54 2p Why Librarians Go Daffy y metcth ® . 2e A 'youngster asked at a library for {ff -- WOR _ E: | "'Let's Talk About It,' by Gibbons.* . [; Sm 3 ol . : 2 #* f After~considerable questioning it was P Mb ib b aoOj e LA h 1 ) J & ' : found that he wanted "Now It can Bo C s -- SE LA UV LV LA * thosit _ (|A. M.Rubin, Officer of Coun-- -- --| . cil, and Others Attend Big _ |JH. Brayton, ~dry:-- goods -- merchants , ] trade Journal, Dés Mo:nes, Ta., Thomas . | Lealie,. Wilson . brothe's, Chicago; Franklin C. Born,. of Josepu Spiess company, Elgin, HL; F. J.' Nichols of National cash register comnah'y; Day-- ~Jton, Ohio; and=W. E. : Schmalfnss, Zion, III. store manager. : € * Officers of the counc'! are: Presi-- . | dent: N. M. Scott;~Winona. Minn.; ¥Cice Presideot Charles Kuhi. Gales-- <]turg, HL, and J. H. Fribley, Bourbon, Ind.; _ Secretary treasurer E. Zahn, Racine, Wis.:~Directors A. M. Rubin, Waukegan, II.; J. F. Mutchow, Beloit Wis.: W E. Schmalfuss, Zion City, UL;~H. E. Hart, Long Prairie, Minn.; F. C. Ackley, Aberdeen, 8. D.; C W Hall, Green Bay, Wis.: PDonald -- El-- Chicago, :Aug: 17--Twe: <thousand merchants ~{from "~thirty--two. 6tates throuchout "the Missisatpp( valiey as-- 3&" in Chicago today for a four ; session 'of the :interstate merch-- ants counciH.-->='.. .. ..--_. :.; . --. s _--John W. Scott,--of-- Carson, Piric Hcott & Company, depariment -- store here, gave the keynote: address. today on *"business building plans _ and CONVENTION TODAY SCHMALFUSS To Speakers tomorrow inciude: Arthur / wide saleé and E elps to make it the biggest value giving event in Waukegan's history--the greatest of all Dollar Diys. An event -- in which an entire city presents the most remarkable array of --'-- Merchandise to sell at a dollar you ever set eyes on. ~= _ ; verybody In Lake County: | Cnows What That Means | S 1 # * * * ' Mb * x ( x# KK * £+ «\ t % e f é : * o ' 4 s 'mfl* k h i4 3 + ie 4 i Fa s 4. # & irowl ¢ *riuu'% ,}J 54 ; g f w 'i" * Every Live Mercl 45 SPEAK Sn in en io | +. s epana es dé«cej South Bend, Ind.;" G. F. Buche Ny? ke _ Lindy's Still Quite the Fad: Many Wild Horses There are more than 1,000,000 wild horses still in this country, principal-- ly in the western states," says the Dearborn Independent, J iE wpne The tomb of President James K, Polk, who died in Nashville, Tenn., is located on the gapilol grounds in that city. 4 Tomb in Capitol Grounds / e Baznea me #o es 5 6 baua o > «. , Qon en Pandediy Pedls sE § CF sys Avg