CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1928, p. 12

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Small's Program For 1928 To Set A New Record "Hard Roads Now Stretch 4,500 Miles, With Second: ary System of 1,521 Miles; Make a Shining Ex-- ample for Rest of Country. Peoria hes as many highways en-- | tering :it as had the city of Rome, | to which "all | roads led." Rome's | roads numbered twelve. Chicago has | twice as many as that, and a doten | "downstate" towns are hubs for--six more roads, any of which is far :',.mr to the famous Appilan way of history.3 . R At small. rural centers such as Redoud with its 1,241 . --inhabitants, crowds of more than 3,000 from ad-- Join'in« counties motored 3 ming-- ling with neighbors and e 'ieas--the tdeal of greater social life amon« communities of a commtr .wealth. f The Chicago Herald--Examiner on years ago > would have required & Bunday devoted -- almost a page 'to | day's JOU:;Y by wagon. Gas which &4 "lilino During the past three weeks Gov-- t;"tt]";!m ':::' gms-nmmnuovg-m «& Extengtve Road state, driving over virtually every tem," feature of which was a maAP |road that he has built, Jemonstrat: which showed just where the roads"ing the practicability of motor tray» have been-- constructed under the {el for short and long jumps. The Sma'l administration. Extracts from }communities he visited accepted the the article, 'of vital interest in con-- : punctual schedules as a. campaign sidering mm:« Gov Smail's | argument. eloqgtent as any-- speech renomination, i these ; might prove to be.z > By A. J. LORENZ The swing nou:' the state, from --1HNinois hasmore miles of paved north--to south and east to west, ev-- roads than the whole of the far--flung ; ery foot of the distance of 1,059 Roman empira of Caesar had. lunca. with the exception of short lilinois' network of -- highways, which make its road maps look like a spiderweb of gleaming white rib-- Rons of concrete, is the. most exten-- sive of any Smmo-vnlth .l:' :: T nited is state t#3 pa:z,ro'dhmnnz under tke two ® administrations ~of Governor Len @maill: Th's -- vniting of -- communities through the medium of good roads has been demorstrated in the course of the present 'political campaign. ~Within an hour the visitors had motored over territory that a {ew Convemen.. L445 72¢" a. Wa Buy Now Payment [//m \* / a £ 5_ Money An Opportunity for you to realize your wish for a luxnrious room--size Rug -- at a definite savings in cost. We always carry the largest selection of ; COMPARE THESE PRICES: ; < _ _ Axminster Specials _ Bargains in Wiltons-- Real Values Now _ Your New Living Room Suite for = _ Easter Is J Here Now Bize 27x54. _ $4.25 values _ he Size 4.6x6. 32 $17.50 values........... $3o ¥alues ..._............. Size 9x12, Seamless. Size 7.6x9. $32.50 values ... Advance 6x9. ¥alues .--..::..::.; -- xd --AY $369 s9 4 85 $13.98 _ $4.15 $9.98 grade crossings, was matle avyer sol--, them the great broad white stretch id slabs of smooth concrete. from the Wisconsin line to the south An Unusual Schedule ernmost tip at Cairo, and {our' diag-- Not even by means of a special' onal roads. train could : such a schedule -- have| -- When Governor Smaill took: office been maintained for the. 'our~auto--| as governor construction -- costs for mobiles, all of different makes, com--| hard roads were figured at from prising the governor's motorcade. |$42,000 to $45,000 a mile. 'This cost The roads traversed in this five has been reduced under the pres-- day schedule represented 200 miles end administration of road--building less than o%mr'n paving -- tho;t.o $29,9309.18 a mile, including con-- 1,230 miles hard--surfaced © high-- | struction work, cement, grading erd ways which the state of IlMinois com|bridges. This has saved $65,000,000 pleted for a world's record of> pavy=' from the anticipated cost of the 5,-- ing in 1924. - 1513 miles, making possible the con-- The road paving program for 1928 , struction of about 2,500 miles more. promises to exceed the 1924 record,|or about 21 Iniles to each of the 107 and is expected to establish a mark, | counties of the state. Governor Small declared, that per-- ' There is no section of the state haps never will be equaled by m'mtumuclmmm hard--road other state or nation in one year. °/' ts, past, present and future. Comprehensive System } _ Wide Construction Acting npon this conviction, Gov--=; -- Before the road--building governor, ernor Small has given to l.}noi!s as Governor Small is known down-- the most comprehensive system=,0f state, was elected 'in 1920, the C€hi-- roads in the United States, a great cago metropolitam> area had 136 er mileage of paved highways than . milles of state roads. During the any state in the Union. . Though seven years under. Governor Small some states have a larger mileage there have been completed 326 miles of eurfaced highways; a large por-- of=state roads in this area. in ad-- tion of this mileage is composed of <dition there are pending at present The swing nou'u the sitate, from north=to south and east to west, ev-- ery foot of ' the distance of 1,059 miles, with the exception of short stretches awaiting completion: of _ Where Good Furniture Comes From --. L EXCG " MsB m 9x12 Seamless Wil-- tox}s. $115 values ...... 9x12 Worsted Wil--: tons. ~$145 values...... 9x12 Oriental w C Rugs. $200 values . 'Ox12 Anglo-- ~--/ @: 9x12 Royal Wiltons. $87.50 values ........... Persians ....._......, 9x12 Felt Pads. Serged on all sides,. -- Fof under AQA'QK Rugs /......... Cont" Closely analyzed, 'however, the road map of l'linois shows a certain geometri¢c:-- regularity, fourteen east and west highways at regular dis tances apart, conforming 'to popula-- tion,> density-- and topography ~six north and sounth highways, among them the great broad white stretch from the Wisconsin line to the south ernmost tip at Cairo, and {our' diag-- onal roads. When Governor Smail took: office as 'governor construction -- costs for hard roads were figured at from Cost Reduced _ ® When Goverpor. Smail was inau-- gurated on January 10, 1921, the state of 'Ilinois had --a state high-- gravel or water--bound macadam, now--regarded inadequate ftor arte-- rial poads needed to meet the needs of moder motorized traffic. way system of 1,162 'miles.> Dur-- ing the seven years he has been in offtice. 5,513 miles bhave been added to the system, constituting the net-- work_ of white--ribboned roads 'cross* ing the line of a jJig--saw putzle.. ~ Mmdlx."t miles of them, exclusive of seconaary system oft 1,521 miles--have been built wita out imposing any direct taxation. 4950 2s is 400 3150,00 ?:tmw' 124'{ oot mdvifi'f_&f Loom -- CC as > 9x12 Seamless Brus-- sels. $35 value........... 9x12 Wool Flbkr $10--value ......!.:.:.:...; 9x12 Velvet R $49 value ... 2 yards wide Heavy Felt Base. 69¢ value. _ A O n V Have Yqu_'fHeard } The New > Wiltons--Any Lepgth | | During 10928 Governor Small's high way department contemplates. the construction of a number of yvery im ; portant projects which, when:> com-- ]plotod.' will greatly . relieve. traffic ! congestion. Among. these© projects are 'state bond . issue . routes 54 and 64, which are to be paved 40 feet in width and which will provide a road capable of carrying four lines of trat flce from . Chicago to <St. Charles; state bond issue route 55, known as ' Twenty, d street;-- state. bend 'inu.f:: 51, extending -- from : Frankfort to Orland Park, Palo Park ~and which runs from O@aklawn south to connect with Route No. 49 near | Richton};-- state bond issue . route lu from Richton to Kankakee;>--state bond issue route 63 from Dundee to These are just a few of the im-- portant| paving -- projects on the state < bond jesue system /' in this Chicago area which. are contem-- plated and additional surveys and plans are being made as rapidly as possible. The state bond.issue roads Barrington; state bond issue rcute 61 from * Algonquin (through Mc Henry: and-- Richmond to the < Wiy consin state line; state bond issue route 176 from Mundelein west to route 61; state bond issuefroute 58 from Elgin to Evanston; state bond issue route §6, common!y known as the Butterfield road; "state bond issue route 172 from Libertyville to Gurnee, and state bond issue route 57 from Chicago to Highland Perk. poulbl&'l:. state bond.issue mdlj in the Chicago area~will be.complet-- ed as soon as it is phusically possi-- ble to do so. All of--these roads will be built with a minimum width 'of, 20 feet and additional widths to 40 feet or more will be provided whereyer necessary to take care of traffic con-- gestion. bids on 69 miles of paving to be con:-- During the last seven -- years --& large mileage of roads has 'been built by the counties on the state .aid or country 'trunk highway -- system These roads are being : maintained by the state with automobile license fees. In Cook county dslone the state is maintaining --500 mileés of pave-- ment in this manner. * structed in the near future. : Amportant Projects Everything in life is creasonably easy manage except women,-- l'.w.'am'ilmuy.' * steumes cah aa s we o o a a n o an o# Women Hardest Problem © |W »epvsssaseess ces ugs. 1| B 'FROZEN OUT 0 NEW PREP LEA !,'AjotlattthoWaukmn'l'owm ing. ' In--.baske P&l' . ml;l:'ool !'ocal;ed the worst -- %lq;vnmmag j b tory on Tuesday night | play in ordel when six wchools of the old, aban. | basketball cha; oned surburban league met and re-- | to 'winning --th irganized a six team league with |championships throughout th '"The announcement of the league the team may b came as a blow to Waukegan 'ath-- , interscholastic etics yesterday when Evanston high | universities, b school, one of the oldest Waukegan | champlonship, 'ri and a school with which the | them to win Jocal institifion had enjoyed excep--| -- Another gre tionally fine athletic relations, was | found in arrar unable to arrange for basketball | local officials 1 games with Waukegan for the 1928-- | games>. with 29 --season because of their league | Trier,; but the 3 . | games for the 2 fl)fl!' New | . Withe *~| tates about the propc that tech-- Mw f in / > pically,© Wauk s, football ;a n d ' i utdray «_ __= _ |baseball teams (will play only prac-- x f megaomtemmmimaes i .. /;' ueonmto:m is There is noth-- }MQRANGB, ALSO OUSTED in o chempionent C lad Rave ho e eomniiinme pomedthine goal toward the team is striv-- 'Athletics at the Waukegan Town-- }ing. ' In basketball Waukpan will S&hip } mnchool M;Qd the worst fil";fi;'nhtrdullm tot g{rt:'it its ' = history on Tuesday night | pIaYy . order -- 10 e trict when six wuchools of the old, aban-- basketball champlonship with a view oned surburban league met and re-- |to 'winning --the sectional and state irganized a six team league with |championships as their only goal Waukegan 'voted out, throughout the season. In track '"The announcement of the league the team may be entered in the large came as a blow to Waukegan 'ath-- , interscholastic meets held by big etics yesterday when Evanston high | universities, but: as for a league chool, one of the oldest Waukegan | championship, there is no way for 1 and a school with which the | them to win one.. local institt}ion had enjoyed excep--| -- Another 'mn;uruculty will be tionally fine athletic relations, was | found in schedules. The unable to arrange for basketball local officials may be able to arrange ames with Waukegan for the 1928-- | games>. with Evanston and New 29 --season because of their league | Trier, but they will be practice chedule. § . |games for the Big Six schools and Coach Ralph Brown, head of the.| Wwill be sandwiched in between their basketball team at Waukegan, call-- | conference games. Kenosha, Racine, 'ed Coach Hampton' of Evanston | Beloit--and other Wisconsin schools Tuesday morning to ask about a | Are all in the Wisconsin state league, game,. Coach Hampton declared he | Antioch,> Gurnee, Libertyville and schedule. * j Coach Ralph Brown, head of the basketball team at Waukegan, call-- ed Coach Hampton' of Evanston Tuesday morning to ask about a game, 'Coach Hampton declared he W_w play Waukegan, but would have to wait until after a meeting Tuesday night for the organization Late yesterday Coach Brown again called Coach Hampton and the for-- mation® of a league to be known as d Suburban League Schools Form New Circuit With-- _ out Waukegan.: -- -- x 9 _XTs.® _ 2s & 30 to fi"fi' style \Union tfihiltl: .:td fine Broadcloth 3 ind novelty:weaves cut roomy, © Regular ~__ Exquisite: Spring Colors Friday All the little devices which make for --beauty . . . belts, buckles, embroidery, lace, but-- e tons, flowers. Models, Sports Models, Tailored Models, Pleat-- _ ed Skirt Models, Tiered Bkirt Models. Eton Effects, 2--Piece -- _ _ PASTEL SHADES B2 New Models wo and Stouts up to 48. Printed Indian Head, Y¥d., 39¢ Regular 590 qualities. Prints of unusual charm and solorings for Girls' Frocks and Boys Wash N OUT OF: PREP LEAGUE kegan and LaGrange are the only two schools of 'the old . suburban league --which .were not voted into th.. "'.'.WM:_;_ io only 'two schools voting to . have Waukegan in the league. -- Deerfleld, Oak Park, Morton and Proviso, the other league tutions, voted : to exclude Wauke f ~"According -- eg' Coach -- Hampton, of the county are in the North West Conference, Rockford and on into the western part of the state are in the Big Seven while the Chicago schools play in their city league and the south suburban leagne jn~'nass teams on the far side of: Chicago, "he Best Stove -- On the North Shore" Sale of New of «the move ro-- «Htswr. 3 a .little two team cireuit of "the own with--nothing to strive--for,-- Waukegan doubly isolated in the ex-- treme northeast corner of the state. Waukegan has been a m Buburban league for years und the north shore and west schools were always their>principal~ The whole difficulty started about. three years ago when W aukegan was charged with trying to "run the league." At that time the--circuit . divided into t wo class--di 7 Class 'A for the larger and C . aukegan won the Class AToothall| title and Deerfield won the --Class B title. _A --play off was expected for mm.mlmot'Wu:;Lfln- fused 'to on the play From ; Molmumuuflm times until old Suburban League was opponents. For many years officials" at the local school worked--tirelezssly-- to get into the circuit and--now they are out of it, as well as being iso-- lated from other schools in this--¥vicin-- ity, by surrounding confeérences.~~ Waukegan lost--favor with --Deser-- field at that time, and at avjater date, an argument. developed be-- tween the local school and Proviso. This year, when Proviso played basketball . here, the team was "booed" by the local crowd and af-- ter the game the Proviso coach de-- of the league which occured at a time when the Oak Park superin-- tendent was president of the confer-- admitted to the new ¢ir¢uit, and Mor-- with Waukegan for the old split up ence. -- That accounted for three of the votes against Waukegan being oc oo naety C nnn * _ [ 4 Corsellettes of very fine pink materials with the innerbelt feature that usually retails for $1.50. rocks hy' ol' c. : * 5s ~--Preezsing <Waukegan out of the mwhehwtnmy--a!;. will. mean a staggering blow to suecess of high school athletiecs at Wiatikégan, and it will be the stu-- 4Gents--and athletes who will carry the burden of the disappointment. Lbehost.of. Osak Park business: men Mho szaw the interest in high school and no incentive for tie--team to strdive for. There have Beten several meetings from time to time--saince then, but never has <a ¥ited to atiend. "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton," 18 a stream of Scotland in sovutheastern Ayrshire. ~It--rises near the june-- Hon of that country with Daumfries and Kincaid, and fiows nine miles north into the Nith near New Cum-- sary of their union they will more than A4ikely stay married till after fifteen to twenty years. If they go over twenty years they have a 90 per cent possibility of staying out of the divorce courts. P# Heving passed five years of mar-- ried life together, the chances of a couple remaining together the re-- mainder=--of their lives is about 7O The Afton--river referred to in +C /4 tative ta *

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