e 1 New Stripls Much -- interest is being manitest-- ed in--a new road project which is teo.ng. urged by Deerfield highway toosters with a view to giving that ¥.lmge and the territory there wbhouns; another traffic artery direct-- ly souto to the Cook county line zid thence in a straight line to cuunect 'with the proposed Avondale boulevard improvement. marshall Pottenger, president of Franken Brothers, nurserymen, Of Deerfleld and citizens are co--operat-- ing with a view to.--securing the as-- b--.».cuive Of the county and state juw.a officials. ? ; Outliet to South ~ The plan is to ottain the ald ® of th. stase department of ~public W.««a3 for the project of building tuw propsed road is to extend Har-- hA .. «venue to connect with, Wau L. .u road in the village of Deer-- The following petition nddressed to the head of the state department of public works and tuildings is be-- ing eigned by many interested in the plan and others are Asked by the promoters to affix their signa-- tures. or to write a letter or card to County Supt. of Roadk R. M. Lotdell at Waukegan '% the project be given due co: ' tion. The petition: Hon. C. R. Miller, Director, -- . Dept. of Public Works & Bldgs: Springfield, Illinois. r Monorable Sir: We, the undersigned, are keenly Interested in baving an outlet pro-- vided for the State and County Road Bystems which will give. the most direct connection with points ~west and south of the Chicago Loop 8y# tem, as well as access to the pro-- posed Avondale Drive. To that end we petition you, as Director of the Department of Pub ugwmmmh.zh» ite the construction of a road «5 out-- Mued on the accompanying plat and described as follows: -- & Beginning at a curve in Wauke gan--Road (Route 42--A approtimate ly 300 feet south of its intersection With Deerfield avenue, in the village Oof, Deerfield; thence southwesterly to the intersection of Eim avenue and Central avenue; thence south-- erly to a connection with Pfingsten road at the Cook county line. BSt. P. R .R and a small bridge ever the North branch of the Chi-- eago river. ._ As staunch supporters of your ef-- ~This would involve the construc-- tion of less than a mile of pare ment .a subway under the C. M. & Hclent organization, we respectful-- :m that immediate ection taken in this matter, as right-- ol way now availatle is subject to changes which might make the toute impo#:ible. 5 ~ The: route suggested would serve the eastern portion of Lake county and south and would much "'ullnthopnnnttng con-- gestion in this section. ' CONTEST CALLED FOR LAKE VILLA Contest of the Lake Villa town-- ahip election will be made by Chas, Pester, defeate by constable --~by airx votes, it was learned today,. He :l':t;ekim.w"mu the election of R. Cunning-- ham, for road commissioner, was «enled late today. FAIRBANKs TO FRANCE ~-->+| Northampton, Mass., April 4.----| circulation today at the county Dunud j Hollywood, Cal., April 4.----Doug!las | Mrs. Lemira Goodhue,; mother of ing for April 18.. At that time & Fairbanks and Mary Pickford will! Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, was reported chairman for the year and: any :z!-i mnvo-uouy'od for southern making a brave strugsgle to recover nes presenting itself 'at the e it was learned today, at Dickinson--Cooley hbospital today:-- will be taken up.~ _._ f Small Tells How He Forced Down Price on Hard Roads, Thus Getting More of Them for Illinois Chicago, April ° 4.--Canton, 111. held grimly to the race toward the coveted basketball champlonship of the United States today when they won a-- desperately fought -- battle with Fort Collins, Colo., 38 to 15.5 The Illinois boys staged a slow uphill climb,. Through the early minutes of the game the sgcore was tied most of the way,. ; St. Iveéers High otft Dayton, O., started the tournament today ty defeating St. Paul, Neb., 35 to 30 in a nip and tuck game. when Mize, Miss.,. defeated S« Portland, Me., by a score of 29 In five years, the governor said, practically every city and village in are being surveyed and 'made ready for building in the near future. "Our program calls for ten more state highways connecting with Chicago and grade separations> at all busy intersections. . Stagnation of automobiles on Sundays and bolidays will>soon be a thing of the Bt. George, Utah, trounced Purdy, Tenn., 36 to 20 in the second game today, while= the south tunpod! over the east in the third game' These and the widening of the ten state roads entering the city will do much to relieve traffic con-- gestion, predicted Mr. Small; add-- CANTON WINS 2ND TOURNEY BATTLE CONSOER OLDER & QUINLAN -- CONSUT. ENGRS. MRS. GOODHUE BETTER more belt to After "suiking" a while, Chief 'Huhu brightened when Juliano': * name was mentioned. ---- t _ ~*"Well," said <the. government, -- "I guess you have more on 'Jullane . than wehavre. How would you like to have him instead --of Caffey?" + « "We ymt'» Cafftey but Jullano will help." > "Very good, You may have Juli-- Call for the organiting . of . the board of supervisors was placed in circulation today at the county build Chicago, April 4.--Something like two small* boys the federal govern-- ment --and the Chicago city govern-- ment got together, waved the white flag of truce, and started in barter-- Those® involved were Xyron Caft-- fey, "hard--boiled" prohibition agent, wanted by the city and state for at-- tempted murder of a man during a dry raid, and Lorenzo Juliano, al-- lego':l n&uot law ;:mu and want-- ed by the sta alleged murder. "We want g.floy," said ~Chief Michael Hughes. "You can't have him," said the government. , 4 CHICAGO AND U. S. | PATCHUP BATTLE, And the deal was finished--for a BOARD APRIL 18 A\ House as has Mr. Chindblom. "He has the respect of every mem-- ber of the House, on both sides of the chamber. He is one --of the | strongest debaters in the body, and | in debate is a foeman worthy of any man's steel. I often find myself in ; debate pitted against him, and I as« ' sure you I have acquired a great re-- gspocthrhh» ability, his repartee and his skill. I never permit myself to engage in controversy with him in committee or on the floor, unless I am sure I thoroughly understand | my subject."* I In their periodic efforts to unseat Mr. Chindblom, candidates for con*-- : A upecial dispatch from Washing» ||| ' ton,. D. C., that appeared recently in .| one of Chicago's daily papers, be-- gins: "Two Chicagoans--Represen~ tatives Carl R. Chindblom and Mar-- tin B. Madden--stand -- out in »the niinds of readers, on both the repub-- Hean and democratic sides as 'unm the most valuable legislators in the present House of Representatives. This: article is one:of -- searching analysis of the careers of both dis-- tinguished <men:'and is absolutely non--partisan in character. 'The cor-- respondent made an informal can-- vass of leaders of both parties in-- the House who have watched the trend of events on the floor for sev--, admit that Representative Chind-- blom is rapidly forging into the front rank of parliamentary --experts in that body. and there are many who predict that he will wield an in-- ; creasing influence in the legal delib: erations on.the floor in future ses | sions,. Furthermore, he is declared to have a wider ~grasp on general legislation than most of the mem-- 'bers more prone to "s#pecialize" in particular typés of measure." There is plenty of> expert test!-- mony to be obtained on the subject of Chindblom's superior: abflity and service. Henry Rainey of lllinois, a democrat who has been a' member of congress for a quarter of a cen-- tury, offers unbiased and non--parti-- san tribute in the following words: "Mr. Chindblom has opportunities for service enjoyed by but few mem bers of Congress. He has, been as-- signed to the great Ways and Mesus Committee of the House, the most Iimportant of all the committees, 1 serve on the committee myself and while Congressman Chindblom and myselt belong to opposite political CARL CHINDBLON_ _ || . -- difeat ifi COL FOB PRAISED ~FOR RECORD L. P. Pauleon and wile to O. Hay-- :r WD $10. . Lot 74,. Shaws Subn., ~C, W. Wershane and wilfe to P. D. Hoftman WD $10.© Lot 1,-- Hamil-- tans Addn to H. PK, lt aigt parties, we are personal friends and. usually find ourseives fighting for the same non--partisan economic pro positions. He is a man of great abil-- ity. During my long service in the House of Representatives, covering a period of 25 years, 1 have never known a member of Congress who. has so rapidly risen to a position of importance and influence in the Bece 30, 31 and 32, Wkgn. / --. CT & T Co to F. Prescher D $10. IP::k.' Hoviands Third Addn.to H. F. Prescher to L. J. Crandall and wife WD $10. Lot 4 Hovlawmds Third Addn to H; Pk. -- W. H, Sprague and wife to J. E. Shelilstrom and wife WD $10. SW qr. SW 'ar. Sec, 31, 43,.13. _ _ C T & T Co to C. Carroll D $10, j e Lot 93 Baird and Warner Addn. -- [ i o f -".' j 1 m m er & * L. P. 'Paulson and wile to 0. Hay-- * #*1YIYC We § 196&¢ , é er --WD $10. Lot 74, Shaws Subn., * L ; ' n C ' R j Aygn.__ tw C * E: v 4 »' i - s 4s N +s hries t w 4 p . ¥: miy #ibject® O) 7 200 c 0sd . _ It has been my privilege during the campaign for coroner--now about to close--to Prag :s 4 vilege weiy | 0+ baoy fngrac s hear many,many expressions of encouragement towards my candidacy from all sections gressional _ representative -- make|||. of the county--and it has been said to me many times: seldom, have ::';:",';Lf'f';"m'{}fi From what I hear Ed----you will be elected coroner. Y pponontA Taylor, has h:d @ * f , ) | . -- Your 0 in .A hk delaterented. "u':.:.l':".fi - this office for 28 years and it's about time he stepped aside to give someone else a chance ol Weebudieien the itly veporings .--and I understand Mr. Taylor for his last two terms has twice broken a promise made to of ambitious contenders for honors f --that he would not be a candidate--this of course he had a right to do but did not vanish nto the ar. .. . iL ©-- iae s mord Thant. "But if he found that ho wanted to break his promise--he could have Dempski and wife QCD $10. Lot 25, F. H. Bartlett to E. H. Henrikson | D ~$10. ~Lot 124 Blk>~25, Bartletts Shore Crest Ests:, Shields; _ _ . 1 E. Palo and wife to M. E. Hulse | QCD $10.> Lot 3 Blk:-- 1 Ladd: and Georges Addn to Wkgn. M. E. Hulse to E. Palo and wile QCD $10. Lot $ Blk 1, Ladd and Georges Addn to Wkgu. der and wife WD $10. Lot . 24, Run-- yards Subn. -- : : L.n.lolhckandefi,toA.l. Emanu¥ison, WD $10. ' Lot 10 Blk 1, | Parkers Subn. C " F. H. Bartiett to F. Gallic D $10. Lot 10 Blk 33, Bartlectts N 8 Estr|[| ¥. A. Buttrick and wife et al to W. P. Yeoman, D $1. --E halt SE gr. "House leaders," telegraphs -- the to Have Rendered Excel-- . Furnished by the LAKE COUNTY TITLE AND Abstracts of Title; Titles Transfers 320 Washington 8t. Waukegan, 11L March 31, 1928 a have a moral right. But if he found that he wanted to break his promise--he could have at léast treated you fair, Ed, when he filed his petition to again become a candidate. He knew you had waited at the county clerk's office since long before daylight to file--and hours before he arrived with his petition--and he knew as did the county clerk that you were entitled to first position for the office of coroner on the ballot--but in line with his selfish desire to keep on holding this office--he was again so--and cheated you out of your rights--and I admired you, Mr.--Conrad, there and then when you retired like a gentleman and accepted your 'lot-And- that act coupled with many other reasons why there should be a change in the coroner's office here made you a good many votes. *_:**We want a coroner who 'will be on the job--one who will not hold up inquests for hours--and hours--sometimes until the next day while the coroner is taking care of his private business. We want a coroner who will see to it that juries are given a chance to render verdicts now and then that safeguard the interests of the traveling public. "This talk of Dr. Taylor's that one should 'be a doctor in order to hold the office of coroner is all 'bunk'--and it is a fact that you can give better service because you are not one. In most cases a doctor is not preferred for coroner.. How about Cook county, that important locality wherein lies Chicago?,. The coroner there is not a doctor nor was the former one. You have been deputy coroner for many years and from what I hear you have shown efficiency and capability far. above the average--so much so that you were always very satisfactory to the present incumbent--and there are at least 25 doctors in Lake County who will perform autopsies when necessary and when you ask them ' to, free of charge. y : f "Your pledge that you will give:all of your time to the duties of the office if elected and your long: experience as an undertaker and deputy coroner seem to me to just fit you in every respect to hold the position you now see-- Primaries Tuesday, April 10th 4X P Matinh aap . cA ied M Z2 mb CR M SA %y c 44 °J i4 Pw C v *