5 BOOM MARRIAGES _ AERF UNDFR LAW | PalaceCashMeatMarket Co. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 _ ib w F. Jordan, Held at e Rapids, Mich., Has .__*-- 4 Wives, Charge. _ AT HION HELD 0 N ; A BIGAMY CHARGE M'ohybv there has 4w / :d ¥ork of the county clerk to euch an extent that the city bas gained 2:" oltoa Gnt: Green. This Indiana, lowa, Minresota . and even Michigan. ® Visions of booming marriage !t censes issued in Waukegan came to-- day when it was learned that Wiscon-- sin asserablymen propocsed a 30--day notitce between the application of a Meense'and the coremony. Wisconsgin now has a law providing that each couple should fils. advance intentions of taking out a license tive days prior to the actual act. This had caused scores .of Milwar-- kee couples and other W!sconsin pso-- ple to.apply here for their license. It is safe to say that Wisconsin far nishes a tourth of the licenses app'ted tr,ilhloeout; which is second hn,tb state with almost 4,590 anna-- ally. WISCONSIN WIHLL . UPhe Reor. Willis F. Jordan, held at Grand . Rapide, Mich., on. bigamy Rerrertaie Shrane Dhuines o n bur "Glenn Voliva at Zion. cence. . "If there are records of these marriages," he <said, "they occurred while 1 was under the spell ot am-- Jordan's daughter, Mrs. Louise Owr, ZEion, said he is the author of a book in which he predicts the second scoming of Christ during his own life. Mrs. Owr is a<follower of Voliva. She declared her-- father was di-- vorced from his first wite and that he is now married to a woman at Epper-- cently received --a letter ~cfrom this woman reporting Jordan's disappear-- While four women claimed him as pposes Thirty Day Notice Prior to License: _ Now o':m Five. 15¢ Ib. _ PIG HAMS 35¢ lb. tED BACON, whole or half, Ib. . . 30c AMS, whole or half, Ib. . _. .. 95c i TO BE HELD AT H. PK Bellei had not seen the two men, he told Chiet oft n»--«*'. ~*=~=--g4 o roney, until, they shoved a revolver into his back. They lost little time in taking -- a-- session of his cash and watch. mmm'm;dmmon of the men. He was inclined to thile apeech oo Meo e kn . .nchhtlo'eo-lllbtnta' satisfactory view of their faces. He could not tell if they were masked }'n-yumu-»uMuc whfloouaaflhdtlomthoomer cog:ab.t.od the -- search. & xt went to the police station immediately but no trace was found of the men.. Patrolmen had covered the Jistrict every 30 minutes thrn mlbhtutm.-otmm reporied at the polico headonarters STICK--UPS TAKE WATCH AND $28 over $28 and his watch to two -- ups who met hi at 12:~~ & on ~North --St. averuve, High-- land Park, di his cash. Persons i~ the county court after ummmmcnuu Police Lestér that Cassel berry had twice ned an 11 yea old girl named mwn. 'l'lo"tb- ther of the child bhad threatened the negro after the stoning. Geneo Bellel, Highwood merchant well known to a number of Wauke-- on ~Sheridan' road -- on Wednesday Thursday and Friday, October 1%, 1% and 14, to which all Waukegan Wo man's tlub members and their friends are iInvited. ~Many Waukegan firms are exhibiting Reir products, * These exhHits are also The 'zm of fostering an acquaintance, een women of the different towns in Lake county, Waukegan, Libertyville, An-- tioch, Fox Lake, Lake Forest and Deerfield women met at the tea table last year. The program lo_lhvuw 2h Welcome to Associations--Mrs. Ed BETTER AMERICAN The Highland Park Woman's Club is --~sponsoring -- a Better American Homes Exposition in the club bhousee rade Meats at the Lowest Pri youth, was sent ::a)'r:::'lyh'nlk NEGRO, IS CHARGE FOR THEIR TOIL| "R===: police headquarters. MIV QiL\ | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE cHuURCHIES Langworthy, High e e" LAMB CHOPS 15¢ Ib. :: : 18c lb. --A Reason Among the tifty--three temporary in-- . 308 Keith Ave.,. Waukegan, %muum,munu clusive North Side residential ~dip triect. --It was in that home last August that federal agents raided and found one of the largest stills ever located in the county. It had been so care jury on a charge of conspiracy to vio-- au-mmumhn'mmr e raid. The information that Hquor was be-- ing made there was obtained: from a Zion, were held to the federal grand When that man was arrested he told raiders where he had taken on his cargo of liquor. hdommntq"t:umlounm at 308 Keith avenue, they: claimed, "'Nh'flzttl':ld'lflmrm Signing temporary injunce-- tion is to be followed by a hearing for a permanent injunction in another bors were not even Bceotland. They are so called because anciently it was their business to pre-- pare warrants, charters, and such like documents for the king's signet. They have lost several of their old esd sive privileges, f ® The feeling that formerly told as we alone had special care bestowed upon us gives place to the knowledge that every one, in his day and genera-- tion, wherever found, receives the truth best fitted for his elevation from that state to the next higher; and so "Iika blade 0' grass keps its ain drap o' dew," and grows its own fruit after its kind.--Andrew Carnegle, in "Round the World." House at 308 Keith Avenue, mo-nruw.cfi"&... Mmmm' 1 "Tugt muu7'l.nn Hit by Government. mmnu'o:oo;in. dTh Lesson--Sermon -m, in-- aded mflhfi the Christian 8e em_ "Bcience and Health with Key to the mn:u."by Mary Baker Eddy : is individual, incorporeal. He is divine Principle, Love, the univer-- sal rause, the aonly creator, and there is no other self--existence.. He is all-- inclusive, and is reflected by all that is real and eternal and by nothing else" (p. 831), a The Golden Text was from Lamen-- tations 5:19, "Thou, O Lord, remain-- est for ever ; thy throne from gener-- ation to generation," Among the citations which com-- prised the Lesson--Sermon was the following from the Bible: O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? or to thy faithful-- ness round 'about thee? The hear-- ens are thine, the earth also is thine : as for the world and the fulness Blessed is the people that know the jJoyful sound: they 'shall cwalk, O Lord, in the. light of thy counte-- nance" (Psaims 89 :8, 11, 15).> "Writers to the-- Signet" form "%T{ s l_' ¥5 "lrfl Ef «/ 232 was the subject of the rmon in all Churchbes 44 AS ' . Y¥ U;S. ols sA € 2s . BT. LIAWRENCHS EPISCOPAL Rev.<H. B. GOuyn, Pastor ; The services for Sunday, Oct. 2nd (16th Sunday after Trinity) are: Holy Kucharist and sermon, 11 a. m. Church School, at 10 a. m. Rev. C. A. Cummings officiating. . Stranger@ always cordilaily welcome. BT. JOHN'8s wy. First show at 7 o'clock . Yo--ho--ho and a cargo of rum! Smc hey for the dashing pirate of *# today--the hi--jacker--bold and bad and exciting as the sea-- hawk of the Spanish Main! The al-- ways--stirring picture of a youth who tried to forget a girl in theexcitement and danger of Rum Row, and of how love won him hig regeneration. ' -- . This has been hailed as John Gil-- bert's most thrilling picture since '"The Big Parade." The year's dram-- _ atic sensation! Notable supporting, cast! Adapted from the great Broad-- \ way success. -- _ o i Monday and Tuesday, Octol M & C . Ssn ap' .;. . 8/ * --Z C es JACK CONWA 444 t oesy s a A cordial invitation is extended to all who seek a church home. C Rev. Guy E. Smock. Pasto t. Wflt:";m. W. a. Wells, A place for every age to learn and live. Morning worship at 11. The pastor wl speak on "Our Greateet Task." &; day : School ;"3{07.00 a. th, 'at 10 :45 a. m. mgu Sunday, October 2nd, is -- Wednesdays: -- Third Floor, 540 N. Milwsukee Ave. at 8 p. m. _' _ : by a y# N. 3. No ds Incpreihnaeipth w nc Sic i + c P Oe eR C ts ? 38 ERNEST TORRENCE ~ : "/; JOAN CRAWFORD E7 and a page The chu: Bubject for the evening service is "A Joy 'mzb Certain." .'The evening service is T+80. 'The evening servy-- ice iss restful and --helpful, and you'll First ut 6:80 a. m. s Second Mass at 8a. m. 'Third -- at P<a. m. Fourth Mass at 10 a, m. ' Rev. ; k?Dem Putzr"J "'(The Church of Good Will) _ The school Rally': Day pro-- am will be -- given at 11 o'clock. here will be x;muouon;l exercises, d & t of religious,education. The 'ch&: school will meet at 9:45, .. BT. JOSEPHS CATHOLIC M;"v'v Nealis, Pastor First Mass at 6:80 a. m. Becond -- at 8*a. m. 'Third . at -- P<a. m. Fourth 'at 10 a, m. c . aPni e J_A,', + At Druce Lake, Mass at 10 a. m Both services on standard time.. '~BT..JOSEPH'Ss CATHOLIC At TYVILLE, ILLINOIS at 8' a. m. ~ 4 Pleasge get to the pastor all reports and pledges by Sunday. His report must be completed. * THE INDEPENDENT $150 A YEAR DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EACKHK TEEK. NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY is a little pageant that will be given at the League service: .. .. *~--sre will be no church service on €u----2y, October 9th. . The 'Sunday that day. . The Epworth Lessse will take a motor coach Joad to confefence on Sunday, October 9th, and remain for the evening service. Send in your reservations to Mr. Hubbard or. to the Admission 15¢, I +Deputy Dave Hutton, since early Monday, has maintained guard over Mrs," Mary Girard, Deerfield, at the Lake county General hospital She "Das ~repeatedly threatened to jump out of the window and has made ef-- Totte 'to rip open the incision in her side made at the time che was cper-- ated On some time ago. sports can be lessened except by slow degrees.--Thomas -- Hardy, -- English likely -- that 4 EC N'tIrc Slow to Change it «4