CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Mar 1928, p. 9

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SPAULDING CORNER -- -- ~ SCHOOL IS CLOSED * oUF To CONTAGION . > Of SNALL PRABES uM AT WOODSTOCK _~~' _ Wauconda, Lake 'county.. Mr. Pad-- E. d4ock has long been active in Lake is tounty <affairs as a metmber . of ;}'- the board 'of supervisore and in Et other capacities. HE IS RECOM-- _ MENDED AB A MAN-- WORTHY E: OF SUPPORT and the voters can i k > : & w n D. fim_w 6 \ | i -->~*The Farmer Never Had <a <***."The farmer has never had a bet-- \~'-- ter friead than Gov. Len &mail. He :_, knows the 'farmer's problems and __. . #rorks steadfastly to help him.". s E. That .according to--the --Woodstock _<~* Sentinel, was a part of Senator Rod-- \ <~ ney B. Swift's statement on is last ~ + vigit through McHenry county. % E: m en m % hf'thfl"flfi"!&' . _ _Bowever, Swift supported a nuniber of r'?'.m"uhflqmm' x Jmamm's.&--: <*~. impossible. There are a fow facts that ; "thxw' } a--elom{ * Titht: ror malhies . oo ac n nc _ EM ad Aus .. copln d enc mc on C '4:'%4'"!. n . maone ... @pon in Lake, McHonry and" Boone __---- gpunties, His-- chantes perfect Th <~ -- omiia, and thes PbUpp'nes~ EK hos k: «#amn growi experitirc--ully in south-- .~ . efw' Picride, and so9thern C..: fornfa, > _ act ®Cl hot tin e creopt in & troptcat * en ced k o dng e mete oo c Oe t 1 6 mt t--i ui ie eeinie s yc We ie 611 wl 1 o0 pectrtnmes" 1. 5 e (Phcai . ) To C uie e Bhe it dinibaph ce N ue ht h caa uie " ie 3. c y cS C *~p o Hbiane .. 1 e iz * % s r CC gh dn 5 Sn pos h in s e c + me 9. o o ue %% t BCR .. imia y ."t """," Bs $ k: 'x W" ':'&.'f'p """ P 7. 2 244 6 *h hi 6 * , Ts --lead ry x/ 0 ® # f 4 . 5 * < 5A * a seX 4 cfi s P e oA Meas 14455 < $ og: Ahxd onl af 10 7 ib k T s 4 Ex j : a k M < # t * *¥ s CS L . We $ i otoaie . * «es . 3 * in * oh. in# ' + 4 € & ; p | s £ '% C AILY T Y¥ T 3 s 17 s FALo Ds 18 ~ MANKME --AALLZULILIDLDE | '»*" £ ) * ' $4% xt ) ; ¢ c e 2y hk *RX ULIE LA 1 © 11NXIZELCE PA NCLQORIET 1 C l m L e on i P s o m oo | ° x e e S ie M xCV .4s a"»'l\'p & ww * x 7 ~<# 'g"}*f Ek oA + ar s mt . *~ "Weeme@ememm@is ~Eekmoiops Simug uuus . TV Feninyi e dpadiget m nolthiye ue ah s at . incioants wR w 4 ##>, S % a hn e > i || ~ardinances and regulations." i Speaking of Paddock the Sentinel 4. has this to say: Y n K _ /.' Genator Swift has au opponent Development of thraoe cases 'of scar-- lat -- fever among the studenis in the Spaulding ~Corner ~school at . Grand suited in the cloaln® of ...""urc"" an. --~ uJ the danger of an eVidemic is past. Closing of the sctionl accorded va-- eations .to almost 100 students who attend the Institution. The school may ~*additional© oases of scariet:--fever de-- ~ welop '"ca' Mf&;*l l vent a {urther spréad of the _ ':u:tfitm are said. to be t40. & "* aerious nature and it is believed th _--Development of Several Cases of Scarlet ~Fever in : the -- SWIFT. LONG ENEMY at this reading. . ~ ----_=. _ > 0; c~> .' | > Uz '"ll.'l fimthufltym\h gspected to give Smail an' immense '--L&--Smail seemms to be the gonetal :aglmngtshmm'- and should pHe up a huge vote. Heace he should be an excelignt can-- didate --to throw roges 'at for one=as-- piring to office, especially If the race is infernally hot. x --Those facts might throw--some light on the attitude of Swift in McHenry county.-- 4 * The Sentine}l continues by reciting: Senator 'Roduey $ witt> haso~ [ ~~~Needs T ropical Ciimate VOL XXXVI--No PADDOCK 1S RECOMMENDED MA ¥-- =OPEN -- 1N -- WEEK Sunfamdiy is ue on me m ..:.Otkfl year. or years he' & wu@d&w: terest t =-- last mfiv 4 iy :3 ' Aig former attitude and peratignigradiria _ S he 1# equally willing to have it known. thathe appre¢iates the aplendid record the gorernor has: m:wd.:m-auum state Quoting 'mw the ~Sentinel ates : «a* * "The farmer has noever had a better frisnd than Gov. Small. He knows the farmer's problems and during the period of the T. B. test problem of the dairymen through the past year. 'The governor is doing everything in his power. to soften the hardshipas of¢readjust-- ment to the conditions mede nec-- in the person of Ray Paddock, Wauconda, Lake county. Mr. Pad-- dock has long been active in Lake tounty <affairs as a member . of the board 'of supervisore and in other capacities. HE S RECOX-- these two candidates. mm epidemic of ¥eteran. su sors relinguishing their soats on the county boeard, Assistant Super-- visor Josoph \B. Garnett of Highland not be a candidate for re--election. -- ~"I have 'served three years.-- My. business is .such that I cannat afford the 'time," he stated. _ . -- >« ~ Bestdes ML:?" are ts:'mvi- sore McCullough, tin and dock: : j..:'gcg editor o: the Lake For' on cad ciodidete to succeed Gar Judge E.--B.. Beldaon -- of the . eircuait gourt of: 'Kenosha, in which he --had --ruled the demurrer. tiled by the City of Kenosha in the case, % no cause of action,-- was valld. ao uum-ah_n*heu:;qm with a damage suit brought Brian _ Butch-- er, tather of one of the lads, against the city of Kenosha, alleging that the city was negligent in not having the lsgoon fmarked y signs 4o as to give o 8 reas. the boar dof supervizors of Lake county is about to loss from. Jts memberakhip sevaral of its valuabl and respected iuq::s by reason of¢ fflflrufiflum 'ates for--re--elec-- *«*Therefore;" be lt reso!.~+i . that .A "~vote of 't*anke <aw!>. apgyoreciation . be 'extendéd. to MP SPad#Avet,. Mr.--!NC!T ITough, Mr. Austin--ard Ur. --Garncogt 431. 'the vaiuable and. honordble.. s?rvice' --® hich for «everal ycars they have reu: durcd Take soonty * ~ ~ > en . se ~*The lattor argued that the city was tareless in that the slopes to the 1&-- that there~ woere no signs displayed warning against'thé coniition of the -'cam'ol_hru:ndu-uugl.tiflm city had taken all reasona the youngsters ventured: on the ice at their own risk. * * ; 'The court completed the hearing oi the arguments during its morning ses dents at 'the -- Libcoln 'school nearby, were drowned when they ventured--on "rubber ico" at a point where the la: goon was about fivre fegt:--deep. sion,-- returning --its © decision a few hours later. -- The copies of the .deci# lon sent out by the clerk of:the su preme.court did not, however, reach Kenosha 'until lats Monday.* «x; The three lada, who were all stu-- 'hfi'.'m'!dmhut warning ot the\ dadgers of " PAUL drowning of three 15 year old boys, Ing to & deciaien handed down by the to a deociaion handed down by the Mmmm of whith reached-- mmw 4 mer Waukegan youth and funeral g40r-- sha Boy Scouts in charge. Relatives Of the Butehers are resident, of Waw nott.. Udell, it is believed, will be the strongest replacement of Garnett that Hichland Park can make. He hbas been in touch with county . business for years and has a--thorough under-- % county --matters. Besides him A W. Vetcoe' is & candidate fo» re--electiom. :) .. S ooo > ~ 0 s > ~ ¥hat 'the board members. sorel¥ re~ gret .the logs.Oof these ~men can. be seen in a resolution passed today. Bj; m j ';Lm'w + -- * Drowning of Son. WAS BURIED IN WAUKEGAN t 4 i o s n s . n o o i wl :s m to Milwaukee police head« " _ Their chses will-- not 'be heard for sometime, it is understood. :}'Lvuu have the lads placed on tion as they_are but 16 years car,-- are . to> be tried" as> juveniles, SULT AGAINST CITY -- OF KENOSHA FAILS IN DEA TH OF BOYS P sn e a 'FTMIEVEEC T6 AJIMEVES 10 -- x « ns calt ;'\':'7 :»".-?;'-'\-.-". A -- NOT CANDIDDATE Kenosha was not to --blame for the w Parker "Too Busy'"; . BECTIO® TWO _ _ LIBERTYVILLE, LARE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY,MARCH 15, 1928 e is o d s n t o en e . e uie B wl ~ + e Coaie ut se t se n :3 2A C 25 P t u4 . + 9 C d P B ic nle e t ie ie e P 99 o ols 9 on ns OJ en i hue Te 14 t 2 t se stt & < TO ~--. The deceased--was born in Salem, Wisconsin, on July. 24, 1850, and game to Waukegan. 15 years ago to Richard. F, Peitschman, > >~~ this ~morning -- whilé ~sucgeouns~ were correcting. a fractured leg which| she suffered in a fall down--a stair | age and her--death --was hastened by her. advanced _age, it is' believed.. i «Mrs. Butrick suffered severely from th@--shock 'of the Tall on Sat-- * Bhe was ca member of the Méth-- 'pdist' church.©-- Funeral arrangements Wwill be announved later. _ Waukegan for --man yyears, died on the operating table in m§ Victory Memorilal hosnital at 8:45§ o'clock in --ker home, at 812 Grand ave-- ~. Drt. Johw L --Taylor, 'county cor-- aoner will make 'an © investigation ~Bbe formed --a ~large -- cirtle~ of triends --and ~acquaintances=--during ::émuue:'h:n.wotwhonwm ; u"' OI'M- 4' 3 Ar . Mc':-----xn. Pietschman, -- het Two -- granmdrhiaren"Aerjoris" and ren ar V Lulu mn "and several nh':u in Jw tfrine w affect 5 into her in.t} "this ~afternoon, at the ~request the attending "sur-- im to induce the famous -- flying ace 'to come to Waukegan within: the next month or two. \ . Members: of<the club while aware that if he were informed as to the prin-- ciples and. objects df the jJocal organt-- Zation, he will consentto"come to ~ The aviation club which has : remarkable strides since it: was _ or-- 22 new members to its roster in meeting held in the Y. M. C. A, Tues-- day night. --It now 'has a membership of 87 and it is belleved <that it wil munfi.imfium ing of the on' March® 28. '<It was decided at the meoting that llo.-lonl.'ho--hmnut more than $10 and that the dues be ::umu'ncmn:-: dications are that the club will be forced to lease and operate its own airport although it --is possible -- that aeveral .other. propositions -- including the use of the new <dield. "ut Greai Lakes and 'the establishment . of a tield on United States Voterau bureay land ~may be considered, -- _ Contfterences are to. be mummmo'om:'d Ad lenry "ot Lakes na-- mm,mum g the veterans bureku and also m'% _ TLAtke County board of : "to use of ~lands for fiying field purposes,. * o A committee of--the lo¢a} --club --will meet: with members of the.Cook coun-- ty doard of commissioners in--Chicago INJURED LAST-- SATURDAY --PUT OFF; CHARGES ~~Justice : A. E. Smith today con-- tinued = the ~case ~againgt ~_Clarance PLANNING OWn i s a Euest--of Waukegan' it the plans of nc 006 000 Arhas ik m We 0/ > &\ % 4 k a e o o o oi e c To c > U T "l""fi;'p ; A VIA NUN ULUD -- No o Ne in 29 un _ In brmer Te 195 n0 ... *\ -- ~<f i % : Jn VILL ASK LINT $ i| y 6 1 } t i3 > . tC\ 0 2 4 a j . ""'\f om : >HALBCL <280000 .0 ud and" degrnded" ciasses,." A--clock pillar te. "who . Took a #*5 gfigfii lt sooon. Jnt prZl > "xbom * His mother ts' said _ With *oven: digl faces fomjerly stood and chervdeath" was not un« 18 Avia-- T:t-t'\e.u',' Te the North--Chicago city jail--Tuesda night and--will--stand trig! before. Jus-- tice--of the Peace Harold J. Tallett on Forester, who--claims he is not con-- nected 'with the company and at firkt declared . that he"had never sold 'auy of the lots in North Chicago was iden-- tifled W of North Cht cago. ty night as the man who had--collected a:$5 down payment on .M*'j;'.' »-'_'r."v_ J 4C * Officlals pime oktnnt: "ho Ao 'élare that: the |_ muu%:um K and &'fi- offered to pay all--oft Ruud's ~~expenses'--to ~:Lombard > and: sbow. him the lot he: had purchased; to do 'with the 'vutfit, and demanded: the return of his $5. . 'The money was ' w"!m wufi; .! ',: "-? -"s ."3,"--;' The --investigation by the Chicago] times. .. -- < . .~ _ . > Reflty Board. hdb not yet been com--| .On the occasion of his > address in 'pleted, But will be ready Tor--% 'reébort : the metrobolis otthe south' the New he 'time the : 'éase is brought to , Orleans Association of Commerce pr€ 'triel on March 28. <-->~. :._.% o _'<=-- t'mud &. life menibership --engraved ; ~Officials of the 'tompany, 'five .OL' on solld gold to Aristides Agromonté Awekdhy. night: decired tm» 'their m:? :«'h&fm&!m pu:: ;3 A,:_' n n ' lec A "'\. € *k'. heir odoeg s ~ ' ; To '4' a h «deals were 'perfe Wm&m«u aad éuccess in . ridding M;g 'v ,,: %m w Orleans of the 'dreaded yellow payment 'if receipts are produced at | ~.More than 400 of New Orleans most ;the time of the trial ----_~'~: .~_.._ | promaiment--merchants,-- manufacturehs %"3&"- F4 \,,',,';4 m s .. acl iz _.:' m:_qc;;::l»mn wzn utr_am:l ~--O@d Lo ]h. : D: l at a special luncheon and were great: :,57.;:.'-.' n Stum D.strict | 9 3 MDtoitca by the address given. a charge 'of: operating a confidence game, A. m and A,. Hagen, rep-- resenting the Illinois Suburban Realty M?r.!f Chicago, were freed ftrom the North.Chicago city jail Tuesda® SET--CASE FOR _MARCH 23 charge of . gambling when an-- argu-- ment started in a "Hittle game" at the bhome OC Fraunk Archer, former alder-- man, at 11}-- Twelith street,: North UMcago.: Those. arréeated--were Arch-- er, Krxaiderman Frank Svyete, former aldermafile candidate Anton Htettey who was defeated for olffics on & were krrested known as an--expert card player. it developed that the fodr started argumient, called the police to fhave Burtich arrested as a "card sharper," but the "polite bed all four on a was mored"to the city jail where aii them.«~ were "out to-- North: Chictego Tuesdaky night,'declared --that= :their C g;f- 'perfectly: > Yexitimate and C'aiiy purchiser Bot satisNed "with hit deal, wiil be refunded the-- dowh payment <if 'receipts--are produced at BURTICH ~WON EASILY James . 0. ~ Heyworth, * millionaire BW'W trom Arizons 'temmor row. bécause of} serious lilness, it: was "'A&. ~,Hey has _.m. in bat health. for some time. He went west 2 recover his 'Wtrength, but upon the ' 6B 1 " C he is m ing~to TLake Forest.: He will zo. at once 'to his home in Lake--Forest. . . Mr. MMdmflm ing firm bearing bis name, is. credit-- ed. with.. b the first : contrelse building in Chicago. He was stricken: m< & i # v prea e e ten Allce Home howlthl FX. lmv .. Ruuedfn y d uie n ties t r sefi s 3 Cl cha t o -- 4B n 39 8 HE ai7 x o ze cinacke cce x '.i ro*s I'mf'"'-' ~§oI as C o Am :t t e f € A I ¥ 3 M 4 j ' Held under bouds of $1,000 each on I'wo i in of. No jca; .mmm alderman FREED ON BONDS: PAY BACK MONEY Burtich Land in Jait After "*a Card Party. is customary, was winnihag CANDIDATE hflm )0 Man Gets Back )own. Payment; Officials -- Claim Deals 0. K. CARD PLAYER HELD #3. 8B M ie d uon ME C e e B ~«Both men --are. retiring| {rom -- the county board. McCullough, 60. years old, says--that he has served for 14 years and that he should relinquish his duties--to a new man. -- Paddock, 52, is not leaving the field of politics. _ He is pointed: toward the state #sembly and right now is wag-- ing a campaign for state sehator that promises to keep him a public sery-- ant for several years to come. T The spread is to be served at 12:30 o'clock, after the board adjourns from Supervisors George McCullough, of Wuw'- township, and Ray Paddock, of Wauconda, will bid farewell to-- Both dislike breaking-- their friend-- ships on the board but feel that they have taken the proper step. 'fl-l%..u" according to Representative tm 1 ,mn,igrhyleglqhtho ' In canference yesterday with Chair Fq':,w&om:rat&co& [hmllnuct_!on;d_tbm Tmmwmmmmm l:uly mwh? huge crov,nlh. but &lso most of t cal units are T hing his resignitation, Will Prepare Banquet For Sup <ervisors as They Leave BOTH = ~ARE -- ~--POPULAR gram has . endeared 'him ~to villagers And farmére--who are now able, be-- eause of concréte ruads, to transact fortably 'and profitably." -- <. * '--~Thomas F. Donovan of Jolict, chair-- zation, also predicted Gorvernor Small mm;hm popular than his * Theke wire the firs! Fepotts of the asnn&'-mm haveée come ~ W. E. Schmaifuss, manager of Zion Dept. store of Zion, Ill., who is the président of the: Interstate: Merchants Aom Nor Orickts. In" »tere ho Sp from New-- ns, La., where he ad dressed : the ;e.:'fou council of the New Orleans / Association --of ~Com: merce.His ~address, "Personality in :&!@ofi." has 'been m';'m. com-- mented: on in' the --press <at <various the candidates and their attaches, Mr. Glenn is little known. _ 'Because the 1927 'primary act pro-- vides each county shall be entitled to one delegate to the state convention for every 500 votes in the primary, friends of Anton J. Cormak, presi-- dent of the county. board: and _ the Democratic © candidate> for ©United States senator, started machinery yor terday to--discourage Democrati¢t vot: ers Trom taking sides in the Republi-- can --battle. -- J Te position ticket are dear 'friends of et.will--win 70 per cent of the Republt-- can : rote downstate in the April 10 ~~¥usco. da Gamin, a Portuguese, in T497--90, was the first mdvigator to sail*n Ind:a *ia the Cape of Cand lioby, according" to an qusywered ROADS : 1SSUE ----WINNER <~'~*-- Famous Nav: Rep.--Reed --Ciitier Reports Big CANVASS SHOWS With a feast at the Hotel Clayton :SWAN SONG TODAY woey, EUE c 6 < > f Furnizshed by the .Terry Druggan and> Frankie Lake| J . were indicted Tuesday by a federal | ~LAKE COUNTY TITLE AND grand jury charged with defi g| 4 ~-- :« TRUST COMPANY the ~government of income' tazes.! J -- Abstratts of Title; Titles "imnetitiey thon the tetue ot the F -- 240 Weninetor upon the return of the : ------ 880 Washington 84 indictments Federal Judge James R.' ~~ Waukegan, LiL Wilkerson issued bench warrants for «. _' Felephons 4 w:nut.flxo'mkhusn!m. t and-- deputtes .went onttoloo't,v. * \"TRare are tno intictmen § 3 re are two ts egainst| __. ° MARCH 10, 1928 each, ~based on their ure to file |: T e + returns in the years 1924 and 19;. T. E. Pawley to J. M. Philippi : it is alleged that Druggan's income | wifé. WD $10.-- Lot 8, blk 2, D. in ~1934 was at least $25,612.53, on| Lake Villa Subdn, Antioch. : which--he:should have paid $1,769.63,|. C T & T Co. to M. Dittmer. D $1 and : at least _ $8,806.07 in 1925,-- on | Lots 141 and 142, Britigans N S Hi: which he should bhave --paild $1146.06. | Shields. _ ---- & T\ > New Veterinagrian Praised -- by * State Department of Agri-- <------~ oulture in Letter. . George M. Murdock, former intog-- nal <revenue solicitor, has~ been in Washington-- for the beer . barons; en-- -- STATE APPROYAL ~---- _ BOARD IS TOLD ~----_»« -- Bill for $4,502 f 1 It is charged 'that Lake's income in 1924+ was. at least $$7,424:90, on which he should have paid $3,625.76, and at least $19,500 in 1925, on which he should have paid $867.50. ~-- .; The gonrnlnbnt'u elntl;. presont« ed to the jury --by Dwight.H. Green, Internal revenue solicitor. Mrs: Mabel Reinecke, internal reévenue collector, Approval of Ur.--T.--P. Gallahue, 36-- cently hired as county veterinarian, was praised ag--an. efficient worknian by > D. --W. \Robinson, ot-_:t state :4 partment of &griculture in a re-- w."mmotmm_ rs W pendin of "'&M belfore the board. Other reports in-- In behailf of every. Hinois citizen was $2.21, used to promote education, of which $2.20 went to promote schools and 1 cent to promote --libraries, -- . -- "At the close of the last biennium more thay $12,000,000 remained in the money saved to the state from appro-- priations made for the -- twa. :--years ended September. $0, 1927." _ ---- + ~Reviewing attecks on him by the oppositiop, he said: 4 F¥za "This fight for right and aternal however--much .1 --may be <lied about and persecuted, 1 whall "not ~depart from the <stand which I have during all the time that 1 have $ earnings of: $2,8#11. --and rec f & Ad0PAEAMRM. -- 0_ _ . . _ 0_ R CKCeRs ht L.and recéipts in i. Attorney (Charles K. Mason, who md'"ww; c }mmmmmm fll from . the 1 o. :SL hflhto;llottheuehuu. & ltmfiguun_hthfimb_mhmw. in -uuu.heuhmnmdy.mmfltmu| um"'""". tiug "':'t::.,m committce. "'uu.' He was charged that J. C. m | Aile it « * reacueis laceme. l tm TLL Ti n e o o Sn e . P L "For 1'93.".:'. said, "the cost of running the government in mhz was $6.04 for sach resident. The larg-- est single portion of the $6.01 spent _ The statute -- of limitations -- we ,, have expired Thursday on the inc tax returns of Druggan and Lake 1 Jn his opening address in Cook county Sunday, Governor Small . re-- plied categorically to the charges of warste and extravagance which his en-- 'ummmuuwmg. 8, Department of Commerce as proof, smashed 'the He: with a crash that re-- sounded over the state. =-- ¢ »M&u last official report of the U. 8. Department of Commerce as capita cost of governinent in lilinois As lower than in any 'state in . the Union except North Carolina, Tennes 337 ARE W e w : 3 id 2 % it# tesry" e is 4. 4 35 P i o ie ; s;.so'mvim. 'W yc --__ _ MARCH 10, 10924 f T. E. i'""? to J. X.'l'hllippi and wite. WD--$10.. Lot 8, blk 2, ~Deep 'Lake Villa Subdn, Antioch. -- : .. --C T & T Co. to M. Dittmer. D $1500 ""'! 141 and 142, Britigans N S Hinds "R. ;nlm» L. W, Orberg. D 310. se esns s \/ > & a s '.l ,& -- L.L Livingston et al to Hland Park Distr. WD $25,000. Lot 3, pt ts 4, 5 and 6, Sec 26, Deerfleld. E'..w A#= m?&' : #he.. As, ELECE» _ B, Lindah! and busb to G. B. Lioyd. ga&th 19, Ravinia Court, Sec y W. I.L%ui wile to L. Mozak id wife. WD $10. Lot (111 Lyon E. Subdn, Wikgo. 4 _ Phillip St Bk & Trust Co. to 0. A. K. .M. Lobdell, county superintent-- -Qdulm explained to the board Tuesday that to umm'mmm & Uirect taxation plan would cost ten and a hbalf conts.on the $100 valua-- gmflr'mfl slightly less _ each year Of that Ive And. a quarter cents would be in in-- terest on --the bond. _ When ie taiked on that he empha-- Trecommending the bond is-- . *A am-- migrely giving you thosse AIncts. -'lummfim-unuer- M_xn':mw _ and not & °s or do not wish io jfl"l'lmm"uu TBe county --hospital drive,, as ho predicted two years ago when he re-- lm"fi? so be valueless. ies stated would be necessary io CArain and then concrete it before it eould be considered permanent As now 'the project would be too t sive to handle under road main-- P he pointed out. t x~_ 8 & ow C P eP ~~~ yem iz l > CGay 'was acquitted on a liquor charge in <the .county® court by & jury that John Bliboa,s--of Highwood, -- who has been arrested several times on a < ONHWGHWAY BOND NEED iIMPROVEMENT THERE in / Fas he' ul sme lt "\ *3 FOUND NOT GUILTY Board Why Gas Tax Was und ~Unconstitutional; ; Talk Hospital Drive. -- /« About an Hour. . -- .\ >_ _ WITH and wf to A. L. Fries. * w4 ~Bo% 1z

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