Guests at--the A.J. Johnson home and Miss Louise Huhn visited Mr. and Mr. and Mre. George Ott of Second tmm-mum __Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Russo drove to Andrew Peterson and Arnold Carl son epent the week end with relatives at Gardner.-- 'They were in a wreck en route, and Mr. Carlson received in Juries which will lay him up for some ' lr.ndln.l'.,w.lt-nwmh Ch'cago Wednesday ~for dinner and the-- theatre. : h Thursday and Friday as house guests of Mr. and Mro. Harry Boyington at . Miss Eleanor Meyer and Harry Nor-- rmgtm,vonmlr.nd Mrs. Fred Protine in Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Meyer visited the Orman Rickenbach family in Lake Burich Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.Glenn Bolin of North Chicago were guests at the Ira Gard-- 'The Presbyterian church sent $50 to the flood relief fund, the result of last w:mahc. A. Montavon, John Vetter, Theo. J. Knaak, John Willman, Fred Meyer, Ed Belig and Harold Vant attended a big meetines of the Shrine in Chicazgo ¥Fri-- day. 'The same group of men attendéed Mrs. Ray Dobbins and little daugh-- ter Pauatricia Aunn, returned home Tues-- day from Highland Park hospital. -- Little Frank: Russo, Jr., is ill with stories and personal experiences. ---- EBchools by giving home instruction and that parents should endeavor to t E&s piime '&zfi-mm -nd y «hiA revhe '.-n':- 5ols and Mrs. at--a dinnuer last week, at WP .'W'l" ,', _4'5'4-,"'-&3:» hu and | of Audsatin. 4. Little Jean . fifth birthday anniversary--by a party Tuesday <afternoon.. 'Twelve =guests as a memento oceasion. -- _ > ed his fifth birthday. 'Tweive of h's little friends were there. 'They played n'lln':rhlan»m.' t the Bungalow church met Tuesday aft-- ernoon. .Im.l. Merner, A. KFrants and. Stanger had charge of the lesson; Mrs. A. Johnson led the devotionals < and Mesdames Harry Frost, R. Merner and H. Savage were hostesses and served refreshments. > _ Mrs, Ruth Frase, who underwent an operation at Highland --Park hospital last week, is improving nicely, and will soon be at bhome again. . -- Mr. and Mre. Lester Behrens and daughter, Mary, weer dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester WoK Sunday. BShe entertained at the home of her --. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Andreson and Mr. and Mre. Jease Strong were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stadier at an enter-- and son, Mr.--and Mrs. Edwin Kooblin anid Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ott attended ':':namunm guests of Dr. Du Bois and wife <in The Just Sew Club will meet with In.mmgl:uAvm. MWI&W& ternity in C > Saturday evening. been good neighbors and true friends to their associates. --The good wizhes "m%flvhw»u- ed relatives from--Chicago over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Carr and Mr. and Mra. --Harry Olendort <motoged to Chi-- ' gnetberg and a Mr. erg, all of Austin. bm' £ t oale . s and mcmn.lr.upmwr having spen ttwo months in ~Pusb! Colo. Hmomfihmnrya' with pneumonia,.~while "away, is well "te Mrs. Margaret ~Kress «~Hessler of Mr. for . C3 P oited remtives mt Ariington Heights ed relatives at Arlington Heights last Sunday. --~Mr. and Mrs. Raymond--Meyer were guests at a party at the home of Mr. ESchulze, at DesPlajnes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ¥F'ry announce the birth of a gon on Saturday, April 28, at the Josephine Woodman Ma-- ternity home. « Mr. and Mrse.-- Emil ~Giss, George Rockenbach and Miss Viola Rocken-- [ Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Hutchinson were guests of Irving Park on Sunday. ut kagers Park, mzu 4 on . Mr. and Mrs. Hessier, who occupled the Freese flat, have moved to Mil= ~ The Dorcas Society of the Presby-- wl the sharch, In ARtrimday. "*_** was cess. Mrs, Chester 'Wessling direct-- ed it and the large audiente enjoyed iulu. Clavey will entertain rm:::mmymi Dr. Ray of Highland Park. i socips br. Melcai's aines during Hampshire, was the guest of Mrs. B. ["mmw.t il, . WBV .. dUB. 12.. J,. . AACECuS sR * daughter,-- Kloise, 'of <Chicago were Tuny houn on Ariige Wednenday, Lu-u of Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Reichelt, ooo f "* the sountry, near Wihnot ) afeuBn yobrend of Highinnd Park $ fns was hostess at luncheon -- and cards , O vC. Johnston' Davis was out '0f |Thursday on the occasion of her birth town several days this week. B'N'dn. Those. from Deerfleld attending turned home Wednesday. f '|m-me.1m.mm Rev. Mr. Bias of Chicago, 'Juhrend, Mrs. Minnic Juhrend, Mrs. F. elder of this district, had of Jaoobs, Jr., Mrs. F. Jacobs, Sr. and the tommunion service at the Bunga--'Mrs. Lena Johnson. --__ 20e B K Wwitoces wil 1e4»4 po4 | _ The leachers of St. Paul's church .. Mys. E. K. will leave Fri--'school met with Miss Arline Rouggan day for her home in Nashville, Ind.{Tuesday evening. + mmmmm' her| 'The parce! post party at the RN.A. | er, Mrs. F. W. Russo. meeting 'Thursday evening was a big Miss Lulu ,Pmdml!. succtess, in spite of the inclement wea-- the week end her sister, . Mrs.{ ther. Initiation ceremonies preceded Floyd Stanger. -- ; the party and were nicely put on by .: Mrs. E. A. Wood was hostess 'to the officers. Refreshments were serv-- luncheon bridge club 'Tuesday. --__ |ed at teh close of the festivities. *--<. . -- He Annual Money: > _.| _ He ans s Tobn Wiimen were o B p N olacn C se L000 y Co _ 7. ruummam«npn Lauer: » to 'go after 'dance k ad | ; Christ Willman and family spent. . Rilwth ughthe county was |Bunday at Lake Griswold. 1 . by the -- rd_ot _ &'. ¥Frost spent last week at" George McCullough, warres tow tended the store during his absence .. Cs d M noe. thet saiy four nad pud meis feo lnst -lmloborzn.otm:&um.h* fifi'uwg#%mw Pighiand Path Women's on oidht y s oman' s tee, of which he is the head should 'l'ltl;'fl.A.dWh:elfiuun&{x do. He was told that every dance hall'inyitation dance at Union Hall Wed afiru@:'ofiauflh ; lfl';mmm A number from here g%m:sd to enforce |-- p'.d"udj;fin-p"mgm assist-- The hoard roted a $85 (4x a Year lthe high school £. L. A. Thursday alt. on OOE and corporate villages.' The| The juntor choir of Deerflcld Evan: The .board voted a $25 tax a year ago on all places of this type outside of gities and corporate villages.: The licensing dates from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. In the past year it was up to the mimmwm'ufl comply the -- law. This Bame course will --be followed this year in that every dande hall and roadhouse '-m'mhumwmm mmhmmm «--If however th@re is a fallure to do Mr. and Mrs. George Pettis and Mr. + 3 _ ce ~ / .~~ * ~]~ Mriand Mrs. Ray Reeds entertai a $ N mt mm e cA n AjMr .and Mrs. Charles Reynolds, Wi %m AUIhOT® | utchison. Mrs. Jplia Parterson vad izes Committee to go After |Ms. Frank Buicuoon or wal ied _comes in full tones of color, nut, mahogany, light oak and No messing up the house, when you paint with Duco!-- for Duco is sb easily brushed 'can put everything back in place--=right after painting it! Let us give you a free color Duco is positively _ _ a delight to use! -- ' in hopor of Mrs. Bert one on religious questions. * nal of Religious Education is a fine Companion, Child Life and Boys Life are magazines which our young people may take out. The International Jour-- Homes and Gardens, House and Gar-- den. For teh person who likes serious and constructive reading, we can offer Beribner's, Harpers' Atlantic Monthly, National Geographic. These are filled with excellent articles which serve as a stimulant to the reader. Te American is .a magazine which anyone may read and enjoy. Youths d " o e a--muum"wchCl(nh:hmm' wrote to the North Shore ' -- f pected. j 4 j hwfl-fiaahflw ork to Chicago thence to Milwaukee via the North Shore Line. 4\ mtiasinte "I was . impressed &cmh@emmfldne,"dnm' "'l'lnliglnnlbv' 3 PUBLIC LIBRA&RY NOTES + m'n.u,fim-dmnmn{qnufinumdhmmm dining f . _ Bvery magazine received at the pub--| _ There, although my che m.--d-yuphpmta received the utmost attention and courtesy. g lic library may be circulated, even the hnnvfidmmubagim-_dwuu railroad showing such consideration surrent -.fl:':.fl:v'fld they fll; lflfi.*bmwlyflmhmmumbe men, to so influence these others."_ ested in home economics the Woman's » ; >3 ported critically il! at the Elgin hos-- pital.: She underwent an operation at the hospital last week and has not re-- covered 'from it. € 1.' _-- Christ Riber of Wright, I!L, has been awarded the curbing contract on the Deerfield pavring job. Deerfleld Chapter O. E. 8. will en-- Tauron, on Saturday. May. 14 A ban-- Matron, on , May 14. A ban-- quet will be served-- preceding the cer-- emonies. -- One hundred guests are ex-- Miss Madeline Heap, Mrs. Edgar Mans-- _-- MIB. W,. 3. Carr--entertained at two tables of bridge Wednesday, in com-- pliment to Mrs. Chas. Coffin, of New --~ Who young n':'cunot&hi;' men'e cla i s church met at the home of Mrs. Lena Johnson Thursday evening, for a social (Continued on Page 7) -- m _ . n lt s ids ns uie ttet > *t en s# s lA . N/A ACALL fk. . hi' _ fs s e U P nnes l in A * 3 4 e n .c m C . ' Wr oi F9 um = ug > s a '. * & ¥a _: . commi 2P ¢ t s # f + * h Tt Bige ce N5 uies i3 ME wy NCn wat vie y __| _ -- .@3, 14 stations in Chic +Side». -- . . For schedules, READ THE WANT ADS IN THE INDEPENDENT ie feceneel oditne t etnsin State Chapter of War * to Milmmakes or Chicies md al *# Clean, comfortable, courteous + 3 _ Kohout Flower Growers We Deliver their dainty perfume--their fragile maz-- nifjcence make them the ideal remem-- brance for Mother, In them she can read the esteem and love you hold for her-- she'll appreciate that you have not for-- gotten her many sacrifices for you. Send Flowers -- To Your Mother' 5e €y Our entire shop is given ' occasion to a fragrant u'sub::u +# «# §§ ;":'wfl".m 5' d Phone 174--J terminal at Sixth and Sycamore, in the heart of the city, convenient en in tiher n oang in the convenience of North Shore Line #Azt $