CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Aug 1928, p. 7

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--| -- 'PQTAL OF $84,000 _ company from New York on Sunday. -- glu.h-m.unu.& .:l:'hz_«hmm.nn _--__ Mrs Austin Savage held a suprive Cost of maintenance of Camp Hol mum-u-t:'th---fi being trained in military ethics has mmgmmm lishes an average of $42 for each student in the Lake county ~camp. ,...,.e.'"" "E';n:.-n."' it, but the hors in it are all of cirillan status. boys in it are all of clvillan status. The U. 8. Army is the only agency M"Ifi'fim-hm of 2,000 boys in one place in orderly z-u'"&-mb- disciplinary -- drills and exer-- elies. citizenshin, and all sorts of "h"h"afl-fi- ruhmmbonbod equipment used by the boys runs into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Literally, tons of food are consumed daily; and the average of :honhmmm during the thirty days. "'--"--afiw ging ftrom track events and contests skill, to the entire list of games played by Amer-- ecare of property, etc. The afternoon exercises are chiefy athletic in char-- camp , is awarded the Arst honors for the season. Both military and athletic prof-- clency are recognized by the awards t medals and prizes to those who win in contests, and to those who at-- tain certain standards in learning Cost of Training. Each Stu dent in Lake County Camp gauuun-tlib lowered. C. . T. C. band of 60 pleces zwuwn'm oecasional evening concerts. Ah-.u.trdm & week, the boys & talk by some man. summer the Malone, Harry --Atwood, --Col. g.nlu.col.tqthhcm two weeks in camp. During the lnst halt of the camp period they will hear and see other notables. Kach Bunday they attend church parade, and choose which service they will J ommumu addreaszsed by a chaplain or minister of eminent ability, selected for the occasion. Neatness and cleaniliness in camp are promoted by the efforts of the men in: each tent to win the "best tent" banner each day. One of these in awarded in each company. The esompanies vie with each other for the "best street" banner, also award-- ed daily. In each case, the tent or class work in such subjects as cour the morning of August 23rd, during which the awards will be announced and the medals, cups and prizes dis-- tributed publicly. Camp Holliday consists of two bat-- allions which are divided into eight ecompanies of infantry and one troop of carairy, with about 2235 students in each. Each unit is provided with ane mess--hall, and there is also one tor the officers. In all it takes 70 men of the regular army to run-- these is wided, and hosvital :*m"h.* m""A\ mm Sss of tour cooks (two allornating} Ohe mess sergeant, and two dining reom mess attendants. -- During the month at -- camp the Rot feeling well. TRhis way, when early attention is given, real sick-- tmlbllq'h-uuhm a few days of this week at home. Btoll, spent Sunday at the Comers. mumh'am are busy with their 0 o o 0(00 Db o 0o o o o o ificflhflfnbmc of Curtis Wells f f I have often 'to seo moeh ¢mmm»u~. falsehood for their own particular ad-- vantage, give so readily in to a lie when it is become the vroice of their faction, notwithstanding they are thor-- oughly sensible of it as such. How is it possible tor those who are men of honor in their persons thus to be come notorions lars in their party !---- Joseph Addizon. ; Mr. 3 A T; company C or 0 6 0o 0o o 0 o 0o o o o o 0o ing the big camp. Camp Holliday is military in ap CKORY-- o will be held on Cavage and eons, of Libertyville, spent Saturday at the Chester Wolf home, and at-- tended the --Deerfleld Day celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Usohtman and family are on a pleasure trip to Cin-- fornia, from Wiscon, where they vis-- ited with relatives. John Freeman spent last woek at Niagra Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoover and « Doreas Circle No. 2 met at the home of Mrs. F®. W. Russo, on Thure-- s Sobair, of V % Bchair, of Virginia, Minn., vis ited at the home of her brother, J. Mr. and Mrs. William Rudoiph of Highland Park and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. Griftin and two grandsons vis ited in Chicago, on Tuesday. * Mr. and Mrs. George Heath and S. Ott, of Chicago and John Beck, of Ashland, Wisc.. were guests at the home of Mr. and 'Mra. George Rock-- enbach on Thorsday. Mr. Ott re mained for a week end visit and at-- Menry 'Kiest ami daughter, Mrs. John Stryker and daughter, visited with Geneseeo, a tew days of lnst week. Mr. and Mrs. Lattan and Mr. and Mrs. Arm#strong and family, of May-- wood were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ott and Mr. and Mrs. Koeblin, on ce tre & m-mm. Miss Marjorie Frost visited with friends in Chncago last week. She returned home on Saturday. ° Mr.--and Mrs. E. J. Bingham, of Irving Park, were guests at the Eu-- gene Ender home on Wednesday. -- Guests at the Theodore Frost res idence on Deerfleld Day, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lioyd, of Chicago Wheeling, and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wilmot and two children of 'Oak Park, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C,. Koeblin on Saturday. Mr: and Mrs. Geofge Pettis are on tho.dt:"lmahwnk. Toh KMr. Mrs. William wagler and ftamily, of Chicago, were dinner guests of Mr: and Mrs. Edwin Koeb lin, on Sunday. Miss Nettie Loy, who has been vis#-- iting her sister, Miss Frances Loy, on Wednesday, for New Bremen, sohool work for the coming year. the Misses Frances and Nettle Loy Mr. and Mrz. Bert Easton attend-- er the fair at Milwaukee, this week. Rer. Mark J. Andrews preached at Libertyville on Sunday morning. Mrs, Frank Schuits, of Eligin, is vuw,mum,mm Mrs. Brennan this week. Mrs. Obhandler, of Highland Park, was a lunchdon guest of Mrs. Bert They left on Saturday afternpoon ~ --The Dorcas plenic held at the Green Tree Inn, on Wednesday, was a big auccess.-- Sixzty--six people at-- tended and had a fine time. There were games and races for everyone. The proprietor of the Inn, furnished Mrs. John Heathtfield and her two children' are visiting with relatives in the East. They will be absent for a month. © Mr. Healield is}\spending his vacation in the north.' Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jordan visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Woods, at Eagle River, Wise., lInst week. Julian Smith Jr., is at home after having underwent an operation for appendicitis, at the Highland Park are enjoying--an ov':ing at Tomanawk hke.wm».m-&k * Mrs. J. P. Bhaw and Ernest Shaw, of 'Wheaton, lilinois, visited at the home of Miss Amelia Peterson, on Monday. Ou Saturday, Charles Mey-- er, of Tuscon, Ariz., and Chicago, was a caller at the home of Miss Peterson and Miss 'Lydia Hinckley, of Hinsdale was also a caller. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Diets and dat+ ghters of Mundelein visited at the Jumes CGarrity home on Sunday. , < _ and Harold Hasey, also of Chicago. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. McKinze, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fay and daughter, of: Northbrook, m'wubfiugw Mtrs. Alex Wiliman and zon Kress Mrs. Minnice Virgin entertained &mmo«»mac& and other relatives on Deer-- field Day. Charles Virgin and fam-- ily of Chicago, were her guests on Thursday. The Ray Reeds and 8. P. Hutchin-- son families spent Sunday at Jolict. lrl.A.uthl'lugulmm returned home on Monday evening. Easton on Thursday. -- Rosemary and Frank Russo, Jr., were operated on for the removal of o oo aeoeiey ="~ ) hk Aaiial on s Mr. and Mrs. John Schminke, of «Clarence Huwbhn is enjoying a vaca tion this week. C. W. Boyle visited at the home of his parents in Greencastle, Ind., last Mre, William Galloway, who has been. visiting at Norfolk, Va., and in Washington, D. C., for the past two months, has returned home. N Mrs. C. E. Piepér reéturned home Mr; and Mroa. Frank 8. Wilskon and returned home last Wed-- . were the guests of Mr. trip to Denver, t# and family The Silver Jubilleso Celebration of the incorporation of the Village of Deerfield, was held on Saturday at-- ternoon, and 'evening, in Jewett Park and all of Deerfleld and many of the neighboring towns, participated.-- The big--parade started at--2 o'clock from the corner of Deertflield and Grand Avenues and was handled in good shape by Charles KapschuHl, offticer in charge. ~There was a fine repre-- sentation of organizations, floats and children in costume. The Chamber of Commerce had a wwitmhwmohv:: tm:dshkma.thre" day cake, with the <figures MB silver, effectively decorsted the top of the car, almo a basket of sailver i 9:80, church school. #>1 : 1"?' Morning worehip. > -- ~4:30~Tuxis meeting. a C iob d uo d ap Te w _boys ar Intimine 1t sithin a ow mhuthe iovag.. a is 2s tadee. infensive progantor the aevuting souting is being pre-- pos motiht mr un dontitey 'is the 'time to= enroll your name. Franken Bros., florists, had a nov-- el float, decorated with natural flow-- ers. It was a marvel of artistic deo were guests at the home of. George Rockenbach on Sunday. ts Spencer, mmw at the home of Mrs. William Johns-- ton, last week. Miss Phyllis Spencer of McKinley Park, is at the home of her m,mmmhm Mrs. Knigge is suffering from an injury to her foot; when she was unilicky enough to step on a nail 'The Ravinia Nursuries has a beau-- tifu, float of pale green and> pliak roses. There were many admiring comments on this car. A silver cup was awarded this flont also. Uncle Sam and the Goddess® of Liberty, figured picturesquely in the Royal Neighbor float and the trans forming of a hayrack into a beautiful t:oat was accomplished by the Neoigh bor ladies and is wortly of mention. oration and was awarded a silver organization wore orm bands of blue and gold. it was wery effective. Other ftloats represented the busi-- ness houses in town and added to the interesting pageant and gover tiged olr town as a progressive and upto--date place. © » The marching organizations were a feature of the parade. -- Deerfield Municipal band headed these, aum-- bering thirty. P Mention should be made--of the band 'of 24 juvenile R. N. A. who wore pretty doughboy caps and bai-- dries of purple and white, and car-- A. L. TayRr, president of the lo-- eal Chamber of Commerces wishes to express the gratitude of the organ-- ization for the splendid co--operation :'tz M':WD&W amsflowhum pop and candies. The committee were kept on the jump serving their customers. 5 A great deal of interest was mani-- fested at the close of the evening, as to whom the Nash gsedan was to Glencoe, was the lucky man. *The day proved to be a wonderful success in every way. There was & big attendance and titho a financial report is not yet ready at this. time, there will, undoubtediy, be a satis tactory profit to be used for the vil-- DEERFIELD DAY REGISTRATION HFTs To BE CALLED FOR AT JAMES McGARVIES PAINT SHOP --H. Schmidt, Wheeling; Mrs. F. Schwandt, Northbrook; % Hvan, Highland Park; Henry: Glencos; H. P. Lawson, -- Highland Park; V. F. Guncekel, Highland Pk.; Hazel Koehler, Prairie View:; Ethel Holt and E. Woods, Glenview:; P. Morty, Highland Park; G P. Yore, Everett; Dorothy Mayer,-- Prairle View; Mrs. C.. Rider, F. Hohelfelder and R. Lauer, Northbrook; R. Greens lnde, Highland Park; D. Snyder, of LAibertyville; J. H. Holt, Glenviewj A. lnumg. 1900 N. Springield Afv., m 04 Wileox Ruth Flint brook; M. Henricks, Glenview; Leo Vollner, Highland Park; Wm. Hints, Highland Park Mr. Bucher and Mrs. C. Ritter, Northbrook; Ruth Hunt, §431 N. Hermitage Ave.; Mrs. J. Rus-- sell, 415 Sheridan Rd.; R. --Nielson, Mildred Dehaye, M. Hagen,. Morris R. Morthiin and F. DeSmith, High-- land Park; Mrs. George Colby, Golf; H. --A. Henner, Glencos. The Auxiliary Tioat decorated in bine and gold. 0&-!'-?- very pretty and of course the chil dren in costumes attracted a great deal of attention. After the parade, the crowd headed for the baseball field, for the aports 'This part of the program was well arranged and in charge of EA Jacob-- son. The contests were entered into with zest. Music by the band pepped up the contestants and was amuse-- The ball game was lengthy,. EHieven innings were played, resulting in a ¥ictory for Deerfield, over Highwood of 4 to 3. It was seven o'clock by the time the game was finished. The carnival features, enlivened by the band, were very interesting and attractive, and were well patron ized thruout the evening. The dance too, proved a drawing feature. There was good music and the young peo-- ple enjoyed this divertisement. The Registration booth was filled with many pretty and useful articles The holiday crowd patronized this part of the festival in a very liberal way and the gifts were distributed late in the evening. . The refreskiment stand servted hot JUBILEE CELEBRA TION "AT xn Tenl for Charles : Hertel, of AN CHURCH Artbhur Lux and family of Wauke-- gan weer callers at the E.--V. Lux residence on Sunday. _" _ The annual Browse school réunion held on Saturday was not quite so largely attended as in other years. _l_ny_ottho.mruehohnl_nvhc fl,.., in August is the date'set for next years' reunion. Graves Whitmire went to Manis-- who had planted> soy-- beans in Lake County this year, due to the winter killing of alfaifa and clover would get their beans cut in good season, even though the pods were only beginning to form, --and get tee, Mich., for over the week end. The St. Patrick's church picnic held on Sunday was a wondertul suc-- oaly the hay put up before the. fAll rains begin.< Practically all the nourishment is ~now in--the: stem and leaves, and will make as good cess. The day was an ideal picnic day and Qooplocmotronslonc distance to attend this annual affair. Much credit goes to the ladies, who served a delicious chicken-- dinner. Miss -- Catherine Riordan had her tonsils removed--at the Victory Me-- mmw:'u .G Arthur Deegan, of Downers Grove, is vacationing at the Deegan home, Mr. Urbanski is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs."V. Kaz-- mer. . Miss Ann Stuber, of Chicago, is at the Stuber cottage this week. Alics Holbach, who has been ill tor several weeks, although not fully recovered, is able to be out again. ~ Mrs. Rarl Shields and children are in Chicago this week. Isabelle Clark had her tonsils re-- moved today at the Victory Memort-- al hospital. ' Mr. and Mra. Wm. Schmalbeck are :; parents of a son born Wednes-- J R.Porter was in Chicago Tues-- ~misfortune of running the fish hbhook in his finger. It was removed at the Lake m'ai General hospital. Leo Lux, Ennrd" ret and Olifto L'u'; 2 Ot= M & kn& Aleock, Mrs. C. A. Draw-- Mr. and uu.!mnt Finel visited ail:.h Wednesday. a Ti !-.Mg ednesday . at 'the home of her parents, Mr.: and Mrs. (Al ~ .Mrs. Ida Potty of iRverside,; is at 'the home of her aunt, Mrs. Helen At 'the present time it clooks as though it is impossible to elim-- Inate the corn borer.-- We will be sompelled to learn to live with the corn borer, which is advancing to-- ward Ilinots about 50 miles per year, and next it will just about should get in touch with him. o WADSWORTH o o 000 0000 00 0 0 00 Henry Meyer, of Chicago, spent wmm«-mqon Mrs. E.J. Murric of Pleasant Pra-- rie called on Mr. and Mrs. . Oliver Patch last week . . _ o Mrs. Aunnieo Wednt, of Russell, spent Saturday visiting at the Henry Schlosser home. Mr. Schlosser's con-- dition remains the same. Miss Jennie Mills is spending the wee't in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Becker( of Bur-- the Public Service Company seems o 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 nett, Wis.. were guests of --Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Becker over the week-- and on Sundays the house is open from 2 to &6 p. m. daylight saving time. Everyone is invited to--visit this model farm and see the equip-- ment which will save labor. in Lieu of Alfalfa Feed Mrs. W.. T. Waddell was called to Hebron, due to the iliness of her gister, Miss Alice Young. . . operated by the ATeydeckers is being one thousand dinner tickets C oinan . Cane 1c looke SOY BEAN HAY Ne P P Sn n ied Mrs. Agriola was operated on for '000000!»'-':'1&#-:&.%!" Chicago, spent ednesday morning. ds on the town M#o(!.l.noehlmhflduth * home --of--. Miss: Ethel -- McGuire f Pleasant Pra-- | Wednesday evening. Refreshments d Mrs. Oliver | were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Denman and ; ~of bher |all the community." <--_-- ---- -- . | daughters, of Higln s <of hber | all the col fty."" > : | daughter # | ~--He fll_m:m M*"" Beore h Dowell I topnorts | story AAngust '#1 --where . o e md Urs 36 15 being |son is resting. . _. _ _ _ _ ...-- <--_. ' Mir. and Mrs. y _ a> © a 4 .' f ")."» .':' .'("' : ¥o. . N%¥#% w [ rv Eo ,,' .':i;'?'»x :" ',P "' : ' 1"* o a '; s ,\'» ~' est at Helen Mr. and Mrs. Smith .of ~Fedora, Kas., are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. E. W. Fuller. Mrts, EmmaFizscher of Los Ange-- les, Cal., is visiting her sister, Mrs: Boott LeVoy. ' Mrs. Roy Dawson and son who have been visiting at the home of L. 8. Bonner returned to their home at Sioux City, Is. * Miss Jessie Strang of Waukegan is visiting at the J. H. Bonner home. Mrs. Elsa Strang and sister, Mrs. Tufl, of--Chicago, called at the home of J. 8. Denman Tuesday. -- > _ K. M. Fuller and guests motored to Lake Geneva Friday. Mrs. Willa Neil Stanley, of Eran-- ston, is i1 with "@u" at the hoapital in KEvanston. Mrs. Stanley is a 'daughter of W m. Nell. Mrs. W. A. Bonner, Ethol McGuire mdmc.ln--naE motored to Highiand --Park Jimmie Abrahamson: to his home in Waukegan this ~waek after having spent the summer on a farm in MiHJiburn, ;s gan t; and W, A. Bonner and families this William Leslie MeClure, son of William Henry and Gertrude: Mc-- Clure was born April 27, 1896 and passed away August 18, 1928. He was married on (Aprilt 15, 1926 to Marion Cashmore who with an ~infant son survive him. <~Be-- sides his parents and his wife, four sisters, ° Josephine, Gertrude Mildred and Elizabeth and two brothers, -- Arthur -- and Harold mourn his loss.-- He was the oldest of 'seven children--and his pase-- :Mhthtflrltmmthm- y. 8 * , eadeg. senagh. thes, and mas t attended ool .. ; was _ a man--of clean habits, was indus-- ais. _ pesminy Mrs. Hopson of Rock --Isliand, IL, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller. Mr, and Mrs. Jon. Johansen spent SBunday at Pleasant Prairie. Mrs. Agricla was operated on for appendicitis at the Victory Memorial hogwwmm e C.--E. social was held at the home --of --. Miss: Ethel -- McGuire Wednesday evening. --Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Denman and mgwmmm» ednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. i. W. Fuller held a family reunion at their home Sun-- * Tr.; and Mts: Geo. Nen and famity '. amfi.mmum Mr..and Mrs. Vene Noil were among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman, Jim-- m-gmmmm after having spent several days with C. E. Denman and families. : Mrs. E. L Woebster, Mrs, L L \mht-'lllmlfl. Mrs. C. D. Gale, of Park, and Mrs. Ho,kins and daughter, HElina beth, of Waukegan, were callers at the C. 6. Denman and J. 8. Denman homes Tuesday. The Denman families held a re-- unjon Sunday in --~J. 8. Denman's 00000000000 000 grove. Twoenty--sizx were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thorna, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Thorn and baby and Alex 'Thom, of Chicago, formerly of 'I.'nbne-nodn'allmon- ~Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bonner and children spent Sunday at Murries at Russell. > Richard Martin--spent a week with relatives in Chicago. . mie Abrahamson, irs. Bowden, Mrs. Minnetta Sager and son, Wilson, and Gene Bowden motored to Lake Gen-- eva, Wis.. Sunday. d&hm'gm'y"h cm.o.! Florence Reed is at the. Goorge > Sixteen friends on Friday evening helped Ray Kelly to celebrate his m:c.m*vmmu and od.: Allleft at a late hour wishing ~The Wm. Cudaby chlldren have the whooping cough, days in Wankegan as the guest of this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strang were visitors at the M:o n:t his father, Peter--Strang, who ul Mrs. Stanley Wood (m Neil) of, EHvanston, is con s at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Fuller Mrs. Irene Schwicth and daughter nf Chicago .re visitinng the home folks. J;> C. ---- OBITUARY Route 173, Zion' to --Rockford, de-- clared-- Saturday that be anticipated serious difficulty in getting releases Se Ne t o in e P d uo c 100 dn d M'"fi.m"mn they wish 'to attend school this fall Such students may be admitted on recommendation of the County Sup: way had been obtained on the exton-- slon ol 1st street, Zion, as far as burn and that the farmers in that district have talked some of haring the highway run: through that sec-- %Mm.eloumm burn road. ~Seme of the farmers would lose trees that they value highly, would have to move barns, and <the road would come close to their bouse," J. Smith, and deughter, all of Jolict: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schaefer and son and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hans of Lake Zurich. -- Mrs. Thomas and family of Mil-- .. INNEWPORT N. .x.21 205,000 s * nect Carmer fi hanl to day evening eallers at the P. L. _ ns f'.,rm * dagp %. Stadtfield w @I¥HIY f;, goo : d :1 # Mrs.; George Dowell and daugh:ers, Want Other Way?. _ |Mrs. Roy Passticid, Mré. Joe Pass-- ue / *\ \Sammaitivets [ » field <and Mrs. Richard Dowell and has been asked to sssist the county|-- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, of hing hok was sntared. the home was of Mrs: Herman Schneider and sev efal 'others. ~Nothing of any value Nr. Emil Ficke, Ela township su-- pervisor, has been-- suffering with an <"Mr.© y '"Galahue, the State Veterinar-- mx:m business in this vicin-- , nkm&smm daughter, of Wauconda called in Volo to the nocessary land. ° -- > Benton towushlip where Hugh Mill, the road commissioner, will be acked to assist R. M. Lobdell, county super the past few days with a series of Mr, Fred Grimm attended the fair at Aurora Wednesday. The children and their {families gathered at Mrs. Henry: Schafer's Thoss Attending will be Hr. and Mrs. Ferris and Chas. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. ;,;;;:':;-------._w_ ~~-- _ ~]Bmnes a class of people in Russia. -- It is , nd A: 8. Powers and |composed of wealthier peasants, those daughter, of Wauconda called in Volo who not only work on farms, but have deughters, of Hilgln, were "3"' sti Oceupation and use are tg: the George Dowell home on 'Weds imflh The peasant is not free erintendent of Sch # 000 0000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0o 0o 0 o teach these subjects. 2 it will indeed be an honor to at-- tend this modern school, which is built, equipped and administered in a modern acientific way. The standards of this school are the highest possible. State and Uni-- versity accreditment will be giver for work done in this school. No boy or girl of high school age in this Stiencte, sélect one: Elementary Civ-- tes, Commercial Geography, Cooking 0000 0 00 000 0000 0000000000 0000 waukes are visiting the former' father, August Meyor, Sr. * mn'rmom two: Ruropean History, The new Ela Township school will 'be open on m::hrl. In ELA TOWNSHIP HiGH schooL MF. and Mrs. 'Joe 'Pagsfield and. !* jent --of: highways in ob Chapter 0. E. 8. en-- w son spent Thuraday at "the home of _ WKr. and Mrs. LeslHie Davis and family were Wednesday evening vis-- itors at the Harl Converse--home at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher were Wednesday dinner guests at the Joe Yasey Lbhome in McHenry. Peter Wagner was a Round Lake caller one day of last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oak and chil-- dren, of Chicago antd Mrs. Daivin, of MinnesolaA, spent weanesGay eve .'rums.:.»mm. . and Mrs. Thomas Figsher were YAbertyville business callers Thurs the former's sister, Mrs. Clara Len-- Mr. and Mrs. Este Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Figher and son were in Round Lake on Friday. __Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Fisher were Woodstock business callers on last Wednesday. § Mr. and Mrse. King hay improved *heir bungalow by building a large sleeping porch. _-- Archie Rosing, of Round Lake was a bukiness caller here on Friday. _ ~Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and children, of Crystal Lake, called on -- ~ Miss EKleanor Levitt, of Chicago spent a few days of last week at the Dowell Brothers' home. Jack Larkin, Mrs. A. Leve't and son and daughter were Wodnesday callers at the Dowell Brothers' .res idence. § 4 Mrs. Clicton Ravin and son and Mrs. R. Dowell and daughter Adah, motored to McHenry on Wednesday. Mre. Joe Passtield spent last Fri-- day afternoon at the home of her trip to Kansas. 'This is the way in which Mr: Dowell will spend his va-- was a caller at the Dowell Bros. res-- : Mr Aand Mrs. C. B. Dick and E. B. Wilton were Waukegan visitors earlier in the week. mlceu'th!otlmvmc. mmmm.uwunm 'm}; proving and is able to re-- sume his work. kegan on business on Satudrey. Mrs. Clinton Ravin and son spent idence on Friday. > Milton Dowell was a business call-- er at the Bert Dowell home on last o ME TEA LE O C ce ce wl o P. L. Stadtfield and Joe Wiser, at-- tended a ball game in Chicago last Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dillon and m.cmmveekudufll' home of John Walton. . .lr_ m m w WD d Griswold Lake, spent Sunday after noon at the Harry Passfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Artbhur Kaiser of Waukegan spent Sunday at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Fisher-- WOEumCBuny s Miss Beatrice Wilson and brother Cliffard are spebdicg their vacation with relatives in the city. The Misses Dorothy Dillon of Champaign and Ada LeVinee, of Chi-- cago spent the week end at the res w"meVw. mE die i & wo epeme _ aA%_ o 0 0 0 0 00000 000 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Troy Ballenger have mtnmdm%omndoltfll to Washington, D. C., where the? visited friends and relatives. They made the trip by motor and stopped um"dm Miss Nellic Shields of Chicago, is the guest of Mr .and Mrs. Henry Peterson. hmuml.ln.m ry Peterson and Mrs. Shields were in Waukegan Friday afternoon. _ Arthur Wackerow was a McHenry Mrs. P. L. Stadtfield was in Wau Russian Peasant Class -- and Mrs. Frank Dowell and Into® an absentee Atandlord at the Dowell Brothers' Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ATTORNEY--AT--LAW Office at home On W. Cook Avenus 1300 QGarden Place Phone 6853 WAUKEGAN, L | s®MHS l ATTORNEYATLILAW +3 LUCE BUILOING ~ Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 * ---- LIBERTYVILLEK, ILLINOI8 _ *A leake see us----No job too email, ___ Estimates Free All Work Guaranteed D ENT 18 T : Office 539 N. Milwaukes Avente Over Walrond's Store _-- _= Libertyville Post 329 MEETS FirsTt TUESDAY 0 EACH MONTH AT TOWN MA C. C. HOBKIN8, Commander Telephone 248J DR. J; L. TAYLOR $1.00 $1.25 --_ $1.50-- _A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF -- "KAYNEE" Shirts and Blouses Dr. C.. H. BETZER Day Phone 35, Nite Phone 447 PA¥ ond NCB SERNCE AT LOW COST Estimates Furnished Fre® TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING READY ROOFING OVER OLD Liberty ville Roo[ing Compan y West Uake Streoet P. 0. Box 288 --Phone O14R2 ROOFING FLAT ROOFS RECOVERKED 1 WITH TAR AND PrTOH Telephone 108J. LIBERTYYVILLE, ALLINOIR Work Guaranteed R. B. GODFREY We do all kinds of roofing E. W. COLBY "The Quality Storo" z,;,'.- g4 Sm e B &

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