CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Aug 1927, p. 3

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+ agent to turn the shipment over to ::;.ofbu'um)htomm Doauoo!un'drenm'm police are inclined to think that this machinery, which consisted of eleven Arcola ts Arrested Asst. Chief Kentfedy, accompanied by Patrolman Virgit Stewart, drove to the terminal where he talked with the manager.-- By good luck Arcola walked into the office whilse the po-- enb 2ete P Ihe Tihat Ports Steany ship It had been conkigned Harl Arcola. o ¥urther investigation showed that the shipment, consisting of 409 large ecartons of electric light globes, had Clever Police Work Asst. Chief of Police Thomas Ken nedy of Waukegan exercised rare police jndgment in his arrest of Ar cola and the recovery of the stolen Tieukogan about miGnight and took Arcola to Chicago where his bonds have bean placed at $40,000. Norliweet iehway (Route 19 An Enterninng; Edpcations nal Fxposition, Automobile 4 Big Days and Nights 4 Harness, Running and Auto Races ; Show, Races, Five Big Free Act C: I'e' Sponsored by the Board of County Commissioners. Anton J. Cermak. I A Real Cous:t # September 1 to 5 ENTRY DAY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 1 . Races, Five Big Free A i%;tv.,fl.sndgz_m'gu.?sfi al Couty Fair for the Whol A;zAllmtho.Ncighbon NIGHT HORSE RACES re May Clear up Ser-- ook County Cmm on Iluminated Track. According--to the charges made, Ar--|ter this morning. °_ _ > . ~ cola, '.m!::s the knowledge of Froe r'!&'mm was born in Milwdukee "t" ul i K"-LFT.-. mé';'l-llz these lights from the board of educa--] _ Tp, unc was made here tion. 0f 'Chicago. . This order; it has | by Wdfiflm of pats been learned,was forged. i When: the l'ood- were--delivered at m'g,&w. when hoAdiod'Z'm the Froelich establishment, Froelich Mrs. Armour and his daughter 'and was not there to sign for them;, 'but| son--th--law, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mit-- this was done by Arcols, it is charg--| chell, Jr., according to Mr. 'Manus g'vho is located in the same build-- n%mm '"i:" bon.;fll'h. -- j s typhoid fever, died in a London Good# Reconsigned * .: |psy whore he had been reported bot consigned --$20,000 worth of electric Cl Th coumatent may shiaged to _ Kennedy explained today .that the| Death Follows An Hiness o f Geseral Miectile Company whier 225| Veath _ Follows An Hiness . vhn Mess pumes a| --Topho eavet Wite d to the of business js 46-- Horse Towa, to last two weoeks, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Prohm and 'Aauightor --loft -- Monday--on 'a trip to Michigan. Mrs. Hokemeyer il! return tfor a month's visit.~ . *'* m\vfimmnfi n%u'-m ue +244 33 a Mesdames Weaver, Hans: and Hey-- M. Stacy in Elgin Friday, at the Elgin Prehm, Jr., left Monday for a trip to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Little Carol Knigge enjoyed a pic nic given her 8.~S. class in Barring-- <.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hans an dMr. and Mrs. George Hans of Batrrington * y OAz . AVOTY wumwfin WOV o . Aike A fine program is 'nnnu.d_ m'flluum" w:lnnumdflm 3 nuth:m hold all of our regular again Sunday, August 28. 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 o LAKE ZURICH o will be held in Barrington Park Camp from August 19 to August 20, with speakers like Bishop Brey-- day, August 20 and 21. We are having special scong service, in connection with our Sunday eve ning services and a special invitation is given to neighbors and friends to B L C. E. railly be held next lmu&-;nnim camp grounds, and all members and friends: aré invited to attend . > < .. 1 ! The--young men of: Deeffield wore visitors in Prairie Vie last Thuraday and two teams were chosen and a game of ball played. Apageant, "The Challenge of the Crmose," will be given by the ELC.E. of Grace church in the near future. T e en a e nnoptnient * *** next issinme of the -- 41-- SBunday at 10 4. m. the Sunday Arthur Kasdor{, brother of Mre. H. E. Grimme, has returned home after spending a week at the parsaonage. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mour, 64, head of the internationally ?o'wn n'eflng company, died : in Lon-- on today, ~according to private afd-- vfiw the Chicago o:l;? is uncement made 'here by Nflcluu. diréctor of pub We will have no services next Sun-- No supplies to furnish Ammunition in: the form of vaccines and sera with which the battle will --be waged. a tween the state health department and ~ If the new plan of mixing naturat ful Jacksonvilleusers may have a re-- mhqpuglmz'n& P. Alvey, 'division © superintendent of the Iilinois Power & Light company. The state division of highways plans the completion®of the hard road from Rochester to a 'point near the inter-- urban belt, which is a short distance east of Springfield. Governor Smail--on the governor of Indiana for the return to Montgomery county of YVirgil Spéars, who is under arrest at Anderson, Ind. He is wanted on the charge of forging 'his father's name to a check for $22.25 on a Fill-- An order for a lease of the old North Western station by the Chicago & North Western railroad to Marshail ¥ield & Co. failed to> get <the ap-- [proval of--the Illinois commerce com-- representative from the Twenty--second district, is dead, having attained the age of sirty--seven. Mr. Stanfidd fin-- ished his seventh term in the general asgembly July 1. He was Arst elected to the lower house in 1914. For the past two terms he has been 'chairman of the elections committee. mission. 'The 'restraint holds up the contemplated construction of a $15,-- rights over railroad tracks. The build-- ing was to havée extended over an area Oof three blocks above the tracks. The state department of rehabilita-- tion reports that it costs $248 to put a disabled man on a self--supporting basis as against approximately $300 of people in charitable institutions. At a total cost of $143,178.00, 472 cases eost $808, which includes administra-- Gov. Len Smail, Director Stanard of the state department of agricuiture, and Walter W. Lindley, general man-- ager of the state fair, made an in-- spection tour of the fair grounds re-- cently and noted progress. Two paral-- lel fences around the new race track are being rushed to completion. They are made of steel and concrete and engineers . claim that posts and mesh would withstand the\blow of a racing car if it were to crush into the fence at a speed of 100 miles an hour. War on bacteria'in Il!inois will con-- Taylor has received 27.500 tickets for tion 139, Macon county, pavement; to Ernest Berns & Co., Indianapoliz, Route 91, Section 114, Peoria county, pavement ; to L. B. Dyer Construction newardsont C awaemnd is contract for-- the-- stretch of hard road 106 banks ceased operation during the two and a bhaif--year period, all of these banks," New charters were issued for 88 banks, of which 41 were for asso-- dnflnso&nlndtomldnflyh suburban cago and rapidly grow-- suburban Chicago and »rapidly grow-- ing communities adjacent thereto. During the period from Jan. 1, 1925," the state banking department, by care-- itors in some instances 'through mer-- | gers, consolidations and liquidations, ; has managed to keep the number of j banks forced to close their doors down. j to --87, of whith the department was able: through saivage and satle of as-- sets to make --full payment to creditors in 14 instances. Three were reor-- ganized and reopened and 1%: placed in receivership, while three ore still in the hands of the department. . Of the receiverships, eight have been the result of heavy deficiencies due to of-- Frame Houses Last at "*i0l | drainage 'district and shall be valid Broth-- against all persons who have been de-- Parie: '] Unquent in assessments on such real UntY: | estate, and against all persons claim-- iction | ing through such delinquents. Sec-- | _ House Bill 208 (Turner, C. M.). Pre it; to | vents the introduction 'into and the * dissemination within this state of in-- House BHI 219 (Rush). . Amends -cmi"a'f.""' ' umé:: uMumum along or across any rallroad or' public: bhighway by railroads or out of the when Armistice day falls on 'Sunday, 1the Monday next following shall be 'counsidered such holiday. © . ~ House Bill 218 (Curran). --Makes bi-- ennium apprepriation of $2,275,020 for the ordinary and contingent expenses }nmmummumu and $147,250 for the Tilinois state .-- House Bill 206 (Robbins). Appro-- ipriates $450 for the repair of the ter-- race around the monument upon the site of Fort Edwards at Warsaw, NL House Bill 207 (Teel). Validates all <the proceedings incident to the organ:-- isation of certain villages, where it appears that at an election held for that purpose a majority of the citizens of such territory voted in favor of the basis that now provided in the proonx:et. Provides penalties for 'violation of any of the provisions of this act. © Repeals section 229a of Di-- -- ¥igion I of the Criminal Code. : House Bill 165 (Overland). Amends sections 11 and 13 of Article XI of the cities and villages act to provide for the election of a village treasurer, to act without compensation, in all vil-- lnges in this state having a population i'w«" * i such colncide with '&l" #hal! be held at same poll-- \ing places as the township elections. House Bill 190 (Johnson, G. J.). Amends section 5 of Article XI of the «mct concerning cities and villages: se las to permit the incorporation of a {village, upon petition of 15 legal vot-- 'ers (instead of 30) resident within the |iimits of such proposed village, if the mhhvmwmw'u 3 ted number gt least one hun-- {dred instead of two hundred. > : House Bill 201 --(Allen). . Amends t 5 of the Wills act Provides that when the County judge is a wit-- 'mess to a'will which is required tp be | "cad with injurious pests or plant diseases are declared nuisances and may be eradicated under the direction of such department. In the eradication of the European corn borer, state shall be mcre. Penalties Repeals Plant In-- «pection act of 1917. s of both a quality mark and a trade-- mark. -- Bill does not impede foreign commerce in connection with articles marked under standards different from those therein. set forth, ~Nor does the act apply to present stocks of jJewelry _ MHouse Bill 216 (Igoe). Bill regu-- lates the marketing and sale of plati-- j ides that where. a drainage dis-- agreeimment and none of the, principai y be iIncluded in a district organ-- JAged by a petition to the County court, f the work proposed by petition will protect and 'drain the lands as ade-- { tely--as 'the work proposed in the Erlgmmd by mutual agree: 6 t. ~Provides that where a district giving to the department of agricul-- ture the authority to carry out pro-- visions of act. Regulates sale of nur-- sery stocks, provides for inspections, and provides for issuing and revoking of --nursery stock dealerd certificates. apparently been organized to prevent «the--Iands.therein from being included in a district to be organized by peti-- tion to the County . court, the lands 'be benefited thereby, in any district organized by petition to the County Court. ~= : ' e 6 --. ~Houge: Bill °227 (Allén).<~ Amends certain sections :of an act relating to vides for learing and selling of land at public anction by drainage commig-- sioners, which has come into their possession in the manner provided for in ~section 8of an. Ast relating to legalization : of drainage districts, as-- May 29, 1883, such section 8 being named in place of sections 32 and 72 of said act. Provides for sale of real estate between the bours of 9 a. m. and five o'clock in the afternoon and for posting of notices thereof in ten public places in the county instead of four, one of which shall be on the door of the courthouse. Provides for terms Oof sales of such land and requires that executed in the corporate name of the ?S may bh:" in AIzed by a ; ~ Mouse Bill 194 (Teel). Amends sec-- tion 78 of. the 'drainage act of 1879. been allowed to become laws 11. a holiday ; 1--of the act dui uid 4t 3+ »pfort 458 .C--G. WENBAN & SOoN f New Expression of -- - -- _ General Motors Truck Values! > 3e * se ol pated on information of such signifi-- cance.: U. 8. steel stock, which open-- --Rumors of Omtdmh became current in Wall as the market opened. In Judge Gary's home in Fifth avenue, information was. re-- fused and inquirers were directed to his< office. It was some time before news of his death was confirmed. At 10:40 a."m. the announcement that he was dead was sent over the ditis." head of the Du Pont company, was also mentioned-- as a possible euc-- cesson to Gary. © Formal announcement of the steel magnate's death came in the form of a two--line typewritten statement is sued from"* the offices of the United States Steel Corporation. It read: "Judge Elbert H. Gary died at 3:30 for There was an immediate decline in the price of United States steel stock. .. Wall Street Shocked _--WMH¥l street was shocked profound-- Iy by the --news of the death of Gary. For years his every utterance has had a distinct effect upon the market and he was known personally to almost all of the traders in the financial dis-- the names mentioned most frequent-- ly was that of Nathan L Miller, for withheld forhbours: and did not <'be-- come known until some time after the stock market opened at 10 o'clock. u . # r F *°n'th';---'- O Ceaides 0. 0 Veie news that he had passed away was glants, died: in his home here today "JWG& ho was thal t y was rman 0 the --board of the United States Steel Corporation, had been away from his desk for about three weeks because of 'a <decline in his health, but his death, -- at 8& this m&rflgx l:u a surprise to many ends the -- He was one --of the world's lead-- ing financiers, having organized -- the United States Steel --Corporation in 1901, with the backing of J. Pierpont Morgan: He had been head of the wm ever since. _ Because 'of the effect of Judgre Outstanding : Fi in Big mummmm to a . Three Weeks' Sickness. -- not a* DIES IN NEW YORK Holds 15. Mot no amplication was given of the brief statement announcing his death. Judge Gary was injured slightly a féw months ago when his office chair overturned but did not find it neces-- sary to absent himself from his of-- known. At his office this Beveral days ago, however, he be-- came slightly ill and forty--eight hours ago his condition took a serious turn. Although his family and friends were concerned about his health because of his age, it had not been under-- stood until today that his condition Read the CLASSIFIED ADS. What You Want _ ; Sure To Be Found There. _ ou wankZ ed at 131 1--2;~dropped a point > to 130 1--4, but rallied later to the open:-- 150 -- 156 80. Genesee Street Telephone 5100 WAUKEGAN, 1LL1I ~ A uUSED CaAR is ONLY As Depennase in modernness of design ... - It isn't just luck. Our Used -- / *Cars are so consistently . good because we handle NOTHING BUT. In fact his iliness of James Morrow & Son "Jud:log;ryvuhmqtlnzb ca's splen dependgble assets, ° o(&cnnternh\:d'sd&o'l}" and a great and noble citisen," was the tribute paid him by Julins Ros enwald, famous Chicago financier and "FlHs death is the ; greatest §oss in American business for a genera tion or more," said Melvin T. Tray» lor, president of large banking cor» and mo sensible man ever says what that cpinion is --Samuel Butier, Zng-- lish author. " $ i¥ Fx: i E'] ~1% <p9e 1x y¥e

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