[ --~-- ze Ne The middle--course iz the best, i moderate deakon iz 'better t the document kept the leadors a tar into the might M uum.m;w. Friends otft Senator Deneen and Mr. Emmerson are fighting over this honor, each claiming that his chotce in entitled to it, as a result of win-- aing the April primary. * treasurer, were among the early arrivals. and .spent the major part of their pre--convention time in con-- Gov. Len Small and he will not even be in the delegation to Kansas City. Shurtieft by <~Marengo, a jJudge of the circuit court, and several (tmes speaker of the Illinois House of Rep-- resentatives signifying bis willing: his activity in while a mem-- lntdthlup" g a Justice Lioyd Thompson <of ~Rock | Henry Peterson Wadnesday evening. Island, 'Democratic IIM["'ROWW notminee, was firing broadsides at Glenvlew 1 % the Republican nominges -- in" the' IQ:::&;'" of Chi-- Democratic ~ state -- convention h,a ltlndln.'ult-ln- today, the Republicans were laying 8. of --~Highland : Park,> were the donawnmmfnmqtr.mmnn.-m in the 'state arsenal. f Bunday. _ _ 4 "t i. -- e ~eghan -- _ Poultry and Farm-- Producé . _ William J.. Stratton A I s 0 Prominent in Gathering at 3 Mil t o 4n t -- iles East of Russel IIL-- 12 Wed ussel IIL ~1/. .&# > 2 _ jlaw > 5as x C 45. thiter Hall C ind Produce® _-- [=--m 2s Conferences -- last night --agroed Tuesday May 1st Good T aste in Deacons Clyde Banes, Prop. L. C. Christensen & Son, Auets. 3 Miles West of Zion B ig.--" late s3 93 oft Mrs, Mary Perry of Chicago is vis-- iting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perry of Todd Court. > Mr.--and "Mrse.--R. A. Nelson an-- nomnce the birth of a daughter, of Thursday, April 19. . -mm'm,ma-«Cb rey and Mrs. Alex Willman attend-- are oceupying the new Julia Peter-- Mr. and Mrs, --Malon Vipond. have .n;x:i-.mm.m 11. at HMighland Park bosapital> . mgnehmhl'rfllym" Mr._ and 'Mra. 8. P. Hutchinson were Bunday guests of ?t. and Mrs. mmnzmm ~Mr. and Mrs. Railph Peterson--and mnwm * # ) Circle No.~Z of the Prosby-- | &u-muuu\lnyw' ing at the home of Mrs. Herbert l'!lfl:m'i&fii a') Obfo. n.l::paommione bridge --club --_meeting Wednesday: at | about May 3 * unh-odln.&u!um" Mrs..J. R. Not* entertained her in Highwood. '|\brother and other comoany over the Mr. and Mrs» Geo. Walhofér--and . week end. * - ; aufiurdcqu:.mm Mr.. and. Mrs. W. H. Hout have guests of Mr. and Mrs, Christ Will moved from the VYant flat to the man Sunday. R ;mqm-%mw ~Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Hutchinson of cated by' the Arthur Lee family, _ _ Guests at 'the hame of ~Mr.--and Mrs. Henry Schafroth ie week onévc'n Mr.and :x:.h"lehr reth Kempton x Mrs. la_sjogl)_ui_gor(:flh-.nt' at the Woodlawn Park ue flm;hmmamwus * / or the Presbyterian Church was On6 oft the outstanding meetings of the year, Mr, MoRae, a colored man and ; *.mmotmwcufi ) lotte, N. C., was the .' -- Mis talk was i!luminating on the position Oof the "Negro in America." His sing-- was -- grealy: enjoyed. : "Reverand ie ho' -- K)) Friends »at Deerfleld Chap two.ls..h:huusyaodz l was a large nw 4 ~*M| people ~from -- Deertield. Em, ¥ a (:;v;mamtgumgw.lthomkfl:tut:w for Camp Gray a the Kighth Street Sunday night, May subject Theatre, in Chicago, Friday evening. is "Character Training in Child-- The cast was composed of members -- hood:" This service will be held in of the Young People's Federation of St..Paul's Evangelcal church. --.__. of the three act play--was "Two Many PRESBYTERIAN -- Cooks." Camp Gray is a_ recrea ion Mark J Andrews, Pastor Camp at Squgatuck, Mick.. conduct-- Church school at 9:30 a. m. Grad-- m&m"mh@'"mmmw Mx:mA:n.:sm mwmau:,cu.: house 'by the grammar achool P.T.A: |the x ;: of God." Proceeds _0 be used in purchasing evenng service. ~JJ an electric clock for the school. * fiuuan,»n.mm. o AMifoe NK L -- Trmaue ud Ts s K 1 m ce n is on n o PR e oo Cecds # _camp to receive this --The luncheon served i?} the Prés-- Mayo BrotBHers' hospital --= ~ --©-- _ And Hol Hoffman and Mr. 2nd Mre. ;ou sm w:h; guests of M . gues r. and Mra.--Christ Bendt of Hazel Ave. aimi nol Holman and Mr. and Mrs.|-- Service at 10:15 a. m. August Klemp-- of~ Highland Park Choir, Friday at 7:30 p. m. $ were Sunday evening guests of Mr.| Members of the Odd Fellows of and Mrs.Christ Bendt of Hazel Ave. |Highland Park, including men from Mrs. Fred: Horenberger and Mrs. 'Deertield and Highwood,--will be our hnlmu-mm'mummmm- luncheon guests of Mrs.E. W.:--Brown lite. We bid them a cordial welcome In Cheago Frday.:=>~~-- _ --~-- ~~--~land hope that they ~may® receive Act as Worthy: Patron Worthy |service. > Y . mum Star.on | * Members and friends of St: Paul's 3 evening, and Mrs. Riste Sher-- churtch are 'kindly requested to co-- _ Mrs. F. W.~Russo and Mrs, C. A. Wolt --were in Libertyville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. h Ender are mnnm;.m.vhonlr. Ender is --undergoing~ treatment at Mayo BrotHers' hospital ~ Raiph rger. _Ralpb, ;mfld;lfiv;:fi;iuhdl f E. and AMra.--Christ Bendt of Hazel Ave. wWeek. department of religious: education of t wm.-unatuMb!muuugmmmez» 'ga:'c:-pom'- vmn-aa.mjanau "'-ut:u.'n;y x:?'u':m Theatre, in Chicago, Friday evening. is "Character Training mcuu-' dmt:"mm!::cmascgmw%wh Cooks." Camp Gray a--recrea i Mark J.--Andrews, Pastor Camp at Squgatuck, Mick.. conduct Chnm-elnditi:flt-l-flud-' um:'t:tmmhm-«mmmm mvmu"n"" 'mu., es w-.wu::." M k l C 5 w to Mh&m&lfl'.&.m a otO:l." ' Proceeds oh::lul:w?mc mo:'we an electric clock sChoo > fi.y at 7 p,; m. Scout meeting. " "Mrs. F. W--Rasso and Mro. C A./Onon feboursal mi & p. mss -- . _ . l enbach, of Crystal Lake, and Orrin Bchar and f attended the mmmtu :mnfl"m ev. The Royal Aarch Masons of High-- mauzwm Dancing and reéfreshments followed. Attend the musical entertainment at Masonic Temple Friday evening. April 37 spousored by the Wilmot Behool~P. T. A, Mr. and> Mrs. Herber Reinshazen entertained Chicago friends Sunday. Mra. H..P. Thotfe.of Forest Glen tained#relatives from Waukegan on D-mhnm ek--and at Winnet ka evening. guest of Mr. amd Herbert Bar-- rett in . Nefl Li w prottatnn oatcatns, .A im anrer wintisir ie Mirctin. Pccr mrcs Aurlsc in ie w wiungn Mey tm 'k"' ~!retiring president, Mrs. J. D: Carter, '*'M%m'# nnamm'.d'am lian_ Summers;~ Muller, W . of the year. . This showed & mm.n.n.pgm' be one of progress in real P. T. W-'lflum"w""m".r.'_'.m. *% field--camp"to its ~ mu' m&omdm"fiu& Mrs. John A. Relichelt, Jr;, w ng . yeu vmml lod as I """": was a delegate to the D. A.'R.con President, Mrs._E--J. Ginter; , vice m" at Wmnu"on.mnm(}-. """"'u; 'president, Mrs. A. W. Torbet. secre-- du:h sho":xpo'?n to return home [2r%, Mrs, E. I Vinyird; . treasurer, about May Ist. -- -- x i. s :A [""'_J"'_w."'"' x se ; wmorthbrook. were present.. in the'school on 'Thursday e¥ April ¥various --contests ?n-m 'Q'u;am ted le€ture Li'i"i"h.w points, Deerfleld 18.--ang Northbrook 'by Mr. GCalagher ot: Waukegan Wwas were from Waukegan, Lake Forest. read and presented, sd with a Highland 'Park-- and Deerfield. TheY {rist of charter members. Final re-- were Mesdames . Jennie Chantry; ports of the president, treasurer and Manhild Pajey, Isabelie Coulson JU augiting committee will be made 8t lia Cain, Euther -- Pedersen, _ Hilda {tne next reguiar meeting. * "M%&'m LA 'gare a summary report of the work M Griggs and androw gnaier : _ "|of the Fear. "This showed muthgoog. / "G , 'Execistor Camp R. N. A. or £90e0.| work Scoomplished.. May the coming home of Mrs. Minnute Gunackel in WM'& R #8 'Twenty Deerfleld Boy Scouts and :vu'n-dilumuamm W m ev-m.m sgcouts from Deerfleld,"Glemview and ed their tluntheon bridge club at the «P w4 f § 4C n AsEWTRARE _ ZL AELIRLIBG DELKE-- nnumwwm-m Muom&y..hmmaflcmonuuumxu garet Duers were in Waukegan last mmvmhwa'm the little son of r-tg-wmn f Sunday School Workers' Conference. Mrs. John Moore, has--been quite Mr. and Mre. Staniey Stone of Chi-- Mm»-muw'm:m / cago spent the week end at the Ved-- dren's work.and--a conference on |~ A "gl:ameu whooPInE | $of stone home. m""-'m".'-" #* Chl.'r.ilfl..' %- Rothers is very ill with | Mr. and --Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., ':ua-fi::fi'..""'m ,Mth n.muz."m svent Friday with Mr.and Mrs. F. | Miss Fiorence Carmichael, nation--|DOSDital this week, but the apperidix| MeYer--'at McHenry. . _ °. elementary superintendent of the N24 ruptured before he arrived there | Mr. and Mrs. Myron Francisco and 4,,." rtment--of religious education of 409 for several days there was little | Mrs. Klla Parker were McHenry vis-- the United Christian Missionary So--)BOP€ of his recovery. Latest reports |itors Monday. '-'m # the speaker for the second , °Te that 'he is improving. Mr..and Mre. W. A. Shaw and sons ffi&'"mml& Her subject | Mrs. 8. E. Pollock is quite 111. of Kenosha spent Sunday in the J. is "Character 'Training in Child--|. H. 8. Reeves this week moved his | B. Turnbull home. ho0d." 'This service will be held in bis--drug store from the Claude Bro--| 'Mrs. Viols Carr and lady friend 6t --Paul's EvangelHeal church. gan building to. the building which|or Chicago spent the week end' at ns htmatee / -- |he recently purchased from Mr: Har-- |the Clark home. > * PRESBYTERIAN ris. Mr. Reeves has installed a DeW | Mr. and Mrs. Len Geary and fam-- Mark J.--Andrews, Pastor front in the building and made °*-- |ily spent Sunday at the Geary home Churct "" I At 9: Grag: | tensive alteratios in the interior. at Gilmer,-- sation, trained leaderenin "**"/nospiter Wednesday. Sh6 WAS T€-- |rriends vislted at the Clem Dacey zation, 'trained leadership. ): 46 a.'s,. |Cently operated on for appéndicitis. | pome Friday. -- _ ¢ m&uéfi' ' to'"'-"""':::g'."hmm'm'm father, Marsh Huson, last a:,'"'m' -'fll'-'*'wfluvflsm'wfl-,mn.'mmm Harold .unn.'naeugm. kegan spent the week end here WitR (Gapke spest Sunday in Milwaukee. ' y favh home folks. . : L Mrs: Ed Underwood of Gilmer vis-- . You are cordially invited to the |" mul, yacgbson family has moved to ited several days with her daughter, services and activities of this church. Wauconds. : f Mrs C. W 'Tecently. j "PAULS EVANGELICAL 'l'hflsb' Aid of the Methodist wmmnmmem """,,m frok. Pastor _will be enfertained by MrS.!gren 'of Round Lake, called on Mr. To o. Aiel S x: " and Mrs. Straghan at the 'ang Mrs. Clarence Daly Friday. Church school sat 9:15 a. m. Bushman home Thursday afternoon. | ~ jrs Prank Meyer and son, Donald, Corvice at 10--15 A. «. _ .. | ~Mr.and Mrs. George Shitley, for--|of MeHenry was a visitor at the W. c o. t oo id ce mer residents--of this village, who | Geary home Tuesday evening. wfi including men ITOM 'of years Ago, returned 10 AntiOCh | Monday, . se -- > eert f ed, will be 6ur Tss week. This expect to make their ~Mr. and Mre. Fimer Monalian and suosts at the Sunday mornins 8°"¢-- hnome in this vicinity.. _ ©_~ ---- '[{ars. Nellic Monahan of Chicago Yis-- M%Hhcmmtm&a Webb attended the |ited Mrs.--Alice Geary Friday. -- and 'that _ they ~may: --National~Convention of the D. A. R.| ---- my. and Mrs. Alvin Case and Mrs. ,{ 'inspiration *?*mimwm M. E. Smith were in Woodstock last e rers and friends of St. Padl'®| panieq j <on the trip. --. Mr. and Mrs. James Immenga have Teariis 4o chle pbectingte orsonly [ "_ _ Armndie c iemenke .: T "RE ase e tm ons ' €t fas * 9e m n nc is & .".A "} $ » "S "'m w " * m n"- * ® . F u: * ""'ifi C Q " e »'iv .:. NE . K o to M m in after -- You Mil--times weltome to | * .-- <**"*"" °*4 * * " O f in 1 & , "')'*'f:'/&\w?" __.:_,'_ ,'J?. _v.h.:. <l s ;. * f;."' :-_"~ N% w £,*4 Pinome--Se " "- a'm ' jes.~ Fery spirituat| Mit. and Mrs. Loo Laniwer and |daughters, of Libertyville, called on leeo. en mwmmp Mrs. |F. H. Dickson and family Sunday. _ :..y a PM t12 "pm 2 s j J '>, t 8 ..4 % " * * j M operate in the observance --of .Chil dren's week, and assist in making all services a--succoess,.>~ x You are at all times woltome to . 'Miss Florence Hook, accompanied by Miss Ruth Hafemann, of Liberty-- wille, <spent{the week end at Beloit :Inl," * : h'lennt ' mmn"fi-n.no. rite are |on-- > Mr. and Mro.James Peck:spent the week un%_.mam lat-- MM'Q' n i« io k 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0000 0 6000000000 0060 ; wlE C Workers' Conterence. Theer will be a Conference on chil-- = r be served at--6:30 for. al} -- Bunday school workers. _ .. _ Miss Florence Carmichael, nation-- al elementary superintendent of the er for May 5.. is pendic¢itis this week. <= _ ---->-- mfi&umb Rev. and Mro..Krah! spent Monday M"mg the Lirst service of !in Chicago. > : holt in "Pothighem"" riagbliont mong, No Wis, Rimpeld 'Bint C , r8, ¥8. church at 8 o'clock. All are invited ' Henning and Miss Goldie Davis at-- to this first service of Children's tended the annual district assembly 'Tuesday evenng, the ev m:m":'l:o':fl' Ql"m the little son of Mr. and Bunday school at 9:45 a.«am. Doun't send your children to school. Bring Ewening service at 3 o'clock. Children's 'Week, May--6 to 13.) Union servoes. _ . f , -- Prof. E. E. Dowim, of North Cen-- Ilhx-h'-:mnu.'w.:.n. Johnson.,> '"of the ~pastor, will Ake 'and collée were served=at mmmw.mnan* rens in charge, by Mrs. H. Reinshagen ~Mrs. ~C. wmmn. J, MaiKald and Mrs. J. K. 2 W mok atiort T d 4A i regular m Aat --the 19. The ilinstrated le¢ture on Hawaii it Snd Mre & C Anderson 'and | : :1 smy rahat Ais: Andurryes roln | BVANG. BUNGALOW OHURCH GRAYSLAKE ~agvening at 8. at T<p. m. --A eia| Chicago .Man Meets Death spent Sunday at Starved--Rock. ~Mrse. Rose Sigwait of Barrington 'l'mb Saturday evening--with : Mre. onne, ¢ f & 'The Sunday school at the Baptist church -- will --be at 9:30, <standard '" At "n mM. m Ts a F %'md.mm,m» ved April 19th, at the Barrington Mr. tensive alteratios in the interior. * Adele Miller came home from the hospital Wednesday. She was re-- gently operated on for appéndicitis. Russell Harden of Fon --du Lac, Wis., visited relatives in Antioch the «Miss Pauline Van Duzen of Wau-- kegan spent the week end here with Mrs. C. L. Kutil, who has been i!! "'2'"'-""' on the gain. tz llw&unflo} tion in Wa Bunday. Wallace Dross is on the hosvital, 'h"f.l"z'w on for ap-- _ Rev. and Mro..Krah! spent Monday started to run in .an effort to beat struck after he had stepped over the last rail. e & Members of the engine and train crew saw the accident and the train :'Il Mwmbohmm removed to an undertaking room in Antioch, but relatives of the man Ainsisted. that it --be removed to Chi-- cago for prepartion for burial. The body was taken to that city--on a passenger train that evening. Walka has been coming to Loon Lake tor some years and he had ac-- quired al arge circle of friends and 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 o 0o leaves a widow and son. 0 0000000000 000 _ His attempt to beat a Boo Line nakn, ot Caltegocar Loon Lake -- AS, ¥ > At lfinflfll gt 6 O'clock. Thursday . Waska was struck and dragged by 'the .locomotive on --the> train-- was believed : to' have _ been lluta.ntly1 <_mmmmncoyura:i summer _Cottage at 10on Lake 'had vome®to . this county 'to prepare his on his way to the dottage after tak-- atmmm;mt ogeur He had stopped at the home of Andrew Wolf,= a . friend> who re-- sides near the crossing. > : He Thursday.--On : $00 _ Lin "Tracks Near Antioch. . and Mre. George 'Berghorn are 'W;M'W Sundyc 905 it n t -- Ti i COs a B o ' ue weiy * 6 Corp '~'¥" 4 1 "i{ o Fag -_--,) l "' ; is zi + 2 & * "To¢ ats , ' s A vistter nee|| Telephone 410 c agan ty n "heus c * * t im ranrest s Te e 7+ Amgmes in i A. Turner and who ar-- _ z3| Mre. cha?m Ainski is able to 1be: out,: alter a week's.iliness. -- . _A "petition is being eirculated £0r have moved from Aurora to the Sow-- ers home on 6. Main street. Bunday with Mrs. D. L Brown. ~Henry Shaeffer of McHenry called at the George Broughton tHome last A. M. Sowers spent Monday h?h'!.--n ; P Mrs, Henry Stadfield is at the Vio-- tory Memorial hospital in Waukegan. Mr. and Mr+s. H. L. Grantham and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., and chil-- dren and Sophia Larsen lmt Sun-- in Crystal Lake. -- bond issue for the purpose of build-- Ing the schoolat--the village elec-- "?i-ungu. is planned by John A. Scribbep, Glencoe architect, calls for a one--story ~modern--school _ of T ank moine ATereaing t1 by 10 foot rooms avera and: a large m'u by .80 will be <the first of the unit of & school planned to house ' 400. <"This structure _ will be erected are: now > in school --under W. --C. Mrs. A. H.+Boehmer and Mrs: Er nest Wessell--of Barrington spent o ~WAUCONDA 0 0 0 0 060000000 06 Will_Receive Bids For--Open-- ing April 30 For 5 Class-- ""M" iiw?mansnt "R, ond Mex mucsch Brove. and son 'of Walukegan visited Sunday at the Weaver home: « Six--room modern home, newly decorated Es _ ~ Oflles' meioes, mige ty nc hoh daoi l n ons . Arovam,"* Lot 50x172 on McKiniey Avenue, in Liber-- ||-- PR. J.L. TAYLOR . Wfé!fighlai}ds -...l.q....{.--.ji?'.l.?s?m Office in First National Bank Bldg. Nine--room house, Brainard and Lake Streets || _ "cmemrrynce imncmor in Libertyville ..............................$12,000.00 || --------------~~------<---- Six--room house on McKinley Avenue, just || nomieoarake. .. 3 nearing completion .................... $12,000.00 | |ornie «t nome on w. Seekk Aveaue . ho. t &' OA . T n 1t A cisértyviles, RXmOK ;zé BIDS UPON NEW JA Y --CAIR NS T M PMAE P coue 1 3. enb e on 00B mune was an officer, on P54 By A. K. BOWES Asst. Secretary of Security Title & Trust Company ' Business of the Recorder's office for the week ending April 21, 1928. Number of conveyances filed 209. ~-- Number: of chattel mortzgages 29. "'Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages 92. '"'l:oulnlnboro!mtumtlflld _--FPotal amount of loans $408,012. _ ~-- The regular meeting of the Foxr Lake Cemetery Association will be held Thursday evening, May 3, at the Monaville school house. daughter from Chicago, and Mrs. J. rie, and Alice Rairodan and George Barthe] from Chicago, were guests «ummlrnmzm. Some of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pot-- ter's neighbors--and -- friends from here, called on them in Waukegan Sunday. Their new home there was much admired by the visitors. #e --William Walker was in Kenosha callers at the Henry LOANS SHOW DF-- was A stream both ways on %ufin..lmmahnoor seratch of any car all day long. It made us think of the time when Tun-- ney was in town. Joe Shechan arrived in Lake Villa Sunday from Pendleton, Ore., where he has been for some time, and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. imfl.'M' _ _ Miss Alice Brompton--of Chicago is visiting her brother, Tom Bromp-- Chicago, 'accompanied by Mr. Pan-- ter's brother and their two daugh ters, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thayer Sunday. _ James.--Ieonard ~Sr.,. was taken seriously 111 the ¥irst of this week, and is confined to his home ander a doctor's care. 'The children of Rev. and Mrs. Mc-- Kelvey are i1 with the flu.-- Robert is having trouble with his--eyes. Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver Wilton and Httle son from Chicago, were guests of their marents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wiiton last Sunday. * --RMr. and Mrs. Frank MoCilaren and wonderful. Everything seemed -- to work like clock work at the Nadr corner. They came from the east, they--came from the west. and there h'%v-no"un::belbretom- dicate ~ Casting of a vote. Pester,> realizsing that he had a point in his favor that would win for him, threatened to contest. His what right he did have to the, of-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 o their names on the ballot. Koppen's proposed a recount of votes tollow-- '}lfi;'r township--election there Apr. 8, has lost the right of such action by failing --to make a formal demand upon the town clerk within ten days * lhad been béaten by four votes by Louls Koppen for constable.-- mamvmmuzc. Number of chattel-- mortgages 45. Number® of trust deeds and mort» iges 88. ~ j f rhmmawm m,motwmn. Corresponding period week ending. Fails to Make Demand Within ~---- Ten Days in Candidacy e For Constable. Bunday was a red létter day here. he weather was perfect and the 29¥ §A iA SA ags . I N LAKE VILLA tg . 1FA New Line of | _ PHONE 306 Telephorne 87 Libertyville Post 329 --R, B. GODFREY GRAYSLAKE ILLINQIS AT LOW COST 'Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING RAEADY ROOFING OVER OLD & Libertyville Roo{inc R Compa n y 2 r.o.':::o:.'-m'ild LIBERTYVILLE MEETS FIRST TVUVESDMY OF # Ix w % ff'.:rv;i' the man or agency that can qual-- ify. --Communicate with s ROOFING FLAT ROOFS RECOVERED , > WITH TAR AND PITCH s Work Guaranteed ; DAY ond NIGHT SERVICE 1. Day Phone 35, Nite Phone 497 LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINONS sMM S 1M 211 Waukegan National Bank > 5e We do all kinds of roofing Wa ATTORNEY--ATALAW LVUCE BUILDINQ KT 48 T <=. <_ efed i *s1 tm # uo. Pb uh!