€+ 4. E. Smith and 'Lloyd Fisher mo 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o Milwaunte bospital for treatment"" "| 0 LARKE.. ukee MWMhmh@-OQOOOOQQ daughter in Joliet for twa weeks '-- Ww did not have Mr. and Mrs. Duvumanfllv-ug,..'m, "lmmmmmh'&uum"u omm 'h'th.'tm. "g Bnrymmchdmhmh..m risfting at the Waliter Laun home. _ _ ~|them: they seem a . RE, A0 is A. TUIDAT i@ft OB Mhthhmm&u sanitarium in Rochester, Minn. ington Shla wook. _ _ . 0000 0 00 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0 a o 0 o o o ~LAKE ZURICH-- o M -- pmvep dicdiitige s C e C e en t EY butcd Aubs 43 made the arrest and signed the com-- plaints betore Justice R. C. io-t. Wauconda. Later the case was taken Bback to Lake Zurich, scene of the ac-- MMMMW his=~ counsel, demanded a change "of ra while under the inf:wence of Hqunor €rashed into her car while she was the head of the brewoty interests in Mbwmmvn held to the grand jury on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated by a Bar-- rington justice. Bonds were set at §600 in each case. The complaint had been made\ Sep-- tember 10 by Miss Alice Korber of Mfibn?m.msm Change of Venue, Held For PAGE TWO World's Lowest A third charge-- of reckless driviag WHL McNamara, T0 GRAND J UR Y ON TWO CHARGES ¥Frank will move into the Sig-- tant Stites Attorney S. H. represented ~the state at the l ve f hfi:'n&e delivery over--city streets or your problem is the transportation of ton--loads over nlltn:oflli.h'vr- = ----we have a Chevrolet truck that will give yod the world's lowest torwmile cost*, plus a type of performance unequalled in a low--priced truck! efhiciency that has made Cheyrolet.the world's is the cc -- m&'-.-. +7 ww i opeaione fls 14-- Ton Truck Chassis sige to Mrs. Lioyd Fisher and son were Sun-- day callers at the Dowell Bros. home. Thomas Levett and 'Aaughter, Bes-- sle, Mrs. Brown«<Levitt and Jack Lar-- kin, of Chicago, spent Thursday at the home of Dowell brothers. K ~CGeqorge Passtield of Crystal ~Lake; and Miss Ariene Rockefeller of Wood: stock, spent Sunday at the Harry Pass field home. 4 Mr. and Mra. Wm. Lohman and son Raymond of Libertyvil'e, and. Miss Hattie Loitus were. Sunday evening ¥visitors at the Kase Visher home. 0 0 000000 00 000 0 0 on the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. chureh for John Dowe last Saturday morning. Burial was in the cemetery ---- A. K. Smith was & Firday caller at the Lealieo Davis home, caller at the Dowel® Bros. home. --~ Mrs.~Clinton 'Ravin and son, Rich-- ard, 'spent Bunday --with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Dowell ----Mr. and Mrs.Lioyd Fiszher and son, learn of the death of John Dowe last Tuesday morning at 6:30.© Mr. Dowe :_mmymnmmug his life. He will be greatly missed hbis family and {friends. © He is aurvived by his wife and one son, Herman. A, E. Smith. Mrs. Minnic Harrison, Mr.--and. Mrs: Ese Fisher motored to Richard, spent Sunday afternoon the E. H. :i Meyer thome in Fremont. E. Smith, Mrs. Esse Fisher and 1395 o ud mvee" * EQ.\-::-;-\ i E"g\'i e at We . M n it Approva}l of the contract allows the state--to acquire from the Public Ser-- ;"'.;., °°""{ at 'a :cost, of $975,000 » actes a road, anothar brom orihies io o itrls of, 18 nersa Tllinois" dream twoenty years. for a lakestogult v:{u-nytzm true mmmm 8Small sign-- Siruction of the remaiider mt Pnigole: a sektion of "the broject l.t'a tost of $7.000,0080. -- a ~*"T am glad,"said the governor, "ta ' u-":mumz ...%?'"32 & n history of Rlinols." . .. -- .~* * The project is to canalise ths Des Plaines lmqn the ~end@ of the ie nigineres Aurain aly stretch e waterway navigable. x " Eartiest Lifeboat In 1785 Lionel Lukin, a conchiiaker ¢-h-:;m>wl¢¢n.m afloat on M'm m""m"m und sta-- requisite : features of the lifeboat SMALL ORDERS LAST UNKBUILT IN NGULEWATERW AY ow B .10 m:."':.flT swaa* -wdahim'mc C. arda--It was learned *oday. States Attorney Smith uwnticipates uunmmmmwun which will be a task in i While dows in mitteos. <Nopshakeup is expected until teh . major parties select the cand+ dates for President in June. A num-- ber of selt--appointed "spokesmen" are travelling up and down the land put-- Both Shurtieff ant Edwards May Take Bench Due to Ex-- pected Long Criminal Call. amount of money necessary to conduct |classes in tax revision exceeds that|0°r# «bhave been in use were in-- !mmmuum It is |of --any other subject to come before | Yestigated. rather eafly in the season for defi--|the approathing session of Congress.| Turn Loose 2,000,000 Parasites. lhswvmu'hmndhaloc-ul-h-'romm The party was accompanied from mittees. ~Nopshakeup is expected until | that there be no reduction in in-- | Toledo byaD. J. Caffrey, in charge teh . major-- parties szelect the candi--|heritance taxes, and that the general | oOf* corn 'm.wm for dates for President in June. A num-- cuvmuthuhwum the ~{federal t. to -- the ber of seltappointed "spokesmen" are|due to flood reliet©> and Monroe.-- Mich., jaboratory of the travelling up and down 'the land put--|budgets Yor the naval éstablishment. s es s Sm ting themselves in the 'spotlisht as |How to whet the voters'--interest in | * > orrrrrrrnomnmme possesked "of ~qracular powers. _ 'The party affairs, through the pocket book meumume. FReSHbAueenithertamem real leaders are giving careful study 'appoeal, is an old and reliable device. EXPFECT TO HOLD 'While the bogey of Walil Street is flouted in the faces of mmmumgw investigations into mergers hurlnll:n uloo: are T' ever, aubjected to bu'l-l-uvo In-- affairs believe that the reason for this discriminxtion is obvious: It has been customary to 'raise a smoke screen, claiming <that mhv-u:'ua.ot & emall --group, purporting Iz*.t a hand full of farmers must: con-- aidered an affront to all} agriculturists, At least, that is the opinon expressed here in many quarters when the ques ton is raised. It is not a defense of organized business to say that indus m M m' .l \--' l""iur--.i .'!' tions in the business world. mh'd"mm wifl?m,o revival of the no. torlous Warren case. where the Prez. ident foreed t res-- mnlflumd':tmeo. Jt is an established fact that Congress Juggles precedentsto suit its con-- Behate. -- Therein lies 'the>apportunity br&hmmwnmmfi. vate lives. of those appointed to 'public &bm"mmdo;unu. war cry of small groups of legis-- lators will be ~against confirmea-- "fldmmn-umd home may expect to hear sensational stories concerning Wall Street and plots--to dominate the nation's politi In order .to keep the criminal and Man and the Book O FGFS HERE NIRING QOCTORER . Mulvihill, supervriscr of pustruction, --said he i advertise for bids. Y PR e It-- contthem .. gach <$8.72 and AAl persons -- were "brought© to the &Jmmm and the five 'be-- sides: O'Rourke were:each-- Qfi ergs were ~Christ ~Andetson. :41, Som-- ers,' her -- husband; Morris <Paterson, 42%, ot Wadsworth, HI:; Frank Mor-- ris, 37, : and Delos Perres, both : of Wilson, I!1. Peres, &ocor to Pm the arrest. chad" a : pint : bottle -- of moonshine on him. While the--police. were on their' way --to <the--scene of-- the accident Perres gave the bottle to a . boy ~who was standing : nearby-- and 'the boy smashed the bottle: in mm 4*3 -- w . P Five men and a woman, "fi "'flhm!::g?:' ."tt&. c ree~ +/ street too narrow at 41st avenie in Kenosha sn:z afternoon and first raninto a ; LK Ex ° pamk Spereeprtheime.sctgreas | 0 Lo. c that 40 to 50 per cent is all the y S that wil mature before the first kill Mz tory progress during the month, ex-- [{|. _ cept thet plowihg was retarded in the y ham:mgwhum" § 8 one * due to lightning. : t /x made about. the 'usual progress dut-- ing the--cool periods.: Corn needed un-- bsual gains to come up to the averagke Jungs. . Late in the month 7.9-." ;...g_ ; ern: sections were becoming g no cxcessively low temperatures were recordrd, August, 1927, will go down as one of the coolest Augusts in the State wide weather records have been gathered only' 50 years, but in that time only August; 1915, averaged Only 1915 and 1866 Had Cool-- er in Augusts in 72 Years in Muspiiiqy: [ .. .. Nee How Little--It Costs '"rmercom:| _ To Furnish Three Charming Rooms! in . Congress, particulariy-- those who feel it is their destiny to talk to the tion of the Congressional Record: present Radio Commission will} go out o <existence in a few months, as it for its announcements. This proposal will no doubt find many. supporters Springtie!ld, I11;, Sept. 16.--Aith to tlie entire political© situation and FINED IN KENOSHA exception of corn, crons 'se §*-- 5 > + ® n nNelds where some of the new amummmn&f ders --have been in uso worna bnl the smail amount of damage done by so heary an infestation. infested fields in the state, 88 per cent of the utaiks containing borers. Members of (the .committeo ex-- pressed themselves as astonished at "'-. + x 8 < "'f"\'n '3' e 5 ho i n on uk. wl agle ; 4 o e ,},,x m e " * & & + o e Cote Oramary event brings the year's greatest furniture values to the homes of / ertyville and vicinity. -- Each suite offers an exceptional saving. hA -- e ce ie t e 4 q e t n '.;,.;,,:,.;;a-_),;.-'i T ra i. ,5;".','.5;;:%,;;*; ce e o n ' * * Rerr's ow Aa P'" aonlt? +A AAnia«w ,,'"""" «+' l ; fll «245 **:2-1""- S GLLLicult to convey.the exte ts the collections or the savings themselves. -- Only by . Seeing the furniture--does one realize how remarkably IOW~the'fieing§=are . Ejff';}'i"_' s paaa t ho , Nn e ie es e re y ie ( en n n on oo 0 + "Cor o conne Sm o l . 4A 19. MATY ~ MPHCOHIIE EY w';, "~Survey of Most Heavily in 31!: REPRESENT ONLY THREE SUITES OF THE MANY YOU MAY SEE-- AT SIMILARLY LARGE SAVINGS! es o h 26 ~ We find no definite stutement con-- cerhing the longest word in any lan-- guage, but the Sanskrit is said to con-- tain a word 'of 152 syllables. Aris-- tophanes made a word of 77 for a spe-- cla} purpose.--Washingtor Star. '--Men in a turret don't handle a gun any more, : All they do is take care of the mechanism and keep out of line when a gun kicks back; Some officer MA a control station does all the firing. There are five of these control stations m a ship such as the Texas, so that if any one of them is shot away, any »me of the 'others will do as well, They are all connected up by wires. Still fourishing. It is 8 feet in cir-- cumference and winds: over a treilis that--covers an acre. Its annual yield is a ton of grapes, -- ' planted by Father Jenipero Serra at San Gabricl misslion in 1771 and is lt 28 -- The romantic marriage of Roland Boswell, La Salle street investment banker, and Alice Rodiger, daughter of Mrs~Casewell Alan Sharpe, which came as a distinct surprise to the smart set_on Christmas Eve, 1921, soon --will end in the--divorce courts, it was indicated Monday night. _ Mrs. Boswell admitted at her home in Lake Forest that her husband mov-- ed to the Racquet club several weeks LAKE FOREST WED-- DING ON ROCKS : : tion. Full Size Sofa P and Club Chair.: 7 Dbfladflnachw Bow--end Bed, 48 inch Exquisite Group, Five Side and Host Chair, 175 2--Piece Mohair 130 contermptuousiy criticized, and. even gmxunbmmmmd.-om i(hufidt-omlod.umlnupy greatest comfort to say bundreds of {times to myself that "I have worked ;lllndudu-w-ilcould.ndn 'man can do more than this."--Darwin. resembles the special tooth found. in the male: éik. Artificial teeth are ~made to imitate it,--and it ercep-- Mhflhm;&'- Chest of Drawers. Doing His Best | Whenever I have found out that I asmve blungered, or that my work has The young couple have lived in Lake Forest since their marriage Snd pvommm.s.mm mutlutho winter season of 1921. The debut ball, given by her mother, was expected to be an auspici-- o-mtotlwl;crowded career as a debutante. § ~Mme4koftm city's most exclusive set were invited to attend the party at the Blackstone hotel on December 23. Announce Betrothai When the ball was at its height, Mrs. Sharpe made the announcement gghcr_d_nuhtu'o engagement to young "There is--nothing I can add to Mrs: Boswell's statement," her husband said at the Racquet club. + ngo and that she soon would seek her The centipede is found nretty much mhmquumsau.h Forceps, was reported over 20 years Bgo as devoting the nights to killing house files. Later an observer de tected one in the act of capturing a butterfly much larger than itself, The Insect remains concee!<4 daring the *"Our martriage has falled. Mr. Bos-- well has gone to his club and my mother is here with me and my chil-- dren." -- _ "Asg Alice Rodiger, Mrs. Boswell was Centipede House Fly Enemy no tooth in the deer's head that Deer and Elk Teeth to those of the elk in proper-- and when 1 have been the girls whose debuts 1 <b% 3 ht £. *« s *3 *a 1