;,_': «4 . _-- Victories. in Massachusetts and Ohio Give Backers a .London----The king of Englan®: . --weighs exactly 150 pounds, and the .. mbvc;mchl&&"th&:vq: ago woman in feeling pre cisze extent of her evoirdupots should -- not be common knowledge. m .". h """" is io hin monanion d _ : I coup! mmu-u'm:';,m- rcales, the king stepped a th \ platform without a moment's hesiia _ On the basis of yesterday's bal-- loting, it seemed certain today that the New Yormu-r will have \the 36 from i@chusetts,© an indi-- 20; 12;> Mic ; Min-- aflou.u*):;' New WM '; New York, 90; m_m'xo: Okla-- homa, 1%: Rhode 10; Wash ington, 14; Wisconsin, 20;~ Alaska, . Virgin Islands, 2. * Tok . + n -- mentary . balloting . for ~+ex--Senator Atlee Pomerene, and his <~friends claimed. at least 60 out: of Pennsyl vanta's 76. 'This would add 144 ad-- ditional: votes for Smith, and send him actoss the five hnundred mark to 565. a total of 73% 1 wnatoas is "The farmers of the middle wost are convinced that Herbert Hoover was part and parcel of the pricefix: ing in wheat which robbed them of mafinduflumnr. They know ver acquiesced in it and never protested against it. Dur-- larm relieft he remains silent."* The same primaries of yesterday, in Ohio, Massachusetts and Penn-- sylvania, which boosted© '?oom'l delegate strength also gave a trec-- mendous impetus to the Smith movement on 'the Democratic side. Smith's generally..accepted dele-- gate strength in those states which have acted prior ot yesterday waw 362, scattered as follows: _ In this connection, Senator McMas-- ter. llon:mu of South Dakota, sa'd today : + "I would be very difficult to put Herbert Hoover over in the middle west if he is the Republican --nom-- Inee. T believe Al Smith would de-- feat him it they were the opposing nominees. not Iing the present To these claims the Hoover for-- cas add go froim Pennsylyania and at loost 47 from: New York, which, if ultimately borne out, would push the commerce secretary across the line with 560, or five more than a matority . The --opposition to Hoover admit-- tedly was somewhat downtast over the situation today, but there was no indication that the fight is to be lessened in any way. (On the con trary, it probably will be pursued with renewed vigor,-- now that the Arizona, 6; 8;-- Hlinots, 50: Eiztes still to act and claimed p~i.tively for Hoover are Alabamas, 15:; California, 29; Coorado, 15; Connecticut, 17; Maryland, 19. Mis-- a'esippl, 12; New Jersey, 31; Ten-- n~ssee, 19; Texas,26; Washington, 17. Total, 264 27-- grand total of Hoover, at any rate, is steadily growing stronger, and 4s being pushed vigorously from the. basis that "Hoover cannot beat Smith." Ceorria, 16; Towas, 2; Kentucky, 29;: Lonisiana, 12; Maine, 15; Michi kax, 33; Minnesota, 4; Missouri, 6: New Hampshire, 12; North Caro-- line, 6; Oregon, 13 (only Hoover f'--ld\; Rhode Island, 12; Virginia, 15;* Wisconsin, 4. -- Add to these the 30 from Massachusetts and indica-- to!* 35 from Ohio and the total is n~wapapers the people were inform-- ed that a vote© against +Hoover weant a votoe for Dawes or Lowden or Hughes. It was the field against I----zer and Hoover won."* _ over's -- present -- delegate #' i1sth from those> states tz ) » acted, and in one way or an n >»*r signitied their choice for the Pevublican nomination , at Kansas C"t¥,. follows: "a most of the Ohio districts m[ wachinery was antiHoover, -- The at~is organization --threw the-- full we'cht of its influence against him. In full page advertisements in Ohio erxnress their choice. 'They have do»> so in no uncertain terms. "Nothing can now stop the nom-- Ination fo Herbert Hoover," said ex Congressman « James W. Good, who has assumed active charge of :'eodqu:run here. "The f.hlo :: assachusetts ve en the rank and Mile of the Repub-- Kansas "City convention necessary to nominate is 545. The same ta bles show his nearest rival, ex--Gov. :;rlnh Q0. Lowden ot lilinois, with victories in terms of --delegates re-- main to be disclosed by tabulations in rural districts where the Hoover epposition was strongest, but on the basis of present figures it seems gertain that Hoover will have the 39 delegates from -- Massachusetts. t?d' {rohbly 35 of Ohto's delegation © On. that. basis, Hoover has boost-- ed his delegate standing to date to Approximately 240, with much fay-- orable Hoover territory yet to be By GEORGE R. HOLMES Washington, April 25.+--Herbert Hoover's forces were jubilantly pro-- PREDICT ELECTION| Americans At Capetown . | ; ; p cans When Asked To Weigh: King's Weight is 150 [§ ' w nA -- 1 aA/ ~ At 10 stone, 10 pounds, it stopped SASMAS and that figurs translated into the P1 . -- | American _ system .of weights -- and NOMINATED NOW se ruat PR S "Ob," dear no" was all she said, ma e ries. in Massachusetts| their qgueen was very tuman and ¥very m e average woman, d 03"_0_ mx'._.&gkm 2 ~lang that her weight was "nobody's Rosy Outlook. ims the Hoover for-- im Pennsylyania and |. m New York, which, rne 'out, would push | ~-- sectretary acrose the or five more than a m to Hoover admit-- mailprity : of-- ~the hack, t They will travel down the White Nile<to Khartoumon to Bagdad, Da-- mascus, and then by air to Teheran, whence they will travel by ~easy stages to Constantinople ind Eu-- rope. t , Sss Mr. and Mrs. 'Barratt met when making a previous world tour. the pointer went around. Cape Town--Mr. and Mrs. Barratt, You'll Surely Need a New Rug Now----! 9x12 Finest Worsted End--First Section 0O f |"* 33,000 Mile Honeymo0N] | omcia a | Do You Sleep Well? . _ Ask your doctor what a good night's rest will do 810 amaill springs coverdd in musiine with heavy layers of snow white cotton on both sides, Only-- m Spring Housecleaning Sale! The Above Suite Is Upholstered In Genuine Mohair You can afford a new $q7.95 1 Lighevennilaters in sidemails 3 Contt. yittbing w & Sume: caa mds « sw drap ammier jrisk and reces .'fl' "-z;'. -'--..d--." Q Laserren: erw jimd énwt u'"'fl.'dhfi .m_*" a: cxtae af oup sad Soiems a-ha-.-t-*" d--fldd& --Purchase of New Styles in Furniture at a Great Saving COME TODAY AND CHOOSE FROM 75 DIFFERENT SUITES --_-- KANSAS BACKS AYRES Hutchinson, Kan., April 25.--Kan-- sas democrats today are preparing to send a delegation to Houston in-- atructed to cast the state's 20 votes for William A. Ayres, former con-- gressman, for the preidential nom-- ination. A coalition of CGovernor The contract calls Tor an 18 foot paving between Libertyville a n d Gurnee, a distance of tive miles. At mumltmuWou to -- giving right--of--ways ° d ~ kill the entire program. He 'believes that he will be able to be at work on the highway with-- In a week's time. to: pave» Route 172, Libertyville to Gurnee, was made today according to information given John Darrow, of . BLUMBERG'S DISPLAY IS COMPLETE . gork * .i' 5; That ~to Rush Job. I:U::d.mm»:"mm e mmmmnmeemnmmmnegs . ; " .' "Rrr"""' '-vv. BID * * $162,527] a." Aagenmiatine, west onoly 4 |to the bottom of the class, A bte-- rding of the contract tho.k the shortest distance between e 172. Libertyville tol wo points and when we are going ade today according to |°0M® Where we take the quickest iven John Darrow, of route," they . said. ig' firm ~of Darrow & Gendarmes . expostulate, threaten, 'ere low bidders on the and reprimand. To each. scolding 22 the Parisiennes reply: "Zut" which came from Frank T.}!8 @@U!valent to "chase yourself," of engineers,,of the or "I can't be bothered." The Pa-- department. risienne, has ruled the boulevards ¥ is to confer with |(Or many years--she. still -- rules Aintrink ahrinaor. «ho | them, % TOD Axminster Rugs WilU CGive Years of Service $14959 -- Anglo--Persian Rugs i'vi;! F 9x12 Genuine $209.95 1508 Lewis, (matron of a Northwestern university dormitory, Deseo denied the charge, stating he was merely taking a shortout across the domi-- tory property. He is a preacher at the Filipino community house. ° Smith and Ayres forces blocked in-- structions for Senator Reed of Mis-- sourt at the convention here yester-- day. Evanston, HL, April 25.--Jose De-- sea, student at Garrett Bible Insti-- tute, was under @rrest today as a "peeping tom."" He was taken in custody on complaint of Mrs, A. G. One--piece= baked on white enamel lined provisaioana chamber. Golden finished. Holds 50 pounds ice. Qnly BIBLE STVUDENT "PEEPER" Are Positively the Front Icer Refrigerator LEONARD - ~Bring the Size of Your Room. 3 6x9. Birds --Neponset Rugs, $5.98 || 18 _ --~Walnut Chest Prited Up From-- Chicago, TIl., April 25.--Employ-- ment conditions in Illinois cities continued~to improve | during the month of March, reports from man-- ufacturers and free employment «ezencies to the Illinois Department of Labor show. ~More available jobs }m reported by all free employ-- ;non agencies, due largely to in creased demand from outdoor in-- dustries.© The largest gains were made in the metals and buildings fields, the reports indicate. Conditions in some of the leading .cities follow: ' Aurora: Fewer people were em-- ployed in 19 leading Aurora factor-- ies during March than in February and 5.5 per cent less money was pald in wages. Bloomington: Conditions improvy-- ed, reports show. Chicago: Reports indicate that the ratio of applicants per 100 jobs has declined to 185 during March from 237 in February. Danville: Employment conditions improved. | Decatur: An upward swing of industrial activity in this locality CITIES MAKE REPORTS BERKEY & GAY DINING SUITES Shown: During March; State Reports Show. : STORE YOUR $19.50 AA1 A Teheran. --Although as early as last May the Persian Government no-- tified the various legations in Tehe-- ran that the capitulations would be abolished withinp -- one. year's time, there is no chance of the special priv-- llege enjoyed 'by foreign govern-- ments being scrapped within --a ny such short time. The question of the capitulations is being talked about in the news-- papers, some of which go so far as this year by a decline of 1.4 per gent in the number of names on metal ~establishments employment in Peoria scored a gain of 1.17 per cent daring March. Rockford: Factory employment has . followed its usual upward March movement with a gain of 1.4 per cent. EKast St. Louis: The usual March pickup of industrial employment in BHast St. Lonishas been reversed Persia Still Fighting _ Special Privileges Of | Many Foreign Powers Peoria: ~Due principally to the _ An exceptionally fortunate purchase from a large manufacturer -- >' makes this very special sale of Spring Coats possible. Included are M ,imatstl_\atwoul;dglidiwflyoell'uptofli The very smartest styles-- . . copies of coats that Sell for four and five times this price--scarf effects _ Saturday--A Very S --_-->--_ Offering of New _ You May Bui Them on the Ten--Pay Plan -- * ~----~-- At No Extra Cost f ' s Tne Hem Compmnxy able collection that should interest every wom>an who needs an inex-- for 5/ 4M0% Shades; | Tans, browns, blues and black ty Purchased For This Sale 158 to say that several foreign govern-- ments have agreeu to abrogate the extraterritorial rights which their nationals have enjoyed for many centuries in Pergia. +28," Chicago, April 25.--One man was dead and another was perhaps fa-- tally wounded today as the result of a revolver duel which grew out of neighborhood sosslz). [ The dead man is Jay L Martin-- eau, 35. The man who killed him Abd in turn réceived dangerous wounds is Roy Dumont, 35, a wid-- ower, In spite of this agreement in prin-- ciples, foreign powers will strongly regist the abolition of their 'privi-- leges in practice, it is believed here. Kdith Irene, 8, took an apartment underneath that of Martineau, The men, close friends for years, with their families had shared the same apartment, Gossip of neigh-- bors caused a breach in their friend-- ship and Dumont, with his daughter KILLS FRIEND IN REVOLVER DUEL fo // 9 5 I JA Trimmings -- --~ _ Imitation Buttermole Pal: the entrance to t ,'i',' tineau fired a bullet into Dumont abdomen.> The latter _fired. . " times at Martineau, Killing hin the spot. Children of both men Wit-- neue}r'ihe shooting. 4P sz At Bridewell hospital, where Du mont was taken, it was #ald he prob-- ably would die. £k." x * discovery recently by an Eaglils maturalist of a small gct . ,' yields a milky fiulid having properties of camphor, 'The new drug producer was foubd in 8w Real Test + + "It makes me laugh to hear sow men say they haven't any temper," srays old Al Pitcher. *No-- man knows if he's got a temper till hae meets up with a determined agent for something no household is cotm= plete without."--Farm 'and Wie Camphor--Yielding Bug > : a Poumil:nz'ot a a&?im-", s stry si k * 4 s kworme o o e _ 0 x2 # «+