CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jan 1928, p. 10

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e . 1E UVVERNUVRNR o Viplkil BR PIUA ILKL MAAAE «/ <*~ ... 5 Eyesterday nbon with her thfee §0D%» It is a rather interesting announcement that Governor Smail, in. m'&m':'m """ order to get a slant on public opinion regarding the proposed .state | evening--at 'dinner by Mr."and Mrs. W. highway from Zion to Harvard, is to come to Zion and there, in the W'" f'gf"'"? ay, 'rtg tabernacle whith Dowie built and which Voliva since has ruled, the _}a, the mue::-wu daughter of the state executive will mount the platform and digscuss the whole rogd g_':"i has Zion --for _ some question. And no doubt, at his side will be the General @ve:g_eq' m% Vaughan w of Zion, who naturally is much interested in the proposed new high-- ;ood. m rie 'West 'and Staniey way leading into his town from the west. As it is the governor's &p" ¥Mr.> m':"%'.:; first visit to Zion and, so far as we recollect his first trip to Lake flwflm%fi y re-- County exclusively to hold a road 'hearing, 'his comiing will be an www"mz event of--more than ordinary interest. "It is --the governor's desire to | on uwu&m 'and How-- get a frank expression of residents along the proposed© route and "g-gsfiwmfigg. nearby land owners as to what they think of the suggested plan, _ --| meet % at the Baptist No doubt a big crowd will turn out, many Wm there to hear the discussion, even though they may not live along the route. It's a long time_since Governor Small has been in Lake County, yet he hasn't neglected this courity mhnwdg&n of its road problems. In fact he has given our county MM attention that it may be said few counties in the state have fared better in the matter of getting state aid. e etwes i iN UeoreR oib e idi es -- > corbtieven.s . " . PeC :; next Monday. O . A . -- ; by of the Zjon -- News From Fhm=A1ls 2 Phone Zion 505 for Locals and Classified: Advertisgments, > Women's club '1 ve ; k | ¥rs. A. M. Mort _ Afrs. Lloyd Cunningham . was hos tess to her bridge club this afterngon andserved lovely refreshments, Jfi: Mears is in Chicago all this we He is completing -- his course in decorating at the Chicago Tie young people of the Assembly are planning to attend the young peo-- ples rally in Waukegarn this ?rldp Big=t at the: Pentecostal Mission 'of which Mr. Andrews is pastor. -- It is to:sted two blocks north of Washing people from Milwaukee and Kenoshea for Michigan City, Ind., to conduct a ser® _ of nteetings there._ <# | A machine owned and driven by F. L. Nor':s crashed into the Ford se-- dan cf Chas. Revis last night at 27th rt. and Sheridan rd. Little damage was done.. Mr. Noftris said he didn't soe the Ford which--was coming from the scrtb until just as he bumped it. La®e County Independent -- W The Voliva party are leaving from ew York on Wednesday the 25th at social Back <<* a@a Could> build a pyramid for ® the preservation of his body, be-- <nvuse of an army of sinveés --to do THE GOVERNOR'S VISIT ON a18T AT ZION such »octal itrjastice that the CHid-- does not enjoy atonomy, but is un-- det the direct administration o-- the _'M t e * Rgypt has always been a land oft Budan, ~defend the rights of for-- elgners in Egypt, and assure the mifety --dof the Bues Cogmal. More-- The Sunday school class of which Mrs. Fred Schoit is teacher but which is temporarily under the direction of Mrs. Theodore Ruesch, held a class meeting at the home of Miss Evalyn Howard Monday evening. Leslie Leech of 3006 Eschol enter-- tained 12 of his class mates from the Zion preparatory school last evening. Dainty refreshments were. served. -- Ralph Gaun was placed. under ar-- rest yesterday by the local police of-- ficers for hunting in the city limits without. a Hcense. ® _ .& | by of --the Zjon home there will be ~ ¥% :=< <] beld a n-e!-'l:w m&m the ) 0. 4 § | satre journey and return to or the om L1LONn3»3] |ss es mt on n e 0 n e * _ * & |~ The literary department of the Zion d Classified< Advertizgments,.-- > Women's club ~were. entertained by R £ .| Mrs, A M.. Morton :at her home yes-- 11 p. m. Tlie ship which is to convyoy "In. ?' CM'-io! Esekiel av. had as them on the Mediterranean cruise !$'her guest at luncheon yesterday Miv. the Transylvania of the Cunard line:t Viola French of Enoch ay,. _ _ ~ Members -- of the Domestic Science|. Ford Wilson was in Chicago in bus-- classes of the Zion parochial schools| iness and visited Rev. and Mre. Thos. made and preésented a huge cake t0o| H. Nelson of Eimwood Pack. Mr. Voliva as a farewell gift, but it| _ 'The infant son of the Stanley Hum-- is said the gift was refused, for some | phreys of Waukegan was hld%o rest reason best--Jaown to the overseet | in Mt. Olivet coemetery the last of last himself. « h week. <It was found ce mornin® in Mrs. Clyde Liddie and son_James are spending several days as the Buests of Mrs. James Mears of 2111 Gaebriel av. : " oo Mr, and Mre. Byron .Mudgett and two children visited the former's un-- cle,. Ernest Mudgett, Friday evening in Waukegan. The E¥nest Mudgetts were celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary. © © fokes the same 'time that the {fellsheen are lliterate in their primitive vi}> lagea m«g:;wmdw es are Italians, Jews, Byr-- jlans, and Armenians, who are not 'been spending several months here at the bome 'of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gal-- lant of Eschol ay. left: yesterday for 'California where Mr. Poliard wil} take pastorate: work. . S d s -- # " 'The ~ladies'~ Thpursday ~afternoon prayer band are to j16get tomorrow af: ternoon ut the Albert Warren resi-- ~Mrs. Bernard L. Vaughan of May-- wood, Mra»Carrle West 'and Stauniey Judd of this <ity were the -- dinner :?e#s of Mr. and Mrs, Edmond Bucy Waukegan Tuesday. < Mrs. Bucy re-- turned to Zion City with her mother, Mrs. West, 'bringing her little twin son and. daughter, Lucilie and --How-- ard, .going back 'to Waukewan today. The W Workets Sewing club meet all day row at the Baptist cburch, 28th and FErra ay. $ + ' . Mrs. George and Mrs3. Hazel Fitzke of 3203 Eschol av,. are the hos-- tesses tomorrow night to the Sisters of 'Bethany Sunday 'zschool ~glass of old--members and new arg jnvited. "At the midweek rally tonight at tfi Shiloh tabernacle pverseer w speak a few words &Itien there wwill be held a reception for Mr.~and Mre. Voliva preparatory to their departure Rext Monday. -- On Monday in the lob-- About 70 guests were expected this afternoon at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Oftto Peters of Gabriel av. when their daughter, Dozothy, is united in--mar-- riage to Harold Graf--of. Gideon av. Rev.: Mr. Willianison of the Christian. Assembly was to perform the . cere-- mony at 3 o'clock." The brige's gown is of white canton crepe and ber at-- temdant, her sister, Edna, is to be dresséd in pale green. -- Decorations are in green and white. The bride was to carry white tea roses. Henry Graf, Thg infant son of the Stanley Hum-- phreys of Waukegan mhld%o rest in Mt. Olivet cemetery the last of last week. --It was found qae morning in bed, having died from heart trobule. Mrs. Robert Wilson of Edina bivd. entertained on Mongay Mrs. Daniel Owen, Mrs. Richard Stuck and Mrs. Mrs. Murdock Nove arrived in Zion Rev. and Mrs. Pollard, . who have Wor stme yeards the government schools -- have-- . given -- etementary work andsenough migher stvudy to train men for routine positions. A at Calro has turned out many g00d d?tt but :the= Slate Institutions hare--not. grven out enough higher education -- to train men for pusl-- tions 'o0f Intellectual ;jeqdership 'in the ordinary aftairs of !life. ~ ~ _ / _ . ~--The famous : Univarsity of Al= * No wonder there is a natton--wide thirst for educationt Lo' s sfve All A<strong appeal for the "Mississippi valley waterway. and. for :tlood : con-- trol, is contained in --a book just off the press erititled "Dad." -- The book iz --really a treasure story of the Car-- ribean sea, but Jt opens up with the voyage am\cnmumcm Big Bill, and hber famous trip froem Chicago to New Orleans. ~ The author, Edgar William Croft" of--Zion, was with'the Big Bill as &n' M alt th]c way down th inois drainage canal, The Jllinois--and Mississippi rivers, and 'later--he rejoined the Big Bil down in . the Carribean m.uhhhboot. the au ppens up with:an account of thq_t?:nn from Chicago to New Orleans, giving a brief outline of the difficulties encountered en route, as well as a list of the towns and cities called at, ineMding Aiton, Peoria, Ot-- tawa, --St.© Louis, ~Memphis, Baton Rouge and many others. We _ Ancidentaily ~Croft pays tribute to Ms early training as a newspaper man 'while seérving as the Zion. correspond-- ent for the Waukegan Daily Sun,. h teennefhine onl c dn 2200 P0 ue >ain Aet. . 2 n ols ceA wllflx The second chkapter takes up the thread of the story at La Ceiba, Span-- ish ~Honduras, and from there on it has to deal with pirate treasure. Jt was at La 'Ceibe that the author met a Californian -- known gmong his friends --as "Dad," and he proved to be such an interesting character that Croft decided to write him up in book form,. '"Dad" was; engaged As a tem-- porary deckhand to tail the Big Bill over to Utilla island, and the author was thus brought in touch with him. "Dad" had a chart in his possession showing where 63 loads of treasure was buried on a small island off the Honduras coast called Hog island. Croft spent three months on Hog is-- lanpd running down all} of the {acts concerning -- this treasure, . and We found that the landmarks on the chart tallied exactly with those on the is-- land, showing: that the chart was tonafide. -- In order to get plenty of local ¢olor into the story, the author evem®dug there with a'{isherman who claimed 'he 'had come to certain signs I6ve Yon Truly." 'Delicious refgesh-- ments are to be served the guests fol-- lowing the. ceremony. The young cou ple--will be away for & short honey-- Edpar <Croft 'of Zion-- Telling His Actual Experiences in -- Span. Honduras,-- --. PRAISES © SUN -- TRAINING brother of the groom, was to be his attendant. ° Mts, Herwig of Waukegan was to play the wedding march and Mrs. Populorum of Zion to sing "I education. But these schools of higher study have not sufficed so that hundreds of students. have wone to Europe and. Beirut. , The new--movement in education aims to strengthon elementaryand Amhar at Cairo has bvsr one of the world centers for the study 6f Isla-- mic jurisprudence and Arabic liter-- ature. ~ Victoria Col}qc, at ~Alex-- andria, <the . American ~Collego: at Asabilut, ~the new ~American Uni-- versity at Culro, and>a number ot exgellent --<French ~and Italian schools ~haves alsocontributed "to Kan <be o ized, »~and sa»s ; parents. pr% to aan* their . rather than. to a government school, the Americanr Universty of Reirut is sure. to have. manv (BEeyptian wndents for years .o come. al years of: work, to. adapt the Arablo <language to. modern scien--, and to develop a true university: at Calro.> :As this --nat-- lonal interest in education is grow« secondary courses. by adding severs ren to a p éd the cotoanut palms, a of: the &l'"fl 'ribe ufifi the white sandy. beach, --4 :'u» ;ihack.- k-'(:mg"ymsp_fi% s* story,= "t s d ¥rities viiey his teturn to 5. . *.: C M alu t aaute ts * s# § te ° t e e o °m This. book is one 'of a seties Of| C LawEB COUNTY TITLE AND treasure ag'flnuw% dC { «h u TRUST COMPANY , the. "Big gerins," and compiinen £ / .. . Abstractsp 6f Title: Titles material «secured 'by 'the g o Tuk _ A Guaranteed * ing a two year stay mm Hale 1P _--_-- _ $2%0 Washington St i ioi t o Mtle Lh /. // 3 Waukegan, 111. h eanrPevue rcar ic ts o) ; P 'Telephone 4 whom <the boat is ungnalifiea ap 1N : .~:. / book m ' c" i ,,"«;w. Ref f proval and backing, qa: P * * mte: ~ :"", hh! aw ceess. _ > ; yz _ Jan. 14, 1924. m'a w aily: Sun, . : > 13 4 s s frao ie ~& husb, fo J J Bamn-- .In speakilig:of m ~edeprnt = 4 : m $10. : ~Lot 64. Glenwood training-- on 'the Dail ,M_ | Helghts Subn 'See 17, Wkgn. not hesitate to "é¥press his since s Mint & wf to J H Clendenin, 'pgndw ol io on -- hn e mt * BCD $1. Lot 19, Blk 27, N Addn to This seen in the 7: |~-- "I Lake. statement which M .u'!n ofl? --~F€ OQlsen to M J Banack, WD $10. in my" $ee 'poofwedion at 3p Retron | Lot A8, bi 1. Detmonte Gardens, Sec n profesglon As an . futh . Antidch. . whatever suecess. T .might dttain to "'u J Banach & husb, to F Meissner along this 1 % fhe "sears 'ol mews. & vLWD 310. bot"uhmk 1,-- Del "'.'"W"'A _iimeAW' y o '.e:o"... 1O oT TIi_ ETY esA ment :accorded me §mmm staff of:this' paper, MM% liberal space they gave me P literary 'contributions as well as for ww oasly 1 se:hm" hs t 1:: enormogsly in ig out just what makes'a good story, end what the public wants. .My news stories were rarcly elashed, and if they wére they deserved it, and all was a part of the training.~----I am convinced that yon can't get anywhere in this life with-- out tnlnln'i. and the school of bhard knocks is the best niversity one <ap graduate from. * *3+¢ , 4 f ...A might repeat in closing. that, as & correspondent for the Wanukegan Daily Sun for many years, I went through a practical school of jJournal-- ism that has been extremely helpful in aiding "make the grade." I repeat that literary aspjran{ts --can get no better trainfig than through newspaper work: s It is a bard, prac-- tical, but a very interesting school to go though. -- It teaches you to geea, story where others --can't,--and© abore all it gives you that broad hx:est in humanity s§q feel that you are subject to like passions, to the sorrows, the joys, and 'the pleasures of «life--that> you are made of the same elay!= «> : A 3+ ' Or Fool Fishermen --Tke signatures of some of the mod-- eru artists would make a robin think ck, A_roit.wrote the .main 8 P i . _~'> 3 Ho «381 wtter ba-fi'é'!»a e ! book "Is> one 'of a seti o e ie o s 1 s ie nds o hat O ie e e 404 To o .. i NPE piL + on o ie Nn Snb nc it 00 * -- onl t Rt 0 u0 on s o n ns alose h t it " FweR & wt to J H Clendenin, F§I Lot 19, Blk 27, N Addn to & .| Lake . n i iz out| --~F--€--OQlsen to M J Banach, WD $10. uthor. | LOt 18, Bik 1, DelMonte Gardens, Sec heat--of the > Iind. Accordingly, graduates of the American Univer-- In the Sudan thers is an even greater chance to reuder a worth while service. &A gigantic new dam has been built there and new pros-- perity is --promised:--to the land. But it will be many years before the Budanese theniselves can be train-- ed as efficient government officials, teachers, and professional men and fow . _ BAYARD. DODOE . PRES y AMERCAN UNNERSITY / geQuT Yx,>_--~a ".Jan. 14, 1924. 3'?"';131%-&1-.;@::&:& stable, ° $10. ~Lot 64, Glenwood Heights Subn 'See 17, Wkgun. ~sH C ¥lint & wf to J H Clendenin, QCD $1.° Lot 19, Blk 27, N Addn to Lake Blut f ' ; * . Furnished-- by the JB.. . Abstractsp of Title; Titles k s= : Guaranteed ° >=~>~ $80 Washington St ¥--~. . --~ Waukegan, Ill. 4 s<=+ .'Felephone 4 -- M MiLaatmann & wt to T. Carlin, 20D $10, Let F Subn Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 12, 12 and-- 15, Bik.77, H PL. ~¥P..--Carlin to--H M Lantmann & wt QCD $10. Lot F Subn of Lots 1, 2, 3, 11, 12,12%> @nd 15, Blk 77, H PK. -- 'Is< MceDonough & wfto T Jensen WD'$10. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Bik 46, Wikgn. E. Jenstrom & wf to G Jenstrom, WD $10.° Lot 12, Blk 2, Durst Subn SW ar Sec 28, Wikgn. A M Zahnle & wf to J Garrison & ®f WD $10. Lot 42, Blk 8, 8 Wkgn. F Bischoff & w1 to Wkgn Plata Ho-- tel Co., WD $10. Lot 12, Bik 18, Orgl Town of Wkgo. K F Schrelier & wf to C L Brown QCD $10. Lot 1, Subn of Lots 2, 3 and :'4, Blk 68, H Pk. C°L Brown to M S Schreier, QCD $10. Lot 1, Subn of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Bik 68, H PK. * Armour 4& Co to W C Franck & t WD $10. Lot 68, Round Lake View SBec 20, Avon. es 4 C T & T Co to C A Euchnoer, D $10, Lot 22%, Blk 1, Branigar Bros & 2. couhalgl to E. N."Ketner, WD s -- LOts_117--and 169, Sunnyside g.rkh@rw_«mzz.ummue. _ J A Sinion & wt to J Nikols & wt WD $10.' Lot 94, pt Lot 98, Bik 12, Simons Klondyke Subn, Antioch, 8 E Picard & husb, to C Howard & wt WD $1.: Lot 49, Rockland Man-- or NE qgr Sec 19, Shields. "Bome are born great; others make themselves--grcat." But the majority grate upon their fellows, «Transfers s 3 iz his own alumini as often as possible. to Beirut to be trained as teachers and an --attempt is being made to . make the secondary certificate of the Sudan an acceptable treden-- studentg from Egypt and the Sou-- dan are registered at the American University which has an opportun-- Ity to help this backwagd state of Africa %0 caitch 5p with the prog-- B " KBEP ALL COUNTY® _ €| MONEY HERE TODAY _ Washington, Jan. 18. --The war 46 partment today announced allettmwent of $50,000 for improrement work on the Missouri river, between Kansas comes immediately available under propriation. " No contracts for the work has been announced. A _The remainder, the section J« evsed before the charge, should he sont to one of three banks in Chicago. «The section now reads the* the tbaF ance to be carried in suy -- hank should not exceed the capiial, «nrplas or undivided profits. Th:: c=uanles the capazity of banks :»> «2r--ving The change makes it pos<<"~c to take care of all receipts acoo~<iug io Supervisor Arthur W. Verco«. "igh-- land Park, who sponsored o« move. ',. .Mefubers of the board of sjpervie. ors today considered and pass+e~] an amendment to the depositing «* oug-- ty tredsurey monies so that in ihe Tu-- ture all of the tax receipts can ~~ !ept in Lake county banks. The amendment came to Seciion 4 of the resolution dealing r';rh c de-- posits of Jay B. Morge. «onvnnty treasurer, in which he has been lim-- ited to leaving but one half =~ the capital, surplus and undivided prolits in Lake county banks. Board Acts to Prevent Treas-- ury Funds From Being De-- posited in Chicago. IS -- UNANIMOUS _ ACTION The announcement of his se-- lection was the signal for loug and prolonged applause, and only Ahe objection cof the Cuban dele-- gation itself -- prevented Senor BustamEnte's election by unani-- mous. approval. = Havana, Jan. 18.--Antonio Sz2~-- chez De Bustamente, chairman of the Cuban delegation, was elect-- ed b'fl\c]reddency of the Pan-- American 'conference at today's session of the Sixth Pan--American When it was proposed that his election be made unanimous, Cub-- an ambassador to© Washington, Ferrara, a member of the Cuban delegation announced that Cuba could --not agree. ~He saig Cuba plause from the other delegates. wanted to go on record as favor-- ing Charles Evans Hughes of the United States for the post. His IMPROVE MISSOUR! RIVER k P s BULLETIN. 22+ -- 88

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