CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Oct 1928, p. 5

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V" INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR tiso A YEAR AND No EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. T Ln Lake County National Bank . uBttitr'rmi.E, ILL. cum and Surplus tis0,00ir.i"iiy "BER TYVILLE CEMENT WORKS Yard "on. 415 A. NAGIL. Manager. Haldane. Phone 1" ASK FOR . TILES MADE "mom". . & non AND Irl i _ . IN ANY BFEeiFiCA. . . coma AND may: FREE . J IN ANY WWI-mun C OBLIGATION wT QUANTITY Wet Breweries Grains Delivered at 19rmer's _ yard at $8.00 a Ton. . Homé of WA HRSEAL Roofing PhonefDiversey 0488 "BUY COAL , NOW T, Right now is the time fb put in coal for "use next winter. In addition to economy (price being lowest at this time), you can have your bins filled with the bessrgrade"s coal, and with less trouble. . k AM. F. F ranzeivJr, THE INDEPENDENT-also A Year A. Few Minutes Now may make all the difference MAKING a will doesn't take long ---yet in thousands of cases the lack of a'Will has brought unhap- Nness. F 'Have you provided for the duture of ydur family? If you haven't made a will, you owe it to your loved ones to make it today. Tomorrow may be too late. _ _ e And to make sure your wishes will be carried but. name this ner- manent, experienced institution as your executor and trustee. We Have All Grades, of Coal In Our Yards. t J. H/MURPHY Just Telephone 50 And We Will Do The' Rest. Whoa/gal. and mud Dairy Food. QUALITY CONCRETE BLOC " Also Oriel artworks Grain. FOR BETTER HOMES 2117 Ward Strut Chicago. Ill. l A Ford coupe belonging to Fred :Busch. or Aptakisie, went into the jditc'hond caught fire Saturday night 10:: Milwaukee avenue, near Town (Line road. Motorcycle officers hur- Cried to the aceue. but were unabbgmt: i, save the machine, which won't C . I Mate loss. "Locfil and Pergonal Mr.' and Mrs. Chester Wolf, ot mrfield. entertained as their guests at supper Sunday night, Wilson'Olen- dorf and Miss Gertrude Roberts, ot Libertyville. ' _ a Dr and Mrs. M. D. Penney enter- tained a number of friends 'ht card partx,Suturday night. Mr, an Mrs. Harry Olendorf. of Deerfield, W? among those present. _ " Since he became town clot-ind mentor ot the H. H. & C. Club, Bill Pendiek' is getting all swelled tut. so much so that he waa competied to seék the service} of Fred Croker in supp! in: a new suit ot clothes. Watch i?'i,i,?sriii,i out with a smile when the n w regalia ts nnishef. Frank Kennedy ma Ray Balter drove to Beloit, Wits., Tuesday. on 3 business trip. _ Rev. W. H. Lehman. pastor of m. John's Lutheran church, wept lust, Sunday iniKenosha. b Mr and, Mrs. C. Ward, of Winches- ter Road, had as their guests Sam:- day and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee, ot Western Springs. Mrs. Mary Matron had as her guest Saturday. MisrBetusit Wright, of Oswego, New York, and Mrs. Mon ot .Prairie View. f "Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Josef. of Fort Wgyne. ind... were in Liberty- ville Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jirehheim. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Alkoter were Sunday nests at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. William Tennermm in Deerfield. - _ Mrs. E. Andrews wu in Lincoln, m., Monday, visiting with a son. who is ill in that city. . _ Mrs. Joe Bond and. Mrs. M. Tritx and daughter, Dorothy, were Chicago visitors Friday. . C Mr. and'Mrs. C.-A. Honeywell are entertaining, Mr. and Mm. C. M. MIL ler, ot Lon Angela. Cam: Mr. apt! Mrs. Jack Bradford nad children drpve to Gan: Indiana, Sun- day tor a visit with friends: George Huffman Is building a new hinue on Meadow Lune, in Sunnyside Park. subdivision. Mia and Mrs. S. L. Tripp, of Mun. deleln, left thls_week for their Trin- ter home in southern Cantu-Illa. ' AU 25195" M _ ~' LIBERTYVIILE INDEMDENIWEQWflS; . with RUTH TAYLOR and ' . JAMEO MALL on of all the world, oh. picked Mm.....0r he pick" hor-Anyway they're "Just Married" and there In love, which make. "out." about "on other. (a. this 'rkter.-. , any try ANN! NICHOLS (who: a "Maw. Irma Roof)» ' Jewelry and Gift Shop. The Home of Gifts ' That Ate Different. The laugh I. on you My" ml.- HAnm'r manna"; tn with "mums: Loam. OERTRUDE ASTOR and RICHARD'(8kO¢h) GALLAOHIR Thrilling romance " Watt SW! 9mm and cabana Noni... Wednesday 4:tober 23 and 24 Sunday, Monday October 21 and 22 1 Stocks and Blondes' Tuesday, . m-Aho--' Path. Review and Amp Pith 'i,rfbidoomfHaie ' THEATRE f' Thursday, Friday October 18 and 19 ZANE GREY'8 "The Water Hole" -Ae-- CHARLIE CHAPLIN; In _ "The Adventurer" "Heart Trouble" Saturday,0ct. 20 America's Finest Tableware. McDonald's "hut Married" with I{ACK HOLT-and NANCY CARROLL. "an." low- In May. ;n:ion to qenerattoe' Tlui work. of widening the Dives meat in the block from Church "not Mrs. W. F. Hafemann was in Mali son, Wu., Sunday. visiting her dumb. tens. irmaumd Ruth, who are attend- ing the University ' of Wueongin. Mrs. Hafemann (ports the girls at being delighted ith living in Hindi- son. and are getting along fine with their work at the University. Many Libertyville people will be glad to learn that Frank Rose is con- valesclng at Burbank, 'Ctrlit., follow- ing an operation tor cancer of the nose, that he underwent recently " a hospital in Missouri. Mr. Rose re- ports that he and his sister are on- joying the wonderful cllmtte and scenery in the golden state. Mrs. Jennie Whoa. who has been "nuns " tho bong. of hon-Jone. Frank and Elbert. In Lltiertrvfmr, in now staying u the meme of her daughter, Mn. C. A. Wolf; tp Deer. field. . ' A basket social and program will be givep at the Bennett school. west ot. Mundeleln. on Rand toad, Frldty evening. Ochber 26. A good time it promised to all who attend. Ladies are requested to bring baskets, with lunch. for two. _ ' o Fred Wagner, employed at a local bank, was trr'ested by Officer Fruit Druba Tuesday afternoon for speed- ing on Milwaukee avenue In Liberty- v'llle. He was fined " and costs. when ',Ttt,rt, in the village court shortly Ute the, arrest., The annual installation of officer: of Columbia Lodge No, 131, Mystic Workers. will be held ct 8 p. m. Oct. 23, at thy Gridley mu. All members are urged to be present., After in. stallatlpn cards and Woo will be played and- refreshments served. Edna. J. Knox; Correspondent. .. Last Friday, was Columbus Dar.ut was not very generally observed in Libertyville, among!) a legal holiday in Illinois.' The Libertyville Trust In Swings link attd the Munchkin State Bank were not open for busi- ness. the pupils of St. Joaeph's school were given * holiday in hopor of the great discoverer. to Broadway. is progressing. :11 the excavation having been completed. and the work of pouring cement wit be started at once. It was necesury to remove several big trees'ln order to make the imqrovermsnt. Harry o. Feiieru. tot 119 South Gretta ave.,,Wnnkexan, was taken to the state ohrtitentiary by Constable Ben Fisher to start serving nn inde- terminate sentence ot from one to ten years impoagd by Circuit Judge C. C. Edmrtds to Feller] plea ot guilty to embpuiing 8300 from the Washington Laundry. Attorney Man» Pnyborski 'left last Sunday night for tutruttrtield, so as to appear before the supreme court Monday in defense on the Lake Bluff appeal board that re- fused to allow David Bjork to con- strut-t an " apartment building in Lake Bluff contrary to the zoning law. County Judge P. L. Persona pealed from the declston. F A F urpace That Will Outlast Your Home 12pm. inspects. to buy . tum that wm mum your hon-o. /rW'iiGtrurioat is bu. out! & good tum my; toYiueit our and over in moi -tntm---atot to spank-of the health and context your many will enjoy all of those {can V A PM!" "Demo" u' mtg-10': ery"" 'd" ear-rt it ia 'iW%rlil"tt'iMr8"llfl'Grthi7 m'be built. You can't but it a an investment. " In. every tenure rod an think. ot-and then noun. Come in, ad nee it. manned on my term. ' A MAN buy. a cheap car, Winona will We it in cannot»: at in a youfor two. But pm out buy 1 chap tux-nun and trndorlt In on" tow ----it au too and: to "to fur- nncoo. and nobody also won" n furnace that no In" worn Th Furnace with ' Everygf F amen: Feature Frank H. Eger P R E MI'E R " "lk Lue", Furnace with The 2tlt seem to he ingghg in I A'et'ory appeared in the Weukegon. their mign rleight this you. A Saw Wednesday evening to the ei- trip into the country lemming" feet that P. R. t9tattord, of Liberty- of _our red hreuted friends, still nr ville, We: named in a 810,000 damage tug about Ind hunting the elneive iiieSl,i'i' by Steven Eby, of Wood- worm. The open weather up to this stoc in the circuit court Tuesday." time, no doubt, has kept the birds in my he a the $10,000 damageetfor al- thie part ot the country later than leged injuries sustained in an auto. the usual time tor them to' go to the mobile accident in Woodstock Nov. eouthlnnd. _ a'"" V [ €3.1927. Attorney Minard Hume, at , nuke , w ll bi ' George Small and Mrs H. H. Wehr- that 35:11 wash: ganglia. L'lttt,',ft' "we" Iett Monday for t8pringtielii, he was struck by Stafford'a unto. Mr. ito atteli'd the annual meeting ot the Station could not be reached today }Grand Lodge. l..O. O. F. and the Gen-' (Thursday): and his wife deaitd any era! Assembly of Rebekah Eiidtmss. knowledge ot "new developments in (iii. Small " tit delegate from the Lib- Ithe one. . . The regular monthly meeting of the P. T. A. was held at the high school last Thursday, Oct. 11. There were shout titty preeent to enjoy the program by the sixth grade. con- sisting one short feiety play and dongs and recitation. After the meeting. retreehnientn were served. with the mothers pt the mob grade pupils acting in hostesseg. it was xery gratifying to note the large num ber of teacher; present. end the P. T. A. officers trust that interest will be kept up throughout the your. _ George Smell and Mrs H. H. Wehr- enberx left Monday for Springfield. to attend the annual meeting ot the Grand Lodge. l..O. O. F. and the Gen-' eral Assembly of Rebekah Hodges. Mr. Small " a delegate from the Lib. ertyville ledge of Odd Fellows, and Mrs. Wehrenberg represents the lo. cal Rebeltalrlodge. They wee ac- companied by Mrs. A. Runyard, of Antioch, and "Mrs. Ed Therrien, of Highland Park. Two representatives ot an oil dis- tributing firm were in Libertyville Tuesday, with plans all arranged to set large storage tanks on Lot one, in Sunnyside Park subdivision. This lot iq. situated." Seventh. street and the North Shore 'tracka. and was pur- chahed to provide an outlet tor the railroad company tor property owned by the companyto the east. _ The men will not be permitted to install tanks there, as the property is zoned eXclusively for residence purposes. A woe-beg/ine knight ot the road applied to Marshal Mulberry for shelter Wednesday night, during the hand rain. He was cold, hungry and wet. Dennis. noted for his hospital. ity, took the traveler to_that famous lodging place in the village hall; The man watched and hung his clothing on the steam pipes to dry out. This morning he was $80 a good break- tut by Mr. Lim rr, and thettortr ceeded on his Journey, headtmrporth up Milwaukee avenue. , Darrow & Barron, who have the contract for paving Milwaukee aye- nue from Guinea to Peterson Corner. have beeuie1ayed in the work this week on account of the heavy rains. The cement slab ls laid to a.polnt south of the creek brldge. new the Cater place. It not delayed too much by bad weather, the work of paving this road will be completed in 3 week or two, thus allowing traffic another rote to end trom Liberty- ville. The old bridge across the creek wll'l be used thln winter, and a new concrete bridge will, be con- structed next summer. "Phe ticket sale for "Sevea Keys to Baidpate" to, be broauced by the Vii. use Players, the proceeds of which so to the Wonien's Auxiliary of the Condell Memorial hospital, started today. The tickets will be only 50c. and all seats Ire reserved. There will be an extr"t charge of 25c for the first ten ran. Reservations may be made next Tuesday, Oct. 23. Tickets {or Friday evening will be reserved at bOVeII's sad that for Saturday night at Decker'q Neviile's drug store. . _ _ _ BUY . AND BUILD The three polling 'places Jp'Liber. tyville township were kept open last Tuesday to give voters an opportun- ity to register as voters forthe corn-' ins election in November. All new registrations and thode' who already had their names on the books "were copied in new polling books. Anoth- er opportunity wil be'given to teg. later on Tuesday, Oct. 30. The poll- ing place tor precinct 1 is located in Memorial hall (Town Hall.; No. 2 is in the Ludlow Motor Co. room, formerly occupied by the Sprang restaurant; No. 3 is In we village hall it Mundelein. There is an un- usually heavy registration at all the precincts in the township, indicating a lull vote' at the election, Nov. 6. Evéry active [neither of the LitsertyviliecMundelein Real Estate Bond is pledged to give a square deal toboth buyer and seller of real estate. When You buy or sell rearestate) it pays to consult a Realtor. F- Born, Sunday, at the Swedish Cop- valescent hospital in Chicago, a 7-lb. daughter to Mr: and. Mrs. Gilbert Ayers. The little girl has been glv'en the name of Betty Louise. Mr. Ayers la a son ot J. T. Ayers, or Liberty- ville.' ' The M. W. A. will hold a bunco and five hundred party in the Wood- men tall Friday nighpot this week, October 19. at 8 o'clock. Refresh. menu will be served, and everybody is Invited, ' [ _ Taken trom Mac's "Sun' Spots" in Waukegan Daily Bun: "Dick, Lyons states that the moat optimistic chap that he knows of is a regular attend- ant atrhe CountrysiderGolf Club at Mundeleln. Even though Wrsome is 200 yards ahead. he yells" feet!" Charges ot assault made against Eugene F. Gillespie, School street; 12ibe,rtrviltt, by his wife, Verne, were ditm"ussed-MonUr morning by Jun- tice" ot the Peace H. M. Bartlett. when a reconcilintion was effected. Mn. Gillespie had her husband pr- reeted Saturday. charging that aha "ruck her. Attorney Paul MacOut- tin was in court representing ws. Gillemie. while Albert H. Hall, of Wankegtn. appeared from the office ot tiMr.trtate'tr attorney, to look after the venue of the two children of the couple. The Gillespie: operate ' rooming house. The reconciled couple promised to set entire aright in their home. They are to report to the state's attorney every ten days. . CARP or THANKS We with ttr thank on; Hands and neighbors tor their. istance and aympnthy during our iii??' great he reavment. We apprec te the many floral tributes. and the lender of cthe has? number of autos. J. T. AYERS. _. MRS ANNA CATIIRDE.;' Man-.493 "o-4Gt.d 151 Libertyvilleis . . Scenic Subdivision B.H.Mibr., G.C.Gridley \Phoull - Tiny-Tot Talcum COPELAND MANOR Convenient three-tnd-ono my "tttation of tender skin not! prevent ehatintt ma duper nah. i, Tiny-tot Tale will soothe summ- Dock.& Neville M LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT 311 Park Avenue McDonald't Commercial School Register Now For Fall Classes Book Your Coal Order Now. , Libertyville' Lumber Co, Leave your order for this coming wihter'a fuel with us now, and we will deliver at: your convenience. We have 'all sizes And grades. ', First National Bank ' I Jll1yJi'"ii' 7 'L. stjj,(lll,t,,.", 'iiiii,l,i:,l,,,'l,):,.i.ll-,l,i,l, YO/Sam Into 3 Savings Account Hemline], Their Weekly "Prom" Goes. t(tsi,',rli:fll,,i,_.,,i,.,,: f ' ".." ".' -119 '/:)(,i,'i,,'s',.',,,t.'.'1,,,,,_,,:,,.ii,.j,,,l.j,iitf "Cipital and SurliIus $110,000.00 LIBERTYVIL E, ILLINOIS B RrYVliLLE 1ulll,)liiili', BANK Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 COMMERCIAL COURSES Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates ruv' t Telephone Either 47 or 48 "Down by the Old Depot" Been There Twenty Years" F all Weight Guaranteed. TELEPHONE 130 Does Your: , . it isthe Red Light . Mitirtpt advettrity, ' the Greg" Lightly , for a gotta; in are. l,,rClbe'sse-'srset"5ript a , _' SaVinés Reserve .. Iphertyville, Illinois PAGE FIVE

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