CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Nov 1927, p. 3

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E 1 & -- & 18 1 woman lnuvolved in the case had been stopping at the hotel. The hotel had been in the Smith family for more than fhirty years. It is expected that the Smith brothers will erect a building to replace its One of the last incidents in which| mouwmammm use as a setting for the gun 'battle between Constable Stanley Thompson and Frank ~Barnett, Chicago labor leader and gunman. Thompson call-- ed to correct BRarnett who bhad thrown a woman out of his automobile in front of the hotel was shot through both ankles by the gunman. Thomp son lying on the ground emptied his it is belleved that it started ftrom a crossed electric wire in the --structure. umnmmnuw:a:-lu_ of a large number of s, most oft which are still nccupled, the theory that tramps mizht bhave gotten into the building is scouted. The interior of the bujlding was a seething mass of flames before the sume W nown Structure MM""'"W'JM merous in its eympathy and mm---amumn--nmmaum"m *' "6'""0.&' terior of the old Smith hotel building|to Congress. "Many of them discover ning to vlite . on this Aegiviation on the south=shore of Channel Lake that instead of going to the well and mm&m?fl'n&u at> 1:30 Thursday morning, brought yery adriotly interviewed as to their highays, etc., in their particular 10. about total destruction of the build--opinions on national and international calities, will find themselves blocked-- ing and 'contents. The loss it is be--|issues. ~ Of course the ddvantage i8 It is an old political trick to have a Meved--will be in excess of $15,000. with the . President in those_confer-- mmmmw" The Antioch fre department im-- |ences, aw it is not quite proper to in-- rfled'%um' to the mediataly after ~reaching the scene|terrogate the Chief Erecutive under bill -- will: give: them political ll'mthemlbnflGMutMlmrod. Bven the COabingt're mironaza in their acanmimite -- Sn och department had been summoned some of the cottagers fearing that the one company would not be able --to prevent the spread ~of the fire, also ecalled ~the ~CGrayslake department which-- responded. ; Former Fire Chief David Hutton of Waukegan now a deputy saherift and doomed turned its efforts toward sar--|maing in the dark, as to the Presié many states are affected by the flood hh'"mmmu&!"fim.'&h&m There i# relief that m;zw 50 fget away. Although the roof of | ho M'M&Mvfl"@ufl&:flh'fld the --dining hall caught fire several accept their suggestions as to rectom-- when the -- Is before. Con-- times and the. boards of the building mendations to Congress, . 'Therefore," gres. : M# f mmmmwumwwmamuflm[ Among the . many other subjects by ftire, this structure was saved. the--content's of the President's mes='that are being brought: to the fore; Smith's botel, one 'of the oldest re-- Sage until it is actually delivered i0 as .the time drawse near for Congress ummmn.mmm.-mwummdmmnw Nwogmummmm&w«mwwmhamm of Channel Lake. It also has been delivering it in person.. It has been x¥ a strong merchant maringe is in have tHigured nrominently in the his-- tory of that section of the county. The hotel which ts operated during y * ~ ie c e 0 l _ ie e . ) . We . M e ... o e o aa t e * '* > s 4 0j aa h let e m + 2'» s s !"4 gel wA 4 «. -- 4. oa A , $~ B C ib & & e l c * ' '3 tA h > & . e i * iii'. E3: l. ks . ex* 3% @ OLD LA §4--Ton Commercial 670 (Chassis prices {. o. b. Detroit) ¥-- Ton Panel Delivery Car (Complete) $770 1650 -- * So. Geneses Street ------ Phone 5100 ' -- _ WAUKEGAN ILLINO!S After the Anti-- ' insead oOf a noveity. Many > sal of Edward N. Hurley, former m'm dhmmm_mgg. es 'Board, r"m-"mm-hm*mmnuuvmhufi rrrera~ tnti x Vighuity | : Mmmmdm;wmu of gresemen. A number of Senators and Oon-' 4 gressmen have been obliged to re-- "LOVE-- QUADRANGLE" SEEN turn "to Wimxhington before: the "Sev-- | IN BANCROFT . BRENT session. Many legisiators who would the government, when approxinintely not ordinarily .acquaint themselves $3.000.000,000 was invested in shivs, with aviation matters are now givinE and it naturally follows that the gov-- special attention to the question Of ernment should do something with the country and become a bufiness Madden is uncommunicative on the proposition instead of a novelty. MADY~ proposal of Edward N. Hurley, former Ano comen s of ihe Presigens mes that are being brought: to the fore, sage until it is actually delivered t0 as .the time drawe near for Congress the. Congress. to cenvene, is our merchant --marine. s mmmmm«oamm_nmu sending bis message to Congress-- or (Chicago. who is an ardent advocate delivering it in person.. --It has been of a strong merchant marine, is in rafl-u&&?mrumagdm"m\m Mr. --CooHdge w ve message to private enterprices 7 purgose read by reading clerks in the Senate. of chipbuilding. He is empliatic in er has been in conference with t}e marine should be privately controlled. mm::m--wdnnmm,ur.munru .ummw-mmmm.uvuw Aviation has achievred widespread ghipg shall be a «s an euxil} more than 'passing interest use arises, © This proposal is in keep-- be manifested in the subject at thil ing with war timse ernondituros nf Tojudpofthdgqecd.m,mothne.,phb To get the story of their dependability, their un nernoeentedbnde n tpnternene Proof of the surpassing value of the G--Boy is not . far to seek. y N 2 . & W# xt have railroads who have terminais ;to the high seas by means of mer 'ohnt marine fleet, * oA Hitsr ' -- FILM AT ROOSEVELT $ The quadrangle proves even more destructive than teh usual triangle. Kohler attempts to win Miss . Brent bymummhmmw Ban Baneroft is arrested for the murder and this proves a solution for an * *| [ 4s e werkow tound on' Bermon ot R lm en ks hended at the most 55 minutes after 2P Nuts by : the Riate.: :s ."" ... {j%:~::~/ 8. . If ~Pueschel, a v&u"m. & ton, a colored tman, all he néeded to gvo done g: .t; nn;% . e m' there instead. _ of" Harriston --tii and :-mmm-uu ¥e been in a more embarrassing po-- 9. The strongest circumstance in favor of the innocence Of the defend-- ant :'is --the n?mua, now arrest which were withheld until after could 'better ®xpiained the ring of Harriston, housemian, to enter as he did daily,--without observation or comment. . 2 4. Faillure of: Harriston to: phone police either at Donnelly home or if he, himself fearad attack, at Poter-- son home, rather than driving an au-- tomobile over a mile. ¢ 5. Beating of defendant by police, testifled to by deftendant . and con-- firmed partially by Officer Jack Dunn: aomnmn-c«c; three which might account to:.l&ol&um" * Sheritf Doolittle,--Col. A. V. Smith--and: Assistant States Attorney Sidney H. 4. "If ~Gefendunt woere gullty "1 . T. Roundabout return route by de-- in : *~§. '~Basement am'-a from ist lice in pocket ot defendant. .. .-- ! 6. Blood stains on coat of defend-- ant, 'confirmed--by Dr. McNally. 6.-- Denials ~by defendant of ac-- Are to Appeal Case _ . him, « 36 ~s x __It was shown that he-- had :~>=4« There is to be an appeal taken t0.| misstatements to Sheriff -- Law--cnce the supreme court. The appéaRAnC®| Dootittie, Assistant States Attornes of Attorney Fred Plotke, Chicago, WA# |g. H. Block, Mayor Farwell Winstcn entered with that of Welch, and |of Lake Forest, and Chief of Police mmm'mm' ry eaton Te en t Lake I . be hnl.! .'g.'&m'*"! th | Libertyrille Independent, ~$1.50 a year before the court. were as follows: 1. --Evidence of Mrs. Hllen A. Pot: mumfium"om ' 2 day, May 5th and Saturday, May 7th. %. Evidence: of: Harriston seeing him at Donnelly home May 'Sth and of the deceased on MayTth, together with conversation. 3. --Handkerchiet, used as a gag, first identified and later identity de-- nied' by the aunt of the defendant, In arguing the motion. Welch con-- tinued to throw suspicion:--on Joe Har-- who was the principal state --witness. fora new trial. Odo Pueschel, 22, Lake Foreat chaut-- feur, were crushed: when Judge C. C. ul'.« as Harriston testified in ' ~Sront: hall, beside the deceazsed found by po-- 6 to os 3 * ."g* \:_, i. 9e * ,%J §# , :3 t 4 C & . ~=" 1 a 4 *3 R f s B «9' F 5"'"' i. wl map" ,,'}_'*:"6';; gr -f 'g Q 2X yioe d & f s % M " ~~~_ N. .. dhd B 3: : 5 ic i Betes fr y pas -- pone aprant mc . " Sn ts e Atatan'? es ve ie nt Ahaant: -- 4 Sinaes han t ol * > + ; «ue Dearborn _ _It was shown that he-- had :~zde misatatements to Sheriff ~ Law--ence Doolittle, ~Assistant States --Attorney 8. H. Block, Mayor Farwell Winston of --Lake Forest, and Chief of Police charged that Capt. Jack Dann ~ \Lake Forest police Lfigured pr:<=>; ently in 'the tutimou} THe?_ > ed that Hvcschel had € ring beio>>.: to. Wilma !%~ his pocket tut * : Hed that they had panted it th«= ~run, gont tel! me that. ~Shes--t)! cr on the stairs," am sald im ... ho te % 'fi"" fi:' it . ne sAaid.Ebe reply was: Huhb, dont tell me:that. Shes there '"'%"5 a > ma?". the colori> «< '." -- 'g;-*f' is ;;x"". S¥ iss is gh"!_?';"_t"" he said --the reply t '%, o m 'foand Arin> .. ~ w $ Athe mome. b:." 4o Rr 5 fw.'-va:t"b "saw l :at the top of the stairs and t nvging down + 'wz '" 7"--" Guite "); i : in Chicage. <All m f Ogt= ad Overcoats yA e acdh ESal J:':.'-fi eCA n-'!, ilas & j.a; C¥ Pn NR mm Z Chicaso. of:_ every thoy :: do #t, wagk * aie Y/ W kRIFrACTO *@ & 1| | ,g;g 'f'g Ib ¥YUIL ' mll ) U One Profit Only a« to take care of the ot. We have a comn-- . ;RY WBJ wives and sweethearts along-- [ WR] they are good judges of Turkeys cle." uldhtziukuof'nedodmu ADX) . Let examine the work-- y 1 all--wool fabrics--get their ap-- -- proval on the styles. We know that 1 "they will give hearty approval of both wasz --neat to these great values at . ties may resort to clear--thenmsel.ts of | fimancial ~oblivation were dealt with i in an opintn by Atty. Gen. Oscar . hi AuatnPcds bstate ts cheagtretiiie o c i. ut caa cb VR HB ZAAPE:: > 6 Tected later: from . s, fee:, "etc. ~e..ce. .ces of county offiters, may be . unds derived from the wile of ar-- e Api l BP t fan is 'pation warrants cann--t be richt. *"**"*> *' their collection. 'fully applied 'to any other pupos>.: A --p.--cal county fund, such as the --_ The attorney geners] -- as 'ed 4 'mumber of questions by the state's at torney of Jackeon county, re ulting fn the fallowing rulings: * even the -- payment of rrier indebt=d-- | hesse. w " s s C * x Can Levy Taxes to Pay Deb+s i It is within the authority, and the | duty, 'of. county boards -- to create | funds and levy tates to pay the debt: ; and obligat'ions of a. c--unty, #0 long as the total amournt doss not mse' a rate in etcess of the statatory lim itation of 25 cents on t>e $100 assess ed valnation.~'If su'ficient . funds: are not raised in this manner, the obliga-- tions may be paid in annual instail ments not excecding 10. County boards> may m ke adu; tional 'appropriations whether or no* there is money in the treasury to mes: these appropriations. sincs non~ usually is not in the treas r-- who . While the ruling hind d down re ferred to the ~sitwation in Jackso county, it is equally aspl ca la to oh ers in the state--tbat a>> ~o, collec> ing suftic:ent 1.--nds to pa< actua op eratifnig© expenses. Ruling by Attorney General of Mfim.tounfles Income .other--than © taxes,. such as Means to which debt--ridden coun-- RY NIGHT TILL T ' HERE ARE CLOTHING VALUES YOU CAN'T / DUPLICATE_ ANYWHERE -- AT OUR -- PRICE lv!ah Chicago's --Clothing -- History have such ~ Values been offered! _ Here in our store are "~ _gathered the choicest Styles, Patterns and Weaves that are equaily suited for the young as well as the older MEN -- Bring your g* e 1 is.: the garment buy here does not give satis-- OUR MONEY BACK CONTRACT g 4 *¥ e o k t se L. is tuber ulosis fund, may not be used for-- another purpose even when t»¢ fund~z#0..ld show a surplus after @all expenditures have been made. But if a su plus exists in an appropriation from (:>s county general fund, the surplus would revert, at the end of the 'iscal year, to the general fund and e used for other purposes. (Counaty clerks may not issue coun-- ty warrant eunless there is sufficient money in the treasury to pay the "war-- rants. Neither can they issue "certifl-- Icates 0%° indebtedness" to claimants. Theso would be, the attorney general | ol oi o > a W \,\' 'o 6 0C s o § § o# a"° FRE~, K _ V\ % d¥ °_ ('i{}' Ares o Psn y$ [ | &4 ~~~ 2s |/2 t expert me-- used car from us--and us .'."" ., w u ' N e T c * d ' | j whilf3) This Lookforour red "O.K. | e Ihnicluees etwemroxces * LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE ko LUCE & EARL, Props TEL PHONE 202 LIBERTY! w and Priced Right! l re :recondition a: icy is your assurance that MX _ # '. M' " ' ¢ .. ed with considerable dom=es heing done by water. Streeis |~*~ Monday flowed as rivers and mo--t » the basements are under water hold.amupstnro.dnceflat is allowed that fact is apparent the records of the county bcard and does not need a "certilicate' 'to make Rain that started fal"~ onday, :&thmh' through all th= day and the night, hae left th> ~**¥ fionad* it velid. HIGHLAND PARK FLOODFED R¥Y RAIN «* LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Till 9:30 P. 4. 10 W e Ahav e pleaty of, N | vnfio:'_' | i clerks and <€ cas hiere to I -- Ne *z aal 34

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