E 'With 101 Ranch Wild West And Far East And along--this--line it is of interest to note that in LAtria the Soviets have been making a big ado about ently have to their own alv"niage in a financial way the sz-flm arounsed @Qver the con-- viction of thuw foreigners. . For example, the see-- retary claims the New York Saeco committee con-- tribnfedha $300 to the fund whereas over $70,000 was obtained in various parts of the'metdrfi; and flu' same has applied h:men&where the nse cormmit-- tee contributed $4,000 to eentral conmmittees where-- as the central committee claims that many thousands be-- youd that were actually raised. All of which goes to show that these "birds" who are W sovietism etc., are no more honest amonlg s than they are with the public at large whom they are trying to ""kid" by false gestures. * a 7 Just as we etgected! The committee . which tried to save Sacgo and Vanzetti from death and taised funds all over'tz-UmM' States t(';,'flflfisgf case are now havtfi TROUBLE AMONG T YBSF @6 . =---- :A The Seeretary and treasurer of the comumittee, with headquarters in New York, elaim that other committees in various 1& are "holding out' on the --central committee. "He declares that they collected much more money from sympathizers o¥er the courntry than they turned over to him as head of the central organization. If Lincoln, 'I!l., seeks to M;Tg&%x with a--signboand, it at lw Y¥ tobave its main thoroughfare kept in aAble shape, somewhat L ak & Hate of isaring the name of a wit-- Judge (Shurtieff literally reversed Aan earlier ruling late in the day when he --ordered stricken from the record ihlu_fl;l'r'dn'-nh Clark Nye,-- Kas., stating that he would consider it later. * tioned about this phase of the case "K 1 denloed the change of renue and substituted a suitable triat judge NEXT HEARING INDEFINITE Pn Apic i mm n h ram w5 Praclna oraids » uh eiiidaes Th auth.. i M T T¥ on R 3 AnAPRP CUW, . ALU p 0 : % lotting Nes wore out 6 cammattity of their own, adapt| use mm »oo mfoot w Fiice % hn ideds to thetr--pont government and living ) 3 anion en eene o oo i0 e ht %flfi:wmt like it and that they'll soon be the side by the Mexican. Crowds be-- rioting among themseives. er®'.s* _»>~_ «y Hexed that the central postoffice had Shurtieff Strikes Ruling Deny-- "' £ '. in Change. ofNemn to * Alis indictment :dealing with this charge was almply read to him. 3 ~+*Bome of these points have tiken us by--surprise. We --would like time to prepare our answer," Col. Smith told the court prior to adjournment. : Just a few more days--then "n must with-- io your home and trade it to you for an old may have, regardless' of make, age or condi-- PuBuic SERV) ( 'AUL C. A & # a shs No, Gene: CENTRAL~EauiP &4 ENG co. --< *-- mnw co ,f'!'%(flk us y oOllc, oon ) . o+ O --WMklkegan, HL _: __ : Regular Price Hotpoint, * $6.00-- LUX "ELECTRIC co. A. H. DANN ,l&ntfw * xt 00 . ~GpoDMAN ELECTRIC C6., iux¥ "LrEer¥eie en ~>= " .. ' ~Wiaukegan, 110 CAUSE You Can _' -- > rn in an Old Iron for 1.00 . Or you may drop i--at any of the dealers listed here, 1t will take only a old iron cted. Write, call or telephone us. September 15 is closing day. esd ~--Gring .a:' him, ~efi:hcmig was 'they took &ll precautions, ~but t& 'MM C were wounded in the Jegs. 'Frederick J Plerce 125 . Humphrey avenue, _Osk Park, a prohibitian same facts could be presenied to an :. Three ~Dystanders . were wounded Thursday afternoon and hundredg of %'fimm near -- the 0eTAL~-- & in ~Chicago were into.a panic when an appar-- J@M armed with a tion, can be turned in--as a dollar payment on this beautiful Hotpoint. The balance is enly Hunter had fired six shots into shop where fourteen workers -- Athe "mmm agent was shot ;:ei one with & bullet later ~Tound, t police officials said, to Be of the same caliber as Hunter had firsd. is demmnang a thal rve to ork ~was .de ding a taxi ride to 'North XChicago, saying he had no money, but 'revealing he carried o'-h;' knife. _ "She m turned at mm 6 .s him dd' tly Then the: Mexica t'efl 'd;:'wn Dearborn street 'past .postoffice. ; Directly: After. he was -- stabbed. Hackert shot--twice at the-- Mexican, both "bullets missing. -- Following the Mexican on foot, despite"a wmmdedJ thigh, Hackert was joined by: OX K.l' Hunter, a federal building guard, and g:{';ehuod the fugitive into a tem-- refuge behind one of the mfl' rectivers on the Dearborn street side of the dederal building. There ?Jcrc-';.! Bummoned by the shots and the? cries of men and women as they saw ; And It's A 1 y manis M. ne I fair." _ _ Iaiked in ie lakon 2x Kn regino J Hackert 'blimu A common name ~-- exican, who} among of North Chicago and" de'to North| Waukegsan, is taken to indicate that money, but| he--really was a Norlh Chicago man. ng knife. A check is being made to determine I gslashed at| this fact for sure. Belvidere® & Jackson *« t who i 13 --