CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1927, p. 4

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e maiks A>ex> _ is a joy forever. A liyable home where every piece of furniture _ has been chosen, --not therely pmhnfih : _ That is what Peck and $ill's plan -- throtigh this store does for you. _ Just let us give you a gigned card of introduction (no obligation ' on your part): and you will be admitted to the great Peck & Hill's _ wholesale house, where you will find a vast array of home furnish-- _ ings ready for your home. ' _ Select what you waht and it will be forwarded promptly to your Furniture Buying %The entire transaction "# handled through your local dealer with _ whom you can make arrangement for payment. . 3: tAind in many cases the price will be less than'you would pay ordi-- : ggnarily, as the dealer pays no overhead on the pieces you select -- _ from Peck and Hills. _ 8 r ppeors _ Company, ,i rters are in Pittsbargh Cally for the huge battery of coke B at a total cost of about a m' t «dc The Koppers Company reeognized as the bigzest builders --goke ovens in the United States i was plieked by Mr. Baehr and his Quality of Our Foods and. 8e the Best ¥ ? _ Try Our Famous 50c Dh _ r on Week Days The Peck & Hills > ~contract for the con-- | dafrth ction of thirty--one coke ovens whigh aw plant which William H. " tu Rssoc are to. build on w ~ ront morth~ of the Wa ,m by far the most: im it"| dollars. of news of the wesek and show: | <jag~~ Retivity on the lake shore wili e be very apparent, and that from l% on every possible step for rushing | ~~ S$T this enormous plant will be N minor coutracts have also ~let, including the grading 'and ig. Work actually is under mow installing a switch track other grading will be < :lnmtmyxrn yithin "a y3. @fl.m must be fin-- d b the actual construction of evens can begin, and according to ites as the concern best equip teor task, which is one of the of its kind let in the United " To The home that combines beauty and comfort within your Will be under operation by July To Operate in July 28. irding to Mr. Bachr it will take fifteen months to build a plant t size and his hope is that the hc»ma actors Given 15 iths in Which to Get Big Ovens Operating. -- : + * _ Fine Dinner ou_Maher'.D:,i;;dayMays Bring her to the Virgihia Cafe and with her enjoy one of the Spéeciat Chicken Din-- Treat Mother to a some Boston, New York, Philadelphia ° _ Boston M mm e ; M| Mm + CARD OF INTRODU Clm PRECK & HIILS FURNTFU:! 1363 Wabash Ave., Chicago To Here Is the Card That SAVES You Money -- 603 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVE. \-- _ This is .to extend -- * K RS. J O HN D O E i the --of inspecting your exhibition $# tbhat"It wa 8 d the very datrthe . F ~announced, a fact ? F :illor the stability o I this --new institution . w «'bventually, it bas been stated nd up to about fifteen imillion P>°C o on Thae 'w.\,'de:'? ipt t n Prwg . .'* th Koppers --Com hy Will probably | _ --~*"~__*~~" To Fence in Site ----Tt is reported that a contract for , ~Lbas also been closed or is | ,be closed, the plan being to fellee in all of the thir'y acres which | Lijf y se the cite of the new company F § umpealled that sometime ago a € two. dollar bond issue for this | was offered for sale and that t jover--subscribed the very |-- Ir mmmwzwm building, dealing the opening of .nlmomglmctflm to the white man, wili© be t event which will appear at the rlum theatre tonight, May 5th. "3 Bad Men" will stagzger by the im mensity of its theme and the grandeur of its production,. Over 15,000 people appear in some of the scenes, depict-- ln,thomtohmm of '*the Dakotas. The horses,. Oken, "} Bad Men," an. inspired -- screen ltlntmofunnutmg_flcur- lods in the history of American empire ng, Gealing with the opening of -- millions of acres of© Indian to the white man, wili© be the £ event which will appear at the dogs, cattle, prairie wagons and other vehicles, including bi¢ycles,. surreys, wheelbarrows, hand wagons and the prairia schooners, run into the thous-- ands. The huge sets reach proportions where mere figures become meaning-- less. The cast includes the notable J. mm in tho::sd't: w_&m'. who: will win the & trio. q.upot'gnudounm play 'the p'oneer lovers, supported by such well known character actors as legen and Jay Hunt. 1 E THRONGS IN FOX FILM %Y IN RACE FOR LAND w1 -- &« soes RAY FURNITURE & PAINT YTORE LIBERTYVILLE 3)) ALL SEATS 50c He pleaded guilty to the charge b> fore Judge Edward Shurleff although States Attorney A. V. Smith was pre-- pared to go ahead on the prosecution He had not known that Smith; who bad pleaded not guilty when arraigned would take this course. a C The actual complaint was made by the First National banx at Liberty-- ville although Smith had forged checke in the name of Louis Mills, wealthy Diamond Lake farmer, who had .employed the youth at one time. Irving Smith, Libertyyille farm' hand who has been in the county jaii; for the past 3~months, Friday. was sentenced to serve from one to four-- teen years in the state penitentiary at Joliet on~a charge of ftorgery. various Libertyvyille merchants includ-- ing Thomas Cole and J. B. Morse, de For being thoughtful drivers during the past twelve months, John J. Mires-- ki, R. F. D: No. 2, Barrington, and Wm. %:nouthe first in this community 100% Driver's Liub, a subsidiacy of the ver's & on e eie s Lt oiniit o the ters in Seattle, Wash. Through mem-- bership in this club, the motorist is entitled to 'display the Good Conduct Emblem of the Association on his car. T"" 100%, Driver's Club is unique in lthttthemmnommfiuor dues, and admission can only be ob tained by those who have not been ar-- rested fo rserious traffic violation for twelve months before making applica-- tion. The club is financed by members of the association who are convinced that traffie safety can only be obtain-- W. Field. DIUNI{:!'M _ Smith entered these stores and made purchases and then gigen Mill's »checks in payment, taking the bat ance of the change. Checks had been. made out for $12 in most instances. He was represented by Attorney Geo. AWARDED MEMBERSHIP IN "NEV ERBEEN--PINCHEDCLVB" A Prairle wolf and five .cubs were found and killed Sunday -- by James McLaughlin, Prairle View, near"® the Waterford farm. . McLaughlin, © who killed a wolf a year ago, disscovered the mother shoving her head out of a hole in which she had made a den. Ho plugzed the hol@ and went home for tools.. After short digging the wolf was chased out and McLaughlin shot her. He heard the cubs whim-- per and dug deeper and got them. There have been:--a number of wolves killed of seen through the county in the last two years. leuiing wWOLF AND FIVE: Libertyyille Farm Hand Who Forged Checks on Merchants #--3m _ 1 TO U YEARS ks bétween the motor-- CLASSIFIED ADS will impress you with their importance. Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. . |_ 'The. W. M. 8. meets at the parson-- Bunday School at 9:45, daylight say--|age Tuesday, May 10, at 2 o'clock; old M'h&» J time, . --Note 'the change to 2 o'clock. | worship at 11, daylight savy-- Mrs. R. C. Kirkpatrick will speak in ing time, -- There--will be , e |the--interests of the W. H. M.--S; = BHne all your mothers out to the e | . ap LawRRENCES EPISCOPAL ~-- There will be a congregational meet-- Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor ing at the close o {the morning service| :: The services on Sunday, May 8 (the May 15 to confirm"the action of the|Third Sunday after Easter) are: Trustees in the sale of the: is Holy Communion at 8 a. m. _ Young people's 'g',q.l,_._, Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:45. John and Grace Harms. Conv: All services and meetings are on trom the home dallu m.:l;%:'ta-m saving time. ; Topic, Ideal Home Life." e« lm%mmmn .. _ Rev. EKimer C. the home of s MHdred Ray at 7| SBunday School at 9:30 a. m. _ o'cleck, daylight saving time. * Sunday School at 10 a. m. _ 3. itarkinat e $ 'English service at 11 a. m. Since RPISCOPAL '| this is Mother's Day, there will be an Rev. Pastor appropriate sermon,--and music. --A col-- ~"The Church of Good Will" '| lection will also be. raised for the re-- AIM _mmbhw;wuww,.muu at 11 o'cleck, old time. This is Please take note of the change in er's Day, and it will be observed with'time. All our services and meetings a suitable program, and gifts of flow:|begin onehalf hour earlier than be-- A;n.oi%ii'do&';nr f other's, gervice held at 11 o'cleck, old time. 'l\h:'lotb er's Day, and it will be observed with a suitable program, and gifts of flow: Than Fiowers"--will be the subject.-- *Bins of the Churchesa" 4s the eve # ChHDs CX Oy hn cteliiis contrfiiihctvrbects d c aath vindiichd a1. We CuaUBC gmuag?'aocmg 'to ne wtime now, 'we cannothave our : School 180 a. m, -- ~ ] quartette. a *4 ' Third Ficor First National Bank Bidg. | mmcrchnrchurvic'omoeuu; : Bervices at 10:45 a. m.-- hok 'v: 0 'the church 'school! at 9.45, Testimonial service each Wednesday the junior league and Epworth League evening at 8 o'eloc.. > . at six, old time. : | Bubject for Sunday, May 8, "Adam, The District Rally of the Epworth and Fallen Man." \League will be held at the Hemenway m ~. ) ahurch, Evanston, Saturday, May 7, at FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4 o'clock, new time. > Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. : |_ The. W. M. 8. meets at the parson-- Sunday School at 9:45, daylight say--|age Tuesday, May 10, at 2 o'clock,: old lnitho.' \time, . Note the change to 2 p'clock. worship at 11, daylight say--| Mrs. R. C. Kirkpatrick will speak in ing time, There will be appropriate the--interests of the W. H. M. S; =«< Waukegan police Saturday night, one for shotguns and the other for tear street, had successfully held at bay at the point of a shot gun two officers who had been sent to arrest Johnson succeeded in making bhis: escape at the time, although every available officer on the night police foree was sent out to capturé him. At noon today Captain Thomas Kan-- nedy went to Hili -muudn' rested Johnson on a state warrant proprietor of a 'resort at 601 deadly weapon. His case was con-- tinued to May 11 and bail was fixed Virgil Johnson Escaped Cap-- ~ OFFICERS AT BAY WITH A SHOTGUN ulxolnmm Ml::tl:fl,l-n. HSecond at 8 a. m. Third Mass at 9 a. m. Fourth Mass at 10 a. m. Reserved Seats on sale at Decker and Nev-- ----dlle's or Lovell's on or After May 2. ' wa N' Friday, May 6, 1927 7:30 P. M. (Standard Time) 4s awaken in this magic word ------ m LB(+< MOTHER! B 'g{!\ Remember your Mother with a ""a A\ M Mw = \REL * DJ prepared for this lllpflnj. j '::"l?:' day fil'&'lll. kfl' please her. & ¥ ~ M--DONALD'S are o P it wik ks ce¥ ie NK uind i o awirin 2. 9L s w a wX -- N 5: im o T oein Sm iihs dia se on ce ioi dn ce norise #s. eamakly rronk t 2. l t s ND acfen® ic ,",fl"*'sr ioi mt onl n PP se %th@?' f eaving time. For central stand time, subtract one hour. 4 \ : The services on Sunday, May 8 (the Third Sunday after Easter) are: Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:45. + Church School at 9.45 a. m. i?g;fl'mm- :30 to 7. . For alittle while, the morning serv-- we, shall make whatever c we can-- make in the interests o fall and for the best service.© If we change to ne --wtime now, we cannothave our THIEVES IN STOL-- EN AUTO ESCAPE AFTER ACCIDENT oft last week stole a Willys Knight fiatmou.l.maun , who chad parked the machine in Sheridan road near Grand avenue, Waukegan, and who 'apparently had been using the machine' ever since, partly wrecked it Saturday night and then-- made their escape. The police however are working on a clue they believe may result in the arrest of the guilty parties. The first clue with regard to the stolen car was received by the Wau-- kmpfla Saturday night at 9:30 0' when they got a ~call from Russell Groat of 903 Prescott street. Groat reported that two young men were driving a Willys Kaight sedan about the south side. He said he had Police Recover Car Stolen Last w.euffim Clue to the g Tewely und tailt Shop Nonth Milwaukee Ave. x L OM Thieves who on Wednesday night at T--o'dock,; old time.| L others. 1 once saw a talking horse at the circus, and 'fathér says there were spelling bees when he was young The only bees I have met se far »~~ e stinging kind."~: ber on the Willys Knight ed with that on the car stolen god- 404 McKinley avenue and two young ladies. They were dlitken up but not Investigation Captain : Thomas Booth showed fi:'t'thollauom xCr 14( e We cordially invite you to visit cur store, thoroughly in-- spect the new and zcreater Uni-- versal In--A--Drawer Froiler Gas Range and--iet us help you an-- swer this question and explain how you may win one of these new asd finer Universal Ranges. The Universal In--A--Drawer Broi's> G-.s:;n.";l'e(:ontutdom May 31st answers must be submitted. to Cribben and ing of June firs! * UNIVERSAL IN--A--DRAWER BROILER_/ Cribbenand Sexton Company will give six $135.00 Universal Ranges to the six individuals in Parcel Post ZoneSeven (which we could advance, however, both we and the manufacturers are mainly interested in what women who have seen and in-- submit the best answers to this "Why is the Universal In--A--Drawer Broiler Range the most serviceable and convenient Gas Range?" _ .. _ HARDWARE, PAINTS and STOVES niversal Range have to say. -- _ Sale and Manufacturers Contest _ There are innumerable reasons » could advance, however. Now is the time to get started thriftily preparing for the tim whenyonwflhfl{;h&'w.lotmnndm:n take : comfortab'e look at the fut Let me suggest some suitable location for you, or probably you preféer a home already ibuilt. : -- Store building with flat above; income property, Jocated in Libertyvilie; ; accept income property for part payment. . * 2 brand new 5 room brick completely decorated.© Price $10,500; ance like rent. Ogflm_m balancs mortgage. LOTS OF SATISFACTION®! Beautifiul 6 room Dutch Colonial,; modern--and new tnsts. Gall At Our Store For Particulars at Your AL-- ESTATE i 3 Te '&au'm.x "*"* $44.7 53 Pai *A¥ age: * ¥ho aokacth _ He declined to take the stand and no defense was made to the charge. He was represented by Attorney Lust TO GRAND JURY TN MILK CASES Ask Mé Property Questions {SKX"#Z>FREE!L | ms range will both delight and surprise you, and furthermare, it is priced at a figure which establishes it as one of the most remarkable gas range values ever offered the people of any on;hhwmmg&& Kaywfich':..:: m-umm One of the outstanding Universal Creations is model 401--1, equipped with the Universal gas range, a convenient and usable broiler. At a mere touch of a finger the entire broil-- ing compartment slides out the full length of the broiler pan and is as easy and convenient to use as the gas range cooking top. One of the most important aspects of the Universal In--A--Drawer Broiler and of pri-- mary interest 'to the housewife isutmhn:di:: overcoming objectionable feature of i« nary type of broiler it literally -- opens a new field of cookery, /{ . "*Broiled Foods." The Universal In--A--Drawer Broiler oper-- ates with the ease and simplicity of a filing cabinet. 'It is the most practical broiling compartment ever built in a range and offers, for the first time since the inception of the 'jpall:imimnwr' :ndyu_-m In. Price only $11,500. His-- wife, Marie, had been taken with him originally but this case was dismissed by the justice. In the first place he was arrested on one wartrant but the milk producers highly indignant, all came before the justice and signed complaRMats. INDEPENDENT Classified ads get the results you are looking for. field, of Rankin and Lustfield, Cmeago Attorney Harold Hansen prosecuted for the state. The farmers charged that they had entered into an agree-- ment with Treck to broker their milk. He was to collect it, place it in the Chicago markets, and then pay them. For the past month, they charged, he failed to make any payments. In all they claim to be out about $3,500. is oes ; cash $1500, Bai-- e Will P x# C

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