i Macelo, state of Alaro>s, Brazil, :l'&tio w a;'r::' itz * Cc--o s 2{ton Mission in <Brazil was sitix today by his <secretary, Dr.° Erazilcirro, Brazileirro then committed suicide. The motive was not learned. smz:nmuhmumwnuqutM city since his Pight to Paris Post=eultore, a local sealer whose duty master William H. Conkling, with the shall be to supervise the storage of assistance of the city commissioners, graly in granaries, cribs, bins or other . chamber of commerce, presidents of receptacles,:to #eal any such recép-- civie clubs and numerous other civictacies, and to issue to the owner of bodies, is planning for a gigantic --.dem-- the grain a certificate 'stating the de« onstration. --*"Lindy" will fiy therescription of the receptacle, a descrip-- from Chicago and spend only a--few--tion-- of the <grain, the name of the hours there on his--way to St. LOGiS.owner, a statement of any indebted--= He will land at Lindbergh field, th¢ ness constituting a Hen on the grain, regular air maii field from whicir he whecher or not the certificate is nego--. carried the first air mail sent outtisbie, and certain other designated from the capital city.~ A big parade, information. 'The Department of Ag-- a program at the state arsemal and Ariculture is vested with the general trip to Lincoln's tomb for the placinZsupervision of the administration. of Ot ® wreath are the main features Of the act, and is empowered to hold Colonel Lindbergh's visit is being practices Fixes penalties for fraud planned by Advance Agent Custer, in apd other offenses in connection with connection with the tour being made the operation of. the act. . j with the Daniel Guggemboim arcraft gSenate bill 560 (Courtney)}. Adds fund. Tremendous crowds bhave greet-- 19 Chicago Sanitary District act. Pro-- whhatanc!tluhmwm,mwgumm.' the East and Springfield will{ be no agdition to its other powers, is em-- exception to this rule, > _ *' powered to regulate. and control the Postmaster Conkling bas wwfl?'m of factory or industrial a special air mail flight in --honor Of wastes, to contract with industries . * envelope 'begring his picture and the getermining the amount of treatment [-- M&*Wemumwsm:oufivuuhfluo!m : field," has been prepared and a $D8 ang to determine it m cial cancellation stamp is to be USEd shoulq be made by 'h!h'* § for letters--sent out in these. the treatment of its wastes given by |.. . 3 * baas. the sanitary district, to require indug-- Dr. I D. Rawlings, director 6 B tries to rebuild outlets, draing h s oi diseases in th» state as follows: for the supervision, protection, T T Diphtheria -- 78, including > COOK »zement and use of intercepting sew-- . «ounty, 61, Chicazo, 51. ers and treatment works. -- Scarlet fever--75, including €OOK, pyyouse bill 141 (PBhillipe).. Enables | ~© -- . Typhoid ferer--53, including Cook county, 6; Chicago, 3; Morgan county, 5; WHL county, 4. ty, 8; Chicago, ?7; Vermilion county, Pmn'nh----lo.T: Chicago, 354. m:""'l" from the provisions of s mumps, $8; &M'Q;ms"flw:!"..""""" ¢ 81. 'dmmuxlfiz'cma-' of SpringNield, visited Calro 'July 24 for the purpose*of taking part in the ordination' to the disconate of Mr. Heber Weller in the Church of "the Redeemer. Young Mr. Weller is the sicth generation in line of Episcopal St. Clair county, 1. Epidemic meningitis--Cook_ county, ordination. &Mflm& event was three orders of ministry--biszhep, priest and all members of the same family, in the chancel after the ordination, ranks Arst in hard surface road mwile tion i1 of the Inheritance Tar Act. age, according to a survey made by Provides that the tax imposed in re-- the Nlinois Chamber of Commerce. spect to-- personal property of non-- Tilinois has a concrete road mileageresidents (other. than ?-lih per-- of 5460; Pennsylvania, 2200; Cali--sonal property baving actual situs fornia, 1,587; New York, 1,458; Michi--in this state} shall not be payabig if gan, 1,3038, and Wisconsin, 1,203. mmuua--nu" 4 pmommtzzoms 7 was a resident of a state which at the 'The lllinois Traction company hastime of his death did not impose a been authorized to sell its properties t'205fer tax or the laws of the state to the Iilinois Power and Light cor.COntained a reciprocal provision ex-- poration in complianee with an order?®Dting nonresidents from such tar. announced by the 'WMinoils Commercq House bill 159 (Johnson, G. --J.). commission. A certificate Of convem--Provides that whenever a school 'dis-- lence is given to the power company trict is authorized to issue bonds, the' to operate the traction system and recording »Micer of such district shall the power and street car companies file in the office of the county clerk of in rarious part of the state. .the county wherein the district is lo-- mrre< 'cated a copy of the resolstion provide MaJ. Williem E. Robertson of theing for the issuance of the bonds and Robertson Aireraft corporation at St. levying a tax to pay the same.. Makes, Louis plans to establish a > passen-- it the duty of the county clerk to keep Governot Small hds returned to bis duties after a vacuation of two weeks, HWe will go to Camp Grant, Mockford, August 10 to review the state National Cuard, now on its annual tour .of duty and Chicago over the present air mail extend taxes against the property of mumgat Springfield and ve. the state to pay the principal and in-- oria. Major Robertson has been in terest of t.» honds, f conference with business --men ot Senate 'Bill 350-- (Meents), ?o- Springfield, outlining the project to priates from the road fund to the de thems. ~ partment of public works and build-- Ne woneougaes bathm":%m The state highway department tion of bond issue roads, $27,000,000; awarded two contracts for state hardfor acquisition of landg and construe-- road work as follows: Route 3, see--tion and operation of road oullding lion 84--8, Scott county, patement, Material plants, $5,000,000; for hard Hartmann Clark Bros Co.. Peoria, L0Ads in cities and viltages, $500,000; $27,711.890; Route 9, section 48--D, Ful. for refunds to cities and villages, ton county bridge, A. ¥P.° Munsen, $300L30, .. & A Marien, Jowa, $20,088.12, ~ House bill 144 (Bauer). Creates an amas io tnte toealy ut ndlegoum in Sn oi Minors may be legally sentenced to in of to be b the state reformatory at Pontiac by On the third Tuesday iw June each inocciy Sarecline to 'an 'eptnien ay o tand in Pouit jry catics foo ts larceny, A to anm -- by noe 3 7 4 'Attornev General Caristrom., «© term unless upon special order of the Attorney Rt Rev. John Chanler White, bishop. SLAIN BY SECRETARY . -- © , 41; Chicago, 3#; Magison to establish a ~pasgep L Lue uuly or 0o couum;y CELBR i¥ AUOOR mvm between St. Louis & register of all bonds and annually excepting Mumination. ----135, vimICU CAKO PJJ 43 ... -- _ s 0 > SaAds epottom M ,_"mmhmumofmuamantfi | EUn RmEN TO WSG mm'..'m'wmwe-entz * ftmeertomenmcmay ung Mr. Weller is the trict supcrintendents and -- assistant fiuk m in line of Episcopat SUD¢riftendents who have served in mm i le. the bishop of the Public schools of the Uited States | PWEZEzrEH PMAV -- ordained him: his fa.{0r 25 years and in public schools of | _ m i mikat HBrWHLLH ed, presented him ' for ing may voluntarily tetire from active " C ' rucle-- P m : unusual feature of the S¢rvice at sixty--five years of age and iA q + y »wm also ©House bill 158 (Igoe). Amends see-- ~__ NEwW LAWS OF ILLiners * municipalitiés having a population of 75,000--inhabitants or less, 'to estab-- lish and maintain municipal coliseums. Mcdallhhmt,-c'f;t'btem may be brought about eTher by levy= ing tares or iszsuing bonds,.-- But taxes levied for establishment and main-- endum vote is provided before such colisoum -- is established and also of Article VIII of the 192 Cities and ¥Yillages Act. ~~MHouse bill 130 (Stevens}). Amends title of ano adds section 3 to the superintendents who have served in the public schools of the TUited States for 25 years anid in public echools of city for 15 years immediately preced-- ing, may voluntarily tetire from active service at sixty--five years of age and receive a pensich ranging from $1,000 to $1,400. After the age of sisxty--Ave years the 'board may require mental and pbys'al examination and in ca%e of incompetency retire guch© instruc tor at the anruity fixed for voluntary | the mok tenance cannot exceed 1 miX, and taxes to be levied to pay off bond iz-- 5e PEA g? Hqpay No in Sill 3 Pprimc in' m e NorRsSe® At CEFNK FATEQ F "'. F J 4 \\. --at g4: Cyf:~ ,'} as [ e s C - Po§ n k (~ A . g £ U 6 £ * * ® 34 * w ) *E LAFFS-- IN TODWY'$ NEWS DISPAFCHES--_ LAFFS IN TODAY'S NEWS DISPAT CHES-- LOTs ' '!' 'v P I s .c o '!"? f e D Z we FuoLow the Diverting Euffooneries t ~Our Artist--on the Day's News ;vlo'thcmm of Our Artist in the Day's News. 1@ B