~~--~/\_-- saves me *1000" ";'_ <s. his entry. 4 $ 4 f ' | llmtu Ban: ; ; _ --(G(ENTURY > tm' _ SITIX & EIGHT _ L. #he be .: EN( S is cin on o %% A h S TY 'i".n JP .1 _ _ EiNE FOROINNE= _ LOVE NEST CASE _ [fEeromer'st hn anere t | The funeral of Peter Anderson was held at the White & Tobin tuneral home, in Waukesan ylast Tuesday, with Rev. 8. E. Poliock of Antioch, offciating. Mr. Anderson had been l for about three months and his death occured at the Waukegan hos pital. He is survived by his widow who was formeriy Miss Pearl Dun ean and two small children, besides his parents -- five sisters and three brothers Interment was in the Mill-- burn cemetery. cemetery there. The Tiffany family were life long residents of Antioch, until fifteen years ago when. they ..Mssmmmb tite Hervey Coulson. ' A statutory charge had been brought by John Wakershauer, hus« appearance, was dismissed.. _ _ .= -- Chinn is married. He and his Miss Myrtle Haynes of Oak Park, upent the week ond with her par-- eiftts, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Haynes. #pent the iatter pgért of the week at the home of her brother, 8. Straghan. A message was received hero on Monday telling Of the death.of Mrs. Wiliam Tiftany, of Chetek, Wis. Be-- yond saying that her death was sud-- den, the telegram gave no particu-- lars. The funeral was held at Chetok on Wednesday, with burial in the A. X. Tiffany attended the funeral of his sister in--law, at Chetek, last Through Attorney James G. Weléh both defendants took the stand. 'They denied--that they had spent the evening 'together. Chinn stated alarm tlock and that he had brought it in to her just as the sherift made Mr. and Mra H. Bock motored to Toledo, Friday and spent the week trom her place at the Williams Bros. store last week on account of iliness. 4& new front is being installed in ~l,akm -- _The funeral of. John Jurichik was held at his late home, at Bluff Lake on Tuemiay morning. ~Mr. Jurchik Red been ill for a long: time, and his death occured on Saturday eve wing. May 5. The Aeceased hbad made his home at Blufft Lake for the past twelve years and at one time, conduoted the Zurchilk hotel. _ He Rhad made many triends in the com_ munity© as well as in--this locality, *MW"NW ed family e is survived by his widow one daughter and a number of other relatives,, _ h h&mll#lflm #pent the lnttor® o the week at 0000000000 000 0 & 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 Q O 0 0 0 men and women longaccustomed to making their selection from of line unsurpassed at any price. Yo-h:::hnuednz Hupmobile Century models to realise how completely meet every wish for the highestconceivable typeof performance. b REHUS remarked the motorist who had planned bqndfic;-'mh&mm_u car for his wife--and then ----the Six of this Century, the Century Eight and the Century 125 Eight. Je s ire ~surty to learn of *her,demise~_| <<<-- MAINBS _ 4t DURMI. R is survi "% n l e l l O o es lene, of Chetek and two sons, Harry | <4@( ~Fost -- From -- Wreck > and Raymond, both of Chetsk; and | -- | n un M ie * one brother, :'i'n"i'-:'h'; -', to Che € 4,"%3wu:%§'c&~*f '"mf the funerat of his sister Mra. 'Wil-- ; puckling 1 :-mu-g ~~Vernor omm Tifun?. in ""g o o e irein riaiiniinl Fisnd ~ The Ladies Guild was : ed a T. M. scout--on National Field, at t'? home of uu.;\l_.fm eufl:'nfiur recelving :fi:': on Wednesday afternoon. nose l Drud ; on Monday for Savanah Mo., where mm&Wfi mmwmvu:g fiames.-- '::1:' it to a point *hospital aukegan, there was no treatments, on Monday of last week. %mmu%flm a."'.....'~"'m apeat i ow maye Mardino, '?-m,' ' & | . y lnst week with Mr: and--Mre Geo.|it just a weok aZ dm Wedge. The Sexsmiths formerly re-- |near Chicago. They had paid. $900 Mded in this community. for It. x 'The tire department was called |.--When Ramsey landed with--a thud to a barn Tire near Hickory Corners |\he was thrown fully 100 feet from on Friday evening. the wreckage. That could--not have Whineest wl remimcicaicoeamapicle en happened, bystanders --deciared, had aitm mA nnart i 17 a --antaty -- helt --heen--buckled. -- If town, and entered the garage busi-- pu-vka was Miss Anna Grimom, has a large circle of triends here. who it it --can continue as it is--now. When he left the ground ho just The action is =--directed at hflmmu-a;-:mu..: Rushmore, William G. Nagel, George |reached & --wood near the field -- Graham, who :were élected=to the |plane operated than oth-- board May 7. 1927 after the district| ors he is used to fiying, it was learn-- plan had passed the votersa April 9, | od, wos ¥"ta 1927. _ Aviators Incensed The reasons for the action, as set | --Members of the Waukegan Fiy-- nymM.th-fib- ing club were incensed at the fact in McHenry county had been mmmdnvd»hh wumuh::mug. up. ' Some of the mem-- McHenry county alread? | bers warned the owners that he was been included in a high school di#| not a lHcensed ulint and tharafar Exgminations for the positlo® t 'of postmaster at Antioch to be--racant ;':.t".,"'u.u'&.?'mm on May 20 were announced by he postal department at Washington to-- day. -- Applicants for the post will not be forced to assemble for the ex-- aminations but will fill out --applica-- tions which are considered solely on eligibility=of the applicant from the standpoint ot--citizenship, educa-- tion and training and businets ex-- perience <and fitness, marks of 80 per cent boing granted on the high-- est standing for the last two items. Applicants »must be over 2%5 years of age and less than 65 unless they are veterans of the Spanish Ameri-- can or later wars, they must have resided in the district of delivery of the postoffice for--at least two years and have been in 'positions for three yearts which proves their fitness to direct the affairs of the office, The office pays a salary of $2,400 a year It is understood that> Missa Jones side, demanding by what right they of a taxpayer of Fox Lake, EKdwin H. White, to test the legality of the Taxpayer Charges That Paft|is nunt for speed and oftentimes fast k F c=in MC It is sa'd. of it} Lies 'in. MéHenry _ :\ mnngt% Mn ty cons me ae cmy- * w"-fl'h&mm _@w- tiled ~Saturday by State's AttorD@y iinto the air and he climbed and FOR ANTIOCH P. M. and to determine single fact that--he went: up without buckling: , his safety. -- belt : Vernon # local aviator,= ~crash-- od a ? M. gcout>--on !m ¥ield, that strap had been--snug sbout his body he would haye been held tight-- ly in the burning ship . which was consumed within a few moments.. u-utmm'smfi;-o up in this type of a plane, w belonged hmxdyohuhfltm the end of WALs e M _~Why --a Conference." She -- ex-- plained how the Fieade of prohibi. back of automobiles and he crashed 'He had gone up without a "check-- out,"--withesses say: . That is a first ride given an aviator in a ship noew to him. v * When he left --the ground ho just grazed the tops of antos and as he i 'the -- Y¥ . afo. 1 ~} W1A us -- J80--~program -- many ~ experienced -- speakers mfl-ht-mu-.u meet ,hpwgth'omnu"m,ll m; 'm | club were incensed at i pt; | BADE ~twWo delighntiful sacred solos, the machine up. ' Some of the mem-- | V*"* Zimmerman. -- f bers warned the owners that he was | _ It WA# aunounced the last of the not <a --licensed pilot and therefor|COnferences will be held at Zion, mmmwn'wmml' 'The program follows: -- up. winning ----posters, * _ work They are going to make an effort,| books and essays were on display according to LewHewes, Jr., to stop| in the lobby 'of the Y."M.--C. A. the flights .of any .unlicensed pilots | through the courtesy of Mr.'J. A. or unlicensed planes from this field | Sessions. ----' Mauy passed -- through in the future. and commented <on the snlendid eeired in --taxes and <licenses from| > _ the peoples spent .two dollats on tions wm& k| . M traffic paid ~about: $850, ig | tian in revenue; .and in addition to the| 10U® cost of public wards and prisons,| °4 lost motion; waste time. and" an. lost--motion, ~waste -- time, and~ ac-- | SiQnary church t «Thursday) all cidents from drink actually &mumw. the --country five billion dollars a| North . Prairie ; and _ York:> House, year. . 'The nation spent fourtsen|MaYve been invited. . All~.members doilars for every dollar-- the govern.| YRO>Pl@n--to attend. should~call "or ment tookin,." x write . Mrs.-- C. ~W.> Crispen, 2100 5,000 _ persons includéd _ keon--plans. died. as <the result ~of" .;,,':;"" Theprogram has mn companies investigations show f Daylight Saving Time) : . : deaths ""ariging 'from _ alcoholism | " Suiey +, o p f ang cmes dueases . tm was 5o| | Dovetionate~atre .t Jonnson. R.8.A. how claim shave died in the| -- £te Of Winthrop Herbor W. C E+. * s *sd 41 4 ""' & K @ D1 a ifF; Mre. . M. CC . 'then led the| . >White Ribbon Recruits Service-- #100p Ne o Oe Rldna--Alsousslon |---- Mary B.Lake, County Diractor of on "Transiating' Resolutions into|.. Mothers Meetings. --. _ _-- . _ Mrs. R. E. Thomas then led the group' in some raily songs. Mrs. M. E. Smith presided at the piano. The local president was then.in-- Textor of North Chicago, led in |be lfl% position in the T emarks *hat sfortanment of ""'lm""'- Phaans, MHMAEY Keadery tor remarks "that 'reement of pro-- Pik® we *n "* * < f hibition is not:perfect. There are| The Missos Rose and Della Turner the saloon era for 879. was. the average 'per year of deaths "~ariging ~from -- alcoholism and other diseases. ~This was 8,-- {7} more each --year than 'the A. A: Ahevehh&g»'uotum Mrs. Thomas. ' f KsY '",';_ : "-,?": it y tyee s s e en O C perance <instruoti asho --was able to .4. oo "Teraupe ts s it Dh tr iz ")95+ wet i 0 . J ie k ALZ ._ HOWene _ 1 LNR UE UE C . AMECL 0e _« _ SHOLE MK Courson stated, "It_ is not . suffi« .. ..« ]clent to demand our Candidates be '" af dry. they~must: be honest; so that ious parts of the--county are expect-- ed --to attend~ the Sectional confer-- ante to be Mn*w 'Mre. R. E. --Thomas preésided --at the afternon seasions which opened hy "the group singing of America and.. the <pledge | of > allegiance"--to t" m *Fo % § + z + --Mroe.Elmer: Metealt then gaye a very tine paper on the Loyal Tem-- perance: Legion." These : are the children -- which © ate> Danded _ to-- gether 'to study purity, total "ab-- stinence and integrity. . "Our busi~ ness is "to lead the children in stinence and inte ..-"1:, t 1 s t EL. * o ebonctimars *E hn _ ness is "to lead (the children in } 999 /r 's'm':. 6 state treasury es do-- oA faln the future of America," stated:--the unt -- collected under : e County preside! be $ 5. «'%:;:»:**'*' :r*'g' ~ Imto C f j a e ', r "' uh + * P a--, n pit us is 'm mw gave a splendid ~ address. She would apportion this money to the urged --the . supervision <of--.LAke, counties in proportion .to the stite county roadhouses. ~She also urged auto lHcense fces the counties have the . public _ Ingist on + strict : en--| paid the state, some doubt exists as forcement of the 18th amendment| to the "tractability of~the ~solons In mil -- hotels. alo "has worked| when they gather in extraordinary considerably in the permit division|seasion: : of 'the prohibition department. _ At' ~Many membeérs are. growling be-- present there are only two whole--| cause of the call. . Downstate legis salé bakers in Cook county=< who}lators are.not extremely: interested find it nectessary 'to use alcoholies in what happens to Chicago's trac-- in their bakeries," 'said 'the agen tion --muddle. _ Cook county legisia-- Mesdames Lester Klema. and|tors are not extremely intérested in Paul Heerens greatly pleased the th0 &28s tax collections. f listeners with a voeal duet. Their| . Add to this the fact that for years voices were ~very well~ balanced|th6 Cook county delegation has been and> biended well. _ |unable to agree Aas ot what trac-- &hfi- Bonds to build a new otly T9 votes were cast, of which, 11 were tor and 68 againat. the npontide pravor which was fol: for the> by Mesdames John 5'?&, James Warren and~ E. C. 'ella; -- o A wiriiueh -- w# printed o atp aufe they will apide their -- pledges ~after© cleocted." _ is --also a powerful speaker. -- "We believe --prohibition <is~<the best 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0o 0o 0 o >« HALF DAY o h'%f hy h t w °C Membersof the Women's Chris-- * m m L ~ 26 ve C '"".' 2 t PS 3 ludéd -- . 1 keon--pPlans. | person it would--seem but the: fact w has mn that. she has numt::.* Tmmp%ur"4 «i3 se * Sn uzin / i x" indicates <that feels ' 06 W Time) -- -- >>| iya has slipped up in his work. > 20A ol flone Borvice, :Leader---- {-- : According. to her:press-- 'agonts Salute to the . - Almee might . enter the: field later Pay ramectvhies, o but :there is no certainty to ~this q 0 "arop Harbor 'W. °C.| --.Much--of the. zest will be taken ooholliip "W--% from--the Zion meetings as Voliva'is R. E Thomas, Btaté Director. In ~Europe. ; If ha were --home there White fiw~~a~a-af~:~ 0. :~~] would be & word: battle. worthy . of ary A.Q'?'" ""u Nirhetar af the : E3k ae. -- Snth OPc Sfke.-- Donnty Director.0f i: .« press .comments on Aimee o Meme see on Oe eeerererenei en S t Lool c ant 1(4 ving the North Shore souls are as R. ~W.*McClure of ~Gurnee O * To sn rg roe ctrogons «s .o« ~. _ ler Locy will be waring melodious by Cdiin vessivany jeus yomies out! oo, onl the gatrine oi cdoe l . possi! ~was pointed out , him,--isn't--.she . ® ¥ 000 'resting in the state treasury| in that connection, it is pointed it im "m out, the Zion revival not--only is to unt was 6 W 3 t "%u'u'n":mfia m e court ~_-- _ _ _ _-- m::'i'ntuhmh- cause of the call. . Downstate legis-- in what happens 'to Chicago's trac-- tors are not extremely interested in Add to this the fact that for years unable to--agree as ot what trac-- tion laws .should be enacted and the probable failure of the delegation to agree at the opening session and a ¥ery pleasant melee can readily be pictured. when the--gavel falls to start the battle. -- With the buge fund in the treas-- ury, held for road buildings, the 4eg-- Islature--would be unable to--apend there is notHing to compel it to ap-- whhtbombthm If a squabble arises, the as sembly : could appropriate it all to The money cannot be given back to the man who paid the tax_ as their arse no records of these small _ While opinion is general that the|tn» train gaine legislature will split this money ha : Members some fashion among the counties t0|jme crew also -- aid them in their county--road build--| accident as th less the , exists thatthe | potice Isasc Ly mwflm 3# ) accident and : Under the defunct gas tar law, the | moval of Lam w*fil'""'w""'me:u countles' half was to be distributed|to 'a;tend him. cussed seems to be to -- give mm'.""?' Ubfuten tw td is uies a bnt | manuag u9n on in this effect to be presented to the|""**'"5 4 mhfln.flfldm é 'of the political game, summed up, seems to be that the special session will take care of the gas tax fund's disposition, act on a--few minor mat-- tion muddloe to future solons for Aimee Semple-- McPherson, desert pel--after her own ideas, 18 to--purge rg.*""d sin in--one ~--. Aimee--isn't to do the soul saving s ts oys t t t d alth racery) * /~|~ "Does 'mean : to "dety 'Wilbur . To yaue spr A . s hy "Wolu% Ibut stand for it if he Claim: Solons Will Battle in were at nome in the old. befliwick? %3 f ,,"m. (fi.muMhnmd * Attao MBWKT hnen Ti k to 'Be in Europe, following: a ~trip home while police were lookingfor ert: travelling,: and-- her..green bath-- ' Aimee passed through a few woeeks later to do a little -- preaching --at _ 'She dreow *At':tf'&o'va there much to the disgust of Wilbur Glenn> Vol-- ?'M't think ~enough ~of f )M*m"hotm_' .M' 'n- _ Both 'Aimee and Kenneth Ormis-- ton have visited these parts but not AIMEE TO SAVE unties, if the. legisiators attend--| --"Or can it possibly be that Wilbur e w# Missing the step as he attempted to steal--a ride on the "blind" of a CThigago and Northwestern passenger. train --at the Waukegan station at §:55 < Thursday ~night, Otto: Lampe, aged 18. years of 5525 Sixth avenue, o n Tosk aht a gurt of is Tok wan -- a F -ufi obably fearing a sinviar fate : as a'md:b':hot- spent the 'day in Waukegan seeking work and the two had gone to the North Western yards to steal a ride %nmmmum v of the first coach. He climbed to a position between the tender of the locomotive and the coach. «~The youth, however, raspei the handhold and lost his footing. ©He rolled under the wheels. -- Whethor, or not, his companion mg'&}mamu de no effort to leave the train; arobably fearinug a sinviar fate~as Inpe crew also were urawate of the nccident as the train continued un Police Isagc Lyons that they saw the accident and arranged for tha re-- moval of Lampe to the hospital in the Wetzel and Peterson ambulance. PDr. Rdward Ford Gavin was called hy erninges mmum station in m atou' just as the victim WHEELS OF TRAIN Kenosha Youth Injured in Accident in Waukegan. $50¢° w t i m $#3 actually driven che 4 EWMWP £X7 4 <--. which the Fisher name is '~' paneled . :; stream--lined on a . -- wheelbase of 107 inches ; ; : .--' _ and fnished in gorgeous colors 18 Year O | d The Roadster or Touring ... Usility Truck. : i; ; $498 a'e 6 » o # 0%# ® ;~W(hoputlndutrm progress <which has been made in "They have been one ~of <the out-- standing agencies in making indus-- trial development possible in the smaller communities; and at the same time they stand to gain great-- ly from the-- development of these Main Street will be the scene of the great economic development in America, President Martin J. Insull of the Middle West Utilities Com-- pany, Chicago, told an industrial migration--conferense in New York portation facilities have fitted the w.hm he said, industry : to decentralize and to realize lower costs and better working conditions. this country, we may observe a note .-- : plantfood gives a quick vig-- --"The public utility companies oc-- cupy a unique position in industrial MARTIN :J. INSULL S$EES ~ * MAIN STREET As HOPE OF NATION'$ INDUSTRY belief that he will recopver. LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO., Distributors +/* . .. $585 2. ... .. $595 Success for all with Vigoro is odoriess! So ts medt Prane pota bus: &A en meednfiam&nux&e Lead in g Landscape concentrated showroom today--and learn for yourself whata great car itis! Convertible Sport Cabriolet . $695 The Imperial Landau .. ... . . $715 ViGQRO Telephone 47 a o 0 w6 6 a 0 6 0.b a 6 ## 6 of regret at certain of these is the congestion of popu-- lation in large cities, with its many ment of transportation facilities 'has served to emphasise the possibilities of decentralization of industry ami, consequently, a more. . satisfastory distribution of poptulation. "We therefore feel our desire that Camem, LESp WPouaumng VCmm 2o encouraged is completely consistent with the national welfare." Two men were injured, one receir-- ing three broken ribs and the other an injury to his spine, when a crash occured Sunday at Half Day. Ray McNaily, Chicago, crashed into a car in which men by the name of McGauaire and Reardon were riding, it was reported at the sheriff's ot-- fice. McGuires ribs were broken and Reardon suffered the spinal in-- TWO INJURED IN HALF DAY CRASA mourishment in a 100 !b. ing Vigoro in every bag. in paper--lined bags of 100, §0, 25 lIbe., and 5 1b. packages. Order Vigoro today for all the things you grow. A Swift & Company Product «0 % 6 4