CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Sep 1927, p. 8

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E _ Fled College to Join Navy, j Killed Self, Beliet.. L: a contrac}t with James Cape & Sons _-- _ Cor pavring:Jackson<Ar®. 'The work is E: was to 'comply with' teh law in spec¢ial E, asseasment proceedings. § Ceéveril estimatés were allowed con ie trfctors and engineers od public im _ ... O¢taber 4, regular monthly meeting Notice has been received from State ~--_ Headquarters, that 15,000 members are k wanted by November 1}. Dale Collins e hnuflduau-::uglm c _ . n 'u.uu.-n% b will have . a= Funping jump on the rest, of the x , If the members get busy and UP NOW! l .-fh .Dale Collins is oting .new : sav-- 3 m'!m.vuxn ' plan and s a&u:& nm'olfl-mhw _ ---- (at & very reasonable cost--maybe we _« --will need two or three. e / apolis lumberman. . Testimony. as to the manner of death 'of the youth was given at the inquest by the only person who may be regarded as having been an wflmwh&m- The witness Charles® Krainer, <assistant su-- friew@>~to <mail them.~~Ofe Cot 'these letterd®" was 'to "an aunst, Mrs, Grace Wallace, in ~Pittuburgh, Kas. and the other was to the Indianapolis Trust company which is\ Woldiny© a fund in trust Afor hn s ce . /~l .v 0_ 4 An aunt Miss-- Surah. Wallios, of Pittsburgh, Kas., cam# to~Waukegan yesterday to inquire into the act of the youth in leaving his <studies<im Inquest. . The engineer and fireman on the train bore out the testimony given by Kramer. while Lieut. Com-- mander Ferguson of the naval sta tion related the story of the letters. It was also learned today that the mother of the-- youth passed away, To Continue Present System of Parking Cars At ah adjourned meeting of the vil lage board held Thesday night, it was decided to rescind the action taken a week before, ptoviding for parallel parking of automobiles on Milwaukee ave.. and--lmiting the time to one bour. By the ackon of the board at Tuesday's meeting, the diagonal sys tem of parking will be continued, and no limit is placed upoh the time an automobile may be left on the street. This question provoked a lot of: talk among the business men and others in-- terested, and the council decided to keep hands off. It is reported the requests something done to relieve congestion on Route 21, part of ~which is <the main street through our village. " As the matter now satands i# is up to the stato to make tho next The board of local'improvements at this meeting authortted the #igning of «BHe bW4d sidewalk watter was again brought up, and each member was in attesitlon and same wil} be repaired or a% the Town Hall. . -- oi n h . c iA o. Anthonme _ "We envy and admire the--fi¢ch,"* auld HI He, the sage of Mx therebyoften embartass good t the last meeting of the American Ray Young, Délegate to the County A..'.Onm'.m. toxnn'olor Hi Ho's of which they are incapable." * Special Warrant No. 60 Village of Libertyville : ' Publication is hereby given that the County Court of Lake County, Illinois, has rendered a judgment for a svecial by the following improvement: . .-- Paving NEWBERRY AVENUE and persons interested are heroaby notified to call and pay the amountt assess year . _ AF of said install-- mmntknudtfi per anaum., TIuted this 22nd day of September, A. D. 1927. DALE 8. COLLJN8, t hbe ¥i rs t National Bank, in Tibertyville, Hlinolis, within thirty days from the date here hereof. 'fiwthmmum ; ts, the first installment of which is $1382.00, due and payable January 1st, 1928, and the remaining nine (9) installments of each for the sum of $400.00 each, due and payable on the 1st day of January of each year thereafter. All of said instail-- ments bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum. ; Dated this 22nd day of September, A. D. 1927. a DALE 8. COLLJANS, 38 1t SPECIAL -- ASS8ES@MENT -- NOTICE Village o' L.u::m? Publication is hereby given that the 0:0 Court of Lake 00:::: Minois, 1 m & m & m by-- following improvement: ---- _ certified copy of the judgment on file in my office; that the warrant for the days from the here hereof "'n--:?hmtflnfilhn the first at says Henry Ford in his book "My LiHe | Now.when the bible, the, wise DT. | aoa.. I mosey or Soll %fi' Johnson and the amasing Henry: Ford . but just plain gristle, and bone. -- ate> all--agred .: on this. point--that | M%MwwMW"u&m".x f nfl'kamlc-MMhmum'my , rRAWND KING OF THE WORLD| We have been sticking to our busi-- , Said assessment is payable in ten installments, the first instaliment of which is $1599.32%, due m January ist, 1928, and the . nine (9) installments of each for the sum .of $1030.72 each, due and payable On the 1st day of January of each per annum. ® Dated this 22nd day of September, A. D. 1927. \. DALE S. COLLINB8, year thereafter. .All of said install-- ments bear interest at the rate of 6% certified copy of the judgment on file in my office; that the warrant for the persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amountt assest ed, at -- the --Collector's the Firs t National days from the date here hereof. Sald installment is payable in five installments, the first installment of which is $63100, due and payable January 1st, 1928, and the remaining four (4) insta'liments of each for the sum of $200.00 each, due and payable on the ist day of January of each year thereafter. All of said install-- ments bear interest at the rate of $% SPECIAL -- ASSESSMENT: NOTICE Tilage of Cibegyvine | . _ Publication is hereby given that the County Oolndlahm.% mmm.:fln-tuu by the following m-tc | Water Service Pipes and House Con-- 88 1t nections in LINCOLN AVENUE and other streets, 88 it Illinois, in an Ordinance passed and approved Dated this 22nd day of September, set. Torth k A wePt .t k g own. }W'mm,bmdur' ders | edins Lots 2 to 7 in the déed delivered, bout | and now the seller says that the deed | does not include Lot 7. <!s this the .nbu-.u_unMMJM The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be required to enter --into a--bond in & sum equal to one--third of the amount of such bid, with surities to .be ap o lgg pocte(gh im The ~Board. of . LOcal impFrovemeny reserves the right to reject any ani lage of Mundelein,. which bond must tractor shall well and faithfully ; per: form and execute said work in all mmumm and detailed specifications, and full be filed with said Board when con-- tract for the construction of said improvement is entered into. ~BSaid bond shall <provide -- that said con-- All bids or proposals shall contain, an offer to furnish such bond upon byhlufldww of the Village of Mundglein, Illinols, until 7:30 o'ciock p. m. standard }d-o. on --the 3rd day of October, 'A. D; 1927, at the Village Hall of e it Om &-----'--' Pks 90" ,lv B. H. Miller, Attorney. ; NOTICEK OF~LETTING CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Sealed provosals will be received and other ers, together with Manhoes, "¥" Branches and Connections to be con-- structed and laid in. RAY!S LANE . SPECIAL . ASSRSSMENT NO. 20 in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus :duflmdm,u the 22rd day of May, A. D. 1927. Said A deed of Lots 2:to. 1 includes Lot without the use of the word in-- proposa) --Bide will be opened by the Board of Local Improvements in apen session at 7:30 o'clock p. m., atandard time. on the #rd4 day of and detailed mpecifications, and full and complete drawings, profiles and Dated this 22nd day of September, Members of the Board of Local Im-- in \said Village of MundéJleln. Board. of . Local Improvements R. ¥. ROUSE, GoKnon RAY, EDWIN E. ROJ President of :: "ur ~sopntractor in the of ~aoch --work, inclod-- for lmbor <and -- materiaisa| Loh uB ns ol docilt Wimm"wi, MEA am e C9 CC 100 miles northeast of St. Paul and Minneapolis. There is a great hunting and fighing section. -- About 400 lakes within a radius of 20 miles. Beautiful country; Wrally high rolling land; plenty of woods and game, and probably as good fish-- 'ing as can be found anywhere in the North Woods. There are good main highways thru this section, connected by country roads, so that one can go to most any lake by auto. This district is developing fast as a summer playground. BW% SW% Sec. 3--About half high land on north side of this forty, balance swamp. Timber on bigh land scattering Jack pine, few Norway pine. Low land Tamarack and small I have had Darius Connor, County Surveyor of Burnette County, look over each description, and you will: find an exact and reliable report on each fortv--acre tract contained within this advertisement. Why buy a lot when you can buy 40 acres for the same price. I feel sure you will be able to make a handsome profit on the forty acres, should you care to re--sell.. I'AM OFFERING FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY SOME VERY SPECIAL BAR.-- (FeA: GAINS IN THIS DISTRICT NO, 9--120 ACRES; TOWNS8HIP 39, RANGE 15-- NW% NW% Sec. 12--All high land, éexcepting in the south-- west corner, has a small portion of swamp land, gbout 3 or 4 acres. Slightly rolling. Timber Jack pines, Norway pine, mmuM~mmnnummou road runs through the 40 north and south; mail road on east side. One mile from Sand Lake, where there is good fishing. GW% NW% Sec. 12--On mail road from Webster to Gaslin mast affiee _ SGame swamp» on west side, about & acres, Slightly ralling. Timber Jack pine, Norway, Aspen and Oak brush. Yellow River about half mile to east; about one mile trom Sand Lake, Land good for farming when cleared. MW"MHMMM'M'Q'I SCres on south side, which is swamp land.. Slightly rolling, with Jack pine and scattering Norway pine, Aspen and Alder and Oak brush © On mail road to Webster and Gaslin post-- office. Sandy loam soil, good for farming. Close to Sand NO, 10--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 15-- 8H% NB% Sec. 12--A!l in river bottom, excepting a small mQ-MCor'lmhm-outhustogmr,wmu land. 'This forty'is about 80 or 90 rods from a road that runs south on the range line to Hertel post office and to Big Sand Lake, to Rice Lake and to Spooner and Webster towns. River bottom land is very: bogey and cut up with sloughs. TFimber is Tamarack, Alder and Willow brush, etc. NO. 12--40 ACRES;-- TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 15-- NW% NW% Bec. 14--Is on mail road from Webster to Gaslin post office on south side.of this forty. Three points of high "','mwwm.m&mm;uc.mmum wmflfimm swamp land. Plenty of . for building sites. Timber Aspen, Oak, Alder and some scattering Norway pine and Jack pine. Soil sandy Spruce. Mail road about 80 or 90 rods from south east cor-- ner across swiamp. No other roads near it. f . _ NO. 14--40 ACRES, TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 15-- NE% NW% Sec. 10--About two scres high land in the north west corner, 10 atres in the south east corner. Jack pine and Norway pine timber, scattering. Balance land is swamp, with no timber; some Alder and Willow brush. Mail road runs south and east side of the forty. About three miles from Sand Lake and Mallard Lake.: Soil good for farming when BEY% SW % Sec. 4--Has four or fives acres in the south east corner of high land, balance all Tamarack Spruce timber, not much value,, Old trail or road south of this forty "tflmmm-o'ttonhtmdorndlrudmm . No, 17--40 AORES; TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 15-- . -- wumn--ummmmowmm on the east side of this forty. Good soil of sand loam. Tim-- and Alder and Willow brush. Old runs from the south east corner to north side of forty to the main road that mym.,mm.m. West line of forty about from a lake and is about hal¥ mile from Big Sand Lake, south of this forty. Slightly rolling; plenty of 'good nwimm:---nmmmum Smail wm'mw'mnmmatutm to Lake and to Green Lake. Old lumbering camp site on south side; buildings have burned. -->---- NO.,19----40 ACRES;. TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 15-- NW% NW% Sec. 11--Half high land, balance swamp. High land rons from north west corner to south side of this forty. Wlightly 'rolling, excepting in swamp. Sandy loam soil. Aegen and Alder brush, few scattering pine. Good for farm-- ing. . North west corner is about 40 rods from mail road that rins from Woebster to Gaslin post office. Part of this forty is fenced and is being used for pasture by some of the NW% NW% Sec. 12--All high land with a heavy growth of small Jack pine, some large Jack pine. -- Land slightly rolling, sandy soil, on main mail road from Spooner--to Ferron Park. This road leads to McKenzie Lake, in Sections 1% and #4. Good for farming when cleared. Read the Descriptions. They Are Absoutely Reliable and Guaranteed * d NO, 13--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 16-- "NO. 18--40 ACRES; -- TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 15-- NO. 15----40 ACRES; ~TOWNSHIP 39, RANGE 15-- NO. 23----40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 40, RANGE 14-- " es wCl Nn s : $25.00 Down Cash and --$10.00 onth: 10% Discount for All Cash. Libertyville, IMlinois es 34A hi NO, 25--40 ACRES; -- TOWNSHIP 40, RANGE 14-- NE NE Sec. 11--All high land with some Jack pine. Bandy loam soil, slightly rolling; good for farming when cleared. ~Road on gection line runs to McKensey Lake and NE% NE% Sec. 132--About onehall high land, balance in McKensey creek bottom and creek; about five acres in the north side in swamp; balance high and rolling land. Timber Birch, Aspen and a few scattering Norway pines. Old road from the north runs across north west corner to McKensey NW% NW% Sec. 6--All high land, excepting about five or six acres,. A small marshy lake borders on the east side of this forty. 'This land is slightly rolling. Jack pine, Oak and Agpen timber. Sandy soil. Old road leads through it and SE%M% --NM%4 BSec. 12----About 30 acres high land, with some large Jack pine trees, Aspen and Oak brush. Sandy soil. About a half mile from Cadott and Loon Lakes, one mile from Scholl and Birch Island Lakes. Road runs 60 rods north of this forty.: Creek runs through the north side to Loon NW%4 NE% Sec. 22--All high land, > slightly rofBing. Soil appears to be a little better than the average land in this township. Heavy growth of Aspen and Jack pines; a few Norway pine. -- Road runs on north side of this forty to Webb Lake post office and Lake, and to a main road that runs to Danbury and to Spooner; Wis., and up the Namakogan River. A farmer lives in See. 16, in the south east corner. A con-- solidated school in the north east corner of Section 21. Webb Lake post offite, store and hotel about one and a half miles from this forty. Few large scattering Jack pines and Jack Oak brush. Old road runs south east through the north east corner to Webb Iake, Deer Lake, 1 or 2 to lakes and about two miles to and --Spring Brook and to NO. 33----120 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 41, RANGT 15-- SW% NW% Sec. 28--Has about 15 acres.f high land on north side; balance is in low marshy swamp, excepting north west corner is Ina Lake, a nice small Jlake. Sandy land. Jack pines and aspen and Oak. Blueberry vines. Old road uns through north west corner--south west. between lake and low land. Main road to Danbury north about 80 rods. SE% NW% Sec. 28----Has five or six acres of high land in north west corner and north side of this forty. Small Jack mu.ou.m-umnw Sandy soil, balance of land Jow, marshy. Willow & brush. Old roads runs near this northeast and runs to a main road to Danbury and Twen-- ym'" Ith Lake, and is about 80 rods from Loon Lake south, w:::fllhhto-thm&vflctmsm.m« about 15 or 20 acres in it. West Lake about the same amount of water. Road runs between the lakes north west u;mmmv&wmmmm Sandy soil. Jack pines, Aspen and Oak. Quite level. . NO. 40--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 89, RANGE 14-- mum&sn.z--ummud.vmmm" about 8 or 0 acres in the south west corner, which is in the Yellow River and bottom; high land is rolling, with Jack Pine, flmm_mm'mm!fl-"""' s, Alder and 'Willow brush. About a quarter of a mile from the morth side of this forty is a main. mail road to wma&m--mmmmmw Conpects with Loon Creek bottom and lake, with very little high land on south side of this 40. No timber of any NO. 38--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 41, RANGE 15-- _m'muauxoic.u--u-m--mm;m unfidmmnnon-dhh;motumhto the east lake. The Bast Lake is a beautiful small lake with Webster and Gaslin post offices. NO. 26--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 40, RANGE 14-- NO 27.--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 40, RANGE 14-- NO. 28--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 40, RANGE 15-- ; east ten acres is a NO. 31--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 41, RANGE 14-- NO. 32--40 ACRES; TOWNSHIP 41, RANGE 14-- and Long Lakes 4 «0 ~) Sb es un u> 208 0 n §4 ¢4.

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