CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jun 1927, p. 4

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_____--_-- Special Prices for June _ --~ _ IS HELD LIABIE _ EP 16 inch "American" Ball Bearing . . $13,50 W|make a pretiminary survey of t:: 3 * Wiroutes so tnat arrangements. may 'a'fi A * * " bi§#s y # + I'o" +8 '2'.' ac '" & l'lu lm m * § ue * __ A links cross the northern part of 4 _ W|severat counties are tmportant to tha } w % . M\ people of a large section which now _-- 1. _----Other Well Makes [ sas yery meager service im' the ~a7 _ E_ + to Mow Your Lawn. l HH hare paid dearly for their bem dstience," says Charles M. Hayes, pregident of the Chicago Motor club. "Byoary vyear a large number of suits arise because of injuriee s» :dbymr-orautom «motorists who have been foreed to defend such suits bave learned their lesson, and the experiente of these motorists should be a warning «to those who feel charitably inclined | FRANK H. EGER -- _ 0) Toeshone 17 C K.. ° * Uibertyrill Anmother reason for refusing to give wayfarers avlift is advanced by the American Automobile Association. If Ride Beggars Are mmcar,mlm More than 70 per cent of youthfu}, derelicts who become a burden on charitable organizations in large cit-- les arrive at destitution via the hitch hiking stage, according. to the National Organization of Motor ists Clubs. The national motorin® Nine times out of ten, these boys and. girls have simply succumbed to the--age--old _ wanderliust, ~ have > left home without preparation or 'equip-- the solution is esquarely up to them. \ "he experience of the Bowery Y K. C. A. in New York City is typ+ eal of the experience of other or-- erime. The tide moving along thiw distmiction of the plane by the tar-- woad is assuming alarming propor--|rific wind storm which swept through %ions -- and in the interest of the t county at that time, all passenger mammmm was stopped until delivery should realize once and for all d be secured on a new machine. the solution is squarely up to them.| This company which makes its ~n..m-mmmamwofit;W'""_'"!_A"'2°'P'{°' Brown m_n.u.uw\! Anconas ... 1100 per hundr Barred Rocks_.. 1200. per hundred l.llcb....___._ 12.00 per nundred Buff Orpingtons ... 13.00. per White Orpington.... 13.00 perShuandred. White Wyandottes.. 13.00 per hundred White Rocks ____ 1100 per bundred Anconas ........_...._-- L Rode..:.......... Buff Orpingtons ... White Orpington.... 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS m Croft Hatchery 5 -- Palatine, IIL. Quality Chicks Only! One Grade Only Bred Right--Hatched Right '€+ Requires the Use of a Good Lawn 1 _' Get One of Our Easy--Running youth on the highway seek-- u ® ce * ag C «>*. x + - * * * ks :1?'(;"' * Telephone 17 16 inch "Forest Glenn" Ball Bearing . . . . 9.50 16 inch "Federal" Ball Bearing..: . . . . 825 16 * "Speedy" * * a L 11.00 Pay Damages. ooo > so-- . MAN AT ANTIOCH 2e of 11.00 per hundred $11.00 per hundred o we 8/ ~~ CTARTED BV AIR e B help the development ol mtlaht:.-luh vut"b: 'sides increasing popularity of the hundred |1 ays County resorté. o a Pnd mn ooo Of -- . countr], hundréd [ R4) obtained much flying experi-- Ts F.m...u.mfluvflfl- > '|He was also an instructor in {lying hundred | at Kelly Field, Tex. destitu army cof juvenile, wandering Gdere--. licts whose every member is a bur den to himself ""z"u""m'.""' x3 who rea llov!orkmm' hiking' are unable to «upport them: seives, handicapped as they are bY lack of rpu.'wum. Evils beset them on every hand., Their false pride often prevents them mvnm;bnmumm Ing defeat. They are confined to nomelm.nooiomnll!o. no age, not even the masculine ser. "If the temptation to rove is strengthened by the friendly but ub-- wige help of the motorist, wander-- lust must triumph.-- Before the ad-- vent of the automobile, it was the elderly man who asked for help 'along the Bowery. Now the ma-- Jority oft applicants are young men. -,'Bo.onrbt.lmv.lfiuhun his head and apeed by the child whose hand is uplifted in appeal. Neither does any motorist like to think of . himselt as 'an instrument of misery. Yet, everytime he picks tnpsboy or a girl along the bigh way, without knowing mct'l_y w:_y'. his head and apgéed by the Cchilda whose hand is uplifted in appeal.| CHRL Neither does any motorist like to Sunds think of himself as 'an . instrument Third F of misery. Yet, everytime hbe picks | Servi up:boyornglflnouthollch- Testir way, without knowing exactly why, | evening he quite Mwhbw-h(hl 'The 8# anch an agency of misfortune. And |the Onk he quite possibly is becoming JURK uehnlhfidnhm And unless motordom begins to employ miore forethought. the situation seemse wertain to become much more se This company makes its.\ man headquarteris .z&"i'.mn Dance | has Palace, covers all Lake County be |depa sides regular trips which are made! 5 to Chicago and other important points | wit» If present plans are carried oUut, AD Alf | may landing ftield will be established t | city, Wankezran and passongers Will bG | han sides regular trips which are made to Chicago and other important points If present plans are carried out, an air landing field will be established at Waukegan and passengers will be earried along the entire north shore hbetween Chicago and Milwaukee. Rampey who is being backed by a group of Antioch men feels that the establishment of such a route will ' help the development of eronautics in the middle west be sides increasing the popularity of the Lake County resorte. Besides participating in much istunt in this part of the country, | obtained much flying experi-- Bnce over seas as a war time pilot. SENATE PASSES W" bill; sponsored by K. B. Swift of Lake Forest. %m was passed without a vote to spare and occasioned zo debate before the roll call. $ Under the bill, inmates of state in-- 'dtitutions in certain cases would be sterilized. The inmate would have 'the legal right to appeal to the cir-- @ult; superior or supreme court be-- ~fore the operation could be 'perform-- Springtield, 1l., May 31.--The Sen-- ate today passed by a vote of 26 to 8 house where a bitter fight is expect-- fi_'lzam bill is reported out by com-- before the session closes. <B€24Z. The measure will now go to the SBays : Kimer> Galloway, --secre 13.50 16.00 17.00 w3 evening at 7:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. . Third Floor First National Bank Bidg. Services at 10:45 a. m: Testimonial service each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The subject for next Sunday is "God the Only Cause and Creator." mt «s FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev. John E. DeLong, Pastor . mv&d ';.uqout";fin morning subject Sunday at 11 o'clock, old time. % __In the evening we unite in the bacca-- laureate service at the high school at 7 o'clock,. old time. _ The Epworth League meets at six, he says left him to go with another man, Thomas M. Foran of Milwaukee has appealed to the Waukegan police department for help. . > Foran said that he believed D. Spry with whom he alleges his wite eloped may have eecured employment in this city, and the couple may be found per-- haps in light housekeepmg rooms in Waukegan. : MILWAUKEE MAN LOYER IN CITY _ The Milwaukee busband told Chief Kennedy that his home had been wrecked by Spry who applied euccess fully for his wife's affections and fin-- ally departed with her. _ _ Seen Along Lake Shore Foran said that Spry, Mrs. Foran and the two Foran childrén departed from Milwaukee on May 5, and that word had come that chey had been seen along the lake shore at Kenosha and Waukegan. * SR T. H. Foran Asks Police Here --to Seek His Wife and Two assistance | Chiel . Kenuedy detailed Virgil Stewart, a plainclothes officer on the local bolice department, to &¢-- company the Milwaukee man in a search of local mmg other places, but no trace of the: people was found here. * Spry is an automobile mechanic by trade but may te founa driving a bakery wagon. "8T. PATRICK'8, WADSWORTH Rev. J. B. Foley, Pastor-- At Wadsworth, Mass at 8 a, m. At Druce Lake, Mass at 10 a. m. Both services on standard time. _g8T. JO8BPH'S CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor ¥First Mazs® at $6:80 a. m. Second Mass at 8 a. m. 'Third Mass at 9 a m. Fourth Mass at 10 a. m. Foran admitted that he had been worsted by a red halre@ man. Spry he said, is about 45 years old. heavy set. The bridge of his nose is broken The girl, Eduth, is 1% years old bit amall for her ago. She is blue eyed and dark hbaired, and wore a pink silk dress. Thcboy,'l'on.u_"..k:& blue eyed and with:light brown hbair. He wore a grey suit and long trousereé a feature that is very noticable and h's hair is sandy. Gives Description of Pair. Mrs. Foran, whose maiden name was Edith Beecroft, i 31 years old and good--looking, her husband said. She too is stout, has biue eyes ari brown &kobbed hair. When ebe --iett home she wore a tan spring coat, witu fur collar fur cufts and fur trimming of the bottom of the evat. 3 Belvidere, May 31.--Work u:fl: started at an early date preli to the building of a concréete state highway from Belvidere to Poplar Grove-- and another which --will" con-- nect with Route 2 north of Rockford, running east through Caledonia, Pop-- lar Grove, Capron, Chemung,.-- Har-- Fard and efentuaily to. Zion City. ROCKFORD--ZION . . RD. SEEMS CERTAIN Word is received from Springfield that Director of Public Works Miller has . issued instructions : to District Superintendent Frank Shoots . to make a preliminary survey: of the In an effort to locate his wife whom routes so tnat arrangements. may be made for a hearing. These connect-- ing links cross the northern part of several counties are important to-- tha meople of a large section which now In an effort to GRIDLEY DIVORCE _ HEARING STARTS Gridley, started Tuesday in «Florids. wm&hwnw.hvklt wun in an attempt on her life, She Continuance of hearings in the sult r divoree brought by J. Beeley IN CIRCLE SAW ¥t5 render all possible Tuesda yat the home of Mrs E. E. es nten c ers 'of= the W. F. M. 8. are invited to an informai. rec mt Agard Home June 8, from 3 to 5 p. m., to meet the national branch secretar-- jes. Those who desire to go may com-- municate with Mrs. John E. DeLong: The W. H. M. 8. will have its annual distr'ct meeting at. Ravenswood on June 9th: a Tiz f _ .A meeting of all members of the church will be held Wednesday eve-- ning, June 8, to yote onsome import-- *b wk bat, all.may make a spectal ; e t all. may & effort to cultiv@te a spirit of unity and of good fellowship among alt mem-- bers o fall denominations, and all the churches in our town. Thatis one lthlu that will help make a cotumun-- ity great. It is the only Christian Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., daylight saving time. W. G. Wells, Supt. Morning worship st 11; The pastor will speak on '"Repentant Binners." Young people's meeting at 6:30, at the home of Miss Mildred Ray: Baccalaureate of high school at 7:30 in the evening. The services n% June 5th (Whit Sunday) are: ' aiv {ammunion. at 8 a. ®. ---- _ Following a campaign lasting more than six weeks the Waukegan ani North Chicago chapter of the Amer-- lean Red Cross has exceeded its quota get :' the uations} society in the I of a fund in the two cities for the relief of sufferers in the flood4-- ed areas 0 fthe M'ssissippi. valley. It wasa' announced by Mance!l -- Tal¢ott, chairman of the local Red Cross unit that the fund now stanas at $4.240.19. Th: campaign due to many con-- fMicting lesues was somewhat drawn out. The quota for the two cities was tinst placed at but when the waters continued to rise and levees were destroyed bringing devastation Chairman Talcot Announces That Total of $4,240.19 to many more hundreas of miles of territory in the valley, the quota was Increased to $4,000. V 4 While the (act that the city has ex-- ceeded its uota to the extent of more bhan $204. is pleasing to Mr. Taloott and other members of the executive board of local chapter of the Red Cross he believes that further volun-- tary: contributions may :mcrease the surplus all of which is needed in pro-- viding food shelter and clothing ts refugees and likewlse to,reBuild the homes of the flood sufferers so that Sunday School -,;tlu 9+45 a. m., It was announced today that the benefit dance held at the Antiocs palace last Wednesday night fetted the sum of $210 to the fund. Ancher large donaion. $22. was haecceaaaai large donation, $25. was that received today from original circle of the Gur-- uee charch WEISS HELPS TO PROBE GAS CO. AT AURORA HEARNG been summoned as principal witnes before a legisiative committee of th¢ house to make explanations regarding revenue of the Western : Unitedv Gas and Electric company of Aurora of which he was once the _'h'cd. tomor-- row at 11 a,. m. Investigation of the .company comes about through adoption of a resolution by Representative Hoff of Decatur asking for such--inquiry. Hoff is cha'r-- man and other members are William F. Weiss of Waukegan, Joseph Perina [oc Chicago, Raiph A.~Hoar of Aurora and Edward A. Orenianid of Chicago. The investigation 'fil*am about alleged violation of ~rules * down by the lllinois commerce commission in May 1926. -- : ' Church School at 10 a. m. _ --> AD services on Daylight saying l aauss s _ S c o mc apeni <comen paps ul ® x Holy Bucharist and sermon, at 11. RFEACRES AVOTA TN FLOOD FUND DRIVE Springfield, © I!1.,© May 20--Former Congressman Copley of Aurora-- has This oonqnndau to --the effect that alt gas companies must eupply 585 British thermal unite--per cuble foot and complaints are sgaid to be to the effect that this has not been done. It is furthér alleged in the Hoff resolution (that while this concern has> been w heat units it has charged a price for two years for crowds. The service began with a mil-- Itary high mass at 8t. Joseph's Cath-- olic church, and this was said to be mwmwunm ever in TUiDbertyville. The exer-- @izes in the afternoon were held at the high school, and the auditortum was: packed. wml made 'by Capt. Wayland C. . p.6.C. A long parade marched to Lakeside cem-- uk' The prog in charge of program was Legion. m:m m'"t:r'om are flfln&nmmvvflh:l' A. Appley and F. E. Doremus, . Her-- mance Whescler, also a TLibertyryille gan post. The Memorial day exercises held in can again become self support-- Has Been . is a member of the Wauke [ *Pastor. the Based upon population, Lake Coun-- . ty may send five students to the Boys / State School. according to a -dhm\i received today from Springfield. Cook : county is allowed to send fifteen boys . 'Lake County ie one of the fifteen . countles entitled to send five boys, ::ed on' population of from sixty to bhundred thougand inbabitants. Ten counties, ranging in populatio from forty to sixty thousad, may en-- roll four and all other counties are entitled <to two representatives, ac cording to announcement of u\("lm | seession of the school to be held in conjunction with the Illinois state Tair, August 20.27: i __In addition to theee memberships | alloted by countiee, the cstate fair advisory board may serect nine meim-- ' lm- and the directors of agriculture and the general manager of the fair Iw select thirty one. This makes the maximum enrollment 322. | educational value," Director Standard stated, upon receipt or the announcé: ment of this, the eignteenth annual session, from the office of Francis G. Blair -- SBuperintendent of public-- in-- struction. "It is indeed unfortunate," he continued, "that this opportunity cannot be grasped by thousands of en-- ~*"No other feature of the <annual is One of 15 Counties Entitled to Send Five to State Fair-- LK. FOREST POLICE . ROLD TWO SUSPECTS _ ~Found strulling about the streets of Lake Forest, Monday, two men, Eugene: Biser, aged 31 years, of Ar-- gentine, Kans.. and George Cortley, w ". Otvw C't'O.w. were taken Anto custody: and questioned. They --were. unable tao --give a satic factory explanation of their posses-- sion of a Chevrolet romdster, de-- claring that it belonged to a/friend in Milwaukee and that they had borrowed it <to drive in search of work.> The .car bears an lowa !i-- cense number., 'They wers -- fined $200 and costs on a disorderly con-- duct charge and placed in the Lake .. The big~dancing payilion of . Ray Brothers at Diamond Lake was opened for the 1927 season last Saturday eve-- ning, and the--crowd was the largest ever seen at this popular resort. 'The Bunday night crowd was estimated at more than a thousand. The ten piece Wmhmsmmmg county jail pending investigation. sA NCIEN'T AND MODERN NBO-- cluded the uumnz passages from the Obristian Science textbook, thee s~all be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because thery bave for-- -mmuwm«uv. Ing waters, Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed ; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise". (Jer. 17 :13, 14). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 48 ROMANCY, ALIAS MBB-- MERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DH-- NOUNCED" was the subject of the Iesson--Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sungay, May 29. The Golden Text was from Jere-- miah 20 :18, 'wm the Lord, c poor the hand of evildoers." 5 "At all times and under all clreum-- stances, overcome evil with good. Know thysolf, and God will supply the wisdom and the oceasion for a victory over evil. Clad in the pan-- oply of Love, human hatred cannot reach--you" (p. 571). The Lesson--SHermon also in-- lan: Science textbook, Health with Key--to the by Mary Baker Rddy : It Your Opportunity' E?s REAL ESTATE --|, MORTGACE LOANS INSURANCE c t Bought and Sold _ Firsts, Seconds, Thirds Life, Pire, Casualty > UR ce ts .. Lot 50x 180 on Sunnyside Avenue near ** Second Street. Price $1200.00. $¥ for You Free! Boys, here's your chance to get a new kind of Baseball You can bat it farther than any ordinary baseball because it's made of sponge rubber. The roughest play won't wear it Always at Your +z @ 244 SGEST BARGAIN IN TOWN! _ MAIN GARAGE § > _ ~C. Bernard Before Buying 4«\ *4 ¥ He) < made for "home 201 8. Milwaukee Avenue ne 469 > LibertyYilie, !!I. l anaaare n After a hard game, a scrub with soap and water will make it look like new. A baseball will be given with each purchase of one of our new Goodrich Inner Tubes live, velvety rubber, molded to the shape of the tire, cured under water, and individually A word in Dad's ear will re mind him of his tubé needs. are made of

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