CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Aug 1928, p. 16

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/ wTewnVeememi®s , a ' Amount pald Clerk of the Cireuit Court On What Account" Section P&OQ Wauconda Sec, N Seo. R --~~ Totais Transfer to Lakes ---- _ -- . f Bpacs of County Treasurer (See Schedule E).... 4731 hands of Co. eva at close of business -- From What Source Section:P&O Waugonda Seo N Seo. R Totais Amount of bal. in * Note:-- *¥ *k At the close 'otmmmflnuMhmmath, ty Collectr due the sbove fund from collection of taxes the -- yoar 1926, the spm of $72,138.45 which was tran«--ferred thereto on December 31, E& REFUND ACcOUNT s : Wkiknee tn fund December &, 1926, as shown in last repoft..$ 6.207.50 hands of the County Treasurer at the close of business on November bustectontretediiiahcint vissincrrtartiatstataiadadiatie Meld, Sec. 34 WX#154... Bal. in fund Dec. 6, 1926 as shown in last--report. Transferred from sale of truction during year..........}48,886.89 1938.11 T abalinred to Deathicia friAAll S8CHEDULE D Amount of overdraft shown in this fund &t close of busi-- mess on November 30, 1927......2.2...2200 2. 2 20202002 ursements : & mmmmhsmm................ Amount transferred to Hwy, Maintance Fund Total Amount paeid out during the year y Franmtee t tisee foas Balance remaining in hands of County Treasurer at clo; Te Commission of the County Treasurer..................., . _ (See Schedule £), us Balance remaining in hands of the County Treasurer at the close of business on November $0, 1927..........---- Balance in fund Dec. 6, 1926, shown by last report m h ." " m m-------m-"-"--' m w mfi l" m---m< M E'%lt and rebates on ofl........---- of business on November 30, Balance in fund December 6, 1926 as shown in last report.$ Received from taxr extension year 1926...........,..«--=--= ___ (See Schedule A). cigt Amount of overdraft shown in this fund at the close of . . business on November --30, 1927..........._.....=_.«=----~ -- _ SALE OF BONDS--THIRD 18sUE Balance in fund Decmeber 6, 1926, shown in last report...$ Tieoulro® Tor TOEKINE --..... .. «.. carerk »umoanoties adercant «sae« =s Transfer from Engineering Fund*(See Schedule~D)...... Transier from General County Fund (See Schedule C).... Total Receipts Amount paid Clerk of the Circuit Court................._. Balance remaining in bhands of County Treasurer at close M out m the M--_.."..:.m.'_. h'!x" County Treasurer (See Schedule E) i.'&nmmc.uu.umnu:fl Amount received during the year .;.....--.~----__, ' Interest paid on ue ue ie ww aro td aorere uce in P rincipat of Court House bonds paid EWEY --W""'--O' w # Amount transferred to Engineering fund. nplie .. 4 $ Balancé in fund December 6, 1926, as #shown last report...}$ _ 4, Transferred from S&lG8 Of DOROS.....»----~«~--~~--------meccoccome -- 19, Amount of overdraft in this fund December 6, 1926, as ts .* RESERVE ACCOUNT ipte: ® -- * *% m-mmmu-muumw Commission of County Treasurer (See Schedule R).s.... . 290.5§ Balance remaining in the hands of the County Treasurer at s x--". '~'~(Bee Schedule E) . *<> s kAM| _ _ * d m m W .'Q..--"--..------.-IQV...------..- m h Balance remaining in hands of County Treasurer st clase =>,. ~ <vi.}.}> oJ _.~s hw .m " -" ---.--"_.---o-" Paid D&AMk COMMISSION .._._._.__.__----_<««.----_----_----<co0--s=--eonmsio=~ Balance remaining in bands of County Treasurer Novem-- Total Receipts ... Principal of Road Bonds Paid... shown in our last report. close of business on November 30,.1927 From What Source paild out on cons-- > e oA K o is 4. COUNTY HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE FUND -- © c o o c m ap 34--15-- ALTERATION AND ADDITIONS FUND S8ECOND BOND I88ULE ROAD FUND COoUuNTY BOND TAX FUND a ENGINEERING FUND BUILDING FUND tts Bond & Tos. ------§ 4,215.01 81.03 850.917 _' &%8561L183 14147 -- §54,t10.1% $22,011.04 FF THIRD BOND I§SUE ROAD FUNb ¢ Lo# Bm j# .q m un o o um me e on on on it .. Hlid K409 & _ 18600 °_ 55.53 -- : 30%30 <$B4.35) > il542%; = s1.79 Commission of County °_ on un um am m on on on on on ons }; !'i ame -- E " "'j -- From What: Source * gg" fl'aw t!§ 22 '3'1'__:.1" $ £,00000 Bal. in fund Dec. 6, 1926 ®. uen us as oo «+ ncn m n "'", A* + 4) * inss 4 A o age o o. M cPesns --v-"--'-"" P f + =--.--$ 37483t. ! ~Balancé in Fund Dec. 6, 1926, as shown in last report----_.$ 18,581.56 o M'%MMM of 1926 Town of 'm" --8$ --17,528.07 * w <_ Waukegan ... B smy ° 39.40 | /' Total Receipts . ._......1:'::.'. Mg out> .$ 32700 "g','h z F¥or refund on do: 17,528.07 W w * j -' Disbursements: t « :z.« overdrait Dec. $, 1926 shown h last report....$ $0,942.59 T _of County, warrants paid during the year........, 72,150.83 Commission of the County Treasurer (See Schedule E).. _ 1,036.01 Total Disbursements _.____________.____.____.____._._:..$ 154 12943 Amount of overdraft shown in this fund at close of busi-- ness on November 30, 1927......_...................____--} 146,356.72 Note: | It will be noticed that the amount of the appropriation for the year 1927, viz:;.the sum of $50,000.00 had not yet been transferred to this account on December 1, 1927. _ £ f ¢ t * *% INSTITUTE FuND -- -- 31 *** Taikice in fund Dec. 6, 1996, shown in' Inst report.L......3_ -- 40796 ' . Amount received from 0:.'230. Schools during"year...... $19.00 the m amount o't.: o m paid out during the YeBT--..~.--_--.~.~..--~«.~.=--«------4~ ance remaining in hands of County Treasurer at close the hands of the County Collector at the close of the year and was not Wtothhtudutnnou-?uu.ufl. s faa = . «.+. MEIRSHIP FUND f Ressipts : o Balance Dec. 6, 1926, as shown by last report.....} 12%,389.10 .M W m m---m-.m-o--:.-'--m--. . L"m Total as County Treasurer..... Amount. paid out during the year......... Commission of the County Treasurer (See Bulance --remaining in bands of County Tre "Of business on November 30, 1927....... Error charged during Pestsall torm...... _ _'239 Interest on tax of prior years collected.... £39.19 Amount paid out during year as evidenced by vouchers on , of business November 30, 1927...... auuu on 1106 (UAX--.....~.~«~----<««<~<eucsomcenumstamemen= . . ;. A090 J remaining in hands of the County Treasurer at * . close of business on November 30, 1927............__.. . 19,578.10 Art" t received from Assessors Tax' of 1926 Town of ':~_ m h n ue i on on db ue us n ons us o s uie t on an on o vem on hn on usmcs on n un us as an as on us on an un as on an 9eh in y ho dobg ceveeli n at in mc douint: »eguie on o uie n %fi:)' County' Collector Tax of 1926 : (See ..i *12CARR . "-m--""u"-m.'-cfi;m- * o . : *A s . m M" --'"b-----m";onoqoabm"--onuooooj nt received from Hospital during the year ¥red from balance of "Petty Cash"......... A balance of $265.36 from tax extension of 1926 remained in sion on General Tax of 1926.....----$ 38,007.98 * sion on tax of prior years collected 116.54 In fund Dec. 6, 1926 as shown in last report....__} . 6,892.81° received from State's Attorney during the year.. 45,396.40 . DETENTION HOME FUND _ x in fund December 6, 1926, as shown in last report.$ 21,458.52 in fund December 6, 1926, as shown in last report.$ roceitod. AHNING YORLI.--...««~~.«~«.~«~--~««----cueasnrenrorsonm ~= % C opain t d '.' o9 j '.A ; b: f ot overdraft in this fund Dec. 6, 1926, as shown in $ 4,888.60 $ --9,000.00. LaKeE county Ggeneril nosritaL of fees and <commissions re-- COUNTY .POG LICENSE 'FUND 0 STATE's ATTORNEY®y Funbg iz i€ in hands of County Treasurer at close MI8SCELLANEOUS FUNDS PP TITTTI on o on cn is ol us us is m on SCHEDVULE "E" SCHEDULE D ;n;d_;n_opodndmiddouw C uw c on an on n 18 .313.85 © e«=<»§ 20,721.20 «o«$ ~~1,287.88 --§ 14,067.45 4+ -- LMLITL § 1,8687.63 $ . 14,00745 117 4817.34° * 1 117.50 $,145,57 1,559.00 hocee......$13,608.10 ©80,478.64_ ~ $ 6,007.13 $101,082.53 :h::mu $471,428.15 enzimcanace§! 180.98. -- ~ $70.18; 55.3 39556 -- °1,4882.08 _ 4,947.10 oocco----m0.§ 1,164.98 . $ 6,950.64 . _ 8,877.64° 17,789.79-- --16,610.83 _ 55,418.95 ~«--~~--~~----$15,000.00 $68,000.00 _ $10,000.00 $120,050.88 $100,800.36 $532.901 FmeSSpeamme Senan 22o 0 CUnT-- en a tak e e adl oo O( aneit deaie amer 3 PAE ol t iqh eeaoich. To res Lo he 9 on t _ Smnen . Poad weren s c o m CWits on on o+ THIRD BOND I188VUE ROAD FUND This present examination of such accounts covered the period of time Mlhgmw&mmmcnmmcbuotmulb- '.N .,MQV j « * At the date of the close of this present examination the condition of the same accounts is shown to have been as follows: f Amount of overdraft in County' Treasurer's"®" Hospital s LAKE COUNTY GENERAL --HOSPITAL . Our last examination of the affairs of this institution brought its ac-- counts down to the close of business on November 30, 1926, at which date such account was shown to have been in the following: condition : Amount of overdraft in County Treasurer's: Hospital --~-- _ _ Statements furnished by various banks evidence that at the close of business on November 30 1927, there was held on deposit by Mr. Jay B. Morse, in his official capacity, subject to check in such institutions, the following amounts: . 4 ; Name of Bank 5 Anmiount -- , ¥irst National Bank of Chicago...._...__..._..}480 821.17 f Wauconda Trust & Savings Buank.............. 15,000.00 | Libertyrville Trust & Savings Bank............ 25,000.00 Total amount held on deposit.. Checks and cash items held in Sales in Error ...... *Totul amount of all funds, beld at close 'of "A business November 30, 1927........_...~ . ~__ $ se 89212 The account of this highly important office are being kept in an effi-- County Road Maintenance Fund.... Hullding 'Fund ........----<--««<««<<«««««« Wau and Additions Fund...... County General Hospital Fund General tax collected and not 'distributed Redemption of forfeited property.............." -- $41.42 Personal property tax collected after distribution 4,677.78 $ 856,245.24 General County Fund. Non--High School. Fund Net amount of Overdrait in County Treasurer's Net amoudt of funds on hand at the close of _ business on November 30, 1927.--...........: Hecond Bond Issue Fund. Bpecial tax collected and not distributed 1, 1927,. been held at that time in the account--'of: the collector with lector will: therefore appear in: is Fee=Accountof nett: year, * ° m t *\t> * * * i * ~Salary of the County TrOASULOT ~.--~»~=s»~~--~»------»=2~,--=------~§} $,500.04 m d m m m..-'--"-.---oo----mow 'i" m " m m m-..".-...'.--q.-m" "'" Salary of --Allen NelsON, DODUtY.--.~~.~----»--s----=«c--=--------c--<=,~-- -- 1,800.00 Salary of Lynn-- Harvey,; DePUtY ~~--~~=~=--=«»~----«--------«=--ossee« . _ ©200.00 Shown by the foregoing schedules and 'by other accounts in the office to be remaining in the hands of the County Treagurer pd.lx-omdo County Collector at the close of business on November 30, /A. D. 1927 What Fund or Account i Amount Unclaimed 'Witness Fee Fund County Bond Fund...... Third Bond Issue Fund.... urers late in the year, the fingl distribution : of :taxes col made until on or &about Déacember $1, 1927,.= _ ~ :=sso~ <~ Total--amount received during the year............._......} 7 Total--amount paid out during the year.._......._......... 3' : Balance of surplus fees in Fee Account shown to be re-- : remaining in the hands of the County Treasurer and Ex-- Officio County Collector at the close of business on No-- * m ". l'" "'..-"-...-,-...-m-.'-'..-..----------' 3' Indicating an incregse in the noet amount of overdraft dur-- _ 10,000.00 -- €68,000.00; Amount of cash held at Hospital Net amount of overdraft on December 1,; 1926... Net amoupnt of overdraft, December--1, 1027 Total amount of Overdraft...... uct: . Amount of cash held at Hospital For publication of delinguent tax list.. KFor premium and etpense on bond of County <Treasutrer and . RXOLLCHY: COLNECUDT .. .......... «. --: «. ... «t «sw «t it Ne ntiee t tm te mm se on im um ie is For-- auditors services and clerk hire... For compensation of deputy: collectors. e » startling increase of overdraft during the year was very largely for the resson that the amount '""W for the year for account, amounting to the sum of $50,000.00 had net been trans-- rtlh'amt o'a&&uw,l. 19%7, as will be shownhereinaftet., this "'w" increase in the amount of overdraft for the uld have been the sum of rmieny omminennd of overdraft in County Tremsurer's Hospital been the sum of $14,802.68.. :. _ . -- %uufimwmm um 'to' ue t o ae ue ie on as oe as ae an i. NB i. + 2o oue iif hf w un t ms ce on on o c c m on o on o o m ns on ae SUMMARY OF BALANCES: Disra en oi m e o m ce w o t oo m w m on e oo usnn m o m o on uen on on w oo m w o t n EPE 10,000.00 -- 120,000.00 : 165,000.00 ' 496,000.00 «c un m ce ut ue un on c m «ce o e <of taxes Amount -- , --$480,831.17 _ -- -- £1,059.08 -- 15,000.00 | -- --. 25,000.00 -- $0,000.00 -- $0,000.90 -- 102,742.59 -- 15,000.00 _ 1500000 _ $215,259.10 e suggested sometime ago at the hospital have been of bills allowed have been zaznco==w=««} $,500.04 | the account. > 3 en e n w n n w n "" h 'm B" to mwuraimasstinnts v * > 3 Cash ~Account"--with i sesaseapz» ---- 1,800.00 | $700.00 transferred fro: parxsasce=«' 17,283,.93 | shown'in "Schedule C. oolkm=--scoces _ 1,160,00] Of $1,896.6%3; an amou: epnctsitlsisine §27.50 | shown in --"Schedule C ~M--we.«_.. -- 4,2090 10 | the hospital at the clos s w ie ifi mntlhe t 1001 |--. In "Schedule--C" 4s --_.§$> 145 260.17 _«.«.$ 38,014.69 .. $ 405,433.12 repns C398 ml h §=¥Efil%£f' mg é i % ,»'% t i &9 -- . 4,887.88 .$ --10,916.856 C N $ $8,23047 § 734,822.44 --8 37,158.14 $286,080.00 1.287.88 2344.04 . The amount of appropriation made to this fund for this year viz: the sum of $50,000.00 was not transferred thereto on the books of the County Treasurer until January 4, 192%8, and therefore does not appear in the receipts for the year as shown above. . Total amount received during the yO&r--._.............._.-- -- . _ Total amount paid out during the Y@RT....~=--~--~.--.--=------------ Amount ? overdraft during the JE C aoperavne cabermied's Amntotonrdnnh'thumtnm'fi.u& § ks shown in our li&st IBPOFA --._...~._._...=._--«sovreritaregtacenum Ainount of overdraft shown in this fund at close of .bus! DBSt Oh _NOYVARMDOE B0, IMED.¢ «. » .. caar'k cantmxinnmatinerass county warrants have from time to time been Grawn upon the County Treasury, as-- we have hereinafter shown in "Schedule B" amounting since May:1, 1927, to the sum of $1,500.00. .-- In Schedule A" following we have shown the amount received at the hospital during each month of the year ambunting to the total sum of w ,@14.35, being $5,761.13' less than the year just preceding: the amount of i balance held in such gemneral cash account on December 1, 1926; the amou:4 paid out prior to May 1. 1927, amounting to the sum of $8, ;lu.u,ug'm surm of $8,683.58 paid into the--County Treasury to balance In "Schedule B" following we have shown the activities of the "Petty Cash Account" with its receipts amounting to $2,200.00, consistifig of $700.00 transferred from the general cash account as shown in "Schedule A," and $1,500.00 paid by warrants drawn en the County Treasury as shown'in "Schedule C." > The.disbursements from this fund are shown to have been the sum of $1,896.6%; an amount of $83.08 returned to the County Treasury, as shown in '"Schedule C;" and a balance of $220.29 remgining therein at the hospital at the close of business on November 30, 1927. hflcmnund&huhuhhhclmdm.:r'flno!flmu appearing in Hospital Building Account, showing a overdraft ip such two funds--as indicated in the account of the County Treasurer amounting tothonnmu.u. These just described are followed by a "Recapituistion" in which is shown the total amount of all receipts and disbursements dur-- mmm;.mmaMuemwmmmm the amount of overdraft shown December 1, 1926, to have been remaining hmmwmgmmmmnmm d-euhhhmlol'dummummm; and the amount of overdraft at same date in the Hospital Building Fund, the amount of overdraft in such two funds:--amounting at the close of business on No-- vember 30, 1927, to: the sum of $152,428.36 as shown in "Schedule C." mmgumflyum.mmmuubymw represent the number of sick days treated during the year to have been $24,648. ~ « On this basis the gross cost per day to the county was the sum of $38.315, while the net cost was the sum of $2.629 each. The salary of the Superintendent is not included in this computation which would add about 20 cents additional. . SCHEDULE A & Showing amount of receipts and disbursements at Lake Couptr General Hospital, w . _ In "Schedule--C" 4s shown the account of the County Treasurer--with the hospital fund, showing the amount of its recéipts and disbursements during the year and the amount of overdraft therein at the close of the year of the sum of $145,360.77 as shown in the account of the County General Cash Account. For What Auto supplies and re Amount shown to be remaining in Petty Cash Ac-- * count at hospital (See. "Schedule B")............-->-------- 2230.29 Net amount of overdraft at the close of--business on No-- 'm ,' m mmw.--o..-d--...------------' 'm Amount:--of overdraft shown in Hospital Building Fund at es the close of business on November 30, 1927........------------ 128988 Amount received from Petty Cash Account at the hospital as shown in "Schedule B" Amount received from refund.............. w Il' ofl.--"--ono;'ooq Buillding and --repairs..... Grounds ~and landscaping s R ' $ 71.686.84 Amount paid to Petty Cash Account by county warrants..} 1,500.00 Total amount paid by County Treasurer I" & fl- C um o l = .' I" 'l' ".'n_d"--_!'"'*""f_["::' Commission of the County Treasurer. The ledger account with this fund as kept by the County Treasurer shows the amount of overdraft at the close of 'business on November $0,.1987, to have been the sum of.$} 145,856.72 (See "Schedule D" in account of the County--Treasurer heretofore stated). NP 3 4. & The receipts 'of the General.Cash Account at.the hospital mrthomhotnm.& been shown in "Schedule A" to havre been the. sum of $995.95 and has © begen shown to have been paid into the County Treasury This item, however does not mrum books of the treasurer 'until December. 2, 1927, and should --now be m m m" MOobm-b.."'..-.'...-.-. m Leaving the noet amount of qverdraft as shown sabove the _ _ _ _ -- _ Total . amount of overdraft shown in Hoespital at the close 'of business,.on November 80, 1927 Amount received from General Cash Ac-- count at the hospital as shown in "Sched-- Amounts paid-- out at the hospital during the months of May to November inclusive, Total BECULLEE ~.1--.--.~.«=««--«~ce«rcyrorcuce@s$ Hiai¥A4 Total amount paid out during the year....} 17,519 94 shown in last report............_._...__.} _ 604.469 Total amount received during the year.... 16,914.35 Amount paid into County Treasury TCOE A)) s «in w 1t recite ie w ie e rct ty ie ie e mt Amount paid out at hospitel during month; -- of December to April inclusive, for labor, During the month of December, 1926 During the month '6f January, 1':77-- During the month of February 1927.... During the month of March, 1927..... During the month of April, 1927..... During the month of May, 1927......_._. During the month of June, 1927....._. During the month of July, 1927...... During the month of August, 1927... During the month of September, 1927 Ditring the month--of October, 1927.. During the month of November, 1927 Schedule B) ........ paid into the County Treasury (See SCHEDULE C asccount of the County Treasurer with Lake County General (See Schodule to Petty Cash Account (See PETTY CASH ACCcoUNT 49 SUMMARY C «o w t t o c mm on ce ue m m on oo n un .. $ 146,20047 § 1151904 $ 80,942.569 $145,800.17

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