CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Nov 1927, p. 15

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Mexican Drifts Into Camp Near .o ie n on Iits given by the American Legion at the IAbertyrille Town Hallson--Nov. 80-- Mrs. --Almeda Grantham and son, ter, Marie, were zisitors at the H. L Grantham heme Spudag. _ . = s o on ae idns . A confetti and: dance . atron hy the Ameriigh Legich ar the Mrs. Cora Bangs is svending a fow days with her sisterindlaw, Mrs. R. C. Reed, who is some better at this Mro. Eugene Prior and children are spending a feow days in Milwaukes. Miss Hazel Garvey spent the week end in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. L Grantham, $r., JIr., called at the Keeler home in Bar-- _Dr. Ritter of Chicago was called to 000000000 000000 o --WAUCONDA ° o 0 o 0 0 0 000 00 0 0o 0o 0o determine the motive of the attempt of the man to kill himselt~Mr. Fitke will make an --~Anvestigation at the bunkhouse at Lake Zurick while au-- place of residencte at Northtrook. proved the removal of the stranger umm"wu' x2 * While the mansuffered the loss cf much blood, it is. beliered that he uuiques arrived at the en-': on Thursday evening apparently an exhausted condition and ho was given sheiter by his fellow countrymen. He wq&wmmn had gone to work morning. Atlool'::.'au,dthu-pg turned to man lying on floor with blood flowing from a deep gash across his As the man 'was not a resident of the county there was some delay un-- !'.'!'!'nemmynmn at Northbrook. <He gave his age as | 34 years. The case is the first oq' pecord in this section in which a Mexr® lean attempted to take his own life. | eiimmclion gave the name of Feliz Guiques, and stated that his home is with a--razor in an attempt to die. The man believed to be of Mexican _ ~MEATER They Run 14 to 20 inch in Sizes. |sxmtonacenens A Good Heavy Stove, Cheap. -- _ J\ i i %z 2 v. yex m We Purchased a Bankrupt Stock TO TAKEOWN LIFE 5* * . His attempt to sever to save his lifte ap-- oval of the stranger ¥ZR~, * made to ] &.mlummmm Mre. | ghters called at the WHlow Farn on | Hersc? 'm. & u' On Wednesday, November 23, will| Weber ,mrmmdmm Afue mont. will be one of the 0000000000000 0 0) Inving.Plaggue, of DeKal ¥red Fredecit«. of C m%nmm the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H.| week end. feistives [ Bted Wagner and femity entertaine| riest" ts epending t fow 4 friends from Chicago on Sunday. -- -- |friends aft Ofmws fi1 4 _T ~RB.--Grimm and family visited at Our menbers and friends are invited to worship wth the Nortlifield people, ma.%hd"!lmmm The servi will begin °f,':: : ce at 7: m. Nwm,flhwfiol-&nn. Day, and any wishing to join in the church. . fellowship, please make -- it known to the pastor so that arrange-- ments may be made. week with her --mother, Mrs. Albert six hundred varieties, only cone is |{or Foley, Alabama. where she will found in © the --eastern --United . States, | SDend the.winter with her son.-- Mra. ways Nat i i aonrlMIS-- m m thee the 4 fimt.mmmmmd'-m summer to--flower seeking nectar and tiny in Mr. and Mrs. William ; ind mects. .. & family, of Waukegan were guests of , _Beveral pupils of the grammar |school are absent on account of the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 0o were seriously injured. c On Thanksgiving Day, we will have a Thanksgiving Service, beginning at 9:45 a. m. and lasting for one bhour. This will ~give 'each and everyone a chance to attend the service aml to prepare the noon meal. . Bunday--10 a. m Church School. ~Bunday----11 a. m., Morning Wor 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0o 0 0o FREMONT® CENTER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 o o Mr. and Mrs, Albert and children of Linectyrilis spent guhgay !h."&'u evening in --McHenry. , -- Clyde-- Carr ofBarington called on #45 a. m.,-- Thankegiving , November 20, a. AkFox e Bock has been visiting her daughter| 1 N* ""WPot Patent Teachers' Assook| "ms comus is eordially invited to , |ation will hold its meeting at c ::h"mmwmmm'xwmymm-m'm,m,' s Mr. and Mrs. William Hellman November 18, @olock. -- w PRESBYTERLAN SERVICES tamily, of Waukegan were suests of |;a, aoqtger tif $ ies anC "p90¢| ©>~ Mark J. Andrew, Minister s jand Mre; /S P.--Hutchinson 1Mst ons maeresteq in a 2608 Horury Tor nmwu&"w Arthur Johnson will entertain our school should be: pre for lfl% Adult Classes. _ _ _ -- twenty of ihis friends at a par mm work 1;a,sa-m&,m t on Friday ovening. --_ . Irnoetine and should be of interes, Lo |anniversary of the National Missions. h:anbm-cphm':m'mh" °':R'm""'m ;\'1:' -- will unite in a dales, smooth fox terriers, wires and m"m""'_""m=%mmmn Schnauchers in the dog show circuit, | DCt 20000 will find a . welcome ' M | p.up, gigp, i1 church on Wedines of Minnespolis and Omaha, and Kan--|~_% MeetDS of November--19.~ _ ~ . [a4ly November 28, at 8 5. m. sas.City, will be in Chicago, next woek mmfl""&g%ummu &muhmm,mmm'wm-m"t: aid of the Near East Relief will be cuit, both in money and in cups. Russell Puatterson--to .olay To |gathered. _ _-- 4 , _ Henty. Gastfield. the local grocer, Corct® 424,' Taps" immediatoly fol--|""a ~ourmps elass preparatory to Ad-- fi'mmumum"'%%mmwwmm% . mh--m_«mm'mm"'?&"m*mmwmm ~to the American Legion, braved | V'2Y10&. and until 11:0 BR . |attend.: If you are thing of enroling w 2s es Simonasd .o ortenennms es saPad fanper o mt wik io e ns Of the River Woods.. They were weil|100 P°F Sent. The amounts contrit--|""Tobi? Tdbowe, on priday evening 'M"-hr'muvdlo.mrmm:'mh'""m'""m"'"ulo._,u.~7 . | s had a fine time, m"m!w--"--'m | Boy scout meecing on ¥riday eve-- Mr..and Mre. Richard Patterson en--| Fi"8t C "uu?qntfitun. tertained guests from Chicago last| PFITSt Grade A...----------..--.------ 8$| wou'are cordial invited to All the of the River Woods. They were woll } had a fine time, ' Il'du:.A. Wood 'has returned lml«om i t maitgpian l Sinoent regere »ll wienas at a par-- t on Friday ovening. _ . ing a nice string: of police dogs, aire-- ;'lh'--ooth!uwuo' Schnauchere in the dog show circuit, »otlflm:-lolch.luln- sas.City, will be in Chicago, next woek He has taken many prizes in the cir-- sdt.tothln-ouyt::dhcm is viziting relatives at Jefferson. this elyn Pence and Arthur _ Mre Virginina Hicks, Mrs. A. Mon tavou, Mrs. Artiinr Johnson, Miss B¥ months,. * £ $ in :o Pwe family, Waukegan. were guests Mr. :and Mre, S. P.-- Hutchinson last _ Arthur Johnson will utduhm twenty of ihis friends at a par-- gxm&- ¥ / R tron's Club, at ~Tuesday. Nite" at 'Lake Forest Chaptér, spent a very enjoyable evning. -- ~ . |-- Mre. Frank Hunt spent a part of the ' a-mm_az:qm.u,mtmuam---piz Mr. and Mrs. uy Hughs and --Mr. ang:--week at Berwyn Hlinois. mMW her. and speak of the hosvitality of their| Mrs.©Frandk Kennedy returned from} Roy Kufalk enjoyed a vacation from The Royal ore of Deertfield, hosts. se their Arizona trip, but Mr. and Mrs: E hbhis work --at the Antioch post office vmmmm.rm; A pleasant evening for those inter-- | A. Martin had to remain as Mrs. Mar-- last week. mflg"wcuzm"umw;mhmflnmmmmu'm.mmmwmmm 265. -llfl-.::hg ld on this ned for the evening ,ma;mywmuurmum;nudhnv«tnmwm w& mmumm"wm,umamm-u . they expect to spend the winter. The | will meet. frotmm 6:30 to 8:00.'A group of church school teachers 'at the last report, she was doing trip is to be made by automobile. 'ns-mMumMMInWlflmmM : ; ~Mr. and Mre. L. W. VanDuszer en for & pleasant time after the initiatory churches will have a story telling con--|_ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller were in tertained their daughter from Lake work. Everybody come. It will be test at that time.~ Bible stories wili| Racine on Monday. Geneva last 'week. worth your while. s be told in a manner in which they| Several of the ladies--of the com-- 'The local Rebekah Lodge enter-- A confetti and favor dance will be should be to children in var. munity are taking the paper off the tained at a Friends' Night last Fri-- Libertyville Town. Hall on Nov. 30. 'school. A social time will follow. AH a ville, Waukegan and Crystal Lake at-- Wilson Olendort . and Miss Ger-- inferested in the church school and |!2 @Xtended to the people Ofthe80M ;oengeg _-- j trude Roberts, of Libertyyille, were the church itseK, are invited to be PUBIHYJ. _ _ _ _: <=_ _" _ -- _ " ho officers of the Eastern Star mmxa-g:aonmu mmm_ e homecoming at DeKalb Teachers' College. -- They m&oxiovt.'fihmud. s Miss Margaret Hansen, of Highlami M.mmmdhl R; Pettis home on h Miss Jean Nygard and the Misses Ethe!l and Mae Titus are staying at the Purdy homle in Highland Park for wives, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bates. liclous refreshments and all spent it Aud MrS. Thompaoe and 'nnl Mr. and" Herbert Relushns Mr. . son * } Mr. and Mre.<Pieboit and son, all of whfla;m turned home on Sunday night from r. and an extended -- visit with --relatives at | dinngdr gy LittleBobby :Piper is i# with the &.g mwoumMMInM MW'MQ'.MH Miss © Tz Wednesday afternoon. An election of |ed from 4 offiters was held. C Several Mr. eguhiciy sipe ns in in o miiner i ut ce ni ioh Eie : "' TheJ ma QOsborne had as her Sun--||. Kaston is spending a ] "B@T. PAUL'B EVANGELICGAL ~|| Church School at 9:10 a. m. ' l Service at 10:15 a. :.1 5C ' Choir practice, Friday 3 m. mn:bn Chass on s;m&; at 'doy a54 girl of the o iovermment """"'f' should || regular monthly meeting on Thursday evening,. in the school house. The contract: <dor building the wall be: tween the two library rooms was giv-- en to AJex _ Taytor and Company. it W esc f $ oi jon Sunday, .. _ _--_ °. _ _ ... . | gan public schools s Tigo o4 wogiienr e Te TeA ieA |accationt soprand raice and sho was i oro wound on the hoad. * " ."_' ** | Woige's Corkers, arrested two ChBi |Mr, and Mra 'm_w,gmmmvmm,mw Mrs. L M. Cobb returned h k. arrested. . two Ohk Sunday. _ * foodimian 'Tood on last | talented in her chosen art, music, yo-- | 148 Thursday, .dw'hmmuwm :':.MMMMotwmm.m o Mchember tho bi& dunte to be #iven | taught for over a third of a oe she 'Dast five weeks at the home of he hafore 4 To O Taikainalinel us Eenomber thee bit iunee to be ¥iven [ teught for over a thitd 0f 4 92507 1 3MP and Mrs. Wiltiem Lavic *| Pilin who dined them 2o sod. doste: hp.o..'uovmp,..'m._a & wa, Fiorids ang Califor |, MF. and Mr3. Wiltiam Davis and | The law provides that only the pock 'The Présbyterian Women's Mis Services at White and Tobin's tu. | * Antioch. fday | pheasants may be shot at this time. ary Society served a rmtmmummm Mr. and Mrs. Irving Elms are at Hunters complain that because of per at the church on 0 BUD--| Waukegan, I1, Monday, Nov. 21, B®Sit rejoicing over bizy or.", | 106 fos Thursday that visibility was for frembers of h dattr hoi Hafficising» _ Intorment We Chidester | ""B8"er, °2 i resgey Novenger . | to Doon that it was almost impossible m h and their | officiating: -- Interment Warren ceme--|, M: *24 MrS. H. A. Radtke enter to distinguish the male from: the fe-- |ticipated in the meal. 'r o "f tery-- « * ; CC |tained their daughter from Kenosha pheasants at a distance. per. the s W"fi"b'.______ 5. on Tuesday. 'Thursday was the opening day of l';:sam'ung WioaooGEUOOGOOO OO |tireh t the Ahemices srguon mt the e wouhly's boa. :.;e""'m' ioi se in on see lo © MILLBURN . o| xt Pnen ons ad to h | Tt e e on eenie reas of O1 u.;'.'hm * oo Aipeaiaiin d 1 L O| Last Thureday was a big day for| """" (°¢ "birds were bagged. There .&qtm tine speaker and }O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 o | °2 ioal hunters. _A number were dozens who cam Tall of nformatisy." 4 pikao aote. by hk wwheg U 0 linkes back with oheaseims waig s | nhanges. * owe qmpty 'Mrs. C. G. mm'.&.'&:.'.':fif'&mfi H;dmuummwu """'"m" « e ncb alnl !"::thg_'wumm fln &u-lt;:;':-i';l: u.-n-u"'"h ahn:nw.c:?'" regumsmoetings DELIVERED To YOUR Hoa® EacH f the evening. _ |home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 6. Denman. after a lay off of a few months. They | /Err No CHARGE FOR Dinivieat _'Fourteen members of the Deerfleld | Mr. and Mrs.: McNair received many|had & dinner at t» Ni en i t & ¥. 'McNair received many| had & dinner at the Blue Willow Inn |.-- _ * Chapter O. E. S., attended mlw and pretty gifts and cnum.thm_;nL..!'t'Bm ies mlu Temple. _____ .. _ . = ~--" _ ~~~~~| gervices at White Tobin's . tu. | it _Antioch. t : 'The Présbyterian Women's Mission: mmmum'mm Nir. and Mrs. Irving Eims are at ary Society served a fine suUp--| Waukegan, I1L., Monday, m.nmmm%,wthd: "'""Mflfi &»'"r"'- on Tnestss. m'"'fiu h: and : the/ ting: -- Interment Warren come.|, MF: A0%d Mrs. H. A. Radtke enter ticlynted in the meal. Alter the Sug [ ""--~ . ._--__:--__: -- _ ~-- on Tudaday. :___ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ aring on the oceasion of her birthday ed from herrecent illness. Beoveral friends of Mrs.: .: B. ~Foxr-- worthy suprised her on Tuesday ove:. AxH jwin t ||| -- Shingles for the roof, posts for your fences, =aa«2||| beams, siding, flooring--we're at your ser-- cy _||| vice for every inch of Lumber you'll need M ||| in making necessay fall repairs. ; rovugha ces s Bunday School at 9:45; morning 11| worship at 11; Chrsitan Endeavor at sok| 7 and evening subject at 8. Subject, re. | "Where Are Our Dead?" the | ~Wednesday evening Nov. 23, at 8, there will be a special Thankegiving its |service for the members and friends iny | of the Bungalow church. Let us bring 'he | a thankoffering unto the Lord for His be:| many blessings to us the past year. tv.| This offeriny will be applied to the building fund of our church 'There will be special music and this will be. .. 'You'are cordiall invited to all the services and activities 6f this church. T:80, evening service. This congregation will unite in a wifon'thanksgiving service in the St-- Paul's Wvangelical church on Wednes day evenipg, November 28, at 8 p. m.; At this gervice, the annual offering in ald of the Near East Relief will--be The public is cordially invited to the earvices of this church.: %. 8 ' ' F ; m , 4 * Thmach mhootar 140 " Devatment _ rhe J. 0. Y. Girls and the membefs ang the members of the Eastern Star drt'fi Young People's Department, qu."' Club, were entertained by the flnwommumwm Matron. Mre. Micheli. last &hmm.W-"."'Mwmmm'- mm%m'awm?hmmm.mmum. Are hand : set of chairs. and all bakery goads are of the; yiss Grace Rice entertained friends mm The sale will begin M i: Taka -- (Ceanowva (ver the wiek 30 as the date of teh Musical concert which is to be sponsored by the choir and will begin at 8 p. m. 9:00 a. m. where she lived with her parents, the late James and Emma J. 4,m§':«y) Finney, and her grandfather, the late Havelia Whitney, a Lake county pi-- days, 'from the mfhm of whic. she graduated in the class of 1888. 'After graduation ~for a number of yeare she taught in the grades of the Central school and then she was the director of music in all the Wauke-- gan public schools. $ Nature gifted Miss Finney with an excellent soprano voice and she was talented in her chosen art, music, yo-- ecal and piano, both of which she taught for over a third of a century :.'nnnou. lowa, Florida and Califor-- Services at White and Tobin's fu-- neral home,: 236 North Genesee street, Waukegan, IIL., Monday, Nov. 21, 1927, at 2 p. m., Rev. 9. W. Chidester® acatlhe I Esthet --¥mney 'died from pueuminia Monday afternoon, November 14, 1927, at her home in LOs Angeles, California, to which c'ty she went from Waukgan about a dec-- ade ago to practice her profession. 'Miss Finney was. born June 29, 1870, at the corner of--Cory avenue Well :Known Former 'Wauke-- Save You Money On It, Too!: ||......"*"""*.' i Pod d 9: qli o8 64 ac TA icfi inhmwei® Snserreccchetes AliPr dnmsantian s Meanmnsten P ads--sd pring in | Mr. Peter Burke of Wauke t ._ Office will 'be | Thursday with his brother Michael | * W-- --incgin Tt VAE to Ad--| _ Mr. Lesile Harden of Fon du 12 en en ue ienss -- 4 % 0 n dn C, * ) in the | Wis., epent Thursday in Antioch with | L Y ELL H. MORRIS )ys-- and | relatives. ATTORNEY--AT--LAW ® Pn ie Ni O F1Dorty Migh schoo!. on Armie-- |-- _. . wc:% ILDiNG .. _ Mr. Leslie Harden of Fon du Lac, Wis., epent Thursday in Antioch with Antioch _ Township _ High schoo* played Liberty High school on Armis-- and Mrs. Thomas . Jensen--of. Wauke-- gan motored to Antioch Sunday to spent the weekend with friends here. y c e L NY be Mr. Seymour Walance was a Chi| > CREDIT rRaAToR "T+. ~Yorkees -- 'of _ Chickgo t JUSTICE OF o. * spen THE PEACE 'Thursday with his family here. * Office x _m' ?'"" 3'!'39_" w'mm SBPOnL 1 4um 1ht L 1. sal. AnM 4 Aln m ns hh p call on friends. . e ie n sn 4 --Mrs. Fred Harden left last week for a month's visit with friends in Los Tne DCal-- ReDekan 100Fe enier-- . tained at a Friends' Night last ¥Fri-- day evening. Visitors from. Liberty--|-- ville, Waukegan and Crystal Lake at-- |-- tended. * § & * The officers of the Eastern Star and the members of the Eastern Star 'The fourth annual three--day pou!-- try show at the A; T.H.-- 8. building was largely attended on November 10, 11 and 12. Mrs: F. R. King, met with an accident Thurseday and as present is guite a Gradlie, gave a very interesting talk. v K -- _ "The Eastern Star officers and Glee | u R e ing oat the home of HMre. " Linoosr | Weete Firet And Third Mondig 6 COoATS 1° at the e Mrs. Eleanor k K -- Micheli of Grass Lake. dluumnn"a?- Length 30 inches [ _ Mre. Frank Hunt is enjoying a tew Visiting Companions j ' K -- daye visiting relatives in Chicago. Cordlally Invited . ~~. meee t someine saies on ue at | -- * .. ndofegyiermones, aocmeg l Comtntend * im We a on the lat-- .« h &..M f I ter's aunt, Mré. Medora Webb, who is | ----------rrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeny -- ~ 0t in 2t .z yoo't -- e Mrs. W. W. Warriner. It was a regu-- lar club meeting and the president Miss Myrtle~--Norman, who is at-- tending school in De Kalb, IIlL., spent much improved. ~Mr. and Mre. James Duon are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on %Nonfln 12. Ne sha ie youngest son of Mr. Mrs. Prank King, received quite seri-- ous injuries dast Thursday, while rid-- ing his pony on Main Street, just af-- dark. It being dark, there was no 'chanceé for a--motorist to see that either party was aware, a car had struck the pony, the boy being thrown to the parement, infiicting a very se-- vere wound on the head. * | ; Mrs. L M. Cobh returned home ihnmm..tux"hvlumuthw past five weeks at the home of her brother, in Winona, Minnesota. Yamily, otf Kenosha spent last Sunday in 'Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Elms are at Miss Eiste Rauchiein of Chicsso| Harry Medill Bartlett!| R. B. GODFREY : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0 The Antioch Women's club were The officers of the Eastern Star Meets First and Third xi the members of the Eastern Star -Ffl'., "'fi:'du Call, Phone or Write 'I_aoawl,'wm entorhlmdl'!: Month A orthy 'Matron. Mre. Micheli_ In Gridiey Hall, First Libertyville Roo 'ednesday evening. The Hostess was N"O.-Vlllflull]nWIWIM a mm;mmmam"m -- % b Cmnp.n' gn:'-a-wmwm Consurt : Clerk West Lake Street om Taka CGenoewa ceer ¥he we | ~****--nmessunmmammetmmeimemmmimemnmenntimmmmemmtmmmememmay P,. 0. Box 843 Phone 1 "'The C. B. Soziety wiit hold a soctél' "&."'#'..... W!_M"& Wan-- and Mrs. D. T.. Webb and Mr. | RNes. Phone 97. ~--Office Phone 18 at the home of entertained rel-- | -- No. 272 R. A. M. Office in First National Bank Butiding | || | ' Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. !HR'LGO LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOHS-- Telephone 568, <.By U. 8. Government Veterinarian D. C. Grinnell, inspector in Charge Telephone 829 LIBERTYVILLE ATTORNEYAT--LAW Office at Home on W. Cook Avenue FRED GRABBE]EWAUKEGAN, ----~--~E. W COLBY Office Phone 1766 -- Res. Phone " Room 203, 1704 Sheridan Road ~~ NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINONS Deputy Sheriff Ernest Wedges of Wedge's Corners, arrested two Chi-- cago hunters, each of whom had shot & hen pheasant. 'They were arraigsned before a justice of the peace at Lake Villa who fined them $25 and costs. The law provides that only the cock pheasants may be shot at this time. fi:lnhu complain that because of fog Thursday that visitbility was so poor that it was almost impossgible. to distinguish the male from the fo-- male pheasants at a distance. Thursday was the opening> of &Omrmmmtfir- county's best-- hunters, most of whom were out, is to the effect that very {ew «birds woere bagged. There were dozens who came home empty m Fever 2 Malaria. ~DR. J. L; TAYLOR iOne Chicago Mah Fined $100 | * Here For-- Shooting Hun-- Johnson was brought to Waukegan by Deputy Kern and was arraigned before Justice of the Peace Hervey Coulson and fined $100 and costs. The law provides= a fine of $25 for each such bird shot. The Hungzarian rested west of Waukegan near Belvi-- dere--road by Deputy Game Warden tions of the state game law. "hhschnm"n'nouirflfi:n-l- day when they violated certain sec-- Several luckless hunters, willing to Real Estate and Insurance LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINOI8 Office With: Farm Bureau 66 6 CREDIT RATOR -- i 1 "The Quality Steorg" -- =---- it Kilis the Germe. RESULT IN FINES ['M.W.ofA. " WITH TAR AND PITCH _ _ ---- Acme Camp WO&GM?': s w TS No. 176 38 was ar-- PHONE 3: SNOW'S be, before starting. WILL CONTRACT > a set es ki Good Meals 50¢c) -- Going to> ARLING T 0| # HOTEL # LIBERTYVILLE Libertyville Post 329 AT LOW COST _i Estimates Furnished Free . TAR AND GRAVEL e READY ROOFING OVER OLB |-- SHINGLES Ks ROOFING:; °. mamemessee 0 usn _ DECKER & N EVIL LE We Do All Kinds Of Roofing LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOUISR Men's Genuine $12.00 Write to

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