CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Nov 1927, p. 7

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to Dr. G. T. Boycheff, MD., of BJTG cuse New York, the wedding having :'" ":'immhc parsonage, at: » , suburtb of Syracuse, and where they expect to make their home.. . Mrs. Hughes has had charge of the Illinois past twenty years, on Oct-- ober 1. to make arrangements for her moving Bast. Her many friends here extend congratulations. * Mr. and Mro. Lioyd RBdady and daugh-- tor were Sunday guests at the Harry Passfield home. * and Mrs. Eszse Fizher apent § afternoon at the Ray Seymour home, "In.lh. was: x & proved in health. Mrs. Ada Verriel left last. Thursday tor a trip to Enginand, whore she er-- pects to visit with relatives for a taow months. This is to be hor first the Thayer house on Park Avenue. PC -.--'-v- ----v;- *'*"I *I ",l |||.|' 4ME L > -'.l Eliwood was a Monday ete I'l&fl nuantnss mapennge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 00 00 00 000 Don't forget the American Legion dantes at the Libertyvyillie town hall, every Wednesday evening. c A businesso transaction --of-- eapecial interest to the people of Antioch and vicinity, took place last week, when Clarance Sobuitis purchased from Mr. KHille®brand. his interest in the well-- knon merchantile firm of Hillebrand & SGhuitis. Clarance Shuitis is the son of C. E. Shulitis of the awbore men tioned firm and business 'will} now be conducted under the name of Shuitis & Son. Mr.: Hillgbrand has been in the merchantile business here Cor years, but had to retire on account of poor tram the --for-- several months. The now member of the firm has been employed in the store ever--since his tnther aquired-- an interest in it sev-- eral years ago. j ~Wiliam Keulkman spent last Monday in Chicago. 'The lndies ot the M; E. church gave a supper -- in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening. 3 Da-tmno_hrwhwa Workmen are now hy in up arounnd the new faciory and it is expected 'that the fact wil} be in operation. inside --of -- next two woeeks, Don't forget the American Leglon dances at the Libertyrilie town hall, every Wednesday evening. % The Rev. 3. E. Poliock offticiated at the funoeral of Mrs. Jos. held at the Britton home at ; on Monday afternoon. -- Her come Cained a number of riends at a Hollow-- #'en party at their home on Monday evening. Cards, and Hollowe'en games were indulged~in and everyone says they had a very enjoyable time.. v Truman Ames returned home last Monday, after having spent the past two months with relatives in Montana. COharles Blunt left Thursday for the bhome of his danghter, in Detroit, and expects to spend the winter there. Mrse. Clara -- Willett and son spent the week ond at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zleglier at DeKab. Mr. and Mrs, L. Rinear, of Chicago, spent the week end with Mrs. W. 8. Mr:-- and Mrs. T. F. Kern have wone to their winter home at Winterhaven, Florida. They Wt the tirst part o the week and are making the trip by Mr. and --Mrs. George Kubaupt n.mummufi Mrs. George Kuhaupt spent Wed nesday at the home of her danghter at Forest Park ® Mrs. W. F. Zlegier and Mrs. Emma Bartiett spent Monday in Chicago.> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0o o o4 44 poultey Iqiaing whin meh sabny to Inforsaims" tonen tand Bave vioe more than successful in the undertaking. pen specials also will be awarded. -- It is aszerted that poultry will be exhibited at this show from a wide cessful than its predecessors. . -- Prizves will be awarded --winners as follows: P Noke s on o8 s s Single birds and> @g%8: 1st,; $1:50; 2nd, $1.00; $rd, biue ribbon. ~ --_-- Pens--ist, $250; Ind, $1.50; ~3rd, n!mmith&ehalav.u. 11 12. and there is every indica ilnin'aalth-.mhfio- tion that it will prove even more sue-- Arrangements have been completed for the holiding of the fourth annual Every Indication That the Ex-- WNKr. and Mrs. Frank St. GoOFEO OW¥ |/.__" _ a somilye in Tibortveoilln. ther An . fixined company from. Chicage on | ther 250 temiy in Dbertreliie, n sepecials also will be awarded. and had returned to rington. were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. Miss Burke spent the week end with her mothéer in Milwaukee. S Mrse. --H. I-- Grantham, --8r.; Tt Wednesiny with Mrs,--Loretta y-- mour, who has been vyery ill > Mdmmwm&m ning with Mrs.--Alice Geary and Duley and Len Geary spent: Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs.--PBarl Daley in Waunkegan. : Mr. and Mts. Lou Geary and daugh wug&'am'v' 0000000000 0000 0 er and Mrs. White and Mrs,. ~RKdith o -- WAUCONDA o will be held at the Rosecrans Com-- munity house Wednesday. Nov. 16th. A second school will be held at the town 'hall in Lake Zurich. s -uvm-l-o ho ou'&e"m noon. Dommgmm and pencils so that you can learn to balance your own rations. ~Lively dis course of the school. Both members--of the Farm Bureau and nonwembers are urged to attend --_*The Lake County Herd Improvement Association will hold a meeting Tues day evening, Nov. 15, --at 8. -- Prot. CB. Rhodea of the U. o L, will address 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Items of Interest From Lake Co. Farm Bureau |-- ~FEEDING SCHooL As the cows are going into-- winter quartera at this time it is alwnuys a vital question to every dairyman just what he should feed his cows. Prot. C. 8. Rhode, of the University trom both far and near. Mrs. Lealie Davis motored to Mo-- Milton Dowel is employed at the George Dowell home ftor. a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fishber and son motored to Wanuconda on Wednesday Ited her 'daughter Mrs. Lioyd Fisher, on Shturday Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Figshher and son motored to Fremon on Sunday. "flz.auln.h:hl"m over week end. l:m-mtowm . The bazaar and supper held at the NT:.i. E. Church was a great sue day "In . ~ rest visited at the--Edwin Os--" for 'Texas and--California, ~ ;. :--*-- u,.;m.....a..."zmuw; ' | 'Misges Rath ang Blssbets Rotken: wold Lmke spent Wednesday at | 'Mre. ~Pau! Hunter entertained ata bach are 'now -- visiting --the, y motored to Wauconda on Friday.) Olendor{ attended a shower given for Oregon;'to Los Angeles by-- boat. .. lr:n(mG.A.qundhlt'flr._. Mre. Harry Olson in Chicago ': 'Mr. and Mrs, Leath of Crystal Lake SBunday at Crystal Lake with Mr. and k § > gur. were dinner--guests of Mr.--and Mrs. u:.'ncn-nnmmm. ¥r. and Mre. W.~B.--Carr attended © Austin Plagge Sunday. ho mag ; Cora Dowell of Fremont-- vis| 0. E--S past matrons and past patrons ' -- A>church achool tenchers' meeting Iited her 'daughter Mrs. Lioyd -- Fisher, last --Friday.: Mr. Carr served of the Pregbyterian church was held on Shturday. s _ _ --= <~ _ _~-- _-- jas patron.: > ~> «. ~ 5_ ~"=>-- at the home of the Supt., George Stan-- Ravin and son, aspent Wednesday aft-- ternoon at the Esse Fisher home. ----Mr. and Mrs: Lioyd Fisher and son transaoted> business in-- MoHenry. on l'lg'd"_' Week. . f Mr./'Wilbrand, of Crystal Lake, was a-- caler=in<this community® on Wed-- HMERD IMPROVEMENT ASSN. has been secured to com se m>mummmm¢o and --Mrs. Charles Nichoils at Palatine Bunday. * * Many Deerfleld Shriners® and their families heard Toti Dal Monte, the lmmahn:g * mu"n"m;mo a.:! on Worthy 'Matrons 'night Thursday evening,. Nov. 10. She acted as sec-- retary at Loungberry--Chapter in Bar-- ::-'MMM"' guests had a happy ~The Missionary Circlé met at the Bungailow church" Tuesday evening. the legson. > / PA _ Dr. G. H. Becker and son of Rogers Park: were guests at the T. L. Knaak 7 h.n-p-' "c.«s.tyau.tnPmt»y-1 first anniversary o fthe church by & pot hick huncheon Thursday. It was an ~enjoyable aftair and there were many--ladies present.=~The absence Of luncheon . guests . Wednesday -- Mrs. Teed Proee 6 Einient °* *' * mwmum Mrs. Jennie Wileon and Mre. Ann Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mrn, Ray, Reods pore oridge nnctotn punouaic of besatt Bpoin: o oo ooo guests of Mrs. Herman Goldberg in .. Deerntieid Chapter 0. E. S: Obsérved Kenoghn Tuesday.>~. > _ > --_-- --~>~'mptaends' Night Thursday, Nov. 3. Sis-- Harty Muhike attended a bridge par-- churth -- Sunday~ morning. Six 'new | ©Y®Din€ Nov. 35, _«' ... e$ |0 ay migoveter Seech Botel i on | membere united. . " n " "°" |Cirneorticore appotnied 'ave: Grace cago Tuesday. ® . tooo<-- / ~»<'] Mr--and Mrs. W.~C. Koeblin and son . Junior: 3 | |Mré. Henry Lange is quite UI. She" Rdmund, were dinner of John #0n,. Junior-- Vice Oracle; Marceline '.ummma_mmmmcmm'mmlmwm&: Ger-- arm and hip which she sustained in a 'Gay. fall recently. ; : 'the John Miller family in Chicago. Mr. |@00,. Recorder;" Mary. Hoftman, Re-- Mr. and Mrs.--Richard Bricknel! 'of 'and Mrs. Schminke wil leave shortly | CO!ver; --Bdith Sherman, Marshal;: Ber-- wmummm'mwmm' "_____-- . |nice Juhrend, Asst. Marshal; . Elisa home last week. . |. 'Misses Ruth and Elsaboth Rocken--|beth Ho@fman, Inner Sentine!:" Earl < 'Mre. ~Paut Hunter entertained at a bach are now © visiting --the Preston | TOll, Outer Sentine}; Ruth :Horenber-- Mts. Arthur Merner, Miss Laure!l :' church Sunday --evening. All--friends Stryker and her--friend from Paytom:| o fthe church invited. @upper will be ITowa, were in Chicago Wednesday. served at 6. At 7:30 Rev. MoCorneli-- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Fehr enter mmnmnmmm tained geveral friends from Glenview Umatilla His message wil last week . SCfs. fhs't:l%ou.gohw' Mrs. Fred Bleimehi. entertained her ) work, having succeeded 8. 6. class at luncheon Wednesday. :mmmmm Group No. 3 of the W. M. 3. of the to work among the Indians. and who Bungalow chure hwill hoid a luncheon WAs mas#aored by-- the red men. 'Mr. at the church Thursday. A fine time | Cornelison will--take the place of Mrs. is reported, {Andrew Todd& Taylor-- who was sched-- msau'-:dmruvum:f"u.--kmmm parents, *" re, ~John Stryker, |-- A very enjoyable gat was held !-'!"!'"?:.'!!'!M-W:' :Floyd :-fi.uu'mm-t{u,iiiim' uesiday evening. : : ._-- <-- ~"~ umm#' m.' é and meeting of Chicago 8. ""v hore : "'" g s m w.-u-«w PK. Bmw'huwm Woman's Club donated many arti¢les Miss Rockenbaclt addressed the eve cessfully held this week. |__Wers. Ott. Beck 'or ~Ashland. Getty. Mrs Soth agodf"i-- &w& the George Rock mmmdmummmmdw Mrse. Carl Anderson, are~attending a Hu.-'uomma then J mcmvmm.-m.wm_ * and. at Highland Park Woman's club. The mmu%fl Chita.~ 1208 "hie 3t Cnperni Lake ware presont. . _ Mrs. Jessie u-mm Pres ur&mflrmmfi byterian offices in C Temple, son, , and Mre. Van Tyne, Sr., d.s. 'm"*lmn.l; they Q-tlcb-g-b uu Oor weoks. mm #dait mhmMOI&h Albert ~Franken famUy -- while W 's Auxiliary officers of Campbell Chapter of High fi:b'm "",'mmm land Park. f i Monday Nov. 1«: ~ Trans-- "u&.''ruwod.m:: portation will be furnished, :"b?.o: the Woman's Club=of the Chicago, mbsn not inter than two lnwuhi.:ndwm.m:nnui o'clock p. m. . Miss Laura 'Wessling is recovering W. M. 8. of the Preabyterian from her recent illness. i& Mrs. Arthur Merner, Miss Laure! | church Sunday evening. All friends Stryker and her--friend from Payton:| o fthe church invited. @upper will be Ilowa, were in Chicago Wednesday: served at 6. ~At 7:30 Rev. MoCorneli-- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Fehr enter uflnmnwtwm Mrs. Ularence Huhn and Mrs. Har--'the woek end guest of. Mrs. Frank W. ry Muhike visited Mrs. August Klemp Russo. « h 2 at Highland Park Thursday. 'Rev. Byas of Naperville held a com Mrs. George: Engstrom, Mrs. Carl munion service and reception of mem' Bates, Mrs. Romayne Stryker and Mrs. bers into the church at the Bungalow | mn-%m host at a Nov.:20. ""W ankégiving --Pageant is ing the tables very nttracti f:-'tm' u3 Muvfi&mfi': there will b tflnz m%wxum wan' Fred La Bahn fi a Min. Fred f mufi'n:nunuhmg ' en ns prenberger were -- C guests John . A _were s JUVENILE DBPA Mrs. MhmnM'n'm-d Mr. mm _ur-'x' ® '" ORGANIZED A * "Mro. Bamh: Vottertund and Eimer|_ Mré. W._W. Olark entertained Bat _ A Juvenile umm:' Snyder 'of Chicago, visited at the A. urday ovening in honor of her 'MNeld --R..N. A. was , H. Mubike home Sunday. Hiep Loin: it wasr ine M birtuday afferncon. * Mré. _ Auna . Ka Rudoh Knaak entertained three ' of Miss Lois. Bunco was played and DWtrict Deputy, Mrs,--Ada net S i by }school Friday evening, Nov. 18th, at .8 p'clocock. " This will be an important .zuu. both 'for the program--to be given. and <the plan for work to be imade at that time. Every member in-- ~terested in"the welfare of the. school ¥rict are invited to meet with us. Deertield Chapter O. T. 8. will give h 'bakery. sale at the: Gastfield 'store Baturday,. 'Nov. 12, beginning at 10 a. m. Be on hand early to make your trip Monday. --Lhey haye been absent | ner home in his car. She returned to and Germany. 'They panned not to £0)| 'The Toy Shop in Grade 1 was a in the beaten path of American. t0u" | project of much interest to pupils and fets as they, wished to see the OOUN--| yistsors throughout the woek. . The ,mw'!lfllflmw'mumw;muma ed 'by with tourists. . Thelr | portion: of their san table and filled trip was. delightful and educational. |thespace beneath with various toys f "M: of i thhuwdthtfl-a It is pleas-- mmnmmuw.m ant for their friends to know that the y planting Pris and tw County Line road, and --wil again be 'rront of the school building. Through mixing in affaire of their bome toOW1.|the eftorts of the members of the Gar-- 1mw.'g.T.U.mle:%lemgaudom?d'bry ' urch on Tuesday, Nov. . Kress, and the. tullp bulbs by Mr. al 3 a'clook. _ Thefe are matters of| Mt HKroms, and th aéceilve consideration at this time. Ey-- Wilmot P. T.; A. will be held--at the erYy member be present. close together; The tables were beau tifully decorated in yellow and white and as narly as posible the course din-- Rodast goose, with all its accompani-- ies t t i Th /: g. T feciglinenntorermeaberpediordfiieatintiach--trsed } 2 F de Miss Ardelle Agardt of Chimago was 1. No 0 Jnt Je . Hg Mb t / Alig 'Werly Manos aad weras ||| -- Shingles for the roof, posts for your fences, :.||| > remmoetomesiescmmnmmniiniem _ _beams, siding, flooring--we're at your ser-- -- ||| ievrmmanems . [ . vice fon cvery mol of Draner Jou need / |/s aEUMATISM _ ||| in making necessay fall repairs. x9 matters of | potlinger, a distance. --Suddenly a--rock .that 'lison is the successor of the great missed the footbail came out of the missionary explorer Marcus Whitman air sand struck her squaraly between | who was cruelly murdered by the In-- the eyes.-- She dropped as though she |dians; He wil have a thrilling tale to wer dead. The rock ¢ut her forehead |tel and nothing less than a crowded and while --Boy-- Scouts: and friends | church should Be--present to hear him. mflm-&fifnm MMW!'?G::":'I eredwith blood. . As--soon as the prin--| & cordial welcome to all the serv-- tipal: was > notified of the accident, 'he and activities of this church. dispersed the crowd--of children that | E were crowding around her and then| _ tufiamcumcn {muu-&m- Here,. by m at 9:45 a. m. the use of <cold <cloths, the HNow of ing At 11. Christian Endeavor Tauk to poussiolencen ~ Aftor she m""ah'&'u."a'vu" ile mme ' A he : < N_ ' annuar time until 3:30 a more or less steady |-- .At 10;:45, a reunion of members of t mndt "Iolorn ut Bs hats,o m | the aremoc Shansr mt ape may use years. * : 6 counted in the various--rooms. united with the church during that Who's Who in Deerfield Grammar|time are urgently requested to be teacher; Home in Larsen, Wis.; edu--| At 2:30 p. m.. services at the Ey-- State Teachers' . 1928.] At $:30 p. m., missionary lun 1925, and summer school ;~ ex--|by the W. K. 8. This wil time perience, two years (1025--1927) Half of Christian fellowship and . Muared® Rot with '"uu-u.'h ze farkt "am...s-hr m;'uv:u p. m., service in charge of ball had become lodged in a tree and the W.--M. 8. 'The address by the nnlmmm'h"ua Rev. James M. Cornelison, of Pendie-- throwing sticks and stores at it. B |ton, Oregon, missionary among the Lw-~ |~-- KAzette -- Yan Nice's niece mm--& j ,) . The ladies --of the sociesty: are re-- quested to bring in their thankoffer-- at this meeting . ---- * shortly after 9 o'clock, and from that Li0yd Stanger.~ : f (rl!" ta Chinese Girl) ~Mre. &' c<M school team 12 to 6 at Jewett's Field Tuesday, Nov. 1. Both teams showed MISSLIONARY PLAY SUNDAY-- EVE ings 'wil¥ be on the regular meet-- ing night» from 6.30 to 8 o'clock. The next meeting is planned for Friday Omcle, and Mra. \~A juvenile numm Deer-- field--R.N. A. was o d Baturday K. N. ~A. JUVENILE® DAOPARTHMENT ha ts pg. T Gusta: Obmfeson (Finnish girl) Mrs. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Mark J. Androws, Minister. The grammar school £060t ball team Save You Money On It, T oo! a belpful sermon and had charge of m Carl. E.' Bates, principal of --the | echool; Miss Mary Thomp-- son and the Gunckel sisters, Betty and June and Verne. : > 'A hearty welcome awaitsz you at this at 7, and evening service at 8. _ _ _The W M. 8. will give the annua thank program --Sunday ove ning. Mov. 13. They will give a play m'mvfiu'&u; M. 8. rally and was enjoyed by all mnoz.ommuv'mu . Our rally day service was a real subcess. We reached our goal, having of the church. <A fine spirit of tellow x"" :_'._'mmm""":m._b l?mumu.qm _: Length 30 inches =--. § _ dians, He will have a thrilling tale to | _ * Each month at Masonio Hail. f 4 h. teli and nothing less than a crowded | Visiting Companions Cordially invited Guaranteed to give [ -- should bBe present to hear him. J. A. TREPTOW. H. P & ~\Midweek service Wednhesday nig .}"I'IOCI. % : . .o ~A P ouoit rehearsal Friday at 8 p. m: . i Becrsta"?| N Complete Setisfaction [ _ A welcome to all the corr-- J0SEPH A. JADRICH ; bopriintoraiatereeiiieiintseciontrarnctztucet # Bitirati tntets ABrcrccmncastramnd At 10;:46, a reunion of members of esns _ Toune prople who have ~--~--_>~>--NMome in Wisconsin enabsbenp is es 2 e 5sn on :The girl told the physician that her 'u'-hngnhcn- ¥, Wis.. but| _ Richard Riley, Chicago youngster &lt.lhlhn'ughala- who assisted Joe Conroy in stealing a go. mmmmmmmm%'%&um tive. ' s >3 several weeks toduy pleaded 'The quick work of the Mg'h"mmhmwm physician: resulted in # quick recovery | i2 to be placed on probation Tuesday. < The girl --was hurrled to the Lake County hospital where the poison was removed from--the stomach by -- Dr. Benjamin Lemery before it could be absorbed into her system, a condition that wouldhave meant certain, but A slow lingering death. C ~ ... Member of Triangle tending physician | and hospital at-- fWelisued s hamfnl-- of, the" inblots f wed --a | --of the tablets m_a.flt of %v:: Mhmmmmmm' \Stella Perquette, Agod: 20 years of 850 LaPorte avenue, ~Chicago, swallowod Di--chloride of mercury tablets. in 'the room of the male object of her spurn-- Bunday --night, and was saved -- death only by the quick action of :a physician. --© : o that life was too sweet to her today to make another attempt to take her l o e Emink fhat her love tor HUGE ESTATE FOR Miss Stella Believed to have been despondent . Locat Hotel. lt eC mt ts 4 6P i tm n o 9 Bz e t eoat sas ns -- / en y 1 10 l 4 435 e ud ¢ Pas /s We 1. cA aire " 2l .. Tur > e 4e P %' Pae tendance in the: history "fii'?wa D GRABB s' WAUKEGAN, L. Office in First Nationat Bank Building : Moure: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. | D. C. Grinneil, inspector In Charge 'Telophone 829 LIGERTYVILLE Farm and Stock Sales A Office Phone 17686 -- Res. Phone 2099 Reom 208, 1704 Sheridan Road Harry Madill Bamica'| ®RB.CGODFREY | LYELL : H.*&?'Rms'lfiomg to Build? ~-- ASUVCEK BUILDING Res. Phone 97. Office Phone 18 T. Dawe officiating. --Interment was made in Pine View cemetery. in 'Gridiey Haill, First Nationa!l Bank Building. Visiting Neighbors Welicome. W,. NAGEL, A. 8. DOUVGAMHERTY Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious Fever and Malaria. ATTORNEY--ATLAW > Office at Home on W. Cook Avenue * 'Telephone 168.J «> LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI8 ,.Iudlu"v:p Ogleaby, --aged. 68 years,» North County setrseet, died at ber home Sunday after an Ulness of three woeeks. 'The deceased was born January 24, 1859 in New York state and has re-- sided in Waukegan--for the past 18 years. She had--a large circle ~of friends who will be sorrowed by her She survived by her husband, m%my.&..ulman- dren; Mrs. James Ehie of Aiden, HL., George .of Kenosha, Clyde of North Chicago, and William, Bert, Frank, Wenley and Steven Jr., of Waukegan. Also--26 grandchildren and two great made of the purchase of & tract of. 9L miister sne ww southward into township: in TAke county. as the site for this &% *'- t of the land, all of led through the A. F. Stah)} and Company reéal estate office in Keno tha and the: T. J. Stahl and Company real estate frim in Waukegan. The total amount involved in "the deals for the land reaches nearly to $200,000, of which approximately $150,-- 000 is for that part of the tract which is located in Kenosha=~county. The property sold at an average of about $350 an acre. TAKEN BY DEATH pvume _ M. W. of A. Work Guaranteed «~ Acme Camp «ul _------~--No. 176 Call, Phone or Write to DR. J. L; TAYLOR JUBTICE OF THE PEAcE Real Estate and insurance No. 272 R. A. M. . Lincoin Ave., LIBERTYVILLE Office With Farm Bureau 912 N. County Btrest 666 i# Kilis the Germe, ._| PHONE 306 SN O W'S MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF £AGM-- MONTH AT THE TOWN MHALL _ C. C. HOSKINS, Commander Telephone 245.J the "board of supervisors has award ed the construction of the Antiooh ""mi'-:"""""'"""'m.-...g""""" a con who fas building eeveral coun'y highways. bid was $7,800. -- Bids were opened in the offices of R. ¥U. Loabdel, counts "The Quality Btorg®" _ = -- [ -- compiete, for a acst figure, so Ti know just whe the bout will be, before stavting. Telephons #88, R. L. GONSALVES *# labor and materia! on your Libertyville Post 329 ROOFING P. 0. Box 248 LIBERTYYILLE The road and bridge comm'tteso o# ARLING T O] t# HOTEL t# <--COATS ] TAR AND GRAVEL rRooFring | . READY ROOFING ovEr oum | _ We Do All Kinds Of Roofing AT LOW COST H. SMITH, Prop.-- 1 =-- Men's Genuine $12:00 s0f West Lake Street @2 C200 3090E

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