«ident -- y »GAIMARKLA . C o 2 + e EN ARE e c aicis)._-- ! ASKED TO ASSIST Park, was drtring chis~Fore / R , North Jac § drtven west -- up the street hill crashed into the side 08 his. ma~ chine. Theo Chverolet was : By Tony Gonsk of 1346 North: Jackson Barker® of Chicago was driving his Overland touring car north is North avenue and crashed into the Buick nug in Koith avenue by Mrs. _ MeKinley and Genesse Jerome . Kucera of ent.= None of the injuries will prove fatal be says. > " B. Kobbits of Halsted street, Chi on Routse ©21~ near Grays Lake, a¢-- cording to Chiet Deputy Fred Brown, when his Chevrolet left the road and turned over. He was taken to Lib eryville to a doctor where the wound was dressed. -- He returned to Ch+ tended by' Dr. Karl Beck, chant, Waukegan. Turk At~ 11:25 D. A. R. GET PRIZE ~XX XV--NUMBER 36.~ Arbott Morreen, 4237 Monticello »m.m«gmmm-fl j,"mt% street, ~driving 35 miles an . He paid a fine of * August Solto, 701. Monticane _ August 707 Monticello Ave., MwwhWM reokless driving on Park Ave. -- The charge was dismfssed upon payment of court costs. . mm.ncmm.l Norwood Park, 'paid a fine of $5 and costs to Justice Morris, when he was found guilty of reckless driving. : _ Mrse. T. Aschenbrenner, 5324 Grace street, Chicago, was picked up when &mmmmflu;n-flo Hp. ~He paid a fine of $5 and costs. . hurry, and drove 50 miles an hour on W.. Park Ave. -- Justice Morris fined him $10 and ecosts. <A%> m * ~--Owners of property along the Fox tiver appealed by letter to menbers --congress Saturday for ald in pre-- hmmamw 'posed state dam nedar Fox lake. -- --*"The proposed dam 'at or near Nip» mw.'mcmdmm *"will serionsly obstruct na and practically destroy a river now one <of the beauty epots of Hlinois. 'It Will cause millions of dollars of dam-- &mmum«m the river." §: Harold Sloatier, 4014 W. Potomac An]ihh: also paid a fine of $10 and costs for 50 miles an hour through Tony Yucas, Gurnee framer,'Mned | !O*7--: ? ldea is to establish a com-- $105 by Police Magistrate Waller A |Munity o estates to follow a plan of Taylor, Wednesday on a : beautification prepared by .Jacob. L. driving drunk, today a the mumwm Mm'" mu&?n'"mzunuluzn :: m-flm court, _ said. |are interested in mutmym car."--The two men ere arrested by Sergt. Otto, a state highway officer. At the village hall, they were inclined to argue the.matter of their arrest, and both were locked up, being 'held on the charge of drunk and disorder-- ly. Officer Manzak found a suit case in their car, which upon being opend Toar pine of tige Tooking boose. Arter four pints of fine booze. After two or three hours in jail, they were arraigned before=--Justice Bartlett and each assessed a tine of $% and the . MBR OM n oae o daimers t Frepert] Along Fuxl Eestrn t nsfi Pessaree Against Improvement _ ~| Allén F. Moore subdivisions are unable to block the project by appeals to. congressmen," tice Moris rdismigssed the charge, on payment of coste. 4 }A.)lol-n.dm.vunnd $5.00 and costs by Justice Morris on a charge of speeding. -- Roman Zymali, 4200 W. Chicago Av., paild a fine of $5 and costs in the court of Justice Morris, on a charge of speeding. « MMMN"M& ugwmnmm-m apend the holidays. Olsen was driving and crasehed into a car belonging to Marcel--David, also of Chicago. 'The former was tried on a charge of reck-- less driving, and pald a fine of $2%5 and costs. In addition he put up $10 to pay for the damage to the David Many Motorists in the . Toils of Local Courts _ Allen ¥. Moore, a banker lving at Monticetlo, and member of the Re-- publican national committee, has pur-- chased from the Harry Golisatine Re-- alty company a tract of 54 acres in Thorubury Village, east of Liberty-- ville. The land is in the new commun-- 'motzmmomm acres. . Moore's west the ce paid is -- reported to have been in the neighborhvood of $2,500 an acte, or approximately $135,000 for the 'xflmmum)n? nm" ;mmmmhmdg :mnmumth% lage. T&bmbu%dfln o and we turned back heer. We bhad with us on the boat the . 'of SBeattle, Mrs. Landes, and a numiber of other passengers to Alaska. Although we saw some bad weath-- GC--we ha da wonderful trip to. Alaska &M.w--flndm is a wonderful country. Ve--saw a great profusion of flowers at Skagway--lields of dablias planted in rows. Long days and lots of sun-- rm-&m om'm' C ! peo-- !b'&!;m~&thfl.l&!tdlm We followed the old trail up towards Klondike {or a distance t 45 miles. We went as far as Bennett. Here people camped at one time dur-- ,lwtbo.numd'"nd'u. Saw the remains of old bridges and cabins P'l'lm Wonderfiul scen-- ery through the mountains We had Allén F. Mooare Buys ~54 Acres at Thornbury o and we turned back heer, X# Wilcox Delighted in _' His Trip to Alaska i \ ,UE f',: ¥ 4 :x\ The following lettéer is from E. E. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927. on masadairn aittox. a tractor lo)}:nflboni g'lhl" Death 'of Danie! Buts, Zion who died trom injuries recéived clals in Chicago asserted: ~'Stellen 'has ° admitted United States marshals; ien, roadhouse owner. All the war-- States District Ab' o:'.',',.r. ttorney Q. Johnson. District Attorney Johngon deciared evidence of a. huge conspiracy. in-- voiving more than forty roadhouse to Pouse and his "thrdm. collectorse, will be taken . before' « ths.. federal grand-- jury wm @"8. * said, revealed that the : post: master; ~Eddinger . his"~brother Leon. 'a sallonkeeper,; colleoted more his wife, to hbis a 4 .-." 'lh.t:;fl.m'u_ b?{)':.fumbyh#% ou never Wgain, mtouelot;.hz.' % to appear in his vourt %m Other warrants were ser-- vice upon "Souny'" Grommes, reputed dictator of the beer'industry in Mo-- Henry county, and upon #Fred Stell John . J. 'Oros, chiet of the federal deputies who served the warrants in McHenry county Thursday night. Oros says he has learned that Pouse unmuuuohomgomm far from Woodstock. . expected to have him under arrest soon. Pouse is not the only fugitive from McHenry county for whom a govern meni warrant has been fasued, the States Attorney ~Alfred H. Pouse who ~vanished from his Woodstock home several days ago after iearn-- Ing that federal action was contem-- plated against him. Trail Pouse to Home Pouse, whe was eleoted ona law-- enforcement and ultra "dry" ticket, nounced in letters he left, to "My Henry, II1., ong of five men arrested by federal authorities 'in . McHenry county last -- Thursday night in con-- pection with charges of 'liquor vio Imtions and official corruption, has made a confession, government off? POSTMASTER CON --EFS""s PLOT IN M'PENRY CO. MESS N. F. Steilen of Woodstock Said.to Have Admitted Part in Helping Fix Things he "% *.049, q aimer + to -- deputy eut on his head. His left arm sustain-- ed a compound fracture. After first alid had been given he was rushed to mwm&umw tyville with making a stop. TLit-- :um::m:tzomwa: Druba both w down, . Officers Litwiler and Daly. Just be-- fore Chnrch street was reached, Druba signaled to turn west, and he attempt-- ed to do so. Litwiler did not under-- stand the signal, as he had received wiUW al Dsl, FV!HL VCIQ J whe-- same addreas, severe bruises; + .w e W 1 Samuel Wainer, same address, lacera-- c '......... , & o;l' rrltt:t;l;pe and Samuel Bergr:t f of the books of the county | ort ncleco <avenue broken 4. it was soday by Sam--|_ The Wwere headed for"Milwau-- vel E. Sims, mm --and | kee. A.car being: driven without.lights gity auditor, who has been--ordered by | Cut in front of them and--they were "w "W" Jorce offa of the road to avoid &--col-- an audit on 't'hc books. ;« o w PClice are seeking The owner Until , * . approy»-- f mathine. is #wu .w resigned, | : / were rushed to the Lake--Count wnh in «affice and Javy B. %' for Treatment.=> L town, on their way to the champion's the night before by President Coriett, the Tunney party was to stop in Lib-- ertyville for a short time, and arrange-- ments had been made to receive the The supervisors go into -- session Bept. 13 in their regular quarterly npooint ooldiom Itot Mabeves: in on special it :48 J in or der to approve the 4 in + An audit t this 4 ¥ear necessary sixt m&i'%' 'low w --when the <books are closed. ie auditor had. bent every -- effort to-- cover : the ground by Sept. 13 but found it was Park. There were ten of fifteen mo the -- books . are closed. The _ auditor |-- . Wiliam . F~ Stovens <of 1511 Catalpa had. bent every ~effort to-- cover the| aventie: and John Merlock--of 1024 ground by Sept. 13 but found it --was| Wadsworth--proved to be real aamari-- mmm in | tans Friday smorning after both pRe-- of empl al--help. | of their Cate had been dama& ui: l (an Wl TT oD COtttt Cl . 0. -- |gar glarked Thursday. in North But-- + ~ Amer; <--28,| . MilWwankee, | T!¢k streat,. belonging : to--SBidney Eld: y -«n.;_lm KEldridgo said he had left the last Friday afternoon about 1:30, the accident ocourring at Church street and Milwaukee avenue. --Druba had gone to the south limits of the --village to escort the Gene Tunney party thru near Lake Villa. Auditor States That Work is Slow at Best; Will Delay Morse's Acceptance Immediately after the accident, Mr. Hurt in Crash Friday 4 Rok o+ vocge t td e ioh 29 1; wtg fi"' § s> x; : C3 y e ieraliadh oo hok c i6 Snd 9y k o To) oi C n;g;."'. is "wfi 2 e oK ul § Chone M 0 n .08 7 o m D. fhe tA 8 Bz ie pq'au sons were injure x'""'"fiw traks wEot iss oo ir persons were injured when an autotmobile: in _which they were riding rom for ¥--pr the paving by 'an-- other -- mac on <Green-- Bay --road about two miles out of Fivye points at 11;:15 o'clock Monday night. The Infured are;--David Belson, 917 Third street, Milwaukee, lacerations on head; his wife Mre.:Pearl Belson, of wvw':men t officiats have teen working in Lake County adds spice to the whole situation. It appears evide:1 that Uncle Sam has seni his prohibi-- tion agents into this, the lake ter-- ritory which inc:udes t.a>o <Cnounty. as well as McHenry County. So far no word has coms from States At m_.y-,spnh.ot Laze County as to hy knowledge that on nis part that the Federal ::'t:h:.'"',c: ,':!';3 con"acting a separate epecial investigation in--Lake County. Put nis friends de-- clare be is ready and willing to take all the m they can give him. > bgly there is a possibility that even by this time these Federal probers have zccurv'a'sdl some evi-- dence and it therefors will not be en-- tire news in case word comes out that they have>issued --warrants against certain people in Lake County as they did all of snudden in --Mc¢Henry County. FOUR HURT WHEN AUTO IS FORCED OFF OF HIGHWAY This .npoq was given to the Federal authorities by Government men who had loc:tfl_d the whereabouts of Pouse in the ; border. The warrants charged cy to violate the pro-- hition <law, 'bribery and curruption and ~ers issued ty <TUnitcd Statee Commissioner Beitler :a Ch'cago late in the m . While df course Latze County peo-- ple were only indirect'y interested in what. hap in McHenry County nevertheless now that the additiona! news has come out that another corps Car Overturns on Green Bay Road, South --of Five Points, County ut'oln the afternoon with warrants for <the arrest of eight persons including N. F. Steilen, post-- master at Woodstock tue County Seat ;.:Nl as s Attorney A. H. Pouse e,. It bfd later been reported was safély over the border line in Canada ording to reports from Wood-- stock late Thursday afternoon ten United -- States Deputy Marshals swooped | down upon McHenry &A m(lon in ~McHenry ty. And now with a rumor Mcto:fhl- lar ulo so far as the resort keepers are concerned may come in Lake County adds another climax to this 'district, because McHenry County is the first county west of Lake l? is in the. same senato-- rlal --and congressional district. IN LAKE COUNTY: RE ~PORT 12 SLEUTHS Sensation at McHenry h394 Issue Here Suddenly ey Did in McHenry Chevrolet sedan belonging to J--O-- Sorrows Over Mother'&'m Zion ~had been-- n:u:,a Death; Youth Also Diesg| Chict*s Sundar afternoon. _ The it at <his home at $10 Lenox avenue complained that his wife, Alma, whom he married July 27, 1920, deserted him the following September. _.-- James F. Y¥oes, of: Great Lakes. charged his wife, Ina with desertion. They were weédded Oct. 9, 1911. Herr and Parnees filed this bill and Attor: ney Joihn Noll filed the other three. able to control his grief. _ He is survived by his father John c..um«..uumumz:'?d., &%muoo'ma in North>Shore cemetery. drank. On one occasion, he charged she got intoxricated and struck him :ith.ahoehmn.'rmhma:ue Mrs.> Ethel Hepburn charged her husband James, with desertion. They were married Oct. 19, 1905 and parted (_)ct. 13, 1922. They live in Highland complaints alleging desertion and the fourth cruelty and drunkeness. David Watkins, who was married with Elizabeth Watkine July 24, 1921, claimed that his wife was cruel and en 2 9 N S e e o sem f canse number is ~986--057, the Grief over the death of his mother| Humber is 21A A No ® which occurred in June is believed mm"flm to hwre b.en responsible in a large| --~ . Take | at Antloch Justice Justice Harvey C. Coulson who has set the preliminary hearing for Sept. 14. Bonds were fixed at $4,000. Prosecution is to be carried out in both counties according to At-- _Attporney Clarence W. Shaver, 40, of 140 No. Dearborn street, Chi-- cago, Saturday surrendered himself to deputies on a charge of statua-- tory rape that had been a month ago by Sarah Anderson, 16, Chi-- cago. ht Attorney . Herman Landfield, rep-- resenting the girl, stated that she was assaulted at the summer home of Shaver at Foxr Lake Aug. 27, 1926. . She had been taken there by the attorney, he claimed, along with other friends. She was 15 years old then. Shaver was brought into court in Chicago on a charge of being the father of the girl's child and this matter is still pending. LAWYER IS HELD _ FOR RAPE; GIVES UP TO DEPUTIES Atty. Clarence Shaver, Sought For Month, Held in $4,000 OUR «~INVITATION PRESENT THIS AT THEATRE Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Andrews are in j worvuug at our Joes "D MAKE AS GOO0D A LIVING AS POSSIELE, HERE i6 Ouc aroup Of MEL w our um wio Arc WORIUNG FOR "HE GO00 oF MANKINO AuD oT FOR Moue. 1 REFER C ME AERGHA, AID iC 6 Wweu o GEAR 148 us MIHO ANO BE GENEROUS VC NOR CGwroh REqyire? ruuos "Bonds by Coulson Dnh Epp Says D FRIDAY TN MOST OF US Agc adjuster, Jdebron, HL., was stolen Sunday night The police received a call trom the ing the fl of a=. m' sedan !;;u'!' Channel Lake, n-u«-:a is 1--067--600 and the motor 7 11.598.665. --No trace of the ca - found here. 6 Veads The police of Zlon called the Was o ooo nenmant es Chevrolet sedan belonging to J _O'-- and 11:556 p. m. Th NUcense sey lumber ""E"."":D"P- Mr: Peterson -- informed the police Monday night that he had seen two men driving his car in Kenoshea-- Sun-- day afternoon but said they got away ported that his new Oakland 18# dau sedan had been stolen from Clay M. H. Peterson, of DeKalb, called at the Waukegan police, station at 10:40 o'clock Sunday night and re tween 8:30 p. m. and 10 p. m. The car bore_ dealer's number 782. The motor number is 181,414, and the se rial number is 176,200. ' The local police called the police stations at Zion, North Chicago, Forest, Chicago and xmflfa no trace of the stolen car was ob at < 603 South Genesee street and was the father of five children living in Minneapolis, was almost instantly killed at 10 o'clock Monday night when he was struck by an automobile driv-- en by Elmer Kayser of 808 Cummings avenue, between Thirteenth. and Fourteenth streets in Sheridan road. According to witnesses, the degro was walking toward Waukegap on the pavement and was on the 'right hand of the road, with his back to w trafftic.> There w&s a long line of autos on the road and as it was ~very dark, one driver did not see the man until bhe Wwas almost on him. -- The driver swerved sharply to the left and Keyser, who Russell "was p!l:tod up 'and i« to the --hospital "in a car ariven George Tiffany, son of Chieft.of. lice Fdank --Tiffany, but the ue died on the way..~© 34. 3 DeKalb Man's Car Stolen in Waukegan; Zion man's Car Was Walking Along -- Sherida Road When Struck by Wau-- John O Russell, a negro who lived IN NORTH CHICAGO Stolen in Chicago kegan Young Man $1.50 A YEAR s 9t