Steei Tape. Premier "-- Mr. Yes," those" dbiie f aper "au o ppiRenes ahmped that are= a i 5 K h -- ~ v be + c " f % inches _mot so stion. | ~will> f You Get REALNEWS In THE You Get REAL NEWS In THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT For Only $1.50 A Year. MUSIC BY HAPKE'S ORCHESTRA * 2 FRLPS *L KIPC AAFPL% Hiomm Dr. FP. H. Martin was seen on the FAVOR--AND CONEETTT -- this noon al decked oot n & ,. $ CE all. He admitted he was going p & % C ; hk:n?s.m short: vacation in a 4 : * /A ~IN| rear, was to: go-- to Shelbyville + : to hunt the elusive quail. Doc was ; P s % mnm&mum» * E. h.: © are expected to auffer. mohbhoflymdm:;uy no:'fl:o' to "u:.1" at M,, every Wadnesday evening: There is a--good floor and good music. ~ Engaged : by A. Care(ul Buyer to actually weigh various parts of ~ d two representative leading furnaces in order to determine which _ measss reaily has the heaviest and most --durable parts. &=) gjas ADMISSIJON $1.00 PER COUPLE Wednesday Evening, Nov. 301| ~{ m a."" /n (THE ACTION 4'9':1.'- m;fhe Steel Tm | i buying a quality furnace. but greatly confused by A--_tors hage, smasited. and 'taickJed. tory .In--sports. planning ahead--and Life uun,ny.' 3& you have Post No. 329 EXTRA LADIES 2%¢ «96 the month of December. A ~property -- well: located, aften passes through the hands of a dozen buyers in the course of-- half a dozem yéars, with a sub-- stantial profit to all concerned. 'Be advised expertly about such real estate. 8. No'Income Tax To Pay. -- «* E a M + P 43 2 C3 e ©-- au i A a n@s * t o% N F < -- a ¥# <\ $ 7 & ®> " f x. P * ~ hi 0 < * *% * l time. Miss Haley's room the soi picture this month. -- mw-m,mh(l# e NCY o She /'the youth . who braved-- the, p C of the seven seas because a writa© emiled at him.~> -- > REVIEW: AESOP: FAB "BCENIC Antioch _F a0t-- 'ball Game, 'Taken * Romon Novarro Thursday, Friday, > November 17 and 18 See Local Movies of "hHEaAR MiSS HAPKE aAT THE 1 s _CONSOLE OF THE $10,000.00 _' ___ KCIMBALL ORGAN _ Al ndihdeanet w t Bc ns €¢ Wl a41 of Foulds e! See the a n d the of. Gram-- *# o e e 19 y fae s & 7 .a 4 P marrea es msatudn --On the ovening of Nor. fif #ie!: ; is A m o * Te s o in d oade & < -- ----_.~~-- Part Wool Rlankets 80. d l 3+ B C 50 e Address Sec. 532 No. Milwau-- «* kee Ave.,, Libertyville LOWEST-- TAX RATE OF SIXTEEN LEADING. CHi CAGO SUBURBS. --A RIDE OF ~ONLY ~one -- nour FROM THE LooP. C © For Frosty Ni [t~Lake County Insurance / l H ; 7m'n LOWEST RATESs CONSISTENT wi .'Telephonea No. 8 Or 6ZBMA : .0 . > . ead the--CLASSIFIED ADS. . What You ] Sure To Be Found There. f Sap °o BUILT--IN CONVENIENCES mmwmkdmmm- m" the convenience of your home. It's a to estimates and you aren't obligated in : instantly, yet out of the way when not wanted. Let us help you add to your own contentment by HAVE: YOUR AUTOMOBILE INS8URED iN THE D0 and up iAap id -- -- Wn..~M. Manon,-- Proprigtor M -- Weesrs d c o amwas . aiaaL i . -- PLAN:} w Telephone 47 WITH GOOD: INGURANCE +#a#: + O #3 33 e