CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Nov 1927, p. 6

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_ ; _ ; _ Charges of --rape brought agaiinst *« ~Lon Coulson, Nortb Chicago. > _/ Hatry Phillips, _ Chicago. -- were ?&' i agetmannine en f_'v Amw Intimate ~~ --~Must Live After HAs's Dead : ~PFive pages of the manusctipt e _ HOYT DISMISSES -- _ CHARGES AGAINST ----*-- MEN MADEBY WIFE ~~.. Clay Surfaces Slbm and |M--'Disposition of Useless Paper in Exeo-- --~-- _ massable While Dirt Roads |"UY* Departments, which is nothing _----~ TO WM. GANSTER _ ~~-- AT L. UNIVERSITY «* .: Son of Waukegan Rector -- is 3: Elected to Membership in _ es the Varsity's Glee Club. n€'~g' 4A d )' mmpmmammmme: mtm mz . --~ Rain and damp, cloudy weather °_ Benators and House Leaders are en-- ':??;--;;;; un over the north central states deavoring to glean a clue as to the % a week, and earth uruc:'Wo m'!\?"" tor the E:" bureau of the Chicago Mo--|the --Union _ League * tor Club. Paved and graveled high-- last week covered several factors of Both --had been employed on the rail dates of the alleged attacke--woere Oct. #1.and 28. ment ® the twice inferruntad "nM"mlduhnn of the matter himselt."* Both men deniled any complicity in after the alleged commission of the wronged," made the complaint. Attorney E. ¥. Orvid, acting for the defendants, stated that the woman imade no outery tor help or fought the 'nlleged attacks. \~"I might," he suggested, "have baen the Badger szame or an unfaithful wife offering un excuse to her busband. The complaint had been lodged with mmu--mmmn trails in the central plains states have been affected somewhat, but remain MM I e _ rain --fell~ in the South-- western and Pacific coast states dur-- ing the woeek, and unimproved sur-- faces will be slippery for a day or through the east during the week, and all important trails are in excellent vised to travel only on surfaced roads. A'tew days of fair weather, however, would permit searth gurfaces to dry through this area. ~With continued in-- &--- -v-------v-------;----v vv| 'v . 5. --~i o en _ _ ::'.mumcmmm:mbn:inwmt:mm prepared are outstanding and indi-- _ Neéwcomers in the Senate and House cate he possesses unusual ability in. A&re frequently disappointed at the dif-- the profession he intends following. |ference of the legisiative leaders: The DIRT ROADS BAD AS RAIN SOAKS a national organization with a yvery administration-- officials directly st Hmited. membership, its member com-- Yariance with 'the intent of Congress. prising only those university students It _ is . obvious t: the : legislative whose work has been far superior to Orafting dureau has a real responsi-- j will} be interested in hearing that the 'local young wan who is a--student at Tiinois University has attained a new and signal honot at the state untver: 1&"":--)0'0! the varsity Gles Club and will there tore be one of the groups of must-- PAGE TWO ot© Willliam Ganster, 1s-- 'despite the 'claims of the sponsors, mz-"'"m ammmmmm,m':"mmu ".""""'""".w""m'mmmm i has uAmthhum.-mm: C !l.l-m-htntv-.hhm_--'h.'.g number -- of <committees representing items of his--equipment when you en-- ... J ("" _ "~ ~"B, urus 1no KOY iD tTBQ 100E | thasranahts . --------i-'- monds, fellow of the American G20--|ana spends the sumn llowis .m&iaw mmmummo'mmmmfiu.' "hll"ml '."'m.m"m mfimufi-mm-ns ::" M".-"-? wit roads through police patrolled parks! he: § a ds your widrit with leadon bullets:| Major Simmonds despines most w'm"."*ummm"y h He wouldn't have frightened you pur-- the things our prosent state of ctvilisa--| for the nearest tarm--house : when .the m&m"fl-'.hu""""m' Te is con first 'drops of rain faill bexinning to emerge from the winter our methods of liring, herded er]canned 'food :>on --gasoline ,m.; intimate processes of it are rather |*? E*®8t cities, sleeping n'm', """m trom mm ad and poorly ventllated quarters, oat | °°****' Littoring the landscapes startliing to behold.. ®f . atil s uP ummmn-mhmghlmmmm-: o Dioken ordes "'"" T5 ty m o «hh elothes designed almost "Call that: roughing'it? Gotting was just looking over some ntylée: are.all wrong::-- Such Uiving. mnel_ on io. ausl ;s s ecuo 05 200 Akamute mM uies nausilnigia d GMe se Nh l .2 Fous s he you pause. ~Your second glance do > tects a wicked looking rifie across the * man's knees. © If you aren't already in . full fight down the hall, your third-- . s glance alights upon the desk and takes in an electric Aashlight, a big , old "he" six--shooting revolvrer and a -- \ P glistening, razor--edged axe that looks k ~-¢~ as though it ~were just aching to ;__ cleave your tingling scalp! . > | 3 % "% : s h, .,a' "Good night! King of the bandits!" _ § mt . an you may utter if: your Adam's apple e se isn't going up and down like an ele mlfi---t'h_lw'_iog "Er, ah----1L beg----" ter e man. | , ooo Oe ptehih atr. come" [hare to toll: you that from the . in Ne The voice is deep and booming, but| whe2 the frst robi se Rrang brc _]; kindly. fl.lfll'""'"h"'"hm* h e .;z ba oo Ees l ooo Sn ophe And extend | same painful resticanness as ths amait| 40 0# _ that od <a big but looking hand. in school--and keeps on su rfi;u wile nelcome. 3 |in midJune, he closes his office. :D*A p "mdut:'q- 0.";:-." {viduals and take some of the "wind }mdMufi"fiy placing them on unimportant committees, such as the 'his program, such as an en Washington loudly demanding_places ,'ummm' they ,Mthnthymmm | to-- handle problems of. national > tm portance. > The Committee on Commit-- awarthy --man with a far--away look in his eyes. That look is enough to make is "one of those--days," and it usually yoursgelf backing out with your bair trying to stand on end and n queer sensation coursing up and down your incoming mesmbers feel that the estab-- P Thitor twelve stories up, you And his name on a door and the word you meet him frst on "one of those days," you: are --apt 'to suspect that the man is-- well, queer, F You enter an ordinary of-- fice building in New York City, half a block: off Broadway on Twoenty--fourth are preéesented to s by the indi-- make Congress the butt of: their hw :or. few realize that tl-n"u'am bmau'fiflu'hfl errors. 'In recent years, it has ' found necessary to establish a legis-- lative drafting dureau at nno:a for the purpose of drafting bills p it You turn--the knob and enter. ' 5. > . M & > % y . t \ Cc s _ i Grmnnt l =~ > e 9: ssocimon -- . 1| a ¥ w iLc iaAm o Auey > * N. &. A. Correspondent AVACATION or for readjustments of positions and --salar les in the Federal Service. , l ulfiuu' ~-mhf: re--apportionment representation Congress based upon the census re turns will be put--over until the eclec tions. . 'The enactment of this legisia-- ummmm plexion Of the House , and worth and others are inclined to pass thange the date for Congress to con been conduiting hearings relative to number of committees P River. ~'They will also give attention to the New England aituation: © The 'The old stage coaches often attained e camy * 1. . Of LX 'for 84 years and one .a while: yesterday, Pn Anstrottion munantine to Tb | of 308 Piioge etuamas. ot, tnts mection | comsidematy, put, : y Conatmetion. wn':nfl- d%gkmmm sount of it aue woat are artatly Interested in the | nnider aveaing ar the 496 of 20 rome |ot. D. and Too'g farm relief features of . his measure, Her 'will cause sorrow to they thought it w but he gave no definite hint in 'his mhflm! o redton en t gempatiet tor. e | o mt at erem Nare Monh P |_ Mss Peven o d -- for the adminiaGisdion. . Thore we m | -- The detessod was torn Th Connty | TXtn,Biontd mot -- wmmm&t.flmz' & greater amilitary e is convinced | firel _drops of rain ~falli. Heating ;..';'f herded 'NNfu-WVMlM .un-:'fi'. Drinking.: ied water from :thermos | lower en sd quarters, oat | POttle®! Littoring the landscapes with | southern :" oomroee "Call that roughingit? Gotting -?fl'n":. MW' ~ "*Bub t' he exeilnima--and vom knaw | Bs D. ®, in a. wholl -- "Babht" he exclaims--and you know instantly ho means it; © f Repe o EnE O iktor Bimmends . is 1a aAaot a8.0 . > Je * York ~ and ho -- oaly does that mition 6f--service. es batd n 5 mwmnb e the before the General in 1921 L. . --giving a compliete history ~--Four Years of Laborious ~~--The Service Recognition Board of upon w'rm'm»l-egm-!"oncmmuwomm:v Board, ~and : of this number, 2387 ceiving the signature of Governor Len Ceive compensation at the rate of fifty mMu;w&thummmmmmmfmmwumam ¥isions of the Iilinois Act. ceived by. him. service, with the maximum at $300. Fina! 'report .of the . lee Recog-- -- ~Referendum is Carried Distribution to fegal heirs, was pro-- nition --Board is public today by U*&chvalkww of the | vided in case of death, with a maxr-- cuguh mail, -- <hairman; w.mumcm.mmmmwhmmmm m&v&%flflw,mm"mmg"hm ' 5 a tant & rios E. Black, secre-- | ,MmamWw'em ¥en choice W,","!"?"m,m;ggm'm ¥With but 502,372 i cash paymant or CAmnangatian LhardAs T . _ °2 2 _ _ _ 2O92 . »OHe. We TS . PP ' _ Androw has -- plowed up his Pm l ~--T-- iA mc reoginds. 33 wummemmmmmndin > 4 + 5 x o a are > s Bpringfield ~IIL, ~Nov. -- * . to 'raise a commotion. . After ' time before they will har has disbursed a total of % g'l':m um-hbflh,':h path across it all mekoddown.x to the veterans of the | 1 War In hada flat tire. ' o :again, Illinois Plflxm' Bonus of $55,,073,438 Cork, ITroland on August §, 1838 and | berry came to this county at the ago Of fiX | arg 7i years, with her paruats who© were want "am&lmmnmu"' marriage to David Gibbons who sitr-- agroo, vtv-'::..mpm were Seeie on Hame ul mt hn in dapats in Tsaner o.e | hn nee, and three daughters, Mrs. Cath--|. ..;, 90 YEARS. PASSES Catherine: Gibbons, Res-- Years Succumbs. The cance is the chief vehicle of travel in uncherted U: f j'q.firue_h--u-uz'.'-uudu Tok ud e iegineg Harl} is There is little of the spectacular "W¢ ftood and soutlnment which ma.| D this trip he was unable to reach A it Peetees ie eot sone io Moose] or Simmonds carries on his "summer This year he hopes to fAight his way Son't blazon his exploits to the world. -- fower, sha" of Jum ATeF. waich in s Jaunt" intothe great out--of--doors. through to the coast and back betore | S6""% blf slips off to the wilderness w n oaicty Tos Pist |"wose iesorian or s hn thint ypu | the lant woek in September, _ _ . | 2C 5t / tlon risking his ie sguiteg ! portion of the t tp <eill ..%b y |fou, is his cance; it 4s his chi is | . In part, the object of this long: jour: quiet vracation age» 133. fail. ¥in 'Toroniy ana ¢r uce over n ang of travel. Next. in importance is ney of terrific hardships and physical| bears, shooting rapids and locing In F N. ama' o mrel "one Moose| his compass. | Thi 4h the is &A e maps and secure |, gyuides! . ap ~*. k P Ek Aailwa oo Bs N e popratgre setee? Lopage matches | dangers, is to Ilb % 64 s . a aueel EVH is 5 " f fl"":'v"."""m*"' hnt 4e t 'Egt "N : > dlfed w e » 68 '** 4 P XepFrigs: s ort Rupe gfi;w"' 4?5".?'"%&4&"'%%"" intri2 'fin; ight, with e 'hm m CAQata e 4 " Jez tw . tomaitin: _ es o m i}i s hore f""fi"'wm""'?""'" ries.! "It is ing this P s w untry for thejand noted c & ," * m f*'fifl-"rga'*'*' ' 0re g-" "fi"":'"*W?V%mj't"g&'fifi:&{m is | in } m c0r M e l'd":GI o es 'f".wk':f' ,d;q ks o rne h. c ; m m etorie, a Hudson's Bay post at thne|}0f Bimmonds carries on his "summer m':'.' ,?."mf':,m into.the great out--of--doors. ithern arm of Hudson's Bay. This| Most important of all, in his 'opin-- southars s ot untann'e may . Phin| Most Ingortnat ot all in hie onte » Whll . widerness,. It'is the extreme | in the worst sort of way if it is caught northern . --soction . 'of the Province.of| by the first terrific onslaught Of win-- e e m ooo -- esc 22"" A "r':'mlé:'-flb It is interesting to note.the simplict-- o OU h " u h "."\fl--u Cantss & hn AVOCC CHB w-u' | ngava, ntamed a party 'such <as this, traveling . Ungara is the" name of. "'"NJ'II summar outAte is "out 0' luck" and November 11, 1918, who was at the time, a resident 'of Hilinois,© who had been honorably discharged or was the <time. --As for instance, yesterday | lmnlnmtututhmf in a hurry and got into his machine to -- _ Reviqaillsanoes 1Lrom ALondout pass ; CDM <or a pastime, was --telling Fmi# nd sbe's afraid that maybe 3'". Tt ow ons 'of his' pedt &" e e s s ns n Tecudd Peek w aran. Ang bod mand ', Aleo _ Powers : and the rest of the :uuf"u""mi""'m" a':wt 'M C \u'm_bflmm-mmm-wu ut building wmlzm to lean back to sound off. t to be contrary, and if they could | 4, .. higs: boy ho is down in the , rumutu.ww and It: said that he hadn't to be no< trouble in . 10 88 | gy pen mble to make expenses, agreement. f * slw the--do'ks at home please ? e * \|all > in and send him money to -- Ei Howard has had to paint the buy a suit of clothées.. After a that has been in front of his Lewis read it over, he said there prghy*= :&w-::;n o onkidernitio suprine ronteroay veen &A :; s alow sale. that the sign now reads And how it was, he sold a lot to Je that he has two cows for sale. Patton nearly:a year ago. And now ' (3 ies : Jeft has succeded in selling it for over . It--dooks like Bill Fendick's bull dog |half as much as Will told him is was is becotning more valuable to him all soon to be worth. : |Oouat oo Put, out about it. on ac '!'Iflt of "At wras Mn.":.; !""""'"i""""" --"m And Jud said !. Aleo Powers and the rest of 'the tummble at that ts m'?'w' Town Boar ;u\vmwhkmywqu-mmmswu E eet. . And Alec 1oid the oi) |!° 1041 Oack to sound off. want ,umv.m they could | 4,,. his boy ho is down in the 'r- 4 Mu':fl'fl and it said that he hadn't e no<trouble in . 10 88| gy pen mble to make expenses, pd o rragie o > ... lnldag in sns mhas um en n E_ Howard has had to paint the buy a new suit of clothes. _ After count of while it --was there--some of Bandy Atkings parked his t 3 in front of Aeands Belta house for Wioke "**@°==*,sucui UIpS ta with flMClln of his ie dert on the continent Of{shuts in carty énd with b Amazin8 | gve or: his i from ithe city visiting her aunt * d ;N&:mmmtum re. <«works, --that she went to 'i: '&{1' Of receipt.© Mail secks received each .day were dated and kept in order and the rules of priority were strictly ad-- hered <to, in' all of. the work of the ing of the method -- of proceedure, on Japuary u»mhnmwumb; public ceremony awarding lot. %flmm&nm This cere was attended by mem-- bers of 'the general assembley and the interested public. -- Contents of .Mflflmnfl&nwemm available; and from the thousands of applications received, the first ten claims to be nunibered and filed were ; under the 'act. ~Drawing of First Ciaim Mhmhdnu.-stmw be given a claim number in the order service, with the maximum at $300. ;mmm.um_m was pro ¥vided in case of death, with a max-- imum to be paid where death occured Mr. and Mro. Felic ycgw' »bb drave over (Continued on Page 8) catrying' & pacy [SOPRN _ 9° ainmunition, for the food weighiag --95 m'm in his pack, consisting of dehy-- pounds _ Thel, . *pemmican," pea--meal, flour, party must <get|' and salt pork, is not sufficient back to civiliza.| for the entire journey and he is depen-- o o o ns ns n . ior on nee ow " files -- take in a::-:'uz No Fevirrmen haes iosmenartein en tember. Wint@r|such trips into the Far North. On C CC wairt ror a saer cory or our io maoriac Guidt map or waszincton Aruncton notet _BUICK*I9QD8 _ MAIN MOTOR SALEs _ dependability and lor =y-rar-yu- mnm% From'roof to basement' thats the way to buy a car _ . Buick welcomes this searching test mi,. . / nere you i .discover the secret of Buick's famow OPERATED BY MADDUK, MARSHALL MOSS & MALLORY me & othes 21 N00 4 tss s M SMiaat L2 $ ns Matks prmomament tas to be added. car @ Examine thoroughly One of the 4M Hotels > # 1195 MODELS g1195 oo g1525° 19 = $1050 am , offwey ------ONLY $1.50 YEAR _

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