CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Nov 1927, p. 8

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_' / Dr. J. Elliott Colburn, a resident of > : Harbor, but who has offices -- at 30 North Michizsan avenue, in Chi-- _ --en, 16--year--old Youth, Had y . unc s be: d in Watzel and Peterson funeral wne in Waukegan Menidiay afternoon. . After the boy '"fi'hmn'ht to Victory : -- --Aospital ~Sat-- --noon imina by Dr. C. v what he believed ,:t in;the abdomen. A 3 tion, showed that Wg'iplfi!fl "lodgad near thé bones of the hip. . _ ~=-- ~-- %:&m@:': that the b @U Sunday school: First church at 10 Ln.:lmhoodllt;a. There _ were about© 91 at Sunday class. -- Bring the attendance up to The Misses Helen .and Dorothy the Minols--Michigan hqmeponiing foot ball game at rign last> Satur-- 100 on teh marrlage of : Misza ' Wizabeth uflained 2t tha n--c:'nn. Morris Chandler on Friday afternogn, Nov. 4, at as far as Waterman, where she re-- the full Miam and :after Mre. Emma Rouse spent the-- week glorious time. -- You'll be there with end visiting with ;golgtives in 'Chicago. | your "buddie'*tob, won't you? *= . Word has been received here that:| ° ocms Agrfree t vuile o § «° 5 Mr. and Mrs. Glg,md!htt- < Friday--7:30: p. . Juniot Choir :fldfi:?'?dm.xmugl Friday-- 8:00 p:--m. Ivanhoe. Choir n . named -- Nancy-- + 3 s m 22 gee ca ie 1 o c aigs Glenu is the son of Mrs. m*%}---&"h&mm Mis Enda Rouse entertained a num | SBaturday--At regular periods, var ber of her high school chums' at « jous boys' clubs will meet Mr. Werm-- at Rocktor; mmmml .. LOVUIE !_m LE AUCTION _: Mr. and. Mrs. W. J.: Nowell. s mamwun&v tremors games and fun, stories 'and :ooduuinuoe"?t'&mua real ~joy : toal} ~who : were fortunate enough to be there.. =. ; nmmx.rnm (lvanhoe Church and-- First Church, ... Last Saturday afternoon and eve-- Fort Wayne, Ind., visited at"th Wm. Ivanhoe 10 a. m. First Church.11:15. Communion service at each curch. The thought of the message wil Vn t FARM IMPLEMENTS binder, --new ; Deering : corn planfer, with: 80 rods of wire; side delivery rake, Milwaukee mower, 104t..MeCor-- rake, riding cultivator,--su} kynww..hum'fi set :of drage. -- 12--dise . puiverizer, n Deere manure spreader, 2 grain seeders, sul-- ky plow, sod and stubble plow, two 8 inch truck wagons,; 4inch truck wagon, 2 milk wagons, hay rack. Gaddner box,. top bugsy,--set of --bob sleighe, cutter, set --of wagon springs. 2% h. p. gas engine and: pump jJack, 10 milk cans, 2 gaivanized watering tanks, 2 scalding kettles, 2 big--seald-- 13 HEBAD OF LIVEATOCK . 6 good dairy. cows, $ good . faarm horses. 4 hogs, welhhing 175 lIbs. each; Shepherd dog, well trained for cattle, Dundee road, 1% miles NH% theast of Whee known as the Henry urunl:x._'at 12.80 p. m., the tollowing tion on Sander' sroad, 44 mile north of io Gaitle s nme fe irodts o ies Aprin a aetsr ~a Wt .1 2 log chains. hay rope, 36 cS Ivanhoe. Choir | &lso took the, fornt of a booster gather-- -- _ .. ~~*)dng in which great progréss aud ac-- Ivanhoe ~Boy's | COMpHSE ts for the Mundelein of f:-? 3 nt:ogy.mndx-', 2 sets blan ~,_~ HAY, GRAIN AND FEED ut"l.-. oate, loo»r.m old e;'tn in erib, 400 ahooks good corn, 25 tong upland hay, baled; 4 tons baled oat r;} Avenue. : . :: ----__ :. ""'fifiwfi and the police have been called down| _ balf ton truck, M L. Behm. Tele-- |able Remedies anl other products. Ex: there several times in an effort to put|Phone Libertyville £90 . 41 i# |perience not necessary. Offers big stop to the invasion.. Mr. Snedden |"**~~~~~--~--~------------------«----------/carnings on small capital. Particulars has Jesued warning . that .all . dogs |BARGAIN FPOR YOUNG coflrgimum Dr. Ward's Medical i enintinn on ns es oo | e en e mttion e onl |Egege on. sns iss " Rewnopit . Mention of the name: of --Mr, Lyon# ad a candidate for the state legisia-- ing and full support of his townsmen «. Theaftair given 'by-- Attorney ~Ben i--gh'dmwhm :'-t:he.,'rn board of'l:.en i-;u?'-- members Of the: : Mundelein : village board and--other ~representative citi-- t S fhet »impe--and 'Liborts' 'While. the event was arranged as a niilsEs of Mundélaty: has niade durting tt.u:n'm-mum of Mr. Rourse it Terms: -- Over $25, 6 mos. 7%. John 'J. Wick, Aunct. J. A. Schminke, Clerk. k WeeC »" '_\,;,._r_.;_,' oapX ,,"5%'_'31'_;4__ ¢ o ik eS wh the Subscriber, Executor of the last | . will and testament of Jacob Wolf. de-- E_ ceased, will attend the Probate Court | [ _ : __ :I'ke County at aterm thereoft to M ---- = and helfere, with 60 day retost; from clean district; large herd 'to: select trom at all times; one or a car load. | [' your selection. Onée: mile <north of | [ FOR RENT--Large heated furnished -- room, for one or two persons: reas-- ongable.. Telephone 227--W, -- 1$8 First etrget. 6 44 1t FOR RENT--Heated garage. Apply at _ 181 8. Stewart Ave. Telephone Lib TE ueivery. "'WA near 'fl i OO oamase : 1 ni?ol:i FOR w.g.--sm gider, at 60¢ a _ gallon. rgeron. Stock Farms, on Lake S8t. Road, two miles west of Lib-- fiooifi:'hnmnmnm-- .flgmm'o«, take $550 for .all, or will separate. |1866. -- <.+ --~--=© _ 40 4t -cnmt. 3"»'"""" m ':10: m ===m--__= band carved frame; $ pe_ walnut din-- Money To Loan :' "Mwmm, 2 m&%"" I'*'I"R: wenmnmmtatinemmreemmemmememaze ns 'Ifllt and mattress; library table; 5 m."."l "7° |-°AN;-W- have a o': :rmt' Out.:(t:m:flm loan on improved farm or city prop seen to be appreciated. mnm»""' We invite your inquiry. First tor delivery. 832 Leland Ave.. near | ""_"*! Bavk, Libertyville, HL . 104 FOR SALE--Magazine heating stove. . Mrs. K. Bernard 624 N. Milwaukee FOR SALE-- ,n:niiowm ugfi:'--"'--'-- laying hens; s t on PQBSITION of lack of --room. : Telephone ML,,:"I:", FOR SALE--ESmail hot water plant: used. only one month; in first class shaps. : Call at Independent Office. 1t 0 o 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0.6 0o ... A man owed me $1,000 and he gave me a quit claim deed to a lot'"in pay: meont, : The deed recited a considera-- tlom of $10.. . Now: he wants to set «side the deed,. because 4 never paid Un Whie on S Te mecun of a consideration récited. in a deed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o CLASSIFIED 8 o.. ADVERTISING o o Telephone No. 1 | o Pubite motice ts Nereby qrven inat [A | DEERFIELD --REAL ES8TATE Ofered : for rent for Airst time, 7 new -- modern : bungalows; =east #front, hot water and hot air heat; one T room:; 3 --with 6 rooms, and $ with 5--roomg; all <havre tile baths; 4 have--fire place and re-- Aoloeer smail yeyment goun, bat your 'present= lease, ~if favorable, »poms. Call at 317 Second 8t it ~~~~'JOMN A. HOFFMAN, . Real Estate --Broker, > Phone: 2M5--W ©>~Deerfleld, lilinois ~~ADJUDICATION NOTICE ts, kept, faith with hiimgelf : tion upon which to 'build succese. e is dréam --come true. ; ,Bmm'ouroflret,nbouen'u be. .. echoed down | "pome things can be done as well as . of. 'since 1492, and is | others." We know there is a way upon the banners of the land | over, under, around, or through, every «.' * *« By E. G. ' bs.. y& with hiimself | s .Gome trus. For. THE QUESTION .BOX | CONDUCTED BY R. G. KAPING At 588 1t Do YOU WANT YOUR LOTS FILL-- €d in? per load. Call telephone 529W. -- |-- 4% 2 HUNTING, . TRAP-- ~ ping "jwt allowed on the W o S ftren Mwhen a bosition .u.. . ) No objection to country or children. ¥AJrite to H. P., care lndepu«'!:n't'. Wauconda a 35.5 Mobhawk cord tire. Reward for return. Call 202. it bought.. When the deed came back 1| & _"B0'", having ordered the con-- noticed that the notary f "Mmu;hflmmentm- his seal on the acknowledgement. Gan| 'The -- installation of ornamental I--have him put his seal--on and record | Street lights together--. with cables, the deed 'again? © B4 transformers, and _ all appurtenances h"awutma'm' !.nmg'&w STREET and other ; corrected notary. The deed must bo rencknowiniged ;;.m:é'@m NO. 40, man on a farm. Inquire of or ad-- SPECIAL SALE ON ALL MEATS FOR THIS WEEK Lost and Found e P00 PORK ROAST tCURED BACON, whole or half, Ib. 28 1--2¢ °D HAMS, whole or half,.lb. . . .. 25c é _ DRESSED CHICKENS, Ib.= . .:=. . 35c; id 1 2;0 lb. Pis streets in said -- M&MN&& the Ordinance for tne zame being on file in the office of the Yillage Clerk o!nn\,thoa.deue having applied to the County Court of Lake County Hilinois, for an assess-- ment of the costs.of said improvement eccording to benefits, and an assess ment therefor having. been made and returned to said Court. the final hear-- ing thereon will be bad on the 12th day of November, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'elock a. am. or as sqoon thereafter as %mdev&m persons desiring may tions in said Court before said day and may eppear at the hearing and make their defense. Said Ordinance provides for the collection of said as sessment in ten annual installments dmd y . Em s § e U'I:l iDSLA The -- installation -- of _ ornamental | 2°"t is P2yabl street lights together . with cables,|"° *4°%®eding transformers, and all appurtenances |" * '"@reafter in HAWLEY STRERET and other| _ AlU P°®% msa%' notified to call -- -- SPECIAL rar no an |Assessed at th Notice is hereby given to all per-- Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein, County of Lake and State of Ilinois, having ordered the con-- struction of a local improvement con-- SPECIAL -- ASSESSMENT . NOTiICE mouthed black hare -- (opprosimately M).mhunm'hfi.:fi &M';Mn&h the . ne This will be-- more good: news for tt:nshm.vhommu:owq A nmlcflm % m year there were thousands of game fish placed in the lake, at which time the state car was --here and a real cele bration was had. Rudoliph E. Johnson, proprietor of the Baid Knob hotel, on Pistakee Limke, just received a letter from I will bring in my store on wheels; McNess sealed at the Labo-- racory Medicines; first quality spices, in sealéd cans; Extracts and. Food Products of unusuai quality; Soaps. Perfumes Toilet Prepara-- tions of unusual fineness; Veterinary and Poultry Preparations. .' AlH leaders in quality; also McNess Guaranteed Mops, Brushes, Brooms d Dusters. * I have some very sttractive premiums to offer my ic exchange for their orders. . I will bring to your home, within the next 60 days, the Famous M«Ness Sanitary Line of Products that y6U have seen advertised in Successful Farming, Farm & Fireside and Farm Journal. $ « y WATCH FOR ME fex Sealed Medicines are Safe a % aa d iss Chas. A. Crittenden D LEG QOF LAMB The McNess Dealer 10c Ib, 35¢ Ib. copy of the judgment on file m:wm'mttorma sollection of &uch assessment is in the hands of the undersigned. Said assess-- ment is divided into ter (10) install-- 'nnts.themountolmefimtmml- 'mtbe!nztm.oommeu-onma the succeeding nine installments; be-- ing $400.00 each; that said deferred installments bear interest at the rate Bilious Fever and Malaria. it Kilis the Germs, UA &aIx per centum per annum, that the first installment of said assess-- ment is payable in the year 1928, and the succeeding instailment one each year thereafter until the whole is paid. All persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amount assessed at the Collector's Office in The Firft National Bank, Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville® Lake County, IMi-- nols, within 30 days from the date A. D. 1927. ... Special Warrant No. 82 Public notice is hereby given Dated this 21st day of October, The persoa appointed to make 66 6 NOTICE

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