(ge on io moe n ie i annnieg mb on CC ns ces 030. ht mm _ NOTS over the treatment his state is feceiving in the National Capi~] /.___.._ > _ "~~~~~ jus,Squarter .. 4. If by resigning and running sgain, the Colonel makes.apeed in | 5 5¢"7 % 'pus 1. ben a uttie in e¢ +~getting the isstie before the voters again; let's hopehe 408 Tist (9E7) cose of 1t 4478009 approveistitn Jt * Tillnois voters are impatient to again tell Washington by their votes| was shown to the board of supprvisots .. that they.want Col Smith as: senator and will 're--slecthim if the| today by . superviaor 'A, W. Vatooe o oo ons mss on i n un fecruaptaaizer -- * | Juynant Purty at the Bniics ce °_ Wilererenetereeeeremoeeeeieceeceemecaca c ces e t n ie aaf " / 9 s M S ters of the fises! year whhe the sta-- .\ Where's tail now that Frank Sooith may come beck from Wash--| > * 10008 407 °99| Gouuel hs Snony eromiaes outint . inftoncreaign the amate job which Jim Reed and othenDeimootait| a,tp esn Rote 1t Wfould Ni EB hP m Rermaty t t re: ¥ aap Ne whalt mot be atlowed to take despité the edice of Titinais vo | * $905009 Wigher "T h a n °. | sns Sppeoprintion Ned been. $90,000 iii':m run for. the office> again. 'That seems """';': ~*'Planned Driginaliy« . . | sas 91088 MOnstr (Tcuerel noapital Al es CBAce. L & iL ; S / _ aoenttememmetment . : =-- |.. ;( o tC : : € m % ; / Colonel will be re--elected sure as you're born, in fact, by a fauichq _ _ . _ _ _ 0 = mml ons e snners bhos peon $21,948 or-- F* P¥ A{anm ofhow the Illinois Commerce . Commussion ioekMCgL?nnkLSmith.whqmchfimdtth' E f&ufiym'«g'{fia'c'n&afia a telegram which the Commis-- i ma.spwmwmy,mnm:ommwhga % Vwmmmmmfi@um'mdmm:&u@ -- .. orable situation at the National Capital The telegram,--coming from i agmwho-wcg.mhmdmymuqmmm-p«e $ m..ma,mmwawmumm _ ~> to the insinuations "whichk outsiders have hurled at the Senator, ~Thé dgmaotc"u;dhavinghadimoupnw&tymtholniunml t_h_nhinypteviouamtodo{;emgdpfitbchhtorydthem elected Smith, That ought to be the answer so far" as the Suntel is concerned. But, Reed, Nortis and 4 few others insist the "dig~ nity" of the Senate is in danger. Its dignity long ago, many tintes, »&mmunuquwmunhmnur'mnmu, ukmmumedwimmmmmm'mpwgfi- fig,'ayfihouSenaMarActrnfinzminoisandwyom:'htlfls PS 4 e y reaitnint sn w ie Hoin aeo wigane doet jst thatt| 29 3 i mir-l ce uttaite 65 e neot «Sn sas senl n out o | aeata--of e' Meuty Aerenter "he e . » < ¢ & "' c > €]. '." ." o. o rar & .";r--. i¥ » J ue § o C P ,':y" * Waciv yA C z'"*:o * vAng es t * it £--*"% e es w% "' Pring* . = 4 h ".:';u.' y 2 3 C i};.'t. lf '.w"""'. .» t" Et its 'l'll!nl"t.' n 'm" '.".m' - "79--','\)';'" c'm'" Mni-?:tifitw"fl:" ul Te--slect him if the es by ".3.'..--' rrinor "A. W, Varcoe, ib boost over the budget by $2000| to ner death by asphyzlation from gas erats in the Senate want <o hans the fact emphasited. ~~~~ "| Mishah® Pork of O6M0e0cE C30| pumic beddben ho Sueuicts "and| sartéred" a: beurt 100000 000(00 tne e e e td 1 C c +( Wiits toe pernaty en heen exsent| irtiine, roie ani n yary, rhint | home 9n it pfrven on hat jone oo ¥¥Tr~ * Ve? iz : fl#'&hh&hfi #1 includes the --pay -- of . the "board; a D While she lay in a swoén on the '~ WILL THEY OVERRIDE ILLINOIS'--RIGHTS? ---- gg "Ahe "éounty© would . exceed ~its] the saine proportion. . : "sat> T rarit | 5 n in a Pss % * a % 63 in cce 5Th ns s i s o s P S 1 ate e P M e uen Tenicithla ie ces c aeeeen ie eb cnatioaimgrenntiitaccu i o ce ceA ~them in case e SHOULD BE ELECTED. a ~ a l!dncglufl:::lyh Kept from his seat we hope that he will ' have the nervé to bring his election certificate back home to Dwight | dqmw "'mepeofl_&elntodmudunfihpymm > expires, J' retain that election certificate"--and leave -- this state two.. Personally we'd be glad to see him refuse to resign but retain e P L °+ hs ferm. come back before the voters, be re--clected 4 and Alabama : ind Alabama. Ats T0 S8Z UE .cy ois; the securit} of this Union is 1 we '."g' 3; P 4 & "", 'l u3 &)) 0C 2i r:." > DWeA ho s N 4 !' 1 s : : P & 4 3 &R , & s \p C C " o _ C 7 ' ' K & f ' e n e sagind sy es Lakes| _ pended: out "of" the--$60,000.: appropri«)*~""" * _ _ ._-- _ ¥ * way. foOr CHEHIPLMSU------ c on araniaatia Cl N aeitca 2 *'<~'~* _ Stylish Culfed Kid. or Chamoisette Gloves 'l w & k 2s se e o i c 4 4 n e p reaecneviant «UV TO __ orhere are the girls one went to school and the bridge foursome; all to be T« * way for Christmas. Wo':xm:.'g m. C en PWcE P _ LW hinatia $ M\ elericcenevebanin--eneeen n cnrenee s pistinctive .Stationery velopes Exquigite Handkerchiefs -- of : every bd s wus abe caugt aene s 66 -- ue a w en n et e en ns 6 69 aeeseaessam00000* 088 2ec04,e0e00000 " _ /. C LCH + «24 «4 a%eum F areeut¢4aa4ec 29400 sin a un n 689 anasepatryseskens cerpersaetens Kn n n o . Cl iC 0 04 1e i c Mrs 'il'lllr!':f f';'""m:'m'mj "nad occhrred some tm * mwn %fln een Vie: 1"****:--..*....__~--_s _ : im of Heart Attack-- ---- | o7 TE 'TQ SPEND -- > f o n ooA Aiieae SE ies ce . N on i vermpape Seereae es _ Ni 5.. > x . contdites /y .o".oo--..»-.w-u.omun-w---..----.-o..vm-ann'n . C Ag bMhhtmaigi w 9 7 Wobe §hsldh s K¥ Mz adureckaee s« eveak e# Aueaurke ermenney bh t gaas mex aat n 6 e¥ CCR RAN TTA TAATATT U O 00 gew Cl Silk 'Hose in service Friendly Cifts _ *" U m: . The body of the--woman was' found P by a son when Be: returned 46. his ivccigs 'hono o from sen00l-- . A physician -- was s summoned bu an examination show-- in Rallavad "ed that dekth had occhrred some time or or ...'......-vv nnaf Tertio in uks CX --aber c * $1.00 :1 $2.50 j n --'19;"»4--'".»" eost oi4~ :mnmu.wfim _ Make apr--«=2}#@ "2-- ; :fl" uny stste ever has. ... A stecilike grass from the ~:~ . !i Tt nA s u) sc cuaies: al Vatopes ot Oran, Algeria. 16 89 ¢--*f * ¥rgm . Chigago to. St.-- Charles: ané that 4t can be nsed Jnstead of «1: in PHIfBEO 10, 2b _ 0 U chads | in the wanviecuwe of Turniture. . .~-- Iiiinois om--Chicago to Kankakee the nugtfi and the neighbors roij in somb little men 'Afin fAtkih F¥R * '"fi; 2 i : !' ; l ! ,w» i "s s 4 :" ast . «3 i'; a ":';l.N;f' £omp. "'.l .J' '--.'fl j .' -" *4 nols will* beild""1,583~ mies® 0f physician -- was 'm".l-lvl;fi."w ~¥r. Sheet:, °& Mn,'m spite. legal --difficulties and other !i2~ rred some time | terference, w bullt 540 --miles out af" * im . * --| the $100,000,000 state Aboug isgsue ~wE on en ._--| the counties built another 180 mi<s E* . +~ of the eost~of-- which will--be ;&-- R .< +.) paid by the state. -- ie e es As o . ~ / . "This totai:.of $50 miles of concre*® ww .~ Ms, I betieve, m--record for any §(4.* 4# k <a .; *.]| CBY YeRT. . -- l0z e ~ i S A "Within a few years, We exp»% s £ M';mjuamm wild 19 LNXE \ completen,; opening -- all_the. s--2 M® Psn > +oz » m'MMMdfl(ym Chike 3~--mies" o'?l:(: esn * O flnc 0 iI® t a,cost 60|~ : Make Spr «z> O C eexeelee n NC WeE EPC 4 --This . information . was ._giveu . )7 frank P. Sheets; chief highwer <n-- ginee;, yesterday in an Address /. 'he convention of --the E:lindis ©Associz : omm of Righway apd Municipal® Engine --r=: )minn'O ind < ~PIO P & 79 » '-"--"'"_--"'" * Sle 1 A steciMife grass from .the : . hM# A PEA UEA ~Wiceria: 16 so eW da h ue