CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jun 1927, p. 2

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i Dbusiness Monday _--~ TO BE PRESERVED FOR BOTANY STUDY Rberger and son, Howard and Mr. Wm. Molidor and son motored to May-- wood Monday. ~NMre. Clara Rosing apent Monday at the home of Vice President Dawes in Pvanston, visiting a school mate. \Mrs. C. G. MoCandless spent Woed-- nesday at Volo. Mrs. Clint Hendee and son Elmer, were in Chicago Wednesday _.--~Joe Fitz motored to Waukegan Sat ¥Friday evening. sgient Sunday at the Frank Amann home. -- daughter, Mary, of Libertyville spent nry spent Sunday evening at this ; residence. M L. Thompson spent Tuesday with' her sister, Mrs O. A Howard. visited Emma Huson Sunday. bs -- Wr .and Mrs. Leo Hendee spent last Bunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kretschmer and brother, John, 'and family at North Chicago. They also attended a show in Gray» Inke Sunday evening. -- RMaddie Cooper of Lake Forest called at the C. G. McCandless home last Bunday. -- Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Powers, Mr and Mrs. R. M Marr and daughter, Merie of Kenosha, and Mrs Agnes Hayes of Mich.,. where they will remain and Wire Bar .lr.uuu\?nelrmmm danghter motored Mundelein last Great Lakes, were week end visitors at the D. E. Richardson home. ~ Mrs. 0. A. Howard, Mrs Ray Ripp Mrs. Mazie Aylward and children O --Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brohber and daughter Reta, of Kenosha; Eve Iyn Rosing and Gordon Gilbert of Chi-- cago spent the week end at the Clara gan spent Monday evening at the D. E. Edward Hennings of Chicago was a ecaller at the Herbert Davis home over the week end. Mrs. Rayburn Richardson and Low Ise spent Tuesday evening at the 0. A. upent Monday in Round Lake. _ Mrs. Jim Curran spent Monday with ber daughter, Mrs. Edna Luby. Miss Georgia Vasey is employed at the Jim Curran home. ' A. R;: Andrews and Otto Tegtmeyer of the Illinois Bell Telephone Co.. of Miss Marie Neliessen of Chitago vis ited a fow days at the Clara Rosing spent Friday afternoon with Velima Fitsz and Ruthie Drummond. The Northwest rn university bot-- any department -- will direet expert-- ments ~conducted in the region. IDr. Waterman is to be chairman 'ot the conservation committee and irector of conservration of the club. ville Tuesday. 00 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 06 0 pitcher plant, sundew, cranberry and sphagnum moss, has been found by Prof. Waterman in the bogs of Lake and McHenry counties. The poison sumach, which differs from the or-- Alnary variety as its berries ar white instead of red. thrives in the 0 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0o o 0 0 0 0 0o 0o voted muchtime in the last ten yeats to a careful: analysis of the bogs in Lake and McHenry counties. A aron, Plan. mea" we HCJdGtnt uiiy P itatle week for their new bome in Centur'a, pppadtse.« Wis. They have made many friend: A : tamarack tbo: forest and D!U® qur nz their residence hele, and --wil berry heath on th: property Of the pe rfi missed in the community. mzbufiau Counitry cub nedat _ agfp Mrs. Ast B. Graves and son ¥Foxrz: Lake in <Lake county, will 59 of Madison; Wis., spent Stnday in the p for-- scientif'c research bY home of Mrs. Groves' parents, Mr. and mfl univerat y,-- it was &¥ ifrs, D. G.White mounced today by H#resident Wauiter;-- Mr1 B J Loftus and daughters, Vir Dill Scott of the university. |ginia and Aldah, ~returned Monday The bog and heath are of great value for scientific study of original made to preserve the remnants of original vegetation-- and --wherever possible to restore them to an even Mr and Mrs. Mike Pitzsen of Me Mary Jane Tidmarsh of Grayslake Davis motored to in of Antioch visitors Monday. 21 members of the Perty L Austin Fortress of D. G. A. R.. of Waukegaun Friday p. m. = Chase Webb was a Chgo., passeng-- er Monday. Mrs. Bert Bown is spending a few days with relatives in Waukegan. Howard Spafftord of Ann =~Arbor ----In the name of the Grace Evangeli-- cal Sunday School. we wish to thank all who had any part ii» the program was an Antioch shopper Monday. Mrs. Erving Elms is entertaining Mrs. Ada Verrier and ber daughter Bertha spent Sunday in Walworth, Wis,. with friends. . . R Mich., is home for his a-- mer vaca Mable Brogan and Anna Drom wese Waunkegan callers Thursday evenin.. . Mr.-- and Mrs. Virg:t Feliter have just returned from a trip to the Wis-- consin Dells. Mrs. Charles Lux is visiting her par-- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wu. Dunbhim of Pittsfield, IIl., this woeek. & Mr. and Mrs. Lester Osmond, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Burk enjoyed a week end--motor> grip into Wisconsin. > The Ladies Gulid are today having a benefit card party at the Parish Mrse. Arnold Buschman of--Twin Lakes called on home folk. Mon. Mre. Gus. Shrader and Bertha Ver rler were Waukegan visitors Friday eve. 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 graduated last Sunday. The memners ofthpc'mmmmo.% C. Grimme "and Howard W. j thaler. The class d d vyery fine work throuzhout the year and also last Mré. W. R. Williams entertained the members of the Antioch Woman's Club at the former's home on Lake Cather-- Mrsa. Marie Jonsen spent the week end with her Mother and children Mrs. S. Seymour Wallznce was a Chicago visitor Monday morning. -- L. E. and 8. H. Grimme, with their families, visited at the parsonage last We celebrated Children's Day last Bunday, and the program was enjoyed by all present. . x The Antioch Fre Department was n einercay woring 07 & oo ie Wednesday ~by a roof fire, stroy the house. i Miss Ruth Williams is entertaining ber friend Miss Lillian Sanbloom, of last Sunday in Antioch. a Miss Myrtle Peterson, of Waukegan, was a guest here over the week end. 'There w11 be an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Drucille Ferris, on Wednesday. Mr.--and Mrs. Petty left last week, for Bloomington, I!l., on their summer | lra' Mrs. Charles Davis of Ch+ week. > Mr. and Mru. Geéorge Huber, former residents of Antioch, but now of Ch+ cago, were in town Friday. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mrs. Clara Turnér. is spending some time 'with relatives at Norwood Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Triegen of Norwood Park called on Antioch rela tives on Frilay. * Miss Bee Dupre of elevan, Wis., is spendinmg --some time w:th her Grand mother. Mrs. D. A. Wiiliams. Nels Nelson and Edwin Reutner have each started a new home on Vic-- toria Street. ; 'The iPete Effinger family, of Wau kegan, visited relatives last Sunday. The Rastern Star dance at Aaoti-- ock Palace last Thursdey evening, was largely attended. Mrs. Charles Lmx left last Friday for Pittetield, Ill., where she w:ll sapend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrse. Many front here attended the com mencement exercises at L T H 8 Thursday ~night. Those from here who were graduated trom the school are Kathleen Edwards. Pender Walsh, Adelbert Morse, Charles Kerry, Allen McBride and Marion Doolittle. Mr. and Mrs..J. B. Wagner ~apent Sunday with friends at Wauconda T. P. Waliszsh has moved his hardware store to the building next door, which t recently purchased. Mr. MeHugh of Chicago, spent last Tuesday in the Godfrey home. Wm. Erdmann, of Eigin, spent sey-- eral days recently in the home of his warents, Mr. and Mrs.-- August Erd-- ginia and Aldah, ~returned Monday from a visit of several drgs at New London, Wis. ~Mrs, Loweii-- returned with them for a visit here. : ter, 00 0 38 o 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 8e LQ 0. A. Howard was in Rockford sey-- eral days this week. s w s a _ GRAYSLAKE ._e| 0 0 00000 000000 00| The Rov McBride: family left this Mr. awd Mrs. EKart Thayer and #4 to de ;mummamm ' in the house. It passed the senate ~-- The house committee on industrial I affairs has reported out favorably Sen-- ator Start's eight hour day bill for women. It has passed the senate, t Representative Lottie Holman O'Neill, who -- introduced the eight hour bill {'Neh'q_kflhdm&uuoh the house, 'will lead the fight for the office of supervisor of paroles and cre | ates in its place the parole board to _ A group of bills, introduced by Ben--| 'This bill, which was introduced by ' the American Legion, were passed by the present law to read, "No "the senate. Senate Bill No. 308 pro-- | pole line lHcense is required for vides that the name of the Ilinols | residents of the state of Ilinots." The Soldiers' Orphans' home at Normal be | ticense fee for non--residents is ralwed changed to.Illinols Home for Soldiers' | to three dollars. 4 : and -- Satlors'® Children= and ~provides |> License fees for fAshing by seine or that the superintendent of the home | net are increased and are very much ! may expend a sum not to-- exceed |higher for nonresidents than for resai-- | $1,000 per year to help in the support | dents. --Limitations ~are. placed upon '~of the threechildren from such home|the length and depth of selnes that granted scholarships to the state uni{--| may be employed, and the length and ntdflubrthotwomuth,?fldgmahdug{m_ that hold quarterly conference June 17 at 8, and Communion on Sunday, June 19, at 7:45 p. m, All are invited to ber home, and all her sisters and bro-- | thers were present except one, and that because of the distance. _ s The conditionof Representative T.| Lieut--Gov, Fred E. Sterling named J. Sullivan, who as been #! for some| the following as a committee from d4ays in a Springfield bospital, is re--| the senate to attend the flood conter-- ported to sNow considerable improve--| ence at Chicago: Senators William 8. ment. Blood transfusion was at first| Jewell, Lewistown ; Simon Lants, Con-- thought to'be necessary, and a num--| gerville; Ben L. Smith, Pekin; A. 8. ber of members of the house offered| Cuthbertson, Bunker Hill, and Rap-- to undergo tests for it. dolph Boyd, Galva. $ idge at the White House. mutual benefit. societies doing busi-- ness in the state by the state depart-- ment of trade and commerce passed some weeks ago. By a bare constitutional majority the senate pazssed Senator Rodnsy B. Swift's bill, providing for sterilization of people in state institutions -- with eriminal tendencies, The measure now goes to the ~house. e .. Senator Florence Fifer Bohrer's bill authorizing county boards to appoint Smail have been closed and the case taken under advisement by Master--in Thage Angus W, Kerr of Springfield, who was assistant to Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom and was recently appointed a rsember of the state ecrime commission, <died following. an" opera-- tion ~for . relliet ©from-- appendicitis, parties in 1928. Thiied Mine Workgi¢ o7 Amenich, * The jJoint food and storm relief com--| the world stands." mittee, which was named at the sug-- f ommme C gestion of Governor Small in a special| Colonel C. R. Miller, director of message, has agreed cn a $1,000,000| public works and bulldings, has an-- relie? measure:; the bill provides fur--| nounced that the home of Abraham ther that the appropriation shall be| Lincoln at Eighth and \Jackson streets, distributed by a commissidn of seven | Springfield, will be open on all holi-- to be named by Governor Smail. This | days from 10 to 12 o'clock in the morn-- commission, to be known as the Nl--|ing and from 2 to 5 o'clock in the uhnoodnndc'ydoulcldean-mudfic-'blou- mission, will make thorough examina--| Sundays, in order to accommo-- tion of conditions in affected districts, | date the thousands of persons desiring and give ald In all} necessary cases. |to visit it. The weekday hours of 10 Senator Ben L. 8mith, Pekin, Intro |to 12 and 2 to 5 will be maintained. army living on military reservations |existing were designed <to provide a to attend the public--schools of this| meang of !Hivelihood far many very state without paying tuition. A com--|poor fishermen who Iived along, or on, panion bill provides that the state |the river, mmwm': department of public welfare may ex-- | attractive, and it has fallen into pend the remaining --portion of --the|hands of large corporations who em-- soldiers' bonus fund for the entertain-- | ploy the "most destructive methods ment of childjen of veterans in the|that can be devised for catching fish institution at: Normal. in large quantities. mx-nw : worne=. extend to the 1,000--yard which Twenty--five representatives of the|is 26 feet deep at the center, with chambers of commerce in each of the | which the owners can asweep the entire fAve ctties in which state normal|river and have taken as much as 80,000 schools are located called--upon Gov--|to 100,000 pounds of fish at a single ernor Smail to urge increased appro--|haul. Twenty years ago--the ITilinois priations --for the schools. --Pending|river was noted for the amount of fAsh bills call for appropriations to be dis--| shipped therefrom. Today we are not tributed by the department of educa--|only importing fAish but are spending tion as follows#: Illinois State Normal|thoussands in our efforts to grow fAsh State Teachers' college, Macomb, $959,-- 880 : Northern lilinois State Teachers' Iilinois State Teachers' college, Car-- bondale, $790,218; Normai} school re-- volving fund, $900,000. The arguments in the state's ac Senator Barr's bill, giving the state control of roads constructed by the state through=cities and villages as parts of the highway system,; passed population of Illinois, or 1,228,860 per-- sons hold cards entitling them to the use of books in public lHbraries, Card-- the fling of: procéedings against any constitutional officer, has> passed: the speaker; --Wednesday ut>8 p. m.. the prayer service; Thursday at 6 p. m., ball game at Hans' Park. { able recommendation by the commit-- tee on lcense and miscellany, house.. It had previously passed the Senator -- William . Sneed's old age pension bill arrived at the order of third reading after an effort to send it back to committee falled. § The Income tax bill, which passed the sendte, has been reported out--of ent of the Ilinols State Library Ex-- A bill to repédal the cireuit judges® pension : act, introduced by Senator Tustice Fredetic R. DeYoung of the Tlinots Supreme court hay been an honorary <~member of Phi Phi, international legal fi'ltfilly.'! the chapter at the University of Chi-- tension board, 'states: in cago law school. trict of: Ilinois. Representative A. Otis Arnold's gas-- oline taxr bill was amended by the house committee on roads and bridges. As reported to the house the measure provides that 50 per cent of the money collected from the gas tax shall go to the counties to be used for road build-- Iing or the retirement of road bonds. In regard to "pole and line fishing Mrse. McAdams says: "We are--now collecting ~$150,000 from our people tor the privilege of fishing in a wash tub, and depriving the private citizen of a few hours of his chosen recrea-- tion --each year," one who would not deplete the supply of Ash as long as the world stands." A "resgolution introduced by Repre-- C. W. Cushing, Peoria, has succeeded Fighting Mosquitoes as 'United hek s AARR, HNL T ol tsb i) e ie us coane en s o (Puack $ %% .To remove stains from an enameled pan fll it with water and add a table apoonful of powdered borax. Boll well, scour with soap rubbed on a coarse cleoth, ringe thoroughiy:and dry, Mr. and Mrs. Shuyler Denman and %:nmmmum Mrs. W. A. Bonner and son, Ralph McGuaire and several others of the Sunday school and U. E. Society leave on June_22 for Tower Hill, Mich. _ «Riches are not an end of life, but an instroument of life--Henry Ward The June meeting of the Congrega: tional churches--of Lake County, will be held bere on June 17. Children's Day was observed here last Sunday and a fine program was rendered. The children were baptized. Mr. and Mrs. L E. Gillings have moved into the--Lottie Hoffman home, as the place in which they have been lwing, has been sold. 3 The George Yocoum place was sold ?-Myutbcoutnm*h Waukegan. Mr. CGibbons, of Chicago bought it. w & The strip is practically a'! graded. The road extends between. Millburn and Grand avenue at Wedges corners It w'll be 18 feet wide and six inches in -- thicknoess. The first threequart-- ers of a mile has been completed on Wadsworth road between Wadsworth and Green Bay road. -- The contractor, F.--C,. Feuts, is rushing the work with the hope of having the r-- te tween July 16 and 20. 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 8. J. Grove and son, contractors on the Millburn road job, will start pour Ing Concrete Monday it was learned today from R. M. Lobdell, county sup erintendent of highways. The strip is practically ai} graded --The road extends between Millburn highways. POUR CONCRETE . ON MILLBURN RD. It 4s believed by Lobdell that Fouts can pour the rest of<the concrete in two weeks time, weather permitting. The allowance of 21 days for season-- hgmtbubonmunm 'he ~contractor is making better progress on this strip than he did on Green Bay road because it does not require nearly as much material. The Green Bay road is seven inches in thickness while the Wadsworth high-- way Is one inch thinpner. Over two and three quarters miles this makes considerable difference, Lobdsoell points out. The possibility that the Wadsworth munity of Wadsworth with the Green fl. when it was learned from R. M. ) county . superintendent ,of highways, that the tirst: halt mile ol' avlu on the stretch had been nom'»i F..C. Feutz, the contractor, is rush-- Ing the work on top speed in hopes of completing the route at the nfltl est moment. 'There will be about two Bay road, 'will be completed and open-- ed: to traffic --about July 15 loomed to-- First. Half Mile of: Concrete Completed; : Weather 'May For Enameled Pans AV¥A Duco Ivory and painted the mantel, the book--shelf, and Baby's crib--all in one afternoon. And Baby slept in the crib the same night, and the books were put back after the dishes--were washed! Duco comes in a wonder-- ful range of colors and stains. It is amazingly easy to use, and dries quickly. Come in and get a color Traue Idea of Riches with Duco! F... got a canof WLY 15 w3 s l _.; & f { after Hour over any Road «and always in Comfort / * Scientifically balanced --swung low to the vanadium steel springs 88% as long as the wheelbase--the Most Beautiful Chevrolet 'I provides the most astonishing riding and driv-- | ing comfort ever offered in a low--priced car. Atenty!rod.lpbwfleomthrotle,it/ «_ holds the road with a surety that is a revela-- -- _ in perfect comfort. A type of performance that will delight and amaze you! [ p LIBERTYVILLE GARACE ichicanm|-- | wiscownsim| (1111Nno1s Take North Shore Line to Mil-- waukee; Pere Marquette night mrt trom there; arrive ) igain next morning. U--A--L--LTEY OA T cLO W C OS bu to Kenoshe, and North Shore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular schedule. Take North Shoee Line trains to Kenoshe, and North Shore Powers Lake T win Lakes 'The North Shore Line has recently placed in service three passenger coaches equipped with the new--type "bucket" seats, the most recent and most comfortable seat that has been developed for a railroad coach. It is interesting to note that on several occasions, passengers have offered the conductor an extra fare for riding in these cars, thinking them parlor cars. No extra fare is charged. The North Shore Line takes pride in constantly aiming to give its customers the best that is procurable. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee _._ _ _ . ) Raifread Company an next morning. For schedudes, fares and other information, at ticket office, or at 'Traffe Dept.: Chicago, 'ut'Mamu: Central 8280; Milwaukee, mm,gdande':;:or Grand 2762. LUCE & EARL, Props. Phone 202 + weukee; connections at door of 'bur Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee Northern trains for Tabe North Shore Line to Mil Port Washington NC T OFFICE -- TELEPHONE 74 one should see this magrificent resom o it and sajor. _ Rreet Libertyville Mundelein

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