, & BARGAINS IN THIS DISTRICT -- , _ [ ~Build yourseif a hunting and fishing shack, or take a tent alony and ht rough it for a fow weeks during your vacation--fish, hunt, clear a little land. You --know that is what Jack Dempsy did to come back \\__ B ° _ 40 Acres for...--.$ 300 Cash -- 120 Acres for._._._$ 800 Cash g _ _-- 80 Aoreg for........_._} 550 Cash -- 160 Acres for___.__}1000 Cash _ [' 'Nearly an high land goo.i for farming, when cleared.~ Schoo? house _« J on land. on main poad close :o Yellow River, Big Lakes nearby. Scat-- _ L Atering Norway Pine, some Jack Pine, Sandy Loam Soill. C -lTuesday, Nov. 2 1 WaATCH THIS SPACE EVERY WEEK | F. R. SELLERS 15551 Milwaukee Ave. -- Libertyvi | t * 3 "I 1 Good Work Team, 1. Colt 1 1--2yr. Old: _ [ 12 Cows, -- 5 Heifers, 1 Registered Bull . Hay, Grain and Chickens _ _ that thees pacifists have "moral | and mental halitosis" and they are helping to make the : States the .looting bed for re-- 9 The talk of cancellation of 4s one of their methods. He said that Russia bas $29,000 men in the army, well drilled. well equipped, and Merce tighters, while the crowd in the vg:na at last c{:u('s army--navy game in o equalled being sent.into.Russia. to help them Carry on their plot. There are 30,000 rmhhv.vm City, one out every seven men you mest is not "Warning some 600 Leglonalires at Friday night that the red menace is far ~worse than the world is ready yet to believe, Lt. Col. Edwin Hadley Wak Boing: wasea Todar.. We do not C "waged t:dllyt We do not Fecognize attack. is not a wear 1 ."&lay&rdmd& , Ru has : the keepest set -- of in bistoty, and they constitute wmfla&m that ever slit a or ecuttled a ship. And was hasy been deciared on the United in Red Russia. . These reds are in numbers, but --we cannol ~estimate .their poWwer. Remem-- 14,000 people stirrei up the KFrench revolution,> and as~~Edmund Burke said, "Better deo.despleed for being too anxious than be despised --"One of <the-- greatest menaces is that the--governmental heads in Russia are also heads of communism. -- They ""').ugve,uCol.mm Mmmmvmum army of the insidious propaganda that is being :passed fnto the United States Col. Hadiey Says Red Menace is Far Worse Than the "REFORMERS ARE DEFORMERS", Specia I and Sale Extraordinary, In . Burnett County, Wisconsin "*The World war was emall in size 100 miles northeast of St. Paul and Minneapolis. This'is a great bunt*~ § |""""~cuivert To Cost $25,000 ing and tishing section. About 400 lakes within a radins of 20 miles. The culvert to be erected in the ra-- Beautitul country: zenerally hbigh rolling land; plenty of woods and vine is to be erected at a cost of game, and pbobab'y as gocd fishing as can be found anywhere in the North Woods. There w*e good main highways thru this section, con-- nected by country roads, so that one can g0*to most any lake by auto. This district is. fas develop'~g as a summer playground.. I AM OFFERING FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY SOME VERY SPECIAL Office Phone 451 hi Swi i zd Sy.. > o s ¥ s 4 j is % Having rented my farm 1| will selil at Public Auction, on the proem-- Ises, located one--half mile notrh of Lamb s Corners, 8 miles west of Waukegan and 4 miles west of Gurnee, near Stearns School, on '_&n...m. 1 Tractor <> 4 Tractor PIOWw .. _ .. _ 1 Harrow Attachment for Plow Shngl 1 Tower Cultivator $McCormick Mowing Machine 1 Deering Grain Binder > 1 John Deere Corn Binder Abstracts and Warranty Deed Showing Good Tltlo, Furnished. World Will: Realize. erms Of Sale: Ail e=s « i §1 All gums of $25.00 and under, aash: on sums at hat amount, a credit of six month¢ M _"The fact must be anhmcdx-nmmiwflmu tied for with the clerk: -- olR be put to mucen-- ox ~Col. SBmith closgsed the meeting by introducing the nine commanders who have and will serve the Homer Dahr-- inger post Bradford --F. West. A. V. Smith, Albert L. Hall, Mancel Talcott, Frank B. Boice, Minard E. Huilse, Wal-- ter McShane, Leonard Hull and the present -- commander--elect, Victor O Entertainment congisted of singing, dancing acts and comic readings. most monumental failure on earth " State's Attorney A<V. Smith, who acted <as toastmaster, caled on the Legionaires to fight communism and pacifism with al the action the power-- ful i could muster. 2 "The fight is not yet aver,". said Col. . "and it we are to keep our democracy, we must stamp out every 'u't of M'tm burste into "These reds work through the churches and social agencies to get themseives and have almosf complete power. over the youngster-- in the early years of their lives. If we do not watch our step, the United States will be a pacifist nation and will fo}-- low in the footsteps of Russia, the berbore. 64 tanale: and 200 raltronce They built the war college at Wfiz !uu-.unucvu-'ahuc-ofld. Washington cmonument, the Congres: sional library, through their -- signal corps they started the work'of tie telegraph, they save the torests, and through their chemical wartare will, within a short time, completely erad{-- cate the boll weevil ftrom the southern cotton fields, and yet. Sen. -- Boran, whose 'endorsement is found on tbe tront page of the "Soviet Year Book, ARMY DOES GREAT WORK "The army builds «light : houses, drove yellow fever out of the Panama canal mone, stamped out typhoid fey: ex, protects '?o ploneers of industry and promotés the interests of ths "The army hevér declared war, but it does declare peace. -- War is not yet outlawed in epite of what the preach: ers and <pacifists who are--doing. the dirty work for Red Russia tell you. --. is --a bill to be introduced in congress at the next session making it neces-- sary to call'a referendum vote for the United States to declare war. -- The plan is being fostered by Liberal clubs in the big nniversities throughout the country, and'the 272 communistic or-- ganizations in operation in the United States. --"The greatest affront, the greatest menace to American safety and peace, ] Bain Wagon 1 Corn Wagon 1 Fairbanks--Morse Platform 1 1%h.'p. Clas Engine 1 Hay Rack _..6 Milk Cane 1 McCormick--Deering Feed Mili Rack --_.8 Milk Cane This was approved by Commies Jon there should be no e e Detamt xpithe amantee and [f) Pestccf tht pouost.eompinr in Par * pg,:, it *»were relieved . of the. work 'of ; making-- the fill and he %&A L Silo FiHer, =--~_~~~ M gonference with Mr. Budd in to 1 _ New Ideal Manure Spreader M|jron out these remaining differen L Tank . Heater % ~C) ,Bnumumuututng l Double Harness _ i) not expected to be present at _ p meeting, but had asked by : Jttawa Drag Saw and Engin® B | yor "v% wous to Mention. : 'the m"".d" _ m REDS iN CHURCHES across the ravine. On the other hand umumnn':"mbymm road company it be carried out only at extensive cost to the _ corpor-- It this is agreed upon it will give the city a concession of much importance, in view of--conditions. As extensive paving operations are planned in the southwest 'section-- of the city next ltn!-d__{i ,y'_k!l' Ahe extensive Jesse Hyatt,, vite /president. of the railtoad in charge of the engin#s«--ing department and J. R. Backhall, sup erintendent who attended the meet: $he culvert to be erected in the I# , <€ Eie montt m uiks un Adtnat | "hew in wlcd. tnt, ases aad wit 'm '" + company according to the. negotia--| Party given'"to be--given by Willard tions would pay $12,500. --=: Camp R. N. A. at the Herschberger The building of the fill and culvert| ball on November 19. Playing will across the ravine at Utica street is |begin at 8 p. . m. sharp. --Suitable one of the major projects which the|Awards> will ~be made: and refresh present administration hopes to at. |ents will be served. s tain but it is not regarded as of great--|_ A monthly Bible class meeting was er importance than the building -- of| beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L proposed extensions to the street rail.| Lindstrom las Mondayevening.' ' In way lines. -- spite of the inclemency of the weath-- Place Time Limits 'n.le'umul According 'to the plans of the com| & Bood time:was reported by all. The m-ufluhmmflm"mmw»m tions and in the letter from Mr. Budd,| OOWing year, with the exception of the street railwar commanvx unam |th secretay and treasures, as Mrs. M 'of m"%m ?.'J.'Z'a.m"'&" mu('n-u:' : Budd, president of the . ~Shore railway, controller of th% streot car lines on the issue to the city coun-- cil and due to 'the discussion which tollowed. $ ¥ : Place Time Limits , According 'to the plans of the com-- Mumhmm g:mammn--m.m upon the 'street railway _ company _ upon of the fill across the deep ravine, pay half the cost of building the culvert and let the city assume the --task of making the entire fill, which he states was approved by B. J. Fallon, vice president of the road in a recent con-- versation with him--and -- partially ap-- proved by railroad officials last night as a compromise. 1t is also believed that as the railroad company can profit little by the longer term fran-- chise ~except in financing the proj ects that this point will not brook much opposition: from --the councéil. Mr. Budd in his letter "wb nored the request of the city the railroad -- company-- share half --of the burden of the cost of the culvrert.. He did however agree 'that the ~»railroad the ravine. and establish a loop for the handling of trains into the County street sta-- tion by placing tracks on MWater, County, Utica and Belvidere streots. mm.muunwmm ,umn&ooflfi.h ifled while the line via 'Water and County streets would be installed within the following year and the rest of ~the work would beo-- cartied: out -- within m;r:cthnn'y of the' points in' a all . ts in _ a 'lengthy franchise ordinance has been exception of the culvert and time is-- plhmhv. | * _ The reading of the letter: from Mr. 'Budd before the council last night Jaunched the discussfton on the mat-- of assuming the work of making half But two issues remain to be set-- tled.-- One rests in the demand "of certain members of n,nc'i!trmofl that the company pay the cost of bnmn&:mvmm the ra-- vine at U street and the other lies in the hesitancy on the part of one or two members of the council . to 0t more than 20 years, while the rail-- way company aske rights for 30-- years. Indications point to'atmb on ed by Commissioner Al Carney that ter told of his conversation with Mr. Fallon and outlined the possible so-- lution to the culvert issue. "But Mr. Budd makes no mention of bearing a--share of the--cost of the culvert,"~ Commissioner Keller inter-- jfeoted directing his statements to Clerk® James Marsollles read the let-- M¥r. "Mr. Budd states._what the railroad company isz willing to do, in his let-- ter," was Mr. Hyatt's answer. Term,--Important issue Commissioner Carney then. advan-- ced -- the. opinion-- that --the -- matter .:of fln_fllludthoeuh«tun.et fssue to that of the term of &u-- in: years.. He suggested that the council get in touch with Mr. . Mr. provai 'ou 'sharing the cast or the eul: vert and confer with him on the length of years of the franchise.~ -- Might Reconsider ~ will build an extension to m,--Important Issue oner Carney then. advan-- inlon-- that the -- matter .--of Itlcenh«'-tht-eg :-M'Otmmn..:fill years. uncil get in touch with Mr. dn the othor hok at 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0006 0 Must Approve By Jan..1 "It is at all --times understood that. these two ordinances shall be -- duly adopted and ratified on . or before January 1, 1928. & . "I understand that your commise sion has requested that I write this letter personally as expressing what the companies mentioned are willing to do in connection --with these ordi-- nances. <Yours very truly, Britton J. Englebrecht: declined to keep it for another year. Mrs. Staton was elect-- ed in her stead. 3 The Airplane rac which has, for the past few weekns between the Blues and the Reds, came to an end, th Blus defeating the Reds, who are to treat the Reds to a supper in the din Ing room of the church. A committee Note: The section referred 'to as the North Shore and Waukegan rail-- road would be that portion of the ex-- the two years after the effective date of such ordinances one halft of the yardage required to make the earth fl!hg:ctuu;-of!mu'm across valley, it being understood mfi"mm'fllmwn ~28,000 cuble yards of filL -- "The above is conditioned upon the adoption of and ratification of the or-- dinances <substantially in the forms submitted on the date --referred <to, save as herein otherwiso provided, the duration of the ordinance rights runniing to the railroad company to be not less than 30--years and that to mmmyhhayuu as by statute.: f "The companies do not feel that they will be warranted. in accepnting ordinances for lesser periods or in as-- suming obligations beyond those men-- tioned above and in the draft of said, ordinances as submitted: and:> herein-- has been appointed to arrange for the rumors are that it will be pulled oK next Saturday evening: 'A large number from here attend-- *4 the funeral of Henry Mills, from e es manes. tatives of '"hig North Shore way: com , this is to advise that an r'flu'd t peo substan-- tlally in the forms and upon the terms submitted at the meeting of Tuly 5. 1927, the companios Will un dertake to commence work "on~ the | North avenue withln thirty days after ; umm~u~wb mmm'" 'with -- the®© from such date of adoption of the pro-- ty street shall be commenced within two years, and the work on Utica street completed within : fire ~years trom the effective date of --such ordi-- nances provided the fill and 'the bridge necessary' to 'the laying of such track#. are completed by the 'city -- in time to make such a course possible. "The companies will further under-- the effective mot the proposed or-- 'Asst.. States Atty: wharles Maszson, th ) ex' m'wvmlm was -- changed to*--disorderly "z_" thout undue de--, conduct, to which-- Kemps pleaded Iay; the work on. Water _street will..guilty.. He was fined $200 and costs 34 HALF DAY ) onmep®? "_;'mr " us d ie 6 Te 2 48 . ' P 1 k 4 ~ ts a ~KM-- 2 a f --~¥C BGJ 2 i Come in and s¢ee how much Only € s e -'Av. 7"-5-. h 4 T('» 3 : k sfi * alariliou@' -- O aaey s : ] easier and faster . this new 312 50 h s# d : oi k l' «+ S P ¥ And Y @ PA P _ | : * ® P % s f * ; *# ~--;"'.1'»-,. 5@ 4P ~ -- $ A 2 e ie F es td OS on is en e Pnd s A ¢ is C ymltoe rfl'i'x::%_ Ts y ol 5 ® ( ~ *A To ~Ch i 0 p ';'; ho ® A ""& <~ MA# LR Y O BL c s i : j Th e w ans _ h. e o . > s / se o C \te ds CX em '\g@".""g\s\f s ? ol C# h P & h 4 » R wg' o MR »-¥ f'/ , :' nnent mnalam * ;w,yw '& o , l in holkre. ho % : § s . -- KT ~ll~ 4 _ An. ; es go on imb ns "reip raa wciyts if *h _q.'a*u?'me'v'w'&gw" As ... > ced , [ b * \Al R es y <z ~-- k o omm 6 d is 'v"f:'.fig 'fu*-'f'&\'? h. as ao w > & 3 es % *A ' ; 4s & 4. D .e We ~ % 2e *A ':; &Q es " d x9 hi M Me eAE * $ 33 bs ';* x T . % . 3 h W use ~~ ; We mae sez !n. e ECA T i. & _W c s P fal e : * 4 es : : twis '7 l # +A . l M C i mnnin i e 3.,'?" Syilpsits ~ M ; C m e 5*' J M Y +s 2 i l J sr-wm- e , £ [(# s commnmenes Ti Bd o F C C & s s a PE: Augers's e . 2l ,, VC T ' fs + ty . 5 / c e * Lo ~-- dupnanatmatiet yaee ty hot 4 i t 00 _ e es se w xt s ie L n oc ) 1+ i % o xB «. y k o o k. ol s S e o oo i# > a $ $ e M .. x4 C emer . Fa P 3 $ 0 a ; t & e f ' ihan Aafortnre" anftlanaatortmne 3 Te : || «e : m ° PA E 8 ' § 4 KA + + al -- c . = e * --,;-;'gf.:,"m_'g" kn the I a Sal ~M ... T AMMnZ aim: W" 4 o T9 "L e oC % Siin M'. is * Te > \"' f ., . 7 F 5 .. W n C e e 'W~'§"'¢' ducer wes ' x i. 5o %. ts r' xd " l c l . i oc Spar wouldl no h elll * > y /o .. menimome needi } _ 8e ; CA YOU _ Inen let us : #* +7 50% v La Sautr & loop for city cars, *5 rtainment, one. year in addition to paying $20 damages to s mmma _afternoon. 'In-- Wm.mMWm ; Bome of our high school boys figur-- ed'in an automobile accident one eveée-- ning -- of: last week. A&Dflonm say that it didn't maount to so they don't know how luck they are as they received but a few scratches, for Charles Kruger has an auction sale lnst Wednesday and is going to move into the Staniey Foote house. s « L. Lindstrom is serving on the jury at Waukegan. c ; Measles and mumps are showing up again,; so if you see any of the old es ces x . Rather than go through the ordeal of telling her rather sordid story to the <grand jury and later in open court in case Kemps was indicted, Mfs Rayner decided to change the charge to disorderly conduct-- and have the case ended in police court. -- Kemps paid a part of--his fine and left his automobile as--security for the rest, which he agreed to pay within a few days. s attended a movie, after which he took her home, . : s ~Two nights later he called at her home and:--she introduced him to her parents. She consented to go for an auto ride. He drove to-- Blanchard road and then turne dinto the: woods at_the side. of the road <where she says he attempted to attack her. She succeeded in getting away from him and ran to her home a mile away. . The girl told her story to her father and he summoned the police with the result that he swore out a. warrant for the arrest of "Kelley." The lat-- ter, whose ral name is Kemps, was picked up after Detective Sergeants MacDanald: and Tyrrell . had hbad his automobile towed to a garage because It had the wrong:license 'platé on it. Kemps wasarrested when he called at the police station and reported his ear stolen. > * At the hearing late Monday &v::: nopn Kemps did not take the wi Miss Rayner for physicians' services as she suffeéered a nervous shock fol-- lowing.her experience. : Kemps was represented by Atty. James G~Welch. Miss Rayner told her story to the court. She said she met Kemps for the first time on the night of October 1. 'Bhe was standing in front of a lo-- cal theatre when Kemps came up she sa.ld, and introduced himself as Billy Kelley, said he was lonely and asked her to take an auto ride. They went A band of gypsies, buying carna-- tions, Thureday stole $18 from a pock etbhook in North Shore Greenhouse. Within. an, hour after the theft had been reported Chief Deputy Fred. Brown and Deputy George Heckinger had captured the nomads near the state line. ; They were sglad to settle. After restoring the money they woere allowed to go on their way. charges of having attempted to at-- tack Vera HRayner, 17 year old daugh-- tr.of Harry Rayner, 2038 North Sher-- idan road,--after he had taken her for an --automobile. ride on the night of November 9. --.---->-- «With the consent of the complain ing witness and her father, as well as GYPSIES GET $18 -- BUT GET CAUGHIT Wm., Kemps,. 27 of §6. County St.. READ THE WANT ADS IN THE INDEPENDENT Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Co. The Road of Service ~'the New -- "<h@ Through ticketing service from your own home North Shore Line station to any railroad point in the entire country is now offered by the North Shore Line. _ Through tickets may be pur-- may be arranged and baggage checked through to your ultimate point of destination. LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICEPHONE 74 _' A. 0. PACKER, Local Agent # 4 The next time you are goi yond Chicago or Mim No charge is made for this con-- r a imply .pey '.I'he rth Shore Line copsiders yuuUuU CQmiIcCag¥O OT MIIWAUKEE, En:ne or call at the North Shore ine ticket offfice--test this new phase of North Shore Line service. Dayli your Kitchen . fully served. This The finishing touch to a per«= Percolators Make the "work shop of the home" bright and attractive with this Day-- light Kitchen Unit. Price and extra outlet, $4.50; with drop cord, but no extra outlet, $3.75; with no\ drop cord or extra outlet, $3.00. 4