CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1928, p. 4

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_1 Lester's Novelty Store .| 'DOELAR DAY BARGAIN: | AT The . _ ' _' K._ 'Fruit and Vegetabe Store AS HUSBAND IS --TAKEN TO JAL Has Heart Attack and Dep-- uty Fears For a Time For Writing Paper, regular 50¢ s seller, 3 boxes for ..............=..;... $2.00 Bathing Suits, ' J »For Dollar:Days --:.--:......:--.::....... ~Dolls and other Large Toys, 1 «_ $1.50 and--~$2.00 values, for...... ® Mrs. Fred Schroeder, of Deertield, : Sifted Dearborn Peas 8 CANS FOR ~~ _ $1.00Q-- [f|fuencea v7 by the ivanhos chureh Ladies' 50c merceried stock-- , | ings,, 3 pairs Men's 25¢ Socks, A 5 pairs for sl-m Aluminum Percolators, Double Boilers, and Tea Kettles, $1.50 value, sl w during this sale, each ........___.__._ PA 32 piece dinner set, regular ' price $8.50; selling for57~50 Laurene Face Powder, 75¢ value, 2 boxes for .slom Laurene Hair Tonic, 5¢ value, | 3 bottle for SI'M Lourene Cocoanut Oil Sham-- sl w poo, 50¢ value, 3 bottles for...... P 4 .VR Lourene Toilet Water, $1 value, 2 bottles for s,s'l'w To anyone who will bring us a copy of this adver-- tisement we will give a Children'y>35e Heavy Stock-- 51 _'w inmgs, 4 pairs for ............:.:............ reduction of $1.00, on any purchase amounting to. $3.00 or over, on Dollar Days, July 26 and 27 Children's 50c Socks, ' T pairs for .::.............>........2., Children's>35e Heavy Stock-- Dollar : Day Bargains ~~ 'At Lester's This store is the place for every day Bargains, but for Tlmruday and Friday, July 26 and 27, we offer the following: > Jos. Kohout CGo. Her Recovery. Telephone 138 lar®c .. $1.00 * .' -- . $1.00 and for a moment it was th that she was dying when ~D Charles Krueger arrested her band on a charge of -- larceny ~by deputy, was unconscious for 45 min-- utes. -- Her condition was regarded as eritical due to suffering from heart womnen wory penuiions land the Iro m«ummmw.:t.'" Schroeder has been employed on on a golf course near Deertield.-- He has lived in that vicinity sincte last May,> according to Deputy Krueger. Libertyville, Illinois Virginia aa ons c =_ -- 545 N. Milwaukee Ave. ~ _A good attendance was present at the picnic at Volo on Sunday. -- Mr. and Mrs. L P. Davis and fam-- My were in McHenry on Saturday. Mrs. C. R. Ravin and son spent Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dawell. Mrs. George Schied Jr., and daugh-- ter spent Tuasday at the home of Dowell Bros. Vlctorl'ndofiekudlbmltm Mr. and Mrs: George Fredefick daughter Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. A} b'ert Behnuanl Mlmly h:'.l?y I'r and rs. Ben Lenszsen , of . mnmmueduu;:&. on Sunday. * : un.(!monov.;l.lwd-miun were at Dowell --Bros. Mang from here attended the cir-- son, and Mrs. Esee Fisher were in Wauconda on Saturday evening. ---- Miss Vinnie Beaon was a CcHen-- ry caller on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook were Sun-- day supper guests at the. Frank H» Mrs. P. L Stadtfield and Mrs. J. Lenzen were in McHenry on Friday. Libertyville, is spending her vaco tion with relatives and friends here-- Mrs. Roy Passfield called at the Harry Passtield home on Friday.s . G. A. Vasey and son called at the Dowell Bros. home on Saturday. ~ Milton Dowell and Miss Beatrice Wilson attended.a show at the Em pire theatre on Saturday evening. ~ Miss Zelma Russell, of Rockford is spending this week with her par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell. Miss Laura Mitchell was a Sun-- day caller at the Frank Hironimus her Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vasey and dan-- .g::-mtsuuuumum ank E. WiHson home. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fisher and son were Sunday callers at the E. H. Meyer home in Fremont. Thomas R. Harker, Jr., 23, of 5524 Cornell ave., Chicago, whose father, Col. Harker is stationed at Fort of the death of her brother, Rodney T. Peacocke, aged 19, at Southville, Injuries received on June 23 in & hunting accident. Mr. Peacocke, it develops, was hunting at the time of the accident. His gun caught on the branch of a tree and was discharged, the charge taking effect in his left arm. Two amputations .were performed by sur-- geons in an attempt to save the life of the young man, but in vain. Com-- plications set in and death resulted. The deceased was a graduate of Black Rock College at Dublin-- and was extremely active in all branches of sports. f Mrs. O'Hanrahan had been apprit ed of the accident, but was totally which reached her today. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rodmey Peacocke of South-- +ville, Ireland, Brother 0 f Wkgn. Woman is Dead. Llioyd Dowell is the proud owner Mr. Mis Hazel Townsend is nowat Miss Hazel Townsend is now at vmmmmwlu M. O'Hanrahan of-- 1611 North Ireland. Death was due to ederick and sister Marie. | _ _. . .,~~.~~ / s George Fredefick and | Ninetieth Annivesary levinina Mr and Mres: Al C VOLO ---! .' ..'Iv. l I T C #5 and | Of the Ivanhoe Church sume of the past fifteen years, indi-- cating that the church had continu-- ed to be loyal toosthe ideals-- of the the timbers that went into its smue ureé. On incident in this process of preparing these logs was the acci-- dental death of one of the brothers, Richa&rd, who stumbled and fell be-- neath one of the Aalling --trees. «: --._In a delightfuily humorous orig?-- nal poem, Mrs. Charles H. Parker, ville, spoke of the of <the || f present church edifice in and of the activive part her father, & Woolridge and his two brothers had taken in hewing the logs that made ! 4¥ = 4 -adu'vulhhu :::.::::'l h : of August Tth, with a picaic supper family leave their summer'. Wisconsin While Mr. Jeyane is away the churches will be served by Rev. J. Sceott Carr. Ph. D., former pastor of First Church. IDx. Carr is known and loved by many of the people of the community, and will be welcom-- ed by them most Abheartily. If Mr. Jeyne should beneed at any time, he may be reached by addressing him in care of Roy B. Moore, Rhineland-- mhoumm_en{l:'udtom forward its work in same spirit as that which posseased .them. _Then. followed a series of three minute pictures of outstanding fea tures of the church's life. -- ---- . Mrs, Charles Kaiser, of Liberty-- us Chareh PrateOrercomes _ Evil With Good "The Gladdening Ways of Jesus" is the subject for Sunday morning "llvlc::c at.7:30, with the ce oi : 30, Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. R PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH (Ivanhoe Church and First Church, Mundelein) s C. Arthur Jevyne, Minister Bunday School. © First Chureh at 9 a. m. daylight saving time;-- T~anr hnuun.-.mmt-o. Worship service, chureh, at 10 a m. daylight saving time, Ivan-- boe church at 10 a m., standard A large congregation was present at Ivanboe church on Sunday morn-- ing to partitipate in the celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the church. ~Mr Frank Doliph, the chor-- ister, had arranged a fine program of old time favorite songs, the con-- gregation using the hymns, "Come Thou First," "The Solid Rock," and "Rock. Of Ages" the choir singing "There Is A Fountain," "The White Church On The .Hill," "Revive Us Again" and "Ring The Belis Of Heay far and wide {for its friendliness,:its patriotism and its devotion to educa tion and~Christianity. George Brainerd, clerk . of the church and one of the twoelve men Bunday School at 10 a. m. English service at 11 a. m. Rev. Mr. Zersen will preach. : An joe cream social will be given Wednesday -- evening, August 8th, sponsored by the A. A. L. who have served as scene in churcly and choir and Sun-- day school, as it affected the lves of many. of those present. Fine testimony was born by Chas. H. Kaiser, of Libertyvilie, to the fact that his life had been profoundly in-- Good music and a hearty welcome to all who would worship with us. Young people's meeting at 6:30. There will be no evening service during the summer months. for all members of the church. In a very lucid and concise way,| Mrs. Harding summed up the history | of the first seventy--five years of the | church's life, showing how vital and inspiring had been the infiuence of | the church thruout theseyears. The : ideals of love to God and love to ; man found expression in the hearts and lives of its membership and cre-- ated a community which was known _ study is a universal need, Morning worship at 11. The pas-- tor wil speak on "The Law of Music by the choir of each church. The sermon subject will be "Get-- ting rid of the Poisen" s 8T. LA WRENCE'S HEPISCOPAL Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. The services for Sunday, July22: Holy Rucharist and sermon at 11 m., Rev. C.; D. Weeden officiating. commmmmegme CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Auditorium 'Theatreé. Bunday School at 9:80 a. m. Church Services at 10:46 a. m. Strangers always welcome. The subject for this week is Love. community, when as a young *H. Lebhmann, Pastor '-:"G?m"m"" ity and sincereity of youth, that gave strength and vital 'ity to their Christian experience. P e BUNGALOW > * . iss ap C c R GAS RA:!GE: N lNCINERA'gE):R ; : /""' i _ . <_...._Wa 1 & : *~ _ GAS RAN 1 € B"*&'&-' 9 "Happ g .. Was Pricel] at $98.00 ® ~| € Was Priced At $55.00 road, stopped on the concrete in front of the Douglass Nursery to di-- rect J. L. Denby, 610 Main street, Racine, Wis.,. to correct route to Racine when Stanley Colzyk, 6703%-- 15th avenue, Kenosha, Wis., driving an Oakland sedan, tried to stop and hit the rear end of the Cobb -- car, akidded, hit the culvert and <turned over on'®its side on top of the cul-- vert. No one was injured. Consider-- able damage was done to the Oak-- land. Cobb's car had the rear right fender, rear spring and possibly. the Three freight cars on the Chicago & North Western railway early Sun-- day left the tracks of the freight line at Blanchard road when an air * Mr. Frank Doiph, chorister of the church, recalled the day when the Junior choir of thirty four boys and girls had Clourished and enriched the evening--services of the church: This group of young people had also raized the money for buying the pi ano in the church, by giving con certs and socials. _ 'The importance of the Sunday achool, during the church's life was emphbasizsed by Robert Radtke and hbe showed hbow through the fine training, it had produced le&ders iA the church for each suceeding gen profound impression made in-- ber early life by prayer as it found its expression in the lives of the older Mum{'mmmm prayer meeting in the gallery of the church, and as it found expression in the C. E. Society, where the young people prayed for everything, but Mrs. Lilltan M. Galvin, residing at Channel Lake, was taken to the Lake County hospital while suffer-- ing from severe scalds about the face which she-- sustained Sunday, when she removed the top of a steam pressure cooker without first allowing the pressure to subside. hose broke. No one was injured. Cargoes were strewn about the place. morning, on the lives of that house Deputies Heckinger and Klarkowski. & : Now Priced wOMAN BURNED FREIGHT CARS _ Now Priced k At was sha«reasra's a ~~GRAY PORCELAIN _ GAS RANGE .. _.Was Priced At $100.00 . 4+ w, Also Carry A Fall Line Of "PURI TAN" LEAVE TRACK 66-- JNIVERSAL" Gas Ranges brought the regrets of Mrs. Doiph and Mr. George Radtke, that thru iliness, they were unable to be at the service. <Mr. Radtke is also one of the twelve deacons who have been in service of the church a part of the In closing, Mr. Jeryné spoke of the memories of bygone days,; the bheritage of the past, as all contribut in# to the strengthening of the pres ent.membership to 50 {forward to the achievements that lie ahead with en thusiasm and courage and loyalty to the ideals set before it THE GREATEST DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS EVER OFFERED IN LIBERTYVILLE Beautiful 10--inch Enlarged Portrait IN 15--INCH MOUNTING ° cost. (Children under 5 years not included. ) NOW ISs YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO FRAME YOUR PIC-- TURES, CERTIFICATES, ETC. To introduce our work to new patrons, we make a new plate, proofs and portrait complete for a fraction of actual Telephone 341--J S40 Sming, old $1 .O( x10 Swing, : silver, eacg goor $l .00 4X6, 5?'7 Stand Frames, 8j1;- i oc .c ......... SB00 4x6 omn;imf, leather; green, Je _' _ JROP 1 [ -- t V CD A v D BARGAINS IN Now Priced @eqfI #eeese'e. ca ces se ces ce e mm Honeywell Studio Now?nced at _ 955 $1.00 FRAME SPECIALS ONLY $1.00 were continued Monday by Justite Hervey Coulson when Hgas report-- ed that he had sold the property and that the building was being de-- stroyed. Choice new wall frames, fin-- ished in gold, silver or plati-- Sizegs--11x15, 12x14, 9x11, {x11 and 8x10 Glass and Backs included , ._Wu"'fiqfl at $98.00 Now Priced o4( n o t o s Now Priced GRAY PORCELAIN GAS RANGE In--A--Drawer Broiler Was Priced At $120.00 DO ALL THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO -- THEY GET RESULTS. BScreen Doors --Window Screens 8 C RE EN S Libertyville, IIl. Pind St. Gate to Naval Station ----__" PHoNE w22 00 $100 $70 §

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