_ STATE TO END _ _ VOL. XXXVI--No. 18 -- . tootball fields. e strips of grass are then :to : be erogsed at right angles with appli-- eations of ten different -- combing: tlions and amounts.of fertilizers ap plied in strips running lengthwise of <the fleld. Thus the m.: erops experts have arranged. for-- different -- combinationis~ of © grasses get on a regular playing field the tal fleld as a practice ground part of the time during the football sea-- Urbana, I!!L., March 28.--A grid, iron for study of 'Meh_ e::fm-hau the most satisfactory <# football fields has been established by the University of mhobA& ie association =©As upkeep of : Helds is at =»»szsent very costly and the first of its kind ever attempted. Ninety miniature® gridirons -- ar4 ranged: in a checker board--tashion Three cases of interest bafore the tribunal will be: that of Waltes Van Horn, Cook county deputy sheritf, who must show cause why he. should not be held in contempt--of-- ceurt for aleged failure to Arrost & woman convicted of lareeny and sen tenced to prison; Mdc.m tie ~against the Chicago district Involving $108,000 -- dameages: for overflow on farm land; and that of the Coal Creek Drainage --district against the Chicago --Sanitary ~dis trict, also involving overflow --dam very diffics' Gridiron For Such--Study is Eamedaumm f ofllllmis.r WATCHED WITH INTEREST new the Birger's case comes. before the court on a petition for a: 20 xbhe hight court at flum aifirmed the verdict of the Franklin court dooming him for the slaying of Mayor Joe Adams ot+West City. Rehcaring has, been ~asked. ~The court set the date of exscution for. April 13. If the nbnflww E.rzer's -- attorneys are d : to: appeal to Gov. Len Smalt for<a-- re« prieve or they may go irnteo the Franklin county circuit. court and. as': a Sanity hearing. Plans tor his ©ccut.on are under way and Macou pin county will lend its gallowsfor lme exécution. [ i o uo Petcant As. Sal sases in which the.lives of sonvicted criminals hang in the balance and numerous important civil cases Wil} be considered y ithe Hlinois~ s preme court, which convenes for its April term next Tuesday. . . The trio of doomed men who hbhave brought their cases to the -- state's highest tribunal are Charley Birger, famed southern Illinois terrorist; Dr, Amante Rongetti, Chicago phy-- sician, and John h-. sentenced zi death for murdet in YVer county. These .and Numerous :impor« tant Civil Cases to be up--© at April Term. ~~--~> INCLUDES BIRGER The expariment is thourht to be Springtield, I1., March 28.--Three SQON TO ACT ON LIVES OF THREE the vwith experiment is be-- t+ © 0+ Anaiicrntinn:: + ; +~V@VCI, . AMCSSIA, MALITE 4G--IB111 + Culs RORNL 4A PI C witth s s snd, 3 fn c3 cg C Te Wtete e ET AC% 10. HAEPLECTE:-- EW TL EM . :>. Haywood, former--Chicago, -Lw.,w.}' Mike 'M',OC' hwood, who |-- Herrin, IIL, --March 88, --~Charles Mrmv;ohm America~to escape : h4s. b-u"uw Nee ?;i m;:i hm:r&t:o wngg going today faces death from: Charges of violating the prohibitory | lllinois Public Se: s was Diabetes:--at the -- Kromin hospital ; A¢t, was the vJotim of a raid staged ed last night when he fell off & American-- Labor :Leader today de--. orhha"mulz-td the connty J$ 1 ; fractured his skull in the fall, clared --that complete--recovery was} where he produced a man a&nd'He was the tenth man' to be killed jmpossible. _ his case was set for 'hearing." .. . at "death curve." g David Bjork, who has prnzosed to erect an apartment building, filed a petition for a--writ of certiofari in the 'county :court asking that the facts; as reviewed before the | Lake Blutf board of appeais, be gone. into by Judge P. L. Persons. . ~Bjork named the board of appeals, literally fuilfilled. Then just before sunset we took a boat--{four ears men (Arabb) and we. went to Caper-- naum--Matthew 11:23. © Here : we saw 'the massive ruing of the syna-- gogue built by the-- Roman centuri-- --on«--see--Luke~7:1--10;. Verse 6. It wis a.great, but sad sight. 1 stood on the stone where our Lord once APARTMENT TIEF -- |AGED.RESDDENT B'APEEAIB'.N;I', DIES AT ROME: conmmml OF SON IN CITY ope 'and the Holy Land, has written an, interesting letter --dated Jerusa-- -umnuwom Zion: in which he--tells of Certain memorable spots. Extracts from the. letter-- are . here -- given, showing the Overseer must be hay-- Aing «a--fine trip: . & _ We have now visited the follow--: ing places: & -- ~Madeira--very --interesting indeed. * | Lisbon, Portugal. ' Madrid --and Cordova, Spain. _ _ Seville--sgecond greatest cathedral adies yeopte." The Aloasar i: '-.'" 'l'lo:, r1s~ <a f _ stood_ on the top of old Roman market--Acts 17:17; the .4 17:17; the 'Parthenon, andother plates. © gteatest are the blue mosques--St. \The age old 'fight over soning re-- Be a party which is touring Eur-- BILL HAYWOOD DYING came--to® a Spots and He Was Most Impressed Over the _ Sacred Spots in Palestine--Now Is In Egypt® Bluff's Squabble O1 ,000 Flat Will be Aired in Court. SECTION_TWO _ LIBERTYYILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOTS, THORSDAY,MARCH 20, 1928 ~BOARD Mrs. Johanna Gustafson, aged 91 years, and a resident of Waukegan for 20 years, :died at the home of her--son,> John-- at 911 Messeng& ave-- nue, at +1 o'clock MORE: THAN 01 YEARS OLD Mrs.:Johanna Gustafson 'of Massena Ave., Succumbs > + 2 ® aaughter of.James Egan; and Laura inverne o ie i k mds wilkins, 2. They had been bitles mosque of Omar, one of the grea vhile near the . Parochial school est--and finest places in the world ere-- _ * Thetomb.and the rock. where Abt'" _ "MmMeir wounds were not as severe ham offered fsaac' the care belor . _ '{lossners _ Tilk the altar . sof" . ADFRBREE _A _ womerous . dogs that were chew-- would take a yolume to tell:all and J by the animal have been shot. incripe: the» keteo.--the: DAMSECE .. "rule prder has bech sent out in Gate.(The Golden Gate) is the--Tri-- Barrington to keep all dogs shut mphal Arch chrough _ Which J85U5 uo antil word has boch --received passed. fee Matthew 21S0OHL ; I€ JS rolk Springlicld ¢s to whether the ie only sute whith to sealed. .598 ; doal animal had fables. Eizekiel for--the prophecy. Nest to ' The siupposed mad dog came from the. Tower of Antonia, the Practort out in the country, according to ad-- iim. Next"to the PninceOf --HerOG: | vices from the Batringtoh Review. then . to mmflg: came raging through the city, go-- where He-- was ¢ + mmmumoflnn That way. to the Cross in: the: Via Dolot i Sos sbout 7 o'clock Tuesday morn-- were ohly 'a few there at the time, I cannot describe ~it.. I --bowed * my head and prayed, and:thought of our prayérs, grvais and agonies for the | Nees in nnwno, sHat J0f, q220 . HUIRE ~/MRe cus where we were at the time. ' Other places:' Sychar, the city of Jerusailem--without ---- doubt: > the most interesting place in the world. We have--'visited the Wailing Wall. Mt. Mermbn, ML 'xabor. betien, . With four people having 'been Endor, . Nazareth--Luke l-m m and numerous* dogs in the mt Eiutant'® tomp ts 'at "Raplun | m a ntate of suaioty foartoe that the ner. '» tomb is at 3 ng that mlp-::umm hnhfldm that had caused the furore --BY RADD SQUAD Then to the temple enclosures-- 8+ was born in Oster at the > | MaD 006 SCARE . fl IN --BARRINGTON; ¥oke! 4 * N"g," s h zl' 4 A*os"% "S 45. (thet . tss . §# k. «2 8 ®3 x ~eel s ';\" w y w > A x * se § f ';',, & 2 y S uP 0 ;.:. > R * catd 3 a ' d * . 3e N o . val s " e O( § @4 C k » % £Y & ; 3 < B 35 J M s 3 s e x + a % *€ * . \* P P M moel ... I P ; + h & ** zs' w j m ; * 'R Lake g W * ' h 8 *4 Circulation Greater Than $ in Ce able. . It's now a case where folks are spequlating on Smail's majority in <the county rather than on ©the question : /"Who will win?" > f m'mu-mnmcn:fia in the Western part, where it felt It was. strongest for Emmerson,. it seems reasonable to conclude that uht'i:uwhm uuflgu:uo gire the--Governor a majority where-- as it never has before. , %'fi Addn t:o Wi.in- uc *) t . > t T D T SB n moo is romage _ * _ E£. H. Luby & wf to T. G. Row-- den & wt WD 10 Lot 49, Indian Mound--Subn, Grant. C T--& T Co to 8. Salvino, D 10 Lot 18, Sunset Manor Subn. TS ALL SMALL -- _ IN WESTERN PARTS "*CT & T Co to J. R. Shapiro, D 10. Lots 5 and 6, Blk 3, Lot 40, Bik 8. Milton & Cos Lake View Park, iC T & T Co to J. R. Shapiro, D 10 Lots 8 and 9, Blk 2, Lake View Park Subn. > ~I1 Jenson & w to A. L. Hall & al, WD 10 Lot 12, Blk 2, Kirk and ;DDGS about the right hand. Ruth Balmes, 10, daughter_of Pe ter [Balmes; Margaret Egaen, 10, daughter of James Egan: and Laura physicians for Pasteur treatment --«The animal!, after a long chasé, ?&a Highiands by Paul Po ib p Higl Y Pohl :l."&:flutoq dmutl,"wl;o was . posse' headed iNage Marshal ~Edward Peters. < Dr. Greske, Barrington veterinar ian, sent the head of the animal to Springfield for examination, Véeterinarian Takes Head of ~~Animal to Chicago For .. Crace {g , £1, badly lacerated eX No four vie offices > otf KILLED p ernised and < installed -- latest sclentific equipment and methods in the state's (twoenty--six : 'institntions having a total of 35,000 inmates. 1926 .and-- :L«pu last: year in the face of mounting costs of labor, ma-- terials and supplies-- > s per capita cost of state government than hbas is. According to fed-- eral ~cen reports, the 1926 ex-- pense in this state was $6.04 for each> réesident. : In~ Indiana the per capita. cost was $7.94; : Missouri, $6.90; Wisconsin, $9.86; -- Michigan, $10.42; lowa, $9.08. -- l'orty-thm of . the --forty--eight states in Union have a higher his ~first ozocdon as-- governor, but he nqhd he work. ; e Per Capita Cost Low Forty--three . of . the --forty--eight the lakes to the gulf waterway pro-- jJect . have been completed. ; The others under construction or un-- der eomt to be completed within The project was talked about for a quarter of'a century and $20,000,-- 000 was voted thirteen years: before first, twnfiotho price : of =construc-- tion down from $50,000 to--$30,000 a mile, he has 'bullt a total of 6,600 miles. © : :. < 4 The saving in cost is eqzivalent to $65,000,000, 'or 2,000 additional miles of hard roade; _' . -- _Two of the five locks and dams in At <the /« he was giv GIVEN GOVERNOR SMALL o clr us . --WITH BlG CROI '&-tmmmmy Sor and sclosing switches. f How Human Lives Are Safeguarded " NS CAMPAIGN TH BIG CROWD ishments of the Gov-- Astound Even Clos-- onclusion of: his address en an ovation that lasted GREAT OVATION ies u:or." r See winging at retary is in | Emmerson, his opponen pro-- | gubernatorial nomination, The | asked: <g:7 ~un-- |-- *"Where was Mr. Emme thin | these measures were bei: $210,000 FOR _ NAVAL STATION "Governor Small's veto of the ap-- propriations in the Fifty--second gen-- eral assembly saved the taxpayers$ $7,000,000, a-- sum protably greater than that. vetoed by all the gover-- nors. in the historp of Illinois com-- bined." * 4 : Mr. Smalil . will make addresses in &ll~gections of the city daily until the night before the polls open. ' bwinging at Secretary of State Emmerson, his opponent for the gubernatorial nomination, Mr. Small . *"Where was Mr. Emmerson when these measures were being . congid-- ered?"::> > ==-- . Pointing out that the cost of Mr. Emmerson's office has risen from $1,768,960 in 1919 to &189.780, the ,:t{;vernor read\ the ©following: para-- graph from t.ny\l'szc Illinois Blue Book issued by Mr. Emmerson: _ Continuing, the governor added: "I have repeatedly tried to secure for the people of this state a morg fair system of taxation. I urged the general assembly to amend the rev-- enue laws in such a way as to pro-- vide a more fair distribution of the burdens of taxation, and especially to compel the hidden wealth of the rich tex dodgers to tbear its just shate of the expense of our govern-- ment.: § "IL am advised that in the great city of Chicago alone there are mil-- lions, even tillions, of dollats of tax-- able stocks and bonds that never pay one cent of taxes because they «ire' locked--in the safety boxes and are hidden --from view of the as-- greater than the traffic on the Pan-- ama Canal or the Suez Canal. With this 'tremendons development of in-- dustry and manufacturing will come increased population, greater : pros-- perity, more homes built by the peo-- ple who work, and Chicago will be-- come t%= center of population of "Mayor Thompson has predicted that when tze project is completed the exports from Chicago will jump from $2,000,000,000 a year to $4,-- 000,000,000. The statements of our tions and forty--foot pavements will be built through congested areas, law.ever to be approved by the IIli-- nols© supreme court. Improved the West and Lincoln Park systems, creating new boule-- vards and recreational features. For. Chicago plans already have been drawn to increase the> three belt hard roads to five and to double the ten paved highways leading to but the actual operation is done by means of mechanical+--devices. 'The lonrlov'muonnyu a byutton, umunm the work is done with little effort on the part of the levermen.. 'This system : is known as the interlockigg system and gets its name from the fact that the levers are interlocked with each other mechanically so that they must be bhandled in a pre-- ,~W' £#7, h{,?" ~Jpp 5 'Go% 4 ez . ; neanl * a wpit " s p es "'agfl ult ces . * s e Are s +4 e 4 zn # * f 8 . * M h wo § S 'a 3 3 um io 24 se 2 k. megt x Chek ki s > ~ M 4 o * $ M % «1 A# @ '*3% .i p x ' d :'5{" a g .fi Ki j esd ! " /'> 9 : L ho \ Seme e ; S M # s 4 [# f ; ekd 2y' & N } 2 * i :S ol # 4 C se 7 J ' . w € z* ; f u8. & " +4 6 . 9 * x * $ 4* 4 9> Assails Emmerson 'AUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN the that the traftic Missourt : 'There are no general national hol-- idays decreed by federal law. Such Here the comma is said to indicate a pause long enough to count one, a semi--colon two, a colon three and a period fostr. Since eaders would vary in rapidity of reading and counting punctnation according to grammatical cireumstapces is usu-- Ally followed. Elder as the unequaled product of the. Gauls. -- It resisted waves of invasion. Throughout the Dark ages the fendal lords, in the char-- ters which stipulated the annual tribute to be @dided to their store, Included Roaquefort cheese. inform@d at all times just where trains are. -- The board resembles a football "'gridgraph," but shows e entrance and departure of 'trains instead of football positions. One hundred and ten trains run in and out the North Western ter-- minal in Chicago during the rush hour from 5 to 6 in the evening. QOne hundred --and -- seventy--two from the fact that it was extolled Highland Park, Friday night, Apr. 6, 7:30 P. M. Highwood, Friday night, April 6, 3:" 'P. M. f North Chicago, Friday night, Apr. 6, 9:15 P. M. Sm a many times duriog that interval,. I1 would be absolutely impossible to bandle that much trafic or do it Lake Villa, Monday night, April 2, 8:00 P. M. & Antioch, Monday night, April 2, 9:00 P. M. Round Lake, Tuesday night, April 3, T:30 P. M/ Grayslake, Tuesday night, April 3, 8:30 P. M. ¢ Wauconda, Wednesday night, Apr. 4, 7:380 P. M. ' _ Lake Zurich, Wednesday night, April 4, 8:30 P. M. IAbertyville, Thursday night, Apr. &fg:"_r.P"lo + Western Railway is a pioncer in the installation 'of this interlocking mlo'mmummma to show the position of all trains within the mm keeps the levermen at all times just where The final week of the Smail--For-- Governor campaign will be devoted to an intensive speaking tour which will take in®practically all of Lake County. The entire section will be covered by a caravan of cars bear-- ing Smaill workers, musicians, en tertainers, and several of the best known speakers in the state. Lake County residents will have an op-- portunity to know the achievements INCLUDE _ ALL _ TOWNS*¢rceth of the dog entered his fiesk, SMALL MEETINGS --ALL OVER LAKE -- ~------ CO. NEXT WEEK Auto LCaravan of Speakers and Entertainers to Start ~Campaign Monday. Cheese Long Appreciated United States Holidays F il laws ':mm in territory 'there is no government olidays are decreed by state values for punctuation are i the method of nolinting Thursday $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE of p| Edward Taylor Writes of first . s Trip to Grass Lake Chan-- i nl nel For Fish. + VICTIMORMAD-- ; |.__ Newark, N. °Y., March 28.--Frank Stevens Warren. president of -- tha pushing out the last -- cakes of ice, Just as we pushed off from shore 'a flock of robins was making merry 'on the east bluff above the boat 'landing. The first flock of black-- jbm-mmnmumm along the channel banks., 82:2 {nosing about in the marshes | with small spears, for Of pick-- erel, which the reapidty water 'has left helpless in-- smail | pools. | It is water everywhere. The lakes are banks full. The channel is like |an inland sea, and we tan cast our \lures away over into water holes lhl:hnplnthemsnhu. i ~I rigged up my new epHt bamboo fly rod, and it sure felt good to flirt a feather minnow over the shore wa ters of the channel. Perhaps a big northern pike may be sunning itself in the warmer shallows close bezide the bank. But the waters are cold as ice, and it will take several sunny days to raise the temperature high enough to start the big boys hitting the lures. --I have a red and white bucktail fly which may do some bus-- * The fishing is #titing better The . ea mh&enmm'fl ton league is doing splendid work in Illinois, as results prove, FAMILY OF THREE _ --XILLED; BURNED Yasyukawich ed fhe hadmetpmd% for work when the dog Cxk and bit him.< His ankle was pune tured in several places where the ments can be administered here. All emnmvfllhuflxxrus, Trumbull of Highland , owner of the dog which did the biting. Mr, Trumbull's 12 year old son and a Sun today that despite the fact that aweekhu:moedl&'filull man has been bitten by the dog he thinks there is an excellent chance that' he will respond to the Pasteur treatment. The first of these treat-- ments will be given this afterncon. These tratments will be ~gepeated daily for fourteen days, [ It is possible that Dr. Rogers will mkelmm-ptfl__v'lt:gm EARLY FISH READY FOR THE ANGLERS IN GRASS LAKE The search was brought to a suc-- cessful conclusion by Miss IGa Him-- melreich, humane officer of Wauke-- gan. Yasyukawich called at Miss Himmelreich's home late 'Tuesday afternoon to ask advice on certain matters and during the course of his conversation stated that he had been bitten by a dog at Highland Park. Miss Himmelreich immediately recalled that she had read in the Daily Sun that a search was being made for the victim in order that he could be treated for rabies. Yuyuhvichdldnotn-m ed to know that' both the Jocal and Chicago newspapers have been con-- ducting a search for him, and that appeals even had been sent out by radio. He said he had read about it in the paper but didn't see any par-- ticular reason for worry. | Missg Himmelreich finally convine-- ed him of the seriousness of the gituation and called Daniel W. Rogers, health e&. of Highland Park. Dr. R insist-- ed that the victim be to his. office immediately Miss Himmelreich -- made -m for Yasyukawich to go to ' Park this afternoon. Dr. Rogers informed the Daelly Identity of the Waukegan man who was bitten by a mad dog at Highland Park on Wednesday of last week, and for whom a wide search has been made in order that he could be apprised of his dan-- ger, was established late Tuesday afternoon. The victim is George Yasyukawich, 45 years old, of 601 May street. The victim is married and is the father of three small chil-- Treatment For Rabies Will be Administered Daily For CHANCES ARE GOOD Fourteen Days. i _ commissioner -- of ictin y nqunte ts nediately andt Miss made h 10 zo 4o Highland noon., informed the Daily despite the fact that were bitten hy the 3 #a h * a:" 7 'Y *T ns ie e ¥ 29-- ©,. . . * Coke Cns "ar s 4 + £ +5 t' e "1'5 ko s * 3 + M M es is mer' . in Ne P Oe