CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1928, p. 7

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-- _ FORMER COUNTY _ MAN HANGED IN _ _~*-- as champion in the lightweight di-- vision of wrestlers. \Only once did & ( agree-- _« -- Aug to throw Nick Johnson,. Wauke afih-udh'dght wrestler _ and _« Harley Schaefer, Libertyville heavyy-- * . weight wrestler, all in the space of --__~. one hour. The show was arranged F_'j pounds,© pinned. Johnson's shoulders to the mat in 10 minutes and had §= .: Bchaster on --the defense for -- the _------~_ balance of the hour, but was unable t*-' to throw the heavier 'man. T 4k.s > f Hold : Former C i Man & Should MW: § -- ESTATE BY JURY reed service trays. He wrote. tha sports editor shortly before he sail-- ed for Turkey, but since then he had not been heard from. "Teo . where friends declared he was lead-- ing an easy life and was overcoming large number of friends in Wauke gan and was very religious about calling on his friends and writing to them wherever he wont.= He. had presented the Sun sports editor with ndmm-hw!hn have been no press --af his muhg"'m:: in Chicago and without a doubt Hasszen. umwum%' brought back to the@ United States owlr:h:"m He "tta:' WAB: en instructions in --handicfaft work such as mww hgfl&,m&'"b take the mind of the voteran off his :!edvtththo;moflfluot'hrhz y exercising _American rroonpoodlttw'f#nfl, speech !s not permitted. to the meagre reports, Hassen was dissatisfied ~with Turkey after his long stay in America and freely ox-- pressed his disapproval--of Turkish methods, Turkish <business and, in Unconfizmed reports reaching for-- mer friends of Alli-- Hassen, former Waukegan man, & veteran of the World war and -- the lightweight minte thet Hatainehen boue exopet state ed by hanging in his native m of Turkey. Having <his= rights of citizenship back he started a fight to gain con-- trol of his estate, valued close to petition filed before Judge -- C. Decker to remove his wite from in charge of his business affairs. Therse were several witnesses, in-- cluding his employers, who appear-- ed to testify to his ability to man-- presented hi m:'hh oal re ummn:»dumm econtention is that bhe is not handle his financial affairs. the adverse verdict Attorney Fugqua took an appeal to the circuit Friends . informed That Aili Hm:%tm,\'aixe- cuted in Home Country. two years ago, that he 'was sent to the state hoapital at & se * 3 mmum?"u the approval of the -- guperintendent, he appeared in county court to be restored to his rights. Each time he was refused. 'Then he went fnto the cireuit court where it was: found that there was no alternative but to o */~~ Conservatrix. ts x ME o * 3. A oi uit --. Heatee draghce t send your children to Sunday school, bring them. ~A class for overy mem-- ber of the family. & 11 a. m., Morning worship and ser-- TTG. m: Chrisiten Radeaver. . This is a great service for® the younlger & p m urvln. CFae* # n'" J Prayer and praise service .every * Tromesier ametintie sathers to be. M.g*lt. 8' o'clock, w .i o1 + :A BFFRC of "progres#: There. is no doubt but that with the completion of the pro-- posed hpnilding. an ever increasing influence for good will emanate from this education, social and recreation-- To have. a building can be de-- voted to m-ehuqnflfi&t io a. thing that every resident of. Let's alt get together and put this. building over, as it means so much to the future of Deertield. . *Tha members and friends~"of the St.. Paul's Evangelical chorch--are to-- be congratulated on their fine sirit elical church is doing some very con-- munity apinté, in the ¥iila ?& be a great stan for you, St. Paul's .«In the--same.issue, Mr. Selig, Prest: dent of the church, says: "The time Sandar.»chool facilitios.. Te Sundar sere---- wo4 e emeit Abflilflllm-mu --will provide for the grow-- : macprtaent Ames nFd tporol and , in (ah, cmseared To cike: matter community are looking m?:wmuu "hg'm'mff* the day when--the building will be ture. * dedicated to its purpose. _ ?h:q'm mm'lm The pastor, F G.. in & week, . e at thi letter ' of 'the" Iast m IL{'W'D!'!B! J'&'W'l Paul's Herald,--writes: The growth this matter 'The announcement was of the community and the congrega |that of a dance &iven in the town tion and increasing demands upon Dball, --andg we as a churth and: & kitchen, serving room serving at the | 1. same time for dresting mmig' entertainments are given. The and!-- p,, torium wil} also serve the purpose Of -- pej mesegoit e 1e ie nrotrann | Sitanmage daperer aot And necessary. ~Theé new C Xm daneing.-- We ow natt:a r practice on Friday _ °L o oo e o ons Conttiuation on fint '3-:. ts n ts mae of this ~year's |-- clase will be--examined. The men and invited to attend -- review. '& * « teen boys ahd girla are to be com 'Wsmh "'ugnu.':en;-- ette Reed, Sophie 08, Flor-- Neargardner, Mabel e and 'On m«uy unmu. * "wm' ha we: ve our ; last:-- Lenten service; at which time, --we will be privileged to take some new members into the fellow-- ship of"the church. o Your Lenten ldtl?o.l:u.lnjl due o': please return --your envelope with your offering, at this u:: We are very anxious to have every envelope returned this year. Should you not tbenbhtontnum. per-- sonally,; some of outr m school children will call for it. § There will be no German service until after Easter, except a Commun-- lon mto.onooodmduom : sls t __ A fine spirit of interest and loy-- alty was manifested by the members of the St. Paul's Evangelical church at --a special ~ meeting on Sunday, 184t. comu.hvhgamt;uum ity oaft approximately 450. A.ctage, ing is $20,000.00. -- 'The: plan calls for a two story-- structiire 50x90 -- feet. The first floor plan is devoted to March 19. 'The meeting had been called for the purpose of voting on the proposed plans of the new Hdu» vor of the plans. mm nance committee is free to make ar-- rangements for an intensive finan-- 7otk. " The woue mep Revr. A:--P. Johnson. Pastor d this year, Their names are | drums 'and bugles. "'f-wd" led Ilm:!enryfléhgq Raymond: Qmm --and n, Eimer Huchl, Wallace Gast, | WAarched to (the Eim -- : school Hilds Seefker. Luelia Willman, 'httthwmmmzw beth Stilke, Anna Ritter, Jean--|@Ace by. 'a fanfare of buglies. and of Koller, Johnson, --Laura | NOtth--Shore area, 225 were awarded gardner, Mabel Lockman -- and | 20vYanced honors. Out of the 66 Sec-- cost--of the build-- " _" _ 27 i «o for music and other~band ex-- ) purpose of . es. ~The i :of course:; are ' Our : periodical ~and special sub m :gl'pd::cmmdu,udnhon orward-- to | will take mkd It g'a»-utnp ing will be ture, * F t~ _ An" annollhcenient" was nuhHahad _ Fe: reanitentn' the «réedt nf Reh; ;&':&-- ."" 3'"" L'}' o T% . a € e cYEKE: Himea® ~Searded S frriey -- Qam *iatne Attarnse IEmith Thoae t n twore> Dsvi@ Enint.-- M Parge and * *hartWIate Ctrted had heen prog 3=# \at the onnral ~ Figemens _ balt Hentry Voelling tw a vote of 213 to 27 The--election will be held on Tues dns:ufll. 5 " * ww | Charlotte® Weaver soent.the week end with friends at Arlington x:lmn Ferris u:.'m and gd Jolet, spent ' the w.'.t.-cl" stl The many friends of Mrs. Herman $ is doing nicely, after a ser| 1 at the hospital, last week. on Friday evening, in honor "43;" dinner guests of Mr. and Mro. A. L. Payton, on Monday, and<Ilater, at-- tended the O. B. 8. doings in Bar-- rington. : Mr.:--and Mres.:Roy Zoomis enter-- tained the --Buchre Card Club, of On Saturday evening.--the Misars Weaver, Payton Loomis--and B. D. Branding attended the banqguet, giv--. ,watiumlsmtg;u Waukesgan. | as Trene st s Saturday in Chicago. with Mre: Gottschalk, { At the Townshin 'election on last Saturday Emil Ficke was nominat-- GRAYSEAKE--MT : > y RAI®Sarap @Wan ha Jounchad the raid, it was ~#. Feaoige: Rahw«n'nae > March 25,.are as follows: _ Bunday, 10--a m., church school. Bunday., _' Bunday, 7 p. m., Special prayer sery-- ice. . Sunday, 7:80 p. m., Evangelis-- tie. service. : + _ . We will: hava .services every ove-- ping, except Saturday, beginning at 4:30 o'cloock..~> C Ch Don't --our Quarterly Confer-- ence on .mt,, m. * ¥ & Jagummmrm o "LAKE ZURICH o o 0o 00000000 0 0 0 o Miss Alico was a guest at 00000000000 000 ncourage dancing.-- We owe this to mema-amm:?hfi: we make this statement. . f omm ts aran, s Mre. Collins, with mym M Wmmhuum'fl': -- Paul and Mabel Krueger, of Lake Zurich visited us again on Sunday. service on --Sunday evenings during our revival. 'It will begin at 7--p. m.. -- Miss L. Kassdorf, of Chicago 'vis-- ited at the parsonage on --Monday. =-- ket social given by the m W hall -n-,rfinr.«u &4 t 8 p. m. ~'The procéeds b zo for music and other~band ex-- not to forget the b y Our : periodical ~and special sub scriptions are now due, and we hope that all --concerned in "the.. matter' will --take caro--of it in the near fu-- gfim.wm"m ' Robert Colby, Kenneth Veiter; Milton Merner, and Russell Fox-- Joseph Andrews. Harold Huhn, Mau-- had previously beenadvanced to see-- ond class ng:,mm;: bh;c\mhx:txnwn(::'hu- ert Freeman. mmmw was awarded Harold Hubhn, Edmund Koeblin andJoseph Andréws. combplete was interest-- ing to note the Arult enthusiasm 'in the program ofthe great program of 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 resented at the Area--wide Court: 0f Award, at the Elm Place School, on WHol t lany qrening. Headed by the Crairar Arc Riganen Fom: mod :fl'"','to the Eim 'Place. school ence by. 'a fanfare of bugies. ug':! drums. _ Out ofthe 841 Seouts in the North--Shore area, 225 were awarded goes 'u-:s""""'i T eoup §3 reverved ond | oo y 52 was l'l"t'fltfi 16 w mer-- f:h"mm Clifford Stanger' and Hu bert, Lidicker were awarded the Ten-- derfoot Pin.-- The following Tender 1foot Beouts-- become --SecondClass Wigrctroe of meabte on Paials :. 'Wfl-*fl% ? T nitminating in & great Easter service. | ---- We eumm invite you to all the services and activities of this churtch Nik ----o--_ £ "% o Troop 52 Boy Scouts of Douneu-i"" with their adult leaders_was wel} rep | Y°CK. Ratde: hy Mamne+rahla.(Feorge Stried aver :~John v. aft Iant wablk -- _ ww Sn ' c en oo io o on e 8 x" n A.::' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Jr. mmm. mt%flfihl" ht aat atrs Brops entartained ""Mis Berths Zein has beefl on the Chieago, svent evening: at the home of .xrm Ray Sey:-- ~ Mre. Owen--Pad . and son, of 0000000000000 0 tera, of Rosevilie nuo%"u_mi T. Grantham 6r.home on sday. it welimer sn Intode ait h:' mother,. Mrs. Loretta Sayn:'lr mnm and Mr. Wells. of Mon were callers here on last o : WAUCONDA o 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0o tr'ouon. He says that while farm: is a losing game from the finan-- cial standpoint, the farmer sticksto it through gsheer love of the--vocation. Mr. De Shetley ?'DLQ "The .':r{m"'"'m'*':&mm"&:""fi&* " R of to the . He ftarmer, and urged-- co--operation > of an:'mmmmm the er must hbelp the form 0&" W. D. Thompsop, principal of the Gurnéee high school, mt&cq'om the meéting. <The address of wel-- come : was. md"tl? Coral Heydeck-- er, president of. the Kiwanis club. : _:ea-u interesting © addresses «delivered by H.. E. -- Flood -- of Gurnee, -- and -- William De Shetley, naiaottan Intemaia subject on which Mr. Flood : spoke. He detailed the life history of the farmer for the last twoenty--five years, gcod--will meeting--at the Woodmen fi}t, baaGm on ' Monday ~night. residents of Gurnes were the guests of honor.. Dinner was it m ap n m on e : . to a big lng led by W. J. Smith with Chas. Nimits at the plano. -- crashed into-- a light--pole ~carrying the huge --Public Service. company 'rhoc'ok and the car carried the bulk of the injuries from the. collis-- umm-u,m.mgm out of wrecks with little difficulty, brought into use. ~The Public Serv-- ic--repairmenfrom Barrington dash-- ed to the rescue. : > | By 11 o'clock they had.the trans-- former replaced. Light shone again where darkness had prevailed. { They laughed at Joe out that way Instead of thumbing their noses at sqq"-:tq'rmmm , wa m em of week, with all m&»fig'mnm«m Burnette call ture eoul ride. . < _ .:. _ . . |ed on Mre. H. L.--Grantham Sr.<last g&fi'""' .. Wwas brilliance.|. Mrs.W. 8. Farnsworth is now in g!"-flmm hooping it --up in |-- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Larson of Chi-- e pool hall and sipping sodas-- at|CA80, and Mrs. Carl Rommell, of La the drugstore. 'It was 9:30 o'clock.| Grange'called at the R.~C. Kent res-- less.© Some of the braver ventu {'Mr. and Mre. P.'A. Houghton and forth--to. jocate the source of trow | J24 and Mr; and Mra. Arthuh ble. There was a general -- fealing| Houshton. of North: Chicago «called that' Overseer Voliva's prediction | OR--relatives hereo n Sunday. that the world would come to an end 'Mrs. Grace Moftit and Mrs. Henry in.u;swuummunum-immm;mmm "r{::"nym:tw diligent search, M 'é:nuw John Boni, of Crys-- ' # t . the | coMr. 8. source of trouble Was located. Joe|tal Lake spent Tuesday with Miss Dorfer, 14, the village cut--up, had | Emily and George-- Bates, KIW ANIS CLUB motnonvflh"mum ) H. 14 g'm to pmvl;: a passageway 'antham 6r.--home. on / 8 .dfior,imacr ground _ ;or elevated Mrs. Frank Harrison, of Chicago, Mhmthecomhflwm mothore Sire arails Sepiinge | t en ioi Lo pa ul n s ols ourgtom aareny LOgot Serirt, | _ "L was talking to a former deputy Wauconda Without Li Thicty--Uve mnters ot the Was Night: awelled --over the auconda Without Lights Two Hours After gflk nbing their noses. at| Hrought from'a sick bed to listen & to the superrisors haggle over whom they should appoint as his> asgist-- f "_t mo T- P. W m h CL --| succeed Dr. D. C. Grinnell, who was r rd the : er go-- on 00D WILL -- smmb mm s io F"Af ) bring an en 'mlg!m * * Al| § ~*; did not believe. that there : .. ue SSC L MB ME L l> HAFEecinmtine Aithanoh ¥ has. come: when something should 1e Ahane B ls |be| done, 16" provide n pesmganas on"'c'n';"- w> r'g:rtneeom'y"humm_ A Thareday with :%hfiom is' a TWhiet aepaty + Ww it," said Mr. Reliey, "and ho 5ts h4 oc ltald thatoae't!m:l:gcn-lo was e ie oA %fln that capacity when there ' sips mry bt=hm°§o hhtwg'm i¥ a Chics |oners 'at .one' time to the county hillr#w" : mmu seems. to me that y y r :tdfim position of having. to :::: $ R f f'," 4. ~/*@G¥ f : T ind d "' . i |* werrand Mro. Aiotman Koftter and ~" |_ 'Supervisor Kelley of : Lake Forest, olmimymmm&mn pver to trial in . our court --house. 'Therefore, it seeins to me that the time is here we should: give some m some sort." > 4 mtuwhcn tht:':ut::m-or-h :fnt ?"_prdm.ha '_'if:'d:;'dt sighs," as it is m to the cbourt house. " _ _ ue »eh on ~Friday afternoon--before the su-- pervisors: suggested htat <the time WM be + given careful thought by every member of pointment has brought. L am--willing, out assistance. The state has will-- ingly offered to send me any help mnlzht- need shquld the work pcome too great," he, concluded. Supervisor ~ George ~MeCuiough, Gurnee, chairman of the farm instt to bring an end to disputes. -- > I "had not intended 2 state -- what Véeterinarian Says He Would _ SACRIFICE AID ' Mis Berneice Gossell apent Wed-- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur + Mr,. and Mrs. Gilbert Burnette call ed on Mrse. H. L.--Grantham YSr.--last ers Out of Doors. -- =© ce y e + °0 0 i ww' ~ Arovd hE 4 l & WRL t bampingas C M Jpatyctin. eined w4 : itc aatin a k uts repardatsaints s tw gvening. :; /.(« . -- _( JNLUNERUMNISENG > in the United Statés senate. 2o _ Pri or attended a m w¥ af".,,w%m{gggz Fs * > The proposal for the creation = of Life Insuoran %flltfl!im -- EIBHT é%i' ~CAT an Jnterstate food producers' com-- bursday." > _}:= _ ._----._ [ ~"ITIQ@ NADVL ~ER UR : ~{ mission ~ with %eu. similar > to d Mre. W. A. Shaw and song | ----_._ TA --#.. is ~ i ~*7~ _ .'{those granted to Interstate Com-- ha, spent Sunday at the J.| _ DFADI TE "BH | merce Commission, to fix and regw ull home.. -- _-- --~.~~~ |-- --~ PFPOPLP DJ NR late the prices and: distribution of d 'Mrs. Herman: mnfl \ Eons t "obe uie & ® Tood products:in such manner as io 'ot" Lake Zurich talled on |--~/..~> _ "¢,--<.=e----=«=>-- >>>>>~=~_<~|secure to the farmer A fair and TOA-- plished toward that end --during 'his administration than during the. 100 ie Somniotipicts memdione 'The hb 'attitude toward those who: toil and --the ~approval 'of legis-- lation aimed: to relieve the burdens of the worker. > § The ' to the effort to de-- prive m of this state of 'The magnificent achievement in theo construction of the lilinois wa-- eral amendment <providing that in case of war and the drafting of the American boy, power be given con-- gress at the same time to conseript the resources of this country nece:-- sary to.carry: the conflict to a suc-- cessful conclusion. ; s'right to expreoss f&mdfi;o"fi'il and the hard--road system and the Insistence on federal farm:relief and flood control, as well as the mainte n'm::z ":'h." health and well being of. the peo 1~: Qutstanding Achievements Briefly. summed up, the adminis-- Aration _ of Governor: Smail, ~begin-- 'present tb:u has b'oul:'mfluh':; '&mm things, by-- the follow-- ----The humane, kindly and consider. ate. treatment of the$5,000 unfor-- tunates confined in the state insti-- The' fight to reduce the taxes of the taxpayer of moderate means by compelling the rich tax dodgers to pay their just share of taxes, and the. economical administration of state affairs which has resulted in the reduction of the state tax rate in each of the last two years. --~The unfaltering stand . for a fed-- \~--The mw Approval of hu-- and ald to the poor, weak and op-- The. unremitting: fight tor direct primartes and <enactment of a con-- malmm,thuuvhg to the people the right freely an equally to --participate in the nomina-- tion of candidates for public office, and defeating the ~schemes and plots of political manipulators and special interests who would thwart There are Such Things as Bargains|| 2"¢ and 40c treatment of the unfortunates in the state "the stand for pro-- American ideals, the struggle for the ~'Springfield, ' II1.----The : past® seven yeare of "the history of Ilinois has been 'the miost outstanding period in the state's history in the passage of humanitarian legislation, the kindly F" viov h j c K '4~ SEHEDANS .mh%:rm * 'fimg'um"" Progress in Public Works and Prosperity Has Been Out-- Stx--room _modern home, newly decorated s »---- thruout, large lot .--...........--...96,75000] [ p-- : ie Lot 50x172--on: McKiniey Avenue, in Libet--] I _ 7. q. tyville Highlands® ................--._.--$1,258.00 | [ anavecare Ninewréom house, Brainard and Lake Streets | [ _--__= ifl LibenyVflle * s ~he + **k4 Uikncean~Canbesdrs : « 24 'f') '. L i_ | ;, ',g'vf- C e t > Ts Cta i oo i d is ce t pec . 1 .. e o i n s a Six--room house on McKinley Avenue, just| -- E:WC m .r,-»; **' #=>,As t o s es "'" mhhm. R m wST C. Ber 1 Befor Ba «*" MAIN MOTOR SALES Faith mt oi R oo f when it is backed by dollars _ || «. 2 3 hfl'&nxn CcA Rs in hn mpet ts > dece S Nes Cc i . en e es sls 4. hss i w s gan s re s CS T ind 4 o * 1P ~%."" "Sh M NT ag $ o k # e ns se piiten s tf:; 65 gspias . 2 ht ue > tin dA e 4 Never during any like period of the history of this state has" more 'been accomplished for the people and more actually done in bringing the benefits of good government in-- to every household in Iilinois. Hu-- man life has been saved and the conditions of living have been tre-- mendously improved --by: the = effec-- tive efforts of Governor Smaill = and granted to the traction--companies in Cilugon;n"l;t'n&fm to % people of . as evidenced a réterendum vote of the people of * _ The advocacy of a comprehensive and permanent plan of federal relie{ from flood conditions in the valleys of the Missizsippi and its tributaries. niles 'of perm&nent paved roads with pleted this year out of :motor fees without one cent of general property taxation ~resuliting from his~ having forced down the prite of road build-- ing from $40,000 per mile to an ay-- erage --of $28,000 per mile, thus sav-- ing to the people on the--roads al-- ready built the staggering sum of mm mdonof'sss,obooooto approp s citizens of Tilinocis who served in the World --War and the prompt and ef-- ficient administration of that fund by the Service Recognition-- board, pre-- sided over by the governor.:s > The . accomplishment of making and keeping I!linois the healthiest large state in thecunion, as shown by the large reduction in the death rate during the past a6ven years as compared to the preceding seven 'sonable--return for his iator and up-- on his investment,. and at the Bame being robbed by 'the food gamblers and--speculators, or such other legis-- lation as would permanently and ef-- Tectually relieve the present fntol}-- erable gconomic --distress of the i e d t t 'The insistence that any franchise s e lmfil'!-{lfl T O STRATION! "Aze: ~II R. B. GODFREY __----..__ ATTORNEY--ATLAW Office at home on W,. Cook Avenus # 'Telephone 163J s . LIBERARTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Dr. C.H. BETZER | . Meets First and Third Monday Nites of each lcqh. at Masonic Hall Visiting companions cordially invited GEPORCGE STURM, . P.; ro6ms. [ * '~~f' 3 ' | g =--AT-- AT LOW COST Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL rooring READY ROOFING OVER OLDp ROOFING | L i§ er tlfl'"ll--l e Day Phone 35, Nite Phone 407 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI8S -- DAY ond NCHT SAV JRT No. 272 R. A. M. ~"The Quality Store" GEORGE H. SM E. W.;COLBY DeEert y vidl goctyilg dE K TJ &T I1LLINO18 4* 3 ks

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