19, . Antioch;~ 156th & { é Feiton, i us Bs i. GENERAL __ _ |--~HEAT MACHINESs _ VETERANS HOLD e ~ ANNUAL REUNION 3 ==>= --~A~ Mrs. J ter® of N.~W.|were in Chicago on Monday. _ -- . . E+. =~~--~" Fang Bher. mostos ounton 6f Chigege,| . Mics Eolon . Musebl ppont Sunday _-- But 17 Veterans mm'iugn.u R. F. Rouse home. |fn Chicago. . ritlner ant _ --, fore Noon: Nine Died During | _ n o 0. spent. Wednes.| --Mro._Clayton Tiffeny. and _ ouliditn .$ the Past Year. "'&,_ and : Mrs. Harry Pfannenstill her praents, at Barrington. _ _ --_ E+#:." w« .' are the of a baby daughter,) Mrs. and Mrs. Marshall Hutchings \. _ A. T. White of Grays Lake, Wa$ poo auoust 1 The little one has and Mrs. and --Mrs. Clayton Hutchings -- reel :"'""'l" O'lminafi':i-" mnamed Betty Anne. spent 'l\m%:m;hu'fh'w v?"? s "'M. . There were> 31 M.w'-mm hibae * mlm .n':dnz A h:'n dave with their E. "ma . s us . ! and Mra Morton Johnson of Chicago, -- But 17 Veterans ReQister Be-- . #8 Mrt Mo" . Rou | ':um Nine Died During || *'Yee: 6. C. Melenty spent Weanes-- _ . ____ the Past Year. | 202. And. Mya. Harry Ptennenstit _ _Other ofticers were as follows: * Homer -- Stevens, second --vice com-- ;mm 82. Libertyville; Ind. + t «Artillery. ;".' 'o m "p c"h Cit'. Wl'; _Jacob Vanderpool, 80, Waukegan; -- Nick Smith, 81, Waukegan; 153rd OIL IS HEATING THESE BUILDINGS .__ FOR LESS THAN COAL With Type S--E Oil Heat Machine romically Heat Your Buildi With Any Grade Oil Yyears | 17th . her home, u?quo. Wisc., after a * |three month's visit: with her son G. tbowrjtmhonm ear. ----The music for th afternoon and eve ning program. .'The Janesville High wm'txmam'lm ts kind in | state, ay on xm.mhkommsa band wil be 'there Tuesday. -- The Edgerton will make its first ap-- pearance at s fair on Wednesday, and Whitewater will play Thursday. The patrons of the fair will be given something new in the line of musical mmm:oneCommm stock parade y evening. Fri-- !u'gquc_vflghmmwme joined 'with the grind of the machin-- ery department, the organ of the --mer-- npw,.mvwhirdmm motor, the 1 of the squawkers, and the bark of the barkers, should furnish some | strains of food that would satiafy every patron of the tair. Lawrence Romse bhad his tonsils re-- MILLIE WRENCH, Local | LION TOO BUSY TO BOTHER SMOKERS, _ SAYS SCHMALEUSS tyville, woent several daye at the home of her father, Marghal} Hutchings. are spending a few days with their ; -- veneer folding opera chairs, in good uncle and aunt, Dr..and Mrs. James | condition.. Auditotium Theatre,*Liber-- E. Tawhig, of ll;onDnlA':. Wisconsin. tyville, Lilinois. Foy 23 4t Cew days with relatives, at Gages FOR SALRE--Gas stove, $5.00; _ two 0 0 0 0 0 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cogk: 3 t4 & & applied to the County Court CARELESSNESS CAUSE OF m County, Ilinois, l:ll;& . .. MOST STREET ACCIDENTS| segzsment of the costs of said improve-- 6 mm ment, according to benefits, and an Most street accidents are due to | assessment therefqr having been made carelessness, according to the acci--| and--returned to said Court, the final dent prevention department of the| bearing thereon will be had on the Chicago Motor Club.: 10th day of September, A.D. 1927 at 10 Pedestrians should : remember um..;«:-w.- mot jay walk; m«mmmzmdm 'g.flmlt. street on a m,_&nt& for cars persons : destring may objec-- coming from the when crossing | tiong in said Court before said day mmmmmo_manlwmwmmufl the street is reathed to watch for| make their . --Said Ordinance when clear; to never pass y annual instaliments, mmxa.mw;wum:'mumnuumw cross the street diagonally; to walk anoum. not with i. mwdmn.m. j _ --Mfotorists. should remember: -- To RUSSEILLA observe the speed laws; to watch the | The porson appointed to make said -- street at all times; to not cut in and assessment. 84 2t M mootiony: 4 5 always be ready for a | SPECIAL ASSESsSMENT NOTICE sppont Fromm bonmad porked ons _mam:mma' ie j i Atmation of Svoveration, Snd of Hlinots. . having . ordered the con. without it no we can be MA | struetion Jocal 'improrement 'mmmm,mm.".fl' f coa-1 are laws enough now. o CLASSIFIED o o ADVERTISING o o -- Telephone No. 1 o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o o 0 0 passing through Zion are yanked out | HOLSTRINS AND §------ of automobiles or off trains and fined| Ohoice heavy springers, fresh cows were laughingly refuted Thursday by |and heifers, with 60 day retest; from W.--E. Schmaifuss, a former justice of | clean -- district; .large --herd: to select the peace of the militantly evangeli |from at all times; :one or a car load. cal Eden founded 'by the late Alexand--| Reasonable prices. (Come and make er Dowie. He said Zion is now going|your selection. -- One mile north of forward rapidly under. the leadership|Round Lake, on the lln.dthm. of Wilbur Glenn Voliva, general over--| Gilsky Brotbers. * 18 it CHAPOUGL,~ _ i7 wWiLn tHe iD+ a uk Amterad sinanint funiin ta dividual but will not deal with organ-- ma o ie w'""::':'.,g"' T fonik T e t polnt to oar M enty. We invite your inquiry. Pirst auto biles as M of our claim $ thatumm'm-mmum--------w_m_u mlo are prosperous," the speaker| SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Overseer Voliva startled some of mumzo to all per-- his followers recently when l:'ri Sons interested that President and ht::maom.otm -mum:m;vrc claim community would | Mundelein, County of Lake State be better off without these consecrat--| of Hlinois, having ordered the. con-- ed acres and could accomplish some |struction of a local improvement thing with the cash. consinting of : % A connected system of water mains, mmmmmg .__CARD OF THANKS r hA e tie d n Wemwct"mwhm"u"w':m'"m' P --'gooet an iriends and neighbors WhO/ 69 [ other streots in the Vilinge of Mundé-- and death o --our amother; *# MA éA those who donated flowers :,dl.'.. Oml' W N'& DREN: | mo in the office of the Village -- ©Zion community enterprises will do to;':n::o:.diu to thb:neove'ry of $6,000,000 worth of business in 1927.|an Oorg Town canoe, taken _ from Syl-- according to Mr. Schmailfuss, who i8\ yan TLake: near Gilmer® on Thursday manager of the Zion department night, Aligust 11.' All information will ;m aicm itself doe-u'm.or- tha" | be held eonn;rnm Telephone Lib , ness annually. rtyville .M -- f s Toe hare a bakery that tone PL-- 'z--.===g==;======:_--: 000,000 gross a year," he explained. 8 i.' "W}hn,vethohrgouuundyw R"IEIQ' For Sale plant in g:d world n: 'lleh we: used ====..--_--:==..--_t.'---.;.-_.=====--... 250 car s of t year; our 4 B : ' se printing plant -- will do -- $500,000|"OR _ ®AlLE----LOt in the wooded see-- where he is one of the officials of the Interstate Merchants Council now in. convention, Zion is too busy for such petty things. I--know this story hbas been told often but it never bhap ----*"We do not like smoking. Thoe|and bath; renit J0V 2 monin,. _ i3 members of our church do not smoke & Petersen, Libertyvilie, II1. * and we sell no cigars or cigarettes, M Mr. Schmalfuss said, "but we do not MMF interfere with the visitor 'to our city | ====--aatpemmte cce eeaeeccmeet es who wishes to smoke." & «& $25--REWARD--$§25 gross this year and our candy, cur-- tain, pillow, handkerchief, apron and lace works, together with our own bank and other enterprises, like our two garages, etc; will shoot our bus-- iness up to $6,000,000 or moré this _'"All of which contributes much to|FOR SALE--New 7--room house in teh 6200 people. Of these there are 4800 "km";mmgh"'- enrolled as members of :the Christian| LOt 50 by 150; street to be paved this Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion, of|$Uimmer. Can be--bought on reasonable which Mr. Voliva is the undisputed|{@"®#. R. F. Rouse, Mundelein, II!. head," the Zion merchant 'added. Telephone 251. 19 i Voliva Snocks Followers, *: I""&:""' 'business houses ": emmmmmmmecememenemee nc Zion City have.--a hard time, Mr.| WANTED--Girl for general house-- Schmalfuss explained, . because the| housework . system followed by Overseer Voliva :_--_-----.:...Ef_'__.m.___.fl Some of the things you cannot get in the Zion community store are pork or oysters, both being tabooed by ths church. Mr. Schmalfuss said Zion City also worries along without pau-- pers, movies or dancing and is with out: liquor. ; 3 "All of which contributes much to the happiness and prosperity of our her father, Marghal} Hutchings. {a responsible party can ha Mrs. -- J. H. Rouse and m.;uuumnmuym ere in Chicago on Monday. |u_nmmn.¢m-r.< Miss Helen , Russell spent Sunday | Chicago,--I!l. nm:!wfi.puhatmkv&' reasonable.. w ':'n .1:20":. M-hh'% Intalkismes m m--w "' Marion, Cecelia and Lenora Kelroy |SEATS FOR SALE--Several hundred "No indeed," Mr. Schmaltuss said Chicago Convention, Ridi-- . |Brown Swiss. All due to freshen soon. cules Belief of Many, > Frow srea tested counties. Price $85 o © ho Shant Addrossing! & o es on es oys & ~.'fl:i'\"m'"fifi:' has fine upright piano nearby which a responsible party can have by com-- pleting small monthly payments. : For full particulars addréss P. O. Box 172. FOR SALE--Royar tcypewriter and asmall Crosiley' radio; <priced 'reason-- able for quick sale. Phone 5388--J. x 24 'T'k W\ o c 7 "." & : C D I articles cheap for quick sale.. Teéle-- vwhone 595--R. 84 1t FOR SALE--Reasonable, nearly new wpring cot; also Hupmobile car in vile 1274 For information inquire at the Inde pendent office. > 23 it ty decorated. Lower flat, 5 rooms and bath; rent $60 a month. Sellers & Petersen, Libertyvilie, II1. " . 28 tf FOR SALE--Copeland home with two acres of river front park rights on Des Plaines river. $2500 wil In#c G. C. Gridley, Libertyville, IIL. U# FOR RENT--One sleeping room at 119 Appley Ave.. Phone $14+R. FOR RENT--Modern flat, corner of Milwaukee Ave. and Fair St.; new-- FOR SALE--6 room new house with sunparior and bath, in Oakwood Ter Livestock For Sale 26R., Telephone Liberty-- kx like new; ~| It is said that in some parts of Tur-- "Lands mortgaged may retu Key, whenever a shopkeeper is con--|~ and more esteemed, but hone Pn t of misr his house | once pawned is ne'er redéeme $ painted 'black month. _ Business lHes are boomerangs. . This unique metbod of punishment | speed back to where they sts hbas neyer been in Yogue in this coun-- walloping the Har in a vuine wmgnmmmn spot and causing no end of troul . . + : All of which leads us to the 7 sumption, of black paint. For Ameri-- ' F business men. have mmmmflecuonmtvehaveno {arnod that untatr buziness methogs | beou disturbed D7 anyone ht bring worse : &A Slack houge. 'They know that in this | !°"" 420 @ Paint brush. enlightened age, no business can grow | And that is one more reason and' prosper unless it is built upon|we feel at liberty to again re square dealing--honest service. you that in any matters cormn | When a business man has lost his | with real estate and insurance reputation for {fair dealing, he is in a | would appreciate an opportuni 'bad way, for then nothing will help | serve you And we will try our him--neithe truth nor falsehbood. ----© |to do it in a way that will n | . For, as the poet has it-- crease the sale of black paint. | ; 3 (Copyright 1927) f .« regige: " 1 inlended to build a two mor to a two. flat building on the lot, and fio hokd-- er. of the mortgage/ has notified me that he will foreclose the mortgage if 1 build. Cap he--do this? and returned to said Court. the final hearing thereon will be 'had 'on the 10th day of September, A.D. 1927 at 10 o'dockn.n..:--loonwuru the business the Court will permit. &mmmmm in said Court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Said Ordinance NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT waste. The holkler of the trust deed is entitled to the security he bargain-- ed for. If I agree to sell you a Jewett it is not a compliance with the con-- tract to.deliver a Paick. You are en-- 25th of August, A. D. 1927. * o o Rotden. Sealed proposals will be received All mortgages and trust deeds con-- _' Why Paint a House Black? make salid assessment. 84 2t THOMAS RUSSELL, A. H. DANNEMARK |-- GooDpmMAN ELECTRICG co. Grayslake, I!I. w4 1622 Tenth St. * ~LUX ELECTRIc co. f Waukegan, 111. Antiogh, i WARNER ECECTRIc co. : PAUL C. AVERY 3e 183 No. Genesse St. /. ~Lake ViHa, HL _ ; Waukegan, 111. * ar on Gtemoret _ _ . -- > -- m Washingin atrect" _<~~'. '86 Sp. Genesee St. * . ¢ 1 --~@<--'«~--Waukegan, 1!1. { MWaukegan, !!!. On Sale at Any Public Service Store or by LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC COMPANY This is the same Hotpoint Super--Iron that you have : seen advertised every-- where for $6.00 -- the iron with the Calrod heating element, with the hinged plug, with the Hotpoint heel stand. And now this special offer (good THE QUESTION BOX f A'Mhfinofflfimwmanntmmmowmthhmfinm and take your old iron as part payment on the new. Write, telephone, or stop in. . By R. G. °K A P I N C spot and causing no end of trouble. All of which leads us to the pleas-- ant reflection that we have not yet around our house with an air Of mys-- tery and a paint brush. you that in any matters connected with real estate and insurance, we would appreciate an opportunity to serve you. And we will try our best to do it in a way that will not in-- titled to what you bargained for. Con-- sequently, it is a breach of this cov-- enant of the trust deed if you build on the premikes, rent was $200 per month. Later the landlord agreed to accept $190 per month, and made a written memoran-- dum of the new. agreement on the back of the lease and we both signed the same. --* of the Village of Libertyville, Illinois, until eight o'clock p. m., daylight savy-- ing time, on the 30th day of August, sewers, to be constructed and laid in SAYRE AVENUE and other streets in the Village of Libertyvile, Illinodis, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT N. 78, in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus tees of said Village of Libertyville on the 5th day of 'April, A. D. 1927. SBaid improvement shall be construct-- ed in accordance with the terms of sgaid Ordinance and with the plans and specifications therefor on flie in the office of said Board 'of Local Improvements at the Village Hall in by the Board of Local Improy a M:{m and more once pawned is ne'er redéemed."*> Business Hes are boomerangs. They eed back to where they started, I signed a lease for a store and the We Will Call for Your Old Irc and Bring You the Hotpoint < dre. 'snid Village. ommau'm-wuh%rm {paid in -- special M"AM',WMA E and which draw interest at the rate of six |other streets in the Village of Liber-- ally, and in vouchers. Proposals must| SPHCIAL SSESSMENT NO. 77, umg:ubhmmmumummmmmm forth officée of Village Clerk of the Vil--|in an Ordinance passed and approved lage of Libertyville, Illinois, and must |by the President and Board of Trus-- be accompanied-- by cash or check| tees of said Village of Libertyvilie payable to the order of the President| on the 5th day of April, A. D. 1927. of the Board of Local Improvements, | Said improvement shall be construct-- |certified by a responsible bank, for|ed in accordance with the terms of an amount not less than 10 per cent|said Ordinance and with the plans of the aggregate proposal. Bids will and specifications therefor on _ flie 'bewwmnoudo}!w'lntheoffleeofmdnoardorbow A Improvements in open session at Improvefnents at the Village Hal)} in time on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1927, in said Vallage Hall in said Village of Tibertyville. The Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as the Board may elect. The successfu! bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be sum equal to one--third of the amouni of such bid, with sureties to be ap-- proved by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of said V.l-- lage of Libertyvilie which bond must be filed with said Board when con-- tract for the construction of said im-- provement is entered into. Said boad shall provide that said contracto: shall well and faithfully perform and execute ~said work in all reapects according to the complete and de-- tailed specifications, and full and complete drawings, profiles and models therefor, and according to the time and terms and conditions of the contract, and #&lso, that such bidder and contractor shall promp{lly pay all debts incurred by such bidder or contractor in the prosecutizn of such work, including those for iabar and materials furnished. -- * All bids or proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the accpetance of such bid or proposal. Dated this 17th day of August, Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Libertyville, Illinois, until eight o'clock p. m., daylight say-- ing time, on the 30th day of August, A.-- D. 1927. at the Village Hall of Libertyville, Illlinois, for the con-- struction as a whole of an improve ment consisting of _ . A connected system of water mains, together with hydrants, con-- nectionsa etc.. to be furnished, con-- NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT only until September 15) brings it to your very door--for a 25¢ down.pay-- ment, and an old iron--of any age, style or condition. The balance can be paid on your light bill, "Little by Little." < NO N More Convenient I Please call with a Hotpoint Iron. My Name is _ | \ of. Local Improvements reserves the | right to reject any and all bids, as | the Board may elect. BPWUCIAL BSSESESSMENT NO. 77, in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus on the 5th day of April, A. D. 1927. Said improvement shall be construct-- ed in accordance with the terms of said Ordinance and with the plans and specifications therefor on _ flie in the office of said Board of Local Improvernents at the Village Hali in said Village. Contractors are to be pald in '--special assessment bonds which 'draw interest at the rate of six Ler cent per annum, payable annu ally, and in vouchers. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished at the office of the Village Clerk of the Vik lage of Libertyville, Illinois, and must be accompanied by cash or check payable to the order of the Presgident The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be required to enter--into a*bond in a sum equal to onethird of the amount of such bid, with sureties to be ~arp proved by the President of the Board of ~Local Improvements of said Vil lage of Tibertyville which bond must be filed with said Board when con: tract for the construction of said im provement is entered into. Said bond shall provide that said contractor shall well and faithfully perform and execute said work in all respects according to the complete and de tailed specifications, and full and complete drawings, profiles and models therefor, and according to of the Board of Local Improvements, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount not less than 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. Bids will be opened by the Board of Local Improvements in open session at eight o'clock p. m., daylight 'saving time on the 30th day of August, A. bidder and contractor shall promptly pay all debts incurred by such bidder or contractor in the prosecution of such work, including those for labot and materials furnished. Al: bids or proposals shall gcntain an offer to furnish such bond upon the accpetance of such bid or proposal. -- D. 1927, in said Vallage Hall in saild Village of Libertyville. The Board of Dated this l7th day of August, C "Roane . A s# Y