CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Nov 1927, p. 1

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p them had anything to say. e It has been said that William killed his father to protect his mother and ------_ _ Ts being sentenced and as he--walked § mmbdumh'h': U -- * esn oc E :lculm He knew that P were there, but it seemed that 8 & load had been lifted from his -- mind i and all that he thought of was the % "uiid prizon bars." ---->~ «.» Woodstock Youth Allowed to . --Plead Guilty on Manslaugh-- !g LUME XXXV--NUMBE R46. W%&n assistance of coun--el, {1927, is advised that it has no been young umacher late yesterday Kour months since this organization Mw" mauslaughter be-- |through:its Road sand Walks Com-- fore. Ju Arthur E. Fisher, who Wittee, secured the releage papers for wmym-,m»mmmmmmm ' to her husband's cruelties. &-'"d'w'j'm'" Mrs. Schumacher, the a;o+ mother, |_. Webreas, 'The matter of securing A Sad Scene The slayer never blinked an oye &# the sentence was pronounced.-- He stood as if he was satisfied with the sourt's decision. Therd was a sound of a sob in the front row of the court room where Mrs. Schumacher ~and Mrs. Marlowe were seated. The sweet mumwm to sonsole the grief stricken mother and widow. Tears rolled'down the Jz'fiommvhnn her agoe as 48 years and the mother of ten children, all of whom are living. ome to fourteen years in the. state penitentiary at Jolict,"" stated Judge the hour of her great sorrow. The little court room was crowded to its capacity. The people had stay-- ed over to the noon hour when the case had been set to be called. Not a sound came from the whole -- crowd. Judge Charles Allien was seated in the attorney's row and remarked, what a sad case. 'Other attorneys were seat-- a*A ahant oar atanding. but none of newspuper and other -- newspapers throughout the nation and the publi¢ Mhflw with "t without it being related again. Mre. Schumacher testified that she had been married almost nine months before she even met the man which har hushand always accused of being the father of--William. She said that it was about three months prior to William's birth that she met Charliec Hacker, the man accused by hor hus-- band as being the father of William. still loved her son William--and dur ing his whole life he--had pever said an unkind word to her and that he room where Mrs. Schumacher ~and Mrs. Marlowe were seated. The sweet mum..-m:mm-uu to eonsole the grief mother ::-gflov Tears rolled'down the of the little mother who gave A few rows in back of Mrs. Schn macher, five brothers of the slayer were seated. Not a sign of sorrow appeare don their faces. None of the Hive offere dto go to the aid of their Special --Pr=--scu':.r-- V. 8. Lumley stated to the court that he had stud-- led the case at some length and that: he 'had been in conference with the-- alayer at different timesassand that he believed from the signed statements -&nwmmuufi the right thing in letting the 4 = M',.'; iein Chamber of Commerce represnts3 * Iflrflmmmdmnd Attorney. Lumley told the court that--'the -- --LibertyvilleMundetein -- district. he wished to have William and bi* Now, therefore, be it mother tell the story of the family | --Resoived, By the Board of Direct life and the numerous beatings 20-- |ors of the -- LibertyvilieMundelein ministered by the father to both the |(hamber of Commerce in regWar children and Mrs. Schumacher. meeting assembled. William started ~from his earl¥ ' Fipst That we favor urge and re-- beatings he had received from his fa of the townshins of Libertyville and :&.'&;H.:t,m mu:iw""bgdfu"'h&n father curing e necessary way ed his mother. He said that his fa _ for State Rt lh.vln.wyb ther said that he was not his son. The \suring the completion of "this road story has already been told in this | during the 1928 Duilding program. newspa@vber and other newspapers | --SBecond, That contracts should be "As a lesson to others and as pun-- ishment to you I sentence you to from sn Sink Aoiale Martows, whou foai -flwuu ¥e married, broke when sentence was pro-- ty to manslaughter. He told the court | Mh:luthqn_nqthnoald} he did want one. °"I am ready to ; stated the youthful salayer. It was a sad sceme. Mrs. Schu-- macher, mother of William, his sister, Catherine, five of his brothers and his sweetheart, Mrs. Jessiq Marlowe were all in court and heard the statement sonal affaire today mnu:{ ; to leaving for Joliet penitentiary where he is to serve a sentence of from. one to 14 years. k 1c m ROM ONFE TO 1 Woodstock, I!L, Nov.~15.--William Schumacher, 28, self--confessed slayer of hbis 'father, was arranging-- hig per-- 0 OM ONE TOL ;| YEARS IN PRISON Still Loves Wiltiam and --console her in a plea of guil-- e at ;&.lmmat&fl.k a state ' _ The resolution has been concurred _ Judge in by the real estate board.-- It will also be presented to the Kiwaniea Club |and the Libertyville Club and both i oye ithese organizations aer expected = to : ©%* 8° join in asking that action be taken at is not o way i ; wumnmngg" g i!on. m-"m?m. vontract on uhnsP rnr--eiiinye nedBs in Sie t ts Third, That preparatory work, such as culverts and heavy grading should be completed during the winter. Be it further resolved, that a copy the necessary right of way for Route 112 is now in the hands of the Com-- amissioners of Highways of the town-- Whereas, The Board of Directors is adviged that bids have already been received for the constmction of Route No. 173, and . : 3 Department is not obligated at this time --to rush the <completion of this unless proper cooperation is t by the individuals and an i toncerned, and _' M'l'hg Libertyvillie--Munde-- lein Chamber of Commerce represnts o¥r 250 business men and women of the -- --Libertyville--Mundelein > district. Now, therefore, be it ~Resoived,. By the Board of Direct-- ors* of the --Libertyville--Mundelein Chamber of Commertce in regu'ar ameeting assembled. First, That we favor: urge and re-- quest the Commissioners of Highways of the townshins of Libertyville and Warren to procged at ontce in the se sloner --of Highways of Libertyville Township._ to be Townsiip Commie ooem._hthooflmrdtu&u of to the Director of the De-- represented by Attorneys Newby and | clothing of the. along --with his Murphy, and the buyers by Attorney |name and age, atated the place of his Harry Lurle. ; .. sSaemployment and likewise served to uenmmntonnnmenemenemm esmm cemecetacnmen en acmem cnmmeemmenseiens muhnt!hldn%m, it =Bil" did--not 100% like n stayer, but | to aaked to ald in t cago . r F'Mhfl-mw" & huhz::uhmmmm- ie tie mm e uen 1 poiieo [ ooner (oek netiy. trested" and. ap \~ The-- -- will 'be taken to Joliét| peared to be about 45--years of age. State --Superintendent of (Highways, to ~the District: Syperintendent~of 'peace and that abo will not have. to of: Commerce: in regular meeting as-- embled on the 14th--day of November, 1927, is advised that it has no been Of Right of Way Rt 172 sometime vf-flhmu-iu_uiuwuunwnmtom There he will be confined for not lesas funera} home pending the out-- than one year and not more than four-- | come of the search for relatives. teen. ~However, in<~William's 'mind, | af, & To ent insctivity of township officials in th ematter of. securing the right of paved road during <the 1928 paving al line is promised for North Chicago as a result of the sale of the former plant of Franklyn Muller, Inc., -- on Morrow street, mmm of a one and a half story K and one and a half acres of land, has been purchased by the Liquid Dehy-- been purchased by the Liquid Deby--| believed that the man who it @rating Corporation for approximate | ;s pelieved was.employed in the yards ly $100,000. "The concern . manufa¢| of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy tures powdered milk, powdered mO--}rajiroad in Chicago was stricken lasses, powdered fruit and vegetable| while in the car in the yards of that juices--and powdered chemicals by & ) company and that the car was routed patented dehydrating Ta--|to this county before 'his plight was let and Janson of North were | discovered. : lukmh&:'dul. 'l'h*lt:: "A time slip in the 'pocket in t.h: represented Attorneys Newby elothing of the, man along: with Murphy, and the buyers by Attorney | name and age. stated the place of his POWDERED MILK CO. FOR N. CHICAGO Something different in the industri-- Search is being made for relatives of a man believed to be Frank Carr, a -- resident of <Chicago, who found helpless from a stroke of apoplexy in a freight car on the Chicago, Milwau-- SMALL MOVES TO KEEP PRIMARY FOR ILLINOIS VOTERS Hilinois 1s~going to have a direct primary law ev@n if an extraordinary session of the state assembly chas to te called to enact new lation. * M_'-Mrut_ mall's answer on July --6, 1927, announced the doci-- gilon will be-- appealed to the supreme Meanwhile Assistant State's Attor-- ney Willam Walrath, who fought for the primary act, which was a'most unanimously-- adopted .by -- the: legisla-- ture and approved by Governor Smail "For nearly 20 years the people of Ilinois 'have had the tenefit of direct primary election laws. which have eur-- rounded the.nomination of--candidates for--office by political parties with the m; and guarantees of regular ¢ " --said Goverto: Smaill is his ville, last-- week died < in the -- Lake County ~hospital, Saturday without having been able to make a state Pn s untWrh ++ W STRICKEN IN BOX CAR IN CHICAGO? Seek Relatives of Man F Executive Will Call a Special! L The next session convenes Decem-- Dying in Car at Lit ying -- Week Ago. LIBERTYYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1927. Notification Committee brokers, owners of acreage and sum--| Frank Sarocka, spendthrift, W x resort people are to contribute | kegan. Attorneys tees fixed at $75. uiuu and tell the| [Annie Machnich, minor. Wauke NH.'&MW&M gan.. hTm approved. * county as the play gcu-p Alvire -- Mehevc, minor, Waukegan. n'fil eountry at large. cam» | Inventory approved. s vgm.'dfififl in-- ',Odaulo ':.hnum':. Wa,ukog::. crease rflfl Lake county: | (Supplemen ventory approved. It. is not Antention to advertise | Sale of trust deed and rote authoriz mfl show the many advantages | Thomas D. True, Waukegan. Hear-- , "mvhhoug . |Ing on petition for probate of will > «& committee: composed_ of R. J. :p}t_t!an«! to Noé. $1. 1927. Ti ce Arthns H. :-a.xrn-::an witted to probate. All property giv. oi mgd:ht'g Sonte, h-uh Tina dud. 3ond o Campaign, ahd sot a date when al |of $200) _ _'** -- real estate men will be caled togeth--| -- Fannie Bailey, Foxr Lake. | Final er for this purpose. ~A dinner will b0 | report, aistribution to consty trea: given, probably in the rooms of t?' u;'-r avdcred. 'el, Libetryville--Mundelein --.Chamber ichael Samue!, Waunkegan,. Fin-- W u':: ::u}d ::t m al report approved, .d:'tflbnt!on to Chicago and suburban papers, engtu{" S Rinoar. | Antinch:> (In. Real Estate Board to : Raise a Booster Fund The weekly dinner of the Liberty--| ville--Mundelein Real Estate Board, held at the Fredericks home Wednes--! day night, was on of the most inter esting held by the organization, and was attended by 14 members. In the round table discussion that followed the dinner <the board ¥voted to give a duck 'dinner on Wednesday, Dec. Tth, to which all buillding----con-- tractors operatin» in the Libertyville: Mundelein district are to be invited, n_u%':f the local mm R. J. Lyons was appointed to repre--| ed. f § ypemes: "m" fos To e 'l l o Noen i.' _* K -- papel con-- con i¥ . 25.'"' nfl" 176, connecting '.mnl Duddles, Libertyville. m_'muu&mmlmofmtmummmmm way js t and it appears | 14. _ s as If the rs had been lost in the| Edward L. Durkin, et al., minors, -nd,% & Waukegan. Sale of interest in real :There was considerable discussion | estate of minors ordered. (Tract in about organising a gigantic booster|eection 20,. township 45, R. 12., u;mtwnu contribute | kegan. Attorneys fees fixed at $78. | BUMI $ to a fhad to adv and toll the| Annie Machnich, minor. Wauke 0 mflflumw&t& gan.. !nxam approved. * "-:Y""W'u* gg'flfl lllAlvlm' eheyc, minor, Waukegan. fll win stimulate activity and Im»| Orlandn~ W ) Burric o Wankangan Cnrin Toute 21 With @rana Avenue. -- The Route 21 with© Avenue. The real estate men by a unanimous-- vote adopted: the resolution, and pledged their support in any way that would hasten the construction of this much he retired from tbusiness and went to ||-- ~, on t " l o E: * "'W*"Wmm.:", «No T 16 E:.o 0 u R l ---- _ l'l"erm $ m m t L ' ; & . odlins hip dabenten Mrs Drum || 6 0 R R Es P 0 N D E N T 8 | naited C. Johnson, hicago, as as other daughters, Mrs; F.-- H. Martin, ||;. -- * 33 .. winrihermerrs hunted near Gurnee Thursday and Jo-- wife 'of Dr. Martin of Libertyyille,|| _ _ _: f .. | wigll yasked him what luck he was and Mrs. Clarence Chatam and three || ON 20count of our press day fall----| Raving. |._ _ .. _~ _ .0 _0 0. o0 h?;'tor .tluatb are coun! more ears, 8 1 5whhhm spent . in {.flnrfiuv'% he held~a prominent place in business circles as > a~merchant-- for many years, died at the home of a Asa young man he entered the gen-- eral merchandice 'business. and his store for many yean; was one of the daughter,. Mrs..W. Frank Drummond in Round 'Lake, at 12:0Ff o'clock p. m. Sunday after. an fliness of about three yo:zdutnhkuqn::dm. 3 from England with bis parents, Mr. and "Mrs. George "Trigg in' 1847.~ He was then five years of age. . . _ /: zt RESIDENT OF LAKE COUNTY, SUMMONED / o y o n aeiank ie Tok ie s 2 in t es o e yA . > . 'Burton . Colclasure, minor, <~Lake mwm .-- Guardian authorized to mort-- NT -- T gage real estate of minor. e 4t $3 : t phsa Franklyn R. Muller,. Lake . Pioff. Final report approved, < distribution 3 J TLNHUINLWVY | ordered. n;l!nry tw. snm. Libertyville. mm eport of distribu approved, -- ezs-- Settled i" L"" m : °Wlth u?onnllno M. . Legnard, Wauk Pm m m Pronf af heirshin in acstata :? :xn:I': eiinspeneing Nn "Hake s in wl t hn Y Years Ago. into ease. ------ MULLER ESTATE i maz ts >>>><~EpruE .L OO olltke c* . * l s . / 1j wo o |] io to prod on Weeninday St mt LS orty . || week and you are requested to get || nty's Big Weel Mn -- M Slae s Sb mian io hn i h Aeiionrs Mie Psn + ond o inint cli ce .. Sthahs (omp ar nepeh t Wncs ar + ce uce Th wpie y Proof of heirship in estate of Susie Ic%:_q,dmuu to : record. ©= llliam > McCredie,-- Gurnee, In-- ventory and appraisement bill ap-- ... John Wicks, Grays Lake. Petition for: probate. of wilt filed and ect for ucile 3. Hook. Grips Luke. Lt AB .8 @. ks ters testamentary issued 'to Lincoin while W; in 19%5, was ord-- ered Monday. by Judge Martin_C. manufacturer who lost his life in an automotile accident sear Duluts In ~a:dit'n four othee estates that have been pending were ~losed after fina. distribution was approv-- ed. --Proceedings for the day were August C. A. Johannsen, Highland Park. : Inventory and waiver. of wi-- dows award approved. ---- e -- Margaret Rudoiph, Highland. Park. Distribution :of the estate 'of the late. Franklyn R. Muller, Waukegan involves about $230,000. Y¥. Sikes.-- Bond 'ou%ooo. CWIll ad-- mitted to record on ""Mth.3 > e e mepra \ report -- approved,. e f Mary -- B. Schnaobele, Libertyville Final Distribution to be Made in Estate of Manufacturer Killed in Auto Crash. 0% Lake. | Final (9 cousty trea: Waukegan. ° Fin-- estate clos yc c WD Pn To dn i J * e E'- iflg',\' 'azg,; (In-- es Soan ind s Mned t ch en ce m Ga Py t. M Ros. T ts o it e h t nsc c ie un ie mc 9e BE 2 uis Nee .. tul ts Nit M es thie . 120 T ies 82 i5 ie io Ne Rushed to :mbo;n The wounded youth was hwrried to the office of Dr. H. C. Toomejian of 108 %m.. Waukegan, and later on . »:of police, removed to Young Schaffer had been sent by his mother to a nelgbhboring farm for a quart of milk. -- While on the trip the youth met several boys including young Jakinen. All soon became in-- terested in the revolver in possession of the latter. ~Their interest was in-- abated until the weapon discharged and the youth sank to the ground. His companions hurried for aid end the boy was placed in an automobile and rushed to: this: city.. After the youth had been brought to his offi¢e, gr.. Mll'n m%dhht:ly notified police and an ambulance was sum-- moned from Wetzel and Petersoas and he 'was hurried to the hospital. An X--ray examination of his wound Curiogity of Burl Schaffer, aged 14, residing four miles north of Liberty-- vilie, nearly cost him his life Mon-- day, when a Oullet accidently dis-- charged from a pistol in the hands of n playmate entered is right breast a few inches from his heart at--6 o'clock, Monday evening. The gun, a 23 calibre revolvetr, was Whmmu Taounal. Jak: age 16 years, while the two boys were examining it. "Retaining private detectives for the use of investigations rests ;with the board of supervisors rather than the states 'attorney according to a rulin" made Friday by Attorney General Os-- car Caristrom. _ __ His opinion had been asked by Mc-- Henry county which is considering the advisability of paying for liquor investigationg: conducted by the Mc-- Queeny Investigating agency, Chicago .. In it he held that the board had the sole power to hire operatives for li-- quor investigations but he left a loop-- hole by reciting that if the supervis-- ors audited and approved the "bill of a prosecutor--retaining detectives : the board : then <could legally =pay the : That has been the procedure of States Attorney Smith. He has hired the Hargrave Secret Service, which replaced the McQueeny men here, and the committes on settlement with the which have been allowed by the board Ag a whole, ao Lloyd Ecu!!er , tather of the wound-- ed --youth, notified authorities that he had investigated the shooting and had found that it was accidental without . fio% Booth, assisted by Patrolman Ed Mihic, also investigat-- ed the gcecident and in their opinion The opt is in reply to a letter amount by sguch investigators as and expense is an unliqui-- dated It is therefore my opin-- lon that if such claim is audited by Pouse, McHenry state's attorney, in June 1927, without the consent of the county --board, employed the McQuee-- ny Investigating -- agency of Chicago to investigate violations of the prohi-- tion: act in McHenry county. in re-- gard <to compensation of such inves tigators, Caristrom holds as follows: Authority for hiring such an assist-- ant the statute is directly in the of the county board and the NY cue AO . S uPes Ned e 3 state's at! without previous au-- thority f: the county board could pictured in an . International News Service dispatch is as follows:;' from the special state's attorney of YOUTH WOUNDED WHEN COMPANION PLAYS WITH GUN Holds, Citing McQueeny Case, That Payment Rest w¥th Bd. 24 * Rather Than Prosecutor HIT IN RULING BY CARLSTRONM chaffer, Aged 14 Years Near Libertyville in ed to assist in treatment of Father Investigates PAYS $100 FINE of the MevEn ts ze Saligss 5s w Atuintnd C900 a pdiiihg i e o wh ce F8 eag r o en i ud the Rosenilern. The recordse showed that Mongoven, also known,. as McGovern, had never been arrested. tender for the heary welght champlon r e ship, was shot and killed in Tonne-- man's cafe at 5713 West Twelfth street, Cicero, on March 31, 1926. Wit-- nesses at the Anderson inquest caid that Mongoven, a man weighing less than-- 140 pounds, had been attacked by Anderson and that the former fired as he was being beaten. _ Assisted by Lieut. Martin Woijcte-- mongoven into custody. He was found in--a hotel at Bluff lake, near Antioch, which he had given as bis tion was in progress. He made no resistance, but questioned the legality Oof the arrest. Murder ng Today mehhtv:mnmlluodum expedition into Lake county by =<ergts. William Haas, Peter Pacelli and John Melghetmer. ~ Brought to the central office of the highway police in the county building, Mongoven declined to talk sabout the Anderson killing. He is married anvd the father of three children. Accord-- ing to the police he left Chicago after the coroner's juiry ordered his arrest. A hearing on the charge of murder will be held today before Police Mag-- istrate Sandusky of Cicero. Highland Park Woman Dies at Age of 72 Years she lived there until her death. er, Gabe--MoCazsker, of Oshkoch, Wis.; a soninlaw, ~Paul Mizik, one daugh-- m,mm.mummu-' children--Bobby, Jimmy and Dorothy, as well as a host of friends. i Mitchell, Chief James 1 Devereur of the Cook county highway police, 3un-- day arrested Leo Mongoven, who has been, sought by the authorities gsince the murjger of Andre Anderson, more than 19-- --months ago. The deaths of the Mitchells, it is charged, 'were indirectly due to Mcon-- goven's actions following a collision of his car and another machine on a road near Libertyville on Oct. 29.. TWe fatal crash occurred during a fog and the drivers, Mongoven and Bert Fin-- stad, started a fist fight. * A crowd gathered, and when che Mitchel chauffeur, driving at 35 miles an hour, saw the group he tried to stop and his car skidded to the side of the--road and overturnet m a ditch. It was held by a coroner's jury that the chauffeur's efforts to avoid strik= ing members of the crowd caused the deaths of his two passengers. l Wanted on Murder: oA quest, and latér, looking through the police records, found that Mongoven had been ordered 'held to the grand jury on a charge of Anderson, a Publiist, whote Tearminhe was Preg emn high mase --was celebrated at 9| Acting on a--clew obtained at the in-- quest into the deaths o# John J. Mitch-- ell, dean of Chicago bankers, and Mrs. family. owner of the Central Hotel, where she stayed until 1895.: Septem-- ber 5, 1895, se was united in marriage to John Driver-- Who Caused Original Smashup Has Been Hunted For Past 19 Months. Eid emcs'mmm NOR SCHOO Ad THEY SHOULD, FOR. EL SriMuLkrt MEALMY COMPETNOH, PROMOTE GOCD HEALMH AND BUILO uP A TAKE UP A UTME SCHOOL AME OCCASBIONHAAU 1S HOTHAG AGANST 'hHen. AW We 1Eagl ©0ES HOT COME FROA GOOKS DEATH LEADS TO SLAYING ARREST P. J. Hawk Says: 3t ut n We | ~1r. and. BROAD ESTATE! _ °TS ALL GIVEN kegan when Mrs. Douglias was 7 pours ou.mmmm'hu time of her death. > In September 1870, Steoic became the bride of. -- : Douglas, Sr., prominent and _ ed real--estate dealer in Y The.. aged couple -- celebrated fifty--seventh wedding anniversary in SBeptember of this year, ie 4 i --Mrs. Douglas is surrived by her Miss Theda Waterman, nurse whohhscunchurnmm sent out to 15,000~ residents ty the _ Charles D. Chappell, Zion--Inver tory approved. Eusino Mezzio, Highland Park -- Report of sale of real estate approved -- John I. Marshail, Highland Perk -- Hearing on final report and account continued to Nov. 28. i Lmcinda Brown, Grayslake --Claim Oof Lena Glass Hebner allowed for $800. Appeal bond fixed at $200. had come at once. EKaves has found thus tar, he stated. gan--Letters of guardianship issued to Mand B. Johnson. Bond of $200. Michael Samuel--Report of sale of personal property approved. Soott S. Love, Deerfiecld--¥Final re port.approved. Estate closed. _ George A. Truesdell, Winthrop Har-- was allowed an $800 claim, She was nurse for the® aged wan At . time of her death-- The anBtiniln to be appealed, it was indicated. . _ _ Proceedings for the day were as :;'ucymeammmmsw. timated value of the estate $9,000. Venerable Aged Woman Dies _ Unemc_drl'l_lmm- S distribution approved. Estate cloaned. Hulda Schmidt, Highland Park Letters of administration Issued to O. kegan, was left m,m- 'Am-- nette, his will filed" 5,.. Judge Martin C. pecker in the pro-- bate court, showed. =»* ~~* ® +** At the same time 'Lene Glass, once claimant to the estate oft> Lutinds when dhe will veectipies Lt when ,ghe will was" - MRS. R. J. DOUGLAS DIES SUDDENLY AT HOME SATORDAY -- -- L ena Glass Allowed--$800 _ . Claim in Lucinda Brown Es-- . <® tate; Appeal is Indicated. -- _ _ / oo &4 VHUG. .- ce We e t _i.v__. , *--tav Rhoda A. Rogers, Waukegan --in-- William Lasco, Antioch--Report of The estate of James H. Broad, Waun-- Into Sorrow. ©$1.50 A YEAR _ e3

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