_ LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT THREE INJURED AS AUTOS _ AND wAGON COLLIDE Collision Occurs on Route 21 -- North of Libertyville _ Three were injured, one beltieved seriously, when three automobiles and a horsedrawn dump truck fig-- ured in a crash on Rout No. 21, two and one--half miles north of Liberty-- ville at 6:10 o'clock Friday night. The most seriously injured is Mrs. J.: Richter, 4326 Kamerling avenue, Chicago, wife of an employe of the eirculation department of the Chi-- cago Tribune, who received serious scalp wound and bad cuts about the face and neck. She was removed to the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hos-- pital in Libertyville for treatment. VOLUME XXXVI--NUMBER 43. The accident occurred ~when Exon who was on His way home from Lib. ertyville started to tur noff of the highway and a car driten by Rob-- ert Morley, son of John Morley of Antioch and agccompaniedq by Mrs. John Nixon and son Lester and Migs Leona Hennings, all of whom weie reéturning from a football game at Franklin Park, crashed into him. Within the next moment the ~car driven by Richter, who Wwas accom-- panied by his wite and small son, crashed into the wreck of the wagon and the other automobile and a Buick automobile driven by a man whose address was unknown, also ran imto the rear of the Richter ma-- chine. 200 Others injured were: John Exon, residing near the scene of the acci-- dent and driver of the team who was rendered unconscious in the crasbh and is now -- suffering from cuts and bruises and J. Richter, who received cuts and bruises. William Jeffery, Model Farm. Mun delein, entered Thursday evening October 18. The patient submitte« to a minor operation, nerformed by PDr. H. C. Hoag, of Waukegan, ot Friday, October 19. Dr. M. J. Kaye of Waukegan had charge of the case Exon, thrown from the wagon and picked up unconscious, was removed to the home of Asa DeVauit nearby. It was at first thought that Exon was fatally hurt. Condell Memorial Jar Hospital News «> Th{uaccidem occurred -- at th« same \place that John. J. Mitchell noted Chicago banker and his wifle met fatal injuries a year ago. Mr.-- and Mrs. Sewaid Miller. o Eimwood, Illinois, announce the ar rival of a baby girl born at the hos pital on Friday, October,19. IDr. J. L Taylor, of Libertyville, was the at tending physician. A .Ethe! Meyer, Mundelein,. was oper ated on for the removal of tonsils bj Dr. M. D. Penny. of Libertyville. of Friday, October 19. Mrs. Grace Richter, 4326 Kamer ling Avenue, Chicago. was brought to the 'hospital at"? o'clock Friday evening, Octobeér 19. suffering from scalp wounds amd lacerations, as a result of an automobile accident two miles northwest of 'Libertyville, on Roule 21} shortly before. _br. C. R. Galioway, lLiibertyvilie, was called to administer first aid to the patient. Mrs. LaVerne Benedick, of Grays lake, who was entered on September 30, as a minor surgical patient, pass-- ed away at the hospital at 2: 40 p. m. en Priday, October 19. The body was removed to the Strang undertak ing parlors, at Grayslake, the same day. Mrs. Benedick was in a critical eondition for several days prior: to her death Drs. Taylor and Penny were the attending physicians. Peter Stromberg, 5306 Cuyler ave-- nue, Chicago, was brought, to the hospital on :Bamrdag; October 6, fol-- lowing his having en in an 'auto-- mobile accident shortly before, at the intersection of Park. and Milwau-- kee Arvenues, Libertyville, He nass-- ed away at 4:30 p. m., Sunday, Oct-- ober 21. Mr,. Stromberg, because of hbis advanced age, suffered greatly from shock, as--a@ result of the acci-- dent. Pneumonia set in shortly af-- ter the victim was entered and he continued to grow steadily worse, un-- til the time of his death. The body was removed to the Hollemon fun: eral home in Chicago, the same day. Harry Gotti, Jr..'the six year old son of Harry Gotti. 517 North Mil-- waukee (Avenue,. Libertyville, was brought to the hospital on Friday a'ternoon about four o'clock, su'fer-- ing from bruises when he was run over by an automobile shortly be-- fore, on West Cook Avenue. It was at first, believed that the victim was injured internally. but is was defin-- itely learned Saturday morning, that he was only severly bruised He was taken to his pbarents' home on Saturday afternoon. John Elfering, of Libertyville, and Henry Godwin, of Mundelein, who were operated on 'Tuesday October 16, for the removal of tonsils, and were later released, were reentered at the hospital on Saturday, Ociober 19. Dr. W. S. Bellows, of Waukegan performed' the operations and <Dr. Galloway, Libertyville, has charge of ' Williagn Knigze, Mundelein, who| was admitted to the hospital last | Wedanesday, for rest, preparatory to | being operated on. was operated on by Dr. W. S. Bellows, of Waukegan, on Saturday, Octobr, 20..-- Dr. C. R.' Galloway, Libertyvillé has charge of the case. * Roy Green, of Mundelein, nnb' mitted to a minor operation at thel hospital Saturday, 'Oct. 19. _'Dr. W'.l 8. Bellows of Wapkegan, performed the operation, and pr. Galloway had charge of the case. O ~ Irs. Sophie=~Casey, Libertyville, admitted on Saturday, October Friday Night 18 Villa Park Woman _"_-- Hurt in Auto Crash | da y | _ Mrs. B. M. Rice, 440 S$. Monterey {avenue, Villa Park received severe ;lucerari()ns about Aher face and head 'at 10:30 Monday morning, when the 'Chevrolet sedan, owned and driven by her husband, was struck by an --Oldsmobile, driven by Walter Pitz 'lvn. 33, of Hartland Wis., on south Milwaukee avenug,. | Mr. and Mrs. \Rice were drving north on their way from Villa Park to Waukeean. Pitz-- 'hn was going south on Milwaukee |avenue. He was en route from Hart-- Mand to Chicago, for a conference 'wflh his employer in the latter city. iAr-cording to Pitzlin, he. drew up be-- \aind another car, also going south, 'and applied his brakes. It seems the ! brake on the left front wheel locked, !cau:n;: the front end of his car to |swerve sharply to the left, enough to crash into the rear of tha itice machine, which was passins solng 'L.ae other divecuion. -- Mrs. Rice su'fered more, p>s'iaps, berause she ras riding in the rear lse:at, where t5be shoek was grsates. ifflhf' was hurried to the*®Cond M ho« nital. where her wounds were a'ttend-- led by Dr. C. R. Galloway. , s CAR TURNS OVER _ NS BUT OCCUPANTS . * ARE NOT HURT : Hit Edge of Concrete and Skid Into Ditch, Deputies Report to Sheriff mile inger G Rice swore out a warr{mt for the |ed by the Yqung People's Republican arrest of Pitzlin in the village court | League of z::'kv County at the Anti--, and Marshal Limberry placed him |och Palace, the evening of October| under arrest. Pitzlin and a compan-- y31. The success of this affair,| ion were arraigned before the local |which is expected.to bring the ac--| police magistrate and his case WAS | tivities of the Young People's Repub.| continued -- until Wednesday. His | lican League of the County to--a cll-l bonds were set at $500, The defend-- |max, is already assured, &ccnrdinrzl ant telenhoned his employer in Chi |to W. R. Rehanna, chairman of the caso, who came to Libertyylle and | Waukegan--North Chicago League. | secured the release of the two men. ' Wightman and his Blue Diamonds Mrs. B. M. Rice, 440 South Monte rey Avenue, Villa Park, was brought to the'hospital at 11 o'clock, Monday morning,, suffering from deep lacera-- tions . about the <face and head, which she received in an automobile crash on South Milwaukee Avenue, shortly before. She was treated by IDr. C. R. Galloway. Mrs. George Burridge, Libertyville, elen Hertel, Grayslake abd Mrs. C. Decker and baby, 815 Poplar Street, Waukegan, were released on Satur-- day, October 20. Ing@ Mrs. Sophie Casey, Libertyville, op-- erated on Tuesday at the hospital by Dr. W. S. Bellows, of Waukegan. Dr. C. R. Galloway is in charge ,of the case. W tri« COUNTY INDEPENDENT _ _ Lake County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN th liam 11 morning, acceording to Cayp e Meckinger, of the county m n Neal se z to the B w. N. U rth R malin of B« AR A ttle d with port m it Harvesting the Campaign Mail jUred. -- Passe t the car and is own power z to Hecking street when erday morn-- Rypstat, 'ac-- rde bw Heck °. Sa WY wife and n 8 Un ave Nn er nd ZBig Free Dance At \_------The Antioch Palace New Public Service Bldg. Being Occupied cHurch «tore room nn arcade dent of the National Tea company, was in Lbertyville yesterday. He pronounced the new building to be one of the finest to be found any whete in the small towns in the Chicago district. PThe, LibertyyiuUle store of the National Tea Comnany The Libertyville Trust & Bank will occupy the adjoini south of the corner. Ta» are the last word in up-->--i:; arrangement. _ The director on 'the second floor is reac} orivate ~stairway from the Hull w The s street a 0cCupied bu ing, corn Sobool s new qua pany, --a assure ; tractive On the second 'flbor ther» awill be I)r. C. H. Betzer, who will have a modet su't> fo rhi rplessechlurdlu model --su'te -- for. his. professional work; Vanity Fair Beau:y Shop, con-- ducted by Marie Brepmen: or. J S. Davis. Gertist; from . Lowell, Ind.; MWillis Overholzer. lawyer, and A R. Fchnaerele, realtor; Boyien, la bot & 0o . tontractors; LUbertyville BHond a Mortgage Co. -- The four kitchenette furnished apartments offer something new in this village in the way of living. con-- veniences. Max Crowell, sales man azer for the Countryside Motors, will occupy one of these kitchenettes. rooms. -- Others who will occupy first floor space are: -- Leonard Blank, meats: A. W. Lindroth, jewelry and watech repair; Countryside Motors, @dgents for the Crysler car, aad tne Frock .\',A()p, -- . -- _A 'big free dance, with special mu-- sic and vaudeville entertainment, to which all are invited, is to be stag-- ed by the Yqung People's Republican league of )g:ko- County at the Anti-- och Palace, the evening of October 199. 1 mede mode vork cucu The expenses of the dance are be-- ing defrayed by friends of the Young People's Republican Leagueé, of Lake County. Richard Macek has donated the use of the Antioch Palace for the occasion and the vaudevilie fea-- tures are being furnished thru the caurtesy of the Genesee Theater of Waukegan. ' Everyone is invited to attend this affar and enjoy the dancng and ep-- tertanment features whch are being id jo|ni provided. now lo( COIT W E+ Mcelbona O LIBERTYVLLE, LA KE COUNTY, ILLNOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1928, 16 nes the National Tea Company located in the Gridley build ner o fMilwaukee avenue an street. ~--They wll oceupy the irters about Nov. 15. tore at the corner of Chure} nd Milwaukee avenue will} be i by the Public service Com nd the fixtures now kO'DZ II reet will occu O Puble Service of Milwaukee or hasI! 1( reom o'f unu to occupy spa ullding to be be found any: towns in the e-- Libertyyiule Tea Company ivenue and buil Mrs vice presi LV ment LiC T it e 1€ D | According to the rules governing the linstal!aliou of mail delivery on new Istreets or a new district, the same must be built up fifty péer cebt. )There are twenty--three lots on John-- son Avenue, nineteen of which have | homes built on them. The Chamber 'of Commerce is, at present, negotiat-- ing with post office officials in Wash ington, in an endeavor to secure narcel post delivery to all parts of Libertyyville. M Johnson Avenue To Get Mail Delivery MICHAEL E. LUX, . WADSWORTH, HAS --$5,000 ESTATE Definite word reached Libertyville Tuesday: from the Postoffce Depart: ment, at Washington, D. C., to ithe effect that Johnson Avenue on 'the north side ofi the village will immed-- iately be included among thoge of the streets in Libertyville, whose res idents are to receive mail delvery. The TlLibertyville--Mundelén Chamber of Commerce, workng with a petition presented to them three weeks ago by resifdents of that street, to be effected, -- commenced -- negotiations with postoffice officials in an en-- deavor to secure' mail delivery on the street. © 7 | -- _ Their efforts were marked . with s u cce s s, and the affirmative worded permission arrived Tuesday. Mail delivery will start as soon as all the residents have affixed the proper numbers to their homes and put up mail, boxes. An es«tate of $5,000 was left uy Michael E. Lux, for years a resident of Wadsworth, it was shown Thurs: day before Protate Judge Martin C Decker, The entire amount went to the widow, Emma There was §$1,000 pHrsongl and $4,000 real . Procéedings for the day included the following: Mary Ellen Dowell, Antioch, final report approved, estate: colsed. Chas, D. Chappelt. Zion, final re pert approved, estate eclosed. Mary Winchester Carver, Highland Park, fna) report approved. estaw vest funds Harry Gotti, Jr., the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gotti, 517 north Milwaukee avenue, was run over by is auto truck on West Cook avenue in Libertyville about 4 oclock last Friday afternoon. The lad was playing and after looking both ways on Cook @venue, he started to. run across the street.-- 'A light truck, driven by a man named Tomlinson, of Waukegan, employed by the Eure-- ka Tea company, approached on Brainard avenue, rroh& the south and turned west into Cook avenue. The truck struck the boy and the wheels passed over his body before the dryv-- er could stop. M . * * Mr. and Mrs, Gotti were summon-- ed, and had the injrued lad removed to the Condeti bospital. At first it was believed he was injured intern-- ally, but Saturday , morning it was determingd that he was not serfously injured, and was only bruised and cut,. He was taken to the home of "is parents Baturday afternoon, and is about recovered from his narrow Leaves Entire Amount to His Wife, Emma, Will Filed in Probate Court Shows Dorothy Mirshak, Waukegan, pe-- tition to sell real estate under con tract filed and ten days' notice by publication to be given Frederick C, Schaefer, minor, Lake Forest. gnuardlan authorized to {n Harry Gotti, Jr., Run Over by Auto Truck Alfred Duddles. taken, bond of $80¢ Dorothy Mirshal tition to sell real Circulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined _ Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyville, Illinois, as Second Class Matter. lizz}e 56( Ann Duddles.. Waukeg administration issued rO« NN w was left iy irs a resident shown Thurs: Ige Martin C of heirsh Waukagan, 0 BUSINESS MEN FORM CLUB TO _ SPONSOR HOOVER A Hoover Business Men's Léague of Lake county has been organized for the purprose of promoting the candidacy of Herbert Hoover for president, it was announced today from Republican headquarters. Ben H. Miller, Libertyville attorney, has been elected president. Vice presidents are as follows: WAUKEGAN--H. C. Burnett, Dr. F.:€C. Knight, J. W. Barwell, Oscar Lindah!, Carl Hansen, A. L. Rogers, Dr. H. J. McKean, Leslie P. Hanna, Fred W. Churchill, William I. Lyon, Elam L. Clarke,©C. E. Staley, Minard E. Hulse, C. S. Alshuler, Frank H. Jnst, A. F. Beaubien, KWred B. Whit-- ney, L. J. Yager, W. J. Smith and A. L. Brumund. § NORTH CHICAGO--W. R. Daiziel and Wailter L. Atkinson. ANTIOCH --C. K. Anderson and E Elmer Brook. . Ben Miller, of Libertyville, Named President of New Organization LIBERTYVILLE--G. Carroll Grid ley, C. Frank Wright, Joseph C Reuse, Framnk H. Noble, Alfred Mac Arthur, Nathan William MacChes ney and W. A. Brewerton | . LAKE BLUFF--Ed@ward M. Maw Libertyville secondswere hosts to Antioch seconds on Liberty Field 'Tuesday afternoon. This didn't pre-- vent the orange and black from banding the scarlet and gray a de-- cisive defeat 20 to 0. Coach John-- son's proteges have been' playing a wonderful brand of football this year. They have won five games and play-- ed one tie. Both the coach and his men are to be congratulated. A third team composed of men on the squad journeyed to Ariington Heights Wednesday agfternclon and defeated a second team ffom the latter school by the close 'seore of 6 to 0. > LAKE FOREST--Carter H. Firz ol u" Hugh, Charles To Atkinson, Edwar; | be taken to J. Brundage, A. A. Carpenter, i Wil until some ti liam E. Clow, Jr.. A. B Dick! Jr., T. E. l)(mnelly. .'flhll ¥ l"'iir"t'". N~G-- commmnmnneniemecimemnatnememeren ble B. Judah, James F. King, Cari ' Krafft, James Anderson, William H. JOhn But Mitchell, 'Henry A. Rumsey, Donald M. Reyerson, Louis Swift, F. Edson 1 Bu White, Thomas E. Wilson and Wins-- ' ton Farwell. | LAKE VILLA--D, R. Manzer. i John Butt GRAYSLAKE----L. Y. Sykes. who was botrr MUNDELEIN----R: F. Rouse and lived practical S. 1.. Tripp. ' y died an Saturd GILMER --A. G. Schwerman. OA father, |ir. O WATCONDA--Ray*'® Paddock-- ando sonm O#yv. Illin mM &A n DEERFIELD--James J. Hood an Charles Kapschull. 1 HIGHLAND PARK --oWard W Willits, William M. Reay--and 'iRod ney B. Swift. ( ' Libertyville . Antioch . ... Arlington Cl Barrington . Warren | . . Bensenville . Franklin Park Notes of Interest to High School Students The zcame between Franklin F and. Bensenville Monday, October protested. ' | A bit of rest doesn't mean that Coach Martin is letting the men take it easy. is men are going > hard every night in anticipation of the game with Warren at Libertprille Nov. 23, and the game with Antioch the following week. _ . Libertyville's crack first team that suffered théir only defeat of the sea-- son when they were whipved by the Maine heavyweights in the initial game of the seagon, are enjoying --a bit of rest this week, as ther sched-- ule callsy for no game. . Libertyyvlle's team 18 nOot Di around any one or two stars, but even at that, Litchfield's absence All Herds in County \Must be Given Test All Lake county cattle will have to be tested for bovine tuberculos1s, it was revealed today by Dr. T. 1. Gallahue, county: veterinarian, who has completed a census of all herds in the county. He found' that there ate 1,035 herds in the county according to the assessor's reports for 1928. His Li st shows that 1,028 are being tested, or ahout 80 per cent. The state law provides that when a county is testing more than 75 per cent of its herds that all must come under a law demanding exam-- ination for bovine tuberculosis. -- He will certify the correctness of the report to the department of 4§-- riculture late tod* ' "T find the he in this county are exceptionally fine cattle My only suggestion would be that bet-- ter breeding be followed," Dr. Galla-- hue stated. . |« The assessor's books show just 15,207 cattle while Gallahue l;x uns der his care 18%,954 but the Céngus is not figured on the per capita basis. *J o' * a _ Northwest Conference Standings To Date ; D. Stroker LAKE ZUKICH--A. J. Crawford ROUND LAKE--E. C. Webber. FOX LAKK--A. H. Franzen. ] Won Lo not built () t) AalK Two bands will be here, one Irom Waukegan and one from Deerfield. «~The principal speakers _ will be General Frank 8. Dickson, an orator of renown, who will dscuss the issues [ of the campaign from a Republican standpoint. A speaker of special in-- terest to the women voters will be [Mrs. George Thomas Palmer. Wm. Stratton, the first candidate on A state ticket from Lake County, wil talk to his neighbors, and Richard J. Lyons, of Mundelein, our OWn candidate for the General Assembly, will address the people. 'This meeting is expected to be the biggest héld in the county during this Campaign, and a large crowd is sure to attend. Final arrangements for the big rally were made Tuesday nite, at a meeting held in the office i of Attormey Ben H. Miler. * John Butteffield s Buried Tuesday ; laid at ¥est in Lakeside cemetely. Merle Weiskont, Ward .Just, Lee Walrond. Sylvan Duba, Mancel Wight man and Walter EngleBrecht, all close friends of trie decegsed acted as pallbearers. | Rev. J. E. DeLong reXd the funeral services while Revi Flagg. of Gibson City preached the sefamon. -- The déceased is survived by his father, Orkn E. Butterfield, of Gib-- son City. one. sister, Caroline, also of Gibson City and one brother Fred, w ho ltes'in Libertyyville. younger ; sel. lLie Temains brought to lLibertyvyille on Ti and his hosts of friends both d young. paid their last tribute departed sone,. when they (ga at the Methodist: church a o'clock.. to condone with the | and relatives of the deceased the church of his faith carri its lac<t ritual before the bod A regular old fashioned Republi-- can rally will be held in TAbertyyille next Thursday evening Nov. 1st, the big sneethes to be at the Hish School auditorium. At 7 o'clock. a torchlight parade will form at the St. Paul tracks and march south on Milwuakee avenue to Park, theénce'to the high school building. The parade will be led by ten motoreycle police, eight from the, state patrol and two from the coun-- ty This parade will hearken . back to the campaign of 1%?6, when things were humming in the contest be: tween the martyred McKinley and W. J. Bryan, of free silver fame. Two bands will be here, one from Waukegan and one from Deerfield. «The principal speakers will be Canpral FWrank S. Dickson, an orator T wo Found Guilty Of Murder in First Degree Wednesday Diminic Bresetti, 32, of Chicago, and John Brown, 33, who gave his home as LaPointe, Wis., were found guilty of murder by a jury in _ Waukegan -- Wednesday, and the penalty fixed at death n the electric chair. The crime for which the two men are to die was the murder of Wiltiam B;eck. a young farmer, re-- siding: between Lake Villa and Millburn.='They went to the Beck home late at night, and when the young m;n resisted their entrance he was shot and killed. 'After killing Beck, the men ransacked the house and made off with sev-- eral thousand dollars ° worth of bonds. : The man who did the actual shooting pleaded guilty to charge of murder some time ago, but senfence was withheld pending the outcome of the trial, ending yesterday. HMHis name is Clayde Clark, Chicago. Two other de-- fendants also pleaded guiliy to a charge of manslaughter, which carries a sentence of one year to life, They are Harold Martin and and Arthur Boone. Under the law, the men will not be taken to Joliet for execution until some time after Dec. 15. _ Jack Dolienmafer and Miss Winni-- tred Plagg, both--well known Liber-- tyYyille young peophe, were consider-- lably cut and bruised Sunday night 'on Sher.dan road, south of Kenosha when their car was forced f{from the croad by a machine driven by Erwin Doerr, 32069 N. Keating Ave, Chi cago, who was held responsible for | the accdent. Miss Flagg, who was | driving the car at the time of the 'irrash. was the most severely hurt. _ According to reports, Miss Flagg 'and DoHenmaier were driving north in Sheridan road on their way tC 'Kenosha. Overtaking a slowly mov. 'ing car. Miss Flagg drew over to the | left to pass. When she was abreast | of the first machine, Doerr drove up, |also going north, m attempted to ipass both cars. His car struck the 'machine 'in which the Libertyville neople were riding, causing it to swerve into @ Cculvert and overturn in -- the diteh. Dollenmaier -- was 'vhrown clear of the wreckage, and helped to extricate the injured girl. ' A physician from Kenosha wAé |called. He administered first aid to , th6 injured couple and then brought 'them to their homes in Libertyville. ' Miss Flagg received severe, cuts ,a.bour the face, and many bruises on ihet body. She has been confined to Village Players To Give Show T wo Nites ® to ImMal Friday this w been | Young People Injured In Wreck Last Sunday TDBC Claim Son Set Fire to Home of His Father Bertram was called in to work on the case and catch the "fire bug." Last week, after investigating all angles, Bertram called in the young Frame-- boy for questioning. He readily admitted, police say, that he started the fires because things were dull around town and he cravy-- ed excitement. He got it. The tow't\x of Highwood was up in arms because Frame's bhouse . was fired twice after he had resigned as police chief. It was thought that the fires were a'part of tha threats made by enemies of the former chief to "get him." Merle Frame, son of former Po-- lfce Chief J. C. Frame. is said to have confessed to Paul E. Bertram, deputy state fire marshal, that: he started the fires at the Frame home "for excitement." 1+ Ph+ Bill Huffman Says INOI O TRy TO 6E AC@ttagie+e ! I PONT GO ARoUn | _ !| correcting omegs or | STARTINGQ USELESE ARQUMLWTS '| \F A MAN SAYS "HNKE Qay o ME WHEW IT 6 RAiNING Carg ANO DOGsS, | Reruy "Surce T 1S!" MAvBE H€ LiKEes _ _ RANWY PAW@ _ ._--___ 1€ OI h W € Ni K6 ()1 W. How maleu (0) Glad* PJs to cou} iI iA V i V 1+ d M O W U}I t W C THEO. R. BECKER OF ZION PASSES AWAY ON FRIDAY Former Chief of Police and. Head of Printing Indus-- try, -- Succumbs Following the accident Mr. Beck-- er accompanied by this wife wenrt to Florida the hope that the change of climate would benefit his health. Instead h's condition -- declined steadily until he wag hurried back to the Rome of his daughter in Zion about three weeks ago, it beng his wish that he die in that city. --Besides bis widow and the-- one Gaughtér, Mrs. 'Brangon, he is sur-- vived by two daughters, Mrs. Fred Miller and Mrs. W.'C. Sch:nalfus, and two sons, Theodpre .R. Becker, Jr.. and Andrew Becker, all of Zion. More Boy Scouts For the Vicinity Death coming at $:20 o'clock Fri-- lay afternoon, Closed the career eof Theodore R. Becker, long @an out-- tanding figure in o6fficial circles of Zion and prominenifly known in all sections of-- the county. The dfeceased, who was 51 years t aze, died at the home of -- his laughter, Mrs. Arthur Branson, at T20 Elim avenue, after an extend-- d illness from Bright's disease. His leath was alsp hastened, it is be-- leved, by dinjuries which be re ejved in an automobile accident on Jr Numbered among the eighteen men who gathered at the Chamber of Commerce auditorium last Friday nite, tfor the gecohnd meeting of the organization which is to foster the Boy Scout work here, were some of the best cifizens and business men in the LibertyvilleMundelein area. Definite pans were adopted for the formaton of an additional troop of tRe meeting and gave valuable ad-- vice and information concerning the work to be undertaken by the fogter-- ng organization. A. E. Suter was ap-- pointed chairman of the finance com mittee, with the privileges of naming bis own committee. J. M. Michaels assumed chairmanship of the camp committee and he will likewise select his own co--workers. The churches have been enlisted in the organiza-- tion and the clergy of Libertyville and Mundeléin were present. One Hundred percent. The next meeting will be held on the third Friday in November, which falls on the 16th. will be organized as the boy-- are efn-- listed.-- Walter McePeck, bhead scout-- executive of the North Shore Coun-- cil, whike ncludes th% eéentire north shore «listrict from 'ilmette thru North Chicago and also jncludes the inland towns west of the former mentioned territory, was present at more tuaan enroush boys W age to muke theam eligible Libertyville--Mundelein area is «aid that more troops ca latge n issing denotes the closing that has been very active death will bring sorrow to ty in general. In Injured July $1.50 A YEAR n Zion 20 Years 11 W 0 Barrington are still rt. The bill charged Barrington' men were truek wkich crashed r machine which was by Theodore Becker, ximum + Ca} two boyg. --cker was born in 12 187%, and came a young man, set-- He was convert-- of Zion more than the founder, --Jobn and for more than M t 17 d t enter into 'hicago, Mr. of police of printing 'in-- id usher in nt from his CGamages Li of $15,000 r and Her-- t als ~OTga D Munde and it be and n Chi the 1 D