CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Sep 1927, p. 9

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. > s C T Pem MeREr . C m e en n e % * %. s 'P','_ .'-' S ts "Sme w wihg ul ue 1: '--.w T 3 w d ISF 1 I r & [ o es A o h !' E. ~ 5* @tertus : V mm C 9 R [ *# 3 ."~ x8 C % tu ~"us e o P 4 45 M T4 e i e enc ayt cto. se yleg. 13 Col, S a es e C f A + s Whep tfi xA . Eon m . Nemtbe: 1 00e d nc Sls Yiay t h PX O + t S Shelld ow¥ ®R o° 5.. ho oo fls ltz n 51 P ; & T [ m h woe Andiotn s us e > <f + C n es aer uies on ty > # By si the kn 2 D Tap d e * S¥ -- INI D3K U L AATDLECRTT" & xt i im : . s h. t $ : s v 5 Adbc 1: --Sszen vals uin in ohre se o ©. rerith T * i s 3 a Pt e P T # ' ® G mages > £ cws n 90 es s e e e Siaih C & / Cnanlating T oantée fhear' 2 * _ e t y me-- m l 2% " e ie "viethe is & *& 3 aree 'ae _= k L Agam BFewslict : cece (s THALVE wtuom wedes 1 11 itc M S , is _ e * > pe + 1 e know ~when they--are Mable --to ;=» arto«s a member oftt:the squad. way they will be able to work to better adgvrantago. They--will make it ::utntnnlan-lflvma. licenge plates of cars from which tubbish is.dropped. Theb watrants will ba. sworn c#t ~and prosecution. will take piage.. The plan seems sure of success--for the violators never will rime and again these motorists i "'"Lfi to dump. bass of--¥e-- fire nlong ~"the. paved -- roads. m'flly.olu'ov'-g." t aye k t t & trouble has been. to get evidence. The men who have organited the in groupe MANY ~COMPLAINTS maDE Grant and Avon Townships to Prosecute Those Who f Garbage i Rdads""""" work. "RUBBISH SQUAD" : 1S FORMED IN uemonsirations ; nx .F.f, Liorse h demonstrations, for hogs, legumes and other roughage for beet ction, cattle sanitation and """::.lm-o. poultry flock try breeding, herd improvement, kv--operative bull associations, I!linois 500 pound butterfat cow club," dairy ferences scheduiled for--October, | the 95 county {farm advisers of the state will discuss these projects and make the final selection of the ones which Q.:'.hwml:udrmuwvo ©oun during coming -- year. M!wmmwm: Peoria, October 13 i Chieago, October--20 and 21; Centralia, October 85-- and 2%6, and Decatur, October 27 'Definite projects oh each of the 49 farm problems included in the pro-- gram have been prepared by the vari-- ous extension specialists ot the agri-- ranges from community c . 10 4 * e o CCOZ CCX . HAd Vunugde -- 9L ¥ _e-lm-.\mmxyot@-on, county fatim'advisers and the various mtyfiiphmuam'm,n is announced by H. W. Mumford, dean of the college and director of exten-- atively between have tentatively -- been selected © as Muh"mur-.u.'.q ing year in the state agricultural ex-- tension 'program carried out co--opet-- T ABULATE BETTER FARMING V¥OLUME Urbana, HL, imon programs of work, projects on boys" club AT 49 PROBLEMS organization and 'detelop-- of Ilingis Ag. School ! Intengely on Big the College ot In four district con-- problems of I!linois SOLUTIONS V--NUMBER 66 «> SECTIONX TWO i s oc ca o uh ult I ® t Wher CR £ _2Td uatio Cnt TA mds us ; 1. _ AHGC AANOt@ <avenge plant® mtm" .--M --.- "" ----g:'-.,"_\ LE 184 don eree rerres o cornseat, bor |adéuente t "riex UP "ahe estgmat 7 5 , ® . = ' O 1 C '_'.'w\ e o rlinifer '..."'.;..._W..m._.m'f.;m;mr«; To Alegrei i serte Lal ce > batiinin xi es OE . Eenuce® . d ui > JHM .. 4 ing uport -- the ultimats dispositton of, the h.d'::'c':flu fl'?. serves all of Lake M;"'p"'*-- : !f"'"'" to 'the: Skokie m:%'*; rated capacity for-- 6,000 --people.. * / _ w M iway it adequately :an:fed.'t:e nw':;e of a large popula-- m' % P a 3. _ The Highwood plant is located east of the Skokie > ditch and Just south of Prairie avenue serving all of High wood except a small area tribu-- uryht'hcima.ul,'_nkuflm. I% is similar wmm kwtht:'l)u_rno:w*ltlfl'm a ra 000 people 4. n?flf.uuzm located 'nmamothhflttm mfl: end. of the Lake !'n-t_m m:ud-lanthmlaw plant except that the mmmmmqm settling tank for sludgé digestion. Jt N.--S.-- and M. 'u;lny' it ymnodtheoengootg] age for discharge into the dry Mflwlumw':: the disinfecting plant at Park avenue. The plant serves a>compact confine district extending westerly from -- the city hall and has a rated capacity for 1,000 altho=ugh during the--con-- ou-sfi'?:mo «okie line of the C. south of Deerfleld avenue and~ com-- prises one automatic pumping station. a tow story settling tank, sludge dry-- were built to better condition the sew-- _1 The Park avenue plant at High-- land Park is located just north of the watér works with an outlet extending 150 {eet into Lake Michigan and locat-- ed south of the city bathing beach. It serves the area east of the ridga.from about Beech street to Fort Sheridan and Highwood. 1t comprises two-- story settling _tanks of the Imho(f type, sludge drying beds and a plant for disinfecting the sewage: with Nm:fl;lbrho together ~with a cast-- tercepting sewer extending 6,150 feet north and south along . the lnil: sefi c wl i egan serves B e ENT c t o 0 l le Aiecot e ie n td s a Te s . ! ; 8t e Toi. * vv\":\ ' '. * & % ¥ *sat B s E C zl & e # 3 « ' *3 °% .';" C m We s '\v"'"' § ( it & . Cw t E: * s ds k 368 p > C 3 < : £ « * D 6. x .':' 6s% "u ~ # s ho mc ° -1': 5S Cw ,f y -»Q ~ "'" .; « PBA ol ' U R ".' ~C ;'1'5" -- fe_.-- "< P + * E. ie M *' ) AMganie F 3 til , € ~ s e .. : * w * 4 § f h Je > , t l ~?~,\ 6 7 + ' 6 r : "A I 4 I »ai M 4 & " * ' A s P & h ' 1 R s ® l * h i' 3 ";'f d <& 2 * 'b. 5 # EC o {q. ,._ i * e * * \ M * : ¢ ,.*" * »Alud 2 P .. % [ *4 * g 4# ® e j . * NEV $ * K 3 PLA 186 1t is Lo STePr mwsiode |-- 'i 3 [ W MOV S Ter: 2C d t y¥ \ ic h rams Cgocg. c . s P e P T i Mmmmmcaman Rempennewsmnmmememmntm ITS THE NICGHT--OF NIGHTS FOR THE EX--CHA) ages.. It is similar in design to the plant at North--Chicago: © ; - All of the plants were planned S mfigu-sm as : needed > to meet the growing population. -- Every effort has been made to adapt the de-- mAE people--and is 'in successful use by L ols s o. Te 2i + 4o ce e ge Chicago, Sept. 21. --4+Labor. rivalry between shoe--»stores here resulted in the bombing of two shops today. out --that ~accidents. havre . been cut down --sinca their work started. -- The thing that they like most, how-- ever, is the fact that Sherif! Law: rence Doolittle is to put the two men on task of protecting farms from anything because the.county has been generally over run by hunters from state that it was: almost impossible to get on the highway before the cops of the county. months meets..with 'the approvalot mmdtoh ' nun'eo-m ye seen corps authorized it has been learned after discussing the situation with a number of them from various> parts . The act. of the finance: committee of the board of supervisors in ap proving the retention~of two inotor-- eycle policemen . riding _ out of the saherift's ~offite .through. the winter SAY ~THEY <WERE NEEDED Approve Act of Board of Sup-- ervisors Keeping: Two Emer-- * STeEP wS10€ ' S$HOPS --BOMBED neuninpenmmmeniinnmpesntiterimarennittenetiennemmenaiie; -v':«lfl ol [LLINOIS, THURSDRY#SI-:PTEM#ER" 22, 1927 on yesterday, P ues eldest -- brother of: tho _3 Insnhiua _a«w._ | Seror., is 'about o. 'be 'bewethes t _'?: P:lgcm Masako Icht Jo.. 1'? mss Py oriegmacng) n ho s an even s ' tlnn Tokio--today, is 3 ..'&I eldest murder. -- The first call was received from the Milwaukee. politce at_8$:%. p. m:asking that 'all trainse arriving in Waukegan from Milwaukee be search-- received saying that Peterson might be making his escape in a coupe. bear-- g an Tiinois.license.> . No '&lnoo oc] "tellow mm here aithough watch was mi all gight. Pet-- @*h.&:m 29 'Years ~~_A dragnet was thrown out --by the Waukegan policelast--night in an at-- tempt. to apprehend Elmer-- Peterson of Milwaukee who is wanted by . the police of that city on a charge of SEARCH -- LOCAL TRAINS London, 'Sept. / #1.--@Wrince Chichiba Elmer Peterson. 0 f: Chicago Charged With Killing a Girl in Milwaukee. «coroner, .. having -- présided~©> over many inquests For some time Mt,. Conrad> hss been engaged in the real estate business;-- being con-- nected :'nb T. _J. Stahl and Com-- pany.~ He has a host of friends, both in <~Waukeégan> and through-- LOCAL POLICE SEEK MAN ON A Edward ~L.~ Conrad, a ~resident of ~Waukegan h';-:uy years, ~to-- day --.announced --his _ candidacy ~for coroner of= Lake County at ~the primaries .to be _held next spring. Mr. Conrad was in the undertak-- ing business in --Waukegan for twelve years and for the last gighteen -- years has -- been deputy € is ~BTEAMER GOES AsHor£e ~»London,~ 'Sept:~ 21. -- The 'Dutch '%&,&mm 'has 'gone ashore fia' '-._g;nmn.-e: the : Antigna _ TBnds in the Leeward grdup of the West Indies, --according to a Lioyd's mwt,flmamm Ce'ntn} New WE .= «_ All~ aboard ~the vesge are. taking to.the . boats. _ m' s3 SHELTON--BROTHERS DESERT OLD HAUNT noog, Sordys , , it tS _ quite" --probable however that 1 will look ifito the mat-- . _ Coy is recalled by a number of lo-- cal Mexicdns but they say it is im-- .probable that "they will} beable to provide the $15,000 bonds and obtain his release. : They are> looking into the matter however and are checking up to determine for whose murder he is being held. They plan to visit hlm' at the Cook®county jail. . _ -- _ ~ "Fifteen thousand dollars is a lot of .money 'to Taige and I'donubt if any of Coy's friends in Wankegan will be able to arrange the bail," Dell4 Valle SNar nis client is being held in jail in default of being able to obfain Frank Gardner, alias Frank Coy, a Mexican who formerly made his home in Waukegan, is being held in the Cook county jail at Chicago on \a charge of mutdar, according to wo nodnlhyW'llunntodaybym Dont'\hlle.'twngmembergtthc: . The information was conveved in a letter received from: Atty. Devid n.' Bain of Chicago, counsel for thc for-- mer--Waukegan man. . He exphh';:fl that his client is being held in fail BAIL-- FIXED . AT-- $15,000 Framk Gardner, Alias Coy, is Being Held}n{he Cook Co. > Jai y and 'even visit Coy in jail." Kane and Mundale said they s aeY P es > o fi;h;fi' (ytr@. X.} Ni ue w Arm " au's" [ .. paies .mV e qCLauciy cuoscii LCGay 29 1Ne *! Haex * T. B..DAVIS .DIES _ .' _ | america Legion --convention in 1921. ack Island, IIL, Sept. 21--Thom--| --With this issue definitely Gcoiged. ; i"";fi'fnfi'?'v 71," vice' president the-- Michigan-- deleagtes lauached a ' ' "t'm'b' "w'f d ...'..'.;' m to sbcure the 'Drea deBtotthe. Moline Water Pow-- |1999 "convention for -- Detroil. Other or company, cbe of the: ploneers 'of éities making a b1d' for the 1922 cor. 'Roek lslandCounty . Publ J rention rware *AHami, Fla., and Leuis-- was'dead-- at his home today of heart Ky.:~~Los' Angeles made a bid ifrouble. : .. : < "..~.~_-- -- ... AHor the 1930 convention. --. Chicago, Sept. 21.--Nine men were lll'lllod' here-- today . by county potic investigating ~ the. murder of" 4 alncoreren»Tegedty in s muvers io > y in & culvert up= on the outskirts--of the city. e The men, all members of a~ con« truction gang, located near the scen the attack upon the girl, were ~ NGRVSDEATH Chicago, Sept. 21.--Hearing upon !.ln application for a permgzout in-- Junction -- restraining--A.~C. Bollinger. Illinois. state director .of--finance, from collecting two cents a gallon gasoline tax from the Shaffer Oil and Refining 'company here will be held in the fed-- eral court here, it was learned today. a y*-- res-- training thestate from collecting tax Tor gasoline sold to government agen-- cles and the city of Chicago. . ---- . It is believed here that if this move is an instrumental one to be follow-- ed by other cities and government bu-- ASK INJUNCTION | -- _ ONGAS TAXING right of way, jumbled testimony which did not prove his injuries were a result of hig --labors. A | | . The claim of William Kittle of Dan-- ville whose car crashed with a state truck --was not honored when' it was declared the state vehicle had the en in construction of the. Belvidere road in Lake county. The iitigation involred Ancreased price in nukf.; which Paschen stated he had exbend-- ed --at a loss to himself. '; e 'The claim of Mrs.--Laura A,. Mer-- cer,. who sought : $5,000 damages for -&!Mothc.on,mugh."q automobile : accident 'hihnirouei from Elizabeth to Galena to testify ol memmee d use By Edson o h: it gegrnple . iA m~ s working in a tunnel under a side-- walk at Third and Church streets in TAbertyville . Wednesday. Joseph Nukcos, of Waukegan, an employe of the North S hore: Gas company, }2id for some time in a stupor before 'his plight was discovered by fellow work men. --His--life was saved by expert resuscitation ~methods. used by Dr. John L. Taylor, and fellow workers. * Nukcos was engaged in repairing a leak in a gas main when bhe was evercome.. As he was working in $1.50 PFR YEAR. IN ADVANCE SAVED BY QUICK ACTION Joseph .Nukeos, Employe of ~Overcome 'by gas <fumes while ° since that time. from a--bottle which he had purchased in--~--Chicago eeveral days before and which had been in the automobile WAUKEGAN MAN -- ~ -- . NEAR DEATH OF -- GAS IN TRENCH-- ; Chicago, E. Shadel; T. Hansen:> and 'Shdhy Gropp, who --woere enroute home from a several days' vacation at Fox lake, happened along and they took charge of the situation. They ar-- hl'z for--the .removal of the three 1,".' lo-ei. to the o:i(li!? of Dr. Johan ;: ylor in y s After Junm'tgiven treatment, Shields panied by his son, Rer. Ex: .'c.o:eghu of Chicago, was re-- moved to the St. Joseph's hospital in that --city. <The elder Ullestad was the Victory Memorial hos-- pital in this city, GCibbons--was permit-- ted to go to his home in Chicago and the --youtuger Ullestad was placed in ihe Libertyville jail. ~At a hearing before Justice Lyla + $ y dn . t n th B s *n 9# F' x '4"A 4 e catoys A * ; * msmullBE T9. was the ma~«*> earinnsly injured. He received 4 broken tuigh, a crushed hand and serious cuts about the Bead. It is feared ~that his injuries may prove fatal. Others injured were Austin T. Gibbons of Chicage, driver of the Shield car and iJoseph Uilles-- 'md, aged 58 years, 1059 South Robey street, Chicago, an occupant of the machine that crashed into the Shicld adtomuuvi... s Raymond LUiiesuau, sou uof tue in-- jured man, who was; driving a Ford car, is facing the caarge of driving while dru!_k.A-ABgAwas released on ; Driver of One Machin ) . Three persons were injured, one N:Ohlbl)' fatally, and the driver ~f one car has been placed under heavy bonds pending trial on a charge of come at Libertyville. avenue station in t, three police-- :. mt yo /. 4A HOSPITALS ~R fiafi 5 {;'!;i" --

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