CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1928, p. 4

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Inmates of state institutions for the insane and feeble minded may mot sign insurance vapers or other le-- €al documents, Attorney Gen. Carl-- strom has advised R. Ide, director of the state department of public wel-- fare. On the theory that the patients at the Lincoln State School and Col-- eny are not competent to sign legal papers, the head of the school has made it a rule to refuse to allow in-- mates to afiix their signatures. To make certain his refusal was justifi-- ed, Caristrom's opinion was asked and the attorney general upheld the position of the school head. Questioning the owner of the place they learned that Joseph Fern-- andex and Edward Yopp had leased the barn at $100 a month. They found them on a farm a mile away and both were brought to the county. Jail where they were released later on tonds of $2,000 on a charge of violating the prohibitory law. ~ Constable George Stried and Dep-- uty Sheriff Edward Dunne scouted over' the property and made plans for the sortie. They took Deputies Waliter Gansberg and Harry Quandt with them when they returned to-- day. * The equipment, according to Fern, @ndez, is worth $2,000. This is the property of the county now and ,is to be wrecked. . [ States Attorney Smith= did /not eemment on what course he would follow, whether he would ask for jail sentences or demand . heavy fines. In view of the loss sustain~>d by the operators it is believed that fines will be accepted if they plead guilty. Deputies stated that Fern-- andez and Yopp admitted that they were in charge of the plant. ( The plant was located in a barn en the old George Wolf farm on the Grass LakeBluff Lake road. The raiders swooped down at 7 o'clock this morning but found the place de-- serted. A yfidcat brewery, with a capac-- ity Aoft brewing 2,2550 gallons, was located and confiscated early today by deputies and raiders out of States Attorney A. V. Smith's office. They found a five--vat outfit with each vat having a 450 gallon capac-- Ity.. Three vats were filled with the brew. Four barrel« of beer, read: for the market were found and com-- fAscated. The still, according to the raider could turn out atout 50 Warre!s f« the market each week. WILDCAT BREWERY | WITH 2250 GALLON|! CAPACITY, RAIDED : WAl AWUL 1, MAIVLV a piéayer. service on Manday, Nov. 5, . i{or guidance of voters at the elec-- e tion on the following day, The sery-- Find Four Barrels of Béer @NG @'ce in Libertyville will be held with i . Mrs. H. J. Hagerty, 129 First street, ]35068"0"8 Of Brew | bazinning at 2:30, and is qpen to all In the Vats who wish to attend. PAGE FOUR _ Highest Prices Paid For Used , Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps. e _ Telephone 836 + 620 N. MILWAUKEE LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Cast--Off Clothing This Modern Bath Room Fitted with "Standard" Sanitary Mfg. Co. Stainless Acid--Resist-- ing Plumbing Fixtures, genuine Chromard smooth finish. Come in and let us show the exe 2ntional merits of this latest ma-- terial to beautify your bath room . The cost is very reasonable. Telephone 17 Used Clothing of all kinds ' _ Bought and Sold. Get Four Barrel!s JOE CHIEPPA FRANK H. EGER -- 8. J. Groves & Sons Company have | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH been awarded the contract for pay:| Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor /' ing Telegraph Road, from Rockland | Sunday school at 9: 45. Road to Belvidere. The bids were j Morning worship at 11. The pasto !opened today by the state. The suc-- ' w ll speak on "Jumping from Stary cessful bidder is to do the work for |alion to Plenty, in a Day." $105,399. This will open up,anothvr' Young Peonle's meeting at, 6:30. inorth and south read in Laké county ' oo Work will not start until next snring. | caom t aAWBENCE'S PPIGTNPAL '_ _ An unoccupieq summer house at 597 Ravyne ave., Lake Bluff burned |to the ground in a mysterious blaze Cart Carlson, Libertyville's nuisance, according to Dennie Limberry, vil-- lage marshal, came to the end of his ways Sunday. He was fined $100 and costs by Justice Fred H. Smith and sent to the county jail to serve out the fine.. Carlson, according to the marshal, has been in the habit of getting drunk:and starting trouble. Four times, he explained, the police overlooked the acts. Sunday marked the fifth episode ard the snapping of the marshal's temper. The LibertyvilleMundelein _ Real Estate Board held the regular week-- ly dinner and meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Frederick, on Stewart avenue, Wednesday evening, with 10 members present. One inc'dent of the meeting was a wager between an ardent Smith backer and a pArti-- san of Hoover. The Smith man has just returned from New York and expressed his conviction that Smith would cartry New York. He was im-- mediately challenged by the Hoover man, who offered to buy a duck, din-- ner for the crowd if Sinith carried his own state. The Smith man tdok the bet with alacrty. It is certa n the members o' the real estate boa rd will have a dueck dinner soon, at the expense of one of their members Both aresgood church members, and their names might be nrinted, in case the humble newspaper men afre not invited to that diner. * On motion of M. Blanchard, of Cht cago. and other. their appeal tron cireuit court, ordering them to s<toj construction of a dam on Third lake which--Carlisle Druce and others con tended would damage their lanmd, was dismissed today by the suprem« court. Druce, through Judse Mar tin Decker, had asked the injuncetiot when Blanchard started to build the dam a year ago. » The National W. C. T. U. has re-- ques:.ed each local union to svonsor Patents haxe been granted at Washington to the following Lake county men: To FEdgar W. Engle of Lake Forest on a vacuum tube; to Miner A. Austin of Waukegan and C. W. Blake of Highland Park, on an apparatus for processing wire Both patents, have been assigned to the Fansteel Products company of North Chicago. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST sle Druce and others con a" s EPIH d damage their land, was s!['{NJOSB} "\'iag:T}I:?(IOJC today by the supreme Pirs: Mas.sAu 6130 '- m': ée a ce, through Judge M@" | Mfgeg at 8 a&a. m.; "'third Mass con' had asked the injunction ; q n l"()'ll'!h M.'s. at 10 at hard started to build the | & &a. m. lle's nuisance, Limberry, vil the end of his Libertyville, Illinois ( m lp The Y. P. S. of St. Jaan's Luther-- an church had its annual HaHowe'en party on Tuesday evening, October 30, at the church. Over sixty of the young people were in attendance, in-- cluding thirty--two from Immanuel Lutheran church of Waukegan. In-- teresting games were played and ex-- citing contests were staged. Wauke-- gan won the s lver loving cup from Libertyville in the contest--wirning, by one point. They will. retain this cup until next Hallowe'en,. when the local Y. P. 8. will try to regain po-- session of it. Each year, the name of the victor, with the date of victory is engraved on the cup. The idea was started last year and both so ciet'es are now credited with a vic-- tory on the cup. . The next méet proraises to be an intpresting affair. After a tasty luncheon, which was in keeping with tahe season the young people left, loud in their oraise of the committees that. had shown a good time to all'of them. On Novam ber 11, the Waukegan Y. P. S. will be host to the North Shore Zone of the Walther League, at its quarterly ral ly. Lutheran young :' people from Hibhlam} Park, Wilmette, Glencoe, Niles Center Morton Grove Evan:-- stoon L bertyville and Waukesan, will attend. The program calls for the regular busine's meeting with election of officers. supper and an inspirational: address. SERVICES OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES at midnight Wenesday. Three men were seen to run from the burning bouse by members of the village iire department, who wre calld to the scene by nearby residents, when the house was discovered on fire. at ST. LA WRENCE'S EPISCOPAL Holy Communion at ® a m. Church School at 10 a. m Holy 'Eucharist with sermon at 11 Priest--in--charge: Rev. E. P. Baker Friends and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | Auditorium Theatre. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Church Services at 1045 a. m The subject for this week is "I <ting Punishment." -- The PIRST METHO John E. D« pira Mat N for ( Y MATHEW'S LUTHERAN CHVRCH FAIRFIELD LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928. rers welcome e pastor OPA! A 1 30 M "W M Mr. and Mrs. Frank St George were the victims of a surprise party at 'their home Monday evening. It being their fifteenth wedding anni-- ver--ary. A bridge lamp was award-- ed4 to them by the self invited guests. Cards were-- played and prizes won by _ Mrs. _ Albert Justen, Joseph Preund, Mrs. Mersanthal, Albert Justen, Mrs Frank:St. George and Joe Wagner. Mrs. Russell Gibbs andFrank St. George captured con-- solation. A delicious lunch was ser-- ved by tha Idle Whiters. The Idlq Whilers < surprised Mr. Josenh Wagner Wednesday evening. He was presented with a radio bench and cigars, <~The evening was spent in nlaying cards. Prizes awarded to. adies were 1st Mrs Joesphine Wag. ner, 2nd Mrs:-- Clara Lenzen. 3rd Mrs. Joseph Fréund. The Gents prizes went to 1st John Wagner 2nd Albert Justen, (3rd Joseph Freund. Joe Wagner and Mrs® Albert Justen cap tured consolation prizes At a late hour & delicous lunch was served and all reported an excellent time: Hoping that they may surprise Mr. Wagner again soon. Herman:Burg attenmed the teach-- ers meetink at Libertyville Saturday and he also spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. angq; Mrs. Robert Oakes and children of Chicago spent Sunday at thp JosephilIenzen home. glr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son spent \\'erinem!ay evening with the latters mother Mrs. Cora Dowell. Mt. and Mrs. Frank Hirominus and da@ghter Hllen spent Sunday in Fre: mont with relatives. Mrs. Gegrge Dowell and daughter Roberta, Mrs Roy Passfield and son Harry and| Mrs Joe Passfield were McHenry shonpers Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield were McHenry callers Wednesday. The Jolly Eight Club met at the home of Mrs. Joe lenzen Tuesday. A det'cious chickern dinner w&s ser-- Quartet, Krueger tl 0o o o 0 0o o0 0 0 o0 0 o0 0 0o Have you been having| trouble getting good potatoes? _ We have just received a carloadl of -- Idaho Mountain' Grown Russetts, 100| ner cent ripe. N0| black and no waste.. Finest Money Can Buy. I _ Special At 0o 0o 0 0o o0 0o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0o sisting in running. a steam shove!, and' i aofine manner got in the way of .th:hckot or clam, and his life crushed out.instantly. Details of the accident haQo not been secured. He WE _ ALSO HAVE WISCONSIN POTATOES AT $1.65 These Potatoes Must Be Seen To Be @Appreciated. WE HAVE A CARLOAD OF FANCY ROMAN BEAUTIE APPLES. nues, was'instantly killed this after-- noon, by being Struck by the clam of a steam shovel, near Zion. Mr. Beitze! was employed by the North Shore railroad company. He was as leaves a wife and. ont daughter. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 uU 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o0 u0 0 0 0o 0 UIBERTYVILLE FRUIT $TORE Harry Beitzel, well known citizen of -- Libertyville, whose home is at corner of 'Lincoln and Stewart Ave-- Harry Beitzel Killed . Near Zion This P. M. EXTR A POTATOES eeling «&Fent the . weexebdd --Willd ¢s. Ufpaile!'s parents, Mr. and . Mrs tt Wicvsersh'eim of Prairie View Alt paremts and friends of the P A. ure u:r.'ml,m be present--at the cular mopthly meeting at the Half 'v «e hool Friday night Nov. 2. The lowing ppogram will be rendefed : mu@ ."Star Spangled Banner'" and iz «<aliitd Busines -- period, Mrs. rt "m;l!#; president. _ Report from w-n\g'vntinn song. "The Old iken -- Bubkett." _ Talk, Children's mading, ',\lrafl W. W. Lockhead. rartet, -- Geo. Vance, tenor; Rosee rueger,. goprano:;. Hildreth Eugel-- \ M fos : Alicde Ho» Wenesday. nod o Mrs. Cha go «$ent the \:nl:.-j\' parents f('\("*h eim of remts and fri« HALF DAY nC io pip $2.65 A SACK VOLO iT( n 61. rnoon _ wWas 1 nd LV W id I1 Mrs. Llayd Ritzenthaler, Cora Hodg kins, Flossy KnpGW'er and Mrs. Floysd Maether 'of Prairfe View -- Mr. and Mrs|: C OJ Herschberger and Mrs. Maude Knodll attended a duck dinner in Fox Take Monday The dinner was given for the assoria tion of town clerks, county officiais and supervisors A meeting will ,be held in the Washburn -- Congregational _ church next Sunday +6 dfseonss the good qualities of the various presidential candidates. 82y The law birthday 6 gible to brecht,. alto: TIA"(, }fun)l'- } Cook.-- '(€ncial Mr. at ntertalb ist Sun Mixa to the s North <t trains Vice ( Counts a car will be sent to your home at any hour you degire, ' Voters taking the early trainsg to Chicago are urged to vote be-- fore they go dn the morning. If they will walk to the po'lls, there will be cars there to take them to the station to meet the 7:69 North Shore and the 6057 St. Paul rt Notice to Voters Rut d Mr m alrman Central l1 Wad M y# M a f H. MILLER. Republican _ Committees 13 It 10 CR Ne4Q Cora Hodg Mr--. Flov: Hereach an if union ol M \-- _ Wm Hor moved into Biere whic Wim. Belzier. J C. M. Gilman and fan weekenm|i at Milwalikee vote, Nov. 6 Next Sun ind ay 68 Mrs. Staton's folk. | renterger and family have o the house owned by Mrs. X V ILT TT SSAz st 44 * .4 # 4 a 4 *# & # 2 e e rereeeo'e's e e &a*e'e*s* g C'mon ------ Young Fellow ------ Slip Into A (Snappy Winter Overcoat was s 1 Y ¥AVLLLLLELLLILLLLLTLILTL YA zLA LA 4 4 TELEPHONE 14 "Everything For Men" Come e eC ePEZCEL PC C +*v%*% * rtiv Y Whites . rs and I family ore P it n n ( . _ B. MORSE & CO. 8 s anD ) V Phone Dive1 Wet Breweries Grains _4 # _4 4 4 + & reesseeerse'es'e"00"9"°645* Y'better slip those broad -- shoulders of yours into the real he--man Overcoat we have ready for you. Wide lapel style ------ deep collar. -- Finest heavy wollen weav-- es. All Shades. WON'T be long now be-- fore the north wind comes whistling a ze ro tune 'round your ears. And it's no fun to be feeling like a '"human icicle" while out-- of doors! e Talored by & HAPT--SCHAFFNER & MARX # Cat # *4 #", " '. " # * _ * l' * +*, 'l '4 »"% AZLs » J. H. MURPHY 82950 Wholesale and Retail Dairy Feeds i a n o LN CCCAAA Ge e ljes Grains D#elivered at Farmer's vard at S8.00 a Ton. 'sey U--4 Others to &45 Also Dried Breweries Grains 2117 / e e e * e 4 e 4 4 e * "' ""' I""""" ""' o _# # "' l{". Ward Street LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. # & * 4 e# _4 # 4 « *r*rwe d e e ie eC o o #", *¥ * 0 # PeuR uCc .e02 * °4 4 *L r*7* 7 ty &4 Chicago, Ill. r * 7yz ty

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