* Announcements have been receiy-- ed a fthe approaching marriage of mother, from Kenosha last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thompson and m,ammwmm week at the bhome of . and Mrs. the proud parents of a son born on NWr. and Mrs. H. A. Radtke viz ited in Kenosha on Sunday. ters expect to leave next Thursday for England, where they will--visit Rev. H. C. Dixoy accompanied by several boys from Antlioch and Orayslake, is spending the week at Camp Woodcock, Ky., where Rev. &mwnm Miss Mabel of Libertyville .&mmbwnkm Niss Filorence Hook. Mr. and Mrs. L G. Smith were in Chicago on dusiness Monday. of Chicago, were guests in the God-- trey home last week. Mrs. J. W. Strausszer. entertained seventeen friends at dinner Sunday, in bonor of Mrs. Strausser's birth-- her for a short visit. eral 'children Monday afternoon, in honor of Master Buddie's 10th birth-- Mrs. D. G. White spent over the week end in the home of_her daugh ter, Mrs. Groves, at Madizson, Wis. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000 0 "Inspections iw," he said, "that tbupcm.:'nvylmt_mu in llinois are operated upou an ex-- cellent sanitary 'basis. = Youngstors are as safe in them, from a health point of riew, as at home.~In gen-- eral the 75 permanent camps oper-- ated by other responsible agencies 0 000 0000 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 0 0 0 guided, however, by the state safe water seals which appear imprinted upon all satisfactory private sour-- h l onl oi) t igec .. w o# sw:unfi 1il., June 1.--Summer camps, --w 'mmhmz,, , soon for the summer, range from ideal to the cbdominable as regards to sanitation. This was the statement today of PDr. L D. Rawlings, state health dt-- rector, who stated that -- permanent camps operated by Boy Scouts and thoY.H.C.A.'ll.lfi:tth-\ tions usually rank high, while pri-- yately owned ~rural tourist=camps# generally are inferfor and a blot--on Mrs. Glen Craft entertained sev-- cA Th W State Health Director, Tells of Now It's Home K C aig* 30 to Mr,. and Mrs. Dan Harris on Tues fday..lml. **% -- 'The Business Men's Club will meet at Antioch.Cate Monday evening. class of 1928 was held. at Antioch township high ~school ~Wednesday evening, at which a class of. twonty-- seven received diplomas from the hand of L O. Bright, principal of the school. The speaker of the evening was W. --J. Davidson, president of the Iilinois Weslyan University. The music was by the high school or-- mao:"umbnh ni't': o © class had received the diplomas, C. the three ngg."' medals Wwhich "" Emfhmhthmw the most auccesaful in this line dur-- ing the year.© The winners-- were Gordon Martin, Harold Kennedy and Rightof--way for: route 176, Wau-- conda > to Burton's bridge . on _ the McHenry county line west of Wau-- conda, will be sought this week, ac cording to R. M. Lobdell, county su-- porintendent of highways. Plans are to pave this strip under the stato's ing the right--of--way can be obtained. she came to Ameri¢a --about twoenty || Rev| --Mr. Krahl-- attended : ~~© the |_ "ALF. ano Mre, wWiiliam Scully, oF, {M Alumni banquet at the Gar--|léft Saturday for Excelsior Sofings, rett Biblical Institute last week. -- :| MO~: Mr..Scully returned Monday;, [ Mrs. Wetsel spent a part of last |DUt Mrs Scully will remain for --sey-- -- Mr. and Mrs. George Shirley and | . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stace and--their daughter: Barbara, who came here AAughtor, Patricla, 'of Milwaukee; trom England a few weeks ago, left Spent the week end at the Phillip Thursday morning to return to their | Scully home. 7 S home.: Mr. and Mrs. Shirley once:)_ Little Lorraine Plagge is visiting lUved in Antioch, but left two years , Peggy Leith at Crystal Lake this ago to> mm«mw("'& Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. When:they returned to Antioch it Auston Plagge, spent Sunday with was with the intention of making |th* Leith family, __.. c k their home here, but conditions de-- | _ The ~George Rockenbach family veloped which made their return to |Yi8ited at the home of Almon Rock-- last Sunday in Kenosha.: * --.~ at the Presbyterian Home in Evans-- | -- Deerfleld'>Municipal . Band -- will 'The 'Antiotch fire department was | ton Tuesday, --_ . _--<<._ . ~.. . { give another--of 'its: delightful 'open called --to Little Attrer Lake on' last | ~M: and~Mrs. Wiliiam Koeblin and aur--concerts on Mm% nin Friday, to extinguish & fire -- in --a | 200 <Edmund, and Mrs. Mary Koob--| June 16 in Jewett Park.. 'The pu cottage. f lin were guests of Mr. and Mra. John |i8 invited --to show its appreciation nounee the arrival of a;son on Sun--|-- High Priestoss ~night was--observ-- | There is space for parking of autos day, June 4.. ~The Farnow family | ¢d by Lake Forest White Shrine on | and seats for everyone. "= / fls have made their home in Antioch for | FTid®y evening. --'Thoge 'attending| ~There is a treat in store for all :hm&wu ,a':onth., but are now leay. | from --here ""fc'x":', ':': 'g": little folks at mmhmm 1 as Mr. Famow's work with the }Mr8. Raymond s &~O. Saturday afternoon, from: This gas ccompany is taking him QM;MAMMMMM t_'"'" in <the {form of ~a "Btory SEEK MIGHWAY ON ROUTE 176 Sons and Dai of John Mammlut and One is 84. Ni 2t h it waine, 1 +s P Wl in 25 PR P o Wnn PRstTop iE S ie 12 c e = oi t c oo s).0% . * db o 4A s 09e o. h us h9h Aaa camee o ntine Mike 10 YEARS OLD -:' # r'-{'-"" b,'a:-n fi ',"f':- 'Y'" t n uen lcg p ; £\ e s naaine +) We phrtos i Psn 2e Wxb s .. on TB a kess to «--Deertield Chapter O. E. 8. will cel-- ebrate its birthday Thursday, June 21. ~"A sociay hour will follow: ~the . "Mrs.: Catherine Levine and --Mrs. Blanch Muelier of Highland Park, were--callers at the Knaak 'home on Monday afternoon. _ *«*i hmvm-mnmmm_ attend a ~estate convention at mm-.% and son Bobby, visited Mr. and Mrs. s W--fi Wds a Nes iBb .. o --:'-- lt Wripefi?. s + T ue total camp R. N A is invited 9th. -- Neighbors please bear this in mind and plan to Attend, _ Bates' parents.-- From there they Wwill motor to Pine River and New: castle, Minn., before returning, . Mrs. Elsie Sherden filled the sta-- tion of Esther in Evanston Bastern Stor Monday evening. --Mr. and Mrs. Fifteen Boy Scouts of Troop 52 spent Thursday afternoon and night at the cabin in the woods at Glen-- eoe. ~Rev. M. J. Andrews and John Huhn accompanied the boys. M William . Navigato of: Chicago, a cousin of Frank W. Russo, was bur-- led Monday in Muont --Carmel ceme-- tery. ~Mr. Russo attended the fun-- Mr. and Mrs. Aivin Knask havre moved to the Wessling flat. vacat-- &l'lruulln.mnerWou- noseas. _ arig f Mrs. Rdward H. Selig ontertained the luncheon <bridge club Wednes-- day at apot luck luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. John Wober are on a motor trip~through Wisconsin this ed to Sturtevant, Wis, Bunrday and ¥isited Mr. and Mrs. Jay SBmith guests 'of Mr and Mrog. Almon Rock-- eubach at' Crystal Lake Friday. M«flnMdM&; convention at Kigin Thursday. They went in a body in a chartered bus. The convention was largely atended and all the visitors found it very in-- Mnmma'ms"" North Ohicago Sunday * lodges of --Highland --Park held a me-- Mrs. Rapp sang in the service, Oth Mr. and Mrs. Waliter Toll and family~ are on avacation trip to Manston, Wis.. and points in --Min-- m&ve.momuhhx . Miss . muaum-&h 'fiufidlmcifl-mfitm' day for Newall lowa, where. they eral service. ~The ~"George Rockenbach: family nhah"m L:thm i at ; § Mre. Raymond ~Clavey, Mrs. C. A. Mr. and Mre,; Wilitam Scully,; 8r,, 16ft Saturday for Excelsior Sp¥tings, dorf Saturday evening. s Miso Ruth 'Anderson of GHenview visited her sister© Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gardner motor . and Mrs. Fred Meyer 'D:gnd. mhrnml: ' & Chicago. It was the spring concert arranged by Samue!l Block, director. The hall was packed with an en-- thuslastie crowd and about 100 late comers <listened <~to the -- advanced )mmmeflfldfl. It was &A charming recital and fine talent was revealed. otm" Buhnnnuhl, ::t'mpuu Selma Goge a sing-- er w!guommdmgv" gave Moger'sa "My Love | a Mul-- eteer" and "A Birthday" by Wood-- Lake Forest gardon Jane and Dorothy Robbins will at: |and $2 tend as flower girls. -- Dr. G. H. Rob-- | distric flmgmmhkhm '&Nflrfll hflx man. | school , m.t.flh C tives 't will be Dr. J. & 'another | operati brother; John er, _ of Omaha, 'given 4 ""@otiowiug the ce § bels who: | the--ceremony breakfast 'angd st; will be served at the home of Dr.|}. Tho and Mrs. G H Robbins, of Shorew008 |reaq t« ;.mmvmwadrm.mg' ' :.ania::. Dorothy. -- and Jack. ; w Etohomuu"tdhom Miss g"'rv Robbins is a ntece of Robt. Dowie, Ic':':!_ »qmwauzm er cwith an lovely voice gave De Moger'a "My Love is a Mul-- eteer" and "A Birthday" by Wood-- The wide range of her--voite To n es * wotind Pm the s trained young vocalist one of the outstand-- ing successes -- of this> exceptiopal group. LAURELS FOR--GARDEN CLUB The Home and Garden Magazine, edited by Mr. Robinson, put on & contest in the monthk of May on arti-- cles on flowers or garden club work. Hour," <to be held every Saturday from 3 to 4p. m. at the library. Mrs Waiter B Metoal! will tell the story next Saturday, and we hope that @ll the children will not forget to come and enjoy thé story 'hour. ~Come and bring yourlittle friends. "Mre. Metcalt bas something very nice in the way of a story to tell--you and we plan to have a happy hour.--Mar the mul't:.:nmo of en: Jessie g'ohitu, &'nm..'.'"w; 'to,cm,w. Damheuser, 'fon"ot.lx. T ston. Wis. The wnrafye--A place--at 11 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, June.20, in Madison: -- > ~ DeerfieldSHiieds ~high school while alozzi--Froebel ~Teachers . ColleGe in Chicago. She has been teaching kin-- dergarten in Madison.© Mr. --Dam-- heuser received his B, A. at the Uni-- ¥ersity of Wisconsin and_ is gradu :.t!um-hwachoolu Wisconsin C eosl maerd ton oemne ht Gamma legal fraternity. ~Miss Robbins will have her sister-- Iinlaw Mrs, G; H. Robbins, as her anmatron of honor. Her other attend-- yag y n ty Mome . : qaretcgen on Biiingroml t n n agrtett ngve in saeil aur>concerts on W June 16 in Jewett Park. ic is invited --to show its appreciation and : interest : by~ being ~present There is space for parking of antu' Wiieee:. Lbwell Meinter ant fiew | _ That short item came from the type-- .writer of William H. Stewart, poli-- tical writer on the Chicago Evening American.-- It appeared in his Heard 'and Seen column. on the editorial --<~Stewart when he last attended a banquet in Waukegan suggested the He sat between Commissioner Al Carney, of: Waukegan, and Mayor Walter Atkinson, of North Chicago. "Why,"~ he. asked, . "can't these two 'citien be one?" ---- _---- ~>Both Carney. and Atkinson, em-- W"&Ozmmmm Aike--you should not be mayor of & amail city but ot: North Chicago and Ua.m. ~#raternally -- an & -- Publicity--Mirs. J. D Carter® _ Mrs Ginter spoke words of com-- , to the teacher, Mrs. Beat-- rice Courson Meyers, and "Mrs. Harry Muhike, and presented each --with a basketof beautiful 'flowers. 'The social hour followed, with &n at-- tendance, including children of 72. Ice cream, cake and coffec ~ was served by the new social committee and helpets and a good time was en-- t:ondbydl; The graduates receiy-- ed congratulations and good wishes. phml;ho cities are one. tically --there is 'a . division. North Chicago maintains its . muni-- cipal life through the --aldermanic "~Nelther would--care to_ loge "Its during <the year. -- This closed -- the graduation exercises. § : ? _.. The P. T. A. then conducted :a brief Dbusiness session. Report of the-- finance committee for. the past program given --April--27, .at the Ma-- soni¢c Temple, to be $83.50, and the net proceeds of same to be $53450, treasurer's books 'and accounts o.k. The past préesident, Mrs. J. D. Car-- ter,--gsave a summary report of the Clavey,> A day in the : fall at nflow;l:*;:hh&htuntotm school, of two elm trees: do-- Bubscriptions to Welfare mag-- azine 'with--club of ten aubscribers and $2 from our local treasury.<Two district conferences -- attended, one by the president and-- one dy four members: Joint meeting held by sehoo! 'board and P. T. A. execu tives to conter--on finances and 'co-- Operation for good of schl. : Program given at all meetings but one during the year.. ~Founder's day observed with offering of $4.50 for national and state work. The following appointments were read for the ensuing year: <__-- with Mrs. A. W. Torbet, chairman. -- Social--Mrs. H. Reinshagen, Mrs. H W Murphy and M--rs.E.Lzshrdlu H. W. Murphy and Mrs. E. L party <with net proceeds of $60.14. Musical : entertainment, $53.60. -- --Ar-- bor --day observed--for children, with suitable: exercises, {four ~evergreen ed a small tree donated by Mrs. which were dtor & fund to *"Keep on.g:ve on": and "hl'l; Prophet." was accompanied * Mr..Clavey presented the diplomas aund spoke words of counsel and com mendation to the graduates. He also presented pins. for perfect-- attend-- ance for the year and for those who had completed five years of work in the state Reading Circle course. He thanked and comniended--the teach ers Tor"their good and faithful work C%Efim Writes That ard Hastings. We all sang--"Ameri-- mer L. Clavey as president--of the graduation exercises. He introduced Miss Wilson, dean of: Girls:in. the Deerfield--Shields high school, as' the speaker of 'the evening.. She gave the graduates and-- in fact all pres-- on a week day we were-- im pressed:--with a heavy cloud. of smoke which --rested=over. that '*"The "'m' of Lake: county has: become : an important i% incidently why docsn't Wau-- W kegan annex Nov'-th Chicago ?" Misa--Schilstra sang two numbers, CHIESs URGED BY WM. STEWART ce ie $¥( ~ Mr.--and Mrs. Paul mex:moc 1;3 er U."m'.' '"'t Budav, y w s and Mrs. H. E. Hicks.~ Mrs .Owen Paddock and ~daughter, Li Verne; of Chicago, spent Sunday at the Ray Seymonur home . -- _ © ~Mr. and Mrs Ray Paddock and ,,m\, "'m l!ith T8. Mw at R--und I:ke. 4 4 Grantham, Sr._ spen fi;}tm'mg' with Mrs. Loretta sls mn w snn y en h ter, Mrs. E; H; Prior® .. y _ Mr. and----Mrs. Jerear, of Peoria, have rented. the Nestliend cottage; "fll}& mug: 1?' spending a fow C l, rior """""' 4 days in Chicago with his father. ~ Ronald_ Geary of Gilmer visited Sunday 'at. the~Harry -- Granthaim called on friends here Sunday.> > Miss Mattie :Hughes of Waukegan spent the week end with her parents To ho h td Rasa . eyer and son Donald, of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. Hatry Grantham, Jr., Sat-- 3 um..m daughter, Jac queline, are visiting relatives in Day-- _ Jensen Johanson, who bought the J. A. Strang home has painted the which adds greatly to the place.. Mrs. Hopson, of Rick Island, who is wisiting her parents, was bitten by a neighbor's dog. while she was and is recovering nicely. Word reached here Saturday morn ing of the death of Roy-- Dawson, in an automobile accident at Sioux City lowa. -- Mr. Dawson is a brother of Mrs. L 8. Bonner of Miliburn, and Mrs. V. H. Strang of Waukegan. He ;andhreonmm :hm.dl;:'wmbebmhdnm home parents in Three Oaks, L L&Bonq,aa;h-nylen f t on Monday for Three Ooks., Mich., to attend the funéral of Mrs. Bonner's brother, Roy Dawson. . _ Mrse. Grace Bonner entertained her cousin for a few days., and Mr. and companied her to Kansasville, Wis., and spent the week end." | hmufilmm Bunday with son E. E. Den-- man, and family at Gurnee. Mr. and Mrs.--J. 8. Denman and fam-- ily spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Leslie Kamper at River Forest. ----_Dr. and Mrs. Jamison and Miss Doris Jamison spent Sunday at Lake ~-- Prof. Hall and four children of Ai-- bion, Mich.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair for two weeks. Anna Mae and James Abrahamson of Waukegan are staying with the son, at the dospital. Misses Doris Jamison and Roberta Hook were members of the gradu-- The. Ladies' Aid Society will have a bakery sale at the church Friday evening; also @an entertainment of stunts and--a fashion show will be .<Mrs. B. W. Fuller spent > several days with her daughter, Mrs. Hop-- Misses 1220r18 JAmjison anu AVDOIid Agincourt or Wateri Modern Hook were members of the gradu-- &'m..fi.m'z;..tu ating class -- of the : Gurnee bigh | teriorating. ~Our W The. Ladies' Aid Society will have | The fossilized bomes of the earliest 4 bakery sale at the church Friday | human beings indicate <that our evening: also an entertainment of | most anclent ancestors seldom lived stunts and a fashion show will be | beyond the early adult stage,. Mum-- presented. $ my cases in Egypt show that an 5o Aereieretierenmnntinsnaiiinimeet . ~| Reyptian child of five years might 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o a a| ZRt to Hrs !s be on'y thirty five. . | a fve--year--old child of under o -- WAUCONDA ) the Cassers could expect a lifs of % C op enc e Ge, en e nok . . h wm u.m 00000000000 00 0 grwmm !dh"mmnnu * L W. Ackerman, of Barrington, | be at least sizty--four years old." 0 000 0 0 0 00 0 06 0 0 derway this week as a service of the Ilinois and Federal Departments of %:uh&_flu«mt. Burratt out that Ilinols is one of the market receipts of 1927 approximat-- Burratt's ~observations relative to the benefits to be derived by II!-- that the lHiinois and United States Departments of Agricuiture jointly Offer© follow in part: "In~view of the outstanding. im-- portance of: this: industry it is nec-- essary that the Illinois farmers be kept well informer regarding pres-- ent --hog suppliecs and the future 0000 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 mm'%mmu ing plans avoid being long on hogs when prices touch the 'bottom and short when higher values prevail,' according to A. J. Burratt, agricul-- In a stateéement stressing the value view to being of assistance to farm-- ers the state and federal-- depart ments of agriculture are conducting a statewide hog survey in Illinois and similar surveys--wil} be made in twicea year throughout the United States.: One is made~in -- June, the other in Degember. © Cards for the survey are--being sent out today." Farmers . _Avoid Overproduc-- tion When the Prices Are Mre.'F Grantbham, Jr.,, at-- . officers' night at 3 FISBLHAIN, J £,, L* nlhnu night at |--@f 6f the . major 'victories" man e on ol 'Wednesday, . Mrs. Harty re is the triumph over trlvhltm . ma;gw Df Eether. | * let Hittle, :hll: m:n:mmt in LIB e e o ns 5l anntes n very Iiinited: copecit e for a few bewe Priiod® :4 D Nt on SA T. css o ts CmIo (eeems 2 e werne it' hi wude t 90-- RZ APSC 57# ;?u'gh,«ff' git * y aA 4. e$:;'f ts n' 'j"fi es e P coraie. 48 . 907 Tok -- Bane 10 on ue o e li'e doas "_{;-f',' Eo N Poligs .t P + t > in 1 . 1 +0 se t Wce c ouie B uc _ 44--A e > 4 betuante Cl To m) stt o U ce _&':' g: iz ,.V'v':.,., -- enc y hi C o waghe .1 Ane 2 OB laiie 2t 8 ces on COd iW 2 s ho cCn t B 6 on sale."' -- . :: > aiy" *R ATTORNEYATLAW ~~. .__ Ancient Use of COPhef __ |Re« Phone 97 . _ Office Phone g" ~'Copper and copper--alloy objects RATYVILLE, fLiLiNGH8 _ --__ :?Mh&uohu::n&' remains LIBE A is o Egypt, dating back to fourth ~a ur Apbp _ _ dynasty, $800 to 4700 B. 0. It was DR. J. L. TAYLON wf% tound in Asia Minor prob-- s o l s e y ably to 3000 B. C., and in China to-- | Office in First National Bank Bldg . 'mbout 2500 B. C. : The remains of c i i e aos o o on S _A curious sight it was, an old pair of rusty skates hanging out-- u-%-mmn the West Indies! 1 wondered, g.mmv«unmu;m"f: Wake of the Buccaneers," whom the proprietor expected to sell them to, so I entered and inquired. Imag-- Ine my astonishment when the shop-- keeper solemnily informed me that tbthdwl:mthmtormm that--no knew exactly what they Indication-- to-- passers--Dy --that my OChristmas stock of merchandise is that. . they mm of the holiday season, so I hang them outside regularly--each year as an with her the whole of the time, for Queen Victoria was not above a bit of gossip, and liked from time to time to be told the news of the day, especially if it dealt with the mar-- rlage of somebody she knew, or the love affairs of some one she had The English races are, bealthier and l'onger--lived than famous an-- mmmumm and says the New York World. --And American descendants of European parents are, on the av-- erage, bigger and taller than their fathers and mothers, according to lut. Lois.. and Mrs.'Henry Shaeffr and son of McHenry spent Thurs-- day with the former's sister, 'Mrs. Edith Jepson at Freeport. Miss Dorothy 'Peck and Herbert Bchroeder 'd"'cuun spent the week ecud with . Edith Peck. said, are not less than in the days People Today Longer Lived used to say that whenever she was summoned to the queen's presence she first asked for a glass of water so as to conquer her emotion." Queen Victoria, adds the princess, never mnl at ~state concerts or -- balls, sometimes she 'would condescend to show <herself at a garden party given by the prince and princess of Wales at Maribor-- ough -- house. She used to arrive late and was driven round the grounds in a little tain --& pearl -- of <¥value, -- although m.dmwuch may be quite saleable. --A ready market for .fl:mm&nut.hm slonal pearler prefers to deal pri-- "was a martinet politically as well as socially.--. . . The prince of stituted for the original bottom of a "tin <can--which when immersed, enables him to see clearly through btllnm"nw.uanumnb'- y bottom, and a long stick with V--shaped notch at the end, grabs all the--shells he sees as he lazily drifts --past, and at the end of a day his spoil is by no means small, But the amateur dispenses with all en-- cumbrances except the aotched stick.= ~With it he simply wades into <the shallows and --gathers all the shelis he sees within reach. The shells are of various sizes from an--inch up to six inches in length, sessors --of : a pearl at a fraction of its real commercial value. Princess Catherine Radu«iwill in a book, "Those I Remember," tells many stories of royailty; : Queen Victoria, says the princess, ~--Mre. Hila Cornwall, of Libertyvilie spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. peari--fisher has a box--zshaped boat in wlHich he foats downwards with in Scottish Streams «It is not commonly known that the Scotch River Tay and its tribu-- tatries ~provide a rich harvest of pearls which are sold up to as high as $50 each:> Anyone can go peari-- Queen Victoria's Rule Over Royal Household spent several months with relatives. Asa Crabtree--called on relatives 40* 1i --pomveg. h Pearls in Abundance in (Pre: Symbolic Ice Shates and <hildren Office in First Nationa! Bank Bldg Houre: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m . LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI8 _-- ATTORNEY.ATLAW >« Offtice at home On W. Cook Avenu i 4:28) 4s interproted 'as . or duck,~Cocks and hense : --from Persia two or three Biliousness, Headaches and &{'*',' ness due to temporary Constip 2s Aids in efiminating "'% * highly esteemed for c 'g ou : watery evacuations. _ l used Aor tood. fore Christ.-- _A tomb at Ma "0 . About 200 5. C: has a good representa -- tion of a crowing eock. : Sparrows and . o EN TtisT Office 530 N. Milwaukes A Libertyville Post 329 EACH MONTH AT TOWN HALL ; C. C. HOSKINS, Commander 4 the genuine BRAYSLAKE § Day--Phone 35, Nite Phone ~ALIBERTYVILLE, lu.moz Libert'y.villc'va | Roofing -- 1| Company > 4 P. 0. ':;.og'.v:: oune [ LIBERTYVILLE $WM S TA OAY ond NGHT SERVICE Estimates Furnished Fre® -- < Fp TaAR AnD aravet rooringe | . READY ROOFING OVER OLB-- «:fi 'EVERFAST' | Pretty new patterns of FLAT ROOFS RECOVERED '3 WITH TAR AND PITCH & LIBERTYVILLE, ILLinotse Work Guaranteed > GEORGE H. SMITH, Prop AT LOW COST We do all kinds of roofing E. W.COLBY _--_._ CoFING| at 50c yd. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED FAS8ST COLOR 666 «. *