$3 hev oo " oi se e ?'g""'? uin uc o en e : most important péint in the sur ,m._"im%_hm question of whether the whole volcan-- -- 3e cone is rising or %m only be determined by additional ac-- c fan rfare sht Sitl pveotucity recain i. _ .~<._ -- gablts 1,000,000 snares>" s e Om se 00-- ) 2 % _ wl . Gert Pepricrkt " C ve @t Pm A & + x C * herz 4 s x k e -- * 2 V 305 7 j a & 4 .. t + ® *, re a *94 R € _ SaAd e ~ aitis . xBb ues i o Pn " s 3c Beeh on 4+ Ne d m_'gmmwflun- going to be crowned at West-- M*cmmto \wars. At such times the houses. would be hung with silks and brightly col-- red cloths, in the open spaces would streets, headed by the mayor--and al UGermen and attended by torch--bearers, each with a straw hat bearing the badgo of his company or~ward ; arch-- dancers ; bonfires blazed in the sgreets. 'and the hopses were gay with gar--. «_ The cloger we look at medieval Eng-- Jand;the more 'wo shall yeet inclined joyous. ~begin with, th¢..country with stathed 'glass and painted walls; the dresses of the woealthy,--men>as {tion, on which were fair women in 'benutiful dresses, representing virtues, 'nclences or other allegorical_ Agures, who would recite Latin rerses for the | The United States coast and geodet: ie survey : of ~the.. Commerce® depart-- Jogical _survey : to: determine, by . the act elevation of. Mauna. Loa, in Ha-- wail, reputed to be the highest active volcano in the world. mnh-mh- been given as 18,675 feet, but this. fig-- Mofmann was --billed --as the: Jnfank y.* will find it rather dificalt reallze that the then youthful plan-- Sst Is today celebrating his fAftieth | birthday anntversary... Yet it was on this daté in 1877 that Hofmann frst jkaw the--light, in the city of Cracow. (His father was a musician and com-- poser of some nots and it was from that -wu".h attracted the. fa attention of the: great Rubenstein.> At ten ho made his first 'visit to the United: States,. Wut was compelled to abandon his--concert tour because 'of interference by the 7 arme." "At's lste ago Hotwans re-- turned to America, and has been In the king's prozvession would ride his nobles,;gorgeous in silk and vel-- vet, their ~very chorses covered--with troduce a sptash of ted or other bright tolor in--thelr hoods or. kerchiefs. '-- And the country was full--of song and hlues, they usoally managed to in-- +. The Gesh of domesttchted animals® mlaughtered by 'a butcher, as distin-- Thoagh such a pageant as a corona-- ton occurred <but rarely; there < was every yeat the excitement of ' "the matrtching --watch" on the night of M'4 suimmer.eve, when the constables and purse and said there was no Rope.' "Another amusing misprint occurred in the Anantial column of a morning 'and '.&':au- * !fio*flbmugzfi. Lure may have to be revised somewhat, -- _ Infant Prodigy Is Fifty ) Amerlcan musie lovers who cal'turn their memories to the time when Joset dred" éitizens, al}l wearing the same heard in 'cittes: throughout the <oun-- '~'George Doran; the New York pub-- lisher, was taiking about misprints. »'1";&*'{%&,"@' ..4.', ' 'i.s. caurse the one where placed over ; tha obituary: column by mistake; and a long--list of obltuaries will .u-;c V olcano "Butcher's Meat" Titfe in the Middle Ages," by aawed by Governor Pownail,. when it was-- iw 1750, 'in: honor of Lord who: in .that year had-- taken 'Tic from the French, and later Berved as commandet in chief of--the armies--in America and a#. w--d Virginia. He did not ap "_iP . ----\Amd i tame to pass after th desth of Abriham, _ _ __~ And the boys gre "and Esmm wis 'a cunning °_ ;A camne. from the held, snd he was feinti .And Eum sold his birthright uato Jacob. Then > %'i' c; and Isase threlt by / J'?'l-tj: '""*l#' Aud &uu?um Jacob gave Esan bread and pottage of lentils;-- and he jwelt oi." Aad Rebckah bare unty Isaee tuin foas: moy® in. tents.'} Aud Tease Soved Essu, be:' _ am faint. Ar voly said, Sell --me this day thy birtl>. _ did tat and &rink, and rose up and went his way; thus Jund the homis of ane they called Hemy, md Iis bectker's .: come he ho vae ol ho. venhion: but Rebolak fored"right. Aud Emm wid, Bobold, 1 om m the point is hom depined ies burkuighe * * m un ooo n j ma:«&a:uw use, Aud there was set . "way; and z' ""'&'fil'hwq ...:E_ u»", * " And he said unto me, The Lord, before whout ~-- brkah, and mid unto her, Wikt thon"zo with diis goum? & Y y e ® we TW L -- § en " C o. s P * * tm w Tmemesmememmmm amemmemimmmmsme--mmemmmmuee Lod 1 wo'p Sopee Aoee's oo Heterie bat aidh OOlt eeen tae had dame gioing him think, she said i . -- ' And it came to past, at the camels had dont drink» -- And she said, We have both otsw and provencc: , Ronieet 1 beay shee daink ® batle womes of thy pitckias, . will dies watee Tor thy camels, also, until they hawe | ing that the man took a golden essring of a hall dhdkd) . enough, and room io lodge io. And tix man Lowcd : ud 'she sgid, Drink, my Sord: andshe hasted, mnd Jet =. king. And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher ,,zu-mm-f...u'"g:. oo hichredg and worthipped tit Locd." Aud he rerd, © down her picher upon her hand, and gave him drink." -- into the trought, uid drew wates for all his camels. * . Weight of goid; and usid, Wheee deughter tet then? is . Bicued be io. 1nd Glod _2 ies cocnss Arc 2 . ike, Ne L. * BP3 tm s ns To . hss --. .c o Soptat t 40 aooant c Td on Te ol ud C 2 uP --A en Puah M e ts > ." P ¥e + i e e ere Then again Abrsham sook a wife, and her name _Abesham gave all--that he had use Isasc..But to the was called Jacob. M x h seck was set _ _ way; and that thait twhe a wite fot my scon of mt him. |and --said unto her, Thow art our siter, h"'cih:ny 4 , Genesis--Chapter 34 m& ) ent: but he said, I--will not eat, unsl _ rear mt of my futher'v house, . _' _ kA > o e o Je Ryig thieh." And ~a" Abrsham's ock near old pon as it sppears to this day. ls Ihmsime ¢frand." Aad i E:! A i _ : f "tauk -- she nese which Jate t ~ _3 . mas here, thet Abrsham pitched his tent, and that Sarsk died, fong ' aa" o ue "';';'\'--"'.!m i .r-': K ""L' es m"m .4 * ! ' t 4 "~~w " 'd ,.'!L..'.&L'.l --. _~.' i 6 ~_.|_ pe* f M "ar Ppe C % ~, " "oh Pevidse L S . es x 5 2 a ki alme t ~ on aPriei sc ies o0 No P dn mene S w e ul o 1e en Cinmeitp CCA C 36. = * #_ i hrom the mas of the onl Taha. on h +s mt wwe. ind tohaid. the camch we + "And ?fldfl: 'It is my master: there, done. And Tsaac brought her into his mother Sarah's C tE #o. 8. TsE W + IEaeeeait® .cs A x '__'. en' y suilly . HPeAsIPEN «& .A~ * m 4'"_&_' _._'..._..__"llz 4 iCce 16 o L LE OE noAchL » howame uis uit»= sn *~%0ge bookith sometimen ®peak of a lack of Appetite for reading as if it Were. Sign: of yvigor of mind or & But; n fact, it is the-- mark d-pl; veloped powers, and it carries petialty of ignorance of the' mostval-- Oable: thought and the moset delight-- ful --~pléeasureé In--the : L1 E 'Dgily Telegranh * za<icw i ~.3-->> ~--*PThe Mark -- 5 o o e y . Ni t e t o S o 1 t t e e n i i o a t m e T s i a T i s css e sc is 7 * P oiE > 1 e / Aenonis mt sons of the concubines which Abrsham had, Abrsham _ good old age. 'And his sons Isasc and Ishmael bucled, --there was Abcshaim busied, and Serah his wife. . ..n:? a § f him in the cave of Machpcish, in the fieid of Ephron the Tw is ts > Genesis--Chapter 25 ,tn_y._fi;maumdm-"_ son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamae; Th@ . o mompe of WMewen; bem ty do wmednr in te wocliee Efe which numw Keld which Absshant purchased of the sons of Hieth; contery; aver the cave of Machpelsh purchased 'by Abrshom for e e at _ * % _% " aas * . :k & . *# ----*'# burying plaee from Ephron Miawv. -- Besides® Abrsham and 154 we lobs, uns eut of mhich 0e puther on t ol mar ceape ol Uike, are ever on the;rash--after--#0 visible change 'and.work ; &2; _ Among the *common people whom we a Bible in Pi d ETE hss 1"" . J'.( p ; < 18 s =-- ~, .l--__f'_;::;;v/ 72 UA ToE w auy o \tu9 ) .:---'--'-----------_;.r// $ (NlipLt ie T likke ' \ Donamtec anmemnnzaznme~~ ~ / s P m [ To es e high.| * PAE M\\\N ME > e aZ B ----~-- -- MA K J _ AuinPst | | \ N o ib ol mt W m * \hull E27 ar /'// e $ % U \» '-{'a hTE T ' 1. f'--,k' A+4 " at >R tz _',' S i P [ Q.'\':J"..' 1ryf" L t '; : I)< 4 Y m i _ --~< in«\ H } Ap S !,m MV \ "' . % A . MA $ s 't"' '\ > M / S S " TB E8P 'a l.i 3' bfl"' % &,\ ';</'i:.f > '&' § ~\ > ; "Efl ;r f ' ' ""'\ '.'T: ' ; ::' 1 !' ':fi, ;5;* mR Y M #--& fi»%% " ; ': | E@ \ 2 | i!fg M Fall.\ ND \U *X *A %g C TB JA €, _ m s ;":é yas ::..\.\ '{:; Ee % " L mea '.«'--.,T-;-.,- B2 n =-- = : "\ s & 'i' "'4 | Silgy= _; \ A s "' $ : ' im\ U [ -- o meen e ) 0 § "~ h t C "1\' 4 NA T d es \\ ( >' n nrggrngeg e mt _ essm ----»] 0 \ &\ 4 i Nn\ es t i)i\ M esn '&'%\\ p-- a ":zf'.__.':'_,":\';:_'_"..r»«(-:--:r-f--:~ in --"-- -- ez ': v }\" } \' N ! . € '1 ;\" ; :fi\ !'( ' . lk\?{l ~--@gignl. U -- mt ie e e ~ alenr o_ _ ies -- ';' ' | A\| ;'l\' $ \ iT { s § : es e esn e e x¥ ROt°AIT k TV ) C ks || loe coun n o e mmpremintaeninimiates erndrenninamati w We eaee PA c s lasies -j'"','" \1'.; llass Wf. is 'dhe: awd what profir shall this birthright do me?." sat down., + After she had laid the egg. minutes while a dack laid an egg. 'A Stopped T raffic for Duck '.!! '% c "ll wl ;! 5 E. Cherishing the Aged > : It is claimea that furniture made 'of" e e en ns t Tnruges kess moud t madt of : THe musketo iz born-- or poor but Industrionus--parents but has in his veins sum~ov the best blood in the country.--Josh Billings. Mosquito's Good Blocd _ Garnet Has Little Value . -- .--/ . pede and in &"'ma.. 3 ¥-- & * 3 KOR